3 minute read
United 4 Children
from October 15, 2021
by Ladue News
Story and photos by Jon Gitchoff
Last month, United 4 Children hosted its hybrid in-person and virtual Lighting the Way gala at Third Degree Glass Factory in St. Louis’ Central West End neighborhood. Guests enjoyed live art demonstrations, appetizers, cocktails, live music and more. United 4 Children seeks to provide services to after-school programs and child care to ensure every child has the support to flourish.
Visit LADUENEWS.COM to see more fabulous photos from this event! ln
Our Lighting the Way gala is an opportunity for the community to help champion United 4 Children’s work supporting more than 40,000 childhood educators, families and children each year. We want to bring equity to early childhood education to ensure every child can thrive regardless of their race, ZIP code or ability. Our gala and our Change 4 Children monthly giving program are a couple of ways community members can see a big impact from their support.
David Gorden
Chris Henkel and Sierra Beery
Andy and Angie Kling
Craig and Megan Vanleeuwen James and Kate Schoemehl Nikki and Kellen Goodwin
Erin and Keith Linnenbringer Tom and Jenny Shields
Events By Maggie Peters
Glennon Card
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon
314-577-5605, GlennonCard.org
the Glennon card shopping days end on Oct. 24. Don’t miss your chance to receive 20 percent off at more than 270 local shops while making an impact on the lives of cardinal Glennon kids. buy your card now!
Razzle Dazzle Ball
Saint Louis Crisis Nursery
314-292-5770, crisisnurserykids.org/events
celebrating 35 years of keeping kids safe, the Saint Louis crisis Nursery’s 2021 razzle Dazzle ball will be virtual so that everyone can experience its incredible diamond raffle, auction and inspiring presentation – hosted by KMOV’s Laura Hettiger. thanks to presenting sponsor centene charitable Foundation.
L’Chaim 2021
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
314-442-3844, 314-442-3730, jfedstl.org/lchaim2021
the Jewish Federation of St. Louis hosts a virtual evening that celebrates community and giving. clea Shearer and Joanna teplin of the Home edit will share how Jewish values influence them as entrepreneurs with an inspirational Instagram account, celebrity clients and a hit Netflix series.
Callingall charities and nonprofits!
’Tistheseason! DuringthemonthofNovember, LadueNews willfeature CardsmustbereceivedbyFriday,October29,2021 holidaycardswhoseproceedsbenefitlocalcharitiesandnonprofits.
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Email a photo ofthefront ofthe card (1MBorhigher) to: AmandaDahl at adahl@laduenews.com
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Cardsmustbereceived byFriday, October 29,2021 LadueNews
58 Local Eats 59 Arts Speak 60 FEATURE: St. Louis Car Museum