Health in general Fall 2016

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Scholarship Fund Doubles with $ 25,000 Donation from Comedian Amy Schumer

Dedicated Medicaid Appointments at UHC CATALYS® Laser Cataract Surgery LGMC: First Breast Milk Donation Site in Southwest Louisiana

F E AT U R E D C O N T E N T FA L L | 2 0 1 6


LGMC Breast Center Navigator Certified P3

Concussion Solutions

The Breast Center at Lafayette


Hospital Spotlight

the certification of Sandy Hebert


Dr. Hamilton | Arachnophobia


UHC Dedicated Medicaid Appointments


Cover Story | Mayci Breaux Scholarship

General Medical Center announced as the center’s first certified breast patient nurse navigator. Hebert is now certified by the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC). This knowledge-based certificate is awarded to those who meet the Breast Patient Cancer Navigation’s certification requirements. They must

P10 P11

Cancer Survivor Kelly Brasseaux New CATALYS® Laser Cataract Surgery


LGMC: Thoracic Robotic Surgery


Urgent Care | Flu Season


LGMC: Milk Bank Donation Site


LGH Events

Health In General

is produced by the Lafayette General Health Community Relations Department

201 Audubon Blvd. Ste.102 Lafayette, LA 70503 (337)289-8600



Daryl Cetnar

Meghan Connell Alexandra Donaldson Gus Fontenot Alex Labat Brent Pelloquin Leslie Primeaux

also attain the knowledge and skills established by the NCBC’s standards to navigate cancer patients through their continuum of care with skill and competency. Hebert is among an elite group of Breast Patient Navigators nationwide.

LGMD Physician Specialists Serving Crowley

Paul Novakovich, M.D.

Otis Drew, M.D.

Damon Patterson, M.D.

Orthopedic Surgeons Paul Novakovich, M.D., and Otis Drew, M.D., and Neurologist Damon Patterson, M.D., members of LGMD Physician Group, are now offering clinic hours in Crowley in addition to their regular practices in Lafayette. Their offices are located in the Acadia General Specialty Center at 1113 E. Northern Street.

Dr. Novakovich’s Office

will be open every Thursday from 8 a.m. to Noon. Dr. Drew’s Office

will be open every Monday from 1 to 5 p.m. Dr. Patterson’s Office

will be open every other Friday from 8 a.m. to Noon. ON THE COVER (from left):

Dondie, Kevin, Ali and Dustin Breaux

Each physician has privileges at


Brad Kemp



Acadia General Hospital.


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Lafayette General Health Building on Concussion Management Concussions are at the forefront of

League (NFL) and the National Hockey

opportunity to patients who choose to

medical concerns, as modern sports

League (NHL) mandate ImPACT cognitive

enter this program.

medicine drives further discovery of

testing for all of their athletes. Their large

head injury ramification.

database increases reliability and validity

In the event of an injury, the patient can

of testing results.

receive expedited treatment in every

(LGH) is partnering with Concussion

aspect of care with an anticipated level of

Solutions, LLC, to build a health

ImPACT testing into its program, and

management network to best treat

then communicates and helps implement

each provider.

patients with concussions and other

best practices between athletic trainers,

sports-related injuries.

coaches, parents, student-athletes, school

because of the number of hospitals, clinics

administrators and medical specialists.

and physicians involved,” says Tommy

That is why Lafayette General Health

Since its founding in 2011,

Concussion Solutions integrates

The primary focus is injury prevention.

standards and communication between “This is really golden for the community

Concussion Solutions has worked with

Partnering with LGH allows Concussion

Dean, founder of Concussion Solutions.

athletic trainers at more than 30 high

Solutions to expand its model towards a

“For any entity or patient in any Acadiana

schools across Acadiana to provide concussion guidance to their athletic

The goal is to achieve the highest standard of care once an athlete suffers a concussion.

programs. The University of Pittsburgh estimates 19% of contact-sport athletes, or some 300,000 cases in the U.S., experience a concussion each season.

