New Generations Festival 2013 | brochure

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w w w . n e w g e n e r a t i o n s w e b . c o m towards a collaborative platform

NEW GENERATIONS F E S T I V A L M i l a n 28th.29th.30th n ove m b e r 2 0 1 3

Organized by

I t i n e r a n t O ff i c e

In collaboration with

Co n t e n t P a r t n e r

With the patronage of

Main Sponsors

Te c h n i c a l S p o n s o r s

Hosted by


Media Partners

New Generations Project


N e w G e n e r a t i o n s Fe s t i v a l




D a y B y D a y _ d a i ly a c t i v i t i e s p r o g r a m


W h e r e _ lo c a t i o n s a n d i n s t r u c t i o n s






New Generations (NG) was initially conceived by  Itinerant Office in 2012, with the aim of creating a European platform for young students and architectural firms, a network based on collaboration and cultural exchange. The crisis has changed the working systems of young architects, whom once graduating from university have had to adapt to the new conditions and reinvent their professions. The 1st phase of the NG research has focused on the Netherlands, Italy and Spain; three countries with different economic and political traits that have developed different methods of working. The Netherlands faces the least problematic situation, although dissatisfaction among young architects has been recently rising since the first effects of the financial crisis became apparent and subsidies for cultural activities were slashed. In Italy frequent government changes and legislation on labor structure and organization play and essential role in this debate. In Spain, more than anywhere else, the country has been a victim of an unprecedented speculation in real estate. In the past 15 years the government, both right and left wing, together with the private parties, has been investing a great part of their capitals in constructing new buildings,


mostly for residential purposes. Today, most of these properties remain vacant or have been abandoned. The idea of the project comes from the desire to understand how the profession has been changing during the last few years, since the economic crisis in 2008: many young studios had to adapt to the different working scenarios, proposing new working patterns which involved the collaboration with other fields. NG is articulated within the video format: the pilot project has been developed around 3 countries of the European Community (Italy, Spain and the Netherlands). In each country, several correspondents have been recording a series of video interviews of a selection of young architects, asking a series of basic questions related to some common topics: the crisis, the educational system, the approach to the profession, the network of contacts […] Today, the NG platform continuously receives inquiries and active requests from many other European studios who are interested in joining and raising awareness of the project, creating the conditions for the organization of cultural events, round tables, conferences, competitions.



2012 2013

NETHERLANDS AMSTERDAM .Fabric DUS Space&Matter Anne Holtrop Denieuwegeneratie




Sprikk De Kort Van Schaik Zus Shift

UTRECHT Studio Papaver

SPAIN ALICANTE Subarquitectura

BARCELONA Lagula Undo Arquitectura-G


EU 2015 2015

MADRID Zuloark Dosmasuno Pac-Mac FRPO JMSG Basurama Estudio Sic Luis Urculo Ramiro Losada

OPEN AND COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM The first aim of the New Generations project is to create an European platform open to all innovative young firms. The platform should be a tool for raising awareness among students and young studios about changes that are occurring in the profession.


ITALY BARI Console/Oliva

BOLOGNA Snark Space Making

MILANO Snark Space Making Studio Wok A2BC B22 Kick.Office Laboratorio Permanente


Demo Architects OFL Architecture Console/Oliva


KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE The conditions for creating the platform are already present. The goal is to activate them! How? By carrying out a series of activities to which the studios that take part in the New Generations platform can actively partecipate: workshops, conferences, competitions, databases, with the common goal of fostering collaboration and networking.


The New Generations Network brings together over 40 European studios, and is expected to grow exponentially in the future. Since September 2013 the platform is open to all those interested in participating. After the first careful selection that was made in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, we are now looking for new candidates to join the platform. An open call will be launched every 6 months, to gather new ideas and projects. The new Generations Festival is just one of the multitude of activities that will involve the members of the network.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE PART OF THE NEW GENERATIONS NETWORK: To be in contact with the other participants and generate a wider network To spread you work around the world (you will be published in several magazines, blogs, newspapers thanks to our work) To participate in some of the activities we organize through the platform (festivals, international contests, exhibitions‌) You can also get our support to organize any cultural activity, thanks to our sponsors and visibility.




The “New Generations Festival” (November, 28th , 29th, 30th 2013, Milan) is one of the high point of a research project led in 2012 and 2013 by Itinerant Office. The main objective of the New Generations Festival in Milan is to create the conditions for a real encounter that is extremely important to improve bonding and collaboration among different professionals. Organizing three days of opportunities for sharing, debates and mutual exchange, involving a local community (the city of Milan) and the network of people that has been following the New Generations Platform during the last year, we set the basis for a sustainable cooperation among various components. The new Generations research analyzes the impact of the financial crisis on young European architects, with a series of video interviews to a selection of 36 young architectural practices. The crisis has radically changed the approach and profession of the architect. The increasingly unstable situation, is suggesting the rethinking of the role of the architect within society. The main idea behind the New Generations Festival, spread throughout the activities organized during the three days event, is to build a network composed by different innovators, with the objectives of sharing ideas and inventive


experiences. With this goal, it seems essential to make the debate wider and deeper, sharing and branching out to other fields of actions: architecture and design as much as other creative activities. Debating new working models, the production and dissemination of culture, and the centrality of the territory in contemporary society. The initiatives of the festival is free and accessible to the audience. The majority of the activities (workshops, round tables, debates…) are organized at the “Fabbrica del Vapore”, in the space of “La Cattedrale” , a late XIX century factory owned by the municipality of Milan and use to organizing cultural events. Here, many creative talents from different countries will spend three days together, being the protagonists of a series of activities focused on collaboration and knowledge exchange. The whole Festival will be organized around 3 workshops, (Collaborative Arts, Community&Build and Crisis&Innovation) and a series of open lectures and presentation. More than 50 international guests from Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Greece and many more countries will join the Festival, becoming part of the New Generations network.


