2018 Spring Activity Guide

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Guide Current from Apr 1 to Jun 30

2 Youth p5 Swimming p6 Lessons Advanced Aquatics p7 Aquatics p8 Fitness p9 General p13 Early Years /Children


Special Events:

Community Centre Hours of Operation:

Wed, Apr 11

Ladysmith Youth Plan Open House

Sun, Apr 22

Earth Day

May 1 - May 4

Youth Week

Fri, May 4

Dive In Cinema 6:30-8:30pm

Fitness Centre Mon-Fri 6:00am-9:00pm Sat-Sun 8:00am-6:00pm

Thu, May 10

Move for Health Day

Fri, May 11

Pro-D Day Kids Activities - See pg 4 for more info Toonie Swim 1:00-2:00pm

Aquatic Centre See page 8 for pool schedule

May 28 - June 3

Bike to Work & School Week www.biketowork.ca

Sun, June 3

National Health & Fitness Day

Schedule Changes: Facility Closed Good Friday March 30 Easter Monday April 2 Victoria Day May 21

June 3 - 9

Water Safety Week

Sat, June 16

Hill Dash/Running of the Balls

Thu, June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Thu, June 21

Longest Day of Play

Registration and admission information on back page

Fri, June 22

End of School Pool Party 6:30-8:30pm

Reception Office Mon-Fri 8:00am-9:00pm Sat 9:00am-6:00pm Sun 1:00pm-6:00pm


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What are you looking for? GENERAL INQUIRIES



BC 211 - General Inquiry Line

BC Poison Control

211 www.bc211.ca

604-682-5050 or 1-800-567-8911 www.dpic.org

Ladysmith Resources Centre Association

BC Government: Find Services for Children, Teens, & Families

Child Health Clinics 250-755-3342 www.viha.ca


Cowichan District Hospital 250-737-2030 www.viha.ca

BC Helpline For Children 310-1234 (no area code) www2.gov.bc.ca

Childminding (6mos-5yrs)

Participate in group fitness or work out onsite in the community centre while your children are having fun in a safe and supervised environment, featuring child-sized washrooms and age-appropriate activities. Register your child monthly to secure a spot! Mon, Wed, Fri Apr 4 - Apr 30 9:00-10:30am Mon, Wed, Fri May 2 - May 28 9:00-10:30am $48/12 sessions ($6 drop in) Mon, Wed, Fri Jun 1 - Jun 27 9:00-10:30am $52/13 sessions ($6 drop in)

The Community Dental Clinic (CODE) Vancouver Island Crisis Society 1-888-494-3888 Text: 250-800-3806 www.vicrisis.ca

Healthlink BC

Immigrant Welcome Centre 250-753-6911 www.cvims.org

This one-of-a-kind music and movement program engages, educates, and entertains parent and child on a journey through different musical styles and cultures. Designed to stimulate the entire brain and body as you sing, dance, drum, parachute, improvise, explore instruments, jump and play. A great way for families to bond and gain exposure to culture and world music. Community Centre Fri Apr 6 - May 25 10:00-10:50am $96/8 sessions $72/sibling ($14 drop in)

Karate Kids (3-6yrs)

A great chance for the youngest students to learn general safety and some karate basics. Classes will include age-appropriate activities and little homework projects to help instill the idea of responsibility in a fun, family-friendly setting. Community Centre Thu Apr 5 - Apr 26 6:45-7:15pm Thu May 3 - May 24 6:45-7:15pm Thu Jun 7 - Jun 28 6:45-7:15pm $25/4 sessions ($7 drop in)

LaFF Family Resource Program


1-800-668-6868 www.kidshelpphone.ca

Ladysmith Community Health Centre (Switchboard) 250-739-5777 www.viha.ca

250-756-9794 www.welcomewagon.ca

Ladysmith Family Practice Clinic

250-245-6424 info@ladysmith.ca www.ladysmith.ca

North Cowichan Fuller Lake Arena

250.245.8551 ext. 290 melissa.daniels@stzuminus.com www.stzuminus.com

250-246-3811 www.northcowichan.ca

Options for Sexual Health


Vancouver Island Health Authority 250-370-8699 info@viha.ca www.viha.ca

Boys and Girls Club of Central Vancouver Island 250-245-8921 ladysmith@bgccvi.com www.bgccvi.com

1-888-338-6622 www2.gov.bc.ca

Vancouver Island Regional Library Ladysmith 250-245-2322 ladysmith@virl.bc.ca virl.bc.ca

1-800-550-4900 www.birthright.org

Ladysmith Community Health Centre - Healthy Beginnings 250-755-3388 www.viha.ca

La Leche League Breastfeeding Support 250-754-5853 bdeighton@shaw.ca www.lllc.ca

Midwifery www.bcmidwives.com

Adoptive Families Association Of BC

Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre

778-789-5183 amcmullen@bcadoption.com www.bcadoption.com

250-754-3215 info@nanaimoaboriginalcentre.ca www.nanaimoaboriginalcentre.ca

Autism Society Of BC

Nanaimo Community Hospice Society

250-751-9278 teveritt@autismbc.ca www.autismbc.ca

BC Association Of Family Resource Programs

- Adventures in Early Literacy - Born Healthy - Dad’s Group - Parent-Child Mother Goose Program 250-245-3079 www.lrca.ca - LaFF Mornings - LaFF Outside - LaFFternoon - Family Frolics 250-210-0870 www.familyandfriends.ca

BC Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools

Nanaimo Women’s Centre


250-753-0633 www.nanaimowomen.com

250-756-2447 www.bigscvi.ca

NARSF Programs Ltd. Nanaimo and Area Resource Services for Families

Brooks Landing Crisis Counselling Clinic

250-754-2773 admin@narsf.org www.narsf.org

250-739-5710 www.viha.ca

Child And Youth Mental Health Services (MCFD)

Foster Parent Support Services Society

250-754-898 www.literacycentralvi.org

Nanaimo Men’s Resource Centre 250-716-1551 or 877-716-1551 info@themenscentre.ca www.themenscentre.ca

250-741-5444 www.viha.ca

Literacy Central Vancouver Island

250-591- 8811 info@nanaimohospice.com www.nanaimohospice.com

778-590-0045 info@frpbc.ca www.frpbc.ca

Big Brothers And Big Sisters Central Vancouver Island

250-619-6553 cicoord@fpsss.com www.fpsss.com

Ladysmith Resources Centre Association - BC Community Response Network (Adult and Elder Neglect and Abuse) - Family and Youth Support Program - Volunteer Counseling Program 250-245-3079 - Restorative Justice, Victim Services 250-245-6061 www.lrca.ca

Parent Support Services Of BC

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle

250-468-9658 parent@telus.net www.parentsupportbc.ca

250-753-0251 info@nanaimocdc.com www.nanaimocdc.com

Ph: 1-855-474-9777 Em: GRGline@parentsupportbc.ca www.parentsupportbc.ca

Rainbows Children’s Grief and Loss Support Group

PacificCARE Child Care Resources and Referral

Haven Society Haven Transition House 250-756-2452 Haven Society Crisis Line 1-888-756-0616 haven@havensociety.com www.havensociety.com

250-756-2022 mailbox@pacific-care.bc.ca pacific-care.bc.ca

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Birthright Information Help Line


Government of British Columbia Child Care Subsidy Program

Strong Start Ladysmith Primary SD68 250-245-3912 communications@sd68.bc.ca www.sd68.bc.ca


250-753-9511 www.optionsforsexualhealth.org

Nanaimo Child Development Centre

Volunteer and Connect… LaFF’s continued success relies on the commitment of volunteers – you! For program and schedule updates, check the LaFF website or contact them directly. www.familyandfriends.ca P: 250- 210-0870 EM: laffexecutivedirector@shaw.ca Mail: Box 1830 Ladysmith BC V9G 1B4 Or: visit Aggie Hall, 1110 First Ave

250-755-7691 www.viha.ca

Stz’minus First Nation Health Centre

Ladysmith Family and Friends (LaFF)

Brown Drive Most SD 68 Pro D days


- Born Healthy Prenatal Nutrition Program 250-245-3079 www.lrca.ca

Ladysmith Resources Centre Association

LaFF Outside at Kinsmen Park

250-210-0870 www.familyandfriends.ca

Nanaimo General Hospital

LaFF Mornings at Aggie Hall

Open drop-in family fun right after work to burn off some energy and get ready for bed! Tue Oct-Apr 5:45-6:45pm

Ladysmith Family and Friends (LaFF) Food Program

Ladysmith Parks, Recreation & Culture Frank Jameson Community Centre

Meet other parents, health and social service providers; cosponsored by the Town of Ladysmith with generous support from the Province of BC, the United Way Central & Northern Vancouver Island, & the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island. ($2 suggested donation per family for each activity)

Family Frolics at the Community Centre

ladysmithcommunitygardensociety. weebly.com

Ladysmith Resources Centre Association


A quieter LaFF experience with all the same child friendly, play based activities but with limited attendance. It’s a ‘stepping stone’ to our LaFF morning program. For new parents or new to parenting, new families to the community, children or parents who may feel overwhelmed in a large group setting. Tue Sep-Jun 12:30-1:45pm

Ladysmith Community Gardens Society

250-739-5784 www.viha.ca

Ladysmith Early Years Partnership

LaFFternoon at Aggie Hall

811 or 604-215-8110 www.healthlinkbc.ca


250-816-1699 nanaimoearlyyears@telus.net www.nanaimoearlyyears.org

Staff and participants create play-based learning stations to explore and enjoy, including a reading centre, craft area, Brio train table, snack table, and more! Bring food to share, wash your hands, and make a healthy snack together while making new friends. Sept-June Mon-Fri 9:30am-12:30pm

Healthlink BC Dietician Services

Hillside Medical Centre

Greater Nanaimo Early Years Partnership

(families & caregivers with children newborn-6yrs)

(24hr nurse line) 811 or 604-215-8110 www.healthlinkbc.ca

Kid’s Help Phone

Welcome Wagon

Jump into Music (6mos-4yrs)

250-591-0771 www.johnhowardbc.ca

- Foodbank - Soup Kitchen 250-245-3079 www.lrca.ca

250-751-7888 rainbowsnanaimo@gmail.com www.rainbows.ca

Triple P Positve Parenting Program - LaFF Ladysmith Triple P 250-210-0870 - Ladysmith Resource Centre Triple P 250-245-3079 www.triplepvip.ca

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Children’s Programs SprocKids (6-10yrs) - NEW!

