Eunoia Issue 1

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behind the red curtain

Discover the poise of a danseuse, Erica Juliane Terry.


ABOUT THE COVER The orange undertones were a testament to her insecurities. But in the end, it didn’t bring her down. Instead, it made her glow.



A.Y. 2018-2019





Defeating the shattered mirrors


Comestic consciousness


Eh ‘di wow:


MMORPG: Class List School Edition


A student’s daily dilemma


For the restless


Rapture at daybreak


Survival! At The Circus:

Ang kwento ng smart-shaming

How to survive the circus called a student’s life





Nang iwagayway ang bahaghari


Behind the red curtain


Soar high Senior High


Lasallian pride: A double-edged blade


Divergence in array


For the greedy cinephile


Song hoarders:


The dainty tongue


Nakakain ka na ba?


To stop rants from biting back


The being of impeccability


Tainted anguish

stay upbeat as the clock ticks



ver the past decades, magazines prevailed throughout the entire existence of mankind. Whether to inform or to entertain, these are just there—lying on your tabletops—always available to be read by everyone. However, magazines nowadays just tackle various topics that may or may not lack substance. The assurance is shaky, and the quality is compromised. But for us in La Estrella Verde (LEV), we prioritize our readers. We want what is best for them, what makes them interested, and what is needed for them to be known. LEV ensures that balanced human interests should be disseminated effectively, and with integrity—mirroring what the publication stands for: Upholder of Truth, Herald of Change. With this, we would like to introduce the pioneer issue of LEV’s features magazine: Eunoia. Beautiful thinking is what Eunoia stands for. Not just as the literal meaning of the word, but as a magazine as well. Through this magazine, we want the readers to think vividly, creatively, and critically. For this maiden issue, we want to give you the taste of various flavors of the seven deadly sins. It may sound unconventional and utterly negative for a magazine’s theme but give Eunoia a chance to broaden your perception. There are a lot of things the Senior High School miss out on and giving an ‘out of the ordinary’ theme will shatter all your expectations down with what a magazine should feel and taste like. But beware, for these sins are waiting for you. Let this material you are reading brings you to a world where the uncommon breaks the common. Xander Lauren Cipriano Editor in Chief



n all honesty, I wouldn’t have been able to produce this without the help of my lovely writers. Their creativity is just inhumane that they surpass even mine. This piece of artwork has been put into so many efforts for several months, with several revisions, and several sleepless nights inside the cave of dubitability. But I have never regret them. Not even once. To begin with, Eunoia was created to inject the idea that there are exquisite things that could be found in the grotesque side of anything. Life, as it happens, would always inevitably create numerous possibilities in which good and bad can reside. Though such characteristics could be a social construct, life is, really, just this constant state wherein we choose what we feel. We chose to feel hurt, and we chose to love. Like Saint-Exupery would say, “To be hurt is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence”. And our team chose to give you the happiness that you deserve. After all the countless stress and tears that has been brought over by life itself, we present to you this magazine. Being in the state of euphoria is a choice, and the team chose it not for our own good, but to shed light for all of you. The Seven Deadly Sins were very hard to twist considering on how detrimental it is. It has been taught to all generations that these sins are dangerous for our soul. But little do they know that there is actually something alluring and arresting about it—and that is what Eunoia is for. The world has given each of us the power to create, and I want to tell you to never stop making. A masterpiece isn’t always created through beauty but also from the very disparate of things. Thus, no one is actually “not creative” enough because all of us are gifted with inventiveness that roots from one’s self. Flip the pages, and you’ll know. The power of words and the power it upholds. Caveat Lector, Let the reader beware. Kristine Mae Evangelista Features Editor



Defeating the shattered mirrors By Psalm Mishael Taruc and John Benedict Silla Photography by Aldrin Otagan

Reflection burns your eyes with brimming insecurities and a miserable stare, pointing out every grain of flaw, chanting what the society tells you to be, when that is what you are not. CARELESS WORDS RING through the ears of their victims, tampering the tiniest of self-love. Hundreds of fancy words will never be enough to portray the impact a few insults can make. It taints one’s confidence and ideal of beauty, raising the bar to a standard that screams impossibility, which brings a negative influence to its prey. They lower their head

to the sound of hate, as they stand onc the edge of their insecurity. Even though issues about this are slowly being opened and being fixed, body-shaming is still a grievous thing. Let’s dig in further the pits of body-shaming with someone who experienced it first-hand, Leanne Irish Livelo, a student from HMS11.




Door to insults “Mostly ‘nung grade school [dahil] sa mga kaklase,” Irish stated when asked about when it started. Like most cases, it was lightly taken among peers which initially made her laugh it off. However, the blurry line between a joke and something offensive didn’t help at all. “As time passed [by], I realized it (was) actually hurtful,” she added. Taba, toothpick, buto’t balat, and baboy are just a few degrading names a body-shamed person might hear on a daily basis. When asked which words were the most hurtful, Irish answered, “Yung iko-compare ka sa [isang] (bagay), iko-compare ka sa isang tao na para sa kanila sobrang pangit.” For her, it’s disturbing how people use others’ names to insult somebody else. Insecurity blooms The destination of this bumpy ride is only headed to a desolate cave—insecurity. The effect of being called names and being laughed at never halted instead, it causes a domino effect towards self-hatred. It

engraves doubt which often leads victims to be overly conscious of themselves and never contented. “Ang taba mo. Ang laki mo,” were the words Livelo usually hear. Because of this, the need to lose weight became her mindset. [Pero] kahit anong gawin ko, parang walang nangyari,” she said, throwing her head back as she giggled at her own words. Like anyone wanting to stop negativity, she did call out vulgar mouths. “Dati. Pero na-realize ko na hindi ko naman sila mapipigilan,” she recalled. She later on realized that while it is hard to call her classmates out, making them take her seriously is even harder. This shows how little they actually know about the impact of their words. Jailbreaking Indeed, it is a very tough moment seeing yourself in the mirror and having the desire to look thinner and less bulky. Those fantasies grew as Irish continuously receives the same remarks over and over again. She honestly confessed about how working

out can get so tiring and distressing even with just thinking about it. Worned out, she went for the second route and asked for a doctor’s help. The result is indeed more instant with the help of a doctor’s hands rather than exhausting yourself and seeing no difference, considering her being an active student. Despite these solutions that makes her feel better about herself, she can’t help but be cynical. After all, even with her baby steps to achieve self-empowerment, distressing comments are still heard from her peers that could’ve made her coop inside her own cave of self-loathe. But she didn’t. The comments that are supposed to bring her down, paved more way for her to love herself to a greater extent. Eventually, Irish overcame the struggle and realized that she doesn’t have to change anything for the satisfaction of others, but for her own self-improvement. “Wala ka na ring magagawa ‘kung ganito [talaga] ang (katawan) mo. You just have to live with it.” She also explained that the changes she did on her lifestyle and eating habits is for her to




improve her health and not because of the reviling words she gets from other people. She can now be seen as someone full of trust and confidence with herself. She did not let any degrading words defy her worth and nonchalantly turned her back to all people who blurt nonsense about her body. “Walang magtitiwala at magbibigay sa’yo ng confidence kung ikaw sa sarili mo, hindi mo iniisip [na confident at may tiwala ka sa sarili mo],” she said. She described the process with the terms “Fake it ‘til you make it” because no matter how hard it is to achieve, you have to convince and make yourself believe that you are confidently beautiful. To whom it may concern Irish’s experience isn’t an isolated case, it happens to millions of people. No matter their age, color, race, and sexuality, everyone is a victim of having this so-called standard of being beautiful. She then applauded herself for staying strong and holding on amidst her battle which eventually turned her to the person she is most proud of.

Her journey towards accepting and loving her own body didn’t happen overnight. Through her resilience and positive outlook in life, it made her the young woman she is now. And for all people who face the same struggle as she did, Irish realized a way that liberated her from all the nuisance. “Kung hahayaan mong maapektuhan ka nila, ‘yung epekto nila sayo, dadalhin mo buong buhay,” she said, adding, “Hindi ba parang ikaw yung natalo?” “Hinahanap nila yung mga [bagay na sa tingin nila] ay mali [sa iyo],” Irish pointed out her thoughts about her perpetrators. Pointing out someone’s body and looking at it as a flaw happens to be a common conversation amongst many. They laugh hilariously while having fun about someone’s figure leading to the person’s humiliation and insecurity. Those words will not eventually disappear whenever you wish to, it may haunt and scare you from time to time. But you can always choose to live your present the way you want it, leaving the nightmares from the past.

*** Mastery of fear—fear of being compared, fear of not being good enough, and the fear that she won’t be able to find who she really is. It is all about conquering her own horizons. Just like how Irish learned to accept and love herself first before minding anything else, she continues to improve by learning from the cycle we call life and all of those did not come in a single snap of her fingers. She experienced the pricks from all insults and judgements ruled by the standards that boxes and limits the spectrum of being beautiful. She embraced the folds of her skin and created her own reality. Irish changed the conversation around body image. She did not let anyone stop and crush her from any of life’s tactics for no one will accept her more, than herself. She knew her beauty breaks through boundaries: an epitome of breaker of chains, loud and proud beautiful, unbothered by all the babbles, ready to take home her own crown.



Cosmetic conciousness By Alyssa Uy Art By Rachelle Ann Calaustro

Physical appearances tend to be the most examined element of a person for it is something that is presented upfront. However, a person’s internal self is another thing to be noticed aside from that. BRUSHES, POWDERS, CREAMS, and pigments: these words are most likely to appear in your head when the word “makeup” is mentioned. Though makeup is considered as an art form and a way of self-expression; it could also be one’s personality or character. Dabbing on the foundation Figuring yourself out can be a crucial, yet difficult thing to do when you’re in high school. You are always surrounded with diverse people with different interests, desires, and outlooks in life that the pressure to fit into a certain clique is always present. However, friends shouldn’t be the ones who will determine who you really are. In the end, it is still you who could define your personality, not the judgment of others.

A person’s identity cannot be heavily based on what others decide on. Your personality might not necessarily fit the average human standard. For instance, Justine Book (HMS21) said, “I especially don’t conform to the societal norms regarding gender. For example: I, a female, is expected to cook, but I’m very useless when it comes to doing kitchen work. Also, when it comes to dressing myself up, I don’t limit myself to my given gender only.” On the other hand, Julie*, another Senior High School (SHS) student, stated, “I think I [conform to societal norms]. From simple things like fashion trends, since I am horrible in picking clothes, I tend to copy other people’s choice of outfits or doing things that are trending across social media like video or

LUST dance challenges. Conforming to the norms is like following a set of rules. Sometimes, we conform to the norms of society because we are used to it or because we don’t want to feel out of place.” However, there is no need to feel pressured to hop on the bandwagon. It is a matter of personal preference on which trends to follow or not. If you take a look into the mirror, try to examine your skin tone, type, and condition. Does your skin have a unique factor that the mainstream foundation will only worsen? Choose one that is the most suitable for you, not for anybody else. Blending the concealer Problems, just like blemishes, can be concealed. However, concealing your problems can be an emotionally challenging, exhausting thing to do. Although it is not advisable to always cover up imperfections, there are just some situations in which you can be more comfortable by preventing other people from seeing them. In the end, there is no secret that is not revealed. Keeping way too much of your problems to yourself could just make things turn for the worse. According to Cero*, another SHS student, “Hiding your problems from others has never been a healthy way of dealing with the challenges of life. This is a self-destructive behavior that will only do more damage to [yourself] in the future.” She confided that she understands the feeling of having to hide problems for the betterment– not being a burden to the people you love. In some cases, the people around you could be one of the roots of the problem, but always remember that there are people who genuinely care about you and people who want to help you by just telling them what’s bothering you. “I cannot blame the person if they do not want to open up, because ganoon din ako”, SHS student Lily* said. “It’s not exactly okay to hide problems but it must be their choice if ever na mag-oopen up sila,” she commented. Julie also said, “There might come a time when you will not be able to handle everything all by yourself. We are human beings. We feel things, we go through things that we cannot control. Showing people these things can help them understand you better.” This just proves that too much of something could bring you negative effects. For instance, going heavyhandedly on the concealer will only highlight the imperfection instead of hiding it.




Brushing on the powder Once you have learned about yourself and how to properly deal with your problems, there are things that people are bound to know and understand. As time passes by, things could change but your identity will always remain. People will remember you by how you are going to put yourself out into the world. According to Cero, “Try to be bolder in the things you do even if it’s a small thing like talking to a stranger and stepping out of your comfort zone when dressing [up]. After you gather all of that, just simply do it.” Cero persists, “Push yourself every day. Don’t focus too much on what other people are saying about you, just keep doing what makes you happy.” It may seem like a very subtle difference but setting your base with powder could prolong its wear, making sure that your foundation and concealer won’t budge. Adding highlighter Adding on some highlight to your most notable features will help you stand out. Sticking to the status quo seems like the easy way but fitting in doesn’t necessarily bring self-satisfaction. “Maging totoo ka lang,” Nikko Centeno (STM12) stated. “Every expression you do will make people judge you but put it in the past. Sila ‘yan, ako ay ako.” Conforming to societal norms can be tiring. “Just don’t give them a piece of your mind,” Book stated. “Be your own self and not listen to the society dictating who you are supposed to be.” Embrace the features that make you unique and highlight them to make yourself uniquely known to the world.

Smearing lip products People have their own way of putting color on their lips. The tint of your chosen hue could be a message that you wanted to convey. Just as how effortless it is to access the internet to broaden one’s vocabulary, a vast variety of shades and formulas for lip products are easily accessible these days. However, be wary on your choices of words as these cannot easily be taken aback, unlike lip makeup which can easily be erased. Julie suggests, “Speak yourself. Find your own voice. Yes, it can be quite hard especially when there are people who will take you down [when] they see you contradict [to] their own opinions but understand that each of us has their own views in life. Some will agree to what you are claiming while others will oppose to it.” *** Applying makeup could be exciting and addictive. But eventually, these layers will be removed at some point. Your personality is something to be taken seriously, but do not feel pressured to discover yourself in such a short amount of time. You have your whole life to observe and reflect upon yourself. Try experimenting with the huge variety of cosmetics available today, and most of all, have fun. It will certainly change your look, setting up your own personality. Live as loudly as you can without letting anything or anyone suppress you. *Some names are hidden under a pseudonym to protect the individual’s identity and rights.


Eh 'di wow: Ang kwento ng smart-shaming By Aaron Silas Bernaldo at Zion Jil Villela Art by Danielle Mari Tanael

Subukan mong tanungin ang sarili mo kung naranasan mo na ang mga sumusunod: ang masabihan ng “Eh ‘di wow!” ng iyong kaibigan dahil hindi mo maintindihan ‘yung kinukwento niya, ang mabansagang mong bida-bida ang iyong kaklase sa tuwing sasagot sa tanong ng titser, o ‘di kaya ang matawa sa panggagaya ni Vice Ganda sa pag-Ingles ng kanyang bisita sa GGV o Showtime. Kung “Oo” ang sagot mo sa mga ito, maaaring nagawa o naranasan mo na ang ilang uri na ng smart-shaming.




