Lagniappe: March 9 - March 15, 2017

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MARCH 9, 2017 - MARCH 15, 2015 | ASHLEY TRICE Co-publisher/Editor

ROB HOLBERT Co-publisher/Managing Editor STEVE HALL Marketing/Sales Director GABRIEL TYNES Assistant Managing Editor DALE LIESCH Reporter JASON JOHNSON Reporter JANE NICHOLES Reporter

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A former employee of the Alabama State Port Authority released the personal information of more than 700 current and past employees.


Will the Comic Cowboys rethink some of their less popular signs?


USA Physicians Group cut the ribbon on its new $36 million Strada Center.


KEVIN LEE Associate Editor/Arts Editor ANDY MACDONALD Cuisine Editor




2017 Griot Award winner Maj. Gen. Gary Cooper overcame adversity and racism, to excel in the Marine Corps, the Legislature and in business.

Kazoola, named in honor of a man brought to the U.S. from Africa on the slave ship Clotilde, serves up jazz with good food and drink.


BROOKE O’DONNELL Advertising Sales Executive BETH WILLIAMS Advertising Sales Executive ASHLEY KILLIAN Advertising Sales Executive ALEEN MOMBERGER Advertising Sales Executive MELISSA EDGE Editorial Assistant



Mobile Opera is rounding out its homage to Puccini with its performance of “Suor Angelica.”


ROSS PRITCHARD Distribution Manager JACKIE CRUTHIRDS Office Manager CONTRIBUTORS: Lee Hedgepeth, Jeff Poor, Asia Frey, Brian Holbert ON THE COVER: MAJ. GEN. GARY COOPER BY DANIEL ANDERSON POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Editorial, advertising and production offices are located at 1100B Dauphin St. Mobile, AL 36604. Mailing address is P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Phone: 251.450.4466 Fax 251.450.4498. Email: or LAGNIAPPE is printed at Walton Press. All letters sent to Lagniappe are considered to be intended for publication. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and Alternative Weeklies Network All rights reserved. Something Extra Publishing, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced without the expressed permission of the publishers. Individuals may take one copy of the paper free of charge from area businesses, racks or boxes. After that, papers are $3 per issue. Removal of more than one copy from these points constitutes theft. Violators are subject to prosecution.

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The public is invited to attend Bayside Academy’s High Tide Southern Music Showcase featuring talent from Muscle Shoals.


The alien drama “Arrival” will have you scratching your head and wiping your eyes in equal measure.


FMTALK 106.5’s Wayne Gardner is retiring after 44 years in Mobile’s radio market.


The Mobile Sports Hall of Fame is honoring athletes and patrons from both sides of the bay.


Boozie partied down to the final hours of Fat Tuesday.

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GOING POSTAL Tests are a part of life Editor: No one likes standardized tests. My kids don’t. But the truth is, just like in life tests are a necessary part of school. In a couple of months your child and his or her classmates will take the ACT Aspire. It’s a scene that will repeat itself in classrooms and gymnasiums across the state. My children will be among those sitting for the exam. My youngest is in the third grade. This will be his first major test. My other children are old pros at this point. In fact, my eldest has taken the exam every year it has been offered. At this point, I know what to expect on test day. My children will beg me to let them call in sick, but my husband and I will remain resolute. We will make sure that all three of our kids are well rested for the several nights before the test, eat a good dinner and breakfast and are on time to school. Tests are hard, but so is life. Sometimes you just have to buck up and do things that scare you. While I am the only member of the Alabama State Board of Education that currently has children in public school taking the test, several of my colleagues have grandchildren. All of us want a good test. Every single year, we seem to have a big debate right before testing time about whether it is a good idea or not. I shudder at this conversation every time. It’s terrible to second-guess yourself, especially right before a big event like a test. We replaced the state’s previous end-of-year exam, the Alabama Reading and Math Test, because we believed the ACT Aspire would more accurately tell us how our children are learning in school. We wanted an assessment that would help teachers identify students who need additional help to get on the right track toward college and career readiness before it becomes too late.

There are rumors, of course, that Alabama may be moving away from the ACT Aspire next year. And the truth is that’s a possibility over the next couple of years. Nevertheless, the ACT Aspire will be administered this spring as planned. The goal of every school is to prepare children for success after they graduate from high school. Regardless of what the State Board of Education decides in the future about the ACT Aspire, there will be an end-of-year assessment given to students to provide parents with feedback on how our schools are preparing our children. This is true in every state in the nation. Earning an education in Alabama schools should mean something, and, just like in life, tests help make sure we stay on track. Otherwise, a diploma in Alabama will be nothing more than the equivalent of a participation trophy in Little League Baseball. We deserve more than that. And I won’t let it happen on my watch. Mary Scott Hunter Alabama State Board of Education Mary Scott Hunter represents the 8th District on the Alabama State Board of Education. She and her husband, Jon, live in Huntsville where their children attend public school.

Notes on ‘progress’ Dear Rob, I am responding to your article “Progress inside ‘failing’ schools.” The institutions are failing the students and the city of Mobile. You did receive a dog and pony show provided by our Southern belle of a superintendent. She is extremely good painting a distortion of the truth. Our students in the failing schools are not being prepared for careers in the future. Rivets are being placed on commercial jets using robotics now. Five

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years from now, people may only be used to monitor their operations. There are students counting on their fingers in high school. Eighth graders are unable to solve more than three-step algebraic problems. They have difficulty composing a 500-word paper. As a concerned citizen, I was able to visit some of the high schools and a middle school. I am a retired teacher with certification for administration and postgraduate degrees. I was sickened by what I encountered within the walls of the Mobile Public School System. I experienced unequal education between the majority-white schools and mainly black schools. The level of expectations were very different. I was not surprised but very disappointed. I did ask people of the educational community, including Mrs. [Martha] Peek, about these discrepancies. I discussed methods by which the problems could be addressed. I was led to believe measures would be taken to make corrections. What was done was a shifting of student bodies, closing some schools and renaming others. It appears as if you had a drop of four failing schools. That was great publicity but no true improvement of the population. Minority students are being prepared for minimalpaying jobs, not good futures or careers. I must add this is the first time that I have written to a paper in my life. Full of hope, June Jones

In praise of whistleblowers Dear Kevin, As a mother of a 7-year-old who finally found a love for ballet after her involvement in “The Nutcracker” this year, I am so thankful to you for reporting on what is taking place at Mobile Ballet. I have high hopes that we will be able to return to the once-respected ballet studio after those named in the lawsuit realize there is more at stake in this matter

than their ego. My heart breaks for Winthrop Corey and the young ladies that are the best role models a mother could ask for for her daughter. My heart breaks for the families torn between staying for the sake of their children’s enjoyment or taking a stand for what they know is in the long-term best interest of their children and community. My broken heart; however, has recently been filled with pride toward the initial whistleblowers who have put it all on the line with nothing to gain, other than knowing they at least tried to save a sinking ship. May God bring peace and wisdom to all involved. Michelle March, Mobile Dear Editor: Thanks for your straightforward reporting of the happenings in our area. It is most refreshing to obtain facts instead of opinions. Your article and letter to the editor concerning [Baldwin County] Commissioner [Chris] Elliott was certainly eye opening. Thoughts to consider: 1. Everyone makes mistakes. 2. Mature adults should be willing to admit mistakes and accept their repercussions. 3. Misuse of an automobile is a deadly weapon and should be considered a very dangerous act. 4. A request (not demand) for a retraction could have easily been made by phone. The use of a letter to the editor appears to infer that there was doubt that legal action could have been successful. 5. The method used was counterproductive because it simply prolonged the time the unfortunate matter remained in the news. Sincerely, Douglas C. Dugat




Photo | Courtecy of ASPA



“cyber event” in late February caused the personal tax information of the Alabama State Port Authority’s current and former employees to be unintentionally released to an unknown source, officials have confirmed to Lagniappe. According to ASPA Vice President of Marketing Judith Adams, the organization was the victim of a “spear-phishing” attack on Feb. 21 that targeted an employee with access to W-2 information for ASPA’s employees and retirees — compromising the information of 780 individuals. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s definition, spear-phishing is a kind of cyber attack that uses doctored emails that appear to be from a trusted source in an attempt to obtain otherwise protected or personal information. The employee targeted at ASPA received an email appearing to be from CEO Jimmy Lyons, though it was in fact sent from an unknown external source. Purporting to be Lyons, the sender requested copies of W-2s for all ASPA employees and, according to Adams, “the employee fell for it, and that information was mistakenly released.” “This was the action of one employee, not an attack or a hack on our systems in any way, shape or form,” Adams said. “We have a whole division dedicated to IT and IT security, and I want to stress that none of our data, our servers or any firewalls were compromised in any way.” While the amount of data released is significant, the spear-phishing technique used to obtain it isn’t uncommon at all. In fact, Lyons said ASPA requires employees who use computers to go through cyber security training that covers those techniques and others. “All of our employees with access to computers are required to take online cyber security training,” Lyons said. “We’ve had a number of similar attacks that have been unsuccessful because of that training.” Despite undergoing that training, though, Adams said the employee who released the personal data “fell victim” to the criminal scheme and is no longer employed with ASPA. Due to the employee “self-reporting” the mistake, ASPA was able to take immediate action, though. Port officials have already alerted the FBI and