SprocKids is a program which will allow kids to develop a taste for cycling through cycling games and activities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The SprocKids program will emphasize cycling safety and introduce participants to proper braking, cornering, balance, basic bike maintenance and body position, which will allow for success on the trails and roads. All participants must have a bike (in good condition), helmet and water bottle. The main focus of this course will be mountain biking but there will be carry over of skills to the road. Brown Drive Park Tue Apr 17 - May 8 5:00-6:15pm $20/4 sessions

Getting Bendy - Yoga for Kids (6-12yrs)

In this class, learning is intentional, acting like an animal is normal, and fun is mandatory! Kids will learn to connect their body, mind and breath with playful movement. Practice together through flowing yoga poses that promote balance, concentration, strength and flexibility with a direct connection to nature. Community Centre Wed Apr 18 - Jun 6 3:00-3:45pm $24/8 sessions ($4 drop in)

Soccer Tots (3-4yrs)

An active, fun-filled class for tots on the move! Children will develop motor skills in a lively atmosphere of friendship and cooperation - come on in, the ball is waiting! Forrest Field Thu Apr 19 - Jun 7 3:00-3:45pm $69/8 sessions

Soccerama (5-7yrs)

Featuring mega-fun in an encouraging environment so you can learn new skills or brush up on your game! Classes include warm-ups, personal ball skills, technical drills and games. Forrest Field Thu Apr 19 - Jun 7 3:45-4:30pm $69/8 sessions

Monkey Business Gymnastics... a mobile recreational gymnastics and tumbling based program that provides fun, educational and motivational activities and experiences for kids of all ages! Classes held in the gymnasium at the Community Centre.

Parent & Tot Gymnastics (1-2yrs)

This active age is as busy for parents as it is exciting for children! Join in group games and activities introducing concepts of under/over, stop/go, fast/slow, high/low! Parent (or energetic grandparent!) participation is required. Mon May 7 - Jun 25 4:30-5:15pm $84.25/7 sessions

Tiny Tots Gymnastics (3-4yrs)

Designed to be fun and fast moving to keep the attention span of 3 - 4 year olds, this class is guaranteed to teach fun and physical safety skills while in the gym, at home, or on the playground! A great way to introduce a structured environment and develop listening skills. Mon May 7 - Jun 25 2:00-2:45pm $84.25/7 sessions

Kindergym (4-5yrs)

Come learn how to cartwheel and more in this 1 hour of fun using games, gymnastics, and individual challenges to build stronger, confident and indestructible kids! Shapes, letters and numbers are incorporated daily to help develop physical literacy both in the gym and out in the world! Mon May 7 - Jun 25 2:00-3:00pm $92/7 sessions

Junior Gymnastics (5-7yrs)

Fundamental movement patterns will teach balance, coordination, strength and flexibility through games and activities guaranteed to burn off after school energy! Mon May 7 - Jun 25 3:15-4:15pm $92/7 sessions

Senior Gymnastics (8yrs + up)

This class develops all the physical attributes necessary for successful participation in many sports. Develop strength, flexibility, power and endurance through tumbling and trampoline skills. Mon May 7 - Jun 25 5:30-7:00pm $103.25/7 sessions


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p. 3

Children’s Programs Shotokan Karate Level 1 (6+)

Rhythm Dance Classes... Rhythm Dance instructors will help

Fun, fitness and fundamentals! Become confident in your ability to defend yourself, while learning kata, sparring, self-defense, and alternatives to violence. Complete Shotokan Karate Level 1, and you are ready for Level 2, to further your confidence and ability to master this martial art. Community Centre Tue, Thu Apr 3 - Apr 26 7:15-8:15pm $40/8 sessions ($7 drop in) Tue, Thu May 1 - May 31 7:15-8:15pm $50/10 sessions ($7 drop in) Tue, Thu Jun 5 - Jun 28 7:15-8:15pm $40/8 sessions ($7 drop in)

your child learn to dance in a variety of classes held at the Rhythm Dance Studio downtown Ladysmith.

Pre School Ballet (3-4yrs)

In these classes, little dancers develop a broad range of dance and movement skills incorporating components such as music awareness, play using creative imagination, and dance focusing on body awareness, flexibility, posture, and poise. The class leads the students naturally into further study of ballet and other dance forms. Wed Apr 11 - Jun 13 2:30-3:00pm $150/10 sessions

Red Cross Stay Safe! (8-12yrs)

Real-world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Stay Safe! program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills, while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe!in a variety of different situations. Community Centre Sun Jun 24 9:00am-4:00pm $40/1 session

Kidz Krew Hip Hop (5-7yrs)

After School Art with Barry (5-13yrs)

Junior Hip Hop (8-10yrs)

Create artwork and learn to tell a themed story using the Visual Language of Art. Monthly themes are: April, “Showers & Flowers... KLEE”; May, “Dreams & Schemes... Picasso”; June, “Musical Sounds & Hounds”. Come and create some exciting art with us! Ladysmith Art Gallery Wed, Thu Apr 4 - Apr 19 3:30-5:00pm Wed, Thu May 2 - May 17 3:30-5:00pm Wed, Thu Jun 6 - Jun 21 3:30-5:00pm $75/6 sessions (materials $25 extra)

Adventure Zone Pro-D Day Activities (5-12yrs)

Plan ahead and register for Pro-D Day Activities! It’s a wonderful opportunity for kids to stay local, meet new friends, try new things and have fun all day long, doing activities they love: sports, crafts, games, swimming and lots of fun! Community Centre Fri May 11 9:00am-3:00pm $35/day ay ($ ($20 20 ssib sibling) ibli ling ng))

Come and learn the basics of hip hop dance! Here kids can express themselves to fun, upbeat music, while developing basic coordination, musicality, and performance skills! An exciting intro to dance and hip hop! Sat Apr 7 - May 12 9:45-10:30am $50/6 sessions

Learn all the fundamentals of hip hop in a super fun and supportive environment! Dance to your favourite music while developing beginner level hip hop dance skills. Come dance with us! Sat Apr 7 - May 12 10:30-11:30am $65/6 sessions

Intermediate Hip Hop (11-14yrs)

Interested in hip hop? This 6-week class provides a great environment to learn and practice this very energetic form of dancing. Hip hop is unique, allowing dancers to perform with freedom of movement, adding in their own personalities…so come out and dance! Sat Apr 7 - May 12 11:30am-12:30pm $65/6 sessions


Have a fun-filled action packed adventure at summer daycamp at Transfer Beach! Every week is a new and exciting theme packed with crafts, sports, games, swimming, outings, local attractions and special events while developing new friendships. Daycamp is an active, affordable alternative to daycare. Our passionate, experienced summer team create a FUN, SAFE, and NURTURING environment enabling each child to meet their full potential and enhance individual knowledge of life-long healthy living, including exercise, nutrition, positive relationships, and self-worth.

8 weeks of camps - First week starts July 2nd!

Weekly Themes: July 2-6 July 9-13 July 16-20 July 23-27 July 30-August 3 August 7-10 August 13-17 August 20-24

Worldly Wonders Super Duper Heroes Artsy Antics Sports Spectacular Slimy Sloppy Science Outdoor Exploring Animal Adventures Sizzling Beach Bash

9:00am-3:00pm FOR AGES 5*-12 DAILY OR WEEKLY RATES REGISTER TODAY! * child must have attended kindergarten


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Youth Programs Active Knee Program NEW!

