Nichi Vendola: Press Review

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PRESS review

Carla Palladino <>

The Indipendent 11-09-2010 articoli indipendent + el pais Ed Testa <> A: Carla Palladino <>

PRESS review 09 novembre 2010 16:17

THE INDIPENDENT - 9 NOVEMBRE 2010 Is this one scandal too many for Silvio Berlusconi? For years the Italian prime minister has seemed bulletproof. But, as Michael Day reports, his political rivals are now scenting blood The Catholic church-backed National Conference for the Family began in Milan yesterday – with one noticeable absence. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who had been due to open proceedings, was bumped from the schedule by officials who realised it would be like having Attila the Hun introducing a peace conference. Donatella Ceralli of CIAI, the Children and young people's charity, put it bluntly: "Without Berlusconi the atmosphere will be a lot calmer". The premier probably can't remember what calm feels like. Ever alert to the threat of prosecution on corruption charges, steeling himself for a cataclysmically messy divorce and humiliated on a daily basis by the endless string of sex revelations, it's a wonder he hasn't already fled the country. The tale of Ruby – or Karima el- Mahroug – the 17-year-old belly dancer who received €7,000 (£6,000) and jewellery at two of the premier's parties, kicked off the current media feeding frenzy on Mr Berlusconi's exploits. But if the Prime Minister looks back at one event that unleashed the torrent of allegations it is probably the unfortunate decision in May 2009 to attend the birthday of 18-year-old underwear model Noemi Letizia. We learnt that she called him "daddy". His wife of nearly 20 years, Veronica Lario, accused him of "consorting with minors". His suggested predilection for girls young enough to be his grandchildren brought a new sense of grubbiness to the story. Drugs figured once again in the very latest reports – from TV showgirl Nadia Macri – of dope-smoking on Mr Berlusconi's private jet. She also provided her "personal services" to the premier at €10,000 a time in Sardinia last year and at his home near Milan this April. There were even suspicions of sympathy for Mr Berlusconi when, in June last year, the taped recordings of his pillow talk with call girl Patrizia D'Addario came to light. The sense that someone he had treated well had returned the favour by biting him, was amplified when Ms D'Addario followed up the tapes with a toe-curling kiss-and-tell book. Mr Berlusconi was probably, as critics noted at the time, able to take comfort from Ms D'Addario's generous description of his staying power. But, in addition, to Olympian-level sexual stamina, Mr Berlusconi is also capable of monumental front. We saw it on Friday when he announced – without batting an eyelid – that he was going to outlaw street prostitution. Centre-right rival Gianfranco Fini yesterday spoke of the "moral decay" caused by a "loss of decorum and rigour in the behaviour of those who, as public figures, should set an example". But Mr Berlusconi's response, "if you don't like it, do something about it," was born of a Prime Minister who knows that the opposition is even weaker than him. If Mr Fini withdraws his parliamentary support and precipitates an election now, he'll get the blame for the bringing risky political uncertainty to weigh on Italy's faltering economy. The press (at least the section not owned by Berlusconi) and opposition politicians might take comfort from seeing the septuagenarian mogul squirm. But nobody believes that more allegations about his tawdry sex life will cause the government to fall. How could they be? If abuse-of-power allegations and on-the-hoof legislation to protect himself from prosecution – and to nurture his business interests – haven't been enough to force him out, a sex scandal is unlikely to do so. Cultural commentators often claim that many ordinary people admire Mr Berlusconi for his machismo. That's not hard to believe. Readers of The Sun were last week posting comments such as "I wish he was our Prime Minister" on the tabloid's website. The pundits are missing the point. Mr Berlusconi is unpopular. People are sufficiently repelled by his antics and the failure of his government to improve their lives that his rating has fallen below 30 per cent for the first time. Nichi Vendola, the rising start of Italy's left, said during a political rally in Milan at the weekend, that that he was willing to work with the centre-left Democratic Party to offer a viable alternative to Mr Berlusconi.

From: paolo fedeli <> Date: November 3, 2010 1:39:31 PM GMT+01:00 The Indipendent 11-03-2010 Subject: nichi sulla stampa estera oggi

PRESS review

Nichi sulla stampa estera di oggi: A new centre-left coalition might start preparations for the general election, which is likely in the New Year, by keeping in mind the phrase used by that libidinous star of American politics, Bill Clinton: "It's the economy, stupid". Some critics have claimed that Mr Berlusconi has, ever since he entered politics, appealed to many voters by tacitly encouraging tax evasion. Prosecutors investigating the offshore financial activities of the Prime Minister's media empire, have accused him of leading by example, though Berlusconi has always denied wrong-doing. But if people don't even have jobs – and six million Italians are now without fixed work – then avoiding tax isn't even an issue. At the weekend, Emma Marcegaglia, the president of the employers' association Confindustria, a natural ally for a conservative PM, declared that the country was "paralysed" and the government "absent". The big question then is how, or when, will Italy's farcical situation, which is proving so amusing for foreigners, but so galling for millions of Italians, actually end? On 14 December the Constitutional Court will pronounce on the constitutionality of his current, temporary immunity law; if it overturns it, then Mr Berlusconi will again have to answer court summonses on corruption charges. As political pundit Professor James Walston at the American University in Rome noted in a recent blog, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that a desperate Berlusconi would do a runner. It would even seem like the logical conclusion for Mr Berlusconi to follow in the footsteps of his corrupt mentor, Prime Bettino Minister Craxi, who fled to exile in Tunisia 20 years ago to avoid a jail sentence. Berlusconi has new luxury villa in Antigua, where he could party by the sea until he finally drops. The women in the headlines Noemi Letizia April 2009: Mr Berlusconi infamously attended Noemi Letizia's 18th birthday party last year, and presented the lingerie model with a necklace worth €6,000 (£5,200). Veronica Lario May 2009: After 19 years of marriage, Veronica Lario announced she was seeking a divorce. They met in 1980 while the actress performed topless in a play. Patrizia D'Addario June 2009: the 43-year-old former escort claimed she was paid to attend Mr Berlusconi's private parties and secretly videoed a night she spent with him in Rome. Karima Keyek October 2010: Belly dancer Karima Keyek, 17, claimed Mr Berlusconi gave her a £70,000 car. She also claimed she saw sex sessions between party guests. Nadia Macri November 2010: Last week, 28-year-old television showgirl Nadia Macri told investigators that Mr Berlusconi paid her €10,000 (£8,738) for sex at two of his homes. **** EL PAIS - 9 NOVEMBRE 2010

Berlusconi ignora el ultimátum de Fini en un clima de crisis La Liga Norte mantiene su apoyo a un Gobierno en la cuerda floja MIGUEL MORA El derrumbe hace tres días de la famosa Casa de los Gladiadores en Pompeya "se ha convertido en la metáfora que define a Italia tras 17 años de berlusconismo", según el gobernador de Apulia, Nichi Vendola. El propio presidente de la República, Giorgio Napolitano, definió el derrumbe de este edificio milenario donde se entrenaban los atletas como "una vergüenza para el país". El derrumbe hace tres días de la famosa Casa de los Gladiadores en Pompeya "se ha convertido en la metáfora que define a Italia tras 17 años de berlusconismo", según el gobernador de Apulia, Nichi Vendola. El propio presidente de la República, Giorgio Napolitano, definió el derrumbe de este edificio milenario donde se entrenaban los atletas como "una vergüenza para el país". Los datos y el clima general parecen certificar esa sensación de deterioro. Acosado por los escándalos sexuales y por la creciente división interna, el Gobierno dirigido por Silvio Berlusconi parece a punto de deshacerse. Incluso los obispos, férreos aliados de Berlusconi, lo ven así. El presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal, Angelo Bagnasco, afirmó ayer: "Estamos angustiados por esta Italia bloqueada mientras el país parece atónito y mira

The Indipendent Berlusconi boasts about his 'passion' By Michael Day in Milan

Wednesday, 3 November 2010 Silvio Berlusconi declared yesterday that it was "better to be passionate about beautiful women than be gay", as he sought to defuse new sex and corruption allegations. The Italian premier dismissed claims that he abused his office and pressured police into releasing a teenage Moroccan lapdancer who was accused of stealing 3,000. Karima Keyek, known as Ruby, was released from Milan police headquarters on 27 May this year without magistrates' permission. "I have a gruelling work schedule and if I happen to look pretty girls in the face now and then, it's better to be passionate about beautiful women than to be gay," Mr Berlusconi said at a public appearance in Milan. His remarks were met with some embarrassed titters by his audience – but derision by opposition MPs. They said the 73-year-old Prime Minister's latest comments meant that he had now managed to offend everybody. Mr Berlusconi's repertoire of sexist, anti-Semitic and racist remarks are already well known. In a special video message to the Prime Minister, Nichi Vendola, the charismatic, and gay governor of the Puglia region, said Mr Berlusconi's "sense of humour and his constant show of virility" were "pathetic and embarrassing".

The New York Times This Time, the Joke May Be on Berlusconi By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO

MILAN — It is said that one of the keys to the political success of Italy’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is his easy affability and ability to connect with people, sometimes by sharing bawdy jokes. Those skills fell flat on Tuesday when Mr. Berlusconi, trying to make light of recent reports of his personal relationship with a 17-year-old Moroccan girl, said during a news conference in Milan, “It’s better to be passionate about beautiful women than gay.” The remarks prompted a torrent of

derision by opposition MPs. They said the 73-year-old Prime Minister's latest comments meant that he had now managed to offend everybody. Mr Berlusconi's repertoire of sexist, anti-Semitic and racist remarks are already well known. PRESS review The New York Times 11-03-2010 In a special video message to the Prime Minister, Nichi Vendola, the charismatic, and gay governor of the Puglia region, said Mr Berlusconi's "sense of humour and his constant show of virility" were "pathetic and embarrassing".