ANG SMART-SHAMING ay isang akto ng pangugutya o pang-aasar sa mga taong may talino o kakaibang mag-isip. Kadalasan, wala namang intensyong makasakit ng damdamin ang mga umano’y witty na reaksyon, ngunit, maaaring makapangdismaya at makapagpahiya ang mga katagang ito ng taong nagbabahagi ng kanyang kaalaman, lalo na kapag basta-basta na lang siyang sinagot nang may mapanuyang tinig. Narito ang ilan sa mga kilalang linya sa tuwing nangyayari ang smart-shaming: “Eh ‘di wow!” Ito na marahil ang pinakasikat na linya sa smart-shaming, sapagkat isa itong tanyag na punchline ni Vice Ganda. Ang “Eh ‘di wow!” ay madalas na ginagamit tuwing may mga taong nakikipagtatalo, at kapag nawalan na ng masasagot ang isa, may posibilidad na maaaring sumagot ang natatalong panig ng “Eh ‘di wow!” Ang tono nito’y mistulang nagbabalewala o nagmamaliit sa anumang punto o katwiran ng panig na nagpapaliwanag nang maayos. Hindi nanaisin ng kahit sino mang seryosong mag-aaral ang marinig ito mula sa taong hindi naman maayos kausap. “[Eh ‘di wow!] may be someone who is not sensible enough to talk [to],” ani Aiki Fusilero, isang guro sa DLSU-D Senior High School (SHS). Bukod sa maaaring wala sa tamang asal ang taong nagsasabi nito, maaaring wala rin siyang interes na makinig. “Some people may be uninterested (with) the topics you discuss, and so, the response would be that dumb remark,” dagdag ni Fusilero. “Masyado kang magaling!” Madalas itong marinig ni Jane*, isang magaaral mula sa Grade 12, sa tuwing kasama niya ang kanyang mga kaibigan, bagaman hindi niya naman ito sineseryoso. Aniya, “Hindi naman ako nahihiya o naaasar kapag sinasabihan nila ako ng ‘Wag mong masyadong galingan!’ o ‘Mayabang!’ Okay naman sa aming magkakaibigan (ang mga) iyon.” Giit niya, bahagi lamang ng pakikihalubilo niya sa kanyang mga kaibigan ang mga ekspresyong “Masyado kang magaling!” o “Galing-galing mo naman!” at normal ang mga ito para sa kanila. Ngunit, maaaring makapanghina ng loob ang pang-uuyam na ito kapag mali ang pagkakabigkas. Tingin ni Jane, hindi ito angkop na sabihin sa lahat ng sitwasyon. “I haven’t really encountered someone na naasar o nawalan ng motivation because of that, pero pwede kasing hindi lang nila sinasabi na naiinis na sila and nawawalan (na) sila ng ganang mag-recite because of that.”

“Bida-bida ka na naman!” Minsan, nakapagtataka kung bakit masama maging aktibo sa klase. Ang terminong “bida-bida” ang maaaring kahinaan ng mga masisipag na mag-aaral na palasagot sa guro o nagkukusang-loob na maging pinuno sa mga group projects. Sa paningin ni Zayn*, na mula sa Grade 11, may mga pagkakataong naiintimida ang mga kaklase niyang nababansagang bida-bida o mayabang. “Nowadays, most people are afraid of sharing their own ideas and opinions with their peers, thinking that they might get [tagged] as ‘bida-bida’ or a show-off,” tugon ni Zayn. At sa kanyang tingin, ang mas malalim na saklaw ng bida-bida, ay dahil sa insecurities ng mga tao paminsan-minsan. “Some people are [so] insecure of themselves that they tend to treat other people’s strengths as his/her weaknesses. Instead of acknowledging the person’s abilities, they use them to hurt that person’s morale.” “Nosebleed ako!” Isa pang linyang madalas gawing biro sa pangaraw-araw na pakikipag-usap ay ang tila bang pagdugo ng ilong tuwing may nagsasalita ng Ingles nang diretso. Para kay Christian Catinguil, isang guro ng DLSU-D SHS, ang nosebleed ay tumutukoy sa kakulangan ng taong makisabay sa antas ng gramatika at pananalita ng Ingles, sa puntong nakahihilo o nakalulula na ito para sa kanya. “It’s typically a term used to express that (Filipinos) can no longer keep up in speaking English, followed by a ‘nauubusan na ako ng English.’” At pinapahiwatig pa ni Catinguil, nakatanim na umano ang nosebleed sa ating kultura sa negatibong paraan. “It has been used to shame those who use English as a language.” “Anong paki namin?” “Huh? Bakit naman?” Marami pang mga linya o punchline ukol sa smart-shaming ang hindi nabanggit, ngunit lahat ng mga ito ay pamilyar sa mga pandinig at pananaw ng mga guro at mag-aaral sa SHS. Sa panig ng mga mag-aaral, ang smartshaming ay bunga ng mababang tingin ng mga estudyante sa kanilang mga sarili. Ayon kay Sophia*, isang mag-aaral ng Grade 11, “People who (smart-shame) experience the sinking feeling of self-doubt, and they pull down others to feel better about themselves.” Sa tingin naman ng mga guro ng SHS faculty, mas malawak na saklaw ang pinag-uugatan nito. Naniniwala si Catinguil na isa itong pamantayang edukasyon na tumungo sa maling direksyon. Sa paaralan, dapat umanong tinitingalaan ang mga matatalino at intelektwal, ngunit taliwas ang nangyayari; itinatakwil at kinasasamaan ng tingin ang mga taong matataba ang utak.

“The reason for this is the reinforced norm of passivity and ignorance in classroom settings. Being passive and irrational has become the ‘norm’ and being expressive and smart has become the ‘deviance.’ Those who excel are ridiculed and ostracized instead,” ani Catinguil. Para kay Fusilero, “(Smart-shaming) has become so evident in this generation because of social media and of course, celebrities like Vice Ganda, whom people think are funny to imitate.” Pahiwatig niya, naging instrumento ang social media at pop culture para lumaganap nang ganito ang smart-shaming. Umabot na umano sa puntong hindi na nakikita ng karamihan ang kapinsalaang maaaring maidulot nito sa edukasyon at lipunan, hindi lamang ngayon kundi pati sa mga susunod na henerasyon. At pagdating naman sa pambansa at pangkulturang saklaw, binigyan-diin ni Catinguil na maaring nag-ugat ang smart-shaming sa estado ng pamumuhay ng mga tao sa lipunan. “The society’s higher class has more access to education and knowledge than those of the middle and the lower classes,” paliwanag niya. Ginawa niyang halimbawa ang pagpapahayag ng mga ideya sa Ingles na senyales na umano ito na nakatatanggap ang isang indibidwal ng mas mataas na antas ng edukasyon. Karaniwan, kapag naririnig ng mga taong may mababang antas ng pamumuhay ang ganitong pananalita, tila ba nagiging ‘deviant behavior’ ang pagsasalita ng Ingles sa kanila. At nagreresulta ito sa pagiging normal na biruan ang pang-aasar sa mga taong sanay nang magsaslita sa Ingles. Maaaring maging isang malaking problema ang kaugaliang ito. Ayon kay Fusilero, “Smart-shaming promotes fallacious and non-sensical reasoning. [It] (makes) people avoid ideas.” Aniya, pagyakap ito sa kamangmangan dahil nagiging karaniwan ito sa kapaligiran. Para naman kay Catinguil, “[Smart-shaming] shifts the moral values and academic behavior of Filipinos.” Kapag nagtagal, maaaring maging sanhi ito sa pagbuo ng isang henerasyong takot magbahagi ng kanilang mga ideya na maaaring makatulong sa kontekstong pampaaralan, pang-edukasyon at pambansa. “It can hinder the students’ potential for excellence and academic discourse,” biniyang-diin ni Catinguil. Sa mas malawak na saklaw, ang pagsasantabi at pagtanggap sa smart-shaming bilang karaniwan ay maaaring makapagbago sa mga asal at ugaling pang-akademiko ng mga Pilipino sa negatibong pamamaraan.




“Eh ‘di wow!” “Ah, ganoon ba? Ayos ‘yun, ah!” Ngunit, kahit pa man mukhang talamak na ang ganitong kaugalian base sa mga pahayag na nabanggit, maaaring maagapan pa rin ang smart-shaming. Ang lahat ng tao, intelektwal man o nangmamaliit ng mga intelektwal, ay may angking talinong nagbibigay ng pag-asa para sa paglunas nito. Para kay Robert Pesebre (STM12), naniniwala siyang, “Everyone of us has a field where we’re good at. Intelligence is diverse.” Ibig sabihin nito, kahit hindi magaling ang isang tao sa Ingles o Matematika, maaaring magaling naman siya sa ibang larangan tulad ng basketball, dancing, o culinary arts. Kung titingnan lamang ang potensyal at kakayanan ng bawat indibidwal, maaari umanong mas matimbang na ito kaysa sa mga katagang “Dami mong alam” o “‘Wag mong masyadong galingan!”? “There is [nothing] wrong with being smart. Actually, being smart can help the society,” hinuha ni Pesebre. Para sa mga mag-aaral ng DLSU-D, hindi na hadlang ang maghangad pa ng kaalaman. Madali nang kumalap ng impormasyon dahil sa Internet at sa silid-aklatang sagana sa mga libro. At sa mga turo ng mga propesor sa mga asignatura tulad ng Philippine Politics and Governance, ipinapaala sa ating mag-isip nang kritikal. Dito rin sa Unibersidad, kakayanin nang mabawasan ang pagsmart-shame. Mungkahi ni Jane, “Whenever nag-aasaran kami, laging may limitations depende sa pagkakilala namin sa isa’t isa and I think isa ‘yan sa malaking solutions para riyan [smart-shaming]. I think hindi naman masamang mang-asar if may limitations.” Aniya, marapat na malaman ng lahat ang mga hangganan ng pag-uusap na may pang-aasar. Kaysa pagtawanan ang kaklaseng sabik magkwento tungkol sa kanyang nabasa o natutunan mula sa Internet, mas magandang purihin na lang o magtanong sa kanya tungkol sa inilalahad niya. “We can avoid smart-shaming by promoting a culture of knowledge and positive discourse,” payo ni Catinguil. Kapag ikaw naman ang na-smart-shame, nariyan ang mga guro upang gumabay. “As teachers, it is our duty to maintain a healthy academic space, where curiosity, discourse, and knowledge are celebrated; where bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance are criticized,” ani Catinguil. At sa huli, ipinapayo ni Pesebre na “...surrounding yourself with positive and loving people will also boost your confidence as a student.” *Itinago ang ibang pangalan sa pamamagitan ng mga alyas upang protektahan ang identidad at karapatan ng indibidwal.



Class List School Edition By Wallace Beltran and Kristine Evangelista Art by Romeo Christopher Avila

You load yourself ready for the first day of school, and the time where you step into the wild has come. You find yourself opening the door of the classroom, and there you see your first predicament–choosing where you’re going to sit. No matter where you sit, you are most likely to be labeled in a certain group. The moment you pick where you sit, the instant you get sucked into the friendship circle of a certain clique acquiring attributes that would have made you level up. Pause for a moment and think. Here are the coteries you need to learn about and their stats.







If it was a pyramid of classes, the cool kids are always found on the very top. Even by being one of the least populated classes, they find their way to the top of the food chain with their aesthetically pleasing Instagram photos and relatable Twitter rants. “They’re the chilliest,” Michelle Hiya (HMS12) remarks. Their core strengths lie on other people and how they can have a huge herd of followers. This could even affect those on the Non-Player Character (NPC) sides to somehow gain their favor, and all they have to do is stay being themselves and keep their reputations up. “Most of them [are] cool talaga at inspiring para maging better version ka ng sarili mo,” Louise Addy Bernardo (STM14) commented. What goes up must come down, that’s somehow the case for the cool kids. For this class, the higher the number of people who know you, the more chances you’d get your name said and given different interpretations. The cool kids could be treated as celebrities whose little missteps could cause several people to test their reputation without even giving in to the idea that the cool kids might just be being themselves.


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As one of the newly recognized classes, the gays are the considered as the most notable class for their ability to stand strongest while being bombarded with struggles unique to them. Despite knowing the negativity surrounding them, like tanks, it’s undeniably difficult to bring them down. “Gay people are so supportive,” Arcelli Torres (HMS21) mentioned. With the most diverse group of people and the common goal of just being themselves, they usually find one another and stick together. Almost limitless to its objective term, these gays remain more diverse among the other subclasses of LGBT, including all those who could go with the flow of their different cultures and histories. Often along with different backgrounds and the broadest spectrum of requirements, the gays could experience a rather strong defiance from other classes. Nina Meneque (STM12) says with admiration, “It takes a lot for you to express yourself without minding others criticism.” Though the opinion of the other classes is quite undetermined, the gays ability to create a guild-like group takes up for the most of it. They have each other’s back like it’s also their own lives, and it’s the beauty they created in themselves.


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The kings of heat. They are the athletes that are always in the field, if not in competitions that are the survival of the fittest. They are usually hard to approach since they usually hang out with the cool kids, but once you actually get to know them, they will be that kind of friend where they will protect you no matter what cost. They are on par with over-achievers because they are usually as smart as them. “[They are] multitaskers,” Hiya commented. People see the jocks as the people who can juggle any activity and still do great in it! The only difference however is that their head is always in the game. These jocks will flock over anything fun, but instead of parties, they can always be found in the field. Their strengths, however, is located in all of their muscles. They are the tankers of the group, going straight head-on having a huge amount of lifeline.


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This class is considered as the untamed part of the crowd, also known as the people who receive the wrong impressions. They are the life of the party, and they never let you down when you thirst for fun. They might seem like the rebel kind of type, but they are unexpectedly the best people you could ever get along with. “They just don’t let stressful situations bother them,” Eunice Soque (STM25) commented. These lions like to talk about love or party, family or friends. They are very passionate and usually is an open book once you really get close with them. Their energy is out of all proportions unlike the rest of the classes since they always crave for amusement. Once they feel bored, they will surely feel lonely and deprived of recreation—a nightmare for them. Though at school, they might seem like they don’t take it seriously, but when it comes to their friends or themselves, they can be the selfless people you could ever know.


They are probably the most brilliant people you’ll ever know. They are the people you’ll see in any school event whether you see them hosting, or preparing as the person behind it. They are the people on top of the class, mostly included in several organizations, collecting credentials as their way of leveling up. The downside of being the over-achiever in the class, however, is being smart-shamed and be called the term “bida-bida”. But the endurance of the people in this class is not weak. Nothing ever stopped them to be who they really are. “I just hope they don’t overwork themselves and be unhappy all the time,” Reya* professes. She said that she actually labels herself as one of the over-achievers and hoped that people should always comfort them through rough times. Though they might seem hard to approach because of the aura they emit, they can be quite the honest and caring people you’ll ever encounter.



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Typically seen as the less cooler class, the nerds have attained a strong sense of various knowledge that aren’t limited to academics, ranging from knowing all routes to dating simulations, to having their own theories on historical assassinations. Although they might be shadowed by other classes as their diverse encyclopedias aren’t always fit for every task at hand, a nerd tries to use the skills they are good at and apply them to daily work. “Being called a ‘nerd’ had a bad connotation before,” Lenard* pronounces. He said that people who are actually in this group are the most compassionate, empathetic, and loveable people you’ll ever get to see. Though they are always focused on their own hobby, once you talk to them, you’ll never get tired of your conversations because it’s never dull. Everyday, nerds could face the harsh reality of peer judgment. After all, the extensiveness of their knowledge isn’t always given credit. The randomness of those smarts could lead to judgments that were only meant to stay before you get to know the person. Each nerd isn’t exactly the same as the other. This is divided further into three main subclasses: otakus, gamers, and computer nerds. The otakus are those who invest themselves into Japanese culture, particularly in anime and manga. Gamers are the loudest of the bunch because of their natural instinct to act similarly to the characters they’re playing. The computer nerds, with the required skills for hacking and the knowledge of computers thereof, remedies the confusingly technical problems. “I’m actually happy na they are well-loved here sa school natin, it’s like everyone is so understanding of others. Yung iba, nagpapaturo pa sa kanila ng hobbies nila,” Lenard says. So you better look again, because what you deemed as the less cooler class, is actually the best of them all!