the Internal Revenue Service and an investigation is already underway — part of a quick response for which Lyons commended his senior management staff. “Our team took immediate steps to report this cyber crime to law enforcement, and worked around the clock to quickly compile and distribute important safeguard information to all of our employees,” Lyons said. “They did a remarkable job.” When ASPA’s employees were notified their data had been compromised, they were urged to take quick steps to protect their credit and personal identity and also encouraged to file their 2016 taxes with the IRS as early as possible. According to Adams, ASPA has also enrolled all of its employees and retirees in the Equifax ID Patrol program for three years at no cost to them. That program will monitor their credit, alert them to any changes and can offer up to $1 million in coverage for identity theft and other fraud. So far, Adams said, roughly $75,000 has gone into those and other efforts to assist employees, though she said those may only be the “initial costs” of the former employee’s mistake. “What was done, and what the authority had to do, was immediately swing into action and do everything we could possibly do,” she added. “At least this can provide employees a level of monitoring and observation so that if their information is used for any kind of nefarious purpose, it can be caught very quickly.” Because the spear-phishing attempt did not occur until late February, many employees had already filed their 2016 taxes by the time their information had been stolen. However, Adams said “a handful” of employees that filed after the leak have already run into problems. Because the IRS was notified and able to flag any affected Social Security numbers, Adams said those employees will still file their taxes despite the “hassle” of not being able to do so electronically. “This was one small action by one individual, and yet it has had a significant impact on this organization and these 780 individuals,” Adams said. “There is a nefarious world out there, in terms of cyber security and cyber threats. It’s very sobering.” M a r c h 9 , 2 0 1 7 - M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | L AG N I A P P E | 5




hough it’s expected to undergo some changes, a bill in Alabama’s House is aiming to do away with laws allowing child care centers with a religious affiliation to bypass state licensing as well as the routine inspections and regulations to which secular day care facilities are subjected. Currently, Alabama is one of seven states that have some type of religious exemption for facilities providing child care for more than four hours a day. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Pebblin Warren, D-Tuskegee, has been primarily pushed by the advocacy group VOICES for Alabama’s Children. Though it’s not the first time the religious exemption has come under fire, this year’s bill has seen more momentum and support both in the Legislature and from the Alabama Department of Human Resources. As written, House Bill 277 would require all child care facilities to be licensed through DHR regardless of any religious affiliation. However, it does contain provisions to ensure the licensing process does not “infringe upon the rights of the facility to teach or practice a religion.” HB277 cleared its first hurdle last week, passing unanimously out of the House Children and Senior Advocacy Committee with support from local Reps. Margie Wilcox and Barbara Drummond. “There’s a lot of reasons for that unanimous support, and one was that the bill’s sponsor is willing to work with these organizations to make sure there’s no issues with the separation of church and state,” Drummond said. “There was a long public hearing on this bill, and I think we all ultimately want the same thing, and that’s to make sure all

children are protected.” While the bill has seen support, it’s also raised some concern due to the sensitive issue of religious freedom as well as the sheer number of unlicensed facilities it could affect. According to DHR, there are 943 license-exempt child care centers in Alabama compared to 998 licensed centers. In Mobile County, license-exempt facilities make up a far greater percentage of the available child care services — with DHR reporting 188 unlicensed facilities compared to only 75 with a license from the state. Melanie Bridgeforth, executive director of VOICES, said that hasn’t always been the case. The organization has tracked this issue for more than a decade, and Bridgeforth said the number of license-exempt child care facilities in Alabama has increased by 50 percent since 2000. Bridgeforth said there isn’t any data available on license-exempt facilities that have violated standards of care because there is no process to monitor those centers. However, she said, “there’s been abuse” of the protections the exemption was originally intended to provide. “The tricky thing about exemptions is people who are providing good care benefit from them, but so do people who are providing not-so-good care,” Bridgeforth said. “That’s the problem with carving out a loophole for any particular group when you’re talking about provisions that provide for the health and wellbeing of children.” The position of VOICES is that the current system provides protection for some children and not others. Bridgeforth said the only way to address the problem is to bring every child care provider under the same umbrella so

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the same minimum standards are met across the board. Barry Spear, a public information officer with DHR, said the state agency supported HB277 as a matter of “child safety.” He said day care centers operated through ministres have particularly been “a concern” for the state health officers, who can only get involved with an unlicensed facility after children may already be in danger. “Anybody can say they’re a ministry — all they have to do is create some letterhead, send it to us and we can’t even go confirm that they’ve done the minimum they’re required to do,” he said. “The only way we can even go in one of those facilities is if there’s been some kind of child welfare complaint. Otherwise, our licensing people can’t legally enter the facility to do anything.” Yet Spear believes most of Alabama’s license-exempt day care centers are “running just fine,” adding that most “wouldn’t have much trouble at all becoming licensed.” However, he agreed there have been cases when child care providers have obviously abused the system. “We’ve had centers with licenses we’ve been getting ready to suspend or revoke entirely, and in some cases ... they’ll voluntarily give us their license,” he said. “Then, shortly thereafter, they’ve filed for an religious exemption under the law, they’ve opened back up and there’s nothing we can do.” That was case with day care centers Jesse Thomas operated in Montgomery County. After multiple incidents, Thomas saw his license revoked by DHR in late 2010. By 2011, though, Thomas had established a religious nonprofit, applied for an exemption and was operating day care facilities once again. Spear said 86 children became sick from food poisoning at two of Thomas’ day care centers in 2015 — an outbreak of illness that prompted multiple lawsuits and brought national attention to the subject of unregulated child care centers in states that allow them. Having passed through its first committee, HB277 will now go before the Rules Committee and can go before the full House for debate following a third reading. Since the religious exemption was added more than three decades ago, this is the farthest any bill attempting to repeal it has progressed. According to Bridgeforth, media reports on cases like Thomas’ helped propel the issue to a level that required lawmakers to take notice. However, she said, this has also been a “defining moment” because of the cross-section of support the bill has received. “It’s not just people who provide child care services. It’s folks like us, who are advocates and district attorneys, who are very much in support of what we’re doing here, it’s faith leaders, public health advocates, you name it,” she said. “Also, without an outspoken legislative champion all of these things are just ideas. They take it and make it an actual policy vehicle.”


Fine print



hen the Fairhope Airport Authority posted an overview and timeline regarding a controversial hangar lease awarded to a board member, the link to supporting documents did not work for a few days. Those documents, as well as the original timeline and written overview, are now available at The hangar lease has been the subject of allegations of wrongdoing by local blogger Paul Ripp, whose complaints to the Alabama Ethics Commission and various legal authorities prompted the Airport Authority to hire attorney Dennis Bailey to investigate Ripp and defend against the allegations. Indeed, the supporting documents are in a folder bearing Bailey’s name. The Ethics Commission has issued an advisory opinion saying the lease could go to board member Ray Hix because he had the best bid and did not participate in any board discussion of the project or the bids, as board members have confirmed he did not do so. According to the Airport Authority, its timeline, overview essay and supporting documents, the bid process went like this: In late 2014, Cedar Creek LLC and Executive Aviation approached the authority about building on two available hangar sites. The board decided to put out a request for proposals (essentially, an invitation to bid). Cedar Creek was awarded the bid for the first hangar pad and, in the ensuing months of 2015, the board began negotiations with Executive Aviation for the second pad. Hix, co-owner of Mid-Bay Air LLC with Fairhope Municipal Judge Haymes Snedeker, joined the authority in April 2015. During the summer, the Executive Aviation deal fell through. New RFPs were sent out in September, with a mid-October deadline, to build a hangar

and fuel farm on the site. The three bidders were Mid-Bay Air, Executive Aviation Group (operated by Kel Jones but now with additional financial backing) and Terry Chapman, an individual. The rental rates were a half-cent per square foot apart, with Executive Aviation at 25½ cents, and Mid-Bay and Chapman at 25 cents. Based on the 22,250-squarefoot site, the bids were $111 apart. As for the size of the hangars, Mid-Bay proposes a 10,000-square-foot hangar while the other two say theirs will be 11,000 square feet. A couple of weeks later, Airport Authority Chairman Joe McEnerney asked for more information, sending each of the three bidders the same set of additional questions. With this new information, City Council President Jack Burrell, who sits on the Airport Authority, and board member Vincent Boothe reviewed the bids. Burrell, in an email to McEnerney, said that because Jones added the hangar cost and the fuel farm cost together, he did so for the other two bidders for an initial investment total. The results were Mid-Bay $717,000; Executive Aviation $625,000 and Chapman $425,000. Burrell also lowered Mid-Bay’s estimated fuel usage from 100,000 gallons to 85,000 gallons to be conservative. Executive Aviation came in at 40,000 gallons, while Chapman came in at 45,000 gallons. The Airport Authority collects a flowage fee of 7 cents per gallon, so it would make more money from Mid-Bay. The lease does not require a bidder to guarantee how much fuel will be used. The lease was awarded to Mid-Bay for 30 years. Because of delays to get a final advisory opinion from the Ethics Commission and then a building permit from the city of Fairhope, the hangar remains under construction.



ince state Sen. Trip Pittman isn’t running for re-election, he figures he’s in the best position to offer the Baldwin County Commission the chance to raise taxes on gasoline next year. Pittman has proposed allowing the commission to levy up to 3 cents a gallon on fuel, though not until after Oct. 1, 2018. The money could be used only for pay-as-you-go infrastructure projects, and could not be used to back a bond issue. One-fourth of the money raised by the local tax would be split among municipalities based on population, according to the bill (SB79). Pittman has said his current term will be his last in the Senate because he believes in term limits for elected officials. Not facing reelection made him more comfortable pushing the legislation. The bill does not commit the commission to a tax increase, it only offers the commission the option. “It’s just something I think needs to be put in place. At some point it may be needed,” Pittman said. The bill passed the Senate and Tuesday morning cleared the Baldwin delegation in the House of Representatives. Rep. Steve McMillan told Lagniappe the local delegation was somewhat

concerned because of talk around Montgomery of a statewide 6-cent gas tax, though nothing has been introduced as yet. They decided to go ahead and send the Baldwin tax to the House floor, he said. Pittman said the money could be used to match state or federal road money that might become available in the future. Baldwin County is growing quickly and so is traffic. “People don’t calculate the time they waste in traffic,” he said. A county tax would raise about $1.4 million per one cent, Pittman said. That’s much higher than a state 6-cent tax would bring in because of the way the state tax would be divided, he said. Baldwin County Commissioner Frank Burt said he would support a local 3-cent gas tax. “We have more roads than almost any county in the state,” he said. “We’re larger than any other county. We’ve got almost 1,600 miles of road.” Those roads need to be kept safe, he said. And considering that citizens can’t control oil prices and have had to pay $4 per gallon in the past, three pennies isn’t much, Burt said. Sometimes elected officials have to make unpopular decisions, Burt said. “You may not always agree with what they do, but they have to look at what’s best for the county.” M a r c h 9 , 2 0 1 7 - M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | L AG N I A P P E | 7




