LEH-School Rules

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3RD - U5








It is the responsibility of all members of the LEH community to ensure that the school has a stable, secure and happy and purposeful atmosphere in which pupils can thrive academically, socially, personally and spiritually.

All members of the school community should have respect and tolerance towards others, valuing differences and recognising the rights and needs of others.

Please make sure that you read all of these sections so that you are clear on expectations of how to behave around school.



• All students are expected to be at school by 8.45am when students must be in their Form Rooms for registration.

• Students are then registered again at 1.45 (period 5) and remain in lessons until 4pm.

• Any student who has an extra-curricular lesson over registration should register in the Music department.

• If students arrive later than 8.45 they must sign in at reception. Repeated lateness to school will not be tolerated.

• Students must sign out at reception if leaving the school premises before 4pm.

• If a student is unwell and cannot attend school, the parent must inform the school either by email to absence@lehs.org.uk or telephone (020 8979 1601, option 1) by 8.45am on each day of absence. Alternatively, an absence can be reported via the My School Portal using the ‘let us know’ button.

• If a student needs to be absent from school for any part of the school day to attend a medical or other appointment, the parent should email the school at absence@lehs.org.uk at least three days in advance of the date in question, requesting permission. The student must sign out at reception before leaving the site.

• Requests for longer absences must be obtained by emailing the Head Mistress at headmistress@lehs.org.uk. For longer, or recurring, absences or lateness, due to illness, the school will ask parents to provide a statement from a medical professional.

• Attendance at all timetabled lessons is compulsory. Failure to attend a timetabled lesson without a valid reason will result in a lunch time detention.

• Students may take one study afternoon a week (L6 only from January) after their last taught lesson of the day.

• Sixth Form students may spend their study periods in either the Sixth Form Common Room or the Sixth Form Library.

• If attendance issues arise, the Head of Sixth Form and/or Sixth Form Heads of Year reserve the right to withdraw the privilege of the weekly study afternoon.

• Driving lessons may take place in study periods. Timetabled lessons may not be missed for this reason.


• Breakfast is available in the main dining hall from 7.45-8.30am each morning. Students who are not having breakfast in school should not arrive in school before 8am.

• Students may work until 5.50pm in the Sixth Form Library or Common Rooms.


• All pupils are expected to be at school by 8.45am when they must be in their form rooms for registration.

• Pupils are then registered again at 1.45pm (period 5) and remain in lessons until 4pm.

• Any pupil who has an extra -curricular lesson over registration should register in the Music department.

• If pupils arrive later than 8.45am they must sign in at reception. Repeated lateness to school will not be tolerated.

• Attendance at all timetabled lessons is compulsory. Failure to attend a timetabled lesson without a valid reason will result in a lunch time detention.

• No pupil is able to leave school for any reason during the school day without permission from a staff member.

• If a pupil is unwell and cannot attend school, the parent must inform the school either by email to absence@lehs.org.uk or telephone (020 8979 1601, option 1) by 8.45am on each day of absence. Alternatively, an absence can be reported via the My School Portal using the ‘let us know’ button.

• If a pupil needs to be absent from school for any part of the school day to attend a medical or other appointment, the parent should email the school at absence@lehs.org.uk at least three days in advance of the date in question, requesting permission. The pupil must sign out at reception before leaving the site.

• Requests for longer absences must be obtained by emailing the Head Mistress at headmistress@lehs.org.uk. For longer, or recurring, absences or lateness, due to illness, the school will ask parents to provide a statement from a medical professional.


• Breakfast is available in the main dining hall from 7.45-8.30am each morning. Pupils who are not having breakfast in school should not arrive in school before 8am.

• Pupils may stay in the LRC until 5.50pm to take part in supervised study.

• Additional arrangements will be made on days when there are events after school requiring pupil involvement for the pupils concerned.


It is the responsibility of all members of the LEH community to ensure that the school has a stable, secure and happy and purposeful atmosphere in which pupils can thrive academically, socially, personally and spiritually.

All members of the school community should have respect and tolerance towards others, valuing differences and recognising the rights and needs of others.


As LEH pupils we should

1. Be kind, polite, helpful, considerate and inclusive in our behaviour.

2. Be welcoming and approachable to pupils from across the school, particularly those who are younger or new to the school community.

3.Take pride in our school community and our identity as LEH pupils, acting as ambassadors of the school when in uniform whilst commuting, and on school trips.

4. Be conscious that we are members of the school and wider community and consider how we can best contribute to it, and foster an inclusive, eco-friendly and socially-responsible society.

5. Respect and listen to the opinions, beliefs and cultures of others, celebrating that we all bring different experiences and viewpoints to school life.

6. Engage enthusiastically in school life, and in particular recognise the importance of encouraging and supporting younger pupils when interacting with them in this capacity.

7. Unite in celebrating the talents and achievements of others, recognising that we each bring different skills and interests to school life.

8. Speak out against injustice in the wider world and feel empowered to share our views.

9. Be bold in our dreams for the future, determined in our efforts to achieve them, and supportive of our peers as they seek to achieve theirs.