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With their breathtaking musicianship and hypersensitivity to notes, these are the type of people who would give you free concerts every day in class. Not only do they have a diverse taste in music, the people in this class are always seen with some instrument so instant jam sessions can’t be helped. They are the most approachable in the class because they would always make you extemporize with their sessions, wanting new voices for their squad. This class is classified in different genres: pop, indie, jazz, R&B, and folk. “I do find musicians passionate and sincere. Being in sync with the music itself, automatically knowing what to sing or play,” Kristine Regio (STM19) expresses. Regio also said that whenever there are people playing the guitar or the ukulele in the class, it inspires her to learn the instruments. Pop artists are those who loves high notes more than the others of the musical bunch. They are very confident with themselves and they always give their all for everyone and not just for themselves. The indie crowd are more of the chill kind. They are mostly ambiverts and would never forget their “me” time. They love talking about deep stuff and you will surely lose your mind when they talk about the philosophies of life. Jazz are the cool musicians. They are very bright but they are the kind of people who values their friends a lot over theirs. R&B folks are people who love the vibe of reggae. Folk people value simplicity and loves cooperation. Though classified into different groups, they never leave one out, and unifies into a single group even with all their differences.


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The evasion is strong in this one. They usually go straight home and sometimes avoid conversations from the people who go near them. They are quite a weird bunch once you get to know them, suddenly sprouting out of nowhere due to their invisibility. “Being an introvert doesn’t equate to being lonely, it just means that you enjoy your company more,” Torres answered. Though they love their alone time, sometimes, they would need that best friend who will become like a mother to them to tend their needs. Introverts are usually seen with their phones: either reading, watching, or playing. They love the silence, so when things tend to go a bit clamorous, they tend to try and pretend they are actually sleeping—making you leave them be. “I believe that introverts are very private yet creative people,” Jennifer Dayacap (TVL11) commented. She said that once you actually connect with them, it’s a unique experience. Though they are sometimes in the eyes of judgment, she encouraged that we should be understanding for the people to see the beauty in them. They’re not “anti-social” and wouldn’t bite you at all.


Though such classifications are present in our daily lives in school, DLSU-D is not like any other school. “DLSU-D is not like the movies,” Torres remarks. “There are no specific labels per person, I know people who are nerds but are cool, jocks who are musicians, others even act carefree but are actually introverts.” According to Torres, there is no such thing as a perfect label that is suitable for each person in a class room for they cannot be reduced to just one clique. Labelling might be as easy as learning the right combinations for you attacks, but that’s not the kind of game DLSU-D is. It’s better, highly-defined, and knows how to interact with its players, making it the open-world that people have been waiting for.



A student's daily dilemma By Wallace Beltran Art by James Martin Rafols

Whenever we flip the coin and only see it for what one side looks like, it is going to be either heads or tails but never both. Like the typical heads or tails, students have a different name for it. It’s either academics or friends. In situations like having a quiz in some subject the day before your plans, we only get to choose one. We lean towards focusing only on our friends or on our studies, leaving the other side behind and getting envious of the one we don’t see. The more one thinks about it, being envious of something insignificant might seem quite petty.


Jealousy’s worth Nerin Espallardo (HMS13) and Aijren Tribiana (STM12) have said to have been in the position of choosing between their friends and their studies. Both Espallardo and Tiribiana feel their regret for choosing one. “It is not shocking that you missed the other side by sacrificing [the time with] them, but it is unavoidable,” says Tribiana. When one notices their fellow classmates do such a great job in their studies, it might remind them of their own academic standing. The same could be seen if one is suddenly greeted with inside jokes their close friends made the night they chose to go home early. Whether envy is a good trait or not for some, at times, it could bring out what one wants to achieve. Whatever side of the coin one is missing out on, stepping back and searching the reason for one’s feelings, could be a good idea. Heading for straight A’s Academics, for the most part, is the very reason why people go to school. It is a point in one’s lives where the tiniest misstep of putting friends first could lead one to an overwhelming pile of due paperwork or a quiz announced last week. Sometimes, students like Ivan Panopio (STM18) who frequently choose academics over his friends feel like they have missed opportunities to form bonds. “I felt sorry for my friends sometimes because instead of having [a] bond and earning their trust, I lost [an] opportunity.” Panopio shared. People, like Panopio, are the ones who would, typically if they had to, choose between prioritizing grades or friendly relationships. “So ang disadvantage naman rin ng sobrang inclined sa studies kumbaga na-bo-box mo yung sarili mo; you will not have the chance to mingle or to share sa ibang mga friends mo, [for example] yung mga natutunan mo.” says Jade Fijer, a guidance counselor, as she gives an explanation to the disadvantage of focusing only and also the advantages of friends to studies.

Every so often, success comes with having a lot of connections with people. Success doesn’t have to be procured with just one’s self. Friends and acquaintances can be a part of one’s triumph for they are one of the helping hands that could rise one’s self up to the top. Espallardo attests to this since we all have understandably our own stories to tell and share. A common thing that could be related to great success is the amount of connections and relationships one build with several people. “People’s influence is very strong. If you would like to be in a group of people who are very studious, you could be one of them [as well],” says Espallardo, reminding us that forming bonds that may help everyone in the group is something we could consider. “Kung super inclined ka sa friendship lang and nakalimutan mo na yung academics mo, na-d-defeat na yung purpose mo as a student.” says Fijer also adding to the idea that leaning onto friendships too much might actually take you away from the essence that is to be a student. Friends make tails wag On the other hand, one’s social life is what keeps them away from feeling like a total robot run by numbers on paper. It is also social life that tells them to hang out with friends and do assignments later, and if conditions are not favorable, feeling left out or alone could strike them without warning. People who prioritize friends over studies are jolly around their peers and are generally the happy-go-lucky, high-spirited people, or maybe they’re there to help out like Espallardo who says, “If I would make my friends happy or [being] able to help them, I guess it’s worth it over my acads.” However, pressure does not discriminate once grades are given. It builds up from every low grade and disappointed look one might receive. So, as one leans toward studying more often, passing each test without fail can be inevitable. Until, one is once again bombarded with invites and teasing to eat out together after school much like Stephanie Alvarez (TVL11) that remarked, “[a] relationship with a person could affect a student’s studies. I could affect you in a way of using your relationship to blackmail you if you’ll be choosing to study over them, or in other terms: de-demonyohin ka.”


TIME MANAGEMENT AND KNOWING YOUR VALUES TO FOLLOW, TWO SIMPLE YET VERY CONVINCING WAYS TO BALANCE EVERYTHING OUT. Flip the ideas you had “Well of course it’s always going to be always [about] yung having the skills to manage time. And aside from managing the time, first of all, know what your values are. I’m assuming na para sa student [who wants] to balance their social and academic lives.” says Fijer, providing an example for those who might wish to balance these two sides of their coins. Time management and knowing your values to follow, two simple yet very convincing ways to balance everything out. There are a lot of things one could achieve simply by balancing out these two worlds of theirs, social and academic, maybe even far too many. Frankly, there are a lot of ways one could interpret envy. A person might think of it as something that’s entirely bad, and the other might see it as a sign that he or she yearns for something. Social life or academic life, heads or tails, a coin will never get flipped to reveal one side and hide the other without anyone thinking that only one side of it’s important to look at.



For the restless By Clarisse Bianca Bucu Art by Ailene Joy Puzon



TODAY, SLEEP HAS become a nearly unattainable luxury for teenage Filipinos. People are constantly pushing themselves at the cost of precious sleep time. A common struggle for people nowadays is insomnia, a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty of falling or staying asleep. According to statistics from sleep-tracking app Sleep Cycle, the Philippines is the fifth country with the worst sleepers, having 6 hours and 22 minutes of average sleeping times. In a generation where most students are already used to sleepless nightstand stress, it’s time we finally solved this tiring dilemma—how does one fall asleep? A ticking clock After constantly waking up to a weekday alarm at 5:30AM, people find themselves waking up at 5:30AM even during weekends. Others may call it sipag, but it’s actually because of the body clock. Also known as circadian rhythm, this clock is a biological instinct that determines when a person gets tired and when they’re wide awake by affecting their brain, body, and hormones. To adjust it, one will have to maintain regular bed times by laying down at, for example, 10:00 pm everyday, and rise in morning at regular times too. Bright light during the day also helps keep one’s circadian rhythm healthy. As researched on by Cornell University Medical College in New York, daytime bright light exposure reduced the time it took insomniac patients to fall asleep by 83%. So when someone follows a proper sleep schedule, they’ll eventually see that they naturally feel sleepy at the evening. The body clock may be the answer to all their sleeping woes. But what about all the tasks a student needs to do before going to school? Hannah Luzande (ICT12) suggests that, instead of being a night owl or an evening person, they can try becoming a lark or a morning person by doing their assessments early morning instead of doing it late at night. “I always stayed up late at night to do schoolwork. So one time, I tried to sleep early and do it my work in the morning instead,” Luzande said. “It surprisingly worked for me, and I think it may work out for other people with difficulty sleeping too.” This way, students’ brains will be recharged to do their assignments as compared to its drained state late at night.



The assembly of moods Sleeping is very similar to having a date. Sleep, like any other date, needs preparation. And of course, no date would go well without properly setting the mood of the environment. Like with a romantic candlelit dinner, people generally sleep better with dim lighting. Light exposure, including lights from televisions, mobile phones, and computers tells the brain to stay awake. It can prevent proper production of melatonin, the chemical responsible for sleep. Epidemiological studies have shown that playing a computer game at night delays bedtime and shortens sleeping hours. For people who feel anxious in the dark and don’t want to turn the lights off, a dim nightlight usually does the trick. Relaxing music at a low volume could also help soothe a restless person’s mind, like in the case of Trisha Lei Regis (ABM21). “Relaxing music helps me sleep kasi yung insomnia ko uma-atake lang kapag stressed ako sa school works or nakakaramdam ako ng discomfort. So ‘yung music, isa ‘yun sa nakakapag-relieve ng stress,” explains Regis. Keywords like “lo-fi,” “music box version,” “piano version,”and“café music”can lead the way for many soothing soundtracks on YouTube. Many insomniacs have found that when they put those video on repeat, close their eyes, listen to the sounds, and wait, they will slowly drift to sleep. Cool off As researched by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation, one’s body temperature decreases to initiate sleep, and the room temperature can actually help with this. “Try turning on the air conditioner,” Luzande suggested. “I feel more comfortable when the aircon is on.” She is one of many people who fall asleep easier in cooler temperatures. In general, the ideal temperature for sleep is 18.5ºC. And although ideal temperature depends on personal preference, a person should never break a sweat when trying to snooze.

Limiting the potions According to a study by the Sleep Disorders & Research Center in Detroit, consuming caffeine up to six hours before bed significantly worsens sleep quality. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, cola, energy drinks, and some kinds of tea should be avoided since their caffeine is a stimulant, chemicals that can excite one’s brain and can prevent deep sleep. What coffee-lovers can do instead is replace that coffee mug with a tea cup filled with relaxing herbal tea or other decaffeinated drinks. Trisha shared that a warm glass of milk helps her doze off to sleep, and it might help other insomniacs sink to sleep as well. Consumer health information site Healthline also explains that drinking large amounts of liquids before bed can lead to symptoms like nocturia, the medical term for excessive urination during the night. If a person wants to decrease the chances of waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to pee, lessening liquid intake is also recommended. Sweating as your friend During the day, being active makes someone more physically tired before going to bed. This is exactly what Janine Tulao (HMS13) does to combat her sleep difficulties. Her insomnia comes hand-in-hand with her depression and, if her mind still has energy late at night, flashbacks of painful experiences haunt her thoughts. So, she wrings out all her energy in the morning so that her brain is already too tired in the evening. “Pinapagod ko sarili ko. Tipong ‘pag umaga, lahat ng hype ko linalabas ko. Dinadaan ko na ‘lang sa kulit para mapagod ako,” Janine narrated. It may be painstaking to avoid long naps at siesta time. But once the sun finally sets, the well-earnt reward is relaxation. This could be a warm bath, a loved one’s massage, and some quiet bossanovaor instrumental music. It could even be some gentle yoga or simple stretching exercises. Anything that might bring one’s mind to relax can aid them in feeling the sleepiness.


Removing the screen According to a study by Vic Health and the Sleep Health Foundation, teenagers who put down their cellphones an hour before bed gain an extra 21 minutes sleep a night. Others may have become accustomed to the practice of scrolling through their social media timelines until they unknowingly fall asleep with their mobile phones flat on their face. When devices are left on a somewhat faraway mount with the silent mode turned on, the rest mode in a person’s mind will turn on as well. Those new notifications will have to wait until tomorrow. Woe be gone Sometimes, even when already physically exhausted, it’s hard to fall asleep because of all the thoughts that suddenly come haunting a person’s minds at night. For a Lasallian, it may be that unfinished assignment, or even something done years ago that they still can’t seem to forget. No matter what it is, if it’s bothering someone so much that it’s ruining their sleep, they could try letting it all out on paper. Before lying in their bedroom, a diary or journal entry and to-do list is an effective outlet for ideas. This is one of many suggested pre-sleep routines by Healthline. “Sulat, drawings… Lahat ng pwedeng gawin para malabas ang thoughts and ma-relax sa gabi ginagawa ko. It helps,” narrated Janine. Although using electronic devices before bed is not advised by health experts, an MS Word document can also be a medium for typing out all the built-up emotions in one’s head. Letting it all go before bedtime lets the sleepiness come in especially when one is under the covers. Now, it’s time to give the Z’s a sweet, sweet hello. *If your lack of sleep is persistent and negatively affects your daily routine, consult your parents and a doctor.



Rapture at daybreak By Psalm Mishael Taruc Art by James Martin Rafols

Alarm beeping through the digital clock at your bedside table, first rays of sunshine peeking through the blinds and the inviting smell of breakfast lingers your taste buds; sounds like the ideal, perfect morning everyone dreams of. Yet, non-morning people refuse to acknowledge it every time. Nonetheless, we don’t have that many options, do we?


WE PROCEED TO bathe with shoulders slumped, flushing away the temptation of lying on bed all day. We sit through breakfast, tasting bitter reminders of a long line of school works waiting to be done. Then, there we have it. The walking epitome of grump. We’ll try the impossible: make you love mornings with the following tested tricks to bring you bliss as the clock hits six. Nights toward perfect mornings We’ve all proved how our mood for the day or at least the beginning of it highly depends of how the night was spent. Someone who slept at 3:00 AM would most likely be an enraged zombie in the morning due to having an undesirable length and quality of sleep. In a study by Patrick, et al. entitled “Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive and physical performance in students,” sleep deprivation is linked to stress which results to lack of motivation and efficiency at work. When you surely tamed your own body clock, waking up will be as easy as sleeping at ungodly hours before. Fashion is another thing people enjoy that could be used towards better mornings. This specifically applies on green days and weekends. It doesn’t have to be insanely extravagant—a tiny accessory or a new mix of old clothes will do the trick to give you a little something to look forward to. VenedictBagalayos (STM12) who immensely values fashion, gushed, “Nakukuha ko [‘yung] confidence ko sa mga sinusuot ko especially if it looks good on me. Since planned na, nae-excite akong suotin the next day.” Clothing and accessories do not only look nice but also one foolproof method to get us walking out the door dressed in self-esteem.