embers of the Mobile City Council condemned a Mobile Mardi Gras association Tuesday for displaying signs on their floats Fat Tuesday found offensive by many. However, the council ultimately took no action on advice from legal counsel. While councilors and Mayor Sandy Stimpson said they found the Comic Cowboys’ signs offensive, council attorney Jim Rossler said the First Amendment prevents the city from taking any legal action against the organization based on the content of the signs. Rossler said the U.S. Supreme Court has a litany of examples where it defended the free speech of organizations, either parading or protesting, with statements the public would find offensive or that would “cause a hostile reaction.” As an example, Rossler mentioned a case from 1977, where the court upheld the right of a neo-Nazi group to hold up signs advocating for genocide in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Rossler said the court has consistently found that any government — federal, state or local — cannot regulate the content of speech similar to that of the Comic Cowboys. Stimpson, who had been a member of the Comic Cowboys for four years until he resigned after seeing the signs in this year’s parade, said he found them offensive. “I felt the same way as many of the residents,” he said after Tuesday’s meeting. “I resigned because I felt the signs crossed the line.” He said he had seen some of the signs prior to the

parade at a float party for the group, but didn’t know which ones were going to run until the day of the parade. Even though Stimpson had been a member in previous years, he said the signs “impacted me in a different way” this year. Stimpson told members of the media that he has asked the Comic Cowboys to apologize. “I think you might see an apology from them,” he added. Councilman Fred Richardson said he was “dismayed” by the signs and wrote a letter to the organization asking members to stop using references to gun violence and victims in their jokes. He also asked the group to refrain from “belittling women” in the future. In an interview prior to Tuesday’s meeting, Richardson said the Comic Cowboys are offensive. “That’s what they do,” he said. Richardson added, however, that they broke with protocol by attacking former Mayor Sam Jones with a picture of a red hat with the words “Make Mobile Broke Again” written on the front. In the past, Richardson said the group typically lampoons current councilors and mayors. While a few signs referenced mistakes made by former Chief of Staff Colby Cooper, Richardson said there were no signs making fun of just Stimpson. “They’re very conscious of who they put on those posters,” Richardson said. Councilman C.J. Small, whose shooting while in South Africa was the subject of a Comic Cowboys jab at violence in the city, condemned the group. In reference to the sign referencing the shooting he said could have killed him, Small was most offended by the implication that the city was not safe. He also criticized members of the organiza-

tion for concealing their identities in public. “If you stand by what you said, come out from behind the curtain,” he said. “This is not a white, or black, male or female issue; it’s a Mobile issue.” Councilman John Williams stressed the importance of preserving the group’s First Amendment rights, but added that many on the council agree with residents on the nature of the signs. Williams reminded those who were offended that they control where they shop and what they see. Councilman Levon Manzie said he agreed that the signs in this year’s parade were offensive, noting that he has been the subject of the group’s barbs in the past. “In the past I was called one of the Prancing Elites,” he said. “I do not prance and I am not an elitist.” Along the lines of comments by Richardson, Williams and others, Manzie encouraged those offended by the signs to start their own organization and put up their own signs. Seal Street resident Timothy Hollis said many tourists he spoke with through his job at a downtown pedicab company found the signs offensive. “Many visitors said they’d go to New Orleans because we parade racism down our streets,” he told councilors. Hollis said he understands the country has freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but he questioned whether the city has the authority to issue the Comic Cowboys a parade permit next year. As an example, he said if a disc jockey had played an offensive song while on a parade float, the city would stop that group from parading. He also called for the possible creation of an advisory board to oversee parading organizations. Mari Ponder, president of the South Alabama League of Student Voters, called the signs “racist and embarrassing to Mobile.” “I’m asking the City Council and mayor to go on record and say the signs do not represent the views of the city government,” she said. “Maybe there’s more you can do, maybe not. At least say the city doesn’t approve of racist signs.” In other business, councilors ratified by a vote of 6-1 a purchase order of $107,844 for new seats at Hank Aaron Stadium. The vote ratified the purchase because the administration made the purchase without council consent, something that is typically done on a purchase order. Members of the council’s finance committee have asked to work more closely with the administration in the future on purchase order items that are not routine.




inutes before U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne held his 76th town hall, police announced the venue had hit its capacity of 250 persons — upsetting hundreds more who were denied entry and setting the tone for the contentious evening. Though Byrne and his staff have hosted many constituent events at the Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center in Mobile, this was the first since the election of President Donald Trump and seemed to bring out a more confrontational crowd. Attendance at the event, which was aided by some organized social media, proved too much for the venue and was capped. An employee told Lagniappe a fire marshal wouldn’t allow any more people into Via, adding that Byrne’s staff had “not wanted anyone standing.” The situation caused some who were turned away to accuse Byrne of trying to control what was expected to be an angry crowd, though Byrne’s communication director, Seth Morrow, strongly rejected that claim. Morrow said the staff added an additional room and doubled the initial size of the venue before anyone was turned away. “The problem is when you get much over 250 it becomes more of a performance than a town hall meeting. You lose the close interaction that makes these town hall meetings productive,” he continued. “For those who didn’t make it in tonight, we will be holding a full slate of town halls in April, so there will be plenty of other opportunities.” With the seating issues settled, Byrne did not appear to

have dodged an angry crowd. While some so-called “midtown Democrats” told Byrne they’d supported him over his 2016 primary challenger, Dean Young, they took aim at the congressman’s shifting endorsement of Trump’s campaign and his vocal support of much of the new administration’s agenda. Of the questions fielded, the majority focused on Trump, though Byrne also discussed the House’s freshly unveiled plan to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, and his pending bill aimed at improving the quality and continuity of health care for military veterans. One issue brought up repeatedly, though, was Russia. Specifically, the crowd wanted to know Byrne’s thoughts on how Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign and its alleged ties to members of Trump’s cabinet should be handled. Unlike some in the GOP, Byrne directly acknowledged Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 election, though he downplayed its effectiveness. “I am very disturbed by the fact — and it is a fact — that the Russian government tried to interfere with the presidential election in November. Here’s the truth, though: This is not the first time they’ve tried to interfere with an election around the world,” Byrne said. “They do it a lot, and they’re getting better at it, but what they did last fall here in the United States was pretty ham-handed, and it didn’t work.” Byrne took a strong stand on Russia, calling the country

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“a threat to the United States of America.” However, while Byrne said “there needs to be an investigation” into the 2016 campaign, he believes it would be best handled by congressional intelligence committees. He did not, however, directly address Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from any federal probe involving the campaign. Asked specifically, Byrne said he knew of “no information that would justify [appointing] a special prosecutor” to review the concerns about Russia and the Trump campaign, but said he’d “ask for one” if presented with such information. “There are people in this room who know what I’ve done in the past when there’s been great powers against me, and I’ll do it again if the time comes,” Byrne said. “When I stood up to the corruption in our two-year college system, I knew they were going to come after me, and I did it anyway. If we’ve got to do that with federal government, then we’ll do it again.” A resident of South Baldwin County brought up the BP oil spill, which she said came with a hard lesson about “how important the environment is to the economy” of the Gulf Coast. To that end, she wanted to know if Byrne supported Trump’s plans to roll back provisions of the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency. “We are downstream of practically the whole state of Alabama,” she added. “From Huntsville on down I-65 into Mississippi and over into Georgia, if they dump oil in a creek up there, sooner or later it’s going to end up in our bay.” Despite having been critical of the EPA expanding certain authorities in the past, Byrne said he “fully supports” the Clean Air and Clean Water acts and “does not support doing away with the EPA” — an idea floated last month in a bill from Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida. “There are times when the EPA has gone too far. They weren’t doing anything to protect the environment, but they sure hurt a lot of people and cost them their jobs, and I also stand for people’s jobs,” he said. “I think there’s a way for us to balance maintaining jobs and building our economy while taking care of the environment you and I love so much.” Though many in the crowd disagreed with Byrne on certain issues, he expressed appreciation for those who made an effort to attend, adding that the “real freedom” enjoyed in the U.S. is the only thing that makes forums like Monday’s possible. “What makes us who we are is partly shown by the people here tonight,” Byrne said. “They don’t get to do this in Russia. They don’t get to do this in Iran, but we do this in America, and I’m proud of the fact that we get to.”