The New York Times This Time, the Joke May Be on Berlusconi By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO

MILAN — It is said that one of the keys to the political success of Italy’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is his easy affability and ability to connect with people, sometimes by sharing bawdy jokes. Those skills fell flat on Tuesday when Mr. Berlusconi, trying to make light of recent reports of his personal relationship with a 17-year-old Moroccan girl, said during a news conference in Milan, “It’s better to be passionate about beautiful women than gay.” The remarks prompted a torrent of outrage and renewed calls for his resignation. Warning that such comments were an incitement to discrimination, a gay rights group, Arcigay, demanded that Mr. Berlusconi apologize for offending both women and gays (for good measure, the Arcigay branch in Bologna hung up a sign that read, “Better gay than Berlusconi”). In a video on his Web site, Nichi Vendola, the gay governor of the Apulia region and a rising star of the Italian left, chided Mr. Berlusconi. “The time for jokes is over,” he said. “Your jokes can’t amuse a country that is exhausted, impoverished, scared, precarious and abandoned.” Mr. Vendola then called on the prime minister to resign. Mr. Berlusconi is going through an especially tough stretch. He has broken with one of his key allies, and his personal life has become tabloid fodder after newspapers reported that the then under-age woman — Karima El Mahroug, better known as Ruby — was released from police custody last May after a telephone call from the prime minister. On Tuesday, the Milanese prosecutor concluded that the correct procedures had been followed with regard to her release, the news agency ANSA reported. But Mr. Berlusconi’s critics charge that he abused his office. Mr. Berlusconi seemed unrepentant on Tuesday when he said that he had only tried to help Ms. El Mahroug. “It was an act of solidarity that I would have been ashamed not to have done,” he said. “I did it, and I’ll always do it, because I’ve always been this way.” A version of this article appeared in print on November 3, 2010, on page A8 of the New York edition.

Ed Testa Art director La fabbrica di nichi

Rolling Stone Magazine 11-2010

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pag. 46 - venerdì 29 ottobre 2010

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1 A diffusione interna - Vietata la riproduzione

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Viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

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pag. 24 - mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010

Attenti con Nichi Cuando Nichi va a la tele, la gente no cambia de canal. Por algo será que le dicen “el Berlusconi de la izquierda”. Nicola Vendola, el político gay y comunista que empieza a perfilarse como el verdadero adversario del statu quo italiano, es también un luchador histórico por los derechos de la comunidad y un defensor de la vida fuera del closet. Por Andrea Meccia Desde Roma En 1963, Pier Paolo Pasolini rodaba Comicios de amor, un ensayo en forma de película, un documental-encuesta que quería develar las ideas de los italianos sobre el erotismo y el amor. Hace algunos días que los “comicios de amor” regresan al terreno de la política italiana como idea madre de una campaña política. Jóvenes escritores leen cuentos inspirados en cinco palabras (Valor, Cuidado, Libertad, Compromiso y Fantasía) que caracterizan el estilo político de Nicola “Nichi” Vendola, 52 años, gobernador de la región Apulia y líder de Izquierda y Libertad. Nichi es comunista, católico y homosexual bien fuera del closet. “No quiero morir sin vivir la experiencia de la paternidad”, declaró hace algunos meses. Prácticamente una bomba en la sombra del Vaticano. Han pasado 25 años desde cuando La Repubblica lo caracterizaba como “El gay de la FGCI” (Federación de los Jóvenes Comunistas Italianos). Nichi ha sido el primer gay en la dirigencia del PCI, el partido que en 1948 expulsó a Pasolini. Viejo y grande es su amor para Pier Paolo. Cuando de joven vendía libros para pagarse los estudios en letras, eligió graduarse con una tesis sobre él. En muchas entrevistas despliega su tesis de que “la homosexualidad de Pasolini fue muy marcada por su catolicismo, se percibía como un Cristo de la diversidad: una condición votada al martirio, por el sentido de culpa. Por eso su literatura se hace premonición de su muerte”. Vendola nunca ocultó su homosexualidad y le gusta subrayar que declararla “es carne, fatiga, sangre, dolor, marginación, ofensas, violencia. He sido siempre católico y comunista, como mi familia. Probablemente fue más fácil declarar mi homosexualidad a los curas que al partido”. Hoy, después una larga y exitosa actividad como diputado bajo el símbolo de la hoz y martillo, a Nichi, impulsor de la liga contra el sida y también de los primeros pasos de Arcigay (la asoción que trabaja por los derechos de gays y lesbianas y que recibe un palito en la columna de abajo) da la impresión de que nadie lo para. A pesar de la dura oposición del Partido Demócrata, ya ha ganado dos veces las elecciones administrativas en su Apulia, la misma tierra de Aldo Moro, también muy citado en sus discursos, y en estos años ha construido un consenso verdadero en una región del Sur, desde siempre conservadora y ultracatólica. Es un buen administrador que conjuga concreción y ganas de cambiar el mundo. La gente lo sigue con pasión y esperanza. Los jóvenes, rehenes del desempleo intelectual y del trabajo ocasional, lo quieren. Los viejos, huérfanos de líderes políticos dignos de tal denominación, vuelven a soñar con él. Su larga marcha para realizar su sueño tiene un objetivo claro: ser el primer ministro de la destartalada República Italiana. A esta altura es ya un icono mediático que trasciende las fronteras de Italia con su cara aceitunada y con su arito de plata. Se nota que disfruta con esa mixtura entre las palabras de poeta y el rosario siempre a punto de salir del su bolsillo.Hasta The Financial Times lo considera el verdadero adversario del actual primer ministro italiano. No es difícil suponer su carisma sobre las ruinas de la izquierda italiana, pero el chico es sin duda un político de raza. Y sobre todo es el último líder que todavía no duerme en el cementerio de los iconos vivientes de la izquierda italiana, que nunca muere y siempre pierde. Nichi, que es un hombre de buenas lecturas, cita a Gogol para estigmatizar a sus viejos compañeros del PCI, llamándolos “las almas muertas”. Algunos observadores políticos

Financial Times 09-07-2010 trivializan su crecimiento y ya lo están denominan “el Blair italiano” o “el Obama blanco”. Nichi no se descompone, bien parado con un pie en el siglo XX y dispuesto a poner los dos en el siglo XXI. Su lenguaje es claro. Quien lo observa con más atención, en realidad, se da cuenta de que podría ser la mejor encarnación política de las dos culturas populares italianas, la marxista y la católica. Un futuro no así lejano nos dirá algo más cierto. El gobierno de Berlusconi está en una fase crítica. Muy probablemente Italia, en los primeros meses de 2011, vaya a elecciones nacionales por tercera vez en cinco años. El Partido Demócrata, el mayor partido de la oposición, aparece incapaz de encarnar una verdadera respuesta a las numerosas cuestiones irresueltas (desempleo, pobreza, mafias, guerra, inmigración, escuelas públicas, etcétera). Sus contradicciones internas no le permiten hablar con una voz clara y firme. Nichi, en cambio, lo consigue y no está solo. El centroizquierda convocará elecciones primarias para elegir su candidato a primer ministro. Nichi patalea. Tiene que tener cuidado, pero puede tener suerte. En un país de corruptos y corruptores, de mafiosos y masones como Italia, las trampas son muchas. La historia italiana habla claro sobre esto. Cuando un sujeto político se hace motor de un cambio de la Historia en un sentido progresista, las fuerzas reaccionarias se lanzan sobre ese cuerpo. Hoy, por lo pronto, la esperanza está en él.

PRESS review


Puglia’s governor taunts Berlusconi

By Guy Dinmore in Bari Published: September 7 2010 03:40 | Last updated: September 7 2010 03:40

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Nichi Vendola: ridicules the ‘fable of Berlusconismo’

As a communist, Catholic and openly gay, Nichi Vendola defies easy categorisation. And as a popular governor of the large southern region of Puglia, he is a thorn in the side of Silvio Berlusconi and the centre-left opposition Democrats. With Italy stumbling towards early elections unless Mr Berlusconi can stitch back together his fractured coalition, Mr Vendola’s role as a rallying cry for what is left of the country’s splintered communist movement could be crucial. Equal to the 73-year-old media baron prime minister in terms of populism and charisma, the maverick of Puglia, who wears an earring and publishes poetry, wins in the oratory stakes. “Berlusconi is a prisoner in his palace like Montezuma,” says Mr Vendola, 51, in his fascist-era offices in Bari overlooking the Adriatic. “This is a civil war in his party. It is the rift of the plastic TV remotecontrol party,” he says of Mr Berlusconi’s break with Gianfranco Fini, his long-time ally and former neo-fascist. Turning his sights on the opposition Democratic party, he accuses Pierluigi Bersani, its third leader in two years, of failing to create an alternative. “They have a deficit of ideas; out of touch with struggling workers and students. The demands for change are huge in Italy and the Democratic party is not meeting the challenge.” Mr Vendola, who signed up as a communist at the age of 14, was first elected governor of Puglia’s 4m people in 2005. Before regional elections this spring, the Democrats tried to get him to step aside to give their candidate a better chance. Mr Vendola refused, defeated the Democrat’s choice in a primary and went on to trounce his centre-right rival. Although not a member of the Democratic party – he is leader of a new leftwing ecology party – Mr Vendola has challenged Mr Bersani’s leadership, with one poll indicating he would win narrowly if it came to a vote. But for the moment, Mr Vendola remains on the fringes of the national stage and is likely to stay there. His main battle is with Giulio Tremonti, finance minister and architect of the austerity package that punishes regions in deficit such as Puglia by slashing funding from Rome. Mr Vendola calls it “social butchery” and notes that for two years, as Italy’s financial troubles deepened, the prime minister denied there was a crisis. “It did not fit the beautiful fable of Berlusconismo,” he says. “They see taxes as a mortal sin, not an instrument of the state. To speak of a tax on financial transactions is virtually forbidden,” says Mr Vendola, citing what he calls warnings by pro-government