Dawn’s indulgence Despite all the preparations the night before, it’s easy to be in our irritated selves again when we have to wake up way before the sun does. And this a reason that contributes a lot to the common hatred towards mornings. Luckily, treating our palate a delicious first meal is a quick method to a better mood. Breakfast is usually placed on a high pedestal and reigns as the most important meal. Blood sugar is commonly low in the morning and breakfast brings it back up. It fills us up and gives us the energy boost necessary to start another amazing day. “Bad mood ako‘pag walang almusal,” Yvan Joshua Tiglao (HMS11), an avid for breakfasts, emphasized. “Kasi pakiramdam ko, [‘pag] unang bagay palang sa schedule ko mali na, paano pa ‘yung rest ng araw.” Most of the time, a mouthful of delightful taste is all we need to get through the busy morning. What more is a better fit with a breakfast than a cup of hot drink? The first thing that comes to mind is coffee, a staple for some SHS students and is linked to cramming and sleepless nights, chasing deadlines. To twist things a bit, indulge on hot chocolate that’s sweet and exciting, drowning the caffeine from last night. Research shows chocolate triggers

the release of serotonin and dopamine—a combo towards pleasure and bliss. It’s an excellent item to stimulate senses instantly at dawn. Weaving through traffic Leaving the door, it’s the road we bump onto: smoke from cars, enormous number of vehicles causing heavy traffic and loud, impatient honks are just some more things that can go wrong and ruin our mood. These, without a doubt, can easily trace a frown on one’slips. This is when music enters the picture and mutes the stressful busy roads. Flip it upside down to a smile as we scroll through our favorite playlist to keep us sane through the rush hour buzz. Music, also, is the perfect mood setter for the rest of the day. “Listening to upbeat songs eases my mood and helps me get things done quick. For me, it gives some sort of vibe that makes my morning routine a lot easier,” Lei Anne Mago (ABM11) shared. Switch! Positivity and negativity alike, starts within ourselves. Although homeworks, researches, quizzes, and hours of lectures are not the best situation waiting for students at the very beginning of the race, nothing is impossible with the right mindset. Regardless of how insanely difficult the day might be, we can tell ourselves that today, adventures are waiting, and new knowledge will be gained. There is always a new series of moments deserving to be kept. Today, spin our gears and switch to positivity and turn good mornings to spectacular ones.



Survival! At The Circus:

How to survive the circus called a student's life By Zion Jil Villela Photography by Juvilee Galacgac Art by Zacheus Gonzales Living a student’s life can be a circus. Balancing life and academics can be compared to walking on a tightrope with a pit of fire beneath while juggling. At the same time, you’re dealing with the eyes fixated on your performance, expecting you to deliver nothing but perfection. In your case, you must finish performance tasks, while studying for a test and revising two chapters of the research papers that are due the next day. With all these workloads, you find yourself in a stressful situation where you must choose between school works and family dinner or going to a classmate’s house to finish a major requirement over catching up with your friends that you haven’t seen in a while. But nevertheless, you still chose to do your work.



Whether we like it or not, there is a lot on a student’s shoulder that can be too overwhelming. This is one of the reasons why students resort to procrastination. Being able to balance life and academics can be tough, but you can be tougher. Here are some of the ways on how to survive the circus of living a student’s life.

I WRITE PLANS NOT TRAGEDIES Having so much work to do for school can be hard. There are days that you feel like you’re a human canon ball thrown into the air down to the mountain of tasks to accomplish. And as you’re in the air, you’re told to plan in sticking a beautiful landing to a good grade. Joy Parohinog, a counsellor from the Student Wellness Center, stated that if you tend to forget the things that you must do, using a planner is highly recommended. Planners are designed to sort out the tasks to do over time. You can see the overview of all the tasks you must do, and it keeps you organized. With the help of planners, you can plot out the dates where you must submit those tasks and great for setting your schedules for the tasks that you must do.

DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A TO-DO LIST Now that you’ve balanced the work that you must do in a span of time, how about if your planner’s full of tasks and all you have left to do is contort into different forms just to finish the tasks given to you? For Parohinog, listing all your tasks down and reorganizing yourself will help a student manage their time. Having your tasks sorted will surely of great help. To-do lists help you list down the tasks that should be done for the day. It can be like using a planner, but the tasks on this list is meant for a shorter time frame. This can help students to prioritize the tasks that they have to do. This will also help a student delegate time for a certain task. Parohinog observed that there are some students who come to her office when they feel the pressure, she would usually ask if the student delegated time for it, “I get to say, ‘Did you delegate?’ Because if you did not delegate, you will really feel overwhelmed.” With this suggestion, students can also be more flexible in managing their tasks.

KING OF THE APPS If tasks are given like an untamed lion, roaring around the circus as your audience cheers for you to calm the lion down, you’d usually think a way on how to do it in an instant. Seeking help from technology would be a great advantage. Using applications might help. Jem Salandanan, a member of the SHS faculty, states that applications are useful tools, “I think this can help them visibly see how they’re allocating their time and be aware of how they are using it as well.” Salandanan also mentioned that using applications depends on the functions that it serves. Salandanan recommends using Evernote, a free application that is useful for archiving, setting to-do lists and for organizing tasks not just for students but also, for faculty members.“I actually even use this now since I can also set reminders within the app so I only need to remember my username and password to access all my notes.” Aside from Evernote, various applications are available in the internet for this reason. Some of the applications that are available today are: Egenda, My Study Life, and The Homework App. These apps are available for free for both Android and iOS devices.

*** Though a student’s life is a circus, it can be managed. With a little help, surviving school can be easier than ever. Getting help from others, like the guidance counselling office, will help too. Even if you’re that person with tasks thrown at you like a dagger, with a little help, one can easily finish their tasks. Parohinog gave a piece of advice for whenever you feel overwhelmed with the tasks that you must do. She said that you must breathe and step back a little before taking on the requirements that you must face. For a walk that one may think is on a tight rope, doing one of these can help you make your circus act of a year more convenient, topped off with a thunderous applause.



Nang iwagayway ang bahaghari By Clarisse Bianca Bucu Photography by James Zagada

Noong 1898, iwinagayway ang watawat ng Pilipinas na kulay pula, dilaw, asul, at puti. Ang buong sambayanang Pilipino’y naghiyawan sapagkat nakamit na nila ang kalayaang matagal na nilang inaasam. Sa kasalukuyan, maraming Pinoy pa rin ang nagdidiwang sa tuwa habang may hawak na mga bandila, ngunit iba ang klase nito sapagkat may ipinagmamalaki ito nang walang kahihiyan—ang pride ng pagiging LGBTQ+.





HUNYO 30 NANG ipinagdiwang ng mga Pilipino ang 2018 Pride March sa Marikina, Metro Manila. Dito, ipinagmalaki ang komunidad ng mga Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, atbp. (LGBTQ+) o gender and sexual minorities (GSM) ang kanilang seksuwalidad kung saan makikita ito ng lahat. Isang dagat ng mga Pilipino ang nagtipon-tipon at nagsaya sa kalsada. Pero, sa likod ng lahat ng makukulay na damit na ipinarada, hindi madaling makalimutan ang madilim na mga pinagdaanan ng mga LGBTQ+ bago sila makarating sa araw na ito. Bumagyo ng paghihirap “Aminin na natin, mas mahirap nga ang sitwasyon ng mga (LGBTQ+) dahil sa diskriminasyon,” saad ni Ivan Fermanejo, isang LGBTQ+ na guro sa DLSU-D Senior High School (SHS). “Sa aming organisasyon, Trippers Philippines Incorporated, a group of LGBTs addressing the concerns and issues of fellow LGBTs, madaming issues. For example, there is this guy na discriminated within their neighborhood. Ganoon ‘yung mga lumalapit sa amin. At minsan depressing, lalo na kapag sariling pamilya ang involved. Lalo na kapag sariling magulang.” Ang salaysay ni Fermanejo ay nagbibigay ng malinaw na larawan ng diskriminasyon na madalas nararanasan ng maraming LGBTQ+ sa loob ng sarili nilang tahanan at komunidad. Taliwas ito sa pagiging LGBTQ+ sa nakasanayan sa kultura, kaya ito’y nagbubunga sa bullying at minsa’y marahas na pagtrato sa kanila. “It hurts my heart to know that people are being discriminated against for something so harmless. No one deserves to be subject to any kind of hatred for what they cannot control,” sabi ni Edlyn Morales (HMS22), isang bisexual na mag-aaral. “We’re supposed to be progressive; we’re supposed to be more open to all kinds of people and things, but it seems some people refuse to progress. It’s disappointing.” Bukod pa rito, nahirapan ang mga LGBTQ+ na humanap ng lugar kung saan malaya nilang maipahahayag ang kanilang mga saloobin, lalo pa’t kung parte sila ng isang bansang may mataas na bilang ng mga Katoliko. May malaking epekto ang simbahan sa mga ideya ng mga mamamayan, at sa loob ng mahabang panahon ay hindi sinuportahan ng simbahang Katoliko ang mga GSM. Ito’y isang hadlang na nadarama pati ng ilang mga Lasalyano. “[I am] not yet fully coming out to my dad and my uncles. I had the hardest time in this aspect dahil part ako ng isang ‘somewhat’ conservative family,” paliwanag ni Andy Pangilinan*, isang gay na mag-aaral mula sa HMS21. Sa harap ng kanyang mga


“We all need to remember that we are all human beings before we are lesbians, gays, queers, trans, aces, etc. We all deserve to be protected by our basic human rights,” pahiwatig ni Alyssa Uy (HMS21), isang pansexual na Senior High Lasallian. Si Uy at ang ilan pang mga Pilipino ay nalulungkot tuwing nakakarinig sila ng mga balita ukol sa mga GSM na napupunta sa masamang kalagayan dahil lamang sa kanilang sekswalidad. “Minsan tinitingnan ng ibang tao na ang LGBTs ay less [of] a person. Dapat hindi ganun,” sabi ni Fermanejo.

PEOPLE ARE BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST FOR SOMETHING SO HARMLESS. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE SUBJECT TO ANY KIND OF HATRED FOR WHAT THEY CANNOT CONTROL. kamag-aral, buong puso niyang sinabing isa siyang bakla. Ngunit, may pag-aalinlangan pa rin siyang ipahiwatig ang aspetong ito sa ilan sa kanyang mga kamag-anak. “Kahit na hindi nila sabihin, they expect something from me. They anticipate na ako ang magtutuloy ng bloodline namin. Once na malaman niya, baka dumating sa point na layuan nila ako just because of my [sexual orientation].” Naging pagsubok rin sa mga LGBTQ+ ang mga karapatang pantao na nanakaw sa kanila dahil lamang sa kanilang seksuwalidad. Mayroong mga Pinoy LGBTQ+ na natatakot nang pumasok sa paaralan dahil sa bullying. Pati na rin online, ang ilang mga tao ay puno ng pandidiri sa kanila. Dumami ang mga hate crime. Sa nakaraang mga taon, tinrato ang ilang mga LGBTQ+ na parang hindi na sila tao.

Sumisilip ang araw Para bang mahigpit na kadena, maraming pumigil sa mga LGBTQ+ na maging malaya mula sa diskriminasyon. Ngunit, hindi na nila hinayaang magpakulong pa rito. Mayroong matatapang na mga taong tumayo at nagsilbing susi na magpapalaya sa mga “beki” na takot lumabas. “Sa Trippers Philippines Incorporated, we counsel LGBTs who come to us for help. After that counseling, we conduct debriefing or suggest for them to have alternative activities to cope with their situations,” kwento ni Fermanejo. Noong nakaraang Abril, nagsagawa ang DLSU-D University Student Council ng Equality Week kung saan nagkaroon ng parada, freedom wall, Lasallian Equality Summit, at pagpapailaw sa CTHM building ng mga kulay ng bahaghari. Tumanggap ito ng mga positibong reaksyon mula sa mga at naging pak na pak sa komunidad ng mga LGBTQ+ dahil, sa wakas, unti-unti nang itinataguyod sa kanila ang pagkakapantay-pantay na kanilang ninais. Dahil sa pagtutulong-tulong ng ilang mga mamamayan, LGBTQ+ man o hindi, sa personal man o online, unti-unti nang naiuunat ng mga LGBTQ+ ang kanilang mga pakpak sa iba’t-ibang larangan. Pati sa sarili nating paaralan, mayroong mga LGBTQ+ na hindi natatakot na malaman ng iba ang kanilang sekswalidad. Sina Morales, Pangilinan, Uy, at Fermanejo ang ilan lamang sa maraming mga tao sa Unibersidad na pinagtatanggol ang karapatan ng mga LGBTQ+. Mayroong mga Lasalyanong parte ng LGBTQ+ na pinararangalan ng academic scholarships, maraming mga GSM na nabibigyan ng highest honors, at ang ilang GSM pa’y nagkakaroon ng matataas na posisyon sa mga organisasyon tulad ng La Estrella Verde at Student Council. Sila’y mga patunay na hindi nasusukat ng pagiging LGBTQ+ ang buong pagkatao.







featuring (from left to right) Ayumi Wada, Jennifer Diola, and Ashley Torres

Ngingiti ang langit “Ang pangarap namin as LGBTs ay complete acceptance without reservations,” pahiwatig ni Fermanejo. Paliwanag naman ni Morales, “I want the future to be brighter for us. I hope to see the day that the LGBTQ+ community is taken more seriously. We are meant to progress. I believe it can happen. I have faith.” Kahit pa maliliit ang mga hakbang, nagiging tanggap na ang mga GSM sa lipunan. Nagkakaroon ng mga pangarap ang mga LGBTQ+ na hindi malayong makamit, tulad na lamang ni Pangilinan na nagnanais na iggalang ng lahat ang mga GSM. Sa kabila ng ating konserbatibong bansa, kapag tinanong mo silang mga LGBTQ+ kung naniniwala silang kaya nilang maabot ang kanilang mga panagarap, iisa lamang ang kanilang isasagot—Oo.

Sa ngayon, hindi pa rin pinapayagan ng pamahalaan ang same sex marriage o ang pagpapakasal ng dalawang taong parehas ang kasarian. Ngunit, hindi man mabigyan ng pansin ang ilang mga naghihirap pa rin na mga LGBTQ+, pinatunayan na ng kanilang komunidad na karapat-dapat lamang kilalanin ang mga korona nila bilang mga macho queens at beauty kings ng ating bansa. Talaga namang hindi sila nagpakabog, at walang pagsubok na nakaagaw sa kanilang trono ng dangal. Nilunod sila, ngunit sila’y naging mga sirena. Tinali sila sa diskriminasyon, ngunit sila’y lumipad at nakalaya. Dumaan sila sa bagyo ng paghihirap, ngunit nagawa pa rin nilang mahanap ang liwanag at umasang sisinag rin ang araw sa kanila. Noong Pride Month 2018, iwinagayway ang watawat na hindi lamang pula at asul, ngunit kulay bahaghari na siyang nagsasabing

patapos na ang bagyo ng diskriminasyong umulan sa mga LGBTQ+. Tulad noong Araw ng Kalayaan, sumimbolo ito sa matagal na paghihirap ng ilang mga Pilipino upang makamtan ang bagay na pinaniniwalaan nilang nararapat sa kanila—pagkakapantaypantay ng lahat at kalayaan na maging totoo sa sarili nila. *Itinago ang ibang pangalan sa pamamagitan ng mga alyas upang protektahan ang identidad at karapatan ng indibidwal.



Behind the red curtain By Kristine Evangelista Photography by Princess Mijares

Toes on point, sweat falling down their marbled cheeks, their grace astounds no other: these were every child’s dream. To be on stage and be applauded by a lot, it is an image in mind that one aspires to have. But that is the stage, that’s what they do—they perform. The question is: what could have been behind that curtain?





BEING A BALLERINA is no joke. Erica Juliane Terry (HMS21), a student by day and a ballerina at night. On weekends, she chasses from place to place to train kids to do ballet. The shoes of a performer “It’s tiring, but it’s what keeps me from going crazy,” she revealed. In reality, teaching kids to do ballet lessens her time allotted for academics. But this does not stop her from achieving academic awards, as she got an honor medal last semester. At the age of three, Erica already wears her tutu and dancing shoes. “But it was informal though. My father was a ballet dancer and teacher himself,” she enthusiastically said. She joined the classes her father handled when she was young, and her formal training started when she was six years old. Ballet is as much of a sport as it is an art for Erica. Her ballet skills have helped her loads in her academic career, especially in school dance competitions. She became physically stronger and more flexible than before. “That being said, I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without ballet,” she said. “I wouldn’t be as confident, as disciplined [and] as strong as I am.” Erica thinks of ballet as a dance that demands excellence and perfection. It needs a strong resolve and a huge amount of skill and time. Ballet, according to Erica, is not just an art, or a sport. It is a passion.