Concussion Solutions offers guidance

more multi-faceted program in the

parish that lacks medical guidance, we

by establishing protocols that utilize

event of any sports-related injury.

provide the option to offer them care from

the best evidence-based practices and

start to finish, and can help guide them

research in preventing and responding to

physician, and concussion specialist,

through the entire process.”

concussions. The goal is to achieve the

who also provides full-spectrum non-

highest standard of care once an athlete

surgical sports care with LGMD Physician

management is truly a team effort and

suffers a concussion.

Group, serves as Medical Director for

it’s about providing the best service

Concussion Solutions. With Dr. Shute and

and creating the best experience for the

neurocognitive baseline testing to local

Concussion Solutions working together

patient/athlete from start to finish. This

high schools as one part of their service.

to establish a network of care under the

partnership between the hospital and

Some of their testing is based on ImPACT

LGH umbrella, they can offer the resources

Concussion Solutions helps bridge the

Applications, Inc., one of the most highly

of the entire LGH system to a patient

gap in patient care and allows us to do

reputable companies in computer-

under a single model of managed care.

what we do people!”

based concussion testing. More than

From orthopedics and neurology, pain

7,400 high schools, 1,000 colleges and

management, physical therapy or just

universities, and over 200 professional

access to local hospitals or physician

sports teams nationwide utilize ImPACT’s

offices, this network, or teamwork, can

testing platform. The National Football

extend a comprehensive health care

Concussion Solutions provides

Creig Shute, M.D., a Family Medicine

Dr. Shute adds, “Concussion

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Shute, call (337) 981-3368.

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Jennings American Legion Hospital is the newest clinical affiliate of Lafayette General Health. Jennings American Legion Hospital (JALH) has entered a clinical affiliation agreement with Lafayette General Health (LGH). While each organization’s ownership and governance

community. LGH can provide greater purchasing power on supplies and equipment and help with clinical protocol alignment.”

structure will remain the same, the affiliation enhances the economies of scale for both

The past successes of LGH clinical affiliations lie in the belief that care should remain local.

organizations and allows for sharing of best practices.

As health care moves from payments for volume to value-based reimbursement, this

affiliation will strategically position JALH for continued success. Those that can deliver care more efficiently and cost-effectively, leading to better patient outcomes, will see increased financial stability and long-term viability.

The goal of the agreement is to produce a partnership that focuses on producing

high-quality, coordinated care to the residents of Jefferson Davis Parish and surrounding areas. The past successes of LGH clinical affiliations lie in the belief that care should remain local. LGH will offer clinical pathways that can provide lifesaving access to Lafayette General Medical Center’s (LGMC) trauma program for severe injuries needing the resources of a larger facility. This will allow JALH to treat more patients locally and rely on LGMC for critical expertise.

LGH currently owns or manages Lafayette General Medical Center, Lafayette General

Southwest, Lafayette General Surgical Hospital, University Hospital & Clinics, St. Martin Hospital, Acadia General Hospital and Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital, and has a collaborative agreement with Opelousas General Health System and Iberia Medical Center. LGH also has clinical affiliations with Franklin Foundation, Abbeville General and Bunkie General.

“We are excited about this clinical affiliation with Lafayette General Health,” stated

JALH CEO Dana Williams. “This will strengthen our ability to care for the people in our




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Like JALH, many of LGH’s facilities

are non-profit community hospitals. The partners share a similar mindset of reinvesting excess margins back into the hospital through expanded technology, upgraded facilities and improved operations.

“Jennings American Legion Hospital

is a great asset to our health system,” said LGH President David L. Callecod, FACHE. “We continue to help local hospitals retain their patients and further solidify their place within each respective community. We look forward to a great relationship with Jennings American Legion.”


Even as a kid, spiders freaked me out.

pain, swelling and heart and nerve damage.

the ER pale, damp and breathing hard.

The worst was on a mission trip to Haiti.