Inside the Central Space of La cattedrale, we will assist on more that 30 20minutes lectures, the only activity of the Festival where our guests will have the opportunity to show their work to our audience. Every half an hour we will present a new lecture (some of them via Skype) with a full agenda of intervenction (from Thursday evening to Saturday night). On Friday and Saturday (November 29-30th) at lunch and “Aperitivo� time, 8 international guests will present our shared lectures, a new format invented for the New Generations Festival that aim at fostering collaboration and exchange of knowledge. Subarquitectura + Landcc, Estudio Sic Deniewegeneratie, A2BC + Muoto and B22 + Discuingio&Co will present an open lecture that will be one of the central event, inside the Event. 2 Pecha Kuchas, 12 round tables, video interviews, and many other activities will be a unique opportunity to get involved in the first cross disciplinary festival of the city of Milan.



WORKSHOP COLLABORATIVE ARTS Organized by New Generations Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 28-30, 2013 from 9.45am no stop Team Leaders: Estudio PKMN (e) Giampiero Sanguigni (i) ZEDZ (nl) Special Guests: IfIcan’tdance Alessia Crea


Architecture often speaks to other fields of research. In the last years especially, many young architects are proving themselves in contemporary arts (sculpture, media, performing arts…). This workshop wants to investigate the border between art(s) and architecture, inspired by research works of several architects whom have joined the “New Generations” platform. The workshop’s main target is to stimulate collaboration, setting a common ground where space, movement and body would be the unique central topic of both action and discussion. The group of project leaders will work on it with a group of students and professionals. The activity will avail itself of the collaboration of two more figures: IfIcan’tdance, an association of young dancers with international experience formed in 2011 to offer training for dance and performance professionals. Alessia Crea, a Fashion Designer graduated at IED Milan, will be invited to give a contribution to the workshop. International guests, and students will collaborate together to get an open and unexpected result. The maximum number of participants for this workshop is 20. The workshop is open to all students, new graduates, any kind of person interested in arts and Architecture without any distinction.


WORKSHOP COMMUNITY & BUILD Organized by New Generations Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 28-30, 2013 from 9.45am no stop Team Leaders: Atelier Mob (pt) Estudio Sic (e) StudioWok (it) Special Guests: Bricheco

Crisis is only the last step of a tendency that has brought local population to a general impoverishment in the last ten years: both citizens and local administrations have seen their income and the chance to access or to provide services constantly decreasing. Facing this situation, several communities were able to gain a relevant experience. In many cases from a local scale it became a global benchmark: self-build, gardening community, and communitarian workshops in general are only the tip of an iceberg made of collaborative practices. This new panorama intrigued the interests of young architects’ more and more.


Many of them started to implement these experiences into their every day practices or to use them as bases for academic topics. The three days of workshop offers each participant the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the field, experiencing first-hand the realization of a project defined and shared with the group of project leaders – composed by representatives of some practices of the NG network that have a predisposition towards similar experiments. The workshop’s main task is to stimulate collaboration, setting a common ground where to discuss and create the conditions for a shared goal. The group of project leaders will work on it with a group of students and professionals. The group will be supported by Bricheco, a community bricolage and woodcutting workshop housed in the Stecca 3.0 building. International guests and students will collaborate together to get an open and unexpected result. The maximum number of participants for this workshop is 40. The workshop is open to all students and new graduates, any kind of people interested in Architecture and Self Build construction without any distinction.


WORKSHOP CRISIS & INNOVATION Organized by Itinerant Office + Snark Space Making Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Friday, Saturday, November 29-30, 2013 from 10.30am to 6.30pm

Two days of round tables concerning themes coming from a content analysis of the work of video interviews, Crisis&Innovation will be an event based on a participatory model, to experience a broad horizontality between participants, invited people and discussants. The workshop is structured in 4 sessions, each one composed of 3 steps: a keynote speech introducing the themes, 3 simultaneous focus groups, and a final discussion 1. Futurology A first sight about society, in order to think about future challenges for designers. In this first session, the focus is on the future, depicting concerns and opportunities, and people visions about the years to come. The first three ‘round-tables’ will introduce the arguments that will be discussed in the following sessions: Learning by doing, New narratives and relations, Learning at school.