The beauty found in affliction As much as ballet was her turning point, she also emphasized about their proneness to injuries. She had bleeding toes, ingrown nails, blisters, sprained ankles, cramps, and a lot more that were results from her hard work. It is a con one cannot easily handle, but Erica was able to endure it even with the heaviest pain a person could imagine. She is a strong one. One can say that ballet is indeed the same as letting a human do his or her best to reach the heavens and be an angel. It is not easy, and yet Erica did it. She is a gentle and graceful angel that the DLSU-D has kept for almost 4 years. She’s a keeper and a dancer of all kinds. Even with the hues of purple and pink pop up in her own temple of body, she never lets disappointment come into her house of passion. She has been into Malaysia as competitor for International Ballet Grand Prix. She also has acquired the name of being

the Bronze Medalist for the Contemporary Division and Classical Ballet Division in Hong Kong for the Challenge Cup Dance Competition 2018. She has also won 1st place for Contemporary Group Division in the Philippine Dance Cup. Even acquiring 3 Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop Perfect Scorer for 3 consecutive years and also being an Elite Division Competitor as well as having an Artistic Merit. She also has acquired 4th place for Contemporary Division and 7th place for Classical Ballet Division in the Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition. There are many more competitions and recitals that she has won over the past years and she never had an occurring thought to give up. No matter how much she falls, she will always go back up. She is, indeed, the epitome of indestructible. A pas de deux with ballet For Erica, ballet changed her life. “Ever since I was really young, (ballet) was all I


could hear about. I grew up with ballet. I grew up with music. It shaped my life so much that it isn’t just an influence anymore. It shaped me from the start, so what’s there to change?” she stated with a faint chuckle. Erica wanted to do ballet ever since she was a child and it felt strange for her to think about how ballet changed her entire life. Ballet is not just something that is part of her life; ballet is her way of life. Erica danced and tussled in her path to success, longer than anyone did. She did what she can do, she ran around the entire school in her spare time (specifically during lunch), she eats a small amount of food, all for her love of ballet. If anything, her wings are not yet fully formed. It is gradually emerging from her blades, as if it was dying to fly. “I ain’t ready to crumble,” she said with such intense willpower. Erica knows what she wants, and she knows she can achieve it. One cannot soar high easily even when you’ve done it for ages. One cannot fly with tattered wings. One can soar when one loves what it does, and one can fly when one is not forced on what they should do. If ballet made Erica keep flying, what would have made you stay on your toes? It is never too late for everyone to fly. All of us has a space in the sky, waiting for you to feel its breeze. So follow your dream, and do whatever it takes to achieve it. There will be a lot of obstacles on your way, but once you are out there, you will never regret all the sweat that broke down from you. So don’t hesitate, and fly.






Hair and Makeup by Gina Ayne V. Garbanzos


Here is the full list of Erica’s notable awards she has acquired over the past years.

Philippine Dance Cup Contemporary Group Division (2008) - 1st place • National Group Division (2012) - Honorable Mention

Philippine Dance Cup Group National Division (2010) Participant • Philippine Dance Cup Group Classical Ballet Division (2010) Participant • Philippine Dance Cup Group National Category • Senior Division (2012) Participant • Philippine Dance Cup Group Classical Ballet Category (2010) Participant

Hong Kong Challenge Cup Dance Competition 2018 Contemporary Division - Bronze Medalist • Classical Ballet Division - Bronze Medalist

Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition 2018 Contemporary Division - 4th place

Classical Ballet Division - 7th place

Get The Beat Asia: Manila Regional 2018 Contemporary Dance Category - 5th Place • Classical Ballet Category - 5th Place • Get The Beat Asia Contemporary Dance Category Finalist • Get The Beat Asia Classical Ballet Category Finalist

Malaysia International Ballet Grand Prix competitor Hong Kong Challenge Cup Dance Competition 2018

Contemporary Division - Bronze Medalist • Classical Ballet Division - Bronze Medalist

Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition, Group Contemporary Division (2013) Participant Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition, Solo Contemporary Division (2014) Participant Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Ballet Competition, Solo Contemporary Division (2014)

Local Competitions: Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop: Elite Division Competitor (2018) • Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop Perfect Scorer (April 2018) • Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop Perfect Scorer (2017) • Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop Perfect Scorer (2016) • Solo Variation Exhibition Workshop Artistic Merit (2015)

Ballet Level 9 Graduate Participant of: Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XXIV • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XXIII • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XXII • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XXI • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XX • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XIX • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XVIII • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XVII • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XVI • Association of Ballet Academies Philippines Danseries XV Dance Factory Summer Recital 2008 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2009 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2010 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2011 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2012 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2013 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2014, Dance Factory Summer Recital 2015 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2016 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2017 • Dance Factory Summer Recital 2018 Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2008 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2009 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2010 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2011 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2012 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2013 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2014 • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2015 “The Nutcracker” • Dance Factory Christmas Recital 2016




Soar high, Senior High By John Benedict Silla Art by Willem Dimas Your chosen strand in Senior High School is a step forward towards the fulfillment of your dreams. It will enhance your skills and broaden your knowledge and understanding as a preparation for the college and soon your career. It turns its learners into globally competitive individuals ready to take on the responsibilities of the future. But in today’s time, one has to be competitive enough and equipped with credentials to find the right job one eagerly desire. It isn’t enough to be bright, but you also must be great in all fields related and flexible enough to abrupt changes. With that, prepare to soar high as you live through your days as a Senior High Lasallian. *** No matter what your strand is, you oversee the future. You are the hope to bring a positive change in the society. You are to task to take care of the people. You are to serve them with great respect. You are to make advancements that will help brighten their welfare. And you are to make the world a better place to live in for every individual and the future generations.


Studying the foundational concepts in corporate operations, financial, and business management, the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand will prepare its learners through their journey towards the corporate world, turning those financial management and business plan into reality. “[An ABM student should] have the mindset to never give up no matter what [happen because] you have the dream to become an accountant, [businessman] or anything [business] related,” Rommel Tuppal (ABM23) stated. The corporate world awaits these students and for sure they will not give them the time of their life. They will surely face obstacles and it isn’t going to be fun. “[They should be] willing and dedicated to learn from their failures and errors,” Niña Almirol (ABM21) stated. Downfalls are just normal. What matter is how you were able to ricochet and stand up as a better individual. Almirol described ABM students as liking to diamonds. “They are allowing themselves to have multiple cuts to achieve their perfect [figure],” she said. The brimming numbers might be the best of friends for these students but added with the four fundamental operations, it might be the end for their friendship. Those computations and situational analysis might come forth but you will never know when it will twist itself leaving the students scratching their head. That is why both Tuppal and Almirol reminded how calculators will save their lives. “It [will] really serve as our “lifeblood” when it comes to computations especially problem analysis,” Almirol exclaimed. Reading books and practicing examples related to the strand are also essential for a better and thorough understanding of the lessons given by the teachers. Tuppal then advised that an ABM student should be adaptive, flexible, hardworking, passionate, and resilient with all the workload given to them to reach out for the stars they want to pursue.


Consciousness with the human conditions and human behavior, the social sciences deal with it through analytical, critical, and empirical methods through different disciplines. This is the strand to excel for all the leaders, the philosophers, the historians, the communicators, the influencers, the writers, and the advocates—all calling for social change. “Wondering beyond the boundaries,” this is how Justine Book (HMS21) described the importance of being a student of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand. The gaps and the taboos are what the strand bridges to—seeking for solutions to prevalent problems in the society. “Being a HUMSS student is being an openminded person,” Shenelle Javier (HMS21) described. It is essential for discussing and addressing societal issues which is the core of the strand. Drawing new perspective by involving with the people, relating to them, and learning from their experiences is necessary because “the primary goal of [being] a HUMSS student is to [be] involved and to serve the society,” Cyrene Thomas (HMS22) shared. Communication skills are vital in this strand. “[They] should be ready to talk with people since the courses tied to the strand are related to people,” Book added. Having the ability to speak the ideas from their mind, expressing their thoughts and feelings are needed in most of the conversations in this strand. That is why Javier reminded that “[a HUMSS] student should [act] professional and [should] know how to respect someone’s opinion,” especially with topics that are sensitive that might draw different perspectives. Javier also proposed that “[HUMSS students should] have a large view of the world,” to learn to be on a middle ground between being objective and subjective.




Focusing on the enigma of the natural world, the learners are prepared to take active and responsive formulation of solution from simple to complex problems through the realm of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It aims to nurture the student’s critical minds and logical thinking through collaborative learning. With the large scope of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand, the learners hold a great impact to the future. “[We] are the future engineers, doctors, scientists, mathematicians, programmers,” Lyca Leynes (STM12) enumerated. They are the ones who will build houses, treat the sick, and develop innovations that aim to give relief to the people. Also, a big responsibility lies within the STEM students. “[They] should be responsible to handle little things [to be able] to be trusted with [the] larger ones,” Ram Villamor (STM11) explained. Having the subjects like calculus, statistics, biology, and chemistry are not that easy with all the needed information and computation to digest, that is why Leynes advised that, “[We] should have determination and patience to understand most of our lessons.” But hopes are just flying around as Miguel Teodoro (STM21) said, “It [is not] necessary for a [STEM] student to be good at math and science [but] he or she must be willing to learn everything about it.” They also reminded how calculators are of a great help. Leynes mentioned, “You [might] have a hard time computing many problems [but] using a calculator could lessen the difficulty of the subject.”


Exposing the learners to the work realities, it targets to harness the skills of every student by teaching them through experiences. Responding to the demand of manpower, it offers qualified learners that are competent and a job-ready workforce. “Every small detail matters,” Elaine Belen (TVL22) described the strand. She also said that being a perfectionist is essential in accommodating the client’s needs and in order to provide a quality of service. The Technical-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) track focuses on the improvement of the skills of its learners. “A TVL student should possess a sense of individuality, responsibility, practicality, and discipline,” Rene Domasian (TVL21) pointed out. With the service-oriented strand, one’s pleasing personality is a vital need to perform all required tasks. “[The learners] should also be knowledgeable in the services they intend to offer to their clients. It will be a huge factor in providing [a] great service,” Belen added. With the strand providing competent learners equipped with experiences, the world is ready for the quality of products and services soon they could offer.


These tech-savvies and computer gods hold control of the future—their innovation on technology. Utilizing the use of information and communication through technology is an advance step in creating a different experience on learning. With the rapid development of technology, the students of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strand continues to serve and provide the people with innovations that help the lives of the masses. “Technology is evident in almost every aspect in the industry today,” Ianne Flores (ICT12) stated. From our houses (WiFi connection and appliances), to school (online working databases such as the Schoolbook and Cisco Networking Academy), in workplaces (advance computers and global communication) technology is being utilized. “We may be able to help [each] industry to have a faster pace of manual labor in a more creative and interactive approach,” Flores added. Soon enough, the workload of the laborers will be reduced with the innovation of the inventions that the future generation holds. “An ICT student must always have a backup plan,” Flores shared. Technology isn’t always reliable, it crashes down sometimes. Glitches and corrupted files are inevitable that is why having an extra flash drive is essential to back you up in this kind of situation. Technology is also constantly advancing that is why an ICT student should also be adaptive and teachable. “Be ready for [the] new versions of different softwares that you were [already] used to using,” Flores suggests. Updates are made available for improvements that is why it is best to utilize those as your advantage.



Lasallian pride: A double-edged blade By Aaron Silas Bernaldo Art by Courtney Ivannah Gracio “Animo! La Salle!� goes your heart. It is something you hear occasionally but you feel it every day up to your bones inside the campus. Like in every three-pointer the Archers throw in, or for every block the Lady Spikers make, you can feel the surging flow of these words in your veins, hyping you up for the game. Or when you simply tune in to 95.9 Green FM, once you hear kuya and ate on the radio, you are captured by this iron grip that reminds you of one thing: you are a Lasallian and you are proud of it.

PRIDE THIS PHENOMENON, KNOWN as Lasallian pride, is an inherent thing that empowers us whenever we scream the occasional ‘Animo!’ It can feel good and patriotic, and once you feel it, you are a Lasallian. To the point that, sometimes, it can engulf us in terms of humility. And unfortunately, this Lasallian pride we embody may be a double-edged sword that can be turned against us, particularly outside the University. Some not-so-good things may have happened to you or someone you know at least once. You’ve probably heard some outsider say, “Uy, mayabang/maarte ‘yan,” or even if it seems like you did nothing wrong, you’ve probably noticed some bystander’s face go sour as he/she sees you hop on a jeepney. You silently dismiss such reactions and move on, but could there be an underlying reason for their gloomy reactions? The taint on the green star Jose Angelo Bautista and Chelsea Lastrella (HMS22) can attest to such scenarios. For Bautista, he recalls experiencing a bloodcurdling incident on a jeepney ride on the way home from school. Seated beside him were a father and his son, and they were squished tightly among the seats. Things seemed normal until Bautista felt a slight bump on his arm. “So kinuha ko ‘yung wallet ko,” he recalled. “[Tapos] biglang nagsalita ‘yung katabi ko, [tapos] siniko niya ‘ko. Akala niya kasi sisikuhin ko ‘yung anak niya. Sabi niya, ‘Isusumbong kita sa school mo, umayos ka!’” Bautista admits that at that time, he was inundated by fear and exhaustion, and the next thing he knew, things rocketed to a new degree of tension. “’Di ko napigilan sarili ko, kaya sinagot ko, ‘Kuya, tandaan mo, Lasalista ako!’” he said, before hurriedly exiting the jeepney. “Wala naman akong ginawang masama, bigla na lang talagang nagsalita si kuya nang ganoon.” And for Lastrella, although experiencing a milder scenario, she points out the social and stereotypical symptoms of being a Lasallian. “I came from a science high school before I transferred [to] La Salle, and one time, when I visited my previous school, akala nila magsasalita ako [in] English.” For her, studying in a school like DLSU-D would automatically mean to others that she is boasting her educational attainment, coupled with the English-speaking stereotype, even if she isn’t. Based on these and many other experiences they’d prefer to keep confidential, Bautista and Lastrella think that there has been a longstanding image problem for us Lasallians. “Iba talaga ‘yung tingin nila [people from outside] sa’tin.” To Bautista, there is a preconceived notion that all Lasallians are rich, elitist, or edgy. “Madalas na stereotype ‘yung pagiging mayaman o maarte.” Once someone from outside encounters a Lasallian, the Lasallian will immediately be met with defensiveness, and Bautista believes that, “Madalas na sinasabi ‘yun ng

ibang university dahil sa pride natin.” And Lastrella isn’t comfortable with how the word ‘La Salle’ sounds to outsiders. “It’s all fun and games until someone judges you because of the built-up image [of] your school,” she says. The higher-ups seem to chime in, too, seeing the pride and, seemingly, arrogant aura we exhibit as keys to making the rich Lasallian stereotype persist. “[Lasallian pride] is sometimes a misunderstanding of our own identity. We take pride and pleasure in being among the rich, the elite, the best and the brightest,” Br. Richie Yap FSC commented. “However, it excludes those whom we are committed to serve: the poor and vulnerable in society.” That Lasallian pride seems to alienate the people whom we are supposed to show humility and kindness to. And apparently, it is due to the aura we project outside the school, coupled seemingly with the way we act and speak. As mentioned, Lasallian pride is a doubleedged sword that can both help and hurt them. But the whole blade isn’t pride. On one edge, it is, but on the other point lies something that most of us can’t really tell its difference from. Here lies Lasallian vanity, and it’s what’s being aimed at those outside the walls of Gates 1 and 3. Lasallian pride! vanity? Lasallian vanity is probably those terms that you don’t normally use and hear inside the campus. You could say that it’s the corrupted form of Lasallian pride. In terms of meaning, pride and vanity are two different words despite their synonymous denotations. In the classic novel Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen tells apart their definitions. “Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us.” With Lasallian pride, there are a lot of things that we can be proud of regarding what we have. Materially, we attend classes in air-conditioned rooms, research and study in the bountiful Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo, and seek information with the expansive Wi-Fi connection throughout the campus—things that students from public schools can only dream of. But for Michael Leonardo*, a Grade 12 student, apart from these amenities, he considers the attitude and overall camaraderie of the Senior High School community as “wholesome.” “Maganda ang environment sa La Salle and ‘yung pakikitungo ng teachers at students (with) each other,” he remarked. For Ronielle Ian David (ABM23), we cannot just set aside the morals and values taught here in La Salle. “These [values] make me proud because they show us [how] to be good,” he said, referring to the three core values of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission. Most of the things that David and Leonardo