10. Hold ourselves to the highest standards of compassion and integrity.


It is expected that all pupils uphold the pledges above. To help embed this the school has the following roles which are a means of peer support and guidance for all pupils:

• Peer Mentors

• House Captains

• Head Girl Team

• Leadership Team

• 3rds Mentors

• L5 and tutor group buddies for new joiners.

• Form captains and reps


The LEH School Rules are not intended to be comprehensive; pupils are expected to behave courteously, considerately and with common sense at all times and particularly in their interactions with others, whether face to face or online.

All pupils have a right to feel secure and to be treated with respect; harassment and bullying in any form will not be tolerated.

It is expected that all pupils will abide by the LEH School Rules at all times. A copy of these can be found here:


Academic effort, progress and exemplary conduct can be recognised through the reward of achievement points and departmental systems.

Positive attitudes and exceptional contribution towards the school or wider community will also be recognised in whole-school and year assemblies, Celebration of the Year, on the website, in newsletters, plasma screens, house points, awards and colours, sports colours and individual department prizes.

There are also numerous leadership opportunities and roles within the school, forms, houses and clubs.

• Pupils are expected to show respect for all members of the school community at all times and abide by the School Values and LEH Pupil Pledges.

• Bullying will not be tolerated.

• Smoking, vaping, alcoholic drinks, drugs or any other dangerous or illegal substances are forbidden.

• Damage to school property is not permitted.

• Pupils are responsible for ensuring that no litter is left around the site.

• Equipment in classrooms should not be used by pupils without supervision.

• Pupils must not eat in corridors.

• Hot food should not be taken out of the dining room or Gateway.

• Sixth Formers may not take food or hot drinks out of the common rooms.

• Chewing gum is not allowed in school.

• Headphones are not permitted (unless as part of access arrangements), except in the Sixth Form Library or LRC.

• Pupils must observe the ‘Out of Bounds’ and ‘Silence’ notices.

• Specific rules relating to particular areas of the school are displayed in the relevant locations. These include rules for Science Laboratories, Lost Property, Dining Hall, Swimming Pool and LRC. These must be abided by.

• Running is not permitted in the corridors and pupils should be respectful of others as they travel around the school.

• Any use of mobile phones/iPads in School must be in accordance with the Acceptable Use of IT Policy (Senior School).

• Phones are not permitted to be used during the school day. For 3rds to U5th they should be in a Yondr pouch from 8.45-4pm.

• 3rds-U4 may not use iPads during break and lunch, except in the LRC

• 6th Formers may only use mobile phones in the common rooms.

• Only school issued iPads can be used by 3rds-U5th.

• All digital communication should be respectful and appropriate at all times.

• Emails should not be accessed during lessons.

• Devices may only be used during lessons for a class activity.

• All iPads and styluses must be charged and working during the school day.

• IPads must be regularly backed up

• Only Apps available via ‘Self Service’ should be used on school iPads.

• Loan iPads must be returned in good condition and within the agreed time frame.

• AI should only be used within the guidelines given to pupils.

• All lockers must be locked with a padlock.

• Large sums of money and valuable items should not be brought to school. The school cannot accept responsibility for valuables.

• All the personal property of each pupil, including uniform, PE kit and watches and mobile phones must be clearly and securely marked with the owner's name.

• All books must be labelled with the pupil's name and form and returned in good condition when required. It will be the responsibility of the pupil to pay for any books lost or damaged.

• Pupils are required to have correct equipment for all lessons and activities.

• Pupils up to and including U5 must wear the correct school uniform during school hours and when travelling to and from school.

• All uniform should be named.

• Correct PE kit is required for all pupils in the school.

• Jewellery may not be worn with school uniform, except for one small round gold or silver stud in each ear and one discreet, single chain necklace. Other than this, body piercing is not allowed. All jewellery must be removed for PE.

• Coats must not be worn during the school day.

• Makeup, nail varnish and nail extensions are not permitted.

• Only natural hair colours are permitted.

• Skirts should not be rolled up and must be an appropriate length.

• All clothes worn at school must be clean, in good repair and suitable for school.

• Sixth Formers must adhere to the Sixth Form Dress Code.

• In all matters of dress and appearance, the arbiters of what is acceptable are the Deputy Head (Pastoral), Heads of Section or Heads of Year.

• An email from a parent to the Head of Year is required if there is a legitimate reason to deviate from the uniform guidelines.


LEH operates an online Uniform and Sportswear service with www.schoolblazer.com. This service provides all items of uniform and sportswear and also provides name tag application free of charge.

As the summer period is particularly busy, we recommend that all parents have placed their uniform order early, to allow time for returns, if necessary. There is also a “how to shop” video here https://www.schoolblazer.com/how-to-shop which covers all FAQ questions.


• It is suggested that all sportswear, including shoes, should be clearly marked on the outside. Lacrosse sticks, tennis racquets and watches should also be clearly marked.

• Mid-grey two button jacket with red piping.