Keynote Speakers: A.L. De Cesaris (Municipality of Milan), Carlo Venegoni and Gianpiero Venturini (New Generations) 2. Learning by doing The focus is brought on nowadays reality of architecture and market related to design: starting from these statements, three focus groups will debates about new economies contemporary designer can develop, urgencies for contemporary society and a follow-up round table about induction, meaning the trend to develop own projects embodying all the roles (client and designer) and leading the whole the process. Keynote speakers: S. Forlati (Wonderland), Gianpiero Venturini and Carlo Venegoni (New Generations) 3. New narratives and relations Core topics are relations between web, social network and app world and our activity as designers: means for communication and PR, new markets, but also tools to be used to get more valuable data to inoculate in our projects. Three focus groups will debate on platform and meeting places, being social, trans-media storytelling. Keynote speakers: S. Mirti (Id-Lab partner, WHOAMI) 4. Learning at school This last session will deal with the present of schools of architecture and their need of renewal following the deep changes the market of design is encountering. Two main models will be presented and discussed: the classical schools we attended while studing architecture, and web-based “Peer Education”. The third focus group will be discussing the issue of “doing at school”, inviting students and associations as potential actors of updating of schools programs and methods. Keynote speakers: A. Balducci* (Politecnico di Milano,I), L. Giuliano (Abadir Accademia di Belle Arti e disegno industriale Catania)


SHARED LECTURES Organized by New Generations Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Friday, Saturday, November 29-30, 2013 at 1.30pm and 6.30pm Guests: Subarquitectura (e) + L+CC (nl) Extrapolating Urban Futures in Two [dis]Courses Estudio [SIC] (e) + Denieuwegeneratie (nl) Spam correspondence A2BC (it) + Muoto (fr) From XL to XS: a fitness architectural guide B22 (it/e) + Disguincio&Co. (it) Supersized porn free entry


“COLLABORATION” and “NETWORK” will be the central topics of the 3 days in Milan. One of the main activities of the Festival takes the name of “Shared Lectures”, a series of 30 minutes presentations, led by people from the New Generation network. Young practices working side by side during each session (just before lunch and dinner) will collaborate in a joined presentation on some of the central topics that have emerged during the 1st phase of the New Generations project. We see this moment as one of the most valuable in the program of the festival, because it brings with it the need to debate and give everyone the chance to co-operate. In fact this is exactly the goal of the platform: to start new collaborations and create the conditions for every participant to expand the network worldwide. The New Generations interviews were used as a medium to isolate some recurring central topics such as Public and Private Space, Platforms, Evolution & Revolution of the profession, New Generations, Crisis, Communication and much more… During the Festival we will assist to 4 shared lectures, at lunch and dinner (tea time?) time during the 2nd and 3rd day of the event. Every shared lecture will be open to participation, and it will be considered the central activity of the festival: every other event (workshops, debates, conferences…) will stop during every shared lecture. All members of the audience will assist to them, supporting the central topic of the New Generations Festival: Collaboration and Networking.


20 MINUTES LECTURES Organized by New Generations Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Thursday, November 28th, 2013 from 3.00pm to 6.50pm Friday, November 29th, 2013 from 11.30am to 1.20pm _ from 3.00pm to 6.20pm Saturday, November 30th, 2013 from 12.00am to 1.20pm _ from 3.00pm to 6.20pm Guests: several guests from the New Generations network free entry Collaboration is the festival main subject and all the activities are shaped to foster debate and cultural exchange. Therefore, the Festival is a chance for architects and audience (mainly composed by students and young professional) to have a brief view about what the hot topics are in researches led by architectural practices. The 20 Minutes Lectures are conceived as an opportunity to our international guests to talk about their work, and spread their projects and research within a larger audience. The format and the duration are meant to favour the explanation of a single project or a single aspect of their approach to the profession. During the three-days festival the lectures will take place without intermission in a dedicated space inside “La Cattedrale”. Counting on almost 30 guests in 72 hours, the 20 Minutes Lectures will be broadcasted on streaming and registered both for the festival public and for future events.


EXHIBITION: NEW GENERATIONS Organized by New Generations Where: Urban Center When: Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 opening event at 6.00pm opening period: from November 27th to December 2nd, 2013 The exhibition entry is free, from Wednesday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm. Saturday according to the Urban Center schedule. A small exhibition about the New Generations project will be hosted by the Urban Center – besides Piazza della Scala, in the heart of the city - in the same days of the Festival, thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Milan. “New Generations: three approaches to Architecture in times of crisis” is the first argument that 36 offices from Spain, Italy and the Netherlands were asked to discuss in video interviews. Their responses contributed to define how some offices around Europe managed to acknowledge the crisis by rethinking their professional approach and questioning their own working methods to redefine their working field consequentially. The exhibition proposes a double display: on the one hand, it collects all excerpts of video- interviews realized in 2012 and 2013 by Itinerant Office, gives a brief presentation of all the architectural firms joining the research project and . On the other hand, the exhibition narrates the research path used by Itinerant Office to gather characters (through the first map), collect information (video interviews), and display conclusions (sole keywords) that redefine a whole new set of terms from which architects draw to develop new strategies in their work.


PECHA KUCHA NIGHT #6 | NETWORK & COLLABORATION Organized by New Generations Where: Stecca 3.0 When: Thursday, November 28th, 2013 at 9.30pm free entry Presenters: Alex Fabregas (E), Atelier Mob (P), De Kort van Schaik (NL), Exposed Project (I), Made in MAGE (I), Mamma Fotogramma (I), MDM (I), Space&Matter (NL), Stecca 3.0 (I), Studio Argot La Maison Mobile (I) Looking for a alterative night where to listen to creative people showing their work in presentations concise and fast-paced? This is the event that suit you perfectly. 10 presenters, 10 6’ 40’’presentations, for an explosion of unexpected creativity in the city! After 5 years of black out, Pecha Kucha Night is back in Milan, hosted in the framework of New Generations Festival. The Pecha Kucha will take place in the Stecca 3.0, a cultural incubator laying in the heart of the new Porta Nuova District, one of the largest urban transformations in Europe. As a result of the partnership with New Generations Festival, PK #6 invites creative people from many disciplines to deal with themes of Collaboration and Network. Architectural firms from all over Europe, experiences by sharing and collaborating collectives from Milan will give you a brief insight about this topic.