CartaCapital 09-02-2010 economists that the cuts will cost 100,000 jobs and lead to renewed economic contraction. In reply, Mr Tremonti accuses Mr Vendola of creating “another Greece” in Puglia through over-spending and waste, especially in healthcare, where several centre-left officials are under investigation for corruption. Mr Vendola retorts that Italy’s poorer southern regions have had their share of central government funding cut to 37 per cent of the total from 43 per cent over the past decade. He says European Union money intended for development has instead been used to cover ordinary expenses. In spite of his communist background, Mr Vendola has won over investors in the region’s growing renewable energy sector. At a recent international conference on solar power, investors named Puglia as the most attractive region in Italy’s south for its less cumbersome bureaucracy and the relative weakness of the mafia, known there as Sacra Corona Unita (United Sacred Crown). Mr Vendola says that it is “our duty to call for a grand democratic coalition to bury the stinking corpse of the Second Republic”, which grew out of the collapse of the established parties – including the communists – in the early 1990s. He would like to be the grave-digger. As someone who relishes portraying his enemies as communist conspirators, Mr Berlusconi would enjoy the prospect of taking him on. View from Europe: Call centre closures hit Italy’s south Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. Print a single copy of this article for personal use. Contact us if you wish to print more to distribute to others.

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PRESS review

- CartaCapital - -

Um nome para o futuro Posted By Paolo Manzo On 2 de setembro de 2010 @ 10:06 In Internacional | 1 Comment

O presidente da região das Apúlias , Nichi Vendola, desponta como a nova liderança da esquerda italiana e possível candidato contra Silvio Berlusconi Não bastasse a crise econômica, a Itália vive um momento grave de turbulência política. O presidente da Câmara, Gianfranco Fini, cofundador juntamente com Silvio Berlusconi do Popolo della Libertà, partido governista, foi expulso da agremiação por sua resistência à apresentação de projetos anticonstitucionais e antidemocráticos. Na mais recente votação da Câmara, o governo levou a melhor com uma votação inferior à maioria absoluta, em virtude de cerca de 80 votos em branco. Teria perdido se parte das abstenções fosse voto contra. O que poderá ocorrer a curto prazo, quando Berlusconi voltar à carga com algum dos projetos combatidos por Fini. A perspectiva por ora está nublada, fala-se em eleições antecipadas e também na formação de um governo técnico. Em caso de antecipação, o candidato inevitável da direita continua a ser Berlusconi, hoje apoiado pela Liga Norte da qual, de certa forma, é refém. No centro parece estar em gestação uma nova agremiação, à qual se agregariam Fini e os 34 finianos que acompanharam o líder. E a esquerda? Afora figuras ligadas a um passado de derrotas diante de Berlusconi, um personagem novo surge em cena, Nichi Vendola, recentemente reeleito à presidência da região das Apúlias, a mais rica do Sul da Península, depois de vencer as primárias contra os candidatos figurões do PD, maior partido de oposição. Nascido em Bari há 52 anos, batizado Nicola, formado em Letras e Filosofia, comunista e católico, filho de um comunista católico, filiado ao PC desde a juventude, quando da dissolução do partido um dos fundadores da Refundação Comunista, é também fundador da Arcigay italiana. Homossexual assumido, “pedaço do meu cisma das duas igrejas, a comunista e a católica”, como costuma afirmar. Em 2009 saiu da Refundação e atualmente lidera a Esquerda Ecologia e Liberdade. Bom orador, corajoso, carismático, é apontado como o futuro da esquerda italiana. CartaCapital: O senhor viaja muito desde os tempos da universidade. Segundo seu ponto de vista, como a Itália é considerada hoje no mundo? Nichi Vendola: Acredito que, no momento, o mundo considere a Itália como país- marginal e encare o protagonismo do nosso primeiro-ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, como um fenômeno de costume mais que político. Existe uma difusa ironia planetária em relação àquilo que nós chamamos de berlusconismo. CC: Poderia explicar aos nossos leitores o que é o berlusconismo? NV: Trata-se de um fenômeno que origina dois fatores, o populismo e o neoliberalismo. Foi e continua sendo a expressão de um fundamental mercantilista que soube capitalizar a crise da política, dos partidos, e que, em aproximadamente 15 anos, transformou a Itália num país muito mais desequilibrado e, do ponto de vista civil, muito mais histérico. CC: Quais são as consequências do berlusconismo? NV: Hoje, a Itália possui uma classe dirigente que exprime intolerância em relação ao constitucionalismo democrático, que suporta mal o equilíbrio de pesos e contrapesos, indispensável a uma moderna arquitetura democrática, que atira contra a autonomia dos poderes Judiciário e Legislativo, e do poder informativo. É uma situação bastante grave porque Berlusconi é ao mesmo tempo o homem mais rico do país, proprietário de grande parte da imprensa e das emissoras privadas, e é o fiscal político de todas as emissoras públicas. É uma anomalia que mancha a imagem de um país amadurecido e de grande tradição democrática como a Itália. CC: O controle da mídia leva a situações inimagináveis em qualquer democracia realizada. Bastaria pensar no que está acontecendo com Gianfranco Fini, até ontem aliado de ferro de Berlusconi e cofundador do PdL, o partido majoritário, e hoje em desgraça, somente porque é contrário a algumas leis que favoreceriam a criminalidade organizada. NV: Contra Fini assistimos mais uma vez a uma ofensiva política realizada com o uso do assassinato moral e dos serviços secretos e também dos aparelhos de repressão. Uma luta política levada a termo com extraordinária violência verbal, com a volta à cena de poderes explicitamente criminais, como aqueles da Cosa Nostra e da Camorra, e como os da Maçonaria desviada, que condicionam diretamente a vida política nacional. Tudo isso representa um prejuízo incalculável para a Itália.

CC: Com o berlusconismo hoje na Itália ninguém faz carreira a não ser que possa ser chantageado. O senhor subscreveria esta consideração que ouvi pronunciar muitas vezes nos Estados Unidos por ítalo-americanos muito influentes? NV: Iria além disso. A Itália de hoje assemelha-se muito à Itália da Idade Média, um país não país no qual dominam os -senhores locais, as satrapias, os pequenos clãs. Atrás da corrupção dos políticos há uma complexa rede de poder de dimensão tipicamente local. Enquanto a Lega Nord canta o hino antipatriótico da “Padânia” nas celebrações do 15º aniversário da Unidade da Itália vão se legitimando as pequenas pátrias, algumas delas nas mãos dos clãs paracriminais. CC: No entanto, em 15 de agosto, o ministro do Interior, o leguista Roberto Maroni, e o da Justiça, Angelino Alfano, sustentaram que ninguém realizou tanto como Berlusconi no combate à criminalidade organizada… Para Mario Landolfi, do PdL, somente Mussolini foi melhor que o Sultão no combate à Máfia… NV: Não é o governo que emite ordens de prisão, este é o grande embuste daqueles vendedores de tapetes que são os ministros Maroni e Alfano. Os juízes e procuradores são ofendidos e caluniados diariamente por Berlusconi, que travam a luta contra os clãs mafiosos e os chefões foragidos. A captura de um foragido é fruto de muito trabalho, às vezes de -dezenas de anos. Penso que um governo sério deveria perguntar-se por que, depois de tantas prisões, permanece inalterado o poder econômico das máfias, o seu domínio sobre territórios nacionais inteiros e a extraordinária capacidade de se tornarem protagonistas da globalização. Pode-se imaginar que na máfia vigoraria um princípio, semelhante àquele da economia de mercado: as prisões podem representar apenas uma espécie de turn over, e se figuras envolvidas com a criminalidade organizada continuam no poder. Por exemplo, o ministro Maroni deveria responder por que não expulsou o seu colega de governo Cosentino, quando alguns procuradores solicitaram a sua detenção por associação com a Camorra. CC: Há quem sustente que o senhor poderá ser o primeiro premier da era pósberlusconiana. O que o senhor acha disso? NV: O problema é que eu fico a grande distância da política compreendida como de palácio, como poder. CC: Por quê? NV: Por enquanto, porque por duas vezes tive de derrotar o centro-esquerda nas primárias para poder vencer o centro-direita nas eleições de uma região-laboratório para a direita como a Púglia. Se venci, é porque a minha vida, a minha linguagem, a minha história, são expressões de uma dimensão nova, diferente da política. CC: Quem é Nichi Vendola? NV: Sou aquele que viajou em volta do mundo, que se enfiou em zonas de guerra e de guerrilha, que narrou as dores do mundo, sou aquele que se bateu no decorrer da sua vida pelos direitos de cada ser humano, sou aquele que governa uma região grande, a Púglia, conseguindo em três anos torná-la a mais importante do mundo pelas energias renováveis, sou aquele que abre uma frente de luta contra a privatização da água, tendo à sua disposição o maior aqueduto da Europa, sou aquele que declara guerra aos italianos exploradores de imigrantes. Enfim, não sou um caçador de borboletas, não canto para a lua, tento manter coerência entre aquilo que digo e aquilo que faço. Vivo a política como o pensamento de uma sociedade mais civil. E sou alguém que, ao vencer, não esquece os perdedores. CC: O ex-neofascista Granata, dissidente berlusconiano, juntamente com Gianfranco Fini, afirmou que apoiaria um governo liderado pelo senhor. NV: Na Itália, Granata exprime um novo gênero de direita, liberal democrática, de estilo europeu, gaullista, que é a melhor direita possível. Sou cético quanto a alianças paradoxais. Tenho estima por Granata, mas esta é outra conversa. Penso que o fenômeno político-cultural de Futuro e Libertà (Futuro e Liberdade), a formação política que Fini pretende fundar, seja um fenômeno habilitado a contribuir para se chegar a um novo centro. Veremos. Direita e esquerda às vezes na Itália parecem categorias equivalentes. CC: O senhor é de esquerda. O que significa hoje ser de esquerda na Itália? NV: Para a esquerda, vencer deve ser apenas um verbo que pode ser traduzido num sentimento popular, vencer como um sentimento que muda a vida. É como quando a vitória da esquerda no Brasil significa travar uma luta contra a miséria e o analfabetismo. Em toda a América Latina, a esquerda nos últimos dez anos iniciou essa luta, a luta pela igualdade, pelos direitos sociais, enquanto a esquerda europeia observa com um certo sentimento de suficiência. Ao mesmo tempo, na Europa de hoje, há 80 milhões de pobres, 20 milhões dos quais são crianças. A política de esquerda deve voltar sua atenção para esses problemas. CC: Qual é a sua situação em termos de futuras eleições? NV: Acho interessante o sucesso que obtive no coração do Vêneto da Liga, num confronto com o governador Zaia. Eu fui lá expor minhas ideias e dizer aos empreendedores: “Vocês estão em dificuldade porque lhes contaram uma lorota, ou seja, que era possível conduzir a competição internacional massacrando os trabalhadores, diminuindo o custo do trabalho. Pelo contrário, para

