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www. col or ss. or g

ng i v l o nv si s e c o ngepr ha fc yso da g n i z i t i ns e ,s ps ho ks r ,wo s r na mi e s s e u s s i y t i l bi a s ndi eo pl o pe . s d n u f g n i s i a ndr a


WhereandHow Aggr es s i ve yout h gr oups , Col or ssi si nNor t hZonecover i ngNew hiandNCR.I twi l lbet hef ocalpoi nt mot i vat ed hous ewi f e,c or - Del owor kt owar dsgener at i ngf undsand por at et r ai ner ,c ouns el or s ,t eat eawar eness,or gani zewor kshops, doc t or s ,H. R manager sand cr kshops,t r ai ni ngpr ogr amsand al lofyou whowantt obe schoolwor si mi l arsensi t i zi ngpr ogr ams. t he par toft hi sc hal l enge ar et he c hange we want . P28l aunchesi nNor t h P28i ss t r ongl yl ooki ngf or Zoneandwi t ht hi spr oj ect s el f mot i vat ed peopl e who wear egoi ngt ocr eat eat eam esour cef ulandzeal ous bel i evei nc hangeand f eel ofr unt eer s,whowi l lhel pi n nowi t ’ st het i mef orc hange. vol i ngand To al lt hos e peopl e who conduct gani zi ngwor kshops, want ed t o be a par t of or event sandsemi nar s. c hange. Regi st er edOf f i ce:Bar oda Col or ssFoundat i on E/ 68,Jyot iPar k New SamaRoad Bar oda08,Guj ar at e:emai l col or ss@gmai l . com m:+919725721217

Br anchOf f i ce:Pune Col or ssFoundat i on SaiBabaSevaDham Bl ockNo12 Vi l l ageKanhe,TalMaval Di sPune,Mahar asht r a e:emai l col or ss@gmai l . com m:+919604941020

Li ai sonOf f i ce:Del hi Col or ssFoundat i on 706,Ayaachiappar t ment , Sect or45, Gur gaon,122003 e:uma@col or ss. or g m: +919958090094

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