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Laetitia Le Meillour

Occultural Studies The “Peepshow“ along with “Sinister” were amongst the films and trailers we watched for our research. we used the filming technique used in Peepshow so that the viewer only ever sees things from the perspective of the main character.

The storyboard (top right), is page 3 of 5, of the first we drew before our group split. This screenshot (right), is the first video we made deriving from the story board. Click to play the video: http://youtu.be/07C8G5SOOc

Once our group split we came up with an different idea and illustrated the scenario in the new storyboard (top right). “Mystery Purple Box” is our final video. Click to play the video : http://youtu.be/ FklQ2nSKZFc

Ident These images depict different the development of the logo. Althought it is mainly just Lauren’s signature, it accompanied of an illustration representing her for the clothing and promotional items. During this brief my skills on Adobe Illustrator have

improved significantly from watching tutorials and experiemeting with different techniques.

I struggled the most with the ident and jingle, and deciding which one to do. i tried to have several different approaches such as song writing (top left) by finding words that rhyme with each other. I was so frustrated and disapppointed in my progress that I decided to do something i was more familiar with. I also

taught myself how to use Adobe Audition on a basic level as I had to edit the track I used for it (Happy mondays - step on) Improvements I would consider for next time Is to use a better camera and lighting condition for he animation. I could also possibly try to animate it by editing my drawings on Illustrator.

I spent a lot of time trying to accomplish a layout that I had in mind which was very particular. Unfortunately with my very little, newly learnt knowledge of CSS I did not get what I wanted exactly. Also I realised that GDNM only allows for so much to be done as the HTML coding cannot be edited, so we are automatically restricted.

On the previous image I had added a floral backgrond which I had designed myself (Lauren’s favourite flowers), however I found that it seemed too much visually and decided to go for a simpler, more neutral look, which I believe add emphasis on each element on the blog. click to open the blog: themurph.gdnm.org

ID-IOT At the beginning of this brief I had chosen to do my publication on the radio show “Materialism and the Consumer“. I had done sketches (top left) and research on it by reader such books as “Carried Away“ which offers an interesting insight in the world of consumerism and how desensatized to it due to our familiarity to it.

I wanted to make my publication from the point of view of someone who is content with little material possession and whilst looking in third world photography book I grew interest for Africa, which then led me to look for a radio show more appropriate, which I found and was actually called “Africa“

Looking into more depth in the subject I remember having seen an article about how Africa is portrayed in the media, and it was “How to write about Africa“ (above), which I think was the beginning in setting the register for the whole publication, whether I was going to have a serious or sarcastic/ironic tone. The development for the visual content for this

brief wasn’t nearly as stressful as the previous one which helped me to enjoy making it as I had developed techniques and had a clear view of what I wanted it to look like in the end.

I had a few issues when it came to printing my book at the printers however the end result I was left with, I could not be happier about. The price was reasonable and I learnt a lot in actually doing this brief about book editing and publishing etc which I may not have grasp if I had just been taught it in a lecture.

I proritised the picture not being pixelated over the size of the book which is why is it A6, which I like as it is a “pocket book“ and can be read wherever, however If I were to do this brief again I would find images that would allow me more freedom with the rest of the aspects of the publication.

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