mim isso é feito com processos de inovação, criando um sistema, uma rede, não tendo receio das realidades emergentes. A competição, por si só, é uma palavra destrutiva”. Dizendo isso e dizendo que os ricos deveriam pagar as taxas recebi aplausos, eu terrone (sulista) no coração do Norte leguista. Eu represento o contrário da síndrome de Zelig. CC: De que se trata? NV: A esquerda exprime-se com uma linguagem cardinalícia quando fala com o Vaticano, e de forma patronal se fala com a Confederação das Indústrias. Quer ser igual a seus interlocutores. Pelo contrário, deve defender as próprias razões, salvaguardar o bem das pessoas. CC: Qual é o programa que o senhor propõe para a Itália do futuro? NV: A minha é uma esquerda que não cultiva saudade, é uma esquerda que tem curiosidade, que procura entender as linguagens dos jovens, que não procura os melhores, mas todos, que não se forma por missões vindas do alto, mas se constitui como debate embaixo, que não consegue estar enquadrada em partidos da esquerda, mas se encontra nas escolas, nas paróquias, nas dificuldades, na vida real das pessoas. A minha é uma esquerda mais rica de perguntas que de respostas sobre o futuro, sobre o viver associado, uma esquerda popular, plural, dos direitos humanos. Aquela que tem a capacidade de ouvir o mundo novo. Na América Latina, Turquia e Índia, pode-se perceber o perfume de novas ideias. A Europa é um continente no qual reina a morte e para devolvê-lo à vida precisamos de uma grande e nova esquerda. CC: No entanto, o único que derrotou Berlusconi até agora foi Romano Prodi, um centrista. NV: Tenho uma grande afeição por Romano Prodi. Receio que na política não haja mais a possibilidade de dar réplicas do passado, mas as diretivas do prodismo, mesmo com todos os erros cometidos, levaram a uma política com grandes potencialidades expansivas. Se Berlusconi foi o responsável pela narcotização televisiva, pela falta de responsabilidade da massa, a inversão do sistema que criou deve partir de um novo grande protagonismo democrático. Estou mortalmente cansado das diatribes simbólico-ideológicas no interior da esquerda: não dispõem mais nem de tempo nem de espaço. Eu não luto para uma esquerda minoritária, luto para vencer. Não é necessário ter medo da nossa gente, então. É com a nossa gente que venceremos. Juntos, com eles e graça a eles. CC: Qual é a sua relação com o Brasil? NV: Estive duas vezes no Brasil. A primeira em férias no Rio, no primeiro dia do ano, em São Paulo e em Florianópolis. Outra vez participei do Fórum Social de Porto Alegre. Para mim, o Brasil representa uma parte de minha alma. Aqueles da minha geração aprenderam a fazer política desde meninos, tendo sempre o globo terrestre na frente. E um lugar especial era a América Latina. Desde criança sabia tudo sobre a América Latina. Naturalmente, a vitória de Lula, as batalhas dos seringueiros, aquelas do MST, as extraordinárias lutas deste lugar da alma que é o Brasil constituíram uma peça fundamental do meu imaginário. É uma das minhas pátrias. Se a esquerda não aprender a ter uma multiplicidade de pátrias, acabou. Queria por isso fechar com as palavras de Rocco Scodellaro, um antigo poeta do Sul: Eu sou um fio de grama, um fio de grama que treme, e a minha pátria é onde o fio de grama treme.

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PRESS review

Panorama 07-24-2010

pag. 182 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

pag. 182 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

1 A diffusione interna - Vietata la riproduzione

pag. 182 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

pag. 182 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

Panorama 07-24-2010

pag. 182 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

PRESS review

pag. 167 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

1 A diffusione interna - Vietata la riproduzione

pag. 167 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009 pag. 167 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

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pag. 167 - venerdĂŹ 24 luglio 2009

China Daily 07-02-2010

PRESS review

24 italyspecial pag. 167 - venerdì 24 luglio 2009

F R I D A Y, J U L Y 2 , 2 0 1 0


Apulia presents renewable energy in Italy Pavilion By YU RAN

Alongside exhibitions at the Italy Pavilion during Apulia week, a conference will introduce the region’s work in energy and sustainable development. Titled “Better City, Better Life in Apulia: Development and Cooperation”, the seminar looks at achieving excellence in the production of energy and hopes to explore potential investment opportunities among Chinese companies. “Apulia is the main region for the production of energy from renewable power sources in Italy. The industrial implications of R&D and renewable energy within inno-

vative sustainable architecture and construction projects are well advanced,” Nichi Vendola, the governor of Apulia Region said. At the moment, the Apulia Regional Government is financing important regional development and growth initiatives to increase the production of energy from solar and wind power sources, and water management infrastructure, with investments totaling more than 700 billion euros ($860 billion) from 2010 to 2012 to

improve the quality and quantity of water production, and to reduce water pollution. Apulia is well-known for production of energy from renewable sources, being the first Italian producer of both wind and solar power, and the third Italian producer of biomass sources. “Owning the largest

drainage system in Europe, Apulia planned to run the whole operation and monitoring system by applying solar energy and high-technology,” said Vendola. Apulia has signed an agreement draft with China’s Guangdong province to control, improve and monitor the water drainage system. “We’re very glad that we could work with China to form a new direction on environmental protection by applying our experience and technologies,” said Vendola, looking forward

to further cooperation with the Chinese government. During the conference, the so called “rotating tower”, one of the most innovative and technologically advanced projects, made by David Fisher in collaboration with an Apulia company is introduced as a case study. e tower, the world’s first building in motion, takes the concept of green buildings to the next level,

generating electricity for itself with a possible surplus for other nearby buildings, making it the first skyscraper designed to be entirely powered by wind and sun.

$860 billion

Apulia’s investments to improve water quality from 2010 to 2012


Italy Pavilion at the ongoing Shanghai Expo.


If there is something to take away after visiting the pavilion, we hope visitors have a deeper understanding of the Italian way of life from the passion we have for what we do and the innovations and creativity of Italian people.” BENIAMINO QUINTIERI COMMISSIONER GENERAL OF THE ITALY PAVILION

Land where tradition meets innovation By XIAO RAN

As the second largest pavilion after the China Pavilion in the Expo Garden, the Italy Pavilion features interlinking walkways and varied exhibits. The pattern of narrow and intersecting alleys leading into open spaces is reminiscent of the Shikumen-style of old Shanghai, as well as the narrow alleys of Italy, an interesting parallel between the two cultures. “The different sections of the building reflect the diversity and complexity of regional cultures, which define the identity of Italy. e idea is akin to a mosaic, where only together can the different parts display the whole picture,” said Beniamino Quintieri, commissioner general of the Italy Pavilion. ‘City of Man’ emed the “City of Man”, the Italy Pavilion transcends a city designed and built to accommodate the needs and ambitions of man, at the same time as having a deep respect for his environment. It represents a proposal for a better city molded to man’s needs, one that is livable and stimulating, beautiful and efficient. Italy seeks to share the experiences of its own cities, which for thousands of years have faced the problem of balancing protection of historical inheritance with the needs of people and urban life. The interior is divided into irregular sections of different dimensions connected by aerial bridges. Architects have also deliberately embedded Chinese elements into the design of the Italy Pavilion. “If there is something to take away after visiting the pavilion, we hope visitors have a deeper understanding of the Italian way of life from the passion we have for what we do, to the innovations and creativity of Italian people,” Quintieri said. e Italy Pavilion is a reflection

of history fused with the modernity of Italy today. e entrance gate is a replica of the Olympic eatre in Vicenza built in 1585, but there is also a street-cleaning robot on display. It is a “Paradise for everybody”, with technology, arts, fashion, music and food. The first floor of the pavilion hosts a glass room named “The Making Of ”, where the visitor can experience the relationship between art and technology and witness the highly specialized nature of Italian crasmanship in a “live” workshop. “The live workshops include shoe-making by Ferragamo, sofamaking by Poltrona Frau, and restoration of cultural relics and making of the popular wooden Pinocchio,” Quintieri said. Italy’s wealth derives from the vast multifaceted diversity of her regions, towns and cities, each with their own identity. A total of 12 regions and three cities will take turns to showcase their uniqueness through exhibitions showing technologies and innovations, art shows and cultural performances, food and wine tasting, and business and investment seminars. China has caught the world’s attention through the Shanghai Expo 2010. For Italy, it is a perfect platform to introduce Italy to China and encourage more business, trade and cultural exchanges between the two countries. “I think the Expo presents an important opportunity to increase knowledge of Italy in China. Italy is well known for its fashion and luxury brands, but many are not aware of our high-tech industries and best practices across various business sectors. We hope to show them the wide range of opportunities in Italy,” Quintieri said.