Fortunately, these infections are rare in

After hearing his story, it was pretty clear

One night getting into bed, I pulled back

Louisiana. However, you can get them, so

what happened. We admitted him to

the covers a little, and a large beetle ran

avoid tick bites. If hiking in the woods, use

the Intensive Care Unit for fluids, muscle

out. Weird, I thought, what else is in there?

bug spray all over, and tuck your pants

relaxers and pain medication, and he

Peeling back a little more, a lizard ran out. A

into your socks (ticks climb upward). When

eventually recovered.

little more, another beetle. Finally, I yanked

showering later, inspect yourself for ticks

the sheet all the way back and there was a

– they can be tiny and sneaky. If removed

The other “bad” spider in our area is the

Brown Recluse. This spider’s bite is also


within 24 hours, you greatly decrease your

rare. When bitten, the victim usually feels

chance of disease.

nothing. However, over the next few days

Hairs standing on end, I thought, “What

if I had climbed in without looking?” After

the bite site can get red, swell and develop

5 minutes, I worked up the courage to

People often come to the ER complaining of a “spider bite,” when the vast majority are infected cuts, scratches and mosquito bites.

flick the sheet to toss the beast on the floor, where I kept stomping and jumping back, I’m sure yelping, too, until it was dead.

While scorpions are rare in Louisiana,

the far more worrisome arachnids are ticks.

a bluish blister of dying tissue. It looks like an abscess (or “boil”), but with blue-black tones and an open wound where the skin has died.

Because of what the Brown Recluse

bite looks like, many assume every boil is

Tick encounters are more common in the

a spider bite. People often come to the ER

fall, when they are most active and humans

complaining of a “spider bite,” when the

are out in cooler weather. Ticks don’t sting

like scorpions, but they can transmit some

let’s talk about the most common arachnid

and mosquito bites.

nasty infections. The two deadliest are

Enough about scorpions and ticks;

vast majority are infected cuts, scratches

we encounter – spiders. Spiders have

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and its

an undeserved reputation as bad guys.

spider bite. Avoid putting your hands

Though unusual, you don’t want a

cousin Erlichiosis. After a bite, the victim

But only once in 24 years of practice have

and feet where spiders live. Both Brown

develops fever, headache and fatigue.

I seen a bite from the worst of American

Recluses and Black Widows like dark

Days later, a rash of tiny spots appears

spiders – the Black Widow. A 15-year-old

areas, only biting when their hiding spots

all over, and the patient gets deathly

farm boy had left his boots in the barn.

are invaded. Wear heavy gloves when

ill. Another tick-borne infection is Lyme

That morning when he put them on,

putting your hands in wood piles or other

disease. It starts with a rash that looks like

without socks, he felt a pinprick between

dark spaces. Keep household and outdoor

a target – central redness surrounded by a

two toes. Thinking nothing of it, he went

storage uncluttered – spiders love to hide

pale ring, in turn surrounded by a red ring.

to work. That afternoon he began to feel

in piles of yard debris and bricks.

If undiagnosed, Lyme can later cause joint

sweaty, crampy and weak. He came into

And keep your boots indoors!

Scott Hamilton, M.D. , is a board-certified pediatrician by the American Board of Pediatricians and medical advisor in Lafayette General Medical Center’s dedicated pediatric treatment area within the Emergency Department. Dr. Hamilton is a Pediatric Advanced Life Support course instructor. His blog is available at and through a link at, where it is accessible to parents anytime, anywhere there is an Internet connection.

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Dedicated Medicaid Appointments at UHC

On July 1, Governor John Edwards

Patients can call (337) 261-6500

signed an executive order to expand

Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.

Medicaid in Louisiana. The program,

to 4 p.m. to schedule dedicated

known as Healthy Louisiana, provides the

appointments for primary care.

opportunity for more Louisiana residents

to qualify for Medicaid coverage. This

specialists available to assist with an

means access to professional health care

application. The Medicaid Enrollment

coverage for many people in Louisiana

Center is located inside Building 7

who were unable to qualify for Medicaid

on UHC’s campus.