After many hours of preparation we are excited to announce an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) knee injury prevention program aimed at our younger athletes, aged 8-20 years old. The majority of ACL injuries are NON contact injuries and occur in younger athletes while playing soccer, football, rugby, volleyball and basketball. Furthermore, females are at a 4-8 times greater risk of injuring their ACL! An injury prevention program that includes a movement screening, education and specific training has been shown to decrease the rate of injuries by up to 85%. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn the basic movement training that will ensure your child has healthy knees for years to come! Thu Apr 12 - May 17 3:30-4:30pm $150/6 sessions *This program is instructed by healthcare practitioners so the cost of this program may be covered under most extended health plans. Please register for this course at either of the two Active Solutions Health + Sport clinics in Ladysmith or call 250.924.4444 or 250.924.4025

Babysitter Training (11-15yrs)

Youth Zone Fitness Blender (13-18yrs)

Leaders in Training Volunteer Program

High Five - Principles of Healthy Child Development (16+)

The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course offers basic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 11-15 years old. Participants learn how to provide care to children in a variety of age groups, and how to prevent and respond to emergencies. The course also offers youth the skills to promote themselves as babysitters to prospective families. Sun Jun 10 8:30am-5:00pm $65/1 session

Are you a teenager between the ages 13-18 and interested in working with children and in your community? Gain work experience, boost your resume and career opportunities, learn & develop new skills, meet a range of people and feel a sense of achievement! Come join this great program to be trained to volunteer in recreational settings. Tue Apr 24 - May 29 5:00-6:00pm $30/6 sessions

Youth Zone.... There are lots of exciting recreational and social activities for preteens ages 10-12yrs and teens ages 13-18yrs at Youth Zone. Join in and have access to gym activities, sports equipment, pool tables, foosball tables, ping-pong tables, card and board games, as well as a gaming system, TV and DVD players for special nights. Youth welcome to attend and no registration required. Youth Zone is a safe place to hang out with special events including theme nights, ice cream, games tournaments, and more! Community Centre Youth Zone 10-12yrs Wed

Apr 4 - Jun 20

Youth Zone 13-18yrs Fri FREE

Apr 6 - Jun 22

4:00pm-5:30pm 6:00pm-9:00pm

Youth Zone Fitness Blender is a series of fitness and wellness classes specifically for teens. Classes include spin, bootcamp, TRX, yoga, strength training, fundamental movement skills and nutrition. All classes are taught by BCRPA fitness instructors. Participants will also recieve a 1-month facility pass and Fitness Centre orientation upon full completion of the course. Mon Apr 23 - Jun 11 3:30-4:30pm $31.50/7 sessions

HIGH FIVE is Canada’s only comprehensive quality standard for children’s programs and holds true to the following five Principles of healthy child development that our research indicates are essential for providing a positive experience for kids; A Caring Adult, Friends, Play, Mastery & Participation. HIGH FIVE consists of Training and Development, Program Assessments, Policies/Procedures, and Awareness. Certificate awarded on program completion. Fri Jun 29 8:30am-4:30pm $60/1 session

BC Youth Week is a provincial celebration of youth held annually during the first week of May. It is a week of fun filled interaction and a celebration intended to build a strong connection between youth and their communities. This event is intended to profile the issues, accomplishments, and diversity of youth across the province. Mark your calendar and support youth in your community from May 1st-7th!


Option #3 - Pool & Rec Room

Option #2 - Pool & Gymnasium

Option #4 - Rec Room & Gymnasium

Main & Oasis pools, hot tub & sauna with all the extras! Private party room with outside entrance, bathrooms, fridge and sink, perfect for cake and games!

Use of both pools as well as the hot tub & sauna. Guarantee tired kids with a run around in the gymnasium afterwards! Gym equipment available upon request.

Have both pools to yourself with use of all the fun equipment as well! Follow the swim with a party in the rec room, filled with great games such as pool, foosball, air hockey, pingpong... a kids paradise!

Party it up in the rec room with an assortment of great gaming equipment then head upstairs to the gymnasium for an active run around! Gym equipment available upon request.

Book a party today! Call 250.245.6424 or email prc@ladysmith.ca Parties are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Don’t miss out on the fun! Payment is required at the time of booking.


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p. 5

Swimming Lessons Step 1: Pick a LEVEL (swim assessments are available, call 250.245.6424 for more information) Step 2: Pick a SESSION Session 1: Apr 3/4 to May 2/3 Session 2: May 7/8 to May 30/31 Session 3: Jun 4/5 to Jun 27/28 or Saturday/Sunday lessons Apr 7/8 to Jun 16/17(no classes May 19/20) Step 3: Pick a DAY(S)/TIME Step 4: REGISTER! • Visit the Community Centre at 810-6th Ave, Ladysmith BC • Phone: 250.245.6424 • Mail or Email: registration form available at www.ladysmith.ca Parent-included Levels (6-36 months) LEVEL

Preschool (3-5 yrs) DAY(S)

Starfish (6-12 months)

Monday & Wednesday

Experiencing buoyancy, movement, entries, songs & games in the water. (Must be able to hold head up)

Duck (12-24 months)

Monday & Wednesday

Experiencing buoyancy, movement, entries, songs & games in the water.

Sea Turtle (24-36 months)

Experiencing buoyancy, movement, entries, songs & games in the water. Transition level from parented assisted to Swim Instructor lead class.





Monday & Wednesday

Sea Otter 6:00pm

Transition from Sea Turtle and greater independence. An introductory level for new swimmers.

TIME 10:00am 3:00pm 5:30pm

Tuesday & Thursday








Monday & Wednesday


Monday & Wednesday 6:00pm


Actively learn new swimming skills including floats and glides through games and songs.

Work on stroke and skill progressions, water safety and deep water.

Start independent glides & kicking in deep water. Endurance increased by distance swims on front and back. k.

Swim independently & participate in team games. Increase distance swims and improve skills in front and back swims.







10:30am 3:00pm 5:30pm

Tuesday & Thursday







10:30am 3:30pm 6:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday






Monday & Wednesday


3:00pm 3:00pm

Monday & Wednesday



Tuesday & Thursday

Monday & Wednesday




10:30am 3:30pm 6:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday







Level 7 & Under (30 min): $45.75/9 sessions, $50.85/10 sessions Level 8 & 9 (45 min): $50.90/9 sessions, $56.55/10 sessions Level 10 & Up (60 min): $60.35/9 sessions, $67.05/10 sessions

Aquatic Team

Are you interested in private or semi-private swimming lessons? Private lessons can be booked for $25 for 30 minutes & semi-private are $15 per person for 30 minutes. Call 250.245.6424 for more information.













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Swimming Lessons School age levels (5 yrs+) LEVEL

Red Cross Level 1

Entry level; orientation to the water and pool, introduces submersions, front and back floats and glides with kicks.

Red Cross Level 2

Increase skills in front & back swims, introduced to deep water activities and use of floatation devices.

Red Cross Level 3

Introduction to front crawl, diving and learn wise choices for when and where to swim.

Red Cross Level 4

Advancing front crawl and begin back crawl, kneeling dives, surface support and developing self-safety.

Red Cross Level 5

Introduction to back crawl, sculling and whip kick on back, stride dives and safe boating skills.

Red Cross Level 6

Improved technique of front and back crawl, introduction backstroke, ice safety, throwing assists and front dives.

Red Cross Level 7

Build skills and endurance for front and back crawl, backstroke. sculling, whip kick and breathing obstructions.










Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


5:30pm 5:30pm

5:30pm 5:30pm


Red Cross Level 8

Introducing breaststroke, eggbeater kick, foot-first surface dives and standing dives, learn about hypothermia, the dangers of open water swimming and rescue breathing.

Red Cross Level 9 Increased development of strokes learned; Head first surface dives, making wise choices; complications with rescue breathing, ice self-rescue, and boating regulations.

6:00pm 6:00pm

Red Cross Level 10

Refine all strokes, fitness and safety; rescue of others, surface dives with underwater swims and what’s next.






Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday


Tuesday & Thursday




6:00pm 6:00pm

6:00pm 5:30pm


Tuesday & Thursday




Monday & Wednesday

3:30pm 6:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday




Aquatic Courses Junior Lifeguard Club (8-13yrs)

Develop swimming and lifesaving skills, knowledge, personal fitness, leadership and teamwork. Designed by the Lifesaving Society for a serious purpose, but the process is pure fun. Junior Lifeguards have the option to stay and help coordinate activities in the public swim that follows from 6:30-8:00 pm. Fri Apr 13 - Jun 15 5:30-6:30pm $67.05/10 sessions

Adult & Teen Swim Basics 1&2

These courses are designed to develop or increase swimmers’ comfort in the water through basic flotation, movement and breathing skills and to foster the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to stay safe in, on and around the water. Swim Basics 1 offers an introduction to swimming with a focus on front swim. Swim Basics 2 focuses on developing front and back crawl, establishing comfort in deep water and increasing swimming distance. Sat Apr 7 - Jun 16 10:00-11:00am $67.05/10 sessions

Red Cross Swim Strokes

Lifesaving Instructor Course (16yrs+)

Lifesaving Instructors are trained to teach and evaluate Canadian Swim Patrol, Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross,and Distinction. Candidates are introduced to basic learning approaches and teaching strategies and apply them to teaching water rescue, first aid, and other lifesaving skills. Instructor candidates also learn about long-range and short-term planning, class management, safety supervision, and the principles of evaluation. This introductory instructor level is the base for most Lifesaving Society Instructor certifications. Prerequisites: Bronze Cross Proof of certification Sun Apr 22, 29, May 6 9:00am-6:00pm $280/3 sessions

National Lifeguard Pool Option (16yrs+)

The National Lifeguard Pool certification is designed to develop the fundamental values, judgment, knowledge, skills and fitness required by lifeguards. The National Lifeguard course emphasizes the lifeguarding skills, principles and practices, and the decision-making processes which will assist the lifeguard to provide effective safety supervision in swimming pool environments. Prerequisites: Bronze Cross Proof of certification, Standard First Aid Proof of certification. Must be 16yrs of age by the last day of the course. Sat Apr 28 - Jun 9 8:30am-5:00pm $350/6 sessions

Lifesaving Instructor Recert

The Lifesaving Instructor Recert (LSIR) provides updated information to BC & Yukon Branch LSIs to allow them to continue to provide quality programs in support of the Lifesaving Society mission to prevent injury or death in, on or near the water. Sun Apr 15 8:00am-12:00pm $115/1 session

Swim Strokes is designed to further develop strokes, whether it be for fitness, higher level aquatics or just for personal achievement. Sat Apr 7 - Jun 16 10:30-11:30am $67.05/10 sessions


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p. 7

Aquatic Schedule Effective Apr 1 - Jun 30 (see page 1 for schedule changes/closures) Sunday

Please Call 250.245.6424 to book or for more information on pool & room rentals.






