Architecture Design Studio Air 2013 Tenghui Liu 531860
About myself
Hi, I’m Tenghui Liu. I’m in Group 16. This is my third year in university. I had never thought about to be an architect before I went to Melbuni. After I took some architecture courses in university, I found that I am interested in design very cool architecture. I think it is not too late to catch up. Past experience
To be honest, I had only two years experience on architecure area after I went to university. There are a lots of skills I need improve, such as drawing skills. On Virtual Environment studio in my first uni year, I known Rhino. That is a very tough experince, because I have never ever used design software before. I was so struggling to learn it and be familiar with it. Finaly, I did it, but Rhino is still not handy for me.
Architecture as a discourse It is obvious that functions of architecture between ancient and nowadays are totally different. In ancient times, architectures just acts as shelters. Now we make architecture in soul. “Architecture needs to be thought of less as a set of special materials products and rather more as range of social and professional practives that sometimes” , architects give architecture more significances. The history of architectures is likely the history of human history. Architecture fuses lots of inspiration s from many fileds, such as culture, circumstance, humanisitic background. Therefore, we could read out many information from an architecture. It just like a discourse between us and architecture.
Richard Williams, ‘Architecture and Visual Culture’, in Exploring Visual Culture : Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005), pp. 102 - 116. (pdf)
Precedent for innovation CCTV Headquarter To be honest, this is not a appropriate project. However, it still was enrolled in 2007 World Architecture miracle Top Ten. it was designed by Rem koolhaas and finished in 2009. This is a shape- peculiar and novelty construction building. A lot of high and new tachnology are used on this architecture. Total steel amount hit to 125 hundred thousand tons, there is no same one steel member in them. It is the unique in the world. If architect did not use paramtric techonolgy, it is not possible to be archieved. The most important is, innovation
Galaxy SOHO Galaxy SOHO created by Zaha Hadid and finished in 2009, this is an obviously parametric project which receive a lot of vision. The theme of design is the thought of a chinese courtyard, it aims to creat an internal world. Meanwhile, it is totally a 21 centruy architecture. Its appearance is soft but also full of power, four monomers integrat into a grant entirety. Architecture is unfold in different layers and directionfrom bottom to top, it is a 360 degree architecture world. There is no corner or transition without soomth. Although Galaxy SOHO has no relation with gateway, I try to get some information from Zaha’s inspiration and her design idea.