LEH School Further Information

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Bursaries, Scholarships and Exhibitions The school offers a number of bursaries and scholarships each year. All bursaries are means-tested and reserved for pupils entering the Senior School. Academic and Music Scholarships are offered for entrants at 11+ and 16+. In addition, at 16+ we offer an Art, Sport (internal candidates only), Drama and STEM Scholarships. Scholarships are usually worth 10% of school fees and Music Scholars additionally receive free tuition on one instrument. Music Exhibitions are offered (worth 7.5% of fees) in recognition of exceptional achievement which falls just short of Scholarship standard. Music Exhibition also includes one instrument tuition. Bursaries LEH’s Assisted Place Bursary Scheme was created when the Government abolished its Assisted Place scheme in 1997. Its purpose is to ensure, as far as funds allow, that students of high academic ability, but whose parents are of limited means, are able to attend the school. Bursaries of up to 100% are available and are fully means-tested. The assessment, which takes into account parental income and certain capital assets, is carried out on a totally confidential basis by, or on behalf of the Director of Finance. Completed forms are retained in secure conditions in the Finance Office. As part of the application process to join the Senior School, parents who wish to apply for a bursary should complete the appropriate forms. Further information about this fee assistance is available on the school website; www.lehs.org.uk. All bursaries are subject to annual review of parental circumstances, thus ensuring that best use is made of charitable funds.

Scholarships and Exhibitions Academic Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the 11+ and 16+ entrance examinations. No separate application is required. Those wishing to be considered for a Music Scholarship should complete the appropriate section of the application form. Auditions are held for Music Scholarships. Music Scholars must also meet the academic requirements for entry to the school. The normal minimum requirement for application for a Music Scholarship at 11+ is a Grade 5 Distinction and at 16+ is a Grade 7 Distinction or equivalent, although candidates with considerable potential who have been learning an instrument for only a short time should not be deterred from making an application. Full details of assessment requirements are available on our website. www.lehs.org.uk/admissions/scholarships-and-exhibitions At 16+ entry there is one Art Scholarship and one STEM Scholarship available to applicants planning to take A level Art or one or more STEM subjects at A level. Studying Drama and Theatre at A level is favourable when applying for the one Drama Scholarship available. These scholarships are open to external Sixth Form applicants alongside LEH students moving into the Sixth Form. At 16+ entry there are up to two Sport Scholarships available to current LEH students moving into the Sixth Form. Details of assessment requirements will be provided to interested students.

“Positive and deeply embedded learning approaches support the development of pupils’ independence, initiative and self-challenge, resulting in them taking responsibility for their own progress.” ISI Report, 2022


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