are proud of stemmed from within the community and campus. And the problem of people referring to Lasallians as too privileged or uppity-up is mostly rooted on the outside. For Bautista, he says that it’s natural for people to assume and perceive us as such, which is both fortunate and unfortunate. “Hindi talaga maiiwasan, ‘yan. Basta pagtapak mo sa labas ng school, may mga tao talagang mag-iisip ng ganyan,” he emphasized. The good news is that Lasallian vanity isn’t entirely our fault. The downside, however, is that we can’t averse or undo how people see us. And as stated in the core values, we still hold responsibility, as students of the University, to show the proper decorum and values, both inside the campus and outside. It then becomes a challenge for all Lasallians to uphold such principles. Repainting the star with green Lasallian pride and vanity are both part of the same blade that we use to carve our identity, and we can choose which edge to use. For Yap, a good step would be to recall who we are. “Being a Lasallian is about becoming the best of who we are in order to help bring out the best in the last, the least, and the lost in society,” he reminds. Yap suggests that we must accept that our image is, although tarnished, is not too bad and is redeemable. It is something to be improved on, and it requires everyone’s effort to repaint Lasallian pride with bright green hues. All the while, recognizing our worst sides will remind us that we are all equally frail, young people who are still learning. If there’s anything good about Lasallian pride, it’s the generosity and ability to help others. “This allows us to go out of ourselves and become more selfless,” Yap added. “We’re committed to serve the poor and vulnerable in our society, and our pride must not be too inclusive.” It’s also ingrained in two Lasallian core values that have been overlooked for too long: zeal for service of others, and communion in mission, to reach out to those who need our help and presence. For Bautista, it always helps to stay humble. Bautista instructed, “We stick to the Lasallian virtues. ‘Pag nalaman nilang taga-La Salle ka, stay humble and walk it off. Kasi pareparehas lang naman tayong nag-aaral eh.” And simply shrugging off what other people think of us can go a long way from preventing the further degradation of our image. Instead of ‘mayaman’, ‘maarte’, or ‘mayabang’, maybe one day, we’ll live to see ‘Lasallian’ being synonymous with ‘mabait’, ‘matulungin’, and ‘malalapitan.’ Hopefully the blade of Lasallian pride is then forged into a single-edged sword, removing Lasallian vanity. *Some names are hidden under a pseudonym to protect the individual’s identity and rights.



Divergence in array By Alyssa Uy Photography by Louise Peñaflor Styling by Zoei Monteclaro and Princess Mijares Staying on trend when it comes to fashion has always been present no matter what era it may be. In school, wearing the proper uniform is always observed during regular class days which is why some students can be quite “extra” when given the chance to change and then flaunt their casual clothes within university premises. Doing so can be quite a challenge due to dress codes but that will not stop creative minds from working around the rules.








Using colorful pieces will surely make you stand out from a crowd of green and white. A single patterned element can completely transform your whole outfit. Don’t be afraid to spruce it up with different headwear such as berets, hats, etc.



Primary colors are so versatile. They can be paired with a lot of stuff that’s already in your wardrobe. Incorporating an accessory, like a pair of sunglasses or a belt, is an easy way to make your outfit more interesting.




Another way to jazz up your outfit is the use of socks. Patterned and colorful socks are a huge trend these days. They’re easy to incorporate into a look and add comfort.




Neutrals and darks are simple and easy to match with other pieces. You can layer different elements as well to change things up.




No jeans, no problem. You can use your uniform slacks as a part of your outfit as the shade of green is quite dark and doesn’t stand out much.








We can all agree that denim jeans are a wardrobe staple. It is very hard to mess up an outfit when using them. You can use different tops and wear the same pair of jeans and you’ll still look well put together.





For the greedy cinephile By Clarisse Bianca Bucu NEW FILMS AND SERIES pop up almost every single day, and lagging behind your favorites can be inevitable ever since the current school year has begun. Time is running away from you, but heed not. You’ll soon have a well-deserved break, and binge-watching series and having a movie marathon is just the best way to kill some time while having fun. Though there are films and series with huge fanbases, here are the list of cinematic masterpieces that will probably be the new insert to your favorites list!



If there is one thing that these films scream, it’s Filipino pride. These films depict the struggles of Filipinos during the Philippine-American War. Through the stunning and accurate cinematography, learn the side of history our textbooks were never able to teach us.


Watch the story of Alan Turing, the genius mathematician known in history as the person who deciphered the German Enigma code. Turing (portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch) will make you believe that “sometimes, it is the people no one imagined anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.”


The Seven Deadly Sins were once an elite group of powerful knights who disbanded after being accused of plotting to overthrow the kingdom. But years later, Princess Elizabeth of Britannia now sets out to find these members and enlist their help in serving Britannia once more.





In this Filipino action-thriller film, the tides are turned and it’s now an anti-narcotics squad’s turn to feel the wrath of vengeful citizens of Tondo, Manila’s notorious slum. Trapped in the grips of the drug cartel, the squad’s only option is to fight their way out.


This tells the tale of how Germany advanced into France in May 1940, trapping Allied troops on the shores of Dunkirk. After watching, you might be left thankful for the fact that you did not experience the hardships of war like the people from Dunkirk did.


This cartoon series are set in a captivating world filled with people who can bend different elements. But when the fire nation attacks and, Avatar Aang, master of all four elements during his time, must find a way to bring back balance to the world.




Birdshot is a thought-provoking film about truth and worth, and how it may change depending on one’s perspective. This film makes one contemplate on exactly how much a life weighs in the complicated scales of the real world, and if we people are actually the ones who get to decide that.

This musical is inspired by the rags-toriches life of P. T. Barnum, the man known for promoting celebrated hoaxes and founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus. With its magical cinematography and soundtrack, this film might just give you the right dose of inspiration to dream and write the stars.

FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD Follow the adventures of alchemist brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric as they search for the Philosopher’s Stone to reclaim the parts of themselves that they had lost. However, the means to achieve the stone was more diabolic than they could ever have imagined.




Insecure young woman Renee Bennett wakes up one day to find that all her physical imperfections are gone. Find out what happens when she realizes that her appearance never actually changed.



When previously home-schooled Cady Heron finally gets to experience public school, she finds herself shoved into a system of cliques. Even though people don’t physically claw at each other, they can still be just as vicious as wild animals when fueled with envy and revenge.


Fr. Gus Saenz attempts to solve the murder of kids in Payatas. With its painstakingly accurate depictions of the country’s dark realities, the film will make you ask yourself if serial killers truly exist in the Philippines.





When we hear the word “manananggal,” what usually comes to mind a horrifying halfbodied female monster who eats people alive. However, this indie film drastically changes one’s views of this mythical Filipino creature from girl of nightmares into that kind, beautiful, and sexy girl next door whom you just might have a chance with.

This classic tale narrates the struggles of Cal Weaver as he suddenly finds himself single at above 40 years old after his wife admits that she has cheated on him and wants a divorce. This PG-13 rom-com is filled with coarse humor and themes of lust, but teaches its viewers that love is, in fact, crazy and stupid, yet still worth fighting for.

During our younger years, the many hidden meanings inserted in kids shows often go over our heads. But if you try to re-watch this beloved Nickelodeon cartoon, you might just realize that the quirky characters are more related to the seven deadly sins than you thought fighting for.



BROOKLYN NINE-NINE Carefree cop Jake Peralta has never worked very hard in his career but when a new commanding officer is assigned to Brooklyn’s 99th precinct, things had to be adjusted. Filled with smart jokes and remarks, this sitcom series is worth following.




Even if you’re not particularly religious, these films will have something to teach all of us: we can’t lazily sit around waiting for God to give us a miracle. As Morgan Freeman puts it, “want to see a miracle? Be the miracle,” with one single act of random kindness at a time.

The two main characters have suicidal thoughts. For Shoko, it was due to the struggles that came with her hearing impairment. They just might be able to forgive the people around them but, more importantly, will they find the will to forgive & accept themselves?





As seen in the title, this 2017 Filipino independent film is for all the people who are drunk, both in alcohol and emotions. Be aware— this ain’t your typical Filipino romcom movie.

Like any zombie film, this is filled with undead gluttons hungry for the flesh of the living. However, you’ll be pleasantly surprised that this movie focuses more on emotion, drama, and heroic sacrifice.

This Disney film pays homage to the arcade video games of old. Filled with candy-themed racing games, and with classic characters like Q*bert in the mix, this film will have its viewers caught in a sweet ride.

There are droves of other golden film titles that greedy movie buffs may want to see for themselves. The industry is brimming with gems and putting them all together would take more than the space of this whole magazine itself. But for now, that’s a wrap!



Song hoarders:

stay upbeat as the clock ticks

By John Benedict Silla and Psalm Mishael Taruc Art by Sim Daeun WE ALL GOT that ‘go-to’ playlist of our favorite songs from amazing singers or bands that set the mood right-up to keep the jive pumping. It has provided us company during times of silence for you to hype-up and rev the moment from those songs that drop the beat to let you dance like nobody’s watching to those which pierces your heart from its rhythm and lyrics. Ready your speakers and turn the volume high as we play our favorite songs to give us a soundtrack for every moment of our lives of the day.


In a bathroom, everyone’s a singer—no one will judge! Have a quick boost of energy with these bops that’s perfect to jam on in your mini weekday karaoke session. Or if you need to let out your tears, here’s the playlist for you!



Kahit Ayaw Mo Na

This Band

(Stop) Just Love

Us the Duo

Malibu Nights



Juan Karlos Labajo

Ride Home


I Wouldn’t Know Any Better Than You

Gentle Bones


It’s easy to lose motivation if you have to sit through hours of lectures at 7:00 am. Get the good vibes going with these melodies and its lyrics beaming with positivity



still feel.


What A Heavenly Way To Die

Troye Sivan

Lover Boy

Phum Viphurit



Figure it Out

Renee Dominique


Rex Orange County



It’s when the clock strikes to holy hours and eyelids seem to be heavier than Goliath himself. Sneak some music in between classes and make those tiny breaks count! Here are some suggestions to shake you up a bit.



Feels So Good

HONNE, Anna of The North


boy pablo

Wake Me Up


Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Jess Glynne

Waving Through A Window

Ben Platt and Original Broadway Cast of Dear Evan Hansen


Another avalanche of lessons and tasks survived! Celebrate these little things with our upbeat and happy picks that’ll surely shoot your mood up. And get it with those dance moves if you feel like it!




Samm Henshaw

Generation Why

Conan Gray

Tell Me

Spencer Sutherland


B.P Valenzuela, August Wahh, No Rome


Jeremy Zucker

Missin You Crazy




Ready or not, it is now the time to review those notes and recall those lessons. It’s going to burn us out but music on your side might help brighten your mood and aura up. Keep yourself inspired and continue working that butt off as you conclude and accomplish another stressful day.






No Rome


Tom Walker

Sincerity Is Scary

The 1975

Toothpaste Kisses

The Maccabees

Siberia - Tiberius

And Bandang Shirley



The dainty tongue The clock’s right hand shows that lunch is coming, and your growling stomach is dying to have that taste it’s craving for. By Clarisse Bianca Bucu Photography By Kristine Saroca and John Templo

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THE PROBLEM IS that with so many places to eat in DLSU-D, you don’t know where to find the food with the best quality and best price. Well, you’re in for a treat. Here is your ultimate guide to the University’s many food stops, and whether they’re worth all of your money and effort.

CAFÉ DE ORIENTE This newly opened café at the CTHM ground floor has quickly become a favorite chill spot of many students due to its airconditioned space. It offers tea, coffee, frappes, doughnuts, and slices of cake. This is the Starbucks of DLSU-D due to both its high-class feel and, woefully, also in its price point. If you have the extra moolah to spend here, the taste will not disappoint. RECOMMENDATIONS: Quenchers, frappes, salted caramel cake

MILA’S DINER This eatery has become the go-to place for many half-awake people in the morning since it’s near Gate 1. It’s best known for the snacks and street food it offers at its food stands, like Tender Juicy hotdogs, mojos, hot fish balls, and kwek-kwek. When your belly is rumbling and you’re too lazy to walk to Food Square, go here for a somewhat decent over-the-counter meal. But, if you’d rather have a more reasonably priced lunch with better quality, you’re better off going to Food Square. RECOMMENDATIONS: Iced coffee, cup noodles

CAFÉ MUSEO Don’t miss this eatery on your way to Food Square! This café faces a scenic view of the lake. Not only is the ambiance great, so is the food! The pasta menu items aren’t available till 10 AM, but they’ll be sure to pack a museum of tasty flavors for your palate. For dessert, they also offer tasty waffle pancakes topped with either caramel or maple syrup, so students with sweet tooth’s might want to give that a try as well. RECOMMENDATIONS: Carbonara, chicken curry

ULS Whenever there are campus events held at ULS, it’s a given that the ULS eatery right beside the ticket counters will be the go-to place for hungry stomachs. They mostly offer snacks and chichirya, but they also offer rice foods like Tapsi.

FOOD SQUARE After walking past all those other food stops, you have reached the University Food Square at last. A wide array of food choices is presented to you. In fact, there are so many options that you can’t decide where to start! Having a hard time choosing where to eat? Let us help you with that.

OVEN MAID As the name suggests, this place is known for their baked bread, such as pizza topped with cheese and ham. But more than that, they have a vast menu, complete with main courses, appetizers, and desserts. In their chiller, you can see the numerous cakes they offer. Although, these desserts tend to get ignored due to them leaning to the pricey side. Even so, the heavy meals here are affordable and the food is satisfying. You’ll be pleased to find that the food is always warm when served. RECOMMENDATIONS: Blueberry cheesecake



JEFFCEE’S Although their meals may have a fast-food vibe, rest assured that the meals will taste decent. If you’re craving for some fried siomai with rice and some classic Dan Eric’s Ice Cream, look no further! They have different viands, like savory barbecue chicken leg quarters that can come with some sabaw. This eatery also offers a wide variety of desserts too, including mouth-watering cream puffs that come in different flavors and cake slices! Yum! RECOMMENDATIONS: Cream puff, chicken and spaghetti, PotDog

SCOOPS Have you been aching to get the scoop on the Scoops’s food? Well, here it is! Like some of the other food stops at Food Square, this place sells good quality carinderia food. If you’re a fan of dinuguan, they make the kind that isn’t sour. All their other menu items are also affordable. For only 75 pesos, you’ll get a generous serving of your chosen ulam. Even if it isn’t the cheapest diner at the Square, the food is worth it. Try this place if you have the time. RECOMMENDATIONS: Dinuguan

NANAY’S Are you feeling nostalgic for a bite of your mom’s delicious lutong bahay? Well, Nanay’s is here to satisfy both your heart and your stomach! The food here is delicious and will remind you of the meals your mother cooked with love. Like Scoops, it offers appetizing carinderia food served by friendly faces. There won’t be many food choices per day but, if you choose to dine here, you’ll feel right at home. RECOMMENDATIONS: Tortang talong, kaldereta

DARLYNN’S This diner is where barkadas often run to. Like most of the other Food Square eateries, their meals come with a free drink. It’s no wonder why Darlynn’s holds a special place in many Lasallians’ campus memories, and it’s not just because of the heart-shaped half-rice. Not only is the food here good, it’s also bang-for-your-buck! Here, you’ll find the best sisig at the square, and ice scrambles liberally topped with milk—classics in every Filipino’s heart. RECOMMENDATIONS: Ice scramble, sisig

TEMPURA SAM Japanese food lovers, rejoice! Tempura Sam isn’t the cheapest place you can find at the Square, but the meals are definitely worth it. This diner offers delightful Japanese meals that mostly come with vegetables, so plus points for the healthiness at the side. Most orders come with a free glass of iced tea too. The delicious egg in their gyudon glistens under the light of the sun, and their steaming hot ramen come with just the right thickness of broth. They do good Japanese food some justice. Itadakimasu! RECOMMENDATIONS: Ramen, yakiniku, cream dory, tonkatsu




KULPY CHICKEN Are you a chicken-food lover? This diner offers fast-food chicken nugget rice meals slathered in your choice of sauce flavor. Eat here if you’re in a rush, since the chicken are pre-made. But be quick, because their food is also quick to get sold out. And if you’re looking for a cold dessert after gulping down all that poultry, you’re in luck! They also sell cold Korean ice cream, like Melona and Samanco.