• Bespoke tartan skirt and/or grey trousers.

• Long or short sleeved white shirt with an open neck.

• Grey jumper with red trim and crest

• Plain grey or white socks. Trainer socks are not permitted.

• Neutral or black tights.

• House polo shirt, in House colour

• Plain flat black shoes. Trainers are not permitted.

• Black coat

• School scarf (optional)

Items in red must be purchased from the school supplier.


There is a dress code for Sixth Form students who should be wearing clothes appropriate for a working environment. This has been agreed by the Head Girl Team in consultation with their peers. Their guidelines are:

• Dress appropriately and practically for your studies.

• Sports leggings may be worn.

• Shorts and playsuits of an appropriate length can be worn.

• Spaghetti straps/tank tops are acceptable if weather appropriate.

• Trainers are allowed.

• LEH sports kit may be worn but only on days of sport (and a change of outfit is encouraged after any sporting activity).

• Tracksuits/Leisurewear are acceptable if neat and tidy.

• Jeans may be worn, but anything too open or ripped will not be acceptable.

• Jewellery may be worn, but for safety large earrings are not acceptable.

All students should have a more formal set of clothes which may be worn to school or other events (e.g. interviews, MUN conferences, prospective parents’ tours).


• Wear any specialist clothing which may be required for work placements, work experience, work shadowing and community commitment.

• Wear and use any safety equipment which may be provided in the workplace.


• Tops that are too revealing, e.g bralettes/bandeau tops

• Short shorts/skirts or hot pants

• Stilettos or flip-flops


The pupil's sports kit is supplied through School Blazer and the list is as follows:


Athletics White polo

Black shorts or leggings

White socks, outdoor trainers / spikes

Gymnastics Trampolining Dance

Indoor Games Kit

Outdoor Games Kit

White polo, black shorts or leggings Or Leotard

White polo, Red skort, black shorts or black leggings

White socks, indoor trainers

White socks/Red socks,

Indoor trainers - lacrosse

White polo

Red skort or black shorts


Netball - white socks, outdoor trainers

Lacrosse - red socks, boots/trainers

Swimming Black and red costume or suitable black costume

Rash vest and/or leggings

Swimming hat



Red tracksuit bottoms/black leggings


White socks, outdoor trainers / spikes

LEH base layers



Red tracksuit bottoms or black leggings


Netball - white socks, trainers

Lacrosse - red socks, boots/trainers

LEH base layers


For pupils who are selected to play in our netball and lacrosse teams, there will be expectations of purchasing further sportswear items in certain year groups.

For netball: netball dresses are worn for team members starting in L5.

For lacrosse: lacrosse shirts with numbers are worn for team members starting in the U4.

These are at an additional cost to parents and information will be sent out in the summer term before the start of the next academic year.

The following sanctions are available for use as appropriate in accordance with the school’s policy to promote good behaviour.

• Behaviour Points - can be issued by any staff member.

• Lunch Time Detention – runs weekly from 1.05-1.40. Students can be issued a detention by either pastoral staff or Heads of Department. Parents should be informed by email that a detention has been given and the reason for this.

• After School Detention – runs weekly from 4.10-5.10pm. Students can be issued a detention by pastoral staff or Heads of Department. Parents should be informed by email in advance that a detention has been given and the reason for this.

• Headmistress’s Detention – given at the discretion of the Head or Deputy Head Pastoral. Runs after school on a Friday.

• Internal Suspension – given at the discretion of the Head.

• External Suspension – given at the discretion of the Head.

• The Head may require the permanent removal, at any time, of any pupil who does not comply with school rules.




Be kind, polite, helpful, considerate and inclusive in our behaviour.

Be welcoming and approachable to pupils from across the school, particularly those who are younger or new to the school community.


Engage enthusiastically in school life, and in particular recognise the importance of encouraging and supporting younger pupils when interacting with them in this capacity.

Unite in celebrating the talents and achievements of others, recognising that we each bring different skills and interests to school life.

Take pride in our school community and our identity as LEH pupils, acting as ambassadors of the school when in uniform whilst commuting, and on school trips.

Be conscious that we are members of the school and wider community and consider how we can best contribute to it, and foster an inclusive, eco-friendly and socially-responsible society.


Respect and listen to the opinions, beliefs and cultures of others, celebrating that we all bring different experiences and viewpoints to school life.


Speak out against injustice in the wider world and feel empowered to share our views.

Be bold in our dreams for the future, determined in our efforts to achieve them, and supportive of our peers as they seek to achieve theirs.

Hold ourselves to the highest standards of compassion and integrity.

L4 and U4 to enter via Assembly Hall side door from LRC Corridor or from outside.


Approach Assembly Hall via south corridor and down the Medical Room corridor.


L6 to sit at the back of the Assembly Hall and enter via the main assembly doors on the South Corridor.

South Corridor Main Assembly Entrance

U6 to sit on the Balcony


L5 and U5 (Upper School) to enter into Assembly side door from this side only, enter from South Corridor.

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