Better city, better life in Apulia: Scenarios for growth and cooperation

Sharing sustainable practices with China



As one of the most developed regions in the south of Italy, Apulia combines tradition and culture with business innovation. Apulia is one of the most popular nautical tourism destinations in Italy. e objective of a sustainable Apulia, where economic development and environmental protection achieve the right balance, is a priority and is affirmed by regional policies in line with international standards that give equal weight to economic freedom and the environment. Environmental sustainability is increasingly regarded as a collection of actions that can provide citizens and businesses with new and diverse approaches which can benefit them as well as nature. e regulatory framework of Apulia on environmental issues is among the most innovative in Europe, and opens plenty of space for manoeuvre for businesses operating in sectors throughout the production chain, from the waste cycle to the restoration of contaminated sites, from the purification of water to services of purification for industrial areas. e regulation reduces the ceiling laid down by national legislation on

We planned to equip all public facilities in the region including universities, public infrastructure, shopping malls and so on with photovoltaic panels by transferring solar energy to electricity by 2015. NICHI VENDOLA GOVERNOR OF APULIA REGION

the emissions of dioxin, adopting the criteria set out in the Aarhus Protocol approved by the Council of the European Union in 2008. “We suggested that traditional firms reform and adopt environmentally friendly concepts into the corporate culture by increasing investment in facilities to reduce the emission of noxious substances,” Nichi Vendola, the governor of Apulia, explained. All companies, especially steel manufacturers, have to reduce the percentage of freon and dioxide produced. “e biggest steel manu-

facturer in Apulia and Europe has reduced the portion of dioxide from 9 micrograms per square meter to 4 micrograms,” said Vendola, citing the most recent example. e building industry has dropped the traditional concepts in order to construct a building in an innovative way with the adoption of sustainable development policies. A mixture of new techniques and eco-compatible materials has been adopted to build sustainable buildings. “We planned to equip all public

facilities in the region including universities, public infrastructure, shopping malls and so on with photovoltaic panels by transferring solar energy to electricity by 2015,” Vendola said. Three new sources of energy including wind, photovoltaic and biomass have brought Apulia with opportunities for further economic growth by protecting the great legacy of nature and landscape of the region. “Over 40 billion euros ($48.8 billion) have been spent on renewable energy to create a sustainable environment as well as protecting our historical buildings in terms of setting up industrial parks and renewable energy in rural areas,” Vendola said. As the leading Italian region for wind and photovoltaic power and third in energy produced from biomass, the Apulia region has already produced 37,000 gigawatt hours of electricity, some 86 percent of energy consumed from all sources. Between June 26 and July7, Apulia is presenting wedding fashion shows, workshops, business to business meetings, food tastings, and a film festival at the Italy Pavilion in the Expo Garden.

Exquisite wedding gowns grace the catwalk By YU RAN

A grand wedding fashion show was held at the Italy Pavilion on Friday night, with the theme of “ItalianStyle Marriage in Apulia”, showcasing more than 40 elegant, stylish and glamorous wedding dresses. ose beautiful wedding dresses were made out of top quality silks, lace, and ribbons and were sent down the catwalk, showcasing the originality and creativity of top Italian ateliers. e fashion show, staged in the pavilion’s “Joy of Living” square, presented visitors with the most elegant and stylish wedding dresses for this season. e ateliers showcased last Friday developed their own original styles, and are frequently required by movie stars, movie costume designers and advertising campaigns from Italy’s top

A wedding fashion show was held at the Italy Pavilion last Friday

fashion studios including Azzurra Collezione, Bellantuono, Giovanna Sbiroli, Rossorame, Ninfe Collezioni Sposa, Anna Primiceri Spose and Gianni Calignano. Rossorame is a new brand in Italy fashion panorama but they already have a great visibility especially in the movie market, having placed products among many national cinematographic productions and for Russian Film Festivals. As the designer for Rossorame, Bruno Simeone worked in China for three years until 2005 and his work includes Chinese elements. “e name of our company can be divided into two Italian words: rosso for red and rame for copper. Red is a lucky color in China while copper represents high-status,” Simeone explained. In the show, Simeone applied shantung pongee, a soft, undyed and undressed Chinese washing silk with print and then machinemade the plicated effect for a dress. He tried to mix both thick and thin materials for the dress. Gianni Calignano, also showcased his work. L’Oreal used Gianni Calignano’s dresses in an advertising campaign and the Italian soprano Katia Ricciarelli is one of their customers. “We focus on providing custommade dresses including wedding dresses to fit every customer’s figure and individual style. Our target group is mainly high-status ladies who want their own unique pieces,” Giovanni Pagliula, the partner of Gianni Calignano said.

FILM FESTIVAL CELEBRATES A REGION “Apulia, Scenes to explore”, the first Film Festival at the Expo Garden, which showed works from the region, marked the opening of Apulia Week at the Italy Pavilion last Sunday. It’s a collection of the best movies shot in Apulia, capturing its beauty, wildness and romance. The promising Italian film director, Pippo Mezzapesa, hosted the festival inauguration ceremony on Sunday at the Italy Pavilion with many celebrities of Italian cinematography, including Mario Desiati, chief editor of Fandango, the biggest independent Italian production company, and Donatella Botti, producer of the opening movie “L’uomo nero” (‘The Black Man’), a story about the relationship between a father and a son. Botti was very proud to show the film at the Italy Pavilion and to represent Apulia on such a grand stage. L’Altra Metà (‘The Other Half’) by Pippo Mezzapesa, which was nominated as Best Italian short movie at the “David di Donatello” awards 2010 showed the story of two lonely souls who meet and unexpectedly fall in love. “The Italian film industry has been a�ected by the financial crisis seriously so most directors don’t want to take a risk by making non-mainstream films which won’t earn enough at the box o�ce,” said Mezzapesa. Now, however, the new generation director is looking forward to a new independent wave in the Italian film industry. Supported by Apulia Film Commission, the governmental institution born to ease and enhance the cinema industry, the film festival runs until July 4 with screenings after 5pm.



Fine del menù


The Times 06-14-2010

Articolo: Obama style mobiliser Autore: redazione Il The Times del 14 giugno 2010 parla di Nichi. Where now for the crisis-hit European Left? Try looking at the heel of Italy, where you can find a refreshing combination of old values and capitalism di Bill Emmott supporters, in protest at his budget cuts and proposed labour reforms. Political labels such as left and right, we told ourselves when the Cold War ended two decades ago, are now meaningless. Yet we use them,squealing pondering endlesslyabout whichimmigration of the Eds, while Labour’s leadership candidates findstill themselves shamefully Miliband or Balls,silent is theabout most fiscal “left-wing” of the candidates to lead Labour. This may be a sitting cluelessly retrenchment. generational problem — too many of the ponderers grew up under Harold Wilson — or it may be for want of since anything But the economic crisis should give us aare further Moreover, the better. only current models of state-led development suchexplanation: progressive it is that until the Left (as it were) works what it actually stands new label forthcoming paragons as China, Russia andout Saudi Arabia, few even onfor, theno Left can lookwill at be them with or, more important, convincing. blinkered affection, as some socialists used to with the Soviet Union. Forwhat the parties left-wing have of had stinker of aLeft crisis. Risingthat it thinks of So can betraditionally done? The known centralas problem at least thea European remains unemployment, an apparent “crisis of capitalism”, used to say, clearfor culpability itself as progressive but that the electorate sees it as as Marx conservative. In Italy, example,for thethe forces ofI have high finance, all against a backdrop of increasing inequality virtually the rich country been visiting most often lately (for book research, sinceinyou ask),all opinion polls countries, ought to haveDemocratic been a perfect for a left-wing revival. Butthe it hasn’t evenboth in show that the left-wing Partyrecipe is associated with preserving status been, quo while placesBerlusconi, where the Left did not have the Minister, disadvantage of incumbency, such asLeague, Italy or are the seen as Silvio the right-wing Prime and his allies, the Northern Netherlands. The political beneficiaries have either oppositions, or else— populist standing for change or dynamism of some sort. Thebeen Left simply are protectors of privilege partly their anti-immigrant groups such as the League in Italymoney and the Freedom of Geert own political privileges, but also of Northern the recipients of public and of legalParty protection, such Wilders. as bureaucrats and trade unions. The unemployed and underemployed seem not to matter. Admittedly, electoral results have not surely been unambiguously badlosers for theinLeft. Labour did well in If the Left stands for anything, it must be for helping the modern, developed the Netherlands, just not as well as Mr Wilders’ Islam-bashers. France’s Socialist Party economies: helping them to survive, certainly, but also giving them the chance of socialhas mobility beenopportunity. bouncing back in regionalpart polls, andsolution in Germany both Party and the and An important of the needs, in the my fairly view, new to beLeft a final reconciliation older Democrats have gainingby a bit of ground. given the and social on theSocial Left with two words stillbeen considered many to needBut handling witheconomic rubber gloves: markets backdrop, the trend still been markets, surprisingnot andunfettered the ideological vacuumasstill and competition. Nothas unregulated competition, theevident. financial debacle has shown. When Lehman Brothers collapsed two Septembers ago, it looked for a while as if, at least in ideological terms, old left-wing ideas might revive. wastoback, But throttling markets and stifling competition is notGovernment the alternative that. markets were in the dustbin. The Reagan-Thatcher era of deregulation and market liberalism was surely over. Interventionism and state-led rescues the name game.governments China was the lastremain man The reason is twofold: first, that even ifwere a principal tool of of the left-wing may standing. public money, so that public services can help the losers and deliver social goods, markets continue to be the only known way to generate such tax revenues. But second, because Now, fewand would be so sure. The central task of merit governments onregardless both sides of of background the Atlantic is mobility opportunity must mean rewarding and ability or of cutting public debts and spending; the central debate is about how quickly it should beselection done, not inherited disadvantage. Meritocracy should be a left-wing word. So, therefore, should even aboutand how. The troubles of the eurozone are balanced the troubles costly welfare states for andthe in schools tuition fees for universities that are by of means-tested support cosseted public sectors more than of failed markets or collapsed capitalism. Spain’s Socialist able poor. Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, faces a general strike organised by his own Oddly and surprisingly, I have just seen some elements of this change at work in the south of Italy, in Puglia, at the country’s heel. Not all, for sure, but they make a man called Nichi Vendola, twice-elected governor of the region, the man to watch in Italian left-wing politics. He is a gay ex-communist, neither of which is naturally popular in the South, though he is also a devout Catholic, and in March saw off an effort by the national establishment of the Democratic Party to dislodge him.

