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Junior Megan Byer shares her

BYER RECOVERS FROM COVID-19 Junior Megan Byer overcomes her positive diagnosis of COVID-19

OVIYA SRIHARI features editor


Junior Megan Byer’s summer break looked a little different than a typical break. Rather than spending the final months of her summer seeing friends, traveling or visiting family, Byer spent the weeks leading up to the school year quarantining after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

“I tested positive on July 8 and I had to quarantine,” Byer said. “I was tired, but that was literally it.”

Byer quarantined at home for 14 days following her diagnosis. Her father and both sisters, Ashley and Lindsey Byer, also tested positive.

“It was scary because I didn’t know what was going to happen,” Lindsey said. “[Megan] was really tired and didn’t want to do anything and didn’t feel good, and I wish I knew what was going to happen because it’s different for everybody.”

Missing a trip to see her extended family was upsetting, but Byer’s support system of friends and family ultimately helped cheer her up. They remained by her side as quarantine ended and school began.

“When school started, when sports started, I had to get my physician to sign a note saying that I was cleared,” Megan said. “I had to do a checkup a couple weeks ago just to get [my physician] to sign a form.”

There were also adjustments made at home. While Byer’s case of COVID-19 was relatively mild, she continued to grapple with lingering symptoms even after the recovery period.

“I cannot smell,” Megan said. “I lost my sense of smell, and I still don’t have that back. I wish I would have just taken that first symptom — and even though that was my only symptom — I wish I just would have taken that more seriously than I did.”

Megan’s experience with COVID-19 has only strengthened her belief in respecting federal lock downs, mask wearing and social distancing guidelines. Since recovering, she has remained cautious about taking proper health precautions.

“I still think that it’s really important to take all the precautions because even though myself and the rest of my family didn’t have bad cases, you never know,” Megan said. “So it is really important to protect everybody’s health, even though it may not be affecting you personally.” p

would take a newly approved vaccine 58 %

44 % would return to school with proper precautions 95 % s u p p o r t a m a n d a t o r y m a s k m a n d a t e


20 % have been t e s t e d

Panorama polled 224 Ladue students about COVID-19 Sep. 27

illustration by | DANIELLE ZHANG

k n o w s o m e o n e i n f e c t e d

75 % 28%

have been tested more than once h a v e b e e n

q u a r a n t i n e d 38 %

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