UHC has Medicaid enrollment


Louisiana residents between the

138% of the Federal Poverty Level for 2016

ages of 19 and 64, who meet 138% of the Federal Poverty Level and are not already enrolled in Medicaid or qualify

Household Size

Yearly Income









for Medicare, may enroll in the state’s newly expanded health care program.

Eager citizens of Louisiana signed up

to take advantage of the program, but were left asking ‘Where can I schedule

an appointment?’

hospital available to everyone in



Acadiana. It also offers a variety of



University Hospital & Clinics (UHC)

UHC is a full-service, acute care

stepped up to accommodate the influx

specialty clinics such as family medicine,

of new patients in Acadiana by providing

oncology, gynecology, cardiology,

dedicated appointments to new

orthopedics and more. It is Acadiana’s

Medicaid enrollees.

largest provider of primary care and specialist appointments for patients that



have Medicaid or are underinsured.


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For questions about enrollment, call (337) 261-6721 or (337) 261-6723 or visit

I was 10 years old when my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I remember having a lot of anxiety not knowing what was going on with my father. I wanted someone to explain to me, “Why?” There was a nurse, she took the time, she explained to me about his medications. I was able to assist with setting up his pill boxes – making sure he stayed on his medications. I think it was my early training. So, whenever I became a nurse, I didn’t want my patients or their family members to feel like, “I’m still left in the dark, I still don’t understand.” I want to make sure that we’re there to answer their questions. I want to relieve and reduce any anxiety they have. I tell them there is no need for you to worry. Just relax, and know that you are in good hands. My name is Jernice Rodrigue, and I choose Lafayette General.

Jernice Rodrigue Lafayette General Health Nurse

Learn more about a career in Nursing at

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Mayci Breaux’s Impact Lives On Dondie Breaux talks about her daughter’s dream of becoming a rad tech.

Before Lafayette began to brace itself for the oneyear anniversary of the Grand Theatre shooting, Lafayette General held a celebration for Mayci Breaux, announcing a new scholarship in her name which will impact the lives of young women in the state for years to come.

“I’m just happy that she will never be

On July 14, 2016, the Breaux family

of scholarship finalists.

joined leaders of Lafayette General

Health (LGH) and Lafayette General

something positive and memorable,”

Foundation (LGF), to announce the

says David L. Callecod, FACHE, President

“Mayci Breaux Scholarship Fund”. The

of Lafayette General Health. “Mayci

fund started with a $100 donation from

Breaux’s legacy will absolutely not be

an anonymous donor in Montana…just

forgotten.” It is a legacy that will ensure

one day after the shooting.

young women with the drive to pursue

forgotten,” says Dondie Breaux, mother

“I’m just happy that she will never be forgotten” Dondie Breaux Mother of Mayci Breaux

of 21-year-old Mayci Breaux, who toured the facilities at Lafayette General Medical

an education will be able to achieve those goals. All of the money raised for the scholarship will be held in a restricted account by LGF. The money can only be used for the scholarship fund.

Thanks to the donations of many,

“Anyone in the community can

also make a donation to help build

Center just weeks before her life was

including LGH employees, the fund

the scholarship,” says Cian Robinson,

cut short.

quickly grew to $20,000. The day before

Executive Director of LGF. Robinson,

the fund was announced, another

who has been in contact with the

Mayci was known as a loving

individual, with a big smile and even


“We took it upon ourselves to do

$5,000 was donated by Bo and Jerry

Breaux family, told them during the

bigger heart. She graduated from

Ramsay on behalf of all of the survivors

presentation of the scholarship, “It has

Hanson Memorial High School in 2012,

and everyone that has been affected

been an absolute honor for us to be able

and was attending LSUE, where she was

by the shooting. “It is the best feeling

to do this. There are so many folks from

studying to become an ultrasound and

in the world that so many people that

the Lafayette General family that came

radiologic technologist.

knew Mayci, or didn’t know Mayci,

together to be able to put this together.

have donated or raised money for this

We appreciate what you have allowed us

Mayci had a lot of loves in her

life, including dancing, but the thing

scholarship in memory of her,” says

to do. It is an honor and a privilege.”