In memoriam



amuel Jenkins Sr., a one-time potato farmer who rose to become Baldwin County’s first and only African-American county commissioner, died in his sleep on Feb. 25 at his home in Daphne. Jenkins was 90. Jenkins and current County Commissioner Frank Burt ran together for the commission in 1988. Jenkins served until 2000 while Burt, 84, is still in office today. Burt said Jenkins “was a dear, dear friend of mine.” “We rode many a mile together looking at roads, meeting with folks and trying to help them,” Burt said. “He was certainly an advocate for people and honesty and hard work.” Born in 1926, Jenkins was part of a large family and grew up on a farm between Loxley and Daphne, Burt said. He served in the U.S. Army in the Philippines during World War II. Marrying and settling in Daphne, Jenkins worked as a potato farmer, as an independent trucker, as an employee of the Alabama State Employment Service and eventually as a superintendent for the Del Monte Banana Co. He was a union president of the Banana Handlers Local 1516 in Mobile. Jenkins was also the first African-American to chair the Baldwin County Commission. During his three terms in office, the commission had seven districts rather than the current four. Jenkins’ district ran from Little River to Daphne. “One of his sayings was, ‘I have no

Samuel Jenkins Sr.

the entire coastline to the public if he could. Jenkins used to say, “If it’s wide enough for a kid to walk down with a fishing pole, then we need to protect it and keep it open,” Burt recalled. As chairman, Jenkins ran an efficient meeting, Burt said. “He was the one that brought a little egg timer to the commission and introduced it — for three minutes if you got up to talk. The commission adopted that.” He also kept Burt calm. “He calmed me down lots of times when I was about to get too rowdy. We sat next to each other in the commission meeting room. And if I would get to be a little anxious he seemed to be able JENKINS WAS ALSO THE FIRST AFRICANto tell. He’d just reach over gently AMERICAN TO CHAIR THE BALDWIN COUNTY and touch my COMMISSION. DURING HIS THREE TERMS IN OFFICE, arm.” In November THE COMMISSION HAD SEVEN DISTRICTS RATHER 2000 Jenkins, a Democrat, was THAN THE CURRENT FOUR. JENKINS’ DISTRICT RAN defeated for FROM LITTLE RIVER TO DAPHNE. re-election by Republican JonaONE OF HIS SAYINGS WAS, ‘I HAVE NO FRIENDS TO than Armstrong. At the time, the FAVOR OR ENEMIES TO PUNISH.’ HE PRACTICED THAT. Press-Register HE CONTROLLED HIS ANGER, IF HE EVER HAD ANY. reported that the three AfricanAmericans on friends to favor or enemies to punish,’” Burt the Baldwin County ballot were all defeated. recalled. “He practiced that. He controlled After redistricting the previous year, Jenkins’ his anger, if he ever had any.” district had changed from majority black to Burt recalled that he, Jenkins and state majority white, the newspaper noted. Rep. Joe Faust, then a Baldwin County In 2012, the Alabama Legislature agreed Commissioner, enjoyed traveling with their to rename in Jenkins’ honor a stretch of U.S. spouses to conventions, conferences and 90 from County Road 13 to Highway 181. He other events. Of Jenkins and his wife, the late was honored locally by the County CommisWilla Jackson Jenkins, Burt said, “They were sion and the Daphne City Council. a beautiful couple and a loving couple, good A resolution honoring Jenkins’ life was Christian folks. They could cut it on the dance on the agenda for Tuesday’s commission floor, too.” meeting. As a commissioner, Jenkins was a strong Four of his five sons survive their father advocate for public access to the Baldwin along with nine grandchildren and six greatCounty waterfront, Burt said. Jenkins told grandchildren. Jenkins’ funeral was held stories of jubilees on the Eastern Shore when Saturday at Mt. Baptist Church. Burial was in he was growing up, and would have opened Mt. Aid Church Cemetery.

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going to tar the whole krewe. And I don’t think the record Stimpson has established over the past three-plus years is going to be particularly harmed by all of this, even though I do imagine we’ll be talking about it a good bit if Stimpson-Jones II comes to pass. The situation is already getting a pretty good head of steam. Councilman Fred Richardson was so excited about it at Tuesday’s meeting that he somehow convinced himself Lagniappe’s last political cartoon of he and the mayor tandem parachute jumping was Comic Cowboy sign with a racist message. Just for the record, Fred, it was a silly joke about the mayor parachuting with the Navy Leapfrogs during Mardi Gras and using such daredevil antics to coerce council members into agreeing with him. Race wasn’t even a consideration. But that’s a good example of the flip side of this whole thing — being offended when there’s not really a reason to be. While I agree a small number of Comic Cowboys’ signs cross the line, most of them are plain satire. Satire isn’t always easily understood, but I do think if you look at a few years’ worth of Comic Cowboys signs you’ll see they gore just about everyone’s ox. The Cowboys’ slogan is “Without Malice,” which is another way of saying “don’t take it personally, it’s a joke.” Hopefully next year they can leave some of the more personal insults in the barn and bring only their “A” material to the streets.


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Cowboys to push the envelope and to poke fun at everyone and skewer our community’s various foibles. Any efforts to legislate them out of their rough and rowdy ways — as the governor in “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” might put it — would diminish or destroy something that is unique about our Mardi Gras. Hopefully what this episode will do for the Cowboys is make them step back and take stock, because in all truth, the signs people are complaining about are without doubt the weakest material presented every year. To go from an extremely clever sign about what Hallie Dixon’s boyfriend and a Lagniappe have in common, for instance, to some lame racial barb is offensive to me as a writer and a sign of mental laziness. (Look up the Dixon sign on your home computer!) After watching this year’s Cowboys parade roll by, I was simply amazed they’d taken the time to slam “Pritchitt” twice but left Mike Hubbard off the table, and barely even hit the Luv Guv or Big Luther. That stuff is political gold, baby! Satirical float sign writers in other cities would be green with envy to have that kind of material, but you’re wasting the space to make crime jokes about Prichard. Mayor Stimpson did the right thing in getting out of the Cowboys. While I’m sure the vast, vast majority of the group’s members are more interested in having some fun at the expense of the rich and powerful and had nothing to do with the signs in question, the offensive signs are

Cartoon/Laura Rasmussen


he uproar over the Comic Cowboys’ parade signs was probably one of the easier things to predict in this rather unpredictable political climate. As we go to press this week, the simmering debate about offensive signs in the Mardi Gras season’s most irreverent parade reached a full Zatarain’s boil as Mobile’s City Council fielded complaints about the parade, and Mayor Sandy Stimpson declared he had resigned from the organization following this year’s run. Founded in 1884, “The Cowboys” are generally a must-see for most Mobilians on Fat Tuesday because they irreverently stick it to the rich, famous and politically powerful. But — at least in the past 20 years I’ve been watching them — they’ve also occasionally skirted pretty close to bigotry in some of their signs and run flat over it with others. One constant target over the years is the predominantly black and very poor city of Prichard, referred to as “Pritchitt” on the Cowboys’ signs. And while there are years Prichard has fairly earned its criticism, the city still took it on the chin this year even when it really hasn’t been in the news. Jokes about a Pritchitt Uber being a police car and that its city motto is “Born to Get Turnt” didn’t sit well with a lot of African-Americans watching the parade. Jabs at Black Lives Matter and President Trump making America “Mo’ Better” for inner-city blacks also have been mentioned as being offensive. And now it turns out the mayor was a paying member of this group? Ouch. I can just imagine the smile on former Mayor Sam Jones’ face right now. This was just the kind of duct tape and chewing gum his quasi-maybe-sorta-I’m-thinking-about-it mayoral campaign needed. I’ve spoken with a few members of the Cowboys over the past week, and while I see the point of view that they make fun of everybody, I’ve also shared with them my personal feelings that those two or three or four signs each year that step over the line into the arena of racial bigotry are an embarrassment to see as a Mobilian. As someone interested in local politics and an occasional writer of satire, I do look forward to the Comic Cowboys parade each year. But I’ve come to dread the groaners that move out of the realm of political satire and fair comment into areas I doubt many people on the floats would stand beneath without wearing a mask. A few years ago I’d been down to watch the parade and then headed home quickly because it was raining. But it was on in my living room and I just remember feeling embarrassed that Mel Showers, someone I greatly respect and admire as a journalist, had to sit there and talk about those signs as they rolled past. I’m sure the camera operator cut away from signs several times because they were a bit too racy for daytime TV, but because I’d already seen the parade, I also noticed when they cut away from those that pushed racial stereotypes. Last year I was talking with an African-American guy I know just before the Cowboys started to roll by. I ended up cutting our conversation short because I didn’t want either of us to have to deal with the awkwardness of reading a few of those signs together. All that said, I respect the right of the Comic





oing to Disney World is like having a baby. If you know someone who has done it before you, the moment they find out you are expecting (to go), they are going to tell you 300 different things you just have to do to make the experience less painful, um, I mean, even more magical. Don’t get me wrong, most of the advice is helpful and greatly appreciated, especially to us newbies. But just the fact so many people want to “help” by imparting their knowledge, in addition to the 9,000 blogs on the internet dedicated solely to this, it becomes quite clear that while it might be “the happiest place on Earth” it was clearly going to take a lot of hard work to get there. I knew I was in trouble the moment my sisterin-law rattled off about five different things we DEFINITELY needed to take and then handed me a pack of moleskin and said, “Make sure you take this or you’ll get blisters on your feet. Lots and lots and lots of walking.” I don’t think I even knew what moleskin was up until that point and what vacation requires it, for heaven’s sake? Sounds more appropriate for a hard labor camp! Then I was advised, no, commanded by another friend that if I wanted to get into a certain restaurant or if I wanted my little girl to have a princess boutique experience (which of course I did!), I simply must call EXACTLY 180 days out at 7 a.m. Eastern Time (which happened to be 6 a.m. on a Saturday here) to book it. And thank God I followed her commandment because they were already pretty booked up when I finally got off hold at 6:21 a.m. CST. And in addition to the dining and special excursion instructions, we received countless tips on how to work the FastPasses, stroller rental (yes, we need one even though our kids are 7 and 5), choosing the right backpack or shoulder bag for the park and utilizing all the planes, trains and monorails it takes to get around. Whew! It’s a lot to take in. Yes, yes, I will admit this was not a trip I was particularly looking forward to. It should not be an additional full-time job to plan a trip to get away from your full-time job. And moleskin should never, ever, ever be part of the equation. But that’s just me. And this was about the kids and making sure they made magical memories of the Jungle Cruise and Dumbo that would last a lifetime (or at least until they could magically convince someone else to pay for a new memory-making tour or take their own children there). And they did have a wonderful time. We all did. I can’t lie. In between ride-food-water-and-bathroom line waiting, stroller parking and reclaiming and moleskin repositioning, there were moments of pure bliss we all shared together. And also some moments that seemed pretty horrible at the time — ones that may have scarred our children for life. For instance, our 5-year-old, Ellen, who fearlessly rode all of the roller coasters and Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom like a champ, didn’t take as well to the flight simulator at Epcot, “Mission: Space.” Apparently the bumpy ride to the Red Planet was a little too realistic for her, and she screamed and cried real tears the whole “mission.” “I don’t want to go to Mars,” she wailed. “I want to stay home.” I am not sure if she meant Earth or our house in this particular context, but I did not ask. Parents of the year, right here, I tell ya! Luckily, the healing process seems to have begun, so hopefully this will just become part of our family lore that we can all laugh about one day. But even though we did enjoy ourselves despite