PECHA KUCHA NIGHT #7 | CRISIS & INNOVATION Organized by New Generations Where: “La Cattedrale” (Fabbrica del Vapore) When: Friday, November 29th, 2013 at 9.00pm free entry Presenters: 05am (E), Subarquitectura (E), Openfabric (NL/I), FRPO (E), David Laniado (I), Bertram Niessen (I), Field Trip (RO), Giulia Celentano (I), Parasite 2.0 (I) Crisis is usually seen as a negative state – of mind, of the system - but thanks to it sometimes the world knew revolutions brought by innovations. The second Pecha Kucha Night of 2013 in Milan, PKN #7, will focus on those experiences, projects, events that are able to restart the engine after a break, both in an expected-unexpected way. PKN #7 will be hosted in the Fabbrica del Vapore, one of the major culture hubs of the Municipality of Milano set in a late XIX century factory. In the huge space of “La Cattedrale”, the major building of the complex, some international presenters -architects and creative people from the Festival New Generations, hosting the event - will join some others selected through an open call.


CALL Organized by New Generations

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME PART OF THE NEW GENERATIONS PLATFORM? Itinerant Office, alongside of the official website, launches the first New Generations “Call for Entries”, open to all architects and creative people under 40 interested in joining our network. Being part of the New Generations network gives you several advantages: - spreading your work within an international community - getting our support to develop any personal projects - participating in some of our cultural activities WHAT DO WE ASK OF YOU? The video format is the one that best represents the New Generations platform: we ask you to send us a short video interview answering 3 simple questions. - Describe the role of the architect in contemporary society; - Concerns and urgencies for a young office; - Profession in the next 20 years. What do you expect? How, in you opinion, will the profession change within the next 20 years? THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED DURING THE NEW GENERATIONS FESTIVAL IN MILAN



wednesday 27th november


Opening event Opening period: 27 november - 2 December 2013 from Wednesday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm Saturday according to the Urban Center schedule

thursday 28th november

WORKSHOPS | La Cattedrale 9.45am

Community and Build workshop _ starting point


Collaborative Arts workshop _ starting point 20 MINUTES LECTURES | La Cattedrale – 20’L area

3.00pm – 3.20pm

studioWOK (it)

3.30pm – 3.50pm

ONZ Architects (tk) _ skype lecture

4.00pm – 4.20pm

Carla Conca – Presidente Siec (it)

4.30pm – 4.50pm

Appareil (e) _ skype lecture

5.00pm – 5.20pm

OFL Architecture (it)

5.30pm – 5.50pm

Ramiro Losada (e) _ skype lecture

6.00pm – 6.20pm

Silvia Basani + Serafina Aiello (it)

6.30pm – 6.50pm

Studio Papaver (nl) SPECIAL EVENTS | Stecca 3.0


New Generations Festival – Opening Ceremony

9.30pm - 11.30pm

Milan Pecha Kucha Night #6 – Network and Collaboration


friday 29th november

WORKSHOPS | La Cattedrale 9.45am

Community and Build workshop _ 2nd day


Collaborative Arts workshop _ 2nd day


Crisis and Innovation workshop _ starting point > table #1 – Futurology >> guests: Cabirio Cautela, .Ada Lucia De Cesaris, Manuela Verduci and many more 20 MINUTES LECTURES | La Cattedrale _ 20’L area

11.30am - 11.50am

Point Supreme Architects (gr)

12.00am – 12.20pm

PKMN Arquitectura (e)

12.30am - 12.50am

bam! Bottega di Architettura Metropolitana (it)

1.00pm – 1.20pm

Esperimenti Architettonici (it) SHARED LECTURE #1 | La Cattedrale

1.30pm - 2.00pm

Subarquitectura (e) + L+CC (nl) WORKSHOPS | La Cattedrale


Crisis and Innovation workshop > table #2 – Learning by doing >> guests: Studio Papaver, Silvia Forlati, FRPO, Space&Matter and many more 20 MINUTES LECTURES | La Cattedrale _ 20’L area

3.00pm – 3.20pm

Basurama (e) _ skype lecture

3.30pm – 3.50pm

05AM (e)

4.00pm – 4.20pm

De Kort Van Schaik (be/nl)

4.30pm – 4.50pm

Subarquitectura (e)

5.00pm – 5.20pm

CityVision (it)

5.30pm – 5.50pm

Domenico Di Siena (it)

6.00pm – 6.20pm

Matteo Ferroni (it) SHARED LECTURE #2 | La Cattedrale

6.30pm - 7.00pm

Estudio SIC (e) + Denieuwegeneratie (nl)


bar time and social drinks SPECIAL EVENTS | La Cattedrale

9.00pm - 11.30pm

Milan Pecha Kucha Night #7 – Crisis and Innovation


saturday 30th november

WORKSHOPS | La Cattedrale 9.45am

Community and Build workshop _ 3rd day


Collaborative Arts workshop _ 3rd day


Crisis and Innovation workshop _ 2nd day > table #3 – New Narratives and Relations >> guests: Stefano Mirti, Domenico di Siena, B22, Space&Matter and many more 20 MINUTES LECTURES | La Cattedrale _ 20’L area

12.00am – 12.20pm

Ro[bo]tech (it)