Mayci was most passionate about was

Dondie, who has been working with LGH

spending time with her family.

and will assist in whittling down the list

scholarship, comedian Amy Schumer,



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After learning about the launch of the

Mayci Breaux’s family and her LSU Eunice classmates.

star of the movie Trainwreck, donated

radiology tech, and love it like she was

$25,000 to Lafayette General Foundation

going to love it.”

color of individuality. It is a color that

and the Mayci Breaux Scholarship Fund.

occurs least frequently in nature – a

The fund, now up to $50,000, is endowed

the fund was stocked with Mayci’s

symbol of something unique – something

through Goldman Sachs, ensuring the

favorite treats (Milky Way bars and

that you don’t see all too often. For many,

longevity of the scholarship.

strawberry lemonade), her favorite flowers

that is Mayci Breaux. Her mother agrees,

(orchids) were the center arrangement

saying, “She had so much of a big heart -

For anyone interested in applying for the “Mayci Breaux Scholarship Fund”, the criteria are as follows:

The press conference to announce

In some belief systems, purple is the

and were presented to her family after

for family. That’s how everybody should

the announcement. Even Mayci’s favorite

be treating everybody - like family. That’s

color, purple, was incorporated into

how everybody should live their lives.

the event.

Through God, and with family.”

Must be a Louisiana resident

Must be female

that color represented who Mayci was.

For many of the people in attendance,

Must be enrolled in a radiologic technology program

Purple was worn by Mayci’s family

Will attend or is attending a Louisiana college/university

from LSUE.

members, loved ones and classmates

To learn about the scholarship fund or to apply online, go to

Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above at time of application

Submissions must be received before the end of July each year The 2016 scholarship winners, announced on September 25th (Mayci’s birthday) are Tayler Montet and Nikki Blanchard.

“Some girls struggle. I’m happy we can help somebody who also wants to be in the same field she wanted to be in since she was in junior high,” said Dondie, during a heartfelt speech. “I want the ones that are truly dedicated to being a

Mayci Breaux

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Something as Simple as a Self-Exam Saved My Life Wife, mother and teacher. Those are just a few ways Kelly Brasseaux used to describe herself. Now she adds fighter, survivor and advocate to the list.

Three years ago, we introduced you to

“Within 24 hours, I made my first call.”

She began her journey at Cancer

Center of Acadiana (CCA) with Deborah

absolutely benefitted my recovery.”

she was going through her journey

stayed close,” said Kelly.

alone. At CCA, she had the support of an entire team, not just her doctor.

compassionate people I have ever come into contact with, all the way

to share her story with everyone to raise

down to Bertha who draws my blood,”

awareness of breast cancer in younger

explained Kelly.

women, and helps others going through

similar battles.

same guidance she received with those

explained Kelly. “Some are women who

“I just put cancer behind me, and moved forward. I climbed that mountain and now I’m living.”

have just been diagnosed and are scared. They want to know what happened to me. Others ask which doctor I saw.” Kelly begins her story explaining how

Kelly Brasseaux

she has always tried to lead an active and

that?’ That’s when I felt the lump,” she said.

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who approach her for help. “People told me if you continue to worry all of the time, then you are not living,” said Kelly. “I just put cancer behind me, and moved forward. I climbed that mountain and now I’m living.”

healthy lifestyle. On a typical afternoon in

shocked me and I asked myself ‘What is

Talking through her journey helped

her tremendously. Now, she shares the

“My number will get passed around,”

pain across her right breast. “The pain

“The people at Cancer Center of

Acadiana are some of the most

a survivor for four years. She continues

of her routine run when she felt a sharp

She explains that she never felt like

developed a good relationship and have

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and has been

October, she was coming towards the end

friends were able to come with me,

Johnson, M.D., and Molly Thomas, M.D.