the mission to Mars and another small tragedy we will just call “the unfortunate chocolate incident” and leave it at that, there were still some things I found a bit puzzling. Like, there seems to be a dearth of grilled cheeses in a land designed for children. Is Mickey stingy with the cheese, or what’s the deal? And there were lots and lots of people who weren’t children or on bachelorette parties or junior high school trips whose groups were wearing matching T-shirts. And these weren’t like little cheapy, family reunion-like T-shirts. They were monogrammed and embroidered in some cases. I did not know this was a thing. Where does one even find such attire? And most puzzling of all, there were many couples there with really, really small children, even recently birthed babies. I am pretty sure one baby I saw had not yet rid himself of the remnants of his umbilical cord. And there were other people chasing multiple kids around who could barely walk. Whyyyyyyyyyy? I mean, who finds that happy or magical? They can’t ride anything; they will definitely not remember it, so why would any parents willingly do this to themselves? I just don’t get it. I assume some of these infants were forced to come along because they had older siblings who needed to remember riding “It’s a Small World” so their childhood wouldn’t be ruined. But surely there was a Nana or an Aunt Millie that they could have shipped the tiny babies off to for the week. (If you said no, Gigi, I can assure you there is a special place in hell for you. And that place is called MagicKingdomWithaScreamingInfantLand.) Even for those of you with horrible Nanas or MeeMaws, I am sure you poor people could have probably dropped your bundles of joy off at your local fire station with a note and there would have been at least one firefighter parent who would have understood and looked out after him or her for you while you were gone. Judging by the number of screaming 0 to 18-month-olds with urine-soaked diapers who were being chargrilled in the sun while kicking and screaming in their strollers, they would have had a better time at the fire station even if the captain would have fed them threealarm chili all week and the Dalmatian bit them a couple times. Trust me! But there were also things that were pretty fascinating, too. I am fairly certain Trump needs to sign an executive order to just let the folks who run Disney World run the entire country. It is a well-oiled machine. The efficiencies are mind-boggling. And I am pretty sure they were tracking our every move and probably even our heart rates and cholesterol levels with our “MagicBands.” Imagine: If they erected one or two federally run mini-theme parks in every state with well-placed gift shops at the exits of each ride, we could probably solve all of our health care, public education and infrastructure issues with gift shop sales alone. The diehard Disney folks could travel state to state to get their passports stamped. It would be Yuge! Someone Tweet this to the president. I think I am onto something here! Anyway, I am truly happy we went, and it was definitely worth all of the planning and hustling, and it is a trip our little family will always remember. But I am equally happy we won’t be going back anytime soon, as both the kids expressed they would rather go somewhere new than venture back. Wooohoo! Did I write that out loud? I guess it must be genetic. Or maybe it was that mission to Mars. Muhahahahaha! Either way, if anyone needs to borrow some moleskin, I have a little left over.

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Political pros and capital cons BY LEE HEDGEPETH/CONTRIBUTING WRITER


ith Alabama lawmakers on Goat Hill meeting for this year’s regular legislative session, the state’s political priorities for 2017 are becoming clear. The result? A mixed bag: for every good piece of legislation filed in the State House, there are another two terrible bills competing for votes and for passage. This year in Montgomery, it’s a mixture of political pros and capital cons.

A governor’s grave and good legislation

One of the biggest political pros of the legislative session thus far is the inching forward of the effort to impeach Gov. Robert Bentley. The governor — whose troubles began when his inappropriate relationship with a now-former staffer was revealed — has been avoiding questions about the impeachment for months, saying on a recent trip to Baldwin County that he thought the process was “in limbo.” The impeachment process isn’t in limbo — it’s slowly moving forward — but it certainly has the governor bending over backward. Bentley’s office just refused, for example, media requests for copies of the Governor’s Mansion visitor logs, public records that Spencer Collier, former secretary of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, says he was asked to falsify. Those allegations, and many more like it, will be part of the impeachment committee’s purview over the coming weeks as it moves toward a final vote on the issue. Besides the governor digging his own grave, there are other political pros of 2017 so far, even in the legislative session. House Bill 321, sponsored by Rep. Bob Fincher, if passed would allow Alabamians to vote on a constitutional amendment that would cap interest rates on payday loans at 36 percent annually. The legislation would be a huge victory for grassroots nonprofits such as Alabama ARISE that have been fighting to end predatory consumer lending in the state.

According to statistics from the Center for Responsible Lending and the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are four times as many payday lending locations in Alabama as McDonald’s locations. These lenders offer high-interest loans that can cost consumers many times the amount they borrowed, with annual interest rates sometimes as high as 456 percent. House Bill 277, sponsored by Rep. Pebblin Warren, would require churches and religious nonprofits with preschools and daycare to be licensed. Right now, all nonreligious entities — nonprofit and for profit — are required to have a license, but churches and religious organizations are exempted. They shouldn’t be. As Mobilians learned in 2015 when three dozen boys were removed from Solid Rock Ministries’ facilities on Springhill Avenue following allegations of abuse and neglect, religious affiliation does not prevent bad things from happening. Licensing of all facilities — not just secular ones — is one way to decrease the likelihood of a situation like the one in Mobile, and the Alabama Legislature should pursue it. HB316, sponsored by Rep. Ken Johnson, would legalize the long-forbidden practice of midwifery in Alabama. Midwifery has been illegal in the state for years, not least because of its origins and prevalence in the black community. The current ban on the practice is in spite of countless studies — including a clinical assessment by Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence — that children born under the supervision of a midwife fare better than those born in maternity wards under the supervision of a doctor. HB316 would end this irony and legitimize the practice for future generations of Alabamians.

Burning bridges and bad legislation

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One of the biggest capital cons so far this year didn’t

even happen in Montgomery. During an event marking the anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma that was held in historic Brown’s Chapel, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill stuck his foot in his mouth — or should have, if he knew what was good for him. Merrill, in front of a crowd that included nationally acclaimed civil rights activists, brought up Alabama’s voter identification law, a rhetorical faux pas that led to audible protests and a walkout by several in attendance including North Carolina Rev. William Barber, who began that state’s “Moral Monday” movement. With one speech, Merrill burned what bridge he had with the civil rights community. Voter ID laws have been proven by social scientists to make it more difficult for marginalized voters such as minorities and the elderly to successfully participate in elections. These laws also decrease voter turnout and are aimed at addressing a problem that doesn’t exist: in-person voting fraud. A 2012 study of voting fraud by Arizona State University, for example, found that instances of fraud at the ballot box are “infinitesimal.” Most of the capital cons of the year, though, have come from Goat Hill. Several bills being considered by State House politicos have far-reaching, negative consequences. Senate Bill 24, sponsored by Sen. Gerald Allen, would allow Alabamians to carry a pistol without a license “on property under his or her control, including vehicles and places of business.” The last thing Alabama needs is gunmen on every roadway in the state, something a representative from the Sheriffs’ Association (which opposes the bill) brought up to me several years ago when a similar bill was introduced. “Ever heard of road rage?” he asked me. “I know I get it,” he said. “And you’ve got a gun, and I’ve got a gun.” Tempers may flare, and bullets may fly, he suggested. “They may give you a shot instead of the bird.” SB193, sponsored by Sen. Jabo Waggoner, would allow Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Jefferson County to establish its own police force. Churches are welcome to have security but, at least in my book, they shouldn’t get to have a “certified police force.” Those should be exclusively for governments, not religious institutions. SB145, sponsored by Sen. Bill Hightower, would prevent the state from “discriminating” against child adoption agencies that refuse to place children in circumstances they morally disagree with — namely in homes with same-sex parents. It’s the height of irony for Hightower to say the bill prevents “discrimination” against religious adoption agencies. The bill does indeed prevent discrimination — discrimination against these adoption agencies for discriminating against same-sex couples. The Legislature meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week until late May, when it will adjourn until 2018.

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ast week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions faced his toughest political fight in three decades. The Washington Post reported that Sessions failed to disclose two meetings with the Russian ambassador to the United States, during his attorney general confirmation hearings. What happened after that was very unfamiliar for those of us that have been watching Sessions for the last 20 years. For the first time, he seemed rattled. His answers at a press conference and later in an interview on cable news were not as forceful and concise as Alabamians have been accustomed to. For years Sessions has been able to straddle that line between an ideological champion of conservative populism and reaper of federal funding for the Yellowhammer State. People in Alabama loved him for it, and he may very well be the most popular politician in the history of the state. Even former Alabama Gov. George Wallace faced opposition in statewide elections at the heights of his popularity.