Early Bird Lengths 6:00-8:30am

Available for Rentals

Early Bird Lengths 6:00-8:30am

Available for Rentals

Early Bird Lengths 6:00-8:30am

Aquafit 8:30-9:30am

Aquafit 8:30-9:30am

Aquafit 8:30-9:30am

Aquafit 8:30-9:30am

Aquafit 8:30-9:30am

Parent & Tot 9:00-10:00am

Parent & Tot 9:00-10:00am Deep H2O 9:45-10:45am

Available for Rentals

Swimming Lessons 10:00-11:00am

Please note:

Deep H2O 9:45-10:45am

Adaptive Fitness 11:00-12:00pm

Adaptive Fitness 11:00-12:00pm

Adaptive Fitness 11:00-12:00pm

Adaptive Fitness 11:00-12:00pm

Lengths & Leisure 12:00-1:00pm

Lengths & Leisure 12:00-1:00pm

Lengths & Leisure 12:00-1:00pm

Lengths & Leisure 12:00-1:00pm

Lengths & Leisure 12:00-1:00pm

Available for Rentals Available for Rentals

Nifty Fifties 2:00-4:00pm

Swimming Lessons 3:00-4:00pm

Swimming Lessons 3:00-4:00pm

Therapy Swim 4:00-5:30pm (main pool unavailable)

Therapy Swim 4:00-5:30pm (main pool unavailable)

Therapy Swim 4:00-5:30pm (main pool unavailable)

Therapy Swim 4:00-5:30pm (main pool unavailable)

Therapy Swim 4:00-5:30pm (main pool unavailable)

Swimming Lessons 5:30-6:30pm

Swimming Lessons 5:30-6:30pm

Swimming Lessons 5:30-6:30pm

Swimming Lessons 5:30-6:30pm

Available for Rentals

Toonie Swim 6:30-7:30pm

Everyone Welcome 6:30-8:00pm

Everyone Welcome 6:30-8:00pm

Everyone Welcome 6:30-8:00pm

Adult Swim 7:30-9:00pm (Aqua Fitness Blender, Lengths)

Shaded areas indicate aquatic fitness class (included in admission). See below for class descriptions. Hot Tub/Sauna are NOT available during swimming lessons and private rentals

Aquatic Information

Available for Rentals

Available for Rentals

Nifty Fifties 2:00-4:00pm

Swimming Lessons 3:00-4:00pm

Adult Swim 7:30-9:00pm (Aqua Fitness Blender, Lengths)

Swimming Lessons 10:00-11:30am

Available for Rentals

Swimming Lessons 3:00-4:00pm

Toonie Swim 6:30-7:30pm Swimming Lessons 5:00-6:00pm

Available for Rentals

Adaptive Fitness 11:00-12:00pm

Nifty Fifties 2:00-4:00pm

Available for Rentals

Parent & Tot 9:00-10:00am

Swimming Lessons 10:00-11:00am

Available for Rentals

Everyone Welcome 2:00-5:00pm

Deep H2O 9:45-10:45am


Fri, May 4 Fri, May 11 Wed, June 13 Thu, June 14 Fri, June 22

Everyone Welcome 3:00-6:00pm

Special Dates

Dive In Cinema 6:30-9:00pm Pro D Day Toonie Swim 1-2pm Seniors Tea Seniors Tea End of School Pool Party 6:30-8:30pm

Four-lane, 25-metre pool heated at 28°C (82-83°F) Features: • diving board • slides • rope swing • aquatic lift • basketball hoops • removable stairs • climbing wall • water run-ways Therapy pool accessible by ramp; heated at 34°C (94°F) and has a shallow end depth of zero sloping to four feet (aquatic wheelchairs are available for moving from change rooms into therapy pool.) Whirlpool is a combination of turbulent air and 40°C (104°F) water pumped into the pool. The Sauna is a hot, dry, relaxing area kept at an average of 55°C (131°F). **Children under 7 years must be accompanied in water and within arm’s reach of parent or person 19 years plus. (2 children/1 adult).

Aquatic Fitness Classes... The fitness programs below are included in any drop in pass or memberships purchased.


A highly energized aquatic fitness workout delivered by certified fitness instructors. These classes provide a well-rounded, head-to-toe work out. Mon-Fri 8:30-9:30am

Adaptive Fitness

A program for clients with arthritis and other mobility limitations. Take advantage of our qualified, experienced staff that have the expertise to personalize your workout by accommodating individual needs. Mon-Fri 11:00am-12:00pm

Deep H2O

These invigorating, impact-free classes work and tone all muscle groups. Participants combine cardiovascular work, deep-water running, jogging, bicycling and cross-country skiing movements. Class focuses on muscular strength motions that work the body’s major muscle groups as well as motions that work the core and balance. A buoyancy belt is required to create and maintain proper balance and posture. Mon/Wed/Fri 9:45-10:45am

Nifty Fifties

An opportunity for those 50 years and over to improve cardiovascular fitness and strength levels, plus a chance to socialize with friends. Enjoy a 60-minute fitness class with one lane available from 3:00-4:00pm for those who would like to swim lengths. Mon/Wed/Fri 2:00-4:00pm

Aqua Fitness Blender

Wondering what the heart icons mean? Check out page 10 for Fitness Class Intensity Levels

Did you know exercising in the water provides up to 17 times the resistance of air with no impact on your joints? Join us for a blend of the newest and most effective workouts available. A different class each time! Bootcamp. Spin. Running. Boxing. Cardio. Circuit. Core. A true full-body workout! Mon/Wed 7:30-8:30pm


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Fitness Schedule Effective Apr 1 - Jun 30 (see page 1 for schedule changes/closures) Sunday

Advanced Pickleball 9:00-11:00am

Strong on Sundays 10:00-11:00am






Spin Class 6:30-7:15am

Retro Cardio Core 9:00-10:00am

Spin Class 6:30-7:15am

Retro Cardio Core 9:00-10:00am

Spin Class 6:30-7:15am

Advanced Pickleball 9:00-11:00am

Fitness Lite 2 10:30-11:30am

Yoga to Open Your Heart 10:30-11:30am

Fitness Lite 2 10:30-11:30am

Gentle Hatha Yoga 10:30-11:30am

Fitness Lite 2 10:30-11:30am

Yoga Fitness 12:00-1:00pm

Osteofit 10:30-11:30am

Recreational Pickleball 11:00am-1:00pm

Osteofit 10:30-11:30am

Recreational Pickleball 11:00am-1:00pm

Beginner Hatha Yoga 12:00-1:00pm

Urban Poling Walking Program 11:00-11:45pm

SteadyFeet 1:30-2:15pm *No Drop-in*

Vinyasa Flow Yoga 12:00-1:00pm

Spin Yoga/Core 5:15-6:15pm Gentle Hatha Yoga 6:30-7:30pm

Please note:

Get Active 12:30-1:30pm

Cardio Craze 5:15-6:00pm

Boxer-Fit 7:30-8:15pm

Strength & Stability 6:15-7:15pm

Drop in Soccer (FF) 8:00-10:00pm

Yoga Play with Arm Balances 7:30-8:30pm

Advanced Pickleball 9:00-11:00am

Cardio Circuit 9:15-10:15am

Spin TRX 5:15-6:15pm

3 C’s 6:00-7:00pm

Spin Class 6:00-6:45pm TRX Circuit 6:30-7:30pm Gentle Hatha Yoga 7:00-8:00pm

Shaded areas indicate Registered Classes (classes not included in general admission fees) See pages 11-12 for class details All non-shaded classes are included in any drop in pass or membership purchased (**with the exception of Saturday Spin)

Fitness Centre Information Fitness Centre Hours:

Fitness Lite 1 9:15-10:15am

Cardio Circuit 9:15-10:15am

SteadyFeet 1:30-2:15pm *No Drop-in*

Recreational Pickleball 4:00-6:00pm

Spin Yoga 9:15-10:15am

Monday-Friday 6:00am-9:00pm Saturday, Sunday 8:00am-6:00pm

Bro Yoga 7:30-8:30pm


Recreational Pickleball 9:15-11:15am

Cardio Circuit 9:15-10:15am

Zumba 12:00-1:00pm

Saturday Spin** 9:15-10:00am

Drop in Soccer (FJCC) 1:00-3:00pm Find Your Power Yoga 1:30-2:30pm

Vinyasa Flow Yoga 10:30-11:45am

Strength & Stability 5:30-6:30pm

Childminding is available Mon/Wed/Fri mornings from 9:00-10:30am. See page 2 for details!

