1 minute read
Sound the alarm
by Annie Zhao in-depth editor

by Arti Jain in-depth staff
Acrisis ravages our nation, spreading through the cracks and curves. It’s the sleep crisis. The pandemic has introduced many of the bad habits that have infested our sleep schedules. The devices that are glued to our hands coax us into giving up hours of rest for more and more entertainment. The energy drinks and coffee we consume daily are the band-aids we place over the lack of sleep.

Consequences of bad sleeping habits due to COVID-19 are still evident within society. Thus, many students may seek a quick fix by napping a few hours after school or by drinking coffee every day. To continue this vicious cycle of sleep deprivation is to continue to deny one’s well-being. Our sleep schedules have been demolished into ruins. It’s up to us to pick up those fragments and rebuild our better tomorrow — a tomorrow without being tired, without complaining about not