It is unlikely that Sessions will be ousted. But the U.S. Attorney General position has always been tough. Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder faced continuous scrutiny as Obama’s AGs — “Fast and Furious,” wiretapping of journalists, the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, etc. For the Bush administration, it was just as bad. Immediately after former President George W. Bush was elected, the media nitpicked John Ashcroft. Then his opponents went after Alberto Gonzales, who wound up resigning a year before the 2008 election. Before that? It was Janet Reno, who served as former President Bill Clinton’s attorney general from March 12, 1993, through January 20, 2001. She certainly faced her share of controversies. Given that history, it is likely Alabama’s own Sessions is going to be a constant target of Trump’s opponents at least through 2020. However, unlike Republican opposition to Democratic U.S. Attorney Generals, the Democrats have not wasted time. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have already called for his resFOR YEARS SESSIONS HAS BEEN ignation. Could we have imagined House MinorABLE TO STRADDLE THAT LINE ity Leader John Boehner BETWEEN AN IDEOLOGICAL CHAMPION or Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell OF CONSERVATIVE POPULISM AND REAPER doing anything similar shortly after Obama’s OF FEDERAL FUNDING FOR THE inauguration? No, the Democrats YELLOWHAMMER STATE. are cutthroat. Republican voters might hope Sessions in his last senatorial bid ran unopthe GOP would be capable of playing that same posed. game, but they just are not. Although he has a couple of decades under It is going to be a rough few years for fans of his belt, the orbit of presidential politics is much Jeff Sessions. Given our history of attorney genharder to navigate. erals over the last 25 years, this will probably Before being the Attorney General of the be the first of many attacks leveled against him. U.S., arguably one of the top five most powerBrace yourselves for that. ful positions in the federal government, the So what’s next? If Sessions was ever really best Sessions could have hoped for was being a in trouble, expect to hear rumblings of his 2018 chairman of a Senate committee. gubernatorial bid. He was even denied the chairmanship of the Let’s face it — the governor of Alabama’s Budget Committee when the GOP took control office is one of the most disgraced in recent U.S. of the Senate in 2014 — on a technicality, after history. Obviously, Robert Bentley has been a having served as the ranking member. disappointment in his second term. Bob Riley Now things are different. was decent, despite his push for a $1.2 billion Not a lot of people inside the beltway tax increase. But the list before that? Don Siethought they would be hearing news reports gelman (felon), Fob James (War Eagle), Little about President Donald Trump defending AtJim Folsom (inherited after forced resignation), torney General Jeff Sessions a year ago. At that Guy Hunt (felon) and George Wallace (hoping time, it would have seemed unthinkable. to relive the glory days?). Now the knives are out for Sessions. It has not been that great. Fortunately for Sessions, the attacks are comSo, in the worst-case scenario — if this AG ing from the Democratic caucus, which has thing goes south for Sessions — he is a shoo-in shown an unwillingness to learn any lessons for Alabama governor. from its 2016 election defeat. Their tactics, howAs an Alabamian, it might not be the worst ever, are almost impressive compared to how thing in the world, given the state’s history. the GOP handled opposing former President Imagine Sessions in Montgomery. Talk Barack Obama. about a place that needs the swamp drained. ReWe are just over a month into Trump’s first publicans and Democrats alike have tried, but term, and the Democratic opposition has colMontgomery continues to disappoint. Sessions lected at least one scalp. Trump’s now-former might be the guy to do it. national security adviser, retired U.S. Army To be sure, as a U.S. Attorney General, Lieutenant Gen. Michael Flynn who stepped Sessions will have a much larger impact on the down after just 24 days. direction of the country.

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he University of South Alabama Board of Trustees and USA President Dr. Tony Waldrop recently hosted a ribbon cutting and building dedication ceremony for the Strada Patient Care Center, located at 1601 Center St. The new $36.6 million, 133,000-square-foot building provides an expansion of clinical space for the USA Physicians Group practice and will offer patients additional conveniences. In 2015, the TPC Group, Doster Construction and Williams Blackstock Architects partnered to begin constructing the facility. A large portion of the USA Physicians Group practice — which includes general pediatrics, pediatric subspecialties, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics and orthopedic rehabilitation and neurosciences — has relocated to the new building. The property contains 153 patient exam rooms, 16 nurses’ stations, seven educational conference rooms and a new breast and mammography center. Unique design features include large windows with a visual connection to the Geri Moulton Children’s Park and interior/exterior designs that are similar to other buildings on the campus. The USA Physicians Group clinical office building is named in honor of Dr. Samuel J. Strada, dean emeritus of the USA College of Medicine, and his late wife, Judy. “We recognize both Dr. Strada and Judy for their collective, indelible impact on the advancement of medicine, as well as their generosity to their community,” USA President Dr. Tony G. Waldrop said. Comprising 181 academic physicians on faculty at the USA College of Medicine, the USA Physicians Group is the region’s largest multi-specialty practice and the only academic physicians group along the central Gulf Coast

Commercial real estate moves

According to John Vallas, associate broker with the Merrill P. Thomas Co. Inc., some 2,000 square feet of

restaurant space was leased by Papa Murphy’s Pizza at the 3764 Airport Blvd. retail area (adjacent to Jason’s Deli), with plans in place to open early summer. Vallas worked for Papa Murphy’s and Amber Dedeaux with Vallas represented the landlord. Some 3,400 square feet of eatery space was leased by Fort Worth, Texas-based franchise Fuzzy’s Taco Shop inside the 4.5 acre South Landing retail site, located on the corner of Old Shell Road and Long Street across from the University of South Alabama’s main campus. Tim Herrington of Herrington Realty managed the transaction. JRJ Warehouse & Logistics has leased a 65,000-squarefoot office/warehouse building at 1900-B South Broad St. inside the Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley. JRJ opened for business in January. Mike McAleer with The McAleer Tunstall Company LLC handled the lease. According to Vallas Realty Inc., a developer paid $975,000 for a 3,120-square-foot building on one acre of land at 25803 Perdido Beach Blvd. in Orange Beach. Plans are in place to redevelop the property for retail use. Per David Milstead with Bellator Realty, some 1,500 square feet of office space was leased by LLM Transport Services at 229 East 20th Ave. in Uptown Plaza.

Mobile Chamber hosting SBA Emerging Leaders 2017 According to news release, SBA Emerging Leaders, an intensive executive entrepreneurial training initiative to accelerate high-potential small business growth, is coming to the Port City. The program will be presented by the U.S. Small Business Administration and co-sponsored by the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce to support a coalition of local economic and business development entities. Over seven months, attendees are required to participate in approximately 40 hours of classroom instruction, generally two three-hour sessions per month. The method primarily employs an instructor-facilitated discussion, as well as subject-matter experts as guest speakers to lend a

“real world” perspective. Additionally, class participants meet and work in smaller CEO peer-mentoring groups for an additional 15 to 20 hours during the training period. Including “homework,” participants can expect to invest approximately 100 hours. The expectation at the conclusion of the training is for entrepreneurs to have developed a three-year strategic growth action plan with benchmarks and performance targets that will help them accelerate growth. The Emerging Leaders advanced training series is open to presidents, managing partners, CEOs, CFOs and COOs of small businesses. There are currently no restrictions on the types of businesses that can participate. Examples of participating businesses include manufacturers, retail/wholesalers, contractors, professional services and food service. To qualify, a company must: have been in active operation at least three years; have generated for the past three years an average annual revenue of at least $400,000 not to exceed $10 million; and have at least one employee besides the owner(s). Up to 20 small businesses will be accepted for the 2017 Mobile Emerging Leaders program. The program is provided at no cost to participants and is only for established business owners — not for start-ups or people who are thinking about starting a business. For more information about the program, contact Danette Richards, director of small business development at the Mobile Chamber, and/or visit the chamber’s website.

Freeman tapped as manager of Adams and Reese Mobile office

The New Orleans-based Adams and Reese law firm recently tapped transactions attorney Andrew “Andy” Freeman as its new partner in charge of the firm’s Mobile office, which is headquartered in RSA Battle House Tower and home to more than 30 attorneys and staff. Adams and Reese, a regional multidisciplinary law firm, has 16 partners in charge which lead each of the 16 Adams and Reese offices across the southern U.S. and Washington, D.C. “Andy is an accomplished transactions attorney and a proven leader within our firm and the Mobile community,” said Britton Bonner, who has locally served in the same capacity office since 2011 and was recently appointed to lead the firm’s Economic Development Practice Team. “I am honored to be selected to lead the Adams and Reese Mobile office,” Freeman said. “I’m excited to help our office continue its growth in south Alabama as we serve clients across various industries and continue to make a positive impact in our community.” Freeman earned his J.D. from the University of Alabama School of Law; a B.S. in computer science and a B.A. in political science from the University of Alabama. He joined Adams and Reese in 2005. In the Mobile community, Freeman is a board member of the Child Advocacy Center of Mobile and a member of the Mobile Downtown Rotary.

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Kazoola is one cool place — for food, drinks and jazz

KAZOOLA EATERY 558 DAUPHIN ST. MOBILE 36602 251-308-2261


Photos | Daniel Anderson / Yelp


here aren’t enough places in Mobile to catch live jazz. There is some jazz here, just not enough. Last Thursday night I picked up Catherine and we headed to Dauphin Street in search of something to eat, drink and listen to, and thankfully ended up at Kazoola. I’d heard a little about this place, mainly that it was a jazz bar and right up my alley, but until recently I was unaware they served food. We entered somewhere around 8 p.m. to a sparsely populated bar and plopped down for a Hendrick’s and tonic, just taking in the scene as a musician or two slowly wandered in with armloads of gear. Appetizers were definitely in order, so we began with the shrimp ($9 per 8 pieces), which were available grilled, fried or steamed. We chose fried. They were a bit on the small side, and pricey for eight, but it wasn’t a terrible


mishap. They came with a dipping sauce that was sweet and spicy, and I’d say in the end they were enjoyable. I could’ve had more, though. Our waiter told us he could eat the wings ($7 per 6 pieces) all day long. You cannot ignore that sort of endorsement, so we ordered a round. At his suggestion we chose sweet heat over honey mustard, honey barbecue, hot lemon pepper or garlic Parmesan. Wow! He hit the nail on the head. The wings here are among the best in the city and sweet heat was definitely the way to go. Turns out it is the same sauce that came with the shrimp. Round two was a big success. We eyeballed the entrees and ordered another drink. This time he suggested a Hendrick’s and cucumber (a drink I love) for Catherine while I took a chance on the house cabernet. He returned with a wine glass filled to the brim for the largest