RICE MIX If you’re heading to the University Food Square from the West Campus, this is one of the first places you’ll encounter. Rice Mix provides affordable rice meals that will surely go on a student’s budget. The fried rice here is cheaper compared to other places. However, this may sometimes leave you with the feeling that the food tastes cheap as well. If you need your back too. RECOMMENDATIONS: Bentelog, stir-fried noodles

EAT CHETERA This place has a feel similar to Rice Mix. They can serve decent meals to you, like pancit that you can pair with their sago’t gulaman. However, the quality of their items can be inconsistent. Their drink may be sweet today, then near flavorless tomorrow. The varying quality may somewhat lower your appetite, but still explore the food choices they offer if you have to money. RECOMMENDATIONS: Pancit

HAPPY TUMMY Do you feel like eating breakfast food for lunch? Happy Tummy has got your back. Their affordable menu has the three components of a basic meal: rice for carbohydrates, meat for protein, and vegetables for minerals. Not only will your tummy stay happy, but so will your healthy body. However, your food may not be heated up at times, lowering your appetite. They also have a Turks stand here, so shawarma-fanatics may want to visit here often. But in all honesty, you can get a good rice meal and a drink for cheaper than the price of one shawarma. That meaty pita doner still tastes delicious, though! The smell of shawarma will always be appetizing. RECOMMENDATIONS: Pancit canton + fried egg

You’ll never go wrong with a classic Tapsilog. Tapsilog lovers will be happy to know that Tapsi Royale offers a decent bite of Tapsilog, along with all the other members of the -silog family. It isn’t too saucy, like how other restaurant do their tapa, but fall more on the dry side, like the University’s very own Hidden Tapsi. An order comes with free soup, something that goes perfectly with almost every Filipino meal. You may not necessarily feel like royalty, but you can definitely put a stop to your hunger here. RECOMMENDATIONS: Tapsilog (of course), Popsilicious, fries.




MR. BULGOGI You’ll find Mr. Bulgogi at the other end of the Food Square. Korean food lovers should give this place a try. They offer acceptable Korean dishes, like a meaty but healthy meal of samgyeopsal or Korean ramen. But for students who are on a budget, there are still cheaper choices. RECOMMENDATIONS: Donkas

CAFÉ VINNA Is your system screaming for your daily dose of coffee? Café Vinna is here to answer the call! Although Café Vinna seems like just any other coffee and frappe stall, their prices are actually quite affordable compared to others, with drinks ranging from 40 to 70 pesos. There are limited flavors to choose from, and their drinks taste good. RECOMMENDATIONS: Iced coffee, hot coffee

This stand is perfect for quick breaks in between classes for its different waffle snacks. It is very affordable and efficient for when you are in a hurry and just need a light meal to get you by. Sometimes, a bite from that warm hotdog with a fluffy waffle wrapped around it is enough to keep you going. RECOMMENDATIONS: Belgian chocolate waffle, waffles


CHILLERS This stand is here to offer you refreshing cold drinks, ranging from yoghurt drinks to your favorite fruit shake. On a hot day, Chillers is there to guarantee you a delicious and healthy beverage that will cool you off. Although their shakes are more expensive than the ones offered by Jefcee’s and Café Museo, their servings are larger, have that Fruitas-grade quality, and their cups are sturdier, so you won’t have to worry about quickly gulping down your drink before it destroys the paper cup. When it comes to shakes, go to Chillers. Finally, after trying out all those suggestions, every eatery has said their “bon appetit”s. Hopefully, you are left not only with a full stomach and a happy (almost crying) wallet, but also with a satisfied smile. Or at least, until the next time your stomach growls!



Nakakain ka na ba? By Wallace Beltran at Diana Galang Art by Ailene Joyce Puzon

Para sa isang estudyante, hindi na kailangang tanungin pa kung sa dinami-dami ng gawain sa paaralan, hindi lamang kilay ang siyang sinusunog. SA IBANG SITWASYON, tayo na ang kinakain ng sunog – walang pahintulot na kinukuha tayo nang buo. Parang ipu-ipo kung tutuusin ang apoy na nakapalibot sa mga estudyante at ipinipilit iparamdam ang stress mula sa kanilang mga gawain. May ilan na may sariling paraan pagdating sa pagtatanggal ng stress katulad ni Meryll Cerveza (STM13) na nagsasabing manunuod lamang siya at okay na siya. Ngunit ang iba sa atin, para mapatay ang umaalab na apoy, napapadpad tayo sa pinaka-alanganing paraan. Mahirap matukoy kung naaapektuhan ka na ng mga nagbabagang mga gawain. Isa itong kaugalian na halos ginawa na, ginagawa, o gagawin pa lamang ng mga mag-aaral. Nananatili ang ideya ng pagsubo ng pagkain sa bibig sa gitna ng gabi sa tabi ng refrigerator, bilang isang hindi pangkaraniwang bagay. Ito ang huling paraan na kadalasang naiisip, tinatawag ang pamamaraan na ito bilang stress eating. 1. “Ginugusto lamang” Pa-minsan-minsan, may mga pagkaing sadyang nakakapaglaway at hindi maalis-alis sa kanya-kanyang isipan. Dito nagsisimula

ang pananabik sa partikular na putahe ng isang katauhan. “Nagke-crave ako.” Ano nga ba ang kahulugan ng salitang pagkasabik? Hindi lamang ito sa nais kainin ng isang tao, tumutukoy rin ang salitang ito sa sitwasyon kung saan maaaring magkaroon ng labis na pananabik ang isang indibidwal sa isang bagay. “Sa tuwing nakakaramdam ako ng stress mula sa pressure na aking natatanggap sa eskwelahan, o kaya naman stress dahil sa hindi ko maintindihan ang asignatura, nagkakaroon ako ng pagmimithi ng labis sa mga pagkain, lalo na sa mga matatamis,” ani Cristelle Corpuz (STM11). Kabilang si Corpuz sa mga mag-aaral ng DLSU-D na nakaugalian na ang ganitong gawain. Hindi niya rin maipagkakait na ang nagdudulot nito ay ang mga gawain sa paaralan. “Pag kumakain kasi ako parang may something pleasant akong nararamdaman from it. Madalas yun yung nangyayari kasi mas nangingibabaw yung pleasure pag kumakain ka compared to [the] feeling [of being] stressed dahil sa school,” sambit ng isa sa mga mag-aaral ng Senior High School

(SHS) na si Claire*. Ayon sa Harvard Medical School, maaaring nakasalalay ang rason ng stress eating sa paglaganap ng masasamang pisikal o emosyonal na pakiramdam. Totoong nagiging dahilan nito ang pagkagustong kumain dahil sa mga nailalabas nitong mga hormones na umaakit sa atin sa pagkain. Kung sa tingin mo’y mayroong pagkakapareho ang nabanggit sa iyong sarili, maaaring nasa unang yugto ka na ng pagiging stress eater. Hindi naman ito masama, ngunit ang sobra-sobra na pag-kain sa paulit-ulit na putahe ang siyang hindi nakakabuti sa sistema ng tao. Sa oras na mapabayaan ang ganitong kaugalian, mahirap na bumitaw sa ganitong klase ng kagawian. 2. Pakagat-kagat Isa sa mga paniniwala ng karamihan na kapag kumakain tayo ng masusustansyang pagkain katulad ng mga mani at prutas habang nag-aaral, nakakadagdag raw ito ng talino. May ilan ring mga nagpatunay sa paniniwalang ito kaya naman naging kagawian na ito ng ilang mga estudyante. Ngunit kabilang rin ang ganitong kaisipan sa

GLUTTONY yugto ng pagiging stress eater. May epekto rin itong dala sa ating katawan. Ilan sa mga ito ang maaaring pagkaramdam ng pagkabusog sa dami ng magagaan na pagkain na ating iniimbak sa ating mga tiyan. Maaari rin nang dahil sa nakaugalian na natin, pilit tayong kumakain kahit na hindi tayo gaano nakakaramdam ng gutom. Ngunit ayon rin sa Harvard Medical School, ang malimit na ating nakakain, ang mga bagay na tinatawag na comfort foods o ang pagkain na matataas sa taba at asukal, and ating nakakain dahil sa hormones, at maaari itong magkaroon ng masamang epekto sa ating kausugan kapag naparami masyado. Maaaring ang pag-limita sa pagkain na kinakain ang siyang lunas nito. Ayon rin kay Cerveza, “Parang know your limitations din.” O kaya maaari rin ang pag-layo ng ating sarili sa mga nagdudulot ng craving. Sa parehong paraan, layunin mabawasan ang posibilidad na maakit at mapalahok ka sa stress eating. 3. Nguya dito, nguya doon Tuwing nasa klase tayo, naririnig natin ang pamilyar na kaluskos ng chichirya at ngumunguyang mga bibig habang nakikinig sa ating mga guro. Hindi mawawala ng eksena sa bawat silid-aralan kung saan mayroong estudyante na patagong sumusubo ng kanyang dala-dalang pagkain habang nagsusulat at nakikinig sa mga aralin. Mula sa mga sabi-sabi, pinaniniwalaang isa ito sa mga paraan upang mas gumana ang ating utak sa tuwing nag-aaral tayo. Katulad ni Ralvince Lomarda (STM12) na nagsabing, “Nakaka-relieve siya sa feeling, parang gumagaan yung pakiramdam ko ‘pag kumakain.” Mayroon naman nagsasabi na ito ang pinakamabisang paraan upang hindi antukin habang nakikinig. Subalit alin-man sa mga dahilang ito, tila na-kagawian na ng ilan sa mga mag-aaral ang tuloy tuloy na pag-nguya dito at pag-nguya doon, ngunit depende lamang ito sa kung anong pagkain ang nginunguya mo. Ayon kay Gabby Love na nagsulat ng artikulo tungkol dito, dapat nating iwasan ang pagkaing matatamis dahil sa dulo ng lahat babagsak ang epekto ng asukal nito at lalo ka pang mapapakain, at dapat tayong kumain ng mataas sa protein at ang mga prutas para sa mabubuting epekto. Ngunit sa yugto na ito, maraming epekto ang madadala nito sa atin—mabubuti at masasama. Isang dahilan ay maaari itong maging abala sa ating atensyon sa klase, kung saan hindi na sa lecture na tinuturo sa ating harapan nakapokus ang ating isipan, kundi sa ating kinakain sa mga oras na ito. Samantala, ang kabutihang epekto naman nito sa ating pag-aaral: kung sa bawat pag-subo’t pag-nguya ay mas naiintindihan natin ang mga tinuturong leksiyon, tiyak na magbibigay ito ng magandang resulta sa ating pag-aaral. Kung kinagawian na ninyo ang ganitong gawain, patunay lamang na pasok ka sa pangatlong katangian ng isang stress eater.

4. Lamon all the way Kasabay ng matinding pag-crave na kumain, sumusulpot na ang aftermath na naglalaman ng mga prosesong sinusundan ng kasabihan “nasa dulo ang pagsisisi,” nag-aaral man o hindi, may sapat na kakayahan ang indibidwal sa pagpili kung magpapadala ba siya sa craving na ito, habang nakatutok sa layunin ng kanyang mga gawain. Kumakain man o hindi habang isinasagawa ang trabaho, ang mga aftermathers ay nilalabas ang kanilang stress eating matapos maranasan ang stress na dulot nito. Halimbawa nito ay ang mga gala pagkatapos ng mga pagususulit para ipagdiriwang ang natapos na pagdurusa. Isa pa dito ang mga hindi inaasahang pag-aanyaya sa mga kainan na madadaanan sa biyahe, isang pagkaramdam ng lunas sa pagtatapos ng pagdurusa.


Bilang paggamot sa kanilang komplikasyon, maaaring pagtuunan ng pansin ng mga aftermathers ang pagpipili ng mas mabuti para sa kanilang sarili upang mapanatili ang kanilang pokus sa mga importanteng bagay. Kaya itinutuon nila ang kanilang atensyon sa pagkain bilang isang bagay para pagbawian ng stress, maaari nilang pagtuunan ng atensyon ang pagtupad sa tamang pagkain, o ang balanced diet na tinatawag, at pagbawi ng pahinga sa pamamagitan ng pagtulog. Sabi ni Jamie Ducharme, isang manunulat ukol sa kalusugan, nakakatulong rin ang pag-inom ng tubig dahil madaling mapagkamalang gutom ang nararamdaman kaysa sa pagiging uhaw. Habang ayon naman


kay Claire, isa pang paraan upang maiwasan ang ganitong gawain ay ang pagbaling ng atensyon sa ibang bagay. “I suggest drinking water or talking to your friends. Mag-vent ka o rant, basta malabas mo lang yun [stress]”. Dagdag pa niya, malaki ang maitutulong ng pagbawas ng atensyon sa pagkain sa mga oras na nag-aaral tayo. 5. Nag-aral, kumain, bumagsak. Kapag tuluyan ka nang na-bugbog sa bilang at bigat ng mga gawain, may posibilidad na dumire-diretso na sa procastination o pagpapaliban ng mga gawain. Ito ang huling yugto na maaaring abutan ng mga stress eaters. Nakararamdam ang mga nasa yugtong ito ng malakas na kagustuhan sa pagbabalewala sa tambak na gawain. Kasabay ng pagsasayang ng oras ang tuluyan na hindi pagiging produktibo ng isang indibidwal sa trabaho. Nakukuha nito ang oras na dapat inilalaan sa iba, damay rin nito ang enerhiyang dapat na ibinubuhos sa paggawa ng mga kinakailangang trabaho. Upang mabigyan ng lunas ang huling yugto na ito, ang pagsasa-ayos ng iskedyul o time managementt ang angkop na solusyon sa kondisyon na ito. Malaki ang maitutulong nito upang maiplano natin ng maayos ang ating mga gawain. Isa rin sa mga ito, ayon kay Dr. Melissa McCreery, isang kilalang emotional coach, and maaari mong subukan ang paglalabas ng presyur na nararamdaman sa ibang mga bagay, ang pagbabago ng scenery sa paligid, ang pagtawag sa mga kaibigan para sa social support, at marami pang iba. Mayroong ilang mga nakapanayam na estudyante ang nagbahagi ng kanilang saloobin ukol sa ganitong gawain. “Sometimes [nag stress eating ako]. Pero, I try to control myself. You don’t have to be strict sa pagkain mo basta may (disiplina) ka. You need to treat yourself sometimes pero wag sobra.” ayon muli kay Claire. Hindi man ito masama dahil karapatan rin ng ating katawan ang makatikim ng mga putahe na masasarap at nakakapagalis ng pagod, ang dapat pa rin nating pagkakatandaan ay ito ay dapat paminsan-minsan lamang. May pagkakaiba ang lahat ng bagay pagdating sa iba’t ibang mga tao, kung saan ka man sa mga yugto na nabanggit at kung ano man ang mga lunas nito. Sa dulo, dalawa lamang ang maaari mong abutin sa iyong pagtagpo sa stress eating, hayaang makain ka ng apoy at magpadala sa nagbabaga nitong mga gawain, o kakayanin mong tingnan nang mabuti ang umaalab na apoy at patayin ito sa paraan na hindi kailangan magdusa ng iyong sarili. Sa dulo ng lahat, hindi ang iyong mga matataas na marka ang siyang magpapanatili sa iyo sa mundong ito. Sa dulo ng lahat, kalusugan pa rin ang siyang nararapat manaig. *Itinago ang ibang pangalan sa pamamagitan ng mga alyas upang protektahan ang identidad at karapatan ng indibidwal.