Most of all, Mr Vendola is an Obama-style mobiliser of the Pugliese masses, with the oratory and charisma to conjure up dreams, and he is building a national movement too. As governor, he has at least partly accepted that southern Italy’s problem has been too much state and too little market (”Brezhnevismo”, he calls it refreshingly), and has shifted his own interventionism towards local infrastructure, to providing grants to 10,000 students to help them to study outside the region, and to environmentalism. If I were running a left-wing political party, that is the sort of combination I would go for: acceptance of the market, social mobility, the environment, plus attacks on privileged groups or vested interests in whatever country I was operating in. Whether I would be elected must remain, of course, a matter for speculation. Leggi la traduzione dell’articolo pubblicata dal Corriere del Mezzogiorno il 16 giugno 2010. Condividi







Il Sole 24Ore 05-03-2010

PRESS review

Italia > Italia 2820 Notizie 2820 >Notizie

Nichi Nichi Vendola Vendola sta vincendo sta vincendo le primarie le primarie del web del web Share


di Andrea di Andrea Franceschi3 Franceschi3 maggio 2010 maggio 2010 «Io sono«Io governatore sono governatore neoelettoneoeletto di una regione di una importante». regione importante». Nichi Vendola Nichi Vendola risponderisponde così a chi così a chi gli chiede glise chiede si stiase puntando si stia puntando alla guida alla centrosinistra guida centrosinistra alle elezioni alle politiche elezioni politiche del 2013.del Come 2013.dire: Come dire: ho un mandato ho un mandato degli elettori deglidella elettori Puglia dellae Puglia solo della e solo miadella regione mia mi regione vogliomi occupare. voglio occupare. Una Una risposta risposta obbligataobbligata per uno nella per uno suanella posizione. sua posizione. Ma che certo Ma che noncerto convince non convince più di tanto più quanti di tanto quanti vedono in vedono lui il leader in lui ildileader un centrosinistra di un centrosinistra ancora scombussolato ancora scombussolato dalla sconfitta dalla sconfitta alle regionali. alle regionali. trionfatore contro i nemici in cui forseconsolazione l'unica consolazione è stataVendola, proprio Vendola, Elezioni Elezioni in cui forse l'unica è stata proprio trionfatore contro i nemici esterni (Raffaele interni (Massimo D'Alema). esterni (Raffaele Fitto) ed Fitto) internied(Massimo D'Alema). La Stampa giorni che il governatore dellasta Puglia sta organizzando una La Stampa nei giorninei scorsi hascorsi detto ha chedetto il governatore della Puglia organizzando una convention per fine amaggio a Firenze. Un appuntamento in cui ufficialmente lancerà ufficialmente convention per fine maggio Firenze. Un appuntamento in cui lancerà la sua la sua candidatura alle primarie del centrosinistra con l'appoggio di esponenti importanti candidatura alle primarie del centrosinistra nel 2012nel con2012 l'appoggio di esponenti importanti di Pd di Pd e Italia Valori come Ignazio e Luigi De Magistris. Madel anche del giornalista e Italia dei Valoridei come Ignazio Marino eMarino Luigi De Magistris. Ma anche giornalista Michele Michele Sono solo speculazioni giornalistiche? A dispetto dellesono parole, più le recenti Santoro.Santoro. Sono solo speculazioni giornalistiche? A dispetto delle parole, piùsono le recenti mosse del neo governatore dellaa Puglia a far pensare non sia così. Adalla partire dalla maratona mosse del neo governatore della Puglia far pensare che non che sia così. A partire maratona tv mettendo che sta mettendo atto insettimane. queste settimane. Prima tempo a «Cheche tempo che fa» di Fabio Fazio il 26 tv che sta in atto ininqueste Prima a «Che fa» di Fabio Fazio il 26 aprile. Poi maggio il primo amaggio a Rainews24 perdiparlare lavoro con il direttore Corradino aprile. Poi il primo Rainews24 per parlare lavorodicon il direttore Corradino Mineo. IlMineo. Il appuntamento per 4 martedì 4 maggio, di LilliaGruber a «8 e mezzo» prossimoprossimo appuntamento sarà persarà martedì maggio, ospite diospite Lilli Gruber «8 e mezzo» su La7. su La7. Insomma, conquistata Puglia che sembra Nichi punti al palcoscenico nazionale. E nel farlo Insomma, conquistata la Puglialasembra Nichiche punti al palcoscenico nazionale. E nel farlo non trascura unche, mezzo che, da Obama Barack in Obama si sta dimostrando unsempre mezzo più sempre più non trascura un mezzo da Barack poi, si in stapoi, dimostrando un mezzo strategico: il web. Su Facebook il governatore dellaè Puglia è una star. La«PUGLIAmo pagina «PUGLIAmo strategico: il web. Su Facebook il governatore della Puglia una star. La pagina l'Italia» Nichi Vendola candidato premier 2013 ha oltre 14mila fan, 4mila ne può vantare la pagina «Vendola candidato premier per il 2013». E poi ci sono i gruppi «Un'Italia migliore si può fare, Vendola candidato premier per il 2013». e «Sottoscrizione per Vendola candidato premier alle politiche del 2013 solo per citare i più numerosi. Vendola inoltre ha oltre 100mila iscritti al suo fanclub personale. Oltre il doppio di Berlusconi e a distanza siderale da Pierluigi Bersani, che ne ha circa 20mila fan. È interessante dare un'occhiata al suo sito web e constatare come, uno strumento come «La Fabbrica di Nichi», abbia continuato a funzionare anche a elezioni finite e come si sia esteso a tutto il territorio nazionale. L'idea è quella classica del web 2.0: creare uno spazio online dove i sostenitori possano comunicare tra di loro, offrire le proprie idee e mettere in rete la propria porfessionalità. Ora il laboratorio di idee, partito dalla Puglia, sta diventando un fenomeno nazionale.

Si vedrà nei prossimi mesi se l'ipotesi di Vendola candiato premier è credibile. Intando il leader di Sinistra ecologia e Libertà incassa la bocciatura di Di Pietro. Per l'ex pm «se Vendola sta facendo il presidente della regione, faccia il presidente della regione, piuttosto che utilizzare quel ruolo per fare il salto della quaglia in improbabili candidature. Noi vogliamo aiutare Vendola a buon governare la regione Puglia, ma non vogliamo fossilizzarci su una candidatura che rappresenta una fascia minima della popolazione». ©RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA


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PRESS review

L’Espresso 04-01-2010

pag. 46 - giovedì 01 aprile 2010

pag. 46 - giovedì 01 aprile 2010

1 A diffusione interna - Vietata la riproduzione

PRESS review

Berliner Zeitung 03-25-2010

El País 03-14-2010

PRESS review


Berliner Zeitung · Nummer 71 · Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

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Seite 3

Versión para imprimir

Der Seelenmasseur Italiens Linke ist schwach und zerstritten. Jüngere Querdenker lässt sie nicht nach oben kommen. Nichi Vendola aus Apulien hat es trotzdem geschafft VON