The Fitness Centre features 3000 square feet of cardio, strength training and free-weight equipment. Also within our space we offer a variety of specialty equipment such as stability balls, medicine balls, wobble boards, fit tubes and TRX suspension. An additional 400 square feet of expanded fitness centre space is now available allowing patrons more room to enjoy the variety of equipment we provide. Check with your family doctor before starting an exercise program if you are new to exercise or returning after an absence. Please Note: Personal trainers, kinesiologists, and physiotherapists not employed or authorized by the Town of Ladysmith may not train clients within the Fitness Centre.

Drop In Fitness Classes... The fitness programs below are included in any drop in pass or memberships purchased (with the exception of Saturday Spin**). Cardio Circuit

A ‘do-it-all’ HIGH INTENSITY circuit style class that will get your heart pumping and muscles strong! Challenge your body’s ability using a variety of equipment and compound muscle movements. This is a high intensity class, if you have mobility issues or injuries you should see your doctor or speak with the instructor prior to participation. Mon/Wed/Fri 9:15-10:15am

Retro Cardio Core

Step back in time and groove to a traditional style of choreography. Spend 45min getting the heart pumping while learning a routine to upbeat music. You will spend the last 15min of class challenging your core strength and relaxing your body. Tue/Thu 9:00-10:00am

Fitness Lite 1

Gentle and easy on the joints! Class includes a warm-up, easy to follow choreographed cardio, safe, joint friendly strength, balance, and core exercises and concludes with a gentle stretch for all the muscles worked. Ideal for those who want a low intensity workout or who are new to exercise. Fri 9:15-10:15am

Fitness Lite 2

Low to moderate impact and fun! 30-20-10 – 30min to get your groove on with choreographed cardio – 20min to focus on form with safe strength, balance and core exercises – 10min to relax and stretch out your muscles! This class is ideal for those who want a solid workout without high impact and intensity. Also suitable for first time exercisers without any severe joint issues; active agers and prenatal moms. Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30-11:30am


Yoga - Fitness

Yoga is a wonderful way to stretch and relax the body. This class blends Hatha yoga poses in a Vinyasa Flow style. This class is suitable for most levels, but it is advised to discuss any injuries with a doctor and the instructor. Mon 12:00-1:00pm

Saturday Spin **

This 45min non-registered class teaches you the basics of indoor cycling. Get lost in the music as you power through hills, sprints and intervals – you get to decide the resistance and pace you ride. **PLEASE NOTE: this class is not included in monthly or punch passes. $6 drop-in Sat 9:15-10:00am

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p. 9

Drop In Fitness Classes / Drop In Sports Drop in Sports... admission included in any drop in pass or memberships

Fitness Class Intensity Levels

purchased. See Fitness Schedule on page 9 for times.

The intensity levels are used as a guideline. Each individual may choose to work at their own pace. Warm up is an important component of your workout - PLEASE SHOW UP ON TIME FOR YOUR CLASSES.


Just for kicks... co-ed recreational soccer! Join in on this great opportunity to play soccer in a recreational environment! Players must bring light and dark shirts. Monday nights at Forrest Field and Fridays in the gymnasium.

Restorative - restorative fitness, no impact. May require medical clearance. Perhaps the use of a mobility aid, health issues to consider.


Gentle - beginner level, very low impact, low cardio intensity, rehabilitative fitness, some classes may require medical clearance. Perhaps the use of a mobility aid, health issues to consider.

Tennis-like game played on a badminton court using a perforated ball and a smooth paddle. Please pay drop-in admission prior to entering gym, participants must be present at time of admission purchase, space is limited, first-come, first-served basis, schedule subject to change without notice. PLEASE NOTE: Advanced sessions are for those players who achieve a 3.5 rating or higher.

Low - beginner level, new to fitness, low impact, mild cardio intensity, gentle strength training for joints. Great for those returning to fitness post injury or surgery. Great for prenatal moms and active agers. Moderate - intermediate fitness level, possibility of jumping and turning with more dynamic movement. Good body mechanics. Good cardio base. Variety of equipment used. Some compound muscle movements may be introduced. Some modifications may be given to those who need them. High - Advanced fitness levels. Working out of your comfort zone to approximately 90% of maximum heart rate. Full range of motion around joints is ideal. Injury free. Variety of equipment used. Lots of compound muscle movements. Coordination and agility are also used in this type of class.

Personal Training Take your health, vitality and energy to the next level with one of our three one-on-one personal training options. Whichever option you choose, feel confident in knowing you will receive top quality personal attention, guidance and knowledge in the safest possible exercise environment. Working with a Town of Ladysmith certified BCRPA Personal Trainer is your assurance that our trainers have the highest qualifications in the industry, current first aid & CPR certifications, and appropriate insurance coverage. All of our training options will require you to complete medical health questionnaires, and depending on your current health we may request you receive medical clearance from your health practitioner.

Option 1: Basic Orientation

Are you new to fitness or new to our facility? Our basic orientation is the perfect program to get you started and comfortable in this new environment. During this one hour session you will learn: • how to use our cardio equipment • safe technique and set-up of our strength training machines • effective stretches for your body • how to read your basic total body exercise program $10/session plus GST

Option 2: Personalized Workout Session

Are you someone who needs extra motivation and accountability? Not interested in group exercise classes or the structure that comes with a detailed training plan? During your one hour personalized workout session your trainer will: • Take into consideration any health conditions and special workout requests • Creatively utilize the variety of equipment our facility has to offer • Incorporate compound muscle movements • Teach you a greater understanding of postural alignment, core strength and balance training • Challenge and empower you to become stronger, energized and motivated with exercises that are a step above the basics Please note: 30minute sessions are available upon request. $25/session; semi-private $15/per person plus GST

Fitness Team

Option 3: Specialized Personal Training Plan

No two bodies look or work exactly alike – this specialized training plan is all about you! Whatever your training goals are we will support, coach and provide you with all the resources you need to reach success. Perhaps you are rehabilitating from an injury or surgery, perhaps you are training for a major life event or competition or maybe it’s as simple as becoming the best version of you as possible to handle day-to-day life. Depending on your training goals your trainer may use some of the following assessments: • Goal analysis and planning • Heart rate and blood pressure • Functional movement tests Specialized Semi-Private Single • Postural and core assessment Personal Training cost/person • Anthropometric measures Consultation o Weight & height $52 $52 (60min.) o BMI 1 Session $52 $52 o Girth measurements o Skinfold 2 Sessions $104 $90 o Body fat percentage 4 Sessions $200 $160 o Waist–to–hip ratio $384 $280 • Comprehensive exercise plan that 8 Sessions will evolve as you adapt to your 12 Sessions $552 $360 training demands.


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Registered Fitness Programs Boxer-Fit

Mix up your routine with the balance, coordination and strength building of Boxer-Fit while burning major calories. This high-intensity class is a great full body workout, incorporating a broad range of punches and athletic drills. This class incorporates the use of heavy bags and focus pads. Mon Apr 9 - May 14 7:30-8:15pm $33/6 sessions ($6.50 drop in) Mon May 28 - Jun 25 7:30-8:15pm $27.50/5 sessions ($6.50 drop in)

Strong on Sundays

Cardio Craze

Go crazy with this 45 minute cardio sensation! Your respirtory system will be challenged through a variety of equipment and drills to achieve top conditioning. Tue Apr 10 - May 15 5:15-6:00pm Tue May 22 - Jun 26 5:15-6:00pm $33/6 sessions ($6.50 drop in)

Prep your muscles for the week ahead so you are powerful enough to take on the world. Challenge your body’s strength using a variety of equipment and compound muscle movements. This class is primarily strength based with a hint of cardio. Sun Apr 15 - May 13 10:00-11:00am Sun May 27 - Jun 24 10:00-11:00am $30/5 sessions ($7 drop in)

Strength & Stability

Skip the cardio and join us for an hour of power in this total body Strength and Stability conditioning class. A variety of equipment, including your own bodyweight will be utilized to sculpt, tone and develop muscles. This class will have an emphasis on safe and proper form. Exercise choices will be based on functional movement patterns. Tue Apr 10 - May 15 6:15-7:15pm Fri Apr 13 - May 18 5:30-6:30pm Tue May 22 - Jun 26 6:15-7:15pm Fri May 25 - Jun 29 5:30-6:30pm $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in)

REGISTER EARLY! If a minimum number of registrants is not met, we may have to cancel or combine classes. These decisions are made a few days in advance of the start date, so please register early to avoid disappointment. Drop-In’s are invited to registered programs provided there is space available after registered participants. Call 250.245.6424 for more information.

TRX Circuit

TRX Suspension training uses gravity against your own bodyweight to develop strength, balance, flexibility, core stability and cardiovascular endurance. This class is great for intermediate to advanced fitness levels - by simply adjusting your body position you can control how much you want to challenge yourself. Classes are small and structured for form, function and special attention. This class may not be suitable for individuals with acute or chronic injuries. Wed Apr 18 - May 16 6:30-7:30pm $30/5 sessions ($7 drop in) Wed May 23 - Jun 27 6:30-7:30pm $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in)

Zumba Dance

Spice up your workout with Zumba Dance Fit! Join the new wave of fitness though this Latin inspired, hip hop calorie burning dance party. This exhilarating and easy to follow dance will keep your body moving and energy levels soaring! Fri Apr 13 - May 18 12:00-1:00pm Fri May 25 - Jun 29 12:00-1:00pm $42/6 sessions ($8 drop in)


Challenge yourself to this 45 minute indoor cycling class. It’s a great way to get in a vigorous workout, while burning calories. Go through the hills, sprints and intervals while listening to motivating and upbeat music. Participants modify their own cycling resistance and pace.

