LEH SEND Booklet for Parents

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We are delighted that you have chosen to apply to LEH for your daughter. We hope this booklet provides helpful information about our Learning Support and the process for requesting and awarding access arrangements for our entrance examinations as well as for GCSE and A Level examinations.

LEH fosters a culture that supports every pupil to achieve excellence, championing personal and academic success, and we warmly welcome pupils with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LDD) and Special Educational Needs (SEN) who meet our entry criteria.

We are always happy to hear from you and if you have any questions, please do contact our admissions team at registrar@lehs.org.uk at any time.



LEH has a dedicated and proactive Learning Support department with two full-time, and one part-time, members of staff who are trained to meet the Special Education and Disability Needs (SEND) of a diverse and inclusive school.

The department is friendly and welcoming, and pupils are taught individually on a ‘needs-led’ basis. Support is tailored to a pupil’s individual needs and lessons focus on teaching effective study skills designed to help pupils become independent learners, and to encourage them to build academic and emotional resilience. Support is arranged in consultation with our pupil, parents, Form Tutor and Head of Year.

Support may include:

• Study skills support.

• Organisation skills/time management, essay planning, note taking, revision skills and exam techniques.

• Literacy and numeracy support.

• Handwriting support and advice.

• Positive Psychology sessions.

• Short sessions for improving the use of access arrangements in exams.


When applying, you will be asked if your daughter has any learning support requirements. Please give as much detail as possible and, if your daughter has a diagnosis and you have a diagnostic report, please share a copy as soon as possible. This will enable us to assess your daughter’s needs for our entrance examinations.

All requests must be supported by:

• A diagnostic assessment report from an educational psychologist, a qualified specialist teacher with a current Assessment Practising Certificate (or equivalent) or equivalent medical practitioner. The report must be written and signed within two years of the date of the entrance examination (or in cases where an EHCP is in place, the most recent report and Annual Review).

• Evidence of history of need and provision at your daughter’s current school (we will contact your daughter’s current school directly for this information).

Please note that there must be sufficient evidence that your daughter has significant and persistent difficulties when accessing and processing information and that she would be substantially disadvantaged if the concession is not granted.

All requests for access arrangements are reviewed by the Head of Learning Support and details of any adjustments granted will be confirmed in writing. In putting access arrangements in place, the School complies with the Equality Act 2010 and with JCQ Regulations. Assessments by Educational Psychologists, Qualified Specialist Teachers and Medical Practitioners must demonstrate in quantitative measures that your daughter meets JCQ criteria for access arrangements.

Access arrangements can only be awarded if your daughter meets the JCQ criteria. Receipt of access arrangements at your daughter’s current school does not guarantee that similar, or any, adjustments will be granted for our entrance assessments. LEH reserves the right to reject requests for access arrangements if, after full consideration, the School concludes that the thresholds for exam concessions have not been met.

Requests for extra time in the written entrance exam papers

Examination candidates may be granted up to 25% additional time in written entrance exam papers, if the diagnostic assessment report and information provided by your daughter’s school supports this request. The scores on the report must meet the current JCQ regulations. The link we have provided to the JCQ regulations gives all the information required, but we will be happy to answer any questions on this subject. It is important to note that any additional time can only be granted if there is evidence from your daughter’s current school that supports this.

Requests for use of a laptop

Your daughter may be allowed to use a LEH laptop or computer for extended pieces of writing if:

• She is a proficient typist, and this is her ‘normal way of working’ at her current school.

• A recommendation has been made by an educational psychologist, qualified teacher or equivalent medical practitioner (not a GP); and

• We have received written confirmation from your daughter’s current school that it is her normal way of working (with evidence of need).

Your daughter will only be allowed to use a laptop or computer and/or receive extra time if she meets the current JCQ criteria.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The SEND Code of Practice 2014 states that:

‘A child must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of the home is different from the language in which he or she will be taught.’

EAL is therefore not a learning difficulty, disability or special educational need.

Information about your daughter’s first language is requested from parents on entry to the School so that any pupil needing additional educational support can be identified at an early stage.

Application deadlines

For entry to LEH in September 2025, requests for access arrangements in the Sixth Form entrance examinations (Year 12) must be received by Tuesday 8th October 2024.

Requests for all other entry points must be received by Tuesday 5th November 2024.

We regret that we are unable to consider late requests.

Admissions interviews

Our interviews do not require extra time and sufficient and reasonable adjustments will be made as necessary. Interviewers will be aware of any special circumstances that relate to individual candidates.


LEH is obliged to follow the JCQ regulations in awarding access arrangements for public examinations.

These require that:

• Pupils joining in a new school in Year 7 must have their needs reconsidered and cannot automatically carry forward any previous arrangements.

• Pupils joining a new school in Lower 6 may be able to carry forward previous arrangements.

• Access arrangements are awarded only where there is evidence of need, and the school must gather this.

• Access arrangements are subject specific and are granted on a subject-by-subject basis.

The Learning Support department assesses all new pupils on arrival at LEH and at other significant milestones. They will support all pupils and families and provide guidance through the process to ensure that the most appropriate exam arrangements are in place for each individual.








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