PD wurde kürzlich sogar unter Korruptionsverdacht verhaftet. Vendola selbst hat HighTech-Gewerbe angesiedelt, fördert Kultur und Tourismus, hat Wasser zum Allgemeingut erklärt und verhindert, dass illegale Immigranten ohne Papiere gemeldet werden, wenn sie ärztliche Hilfe brauchen. Nur so, meint er, kann die Region vorwärts kommen, nur so könne ein linker Politiker heute erfolgreich sein: indem man Altes und Neues verbindet und neugierig ist. Und vor allem der Jugend zuhört, sich auch ihrer modernen Mittel der Kommunikation bedient – und ihr Visionen liefert. Was er darunter versteht, zeigt Vendola ein paar Tage später auf der Piazza del Popolo in Rom. Zehntausende schwenken an diesem milden Samstagnachmittag die Tricolore, Italiens Nationalflagge, mit dem Schriftzug des Partito Democratico darauf. Dazwischen leuchtet Lila, die Farbe einer neuen Oppositionsbewegung, die aus dem Internet kommt. Das „Lila Volk“ hat aufgerufen zu einer Großkundgebung gegen Berlusconi. Vorne, rund um die riesige Bühne, versammelt sich die linke Prominenz zum Schaulaufen. Gnädig hat man sich bereit erklärt, mit dem „Lila Volk“ aufzutreten. Sie sind alle da, Bersani, Veltroni, die roten Gewerkschaftsbarone, der einstige Staatsanwalt Antonio di Pietro, heute Chef der Minipartei „Italien der Werte“. Die Zeichen der Zeit hat auch er erkannt und trägt einen knalllila Schal. Vendola bevorzugt dezentere Töne, steht dem Lila Volk aber nah. Eindringlich schallt seine dunkle Stimme über den Platz. Er spricht frei und pointiert. Der Mann aus dem fernen Süden massiert die bedürftigen Seelen all jener, die schier verzweifeln an den Zuständen in ihrem Land. Verspricht ihnen eine bessere Zukunft, die an diesem Tag, auf diesem Platz beginnt, sagt, dass Berlusconis Zeit abgelaufen sei. Vendola bringt den Platz zum Kochen. „Wir brauchen eine andere Erzählung von Italien“, ruft er und erinnert an die Werte, die die Gründungsväter der italienischen Republik nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Verfassung niedergeschrieben haben. „Heute ist Italien eine Fernsehdemokratie, gegründet auf die Immunität der regierenden Klasse.“ Niemand bekommt an diesem Nachmittag so tosenden Applaus wie Vendola. Die Parteigranden sehen seinen Erfolg mit Unbehagen.



ARI. Der Mann ist allgegenwärtig. An praktisch jeder Straßenecke trifft man ihn, nicht persönlich, sondern in Form von Kinderreimen auf großflächigen, einfarbigen Plakaten. Ins Deutsche sind sie nur schwer zu übersetzen, es geht um die Sonne, das Meer, um Apulien. „Die Poesie liegt in den Taten“, so wirbt Nichi Vendola für sich, für eine saubere Umwelt, für Sozialprogramme für junge Leute. Und gegen Atomkraft ist er auch. Bari, die alte Stadt der Normannen mit ihren prachtvollen Kathedralen, ist flächendeckend zugepflastert mit Wahlplakaten von Vendola. Nur erkennt man sie nicht auf den ersten Blick als solche, sie unterscheiden sich so gänzlich davon, wie sonst Politiker in Italien auf sich aufmerksam machen. Es könnten auch Annoncen sein für ein Theaterstück oder eine Dichterlesung. Wer die Plakate lesen will, muss stehen bleiben, vielleicht sogar nachdenken. Vendola selbst sieht man nicht darauf. Das ist auch gar nicht nötig. Hier kennt ja jeder den Mann, den es nach landläufigen Kriterien eigentlich gar nicht geben darf. Nichi Vendola ist Ex-Kommunist und Philosoph, er hat über Pier Paolo Pasolini promoviert und schreibt selbst Gedichte. Er ist ein überzeugter, aber sehr kritischer Katholik und dazu bekennender Homosexueller. Und er macht auch noch vor, wie man eine Region, vergleichbar einem deutschen Bundesland, erfolgreich regieren kann. Im bombastischen Palast Vor fünf Jahren trat Vendola zum ersten Mal an, um Ministerpräsident von Apulien zu werden, jener konservativen, tiefkatholischen Region, die den Absatz des Stiefels bildet und zum Mezzogiorno gehört, dem strukturschwachen Süden. Damals war er noch Kommunist. Politischer Selbstmord sei seine Kandidatur, höhnten Politiker aus dem Berlusconi-Lager. Sie sollten sich täuschen. Auch bei den Wahlen am Wochenende wird sich Vendola wohl durchsetzen können und dann für weitere fünf Jahre im bombastischen Regierungspalast aus der Mussolini-Zeit residieren. In dreizehn von zwanzig italienischen Regionen wird gewählt, in elf davon regieren derzeit Mitte-Links-Kandidaten, und Silvio Berlusconi ist wild entschlossen, ihnen einige abzujagen. Doch der Ministerpräsident ist nervös, schließlich hat er selbst die Abstimmungen zur nationalen Testwahl erklärt. Seine Umfragewerte sind gesunken, seitdem die Regierung per Dekret dafür sorgen wollte, dass zu spät eingereichte Wahllisten seiner Partei doch noch zugelassen werden. Am vergangenen Wochenende ließ er deshalb aus ganz Italien seine Getreuen zu einer Supershow nach Rom bringen. Nützen wird ihm auch das nicht viel, davon ist Nichi Vendola überzeugt. Von seinem Büro im zweiten Stock geht der Blick links über den Hafen, geradeaus über das Meer. Das ehemalige Jugoslawien, Griechenland und Albanien sind näher als Rom. Von Bari aus stachen einst die Kreuzfahrer in See. Die Stadt am Südostrand Italiens hat schon immer sehnsuchtsvoll nach Osten geblickt. Das hat die Menschen geprägt. „Wir waren immer eine Drehscheibe zwischen Nord und Süd, aber auch zwischen Orient und Okzident“, sagt Nichi Vendola. Er ist stolz auf den kulturellen Reichtum der Region, die ein Modell sein könnte nicht nur für den Norden Italiens. Die Mafia konnte in Apulien nie stark werden, und Bari hat vorgemacht, wie eine vom Zerfall bedrohte Altstadt behutsam wieder zum Leben erweckt werden kann. Auch darauf hat er seinen Wahlkampf bewusst zugeschnitten: auf die Verbindung von Moderne und Tradition. Er sieht in dieser Kombination ebenso wenig einen Widerspruch wie darin, als Schwuler Katholik zu sein. Einträchtig stehen in seinem Büro kommunistische Devotionalien neben Bildern des Papstes. Benedikt XVI. musste damals, kurz nach seiner Wahl vor fünf Jahren, als erstes ausgerechnet nach Apulien reisen. Und dem neuen Ministerpräsidenten Vendola die Hand schütteln, einem, der sich aus der Sicht der Kirche zu einer Sünde bekennt. Der lacht noch heute verschmitzt, wenn er sich daran erinnert. An Selbstbewusstsein mangelt es dem eher klein gewachsenen 51-Jährigen nicht. Und er hat es verstanden, den Widerspruch als Markenzeichen zu kultivieren. Das fängt schon bei seinem Vornamen an. Der heilige Nicola ist der Schutzpatron von Bari, Nichi ist aber auch eine Reminiszenz an Nikita Chruschtschow, den langjährigen Generalsekretär der KPdSU. Vendola ist nicht nur ein Intellektueller, der aus dem Stegreif chinesische Philosophen und Karl Marx zitiert. Er spricht auch die Sprache der Bauern und Fischer, kennt ihre Ängste in den Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise. Dabei hilft ihm sicher, dass er selbst aus einfachen Verhältnissen kommt. Schon der Vater und der Onkel waren Kommunisten. Für die Eltern war es ein schwerer Schock, als sich der Sohn outete und in der Schwulenbewegung aktiv wurde. In Italien gibt es

Grün für Florenz

L A I F / A 3 / PA O L O T R E ( 2 )

Nichi Vendola ist katholisch, schwul, links, neugierig aus Prinzip und außerdem Ministerpräsident von Apulien.

nicht viele Politiker, die den Mut dazu aufbringen. Vendolas Popularität aber taten selbst die geradezu inflationär kursierenden anzüglichen Witze über ihn keinen Abbruch. Am Daumen trägt er einen Ring, den ihm ein Fischer geschenkt hat, als er vor fünf Jahren gewählt wurde – eine seiner vielen kleinen Eitelkeiten. Damals gehörte er noch zu dem Überrest der einst stolzen Kommunistischen Partei Italiens, der sich „Neugründung“ nennt. Die hat er unterdessen verlassen und eine neue Splittergruppe mit dem Namen „Linke und Freiheit“ mitbegründet. Trotzdem gelang Vendola das Kunststück, die Urwahl für die Kandidatur als Ministerpräsident haushoch zu gewinnen – gegen den Mann der großen oppositionellen Demokratischen Partei. Zähneknirschend musste man in der PD-Zentrale in Rom die Niederlage eingestehen. Und nicht weniger zähneknirschend unterstützt ihn die Parteiführung jetzt als gemeinsamen Kandidaten des Mitte-LinksLagers. Notorisch zerstritten und schwach, ist die Linke von Einheit weit entfernt und auch von Erneuerung. Nachdem der glücklose Walter Veltroni vor einem Jahr aufgegeben hatte, trieb die neue Sammelpartei PD führungslos vor sich hin, während die Flügel von Katholiken und Ex-Kommunisten erbittert um die Macht rangen. Im Oktober schließlich wählte die Basis Pier Luigi Bersani an die Spitze, einen biederen 58-jährigen Ex-Kommunisten. Er steht für vieles, nur nicht für einen Neuanfang.

Mit nur 34 Jahren wurde Matteo Renzi im Herbst einer der jüngsten Bürgermeister Italiens. Jetzt regiert er Florenz. Wie Nichi Vendola wird auch Renzi von den Alt-Linken mit Unbehagen beäugt.