She was diagnosed at the age of 34 with

home, where my family members and

“I really liked all of my doctors. We’ve

Kelly’s personal battle with breast cancer.

she explained. “But, being close to

With no history of breast cancer in her

family, she was scared. With the support of CCA and her family, she was able to overcome her fears. “I was very scared when I took my first chemo treatment,”

To learn more about Cancer Center of Acadiana visit, Cancer

Pictured (L to R) are Ophthalmologists Ricardo Leoni II, M.D., Jonathan Joseph, M.D., Kirk LeBlanc, M.D., and Kevin Swan, M.D.

CATALYS Laser Brings New Vision to Cataract Surgeries ®

For patients needing eye surgery, the CATALYS® Precision

especially amongst those candidates in need of multifocal

Laser System is proving to be a major success at Oil Center

and vision-correcting lenses.

Surgical Plaza (OCSP). Since its first use in Acadiana in early

Oil Center Surgical Plaza, located in the Medical Office

May, the laser quickly surpassed 100 cases by mid July.

Building at 1000 W. Pinhook Road, is a surgical specialty center

The CATALYS laser is used mostly for cataract surgeries, but is

that serves patients needing outpatient surgical procedures

used for other eye procedures as well. Cataracts often develop

ranging from ophthalmology, ENT (ear, nose & throat), plastic

in older adults as the lens of the eye hardens and becomes

surgery or pain management.

cloudy or less translucent. This can cause light to appear glary, vision to be blurred and colors to seem muted.

Preparing for cataract surgery requires multiple incisions on

the covering of the eyeball, and inside the eye around the lens. Traditionally, these cuts were made by hand, with hand-held tools. The CATALYS is beneficial because its laser can make these incisions with more accuracy and precision than by hand.

The CATALYS is equipped with a guidance system that maps

the eye structure in three dimensions and establishes safezone parameters. Since every eyeball is uniquely shaped and configured, being able to plan and customize these incisions makes for a more predictable result and outcome.

Removing the cataract using traditional methods required

high-energy ultrasound to break up the cataract into pieces for removal. With CATALYS, the laser cuts a grid-like pattern across the cataract to soften it. That allows the lens to be removed gently and in clean-cut sections. This helps leave a betterprepared setting for the replacement lens to be inserted. The end result is that the CATALYS laser reduces redness and discomfort after surgery, and allows for faster visual recovery.

“With this new technology, it makes a great cataract procedure even greater. I am so excited about this new era in cataract surgery.” Dr. Jonathan Joseph 609 Guilbeau Rd., Ste. 1 | (337) 981-6430

“The precision and efficiency of the laser makes even the most advanced of cataracts safe and easy to remove. In my 20 plus years of experience I’ve seen nothing like it. We have brought the most advanced technology the world has to offer right here to Lafayette.” Dr. Kirk LeBlanc 1000 W. Pinhook Rd., Ste. 303 | (337) 234-8533

“We are excited to have this technology available at Oil Center Surgical Plaza. We now operate here with a precision that is unequaled in the industry, leading to tremendous outcomes for our patients.” Dr. Ricardo Leoni II 203 Rue Louis XIV, Ste. A | (337) 981-2393

“The CATALYS laser is the most advanced technology available for cataract surgery. It is precise, and makes cataract surgery less difficult. I am excited to have the opportunity to provide the most advanced care in cataract surgery to my patients.” Dr. Kevin Swan 609 Guilbeau Rd., Ste. 1 | (337) 981-6430

Physicians with privileges at OCSP to use the CATALYS laser are Ophthalmologists Jonathan Joseph, M.D., Kirk LeBlanc, M.D., Ricardo Leoni II, M.D., and Kevin Swan, M.D. The physicians say they are experiencing wonderful outcomes in vision restoration,

For more information on the CATALYS® Precision Laser System, visit and click “Ophthalmology” under the “Services” tab