Spin Class AM

Mon, Wed Apr 9 - May 2 $44/8 sessions ($6.50 drop in) Fri Apr 13 - May 18 $33/6 sessions ($6.50 drop in) Mon, Wed May 7 - May 30 $38.50/7 sessions ($6.50 drop in) Fri May 25 - Jun 29 $33/6 sessions ($6.50 drop in) Mon, Wed Jun 4 - Jun 27 $44/8 classes ($6.50 drop in)

Spin Class PM

Wed Apr 11 - May 16 Wed May 23 - Jun 27 $33/6 sessions ($6.50 drop in)

6:30-7:15am 6:30-7:15am 6:30-7:15am 6:30-7:15am 6:30-7:15am

Spin & Core

6:00-6:45pm 6:00-6:45pm

3 C’s

Circuit, Cycle & Core... in no particular order! This class is sure to challenge you beyond your fitness boundaries! Great for the healthy beginner looking for a kick-start, or the fitness fanatic looking to ramp it up. Energize your cardio system, sculpt your muscles, strengthen your core. Thu Apr 12 - May 17 6:00-7:00pm Thu May 24 - Jun 28 6:00-7:00pm $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in)


This class is a mixed combination of cardio and core exercises. The first half of the class is focused at a high intensity level of indoor cycling. The second half of the class is directed towards developing strength and stability in the body’s core, using a variety of equipment. Mon Apr 9 - May 14 5:15-6:15pm $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in) Mon May 28 - Jun 25 5:15-6:15pm $30/5 sessions ($7 drop in)

Spin Yoga

Spin-Yoga is a class that fuses both indoor cycling and yoga! This full body and mind workout is 60 min and will leave you feeling fit and relaxed! Wed Apr 11 - May 16 9:15-10:15am Wed May 23 - Jun 27 9:15-10:15am $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in)

Spin TRX

Enjoy this unique combination of high-energy indoor spinning as you are put through heart-pumping drills involving sprints, hills, and intervals paired with TRX suspension training. Use your own bodyweight against gravity to develop strength, core stability and flexibility. With moves and equipment that are easily modified, Spin-TRX is great for people of all fitness levels. Classes are small and structured for form, function and special attention. This class may not be suitable for individuals with acute or chronic injuries. Limited space available. Wed Apr 18 - May 16 5:15-6:15pm $30/5 sessions ($7 drop in) Wed May 23 - Jun 27 5:15-6:15pm $36/6 sessions ($7 drop in)

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p. 11

Registered Fitness Programs Get Active

Being more active is good for your health! Join a community of seniors and older adults for a total-body workout appropriate for any fitness level. Get Active classes are designed to increase flexibility, joint stability, balance, coordination, agility, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance all while having friendly fun. Tue Apr 10 - May 15 12:30-1:30pm Tue May 22 - Jun 26 12:30-1:30pm $24/6 sessions ($4.50 drop in)


Osteofit is a specifically designed program to help you reach your fitness goals while respecting your limitations and expanding your possibilities. Exercise maintains bone health and improves muscle strength, balance, and joint range of motion to reduce the risk of falls and fractures. Osteofit 1 contains an educational component that includes nutrition, falls prevention, active living with osteoporosis, and healthy lifestyle choices. Osteofit Level 2 is more challenging and participants should be familiar with exercise technique. Tue, Thu Apr 10 - May 17 10:30-11:30am Tue, Thu May 22 - Jun 28 10:30-11:30am $48/12 sessions ($4.50 drop in)


Urban Poling Walking Program - NEW!

Steady Feet is a group exercise program designed for adults of any age to improve balance, confidence and safe mobility. Steady Feet can give you more confidence and independence to carry out your daily tasks with less hesitation. This class is suitable for people recovering from stroke, hip or knee replacement, have balance problems, a fear of falling or have fallen in the past. This class has a mandatory pre-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Medical clearance may be required by your doctor or physiotherapist. No drop-ins will be permitted for this class; only 10 spots available please register early to secure your session. The SteadyFeet program is provided through a partnership between Ladysmith Parks, Recreation and Culture and the physiotherapists at the Ladysmith Health Centre. Mon, Wed May 2 - Jun 27 1:30-2:15pm $64/16 sessions

Urban Poling is fitness for all ages and stages. Urban Walking Poles can help improve posture and balance, while taking stress from the hips and knees. As well, you could burn 20-45% more calories than regular walking with Urban Walking Poles. Whether you are looking for motivation to get off the couch, a way to optimize your current walking rountine or for an effective cross-training alternative - Urban Poling may be for you! We provide the poles, you bring your friends. Sessions will begin slow and gradually increase in speed and distance. Don’t worry, no one gets left behind! Thu Apr 12 - May 3 11:00-11:45am $18/4 sessions ($5 drop in)

Beginner g Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Wondering what the heart icons mean? Check out page 10 for Fitness Class Intensity Levels

Yoga to Open Your Heart - NEW!

This yoga program is designed to release tightness in the chest and shoulders and to open the heart. Many people who sit frequently or are rounded forward for a large portion of their day whether from work or life habits develop tight muscles in the chest and shoulders because of slouching and poor posture. You will be introduced to lovely poses that wil leave you feeling more open than you have in a long time. Physically, heart openers can be beneficial to our body because it is the most frequently used muscular organ. Tue Apr 10 - May 15 10:30-11:30am Tue May 22 - Jun 26 10:30-11:30am $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in)

Yoga Play with Arm Balances - NEW!

Let go of all your expectations and simply play with your yoga practice. We’ll have fun building up our strength to try arm balances with greater mindfulness and ease. Attempting arm balances helps build total body strength and sharpen your mental discipline. In this class it’s ok to fall, we’ll teach you how to fall out of a pose safely and help you to get back up. Arm balances make you feel like you are flying, can go deeper in your body in a way that is safe, healthy and absolutely powerful. So come laugh, have fun and try something new! Tue Apr 10 - May 15 7:30-8:30pm Tue May 22 - Jun 26 7:30-8:30pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in)

Find Your Power Yoga - NEW!

It’s a challenge to fit strength training, core conditioning and yoga all into a busy week - Find Your Power allows you to fit it all into one class. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) will be used to warm up the body, focus the mind and find a steady flow of breath that syncs with each movement. This class is suitable for intermediate to advanced students. Fri Apr 13 - May 18 1:30-2:30pm Fri May 25 - Jun 29 1:30-2:30pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in)

Beginner Hatha yoga is an introductory class for those new to yoga. Expect to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals of yoga, breathing and alignment. Gain knowledge of basic poses and develop your confidence. Work on strength, flexibility and balance in this slow-paced, supportive class with a focus on safe alignment for all body types. Basic meditation techniques are also introduced. You don’t need to be able to touch your toes, just be willing to try. Wed Apr 11 - May 16 12:00-1:00pm Wed May 23 - Jun 27 12:00-1:00pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in)

Gentle Hatha Yoga

Gentle Hatha yoga is perfect for individuals seeking a gentle approach to wellness for body and mind, and relief from stress. Explore sensations through movement, breath and meditation. This class incorporates restorative poses with gentle reclined, seated and kneeling poses to help students safely develop flexibility and strength. Suitable for everyone, from beginners to intermediate and advanced practitioners looking to slow down, stretch more and practice mindful movement. Mon Apr 9 - May 14 6:30-7:30pm Wed Apr 11 - May 16 7:00-8:00pm Thu Apr 12 - May 17 10:30-11:30am Wed May 23 - Jun 27 7:00-8:00pm Thu May 24 - Jun 28 10:30-11:30am $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in) Mon May 28 - Jun 25 6:30-7:30pm $45/5 sessions ($10 drop in)


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Vinyasa Flow classes are lively, energenic, flowing classes sychronizing breath with movement. Build strength, flexibility and concentration. Cleanse the body and calm the mind. Each class is unique and will vary. You can expect a great cardiovascular and strength building workout combined with breath work (pranayama) and/or meditation. The classes are suitable for active beginners through to advanced students. Modified versions of more challenging postures will be given. Be sure to work at your own pace, and take breaks whenever you feel the need. Thu Apr 12 - May 17 12:00-1:00pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in) Sat Apr 14 - May 19 10:30-11:45am $67.50/6 sessions ($12.75 drop in) Thu May 24 - Jun 28 12:00-1:00pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in) Sat May 26 - Jun 30 10:30-11:45am $67.50/6 sessions ($12.75 drop in)

Bro Yoga

This men’s only yoga class specifically aims to address the unique issues of the male body, especially the lower back, shoulders, and wrists. Try an untraditional yoga practice in a more modern, western environment. Thu Apr 12 - May 17 7:30-8:30pm Thu May 24 - Jun 28 7:30-8:30pm $54/6 sessions ($10 drop in)