Das immer gleiche Personal regiert seit Jahrzehnten in den roten Hochburgen. Und auch sie werden immer wieder von unappetitlichen Skandalen geschüttelt. Jüngere aber haben es schwer, nach oben zu kommen, Querdenker sind nicht sehr willkommen. Den „Lula von Bari“ nennen manche Alt-Linke Nichi Vendola verächtlich. Tatsächlich kennt er nur wenig Berührungsängste. Per Facebook versucht er die zu erreichen, die sich längst abgewendet haben von der etablierten Politik. Das bringt ihm den Vorwurf ein, ein Populist zu sein. „Die Realität ist etwas komplexer als solche Stereotype“, kontert er mit Schärfe in der Stimme. „Die italienische Linke ist auch deshalb so schwach und balkanisiert, weil sie entweder in der Vergangenheit lebt oder keine Überzeugungen hat.“ Dann holt Vendola aus zu einem geschliffenen Vortrag über die Linke nach dem Mauerfall, die insbesondere in Italien nie in der Gegenwart mit ihren Brüchen und Widersprüchen angekommen sei, die nicht begriffen habe, was die Globalisierung anrichte und wie wichtig Umweltfragen seien. „Wir müssen wieder den Wert des Menschen und der Arbeit in den Mittelpunkt stellen, sonst haben wir keine Chance“, sagt er. In seiner ersten Amtszeit hat Vendola für mehr Transparenz und Wettbewerb in den öffentlichen Verwaltungen gesorgt. Dennoch leidet auch das Gesundheitswesen in Apulien schwer an der „italienischen Krankheit“, Vendolas früherer Stellvertreter vom

Das gilt auch für einen, dessen Büro noch einmal 200 Kilometer weiter nördlich liegt. Matteo Renzi, obwohl groß gewachsen, verschwindet fast hinter einem prachtvollen Tisch unter noch prachtvolleren kostbaren Fresken aus jenen Zeiten, als Florenz der Inbegriff europäischer Urbanität war. Im Palazzo Vecchio, dem Rathaus, atmet noch heute jeder Quadratzentimeter Geschichte. Das aber reicht Renzi nicht. Auch er gehört nicht zum linken Establishment, auch er hat sich per Urwahl gegen einen scheinbar sicheren Kandidaten durchgesetzt. Mit nur 34 Jahren wurde er im Herbst einer der jüngsten Bürgermeister Italiens. Eine seiner ersten Taten war es, die Mitgliederzahl des Stadtrats zu halbieren, und er befreite den Domplatz vom Verkehr. Seither herrscht fast paradiesische Ruhe unter der weltberühmten Kuppel von Brunelleschi. „Wenn wir so weitermachen wie bisher und uns nur auf unserer Vergangenheit ausruhen, wird Florenz sterben“, sagt Renzi und zählt auf, was er noch alles vor hat. Drei neue Straßenbahnlinien will er einweihen, die Stadt soll grüner werden und gleichzeitig mehr Arbeit bieten. Die Liste ist lang, Renzi kaum zu bremsen. Auch ihn beäugt man misstrauisch in der Demokratischen Partei. Dabei hat er eine der wenigen Erfolgsgeschichten des vergangenen Jahres geschrieben. Den „Barack Obama Italiens“ haben ihn einige schon genannt. Davon ist er weit entfernt, doch der Jurist Renzi reizt die Parteifürsten. Er ist zu jung, zu bürgerlich und zu katholisch. Wie Vendola aber hat er es verstanden, neue Wähler anzusprechen. Auch er gilt deshalb als Populist, als ein Gegen-Berlusconi. Über solche Vorwürfe lacht Renzi nur. In Wahrheit sei die Linke viel zu weit weg von den Menschen und spreche eine Sprache, die diese nicht mehr hören wollten. Ihr größtes Versagen in Italien bestehe darin, sich allein auf die Hassfigur Berlusconi zu konzentrieren. „Das ist eine gute Ausrede für die katastrophale Schwäche der Linken.“ Auch damit macht man sich wenig Freunde in der römischen Parteizentrale. Renzi kann warten, auf die Zeit, die irgendwann kommen wird, nach Berlusconi. Vielleicht wird dann alles erst einmal noch schlimmer, befürchtet Nichi Vendola in Bari. „Das Gift, das den Italienern in die Herzen geträufelt wurde, ist gefährlich und wirkt stark“, sagt er. Um Politik gehe es dabei nur am Rande. Vielmehr habe Berlusconi eine kulturelle Hegemonie aufgebaut, die alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft durchsetze. Doch auch Vendola glaubt ganz fest an eine bessere Zukunft. „Berlusconis Niedergang hat begonnen und ist unaufhaltsam“, sagt er. Auf das Hoffen versteht sich die italienische Linke.


La izquierda se une contra Berlusconi Los partidos se manifiestan juntos para exigir una Italia "con reglas y sin trucos" MIGUEL MORA - Roma - 14/03/2010

Dos años después del traumático final del Gobierno de Romano Prodi, gran parte de la vieja Unione del centroizquierda italiano se juntó ayer de nuevo en la plaza del Popolo de Roma para protestar contra el decretazo aprobado la semana pasada por el Ejecutivo de Silvio Berlusconi para salvar las listas electorales no admitidas por los jueces. Dos años después del traumático final del Gobierno de Romano Prodi, gran parte de la vieja Unione del centroizquierda italiano se juntó ayer de nuevo en la plaza del Popolo de Roma para protestar contra el decretazo aprobado la semana pasada por el Ejecutivo de Silvio Berlusconi para salvar las listas electorales no admitidas por los jueces. A la manifestación acudieron unas 200.000 personas, según los organizadores (25.000 según la policía), bajo un lema unitario: "Por la democracia, la legalidad y el trabajo. Sí a las reglas, no a los trucos. A ganar". A sólo 15 días de las elecciones regionales, el Partido Demócrata y su aliado de Italia de los Valores se unieron de nuevo a la olvidada izquierda extraparlamentaria y marcharon con los Verdes; Izquierda, Ecología y Libertad; la Federación de la Izquierda, socialistas y comunistas. Emma Bonino, la líder de los Radicales que encabeza la candidatura del centroizquierda a la región del Lazio, abrió los discursos, centrados en la necesidad de buscar una alternativa de Gobierno a Berlusconi. Pierluigi Bersani, líder del PD, proclamó: "Desde aquí construiremos la Italia del futuro". Antonio di Pietro fue el más explícito: "Cuanto antes el país se libere del piduista (en referencia a la logia masónica P2), antes podremos volver a gobernar por el bien de todos". El más aplaudido fue Nichi Vendola, gobernador saliente de la Puglia y líder de Izquierda, Ecología y Libertad. "Italia no es una república televisiva fundada sobre la impunidad", dijo. "Debemos dar esperanza a quien no la tiene: nuestro deber es poner de pie a la Italia cansada y sufriente". La manifestación fue una fiesta, con música en directo, intervenciones de profesionales de la escuela, los sindicatos, y presencia masiva del Pueblo Violeta, el movimiento nacido en Internet. Por la mañana, el primer ministro criticó la iniciativa de sus rivales políticos. "Eso de hoy en Roma es un grupillo extravagante y contradictorio. Es grotesco que la izquierda reclame más libertad, mientras a nosotros que llevamos la libertad en la sangre, nos quieren negar la libertad de votar". Berlusconi ha convocado una marcha del Pueblo de la Libertad para el domingo próximo. © EDICIONES EL PAÍS S.L. - Miguel Yuste 40 - 28037 Madrid [España] - Tel. 91 337 8200

PRESS review

La Stampa 12-15-2009

La Repubblica 04-04-2005

PRESS review

Il candidato del centrosinistra in Puglia accolto da centinaia di persone "Il risultato più imprevisto e imprevedibile, ora il centrodestra chieda scusa" pag. 5 - martedì 15 dicembre 2009

Vendola fra ovazioni e incredulità "Battuto chi sa solo produrre fango" BARI - "Il risultato più imprevisto e imprevedibile". Se lo dice da solo, Nichi Vendola, incredulo e felice davanti ai numeri che marcano la distanza dal concorrente Raffele Fitto nella corsa alla Regione Puglia. Ed è ressa, in strada, a Bari, davanti al comitato elettorale, traffico chiuso e centinaia di supporter che lo accolgono con un'ovazione e scandiscono il suo nome. "Siamo vicini - dice - a una vittoria: la vittoria del centrosinistra sul centrodestra, di Nichi Vendola su Raffaele Fitto, del programma dell'Unione su un centrodestra ringhioso, privo di programma e incapace di andare oltre il livello di produzione di fango". Dentro, lo aspettano i sostenitori, ma pure papà, e mamma Antonetta. Scappata di casa, dice "perché il telefono continuava a squillare, tutti mi dicevano che sta vincendo". Ma lei, da brava mamma, se lo aspettava: "Perché è stato in grado di trasmettere umiltà, ricchezza e bontà". "Possiamo dire che ha vinto una Puglia migliore" dice Vendola una volta entrato nella sede del comitato elettorale. Poi, le accuse al centrodestra, per "avere insozzato, con le parole, negli ultimi giorni di campagna elettorale, la dialettica democratica". Per questo, aggiunge, dovrebbero chiedere scusa: "l'onorevole Mantovano deve chiedere scusa ai miei genitori, a me e anche alla sua famiglia per la volgarità estrema delle parole che ha usato". "E dovrebbe chiedere scusa - insiste - anche il direttore della Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno che ha trasformato un giornale glorioso in una vetrina di volgarità. Dovrebbero chiedere scusa perché da noi non è stata versata neanche una goccia di fango, la nostra campagna elettorale è stata pulita, e piena di sogni. Questa è una vittoria importante - aggiunge - non solo per l'Unione ma per tutta la società meridionale". Preso d'assalto dai giornalisti, il candidato non dimentica un pensiero per Giovanni Paolo II: "Una vittoria importante - ribadisce - ma tra le cose gravi che accadono c'è la fine di un grande pontificato e, io credo, la transizione verso una nuova era di quel mondo fondamentale per le sorti del pianeta che è la Chiesa cattolica". (4 aprile 2005)

The contents in this document were last updated on November 10, 2010.

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