Elements Melody

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Interactive Design Laetitia Biolley


I would like to work on natural elements and their random movements, in order to show the uncertain and timeless side of nature. For this I started to take attention to the random movement created by the wind, because it has a significant impact on environmental changes. In did, wind makes it rains and shines, spreads the seeds, moves the oceans, can destroy as well as create. No one can control the wind, it is deceitful and free.



© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

How is the wind formed?

Wind formation: temperature and pressure

Wind is a movement of the air that makes up our atmosphere. It’s the Sun which is responsible for these movements. The sun warms the atmosphere unevenly, due to the spherical shape of the earth, as well as because the continents, oceans and clouds themselves are distributed irregularly. The warm air begins to move and rise, exerting pressure on the surrounding atmosphere. This force is responsible for the great movements of the air.

Wind direction: Coriolis force

The Coriolis force, which results from the Earth’s rotation, causes the air to move to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. It is thus responsible for the main directions of the wind. Finally, the frictional forces due to friction between air masses or with the ground and the relief give the wind its local characteristics.


04 Wind mouvement

I would like to represent the wind by a graph that would take shape and move according to the movement of the wind.

© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

How to do it?


TouchDesigner For that I thought to use touchdesigner by putting a recording of wind. Here is some test I did.

© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

First Result I got this first visual which moved according to the movement of my mouse. The goal is to capture the movement of the wind thanks to the mouse sensor.


I made a poster with it.


© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

Second Idea Then I said to myself that I wanted to try to represent the movement of water and particularly of rain. So create a visual which react to the sound of the rain.


Then I though that many people use the sound of rain to help them to find some sleep. So I had the idea that I can project my creation on the ceilling so people can have the sound and the relfection of the rain when they are in their bed.


© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

Second Idea I tried the projector but he was enough strong to project the image on the ceilling so I decided to project if on someone face to create a makeup. So I needed to transform my video on a symetric form.


So after that I decided to create 3 different video thanks to the sound. About Natural element, water, fire and wind.


© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

So after that I decided to create 3 different video thanks to the sound. About Natural element, water, fire and wind.


My project is inspired by the history of Hinduism. In Hinduism, the existence of the chakras is used to represent the links between the energies which binds the man and what surrounds him ie the earth and the universe. For the Indoux all that is present in the universe is present in a tiny way in our body. With my project I tried to represent this idea that what happens outside at the natural level has repercussions on our lives but also on our bodies.


Thank you !

© Laetitia Biolley 2021 student - C100033

Laetitia Biolley

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