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Lunch time clubs


ArtSparks is available to F1 and U1 pupils. ArtSparks is run by an enthusiastic team of LEH Sixth Form History of Art students whose aim is to inspire a love of art in the junior pupils. Each week they will learn a little something about a particular artist, painting or movement as inspiration for them to make their own creations. Making Matisse cut-outs and Grayson Perry tapestries are just a few examples of the exciting ArtSparks activities.

Athletics F1/U1

Athletics is open to pupils in F1 and U1. Pupils will have the opportunity to work on their throwing, jumping and running skills.

Banging On!

Banging on is a percussion ensemble for pupils in U1, L2 and U2. This club is invitation only.

Card Games Club

Cards games club is for U2 pupils to learn and share card games. Card games can teach maths and memory skills, as well as strategic thinking. The conversation and friendly rivalry that come with sitting down to play cards can strengthen friendship ties and is also a lot of fun!

Coding Club

Coding club is a STEM activity for L2 pupils who wish to extend their understanding of coding. Pupils take part in different projects throughout the term.

Cricket Club

Cricket club is available to L2 and U2 pupils. Pupils will develop their striking and fielding skills as well as their understanding of the game rules and tactics.

Crochet Club

Pupils in L2 and U2 are invited to join crochet club to learn a new crafty skill - no experience necessary!

Dance Club

Pupils will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of dance styles. The club is open to all pupils and no experience is necessary.

Drawing Club

Drawing club is for pupils in F1 and U1. In drawing club, pupils will have the opportunity to complete a range of drawings from still-life sketches to caricatures, silhouettes and more. Weather permitting, pupils will spend some sessions outside, using their drawing skills to capture their observations of what they see around them.

Digital Leaders

This club is run for the House Captains and Cyber Mentors to train as school Digital Leaders. Pupils follow the Childnet course.

Ecology Club

Ecology club is open to F1 and U1 pupils and involves the study of different organisms and their habitats. We are lucky enough to have lots of birds and mini beasts on site and we would love even more. During the club, pupils will investigate pondlife, look under the logs in the loggery and will assist in developing the rest of the garden to attract more wildlife. Please do not book this club if your daughter attended last term so that other pupils can have a chance to attend.

Gym Club

This term there will be gym groups for all year groups. Pupils will work on their fundamental skills such balance, core strength and flexibility, as well as their skill set with a specialist coach. It is from these lunch time clubs that some pupils are selected to take part in gym squad.

Junior School Choir

The Junior School Choir is open to all pupils in the school who enjoy singing. Pupils are invited to join and participate for the entire year. The Junior School Choir will take part in performances in the Autumn and Summer terms. Rehearsals are weekly.

Lacrosse Club

Lacrosse club is open to L2 and U2 pupils and is a great way to learn the key skills of the game. It is a fantastic introduction to the sport and will follow on from their lacrosse lessons in the curriculum. Lacrosse club will involve learning how to scoop, throw and catch the ball as well as other tactical play.

Mindfulness club

Mindfulness club is run by our mindfulness teacher Julia Hennessey. The club is open to all pupils and introduces mindfulness activities.

Mindfulness practice itself involves activities such as attention-training and meta-cognitive tasks that help children focus on the present moment and work skilfully with their thoughts and emotions.


Orchestra is open to all pupils of grade 2 standard and above on an orchestral instrument. Pupils are invited to join and participate for the whole year. The school orchestra will take part in performances in the Autumn and Summer terms. Rehearsals are weekly.

Spanish, German and French Clubs

These are fun, language clubs for beginners and open to all pupils, run by the Language Assistants from the Senior School and activities include songs and games. These clubs run for the whole term, and we expect pupils to commit to every session.

Striking and Fielding club

This club is open to F1 and U1 pupils and activities include learning how to strike the ball, fielding and bowling. Pupils will play a range of different striking and fielding games such as rounders, cricket and kickball.

Swim squad

The PE teachers closely and regularly monitor all the pupils in their swimming lessons and based on this, some pupils will be invited to specific swimming training clubs. In the club, pupils are prepared for competitions and invited to gain additional experience by attending swimming galas when they are ready. Regular attendance and commitment are required to ensure invitations to galas.

Training Orchestra

Training orchestra is for pupils who play an orchestral instrument and are not yet at grade 2 standard. This ensemble will prepare pupils for entry to the school orchestra with other pupils selected from the school orchestra to act as their mentors. Rehearsals are weekly.

Times Table club

Times Table club offers a fun and interactive environment to learn times tables up to 12 x 12. There will be songs, dancing, games and competitions to aid immediate recall of this key mathematical skill. This club is open to F1 and U1 pupils.

Touch typing

Touch typing is available for pupils in all year groups, 2 lunchtimes per week. Pupils do not need to book in advance for this club. There is a limit of 24 computers, and on each day, admission will be on a first come, first served basis. These sessions cannot be booked in advance.

Yoga Club

Yoga club is open to pupils in all year groups. Yoga for children has many benefits. It helps to support positive mental health by teaching children to manage stress through healthy movement, body awareness, breathing techniques and meditation. By learning how to use their bodies in a healthy way each pupil, no matter what their ability, develop a sense of belonging and become part of a healthy, non-competitive group. This in turn helps to build concentration and increase confidence and positive self-image, in a safe and nurturing environment. Pupils learn in a fun and creative space through games and individual challenges.

Zentangle Club

Love doodling and creating patterns? Why not join our Zentangle club and create some beautiful abstract art! This club is open to all year groups.

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