12.30am - 12.50am

ndvr (be)

1.00pm – 1.20pm

VIC (e) SHARED LECTURE #3 | La Cattedrale

1.30pm - 2.00pm

A2BC (it) + Muoto (fr) WORKSHOPS | La Cattedrale


Crisis and Innovation workshop > table #4 – Learning at School >> guests: IED, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, .Fabric, FRPO and many more 20 MINUTES LECTURES | La Cattedrale _ 20’L area

3.00pm – 3.20pm

Umberto Ciprì - IED (it)

3.30pm – 3.50pm

Openfabric (it/nl)

4.00pm – 4.20pm

Space&Matter (nl)

4.30pm – 4.50pm

Carla Conca - EPSON (it)

5.00pm – 5.20pm

AP+E (nl/dk) _ skype lecture

5.30pm – 5.50pm

.Fabric (nl) SHARED LECTURE #4 | La Cattedrale

6.30pm - 7.00pm

B22 (it/e) + Disguincio&co. (it)


Workshop results ceremony SPECIAL EVENTS | La Cattedrale

7.30pm - 11.30pm

New Generations Festival - Closing Party



1. FABBRICA DEL VAPORE | La Cattedrale via Procaccini, 4


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MM2 Garibaldi tram 7, 12,14 bus 37 workshops 20 minutes lectures shared lectures pecha kucha night #7 closing party

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2. STECCA 3.0 via G. De Castillia, 26 MM2 Garibaldi MM2 Gioia passante Garibaldi S1, S2, S5, S6, S10 tram 4, 11, 7, 29, 30 bus 43, 82, 70 opening ceremony pecha kucha night #6

Via U. V i

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3. URBAN CENTER Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 11/12

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MM1/MM3 Duomo tram 1, 2, 3, 12, 14, 16, 24, 27 new generations exhibition


stazio porta


Fabbrica del Vapore is one of the major culture hubs of the Municipality of Milano set in a late XIX century factory:�La Cattedrale�, is the main building of the complex, hosting large exhibitions and concerts for the city of Milano.

Stecca 3.0 is a new cultural incubator laying in the heart of the new Porta Nuova District, one of the largest urban transformations in Europe.

The premises of the Urban Center are in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, where it opens into Piazza della Scala, one of the most attractive parts of the city and a popular place for a stroll. Urban Center activities focus on the urban transformations of the city.






05 AM Girona / Spain

05 AM Arquitets are Joan Arnau and Carme Mu単oz. After training in several architectural practices, in 2005 they formed their own firm based in Girona. Since that time they have been working on different kind of projects, both for private clients and for public administrations, these mainly gained through architectural design contest.


.FABRIC Amsterdam / Netherlands

FABRIC is a knowledge intensive design practice, which is conducted by Eric Frijters and Olv Klijn. Their involvement in architecture, urbanism and research results in FABRICations, which appear in a large variety of media ranging from actual buildings to visual representations and written texts. FABRIC concerns testing. Thinking while doing rings our motto, whereas a hands-on approach ultimately leads to knowledge based designs. Our aim is to challenge our clients into a joint adventure. The goal is to find innovative solutions during a common process in which the client is seen as a partner in the project. In each project FABRIC largely invests in research to expand the available knowledge. We belief that this is necessary to widen the amount of possible solutions. To make sure that this is also the most accurate knowledge FABRIC regularly forms alliances with other offices.


A2BC Milan / Italy

A2BC is a professional firm founded in Milan, Italy in 2009. The radical and contextual approach to urban planning, architecture and interior design, is the focus of the design process. A system of strategic and critical thinking in which special attention is paid to the expressive significance of materials and form. Partners Anna Angelelli, Antonio Bergamasco and Michela Cicuto have gained considerable experience in the design and management of complex architectures, thanks to their continued partnerships with leading architectural firms in italy and europe.


AP+E * Amsterdam / Netherlands _ Copenhagen / Denmark

Architecture Practice + Experimentation is an international design and research studio based in Amsterdam and Copenhagen, working across the boundaries of architecture, urban design and regional redevelopment. The studio was founded by Jeffrey Bolhuis and Laurence Lord after several years of successful collaboration. The work of Architecture Practice + Experimentation has won awards and has been exhibited & published internationally.



ATELIER MOB * Lisbon / Portugal

Ateliermob is a multidisciplinary platform for the development of ideas, research and projects in the areas of architecture, design and urbanism. It was founded in Lisbon, as a result of several works carried out by its founding partners and has been working on projects of different typologies and scales. In parallel, it has developed research work to support the project-oriented practice and it is participating in several social and participatory processes.



B22 Milan / Italy

b22 is a network of freelance designers, providing fresh design concepts for complex programs at any scale. b22 seeks to establish a co-authorship with its clients and with all the individuals involved in the design and in the construction process. b22 bases its work on process and programme control, and on an intensive dialogue with the city, clients, consultants, contractors and end users. b22 promotes a high degree of social sustainability and environmental awarness within its projects.


BAM! * Turin / Italy

Bam! Bottega di Architettura Metropolitana is a group of young italian architects based in Turin, that face various aspects of architectural design, from the complexity of the urban scope to the intimate size of the living spaces. The name reflects the vision to the project approach, strenghtening the attention to the concepts of community and place-identity. On the other hand it is a recall to the tradition and the busyness of the crafts shop. The adjective descibes the urban context where we live and work.