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da Vinci Provides a Precise and Steady Hand ®

da Vinci Xi | Robotic Surgical System ®

Lafayette General Medical Center

surgeon is 100% in control of the robotic-assisted system,

(LGMC) announced the acquisition

which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, more

of the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System

precise movements of tiny instruments inside the patient’s

last year. Now, LGMC is offering

body. The Xi System’s immersive 3D-HD vision system provides

thoracic surgery through the

surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes

da Vinci Xi. Thoracic surgery is performed in the chest, and its purpose is to treat diseased or injured organs, including the esophagus, chest wall, heart and lungs. Thoracic surgery using the da Vinci Xi is only being offered in Louisiana at LGMC, Ochsner, Tulane and Touro (as of September 2016). The robotic surgical system further advances minimally invasive surgery. The Xi System is optimized for multi-quadrant

“The three main improvements I see for my patients are fewer complication rates, it’s less painful and patients have a shorter recovery period, which means they can go home quicker following surgery. This is an amazing piece of equipment.” Dr. Victor Tedesco

surgeries in the areas of gynecology, urology and general surgery, among others. Through thoracic surgery, a mass can be removed from the lung, ultimately benefiting patients with

Robotic Incision


Traditional Incision

and hands into the patient.

lung cancer. Choosing a da Vinci procedure over a standard

You should consult with your

procedure typically results in a shorter hospital stay, less blood

doctor to see if the da Vinci Xi

loss, fewer complications, less medication, a faster recovery and

procedure is right for you.

minimal scarring. With the robotic surgery you can reclaim your BENEFITS TO ROBOTIC SURGERY

active lifestyle quicker.

Victor Tedesco, M.D., Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgeon

Shorter hospital stay

with Heart & Vascular Center of Acadiana, is the only surgeon in Acadiana who performs robotic assisted lung surgery using da Vinci Xi. He has seen a dramatic difference in thoracic surgeries compared to standard open surgery.

“The three main improvements I see for my patients are

fewer complication rates, it’s less painful and patients have a shorter recovery period, which means they can go home quicker following surgery,” said Dr. Tedesco. “This is an amazing piece

The robotic surgical system advances minimally invasive surgery, using smaller, multi-quadrant surgical incisions.

Less blood loss Fewer complications Less need for narcotic pain medicine Faster recovery Smaller incisions associated with minimal scarring

of equipment.”

This technology provides the surgeon with unparalleled

precision, better dexterity and control, increased comfort and more efficiency. As with all da Vinci Surgical Systems, the

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For more information on minimally invasive surgical options at LGMC, visit

Are You Prepared for Flu Season?

With every season comes change.

Urgent Care Center locations.

you, but for the people you care for and for

Fall is known for leaves changing color,

The vaccination can take two weeks

the people you come close to,” explained

and days getting shorter while nighttime

to become effective.

Dr. Simon.

comes faster. However, there is another

season which begins around the same time,

throughout the season can help prevent

influenza (flu) season.

spreading the virus as well.

Just as you prepare for the things you

look forward to from season to season,

Washing your hands frequently

How can you track flu outbreaks? The

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

it’s equally as important to prepare for flu

(CDC) makes it easy for you to follow the


flu online or with their app on your phone.

Updates provide locations across the

Three ways to prepare for flu season


are to know when the season starts, know when you should get vaccinated and track flu outbreaks.

Flu season typically starts around

country where outbreaks are occurring.

“If you have the flu, taking yourself out

of your work or school situation is most important to the community,” explained

October, however the season’s dates vary

Dr. Simon. “You can be contagious up to

from year to year. Influenza travels, causing

seven days.”

outbreaks to occur across the country at

different times. The season can sometimes

flu-like symptoms, contact your primary

extend to April or May.

care physician or visit Lafayette General

Urgent Care Centers located in Carencro,

“I like to remind my patients that

influenza is probably the most significant

If you feel like you may be experiencing

River Ranch and Sugar Mill Pond.