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Kazoola, named in honor of a man brought to the U.S. from Africa on the slave ship Clotilde, serves up jazz with good food and drink. pour I’ve ever received. I could get used to this. He also had a the menu but falls under the category “greens of the day.” glass of ice water for Catherine and said, “It’ll be a minute on Catherine was rather stingy with her green beans and I can tell the drink. The owner had to run get some cucumbers.” why. They may have been the best thing we ate (excluding So with tears in our eyes we chased the minutes away with the wings) with a little potato and a hint of sugar. They were ice water and settled on entrees and sides. I’m telling you, at cooked to death, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I felt like I this place the sides are where the action is. The only problem was at someone’s family reunion. is they run out of a lot of them after lunch. Mac and cheese, About this time the place is packing out and almost all of the we are told, is the first thing to go. On this musicians were set up. I asked what time particular night we were down to fries, slaw the band starts. “Well, they were supposed and potato salad, but our waiter promised to to start 30 minutes ago, but they are always see if there were any others left over. late. They’ll probably start in about 15 In the meantime, Catherine ordered minutes.” fish tacos ($11.50). The pair of tacos came One more drink and 15 minutes later, CATHERINE WAS RATHER wrapped in a flour tortilla with a bit of slaw just about on cue, the boys get to swinging. over the fried (we are told flounder) fish and It was a combo with guitar, bass, keyboard, STINGY WITH HER GREEN she loved them. I sneaked a bite and was trumpet and drums, all of whom were BEANS AND I CAN TELL of the same mind. It was a simple fish taco, pretty tight. Drummer Jimmy Roebuck was but the slaw made it. You’re about to ask WHY. THEY MAY HAVE BEEN the only name I recognized but everyone if it was more vinegar or mayonnaise. The was better than good. A few songs in, a answer is mayo. Vinegar would be better THE BEST THINGS WE ATE, young guy sat in on sax and, impressively, for a grilled fish, but fried almost always found the melody rather quickly. WITH A LITTLE POTATO AND deserves the mayo. The name Kazoola comes from Cudjoe I myself went for the fried fish ($11) at Kazoola Lewis (1840-1935), who is considA HINT OF SUGAR. our waiter’s urging. I only did it because ered to be the last person to have been born he told me to, but baked chicken and pork on African soil and enslaved in the United chops were very tempting. States. Though the African slave trade So I get french fries and potato salad. was abolished in 1808, he was brought to Let me say this. I had two of the sweetest grandmothers south Mobile illegally on the ship Clotilde in 1860 and lived out his of the North Pole and they both made excellent potato salad. years near the city. Now there’s a bar/restaurant named after Mammaw Mac made the firmer potatoes with a little mustard him, and if they keep doing what they are doing it will be and pimiento that people lined up for. Non (aka Mammaw Aunt around for a long time. Bibbi, long story) made a somewhat mushy potato, mayo and I can’t wait to go back for lunch (served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) relish type that is equally as pleasing. This potato salad is more and try the mac and cheese. Dinner service begins at 5 p.m. like Non’s and great with fried fish. and happy hour is a generous 4-7 p.m. You’d swear someone’s The waiter came through with other sides. Cabbage was grandma is cooking in there. Give me more of that. Give me fantastic, with little bits of ham mixed in. It’s not always on more jazz. Give me more Kazoola.

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1225 Satchel Page Dr.• 378-8768


$10/PERSON • $$ 10-25/PERSON • $$$ OVER 25/PERSON

COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE ALL SPORTS BAR & GRILL ($) 3408 Pleasant Valley Rd. • 345-9338


CLASSIC HOTDOGS, GYROS & MILKSHAKES 4701 Airport Blvd. • 342-3243

ATLANTA BREAD COMPANY ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SALADS & MORE. 3680 Dauphin St. • 380-0444


OLD-FASHIONED SOUTHERN BAKE SHOP 156 N. McGregor Ave. • 219-7261


GOOD OLD AMERICAN COOKING 263 St. Francis St. • 405-1497

CAFE 219 ($)

SALADS, SANDWICHES & POTATO SALAD 219 Conti St. • 438-5234


CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN FARE 61 Section St. • Fairhope • 928-4321







QUICHES & SANDWICHES 4366 Old Shell Rd. • 343-9889


107 St. Francis St. • 415-1700 3244 Dauphin St. • 476-0320 3215 Bel Air Mall • 476-8361 4707 airport Blvd. • 461-9933 435 Schillinger Rd. • 639-1163 1682 US HWY 98 • Daphne • 621-3215 30500 AL 181 • Spanish Fort • 621-3020


CHICKEN SALAD, SALAD & SOUP 2370 S. Hillcrest Rd. Unit R • 660-0501 5753 Old Shell Rd. • 408-3236 1802 US Hwy 98 Suite F• 625-1092

CHI-TOWN DAWGZ ($) CHICAGO STYLE EATERY 1222 Hillcrest Rd. • 461-6599

CONNECTION FROZEN YOGURT ($) 1880 Industrial Pkwy. • 675-2999


COFFEE, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DESSERT 351 George St #B • 405-0003


HOT LUNCH, DAILY MENU (INSIDE VIA) 1717 Dauphin St. • 470-5231


PHILLY CHEESE STEAKS, GYROS & MORE 7101-A Theodore Dawes Rd. • 653-2979



CLASSIC BURGERS, HOTDOGS & SETTING 1808 Old Shell Rd. • 473-7872


DONUTS, COFFEE & SANDWICHES 1976 Michigan Ave. • 442-4846 3876 Airport Blvd. • 219-7369 505 Schillinger Rd. S. • 442-4845 29160 US Hwy 98 • 621-2228


195 S University Blvd. Suite H • 662-1829

EUGENE’S MONKEY BAR ($) 15 N Conception St. • 433-2299

FLOUR GIRLS BAKERY ($) 809 Hillcrest Rd. • 634-2285


HOT SUBS, COLD SALADS & CATERING 6300 Grelot Rd. • 631-3730

FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES ($) BURGERS, MILKSHAKES & FRIES 4401 Old Shell Rd. • 447-2394 4663 Airport Blvd. • 300-8425 5319 Hwy 90 • 661-0071

FAMOUS CHICKEN FINGERS 29181 US Hwy 98 • Daphne • 375-1104 7843 Moffett Rd. • 607-6196 1109 Shelton Beach Rd. • 287-1423 310 S. University Blvd. • 343-0047 2250 Airport Blvd. • 479-2922 7641 Airport Blvd. • 607-7667 2558 Schillinger Rd. • 219-7761 3249 Dauphin St. • 479-2000

FOY SUPERFOODS ($) 119 Dauphin St.• 307-8997



SEAFOOD & SANDWICHES 212 ½ Fairhope Ave •Fairhope • 928-4100


PDQ ($)

CHICKEN FINGERS, SALAD & SANDWICHES. 1165 University Blvd. • 202-0959


BAKERY, SANDWICHES & MORE 750 S. Broad St. • 438-1511 4464 Old Shell Rd. • 342-8546 107 St. Francis St. Suite 102 • 438-2261


FUDGE, PRALINES & MORE 17111 Scenic Hwy 98 • Fairhope • 928-8477

REGINA’S KITCHEN ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SUBS & SOUPS 2056 Gov’t St. • 476-2777


WRAPS & SALADS 3220 Dauphin St. • 479-2480


2906 Springhill Ave. • 479-4614


SAISHO ($-$$)



CHARM ($-$$)








AUTHENTIC FOODS FROM HIMALAYAN REGION 3210 Dauphin St. • 287-0115 400 Eastern Shore Center • 459-2862


HOME COOKIN’ LIKE MOMMA MADE. 2804 Springhill Ave. • 473-4739

BBQ, BURGERS, WINGS & SEAFOOD 19170 Hwy 43 Mt. Vernon. • 839-9927 A FAVORITE BARBECUE SPOT 5456 Old Shell Rd. • 343-0001


DOWNTOWN LUNCH 101 N. Conception St. • 545-4682


3869 Airport Blvd. • 345-9544 5470 Inn Rd. • 661-9117 28975 US 98 • Daphne • 625-3910




BBQ AND MORE Jubilee Sq.Ctr. Hwy 90, Daphne • 210-2151 McGowin Park Ctr. Satchel Paige Dr. • 471-1050 7721 Airport Blvd. • 380-8957


RIBS, SANDWICHES & GREAT SIDES 3314 Old Shell Rd. • 479-9898

MIND-BLOWING ISLAND FOOD 3700 Gov’t Blvd. Ste A • 602-1973


AUTHENTIC SUB SANDWICHES 7449 Airport Blvd. • 375-1820


SANDWICHES, CATERING & DELIVERY TOO 6920 Airport Blvd. • 414-5444 9 Du Rhu Dr. • 340-8694 62 B Royal St. • 432-0360


PIZZAS, SANDWICHES, COCKTAILS 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000


HOME COOKING 4054 Government St. • 665-4557

LICKIN’ GOOD DONUTS ($) 3242 Dauphin St. • 471-2590


SANDWICHES, SOUTHWEST FARE, 7 DAYS 1203 Hwy 98 Ste. 3D • Daphne • 626-2440 LUNCH & DINNER 3004 Gov’t Blvd. • 287-1220 HOMEMADE LUNCH & BREAKFAST 104 N. Royal St. • 434-0011




BAKERY 5638 Three Notch Rd.• 219-6379


COFFEE, SMOOTHIES, LUNCH & BEERS. 5460 Old Shell Rd. • 344-4575


COFFEE, LUNCHES, LIVE MUSIC & GELATO 3 Royal St. S. • 415-3000


CUPCAKE BOUTIQUE 6207 Cottage Hill Rd. Suite B • 665-3003


SANDWICHES, SOUPS, SALADS & MORE 41 West I-65 Service Rd. N Suite 150. • 287-2793

PUB FOOD AND DRAFT BEERS 251 Dauphin St. • 287-6871


MAMA’S ($)


SLAP YOUR MAMA GOOD HOME COOKING 220 Dauphin St. • 432-6262


GREAT SANDWICHES, COFFEE & MORE 1087 Downtowner Blvd. • 643-1611

MARY’S SOUTHERN COOKING ($) 3011 Springhill Ave. • 476-2232


6358 Cottage Hill Rd. • 725-6917


AUTHENTIC IRISH PUB 101 N. Bancroft St.• 990-5100


HOTDOGS SANDWICHES & COOL TREATS 3371 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 300–4015


4701 Airport Blvd. • 408-3379

AT FLU CREEK 831 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-7766


DAILY SPECIALS MADE FROM SCRATCH 57 N. Claiborne St. • 694-6853



THE HARBERDASHER ($) 113 Dauphin St.• 436-0989


SOUTHERN COOKING & THEN SOME 1716 Main St. Daphne • 222-4120


SANDWICHES & MOMMA’S LOVE 3696 Airport Blvd. • 344-9500 5602 Old Shell Rd. • 287-6556