BASURAMA Madrid / Spain

Basurama is a forum for discussion and reflection on trash, waste and reuse in all its formats and possible meanings. An art and life collective that has been mingling, playing and thinking with trash since 2001. Basurama works transversely on the culture, environment and urban fields, having developed more than 120 projects worldwide, ranging from installation and urban interventions to essays, films and festivals. With that multiple approach, it intends to offer a range of reflections moreover than a single manifesto.


DENIEUWEGENERATIE Amsterdam / Netherlands

Denieuwegeneratie is a young Amsterdam based design office, founded in 2008 by Thomas Dieben, Sanne Oomen and Oscar Vos. Since then, it took its stand in the young dutch architecture scene rapidly. Its start-up project, Dutch Mountain, was a first experiment which lead to a productive first 3 years. With minimal means, a series of projects saw daylight with a strong renewed focus on the essence of architecture: building. With this, it connected with a changing world of architecture: an architecture of reality - refursbishments and reuse of existing city and its buildings. In this it found a combination with a strong base of sustainable thinking.


DE KORT VAN SCHAIK Rotterdam / Netherlands

De Kort Van Schaik is a Rotterdam based practice that specializes in architecture and urbanism. The office was founded in 2011 by Robert-Jan de Kort and Sander van Schaik. The practice is interested in the complexity and ambiguity of concrete reality, and likes to think of architecture as an opportunity to engage with this reality. At the core of its work lies an interest in not only the physical qualities but also the emotional potential of architecture. Strategies and concepts, backed up with an involvement in research, underly its attitude to both brief and context. To achieve a qualitative surplus, De Kort Van Schaik believes in making the relevance of a project to its context as clear as possible.


DISGUINCIO & CO. * Pordenone / Italy

Disguincio arose from experience gained in the fitness sector and from the wish to transfer this fund of knowledge to the furnishing sector, to a range of objects that, interacting with our body and psyche, can influence our wellbeing. Disguincio is an ever-expanding company, thanks to the enthusiasm and the desire of people who believe that it is possible to produce objects that lead to wellbeing, sensations, happiness and beauty. Objects that, in a world full of individuality, can also trigger connections between people.




Research group, founded in 2011, focused on contemporary living issue. It acts as a collaborative platform between web and territory, to promote urban regeneration strategies and active citizenship projects. The network is made up of students, researchers and designers throughout the country. Starting from the format “Tre Giorni di Architettura�, three days serie of public discussions and exhibitions between students, citizens and stakeholders, the group has developed other cultural projects.



ESTUDIO PKMN Madrid / Spain

PKMN [pac-man] is an architecture office and collective based in Madrid [Spain] since 2006. We do research into tecnology-typology-construction (applied to consolidated urban contexts, local memory and comtemporary cultures); simultaneously we love exploring new architectural fields connecting citizens, identity, pedagogy, communication, game, action and cities, specially throughout strategies of participation, mediation and social innovation, and experimental active learning process.


ESTUDIO SIC Madrid / Spain

[SIC] is a professional office focused on architecture, city and territory progress from a multidisciplinary, proactive and committed structure. Founded by Esaú Acosta, Mauro Gil-Fournier & Miguel Jaenicke. Its activity is centered on the development of matters related to the dynamic processes of architecture and the region, adding multilateral collaboration between different disciplines. Architecture based on the creation of identity, agents’ participation and the sustainable use of land.


MATTEO FERRONI * Perugia / Italy

Matteo Ferroni (Perugia, 1973), architect and video-artist, has been Visiting Professor at the Royal College of Art (London), at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma (Ciudad de México) and the École Supérieure d’Architecture (Bamako). After designing the Centro Teatrale of Luca Ronconi (Umbria), he moves to Mali where he designs Foroba Yelen. His work reaffirms the bond that ties together Cultures and Territories.



FRPO Madrid / Spain

FRPO (Fernando RodrĂŹguez and Pablo Oriol) develops its professional practice within the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape and design, for both public and private sectors. The wide professional training and experience through years of collaboration with renowned architects allows us to establish a high professional profile, where investigation and commitment with contemporary architectural practice launch widely internationally recognized results. FRPO has recently been awarded Architectural Record Design Vanguard 2012 and the Europe 40 UNDER 40 recognition as one of the most promising young architectural offices in Europe.


L+CC * Rotterdam / Netherlands

Jason Hilgefort studied urban design at The University of Cincinnati and architecture at The University of British Columbia – Vancouver. His work experience ranges from New York to Mumbai. From 2000 to 2004 he worked with renowned Sustainable Urbanist Peter Calthorpe. Since joining Maxwan A+U in 2007, he has been the project leader for Barking Riverside, London. Recently, Jason has lead Maxwan’s numerous competition victories in Helsinki, Basel, Kiev, Brussels, Ostrava, Antwerp, Hannover, and in Lithuania. Besides his work at Maxwan, he won Europan 11 in Vienna, and subsequently founded Impressively Simple with his two partners. Since then he formed his own office Land+Civilization Compositions for investigating issues ranging from infrastructures to cultural research. He is also a contributor to uncube magazine.