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General Programs Ladysmith Arts Council classes... take an art class by yourself or with friends, learn new skills, or renew old ones! All classes take place in the Art Rooms at the Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery, and are co-sponsored with the Ladysmith Arts Council. Printmaking Open Studio Drop In

A popular venue for those who have taken at least one beginners printmaking workshop, or seasoned printmakers/artists who would like to use the studio and press. Bring ideas you couldn’t fit into your first workshop and work independently; design prints from combinations of techniques, and mix your own custom colours. Instructor: Dorothy Friesen, Lottie Anderson Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00am-4:00pm $10.50/1 session (pay at gallery/materials extra)

Acrylic Painting

Designed to accommodate beginner or intermediate students, instructions meet all levels of acrylics artists. Bring your own supplies, what you already have and a red, yellow, blue, white and black. This class is all about having fun while learning to open the muse! Instructor: Mary Ann Gerwing Wed Apr 4 - Apr 25 12:30-2:30pm Wed May 2 - May 23 12:30-2:30pm Wed Jun 6 - Jun 27 12:30-2:30pm $85/4 sessions (materials extra)

Watercolour Magic

Explore the freshness and simplicity of watercolor in this four-class session, with an emphasis on freeing up brushwork and developing skills. Instructor: Josslyn Meyeres Thu Apr 5 - Apr 26 6:00-8:30pm Thu May 3 - May 24 6:00-8:30pm $80/4 sessions (materials $10 extra)

Seniors Art with Barry

Learn or keep learning how to draw and paint with an experienced Seniors Art Instructor. Improve your life and health by regularly practicing art. Easy to follow lessons are fun and increase your happy social time. Novice to experienced artists welcome. Instructor: Barry Strasbourg-Thompson Fri Apr 6 - Apr 27 9:00am-12:00pm Fri May 4 - May 25 9:00am-12:00pm Fri Jun 1 - Jun 22 9:00am-12:00pm $50/4 sessions (materials $20 extra)

Watercolour Drop In

See what you can paint using solid and graded washes, glazing, wet in wet and dry brush to bring out the excitement in your painting. Instructor: Rich Williams Tue 9:00am-12:00pm $15/1 session (pay at gallery/materials extra)

Painting Open Studio Drop In

Call the Waterfront Gallery at 250.245.1252 for information about drop-in times available.

Conquer your Fear of Drawing

This gentle introduction to simple sketching will show you that drawing can be intuitive rather than intimidating. Discover and appreciate the artist within you! Instructor: Penny Boden Sat Apr 7 9:30am-12:00pm $30/1 session (materials extra)

An Intuitive Approach to Drawing

A soul-satisfying learning journey uniquely designed for all skill levels. This powerful method builds incredible confidence and allows students full ownership of their skills. Instructor: Penny Boden Sat Apr 14 10:00am-3:00pm $60/1 session (materials extra)

Loosen Up your Drawing Style

Drawing is the foundation of visual art, and when your drawing skills improve, you are bound to improve in any chosen art. This class is suitable for all skill levels. Instructor: Penny Boden Sat Apr 21 10:00am-3:00pm $60/1 session (materials extra)

Step Away from the Photograph!

Rely less on photo reference and more on creative imagination! The focus of this unique workshop is perception, intuition and ingenuity. This class is suitable for all visual artists. Instructor: Penny Boden Sat Apr 28 10:00am-3:00pm $50/1 session (materials extra)

Reduction Linoleum Block Prints

Learn to make “reduction” lino prints by cutting lines and shapes into a block (sequentially destroyed throughout the process, hence the term “reduction”), rolling the ink leaving un-inked areas, transferring the image to paper, creating a multi coloured block print, resulting in an edition of identical, original multi coloured prints. Instructor: Anne Jones Fri, Sat, Sun Jun 22 - Jun 24 10:00am4:00pm $299/3 sessions (includes basic supplies)

Fabric Painting

Learn basic mixing of paints and medium, tips on preparing fabric, and pattern-building technique. Pipi will paint too, slowly, so you can glean what you need to explore and imagine in a fun, relaxed space. She is known to encourage making a few “mistakes” to see where they take you! Instructor: Pipi Tustian Sat, Sun Jun 23 - Jun 24 10:00am3:30pm $150/2 sessions (materials included)

Carousel Book Workshop

The carousel book is a lovely way to document a life/ family story, special event, vacation, places, and more. The card stock book shell will already be sewn together. Cover it with decorative paper and ribbon, then create seven scenes to complete a themed 3D book opening 360 degrees. Instructor: Carolynn Dallaire Sun Apr 15 9:00am-4:00pm $70/1 session (materials $25 extra)

Four Books - Introduction to Bookbinding

Make four beautiful, interesting, useful books. Learn three basic structures... pamphlet stitch, stab binding, accordion assembly, and make three notebooks and a photo/keepsake folder (accordion book with eight pockets) using beautiful decorative papers, sturdy card stock and heavier text papers, completing each book in a decorative way. Instructor: Carolynn Dallaire Sun May 6 9:00am-11:30am $50/1 session (materials $18 extra)

Playful Letters

Make beautiful letters to enhance your projects... poster, art piece, document, card, envelope. To make your work distinctive and appealing, use a fine liner to learn some monoline alphabets and a broad edged pen to explore large, playful alphabets. Enjoy some contemporary lettering in a spirited atmosphere. Instructor: Carolynn Dallaire Wed May 9 - May 30 6:30-9:00pm $80/4 sessions (materials $20 extra)

Watercolour and the Creative Process

Watercolour is a magical process that performs superbly and playfully. Explore its possibilities and vocabulary, pushing boundaries, working in various media to identify your emerging process and subject matter, experiencing what’s needed to extend in your own direction. Focus on awareness and attention, leaving with a new learning edge. Instructor: Nan Goodship Mon,Tue,Wed Jun 45 - Jun 27 10:00am-4:00pm $299/3 sessions (materials extra)

Pottery Workshop

If pottery is your heart’s desire, you’ll enjoy this fun hand-building workshop! Darlene has taught at the Gallery to rave reviews, so here’s your chance to immerse yourself in a day-long workshop... you’ll be amazed at what you can do! Show up in work clothing prepared to play in the clay... Instructor: Darlene Plaxton Wed Jun 27 9:30am-3:30pm $110/1 session (materials included)

Making, Musings and Meditation

Explore “making” from a place of undoing, where anything becomes possible. Sumptuous play of surprise and discovery is how a deeper, truer, authentic voice emerges. Explore the unselfconscious mark, spontaneous, childlike and accidental, and glimpse who you truly are, using short guided meditations to help drop deeper into creativity. Instructor: Mia Tremblay Fri, Sat, Sun Jun 29 - Jul 1 10:00am-4:00pm $299/3 sessions (materials extra)


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General Programs Nutrition Workshops... Nutrition workshops taught by Toby Rae, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and avid fermetner. These classes include hands on learning, tasting and demonstrations as well as nutritional education on the benefits of fermented foods and probiotics for health. Classes held at the Frank Jameson Community Centre. Sensational Sprouting

Come learn how to sprout nuts, seeds, beans and grains with Toby Rae, Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Learn all the essential techniques necessary so you can begin sprouting at home. This workshop will cover how to sprout various seeds, nuts, beans and grains to improve their nutritional value as well as their digestibility. You will be guided through the process of growing sprouts at home. You will see how easy and cost effective it is to grow your own. This class includes hands on learning, tasting and demonstrations as well as nutritional education on the benefits of sprouting, including a Sprout Chart to take home. Enjoy tasting fresh sprouts and shoots as well as delicious recipes that will be shared. Thu Apr 19 6:30-8:00pm $35/1 session

Kombucha 101

Come and learn how to make kombucha! Kombucha is an effervescent beverage made from fermenting sweet tea. It is packed full of healthy probiotics and digestive enzymes, as well as being delicious and refreshing. Toby will show you how easy and inexpensive it is to make at home. You will take away a kombucha starter kit (including SCOBY and starter tea) along with a handout that includes step-by-step instructions, recipes and information on the benefits of fermented foods. Thu May 3 6:30-8:00pm $35/1 session

Ginger Beer and Wild Fermented Sodas

Come and learn how to make Ginger Beer and Wild Fermented Sodas! In this class you will learn how to make your own Ginger Beer, including makeing your own Ginger Bug, and taste different flavours of Wild Fermented Sodas. You will also take home a Ginger Bug to brew at home, along with a handout including step-by-step instructions, recipes and information on the benefits of fermented foods. Thu May 17 6:30-8:00pm $35/1 session

Nourishing Bone Broth

Learn how to make nourishing anti-inflammatory Bone Broth soup and discuss what to look for in ethical sources of quality bones and seafood. You will learn how to make bone broth from start to finish, the uses and benefits and how to incorporate it into your gut health regime. This class includes hands-on soup making, tasty recipes and information on nutritional benefits of this traditional soup. Thu May 31 6:30-8:00pm $35/1 session

Mt Brenton Power & Sail Squadron... Radar for Boaters

This course covers the different types of radar equipment, their capabilities and limitations. Learn how to use your radar for collision avoidance and for navigational purposes. The course covers everything about radar from how and where to mount the antenna to how to use and interpret the displays. Tue, Thu Apr 5 - Apr 19 7:00-9:30pm $120/CPS Member $140/Non-CPS Member

Boating 1

This course covers all the information you need to pass the Transport Canada test and obtain your Pleasure Craft Operator’s Card at the conclusion of the course, which is taught by local mariners with information and knowledge from extensive experience in area waters. Tue, Thu Apr 24 - May 3 7:00-9:30pm $95/CPS Member $105/Non-CPS Member

Maritime Radio - Restricted Operator’s Certificate

This is a VHF radio operator’s course that includes the Transport Canada exam to obtain your Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime). It provides essential information to operate your radio legally, and is an important safety requirement for all who operate your vessel! Tue, Thu May 24 - Jun 5 7:00-9:30pm $115/CPS Member $130/Non-CPS Member

Garden Workshops at the Fern and Feather - Join Priscilla Brewer, Award Winning Landscape Designer / Certified Horticultural Technician in these on-site, hands-on workshops. Priscilla’s specialty is Landscape Design with a focus on native plants and food gardening. Starting from Seed!

