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Trans rights timeline

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Campaign for cover

Campaign for cover

A glimpse into the milestones of the trans community

1952: Christine Jorgensen is the first American to have a sex reassignment surgery


By the numbers

1977: The Supreme Court rules that Renée Richards, a transgender tennis player, is able to play at the U.S. Open as a woman

1969: The Stonewall Riots, multiple demonstrations in retaliation to queer night club raids, begin and are led by transgender figures such as Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera

1999: Gwendolyn Ann Smith organizes the first Transgender Day of Remembrance in honor of Rita Hester, a beloved resident of Allston, Mass. and other murdered trans people

68% Due to showing ID with the incorrect information... experienced verbal harassment ed on the basis that they were two men. Eventually, the case was taken to the Supreme Court and was ruled in favor of the baker. Schepker said that he believes anti-trans laws will soon extend to the entire LBGTQ+ community. of trans people reported their IDs did not contain their correct name or gender

16% 9% 2% were denied service were asked to leave the establishment they were at were assaulted or attacked

25% Sources:

2008: Stu Rasmussen becomes the first openly trans mayor in America in Silverton, Ore.

2009: The murder of Angie Zapata is among the first in which the hate crime law is applied to the murder of the transgender person

The transgender community is being targeted by local and national government. Goldwasser explained that because the trans community is viewed as such a small group, so they’re an easy target to suppress. The health care Goldwasser receives not only helps her to feel comfortable in her skin, but also helps her regulate her estrogen levels and other hormones.

“They want to get rid of anything they don’t understand; basically anything that doesn’t fit into their idea of perfect,” Goldwasser said. “Once they figure out they can suppress trans people, they’ll do the same to gay people and anyone who doesn’t fit into the idea of perfect.”

Goldwasser, like Schepker, said that she believes trans oppression will also lead to gay oppression.

“Just talk about it,” Goldwasser said. “If people talk about it, we can help save transgender people and raise awareness about all of the laws being passed. We can save lives.”

American Civil Liberties Union New York Times,

2012: Girl Scouts in Colorado accept any child who identifies as a girl

2013: The American Psychological Association places the term “gender identity disorder” with the term “gender dysphoria” in the DSM

2014: Laverne Cox becomes the first trans person to appear on the cover of Time magazine and to be nominated for an Emmy

2015: The White

"It'll be a great way for me to show some of my newer original music at the end of my high school career."

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