4 minute read
Grooming & Glamour
from February 18, 2022
by Ladue News
By Amanda Dahl Photos courtesy of Woodberry Co.
Ryan Wood – a fitness instructor and half of the power couple behind Woodberry Co. – says that business is on a mission: “If we can eliminate at least one plastic bottle from someone’s shower, we’re making an impact.”
That ambition – a root value of the luxury soap brand born in December 2019 – stems from what was once a hobby of his significant other, Dr. Bary Klevene, an emergency room physician.
“Whenever we’d go somewhere, instead of wine, we would bring soap,” Wood says. “Those people we were gifting started asking for it. Eventually, we were, like, ‘Wait – you have to pay for this!’”
“They were, like, ‘I need a dozen or two to start!’” Klevene adds.
The demand was enough to convince the couple to launch Woodberry Co. Sustainability was important, as were choosing ethically made ingredients and always being transparent about the process of how Wood and Klevene make their highly valued products. “We don’t use any animal products,” Wood says. “Everything is vegan.” Woodberry Co. prides itself on offering luxury soaps that are 99.6 percent natural, according to Wood. That remaining percentage is due to one ingredient, mica, which is a mineral used to add sparkle to some of the soaps’ designs. Because mica is often unethically mined, Wood and Klevene have chosen to use a lab-made version. The couple also uses palm oil, but only when it is RSPO-certified (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), ensuring that their products are entirely traceable. Their products don’t use synthetic fragrances, either.
“Each oil does its own thing,” Wood says. “We had to figure out the exact formulation to make all those things the right percentage, which Bary is really good at.”
Klevene most enjoys problem-solving by focusing on increasing efficiency, boosting production and improving packaging, among other responsibilities. “I do the technical side of making the product, making Ryan’s job easier,” he says.
Wood’s favorite part is meeting the people who use Woodberry Co.’s luxury soaps.
“I’ve had a couple of people reach out and say they’ve been battling depression, and
pay for this!’”
“They were, like, ‘I need a dozen or two to start!’” Klevene adds.
The demand was enough to convince the couple to launch Woodberry Co. Sustainability was important, as were choosing ethically made ingredients and always being transparent about the process [that] they’ve been having of how Wood and Klevene a really hard time getting make their highly valued up the energy or desire to products. shower,” he shares. “Having “We don’t use any animal something to look forward products,” Wood says. to, more than just a regular “Everything is vegan.” shower, has encouraged Woodberry Co. prides itself them. Those messages are on offering luxury soaps that are really touching. I didn’t have 99.6 percent natural, according any idea it would affect people to Wood. That remaining like that – that it would help them percentage is due to one with their struggles.” ingredient, mica, which is a Woodberry Co. currently carries body mineral used to add sparkle to soap and sustainable soap dishes, sold online at some of the soaps’ designs. woodberrysoap.com, Dierbergs Markets, Urban Because mica is often Matter and, during the summertime, Tower Grove unethically mined, Farmers’ Market. A face soap bar and foam shave Wood and Klevene have chosen to soap are currently in development, with plans to later create shampoo and conditioner bars. ln use a lab-made version. The couple also uses palm oil, but only when it is RSPO-certified (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), ensuring that their products are entirely traceable. Their products don’t use synthetic fragrances, either. “Each oil does its own thing,” Wood says. “We had to figure out the exact formulation to make all those things the right percentage, which Bary is really good at.” Klevene most enjoys problem-solving by focusing on increasing efficiency, boosting production and improving packaging, among other responsibilities. “I do the technical side of making the product, making Ryan’s job easier,” he says. Wood’s favorite part is meeting the people who use Woodberry Co.’s luxury soaps. “I’ve had a couple of people reach out and say they’ve been battling depression, and Woodberry Co., 1540 Mississippi Ave., St. Louis, woodberrysoap.com

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