To stop rants from biting back By Wallace Beltran Art By Danielle Mari Tanael

Online, we hide behind the profiles we create. By doing so, we manipulate it to make our real selves look the way we want it to be looked at. Though it might seem that this harms the people who believes in the online personalities more than those who manipulate, there is the chance that a single post without proper driving and execution might just rebound towards the manipulator even more. TYPICALLY, ANY POST has the potential to spark up the most terrorizing of consequences. But a post, again without proper thought, could bite back. With that thought, imagine how the backfires might turn out if the post was literally stuffed with hate and saltiness, or in other words, if the post was a rant, a poorly written and reckless one. Maybe, it won’t have a pretty result at all. Tell me why… Essentially, rants are a form of a continuous venting of emotions typically associated with anger. “The situation where I have ranted online is when I have complete anonymity online and I encounter something I strongly disagree with, usually opinions that anger me,” Lloyd Fox* commented. May it be a rant told to another person face to face or through social media, the only difference between the two modes of ranting is the extended audience of doing it online which in turn makes it much more public. Nevertheless, today, it is the most popular mode of communication. Though it might seem to some that a rant is simply a form of expression that mean no actual serious harm, it may actually have the chance to become misinterpreted into something more insensitive than what was meant. To be honest Frankly, insensitivity is subjective to different people. “Each individual has a [different] degree of sensitivity,” Hyacinth* claims.

Since insensitivity is subjective, there could be more factors that might affect how readers are devastated from a rant. One of which could be because of the words used. In something that shows emotion and an opinion, there is no surprise that people might think of it as a reflection of oneself. Maybe using small phrases that change the overall tone or mood of the rant could have saved you. “With better communication, even rants can be eye openers to readers to find solutions. I have to recognize that not all students will be proactive, however, if ranting helps people relate to others, it should be done properly,” said Judith Daguman, an SHS Oral Communications teacher. Daguman further says that word usage is in fact necessary. I can’t even The way a rant is told could appear as clear as it should be or so vague that several people would have their own interpretations or misinterpretations of its meaning. “Walang silbi na mag rant ka online kung malabo lang din naman yung dahilan ng pag-ra-rant mo,” says Lorenz Palomo (STM11). He further emphasized that a rant must have a clear reason. “[Sa] simple mong pagpaparinig online [you should make] sure na [hindi ka] mas mapapahamak dahil baka iba ang pagkaintindi ng ibang tao sa rant mo,” he adds. “If a student posts a vague rant, people might talk and assume it is about them, whether it be a fellow classmate, teacher,

or even [the] administration. Being vague creates a less positive setting,” adds Daguman, giving insights what effect could a vague rant create. She also explains how rants are sometimes imperative for students to create better solutions to the system and yet when a student gives in to being vague and is unwilling to express his true thoughts. it may create more problems. *** Rants aren’t necessarily as bad as how people portray them to be. In some situations they could be eye openers, the roots of a solution, or a thing to spark up a conversation even. A rant could only be called problematic though “when people do not react to it positively, [where] the said rant can create a wall in a relationship rather than a bridge,” says Daguman, and therefore the rant could reach an audience further away from the screens they reside upon and influence the people around them. In some instances, these rants actually cause an uproar from those who have reacted negatively. And the uproars could bring you so much more misfortune than expected. Because of this, one could say that rants do bite back if done without caution. *Some names are hidden through a pseudonym to protect their identity and rights.

The being of impeccability By Psalm Mishael Taruc and Alyssa Uy Art by John Benedict Aguirre

Living in such a fast-paced mindset can be draining, especially for students of our generation. School demands a lot from us and it might slip our minds to look after ourselves. Technology has advanced over the years and it only takes a few taps to get what we need. Some apps are very helpful in reminding us to have some time off and take care of ourselves.






PLANT NANNY Fourdesire



Available on Android

Available on iOS and Android

Despite how extremely important hydrating ourselves is, sometimes it is barely a priority for many, especially with hectic schedules they have to deal with. This app displays exactly how much water you must drink based on your weight and body activity. It also tracks your progress for the day—it has everything you need. The easy navigation within the app just makes it better! It features adorable plants you water as you hydrate yourself so drinking well is a must or else they will die!

Burying themselves in their smartphones for long hours sounds like every student’s daily life. Blue light present in these phones are proven to affect eyesight and sleep pattern but with one tap, using phones without sacrificing clear vision is made possible! Also, say goodbye to sleepless nights as you adjust filters and brightness of your screen. With this app, your eyes will totally have a welldeserved break.

The app features nature’s best ambient sounds to help you focus, sleep, study and relieve stress. It also features a timer to help you keep track of all activities done in the app. If these don’t convince you yet, daily motivational quotes are also displayed! These might seem new to some but with its benefits for your productivity and mind, we say it’s worth a shot.




FLO Flo Health, Inc.



Available on iOS and Android

Available on iOS and Android

Available on Android

Ever had trouble tracking your period? Flo is here to help! Turning on Flo’s notification access will remind you if your period is late or is about to begin. Inputting health information will also help Flo to get more accurate results. A great feature of this app is the health insights tab which contains facts about menstruation, tips on dealing with your period, additional information about your body, etc. If you want your information to be extra secure, you can input a 4-digit security code.

Writing journal entries can be quite therapeutic and is helpful for the improvement of one’s mental health. It only takes a few minutes to unload your brain from all the thoughts that you have been keeping all day. Tracking moods and activities is now made more convenient with this app. Privacy is not an issue with the PIN lock feature to keep your entries are safe from curious eyes.





Available on Android

Available on iOS and Android

Track all your categorized expenses and allowance in one tap! The minute you open the app, each spending and income is listed, as well as your current balance. This one is highly recommended for those who are having difficulties budgeting and those who want to start saving money and could use a little help. Time to step up your financing game!

Sometimes, what we just want is to be isolated from the crowd and be surrounded by the sounds of nature. This app will easily keep you relaxed with the various sound packs available. You can combine sounds from different environments and adjust the volume individually. There are also binaural beats which could help you calm down.

Available on iOS and Android When our to-do list is pouring with tedious tasks, we are sometimes left with a lone option which is to compromise things that matter. And one of these is exercise. Now, all you need is 7 minutes and an app! It has various workouts, ranging from easy to advance, that are designed for different purposes. Your progress is recorded, and weight can also be tracked if you wish to do so. Clear 7 minutes today and get sweating!

*** Through these series of applications, students will not be worried about their well-being, for these will be prioritizing everything that they cannot focus on with their busy schedules – in just few clicks!



Tainted anguish By John Benedict Silla Art by Jennifer Diola

Growing up, our parents instilled deep into our core that one should enter a school, study, and graduate with flying colors to get a decent job that will let us earn sufficient-to-excessive salary to meet our needs and satisfaction. One should have a diploma and a graduation picture wearing their toga to hang on their walls as a totem of success and hard work to have a respectable image that feeds their ego.

WRATH IN MOST CASES, education seems to be a privilege given to people who can afford it. No matter how much we tell everyone about education being a necessity that every individual should attain, circumstances from other people’s lives hinder them to do so. And for those we call ‘privileged’ who get to attend in prestigious schools to study, why do we constantly hear their woes on how education and their studies gets so stressful? The blatant truth One of the worst things while living the student life is waking up even before the sun rises after spending a sleepless night with your pen and notes, PowerPoints, and reviewers. You have to prepare and dress up to go to school with your red, puffy eyes with dark circles under it, looking like a cast from The Walking Dead. You also have to endure the day listening to your teachers while fighting with your eyelids that forces itself to close. School doesn’t stop from the four corners of your classroom, it extends and haunts you even until you get home. Students nowadays even have their weekend preoccupied by some assignments, tests, and assessments that require “As Soon As Possible” (ASAP) compliance. You are only given 24 hours to spend each day and you have to divide those among your top priorities. “Halos nakakain na ng mga tambak na gawain ang oras ng mga estudyante. Nahihirapan [kaming] magbalanse dahil hindi na [namin] alam ang uunahin, kung ang pag-aaral [ba], mga kaibigan o kahit pamilya,” Jaz Nicola Mendoza (TVL11) shared her experience on how she deals with the situation. Amidst all the hardwork and sleepless nights, the sad truth to tell, is that we gave our all and yet achieving the goal to be a part of the honors roll is still far from our reach. Learning is the primary goal why a student enrolls in a school, but now, it isn’t always the case for everyone. “Madalas na nasa isip na lamang ng isang estudyante [ngayon] na siya ay pumapasok [na lang] para makapasa at makapagtapos, hindi na para matuto,” Lyconia Leynes (STM12) stated. She further explained that the compiled and simultaneous school works with the same deadlines are the ones that bombard the students that causes them stress and could even lead to breakdowns. The dark prevails According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability. But what about here in the Philippines when Filipinos are known for those smiles even amidst a disaster? National Statistics Office reported that mental illness is the third most common form of disability in the Philippines. These information shows that depression chooses no one and comes in no time while feeling blue inside a lost world, and sadly it is now common with today’s generation.

“Ang kabataan ay na-de-depress sa iba’t ibang rason, maaaring ito ay dahil sa kanilang pamilya, sa paaralan at [sa] iba pang mga dahilan,” Rafael Villamor (STM11) shared. Depression is now prevalent amongst the youth that can lead to committing suicide. According to Department of Health, in 2016, there are 2,413 suicide cases in ages 1019. Additionally, more than 2,000 of those were male, and the rest are female. These statistics are the youth engaging themselves to this tragic concept. We might not know the root cause of their agony, but we should already be advancing our steps to prevent further increase of these numbers. The winds and waves Anyone could probably agree when one says that being a senior high school student is no joke, especially if our parents are eyeing so much expectations from us. Pressure is a good thing for it keeps our drive progressive, but if these pressure turns out to generate fear from disappointments and turndowns, it may result to anxiety and doubt about ourselves. We start to question our capabilities by asking ourselves if it is worth the try, ending up doing nothing about it. Our society also plays a big role in this issue. “Personally, I think ‘yung pinakanagpapahirap sa mga kabataan ngayon is the community na kinalalagyan nila. Diyan kasi papasok yung pressure, discrimination, ‘yung dapat stick to status quo [ka],” Carina Taguas (ABM22) emphasized. “Kung ano at sino ka lang dapat, ‘yun ka lang. It’s hard to find your true self with these problems surrounding you at the same time,” Taguas added. The sit down Away from the malign situations, Joy Parohinog, a counselor from the Student Wellness Center, mentioned some of the problems that the students are facing, “The issues [we] encounter here in (SHS) are the conflicts of students [relating to] academics, friends, classmates, or with their parents,” she enumerated. “This is common because this is the stage in a [student’s] life wherein [they] are experiencing several changes.” She further explained that some of the reasons are the physical changes that undergoes in a boy or a girl’s body, the fluctuating hormones exercising their job are all happening all at the same time. Parohinog described it like “[they are] in a roller coaster of emotions,” which can make the situation worsen. “They would appear like everything is ok,” she mentioned. A mask is worn to deceive the inner reality to turn it into smiles. They suppress their down-feelings to face other people seeming like there is no problem. “You don’t usually see it or hear it [from them],” she added. The signs may not be easily perceived by the senses, but she also reminded everyone to be conscious with the people they interact with.


“Personally, I think it is the coping mechanism of the individual,” Parohinog emphasized what she thinks is the common root cause of the youth’s struggles. “In your age, you are experiencing a lot of emotions and [other] things. You are subjected in a lot of pressure also,” she added. Those forces are what adds up to the burden of the situation. Parohinog also described that with the today’s generation, a single click could instantly generate and suffice you with the information you need. That is why if there are delayed gratifications, the tendency is for them to be impatient. We are also in a society where the youth see tons of information wherein they can get to choose what to take in and what not to. Coping with the pressure, stress and all the struggles, Parahinog believes that it all should start from their homes. “We could experience the same situation, but the responses are different.” It is a matter of resilience honed by the relationship built inside a healthy environment that could make the learners rise above their struggles. She also reminded the students that, “We don’t give advice, what we do is facilitate how the [students] see the situation.” They assist them how to go about it by presenting a clearer perspective because their ultimate aim is for to them to be able to decide for themselves because they believe that “[it is] the best option for them to address their concern.” The hope for future Feeling blue and dwelling with it is a natural thing, because we are humans of emotions. When we feel down, we can cry, have some me-time or isolate ourselves for a while. Surround yourself with people who bring you positivity and try talking with people you trust the most, which can be from your family or your closest friend. You could also seek support from professionals such as guidance counselors, doctors or joining a support group. It is best to talk about it because it can be a form of catharsis instead of suppressing it inside. Being a student is aggravating, enraging, draining, and stressful but it is also an opportunity to gain genuine relationship, to learn something new and broaden our minds, and to grow as holistic individuals. Being a Lasallian, these struggles are the obstacles we have to go through as part of the process that will hone and harness us to be ready to take on the responsibilities of running the world. In need of help? You can see a counselor and visit the Student Wellness Center. You can see them in the following: PCH 101-B | JFH 103 | CIH 209 LDH 103-C | FCH 110 | BBA 101 GMH 117 | GMH122


Kristine Mae Evangelista Features Editor

Clarisse Bianca Bucu

Wallace Beltran

Zion Jil Villela

Alyssa Uy

Aaron Silas Bernaldo

Diana Galang

John Benedict Silla

Psalm Mishael Taruc


Willem Dimas Layout Editor

Monica Montaño

Sim Daeun

John Benedict Aguirre

Zacheus Gonzales





Princess Mijares Photo Editor

Aldrin Otagan

Kristine Mae Saroca




James Zagada

Louise Peñaflor

John Paulo Templo

JG KE Juvilee Galacgac

Kristine Estenilo




Romeo Christopher Avila Art Editor

Jennifer Diola

Ayumi Wada




Ailene Joyce Puzon

James Martin Rafols

Rachelle Ann Calaustro




Sim Daeun

Courtney Irannah Gracio

Danielle Mari Tanael

La Estrella Verde The Official Senior High School Publication of De La Salle University – Dasmariñas


Xander Lauren Cipriano, Editor in Chief Blesilda Mae Padolina, Associate Editor Pauline Anne Marie Meneses, Managing Editor Lexi France Angeles, News Editor Kristine Mae Evangelista, Features Editor Gian Eldrich Sandoval, Sports Editor Liana Reigne Bongao, Literary Editor Romeo Christopher Avila, Art Editor Willem Dominic Dimas, Layout Editor Princess Korrinne Mijares, Photo Editor Izabelle Mari Siarot, Web Editor Venetia Bruza, Adviser Robbie Ann Jesser Eullo, Coordinator, HUMSS/ABM

La Estrella Verde has its editorial office at Room 311B Hotel De Oriente (College of Tourism and Hospitality Management) De La Salle University – Dasmariñas DBB-B City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4115 Telephone: +63-46-4811900 to 1930 local 3402 Email: Facebook: Twitter: @LeviofLEV

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