infection you will be exposed to all year,” said Pernell Simon, M.D., Medical Director of Lafayette General Urgent Care Centers. “Chances are you may be exposed to the flu, and it’s always a good feeling knowing

The vaccine not only helps you, it can

help the community as well. The person

you might have some immunity with the

next to you may not be able to receive the


vaccine due to health reasons, therefore

your vaccination may help them. “The flu

Starting in October, the flu vaccination

will be available at all Lafayette General

For more information about Lafayette General Urgent Care Centers visit

vaccination is always important, not just for

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First Breast Milk Donation Site in Southwest Louisiana

The demand for human donor breast milk in hospital neonatal

intensive care units (NICUs) continues to rise. The new milk

The milk depot is serviced by Mother’s Milk Bank at Austin

(MMBA). Nonprofit milk banks like MMBA ensure donor human

bank depot at Lafayette General Medical Center (LGMC) gives

breast milk is safe and available to the infants who need it most.

lactating mothers a new, convenient drop-off location for their

The pasteurized breast milk dispensed is specifically processed

donations of the much-needed resource.

to meet the specific needs of fragile and sick babies.

Collection sites like LGMC are called ‘depots’ because they

function as a user-friendly and safe satellite storage facility. The milk is kept frozen before it is shipped to MMBA for pasteurization.

Women who are breastfeeding infants under 12 months

old are eligible to be screened at no charge to become a human breast milk donor. If you would like to become a registered donor, visit for information on beginning the screening process.

Approved donors may conveniently drop off frozen breast

milk at LGMC, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. View our

Nonprofit milk banks like Mother’s Milk Bank at Austin ensure donor human breast milk is safe and available to the infants who need it most.

drop-off procedure at

LGMC is the third milk bank depot in the state. Milk bank

depots are also located at Ochsner Baptist Medical Center in New Orleans, and Birth Center of Baton Rouge.

For more information or to make a donation, call Darlene Leblanc, RN, Lactation Consultant at (337) 289-7785.

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On July 1 at UL’s Cecil J. Picard Center on Devalcourt Street, Lafayette General Health welcomed new LSU residents. Katie Hebert, Chief Executive Officer of University Hospital & Clinics, individually presented new Family Medicine and Internal Medicine residents with their official white lab coats during the welcoming ceremony.

On August 17, St. Bernard School announced that St. Martin Hospital was the Grand Prize winner of the “Paint the Town Blue and Gold” decorating contest.

Lafayette General Medical Center’s ICU nurses gave back to the community by volunteering their time for Habitat for Humanity on June 2. This is just one of the many activities the unit has organized in an effort to increase their employee engagement.

LGMC welcomed the birth of quadruplets at 2:26 p.m., 2:27 p.m., 2:27 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on September 2nd. LGMC called in extra personnel for the delivery, including 2 obstetricians, 2 medical residents, 2 neonatologists, 2 neonatal nurse practitioners, 2 from anesthesia, 2 labor & delivery nurses, 8 neonatal nurses, 6 respiratory therapists, 2 surgery techs, 2 x-ray techs and one set of amazing parents!

Chavanne and Garrett Stine with “Holden’s Hope” stopped by LGMC’s Neonatal ICU with a big surprise! With a donation to the Lafayette General Foundation, four mamaROO units are now able to comfort infants just like their parents do. These seats bounce up and down and sway from side to side, giving newborns the attention they need while freeing up our nurses to attend to other patients.

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Your Health Your Health RISK FACTORS



Smoking Family History of

Heart Disease


Chest Pain or Uncomfortable Pressure

(lasting more than a few minutes and/or stopping and starting)

Pain in the Upper Back, Shoulders, Arms, Neck or Jaw

High Cholesterol

Throat Discomfort

Indigestion or Heartburn

High Blood Pressure

Cold Sweat/Dizziness

Nausea and Vomiting


Shortness of Breath

Extreme Fatigue


A lack of symptoms does not mean an absence of problems, which is why checking with a cardiologist is so important.

To make an appointment with a cardiologist

Call (337) 289-8429.


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