RAMIRO LOSADA Madrid / Spain

Ramiro Losada Amor is a Building Engineer, Architect and Master Architectural Design, Theory and Methods of projects (ETSAM) with honours. Following his scholarship studies at the University Lombart Lambert (Belgium), he moved on to work experience in the field of Design, Architecture, and Urbanism in Madrid (Rueda Pizarro Architects), London (Alejandro Zaera, FOA) and Rotterdam (Mecanoo Architecten). Currently he is researching for PhD at ESTAM, titled “Documentary Film Architecture: Construction of the Contemporary Non-fiction for XXI century Architecture”. In 2007 he founded Ramiro Losada Architects based in Madrid and Caceres. In his activity he focuses on Experimental architecture, University teaching and Audiovisual documentation about architecture. He is founder partner of Studio Banana TV and Studio Banana Asociación Cultural.


MUOTO * Paris / France

Muoto (“form� in Finnish) is an architecture office based in Paris, established in 2003, after winning the Europan 7, by three European partners Gilles Delalex (F), Yves Moreau (B/NL), & Thomas Wessel-Cessieux (GB/F). Its activity covers the fields of architecture, town planning, design and research. Before founding Muoto, the partners worked with such firms as Dominique Perrault, Ibos & Vitart, Architecture-Studio. Muoto strives to combine scientific and artistic skills allowing it to cover different fields: architecture, urban planning, environmental design, and scientific research. The firm won the New Albums of Young Architects in 2008. Muoto has been exhibited in biennals in Graz, Copenhagen, and Rotterdam, and in fifty international festivals related to themes of the city, architecture and digital arts.



NDVR * Antwerp / Belgium

Ndvr responds to transformation processes of cities or neighborhoods. The moment a spatial operation reconfigures or confirms existing relations. When actors are confronted with new opportunities or existing options disappear, when a community organization forms or a new vision arises. Because a spatial operation is more than just physical change. Through action and research ndvr aims to reinvent tensions between decision-making and imagination, involvement and empowerment, design and process.




OFL Architecture is an interdisciplinary architectural practice based in Rome. The office is focused on emergent design processes through a design methodology that integrates architecture with other disciplines, redefining the relationship of the significant contemporary city and its current urban conditions. Francesco Lipari established OFL Architecture in 2008 and in 2009 Vanessa Todaro joined the office as associate partner. In December 2009 OFL Architecture has its first solo exhibition in Sicily: CARNE. OFL Architecture’s work has been internationally exhibited and published.


ONZ ARCHITECTS * Ankara / Turkey

ONZ Architects is a young innovative office, founded in 2007, based in AnkaraTurkey. As a multidisciplinary office, we create projects in various scales: from architecture to town planning and urban design. We believe that no architectural implementation is possible detached from its context. Our transdisciplinary network increases our capability to enter complex conditions and move our understanding beyond the limits or geographical borders. In recent years ONZ Architects has won several awards in national and international architecture and urban design competitions.



OPENFABRIC Rotterdam / Netherlands

Openfabric is a Landscape Architecture practice based in Rotterdam, specialized in contemporary urban landscape; founded in 2011 by Francesco Garofalo and Barbara Costantino. Its focus lies on the complex dynamics and interactions that are part of open public spaces. Through a multilayered research on the city, Openfabric generates spaces where city, society and nature come together. It relies on multidisciplinary collaborations that set the practice as a transnational design and process generator.


POINT SUPREME * Athens / Greece

Point Supreme was established in Rotterdam by Konstantinos Pantazis & Marianna Rentzou in 2007 and is based in Athens. They won 1st prize in a competition for a pier in Athens and in Europan 10 for a social housing and masterplan in Norway. A big part of their work consists of self initiated proposals for the contemporary city, a selection of which was exhibited in the Greek Pavilion at the last Venice Architecture Biennale. They are currently building projects in Athens and the Greek islands.



RO[BO]TECH * Venice / Italy

ro[BO]tech team was born in April 2012 at the combined Bachelor and Master in Architecture and Building Engineering at the Alma Mater University of Bologna (Italy) and consists of four people: Giulia Bottura, Ilaria Fiorini, Pier Luigi Forte and Lorenzo Natali. The team’s first work was part of the 2112Ai – 100YC project, directed by Tom Kovac, whose aim was to develop several ideas for the redesign of the city of Maribor (Slovenia) 100 years ahead in the future. ro[BO]tech’s proposal, R+D Reaction & Diffusion, was selected and exhibited at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition at Venice Biennale as well as at Maribor’s Urban Exhibition Center during fall 2012. The team is now carrying on the research in the fields of architecture and design focusing on the influences and contributions that technology and digital fabrication will increasingly have on them.




Architect and writer. He is author of several books (Meltemi, Edilstampa , The Architecture Observer) and publications (A10, Abitare, Domus, Dromos, Cityvision) . As curator he worked on: Bas Princen (Rome, 2010) , Out of Obscurity (Rome, 2011) Triggering and Reality (Prato , 2012). He designed the Italian Pavilion for the XII Biennale of Architecture in Venice and the exhibitions Four Seasons (Moscow , 2013 ) and Made in Italy Architecture ( Abu Dhabi, 2013). In 2013 he founded the collective The Milk Train (



Arguing that the public is much more a product of the constant negotiating between subjects, places and authorities rather than a premise, snark deals with the analysis and stimulation of this production through different devices. Snark is an interdisciplinary open network and deals with urban design paying particular attention to relational dimension of the public realm. Snark acts in the public/private sector (from S to XL scale) with an hybrid model offering both services and products.


