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Team bonding brings together sports teams La Lock-In
In order to improve team bonding, the Ladue Girls Lacrosse Team hosted an overnight lock-in at the High School beginning the night of April 15 extending to the morning of April 16.”
The team got the most out of the night, as sophomore varisty player Audrey Mentle felt a lot of positives came out of the Lock-In.
“It was good getting to know people from varsity and JV, and getting to understand people but also have a fun time doing it,” Mentle said.
Since the lock-in, Mentle has felt changes both on and off the field, which has led to team success, given the lacrosse team’s 8-1 record.

“The chemistry has gotten better and the love for each other that we all have was there before, but now I think that it’s definitely more prevalent,” Mentle said. “Because getting to know your teammates on a personal level improves how you play on the field together.”
When asked if she would be inclined to do another lock-in next year, and if she thinks it would be beneficial to other sports, Mentle gave a very strong response.
“I definitely would. It really builds this connection between grade levels that is clearly seen on the field,” Mentle said.
Members of the Ladue Girls Lacrosse Team smile at the Lacrosse Lock-In on April 16. The lock-in’s goal was to improve chemistry within the team, and this has been succesful given the team’s 8-1 record “It was good getting to know people from both varsity and JV to a deeper extent and getting to understand people but also have a fun time doing it,” Mentle said.
Carter Hanley (10) Football
“We have team dinner where we watch film. With the time we spend together it’s impossible for us not to be close.”
Braedan Wallace (10) Soccer

“We do a lot of activities and stuff. It’s a team sport so chemistry off-the field leads to chemistry on the field.”
Why Team Bonding is Important
It builds teamwork seperate from the court and field that leads to better teamwork on the field or court Comunicating in a different way from normal improves communication
Team bonding builds love between teammates, furthering what they would do for their teammates
Piersson Calvert (11) Basketball
“We do team dinners and that helps us bond and develop good relationships with each other.”