Learn the basics of starting your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers from seed in this hands-on workshop. Growing and collecting your own seed is rewarding, costs a fraction of buying plants, there’s more selection, and it’s fun! Everyone will go home with a selection of seeds, starter pots and soil. Sat Apr 14 10:00am-12:00pm $29/1 session (materials/supplies included)

Edible Landscaping

Be inspired by the many plants that can provide beauty and interest in your garden - and on your dinner plate! Get some great ideas for integrating vegetables, fruits, herbs, and edible flowers into your landscape. Everyone will go home with a small selection of edible and ornamental plants. Sat Apr 28 10:00am-12:00pm $35/1 session (materials/supplies included)

Introduction to Permaculture - NEW!

Be inspired to re-connect with nature! Permaculture is a thoughtful, complex system of design principles that mimic and utilize our fragile natural ecosystems. Tour a productive forest garden while discussing important principles: observe and interact with nature, recognize natural patterns and appreciate details, use and value diversity, and much more! Sat May 19 10:00am-12:00pm $24/1 session (materials/supplies included)

“Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.” -Bill Mollison “What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet.” -David Suzuki


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General Programs Shotokan Karate

French Lessons - Beginner Conversation

Fun, fitness and fundamentals! Become confident in your ability to defend yourself, while learning kata, sparring, self-defense, and alternatives to violence. Complete Shotokan Karate Level 1, and you are ready for Level 2, to further your confidence and ability to master this martial art. Community Centre Tue, Thu Apr 3 - Apr 26 7:15-9:00pm $48/8sessions ($7 drop in) Tue, Thu May 1 - May 31 7:15-9:00pm $60/10 sessions ($7 drop in) Tue, Thu Jun 5 - Jun 28 7:15-9:00pm $48/8 sessions ($7 drop in)

These classes aim to develop the acquisition of elementary French, allowing you to develop all four skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Through practical situations, you will be introduced to the basics and the pleasure of the French language! Ladysmith Secondary School Tue Apr 10 - May 22 6:30-7:45pm $99/7 sessions (text required - available at reception)

Spanish - Level 1

Learn vocabulary, structure of the language and speaking skills in this informal conversational class, with role-playing and other techniques. Participants with no previous knowledge of Spanish should feel comfortable at this level. Ladysmith Secondary School Mon Apr 23 - Jun 4 6:30-8:00pm $99/6 sessions (text required - available at reception)

Modern West Coast Square Dancing

Maybe the perfect exercise! Start fresh or brush up, add years to your life! Steady walking choreography to modern music combines concentration, activity, flexibility, balance and coordination. Burn calories, improve cardio, loosen and tone muscles, delay dementia, strengthen bone, develop social ties, and have fun too! Families, couples and singles welcome! (no previous dance experience required!) Aggie Hall Wed Mar 7 - May 30 6:30-9:00pm $65/13 sessions $55/additional family members ($6 drop in)

Spanish Level 2 & Conversation

For those with some previous knowledge of Spanish, this class covers grammar and practical dialogues for everyday life and for travelling to Spanish speaking countries. Ladysmith Secondary School Mon Apr 23 - Jun 4 5:00-6:30pm $99/6 sessions (text required - available at reception)

Home Arts Learning & Sharing Group

Drop in to learn and share sewing and other fabric arts secrets, as well as miscellaneous homemaking and kitchen tips with others in this inter-generational drop-in session (contact group leader Ann at 250.245.5007 for monthly schedule). Community Centre Mon Apr 9 - Jun 25 6:00-8:00pm $2 drop in

Writing Life Stories 1

Interested in writing about your life, or the history of your family? Write, reflect, and share your stories, facilitated by personal historian, and Guided Autobiography instructor, Deborah Graham (acornmemoirs.ca). Fellow participants will inspire and support you as you create a memoir you’ll be proud of in this fun, interactive class. Community Centre Thu Apr 26 - May 31 1:00-3:30pm $150/6 sessions

Cheesemaking with Chera - Parmesan & Quark

Learn how to make Parmesan style cheese in this fun, up close and personal class, covering making the cheese, the ingredients, and how to store it for aging. Cut, stir, scoop the curds then press them…this cheese must age for 3 months or more so don’t wait to get started! Community Centre Sat Apr 28 11:00am-2:00pm $69/1 session

Pedal Assist Electric Bike Tours - Experience the beauty of Vancouver Island and its hidden secrets regardless of hills, distance and wind…whatever your fitness or experience level, eBikes make cycling more fun! See landscapes, beaches and scenery that you’d miss from a car. Even if you’ve always lived here, discover something new on these tours! All tours depart from Citrus Cycles, #1-1158 Rocky Creek Road in Ladysmith. Cowichan Valley Culinary Tour

Enjoy all the Cowichan Valley offers including amazing food and beautiful scenery! You’ll be amazed at how easy cycling becomes when you have an eBike to help you on the way. Starting in Ladysmith, highlights include Canada’s only Tea Farm, Saison Vineyard Bakery and beautiful trails and back roads. Sat Apr 7 9:00am-6:00pm Sat May 5 9:00am-6:00pm $150/1 session (eBike provided)

Sea to Sky Tour

Ride to the best Ladysmith viewpoints and discover some of the Town’s hidden gems! Don’t worry…the bike’s electric assist will help you up all the hills! Sat Apr 21 10:00-11:00am Wed May 9 10:00-11:00am Sat Jun 9 10:00-11:00am $40/1 session (eBike provided)

Ocean and Forest Tour

Explore quiet forest trails and unknown beaches in the Ladysmith area. This tour stays mainly on biking trails avoiding roads, and the eBike will help you go further than you imagined! Sat Apr 21 1:00-4:00pm Wed May 9 1:00-4:00pm Sat Jun 9 1:00-4:00pm $75/1 session (eBike provided)


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Registration Information Admission Rates (Including GST) Pool & Fitness Centre Single




Child (under 3 years)

3-Month 6-Month 12-Month

FREE Ask about monthly payment plans

Child (3-12 years)

3.00 25.30


Youth (13-18 years)

4.05 34.90






Adult (19-59 years)

5.85 49.40 130.40





Senior (60-79 years)

4.05 34.90









Senior (80+ years) Family

FREE 11.70 98.80 260.75


Family rate includes two adults & their immediate children Fitness Centre and Aquatic Passes 10x and 30x Passes - Punch passes are transferable and do not expire. Monthly Passes - Monthly passes are non-transferable and non-refundable. No ‘holds’ permitted for 1 month passes. 3 and 6 month passes can be placed on ‘hold’ for a minimum of two week one time per pass. 12 month passes can be placed on ‘hold’ for a minimum of two weeks two times per pass. A scheduled monthly payment plan is available for 12 month passes. Ask reception for more details. ALL PASSES CAN BE USED IN BOTH THE POOL AND FITNESS CENTRE, AS WELL AS ANY DROP-IN FITNESS CLASSES


Full payment is required at time of registration. Payment is accepted by cheque, credit card, debit card, or cash. All registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early to avoid cancellation or disappointment.

Ways To Register

1. Visit the Community Centre at 810-6th Ave, Ladysmith, B.C. 2. Phone: 250.245.6424 3. Mail or Email: registration form available at www.ladysmith.ca


Programs are subject to cancellation due to insufficient registration. If this occurs, a full refund will be issued. In the event that a program or an individual class is cancelled, every attempt will be made to have the class or program rescheduled.


Refunds may be given for withdrawals 5 days prior to the start of the program, subject to a $5 refund processing fee. No withdrawals or refunds 4 days or less before course start date. In cases of extended illness or injury, a prorated refund or credit may be granted upon provision of a medical note. Classes missed due to sickness, vacation, or other reasons will not be refunded or credited.

Leisure Access Program

Ladysmith Parks, Recreation and Culture is committed to providing accessible and affordable recreation programs. Families living within Town boundaries with a combined family income at or below the Statistics Canada Low Income Threshold are eligible to apply for the Leisure Access Program. For more information, call, email or visit www.ladysmith.ca.

The Ladysmith Youth Plan discussion is now underway. Whether you are a young person, parent, caregiver, or someone who works with youth, we want to hear from you! Don’t miss out on sharing your vision for the future of Ladysmith youth!


For more information or to fill out a survey, please visit www.ladysmith.ca/parks-recreation-culture/ladysmith-youth-plan

OPEN HOUSE April 11th at the Frank Jameson Community Centre @ youthladysmith



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