SPACE & MATTER Amsterdam / Netherlands

Space&matter is an Amsterdam based office for architecture, urban planning and concept development. After it’s foundation in early 2009, the office has developed itself rapidly. Led by its founding partners Sascha Glasl, Tjeerd Haccou and Marthijn Pool, a skilled team of seven international designers, works on a wide range of projects of various scales. The office won in 2013 the first prize in Schoonschip competition, and was selected in Baunetz’ shortlist 2013 for upcoming european design talent.


STUDIO WOK Milan / Italy

StudioWOK was founded in 2009 by Marcello Bondavalli, Nicola Brenna and Carlo Alberto Tagliabue. The office focuses its research on architecture, design and landscape with a focus on housing and public space quality. All the partners are involved in academic research at the Politecnico di Milano and have been invited to give lectures in other universities. The firm takes part in many competitions and has received many national and international awards and has exhibited his works in Italy and in Europe.


STUDIO PAPAVER Utrecht / Netherlands

Studio Papaver is an agency for urban Research and Design, The agency was founded by Armenian Seghers and Zineb Seghrouchni. Studio Papaver focuses on innovative ways of urban development, and to get this goal, it focuses and formulate the spatial-social task with strong sensitivity for the topicality. Studio Papaver also seek for an interaction between top-down and bottom-up ambitions which always explicitly sought to collaborations with complementary disciplines.



SUBARQUITECTURA is formed by Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama and Carlos Bañón. All three are architects by the University of Alicante and Master in Complex Architectures UA. They have built the TRAM STOP AND PLAZA on the trafic roundabout of Sergio Cardell ( 2006 ) , that was awarded at the IX Spanish Bienal of Architecture, Nominated to the Mies Van Der Rohe Awards 2009, Finalist at the Valencian Community Awards 2008, Second Prize at Lamp Lighting Sollutions 2008, Honorable Mention at the Balthasar Neumann Prize in Germany, and Selected for the 10 Best Designs in the World by the London Design Museum ( 2008 ).


ZEDZ * Amsterdam / Netherlands _ Milan / Italy

Besides being a self taught graffiti artist Zedz graduated from the G.R.A Amsterdam. Zedz work still relates strongly to graffiti and at the same time is exploring new ways and formats, he is working on a personal oeuvre, on collaborations and enjoys mixing with other disciplines. Some of 3 dimensional his works could be described as crossovers between graffiti and it’s direct dimensional environment, attempting to exchange the spraycan for building materials and inviting audience to interact with the work.



.Fabric 05am A2BC Ada Lucia de Cesaris Alberto Cottica Alessandro Balducci Alessandro Giua Alessia Crea Alex Fabregas Anne Miltenburg AP+E Appareil Atelier Mob B22 Bam! Bottega di Architettura Metropolitana Barbara Costantino Bassoprofilo Basurama Beatriz Viegas Bertram Niessen Bricheco Cabirio Cautela Carla Conca Carlo Venegoni Carlotta Conte CityVision Comune di Milano David Laniado David Laniado Davide Angeli De Kort Van Schaik De Nieuwe Generatie Disguincio&Co Domenico Di Siena Elia Mangia Esperimenti Architettonici Estudio Sic Exposed Project FieldTrip Francesca Olivoni francesco Garofalo FRPO Giampiero Sanguigni Gianpiero Venturini Giulia Celentano Giulia Milza Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori Edili Ance Lombardia


IED IfIcan’tdance Iversity L+CC Luca Allievi Lucia Giuliano Lucy Bullivant Made in MAGE Magda Vieru Mamma Fotogramma Manuela Verduci Marco De Rossi Marco Ferrari Maria Azzurra Rossi Matteo Ferroni MDM Muoto ndvr OFL Architecture ONZ Architects Openfabric Paolo Ferraris Paolo Maggioni Parasite 2.0 PKMN PLinTO Point Supreme Regione Lombardia Ro[bo]tech Sara Allevi Serafina Aiello Silvia Basani Snark Space Making Space&Matter Stecca 3.0 Stefano Mirti Story Factory Studio Argot La Maison Mobile Studio Banana Studio Papaver StudioWok Subarquitectura Umberto Ciprì Università di Ferrara Vic Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas Wonderland Zedz

Special thanks to the New Generations Network and Guests for all the images

N E W G E N E R AT I O N S T E A M G i a n p i e r o Ve n t u r i n i Project Manager co - cura t o r of t he Fe st iva l C a r l o Ve n e g o n i italian correspondent co - cura t o r of t he Fe st iva l Giulia Milza P R & Co m m u n i c a t i o n Maria Azzurra Rossi media strategist Barbara Costantino dutch correspondent Francesco Garofalo dutch correspondent Sara Allevi webmaster Luca Allievi co lla bo ra t o r fo r t he e xhibit ion Carlotta Conte translations F r a n c e s c a O l i vo n i g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r o f t h e Fe s t i v a l brochure Beatriz Viegas graphic designer Magda Vieru romanian correspondent

The “New Generations Festival� (November, 28th, 29th, 30th 2013, Milan) is one of the high point of a research project led in 2012 and 2013 by Itinerant Office. The main objective of the New Generations Festival in Milan is to create the conditions for a real encounter that is extremely important to improve bonding and collaboration among different professionals. Organizing three days of opportunities for sharing and mutual exchange, involving a local community and the network of people that has been following the New Generations Platform, we set the basis for a sustainable cooperation among various components. New Generations Festival is a new format of exhibition, round tables, open calls, workshops, presentations and many other activities with more than one hundred international guests from all over the world.

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