MONTEGO’S ($-$$)

DOWN-HOME COUNTRY COOKIN 7351 Theodore Dawes Rd. • 653-0228 13665 N. Wintzell Ave. • 824-1119

FRESH CARIBBEAN-STYLE FOOD & CRAFT BEER 6601 Airport Blvd. • 634-3445 225 Dauphin St. • 375-1576


107 St Francis St #115 • RSA Bank Trust Building

MOSTLY MUFFINS ($) MUFFINS, COFFEE & WRAPS 105 Dauphin St. • 433-9855


OVEN-BAKED SANDWICHES & MORE 1335 Satchel Page Dr. Suite C. • 287-7356 7440 Airport Blvd. • 633-0096 30500 State Hwy 181 #132 • 625-6544

33 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-5635


TIN ROOF ($-$$)

SOUTHERN CASUAL FAMILY DINING 10800 US HWY 31 • Spanish Fort• 621-4995


AMERICAN RESTAURANT & BAR 250 Dauphin St. • 476-1890




GREAT SMOOTHIES, WRAPS & SANDWICHES. Du Rhu Dr. • 378-5648 570 Schillinger Road • 634-3454



562 Dauphin St.• 725-6429

GROWLER STATION AND BITES 1801 Old Shell Rd. • 345-4767


ORIGINAL SANDWICH AND BAKE SHOP 42 ½ Section St. • Fairhope • 929-0122 102 Dauphin St. • 405-0031

PAT’S DOWNTOWN GRILL ($) BAR FOOD 271 Dauphin St • 438-9585

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2550 Dauphin Island Pkwy S. • 307-5328

WAREHOUSE BAKERY & DONUTS ($) COFFEE AND DONUTS 759 Nichols Avenue, Fairhope • 928-7223


GOURMET GRILLED CHEESE 5955 Old Shell Rd. • 287-6134

WILD WING STATION ($) 1500 Gov’t St. • 287-1526

5401 Cottage Hill Rd. • 591-4842

MODERN GASTROPUB INSPIRED BY JAPANESE KITCHEN 455 Dauphin St • 433-0376 SEAFOOD, ASIAN & AMERICAN CUISINE 69 St. Michael St • 375-1113 CASUAL FINE DINING 104 N. Section St. • Fairhope • 929-2219 CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN CUISINE Battle House Hotel, Royal St. • 338-5493 17111 Scenic HWY 98 • Point Clear • 928-4838

FAST BBQ W/ DRIVE-THRU 3249 Dauphin St. • 652-3508



A TAPAS RESTAURANT & COCKTAILS 64 S. Water St. • 438-4000


FOOD, WINE & MORE 5150 Old Shell Rd. • 341-1497


WINE BAR, CRAFT BEERS & BISTRO 6808 Airport Blvd. • 343-3555


323A De La Mare Ave, Fairhope • 990-0003 1104 Dauphin St.. • 478-9494 LIVE MUSIC, MARTINIS & DINNER MENU. 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000


BISTRO PLATES, CRAFT BEERS & PANTRY 2304 Main St. • 375-2800


UPSCALE WINE BAR 9 Du Rhu Dr. S 201 • 287-7135





A PREMIER CATERER & COOKING CLASSES 1880-A Airport Blvd. • 450-9051 GRILLED STEAKS, CHICKEN & SEAFOOD 720A Schillinger Rd. S. S2. • 607-7200 901 Montlimar Dr • 408-3133

CORNER 251 ($-$$)

HIGH QUALITY FOOD & DRINKS 251 Government St • 460-3157

DAUPHIN’S ($$-$$$)

HIGH QUALITY FOOD WITH A VIEW 107 St. Francis St • 444-0200


SERVING LOCAL SEAFOOD & PRODUCE 167 Dauphin St. • 458-9573


SEAFOOD AND SUSHI 551 Dauphin St.• 219-7051

LUNCH BUFFET 3674 Airport Blvd. • 341-6171


THAI FARE AND SUSHI 2000 Airport Blvd. • 478-9888

HIBACHI 1 ($-$$)




WINE, BEER, GOURMET FOODS, & MORE. 720 Schillinger Rd. S. Unit 8 • 287-1851



3758 Dauphin Island Pkwy. • 473-1401

3966 Airport Blvd.• 343-5530


216 St Francis St. • 421-2022


THAI KITCHEN & SUSHI BAR 960 Schillinger Rd. S • 660-4470


BARBEQUE & MUSIC Bayfront Park Dr. • Daphne • 625-RIBS 701 Springhill Ave. • 410-7427 4672 Airport Blvd. • 300-8516 AWARD-WINNING BARBQUE 1111 Gov’t Blvd. • 433-7427

THAI & SUSHI 5369 D Hwy 90 W • 661-5100

7 SPICE ($-$$)

ABBA’S MEDITERRANEAN CAFE ($-$$) 4861 Bit & Spur Rd. • 340-6464


AUTHENTIC TURKISH & MEDITERRANEAN 3702 Airport Blvd. • 461-6901



KAN ZAMAN ($-$$)



HIBACHI GRILL & ASIAN CUISINE 309 Bel Air Blvd • 470-8033 2370 Hillcrest Rd. Unit B • 380-6062


JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE 3959 Cottage Hill Rd • 666-6266



AMAZING SUSHI & ASSORTMENT OF ROLLS. 661 Dauphin St. • 432-0109

RICE ASIAN GRILL & SUSHI BAR ($) 3964 Gov’t Blvd. • 378-8083


273 S. McGregor Ave • 287-0445 6345 Airport Blvd. • 287-0555 940 Industrial Pkwy • 308-2158 6850 US HWY 98 • Daphne • 753-4367


6455 Dauphin St. • 433-0376

STIX ($$)

610240 Eastern Shore Blvd. • 621-9088


9091 US-90 Irvington • 957-1414



JAPANESE CUISINE 3654 Airport Blvd. S. C • 725-6078


FRIED, GRILLED, STEAMED & ALWAYS FRESH 3300 River Rd. • 973-9070




ECLECTIC DINING & SPACE 6955 Airport Blvd. • 633-7196


FIVE ($$)

GREAT & QUICK. 3702 Airport Blvd. • 308-2131 274 Dauphin St. • 545-3161 2502 Schillinger Rd. Ste. 2 • 725-0126 6890 US-90 • DAPHNE • 621-2271




LAUNCH ($-$$)



GREAT FOOD AND COCKTAILS 609 Dauphin St. • 308-3105 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FOOD 351A George & Savannah St. • 436-8890 HIGH QUALITY FOOD & DRINKS 251 Government St. • 432-8000

MAGHEE’S GRILL ON THE HILL ($-$$) GREAT LUNCH & DINNER 3607 Old Shell Rd. • 445-8700


GREAT MEDITERRANEAN FOOD. 5951 Old Shell Rd. • 450-9191

MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT & HOOKAH 1248 Hillcrest St • 634-9820

TAZIKI’S ($-$$)


LOCAL INGREDIENTS 203 Dauphin St. • 690-6824


NOJA ($$-$$$)

4513 Old Shell Rd.• 473-0007

INVENTIVE & VERY FRESH CUISINE 6 N. Jackson St. • 433-0377



3662 Airport Blvd. • 378-5466

CRAVIN CAJUN/DIP SEAFOOD ($) PO-BOYS, SALADS & SEAFOOD 1870 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 287-1168


FISHERMAN’S LEGACY ($) DELI, MARKET AND CATERING. 4380 Halls Mill Rd. • 665-2266


30500 AL-181 • Spanish Fort • 206-8768 3654 Airport Blvd. • 338-9350


GULF COAST CUISINE, REINVENTED 200 E. 25th Ave. • Gulf Shores • 967-5858

LULU’S ($$)

SUPREME EUROPEAN CUISINE 2579 Halls Mill Rd. • 479-0006

BAMBOO FUSION ($$) 2400 Airport Blvd. • 307-5535

LIVE MUSIC & GREAT SEAFOOD 200 E. 25th Ave. • Gulf Shores • 967-5858






RALPH & KACOO’S ($-$$)

GUMBO, ANGUS BEEF & BAR 72. S. Royal St. • 432-SCAM (7226) EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE & TASTE 271 Glenwood St. • 476-0516


SUSHI BAR 650 Cody Rd. S • 300-8383

DELICIOUS, TRADITIONAL THAI CUISINE 28600 US 98 • Daphne • 626-5286 3821 Airport Blvd. • 344-9995


CAJUN KITCHEN & SEAFOOD MARKET 2005 Government St. • 478-9897 THE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 1595 Battleship Pkwy. • 626-0045

R&R SEAFOOD ($-$$)

LAID-BACK EATERY & FISH MARKET 1477 Battleship Pkwy. • 621-8366


916 Charleston St. • 433-9374


SANDWICHES & COLD BEER 273 Dauphin St. • 433-4376 Hillcrest & Old Shell Rd. • 341-9464

SEAFOOD, BURGERS & STEAKS 6120 Marina Dr. • Dog River • 443-7318. LOCAL SEAFOOD & PRODUCE 6036 Rock Point Rd. • 443-5700

THE HARBOR ROOM ($-$$) UNIQUE SEAFOOD 64 S. Water St. • 438-4000



HURRICANE GRILL & WINGS ($-$$) WINGS, SEAFOOD, BURGERS & BEER 7721 Airport Blvd. Suite E-180 • 639-6832


751 Azalea Rd. • 301-7964

EVERYTHING BAKED OR GRILLED 2617 Dauphin St. • 476-9464


1715 Main St. • 375-0543

SEAFOOD, STEAKS, & EXTENSIVE WINE LIST 6232 Bon Secour Hwy County Rd. 10. • 949-5086



18 Laurel Ave. • Fairhope • 990-0995

GUIDO’S ($$)

FRESH CUISINE NIGHTLY ON MENU 1709 Main St. • Daphne • 626-6082


3958 Snow Rd C. • Semmes • 645-3400


COMFORT FOOD 1716 Main St. Ste. C • Daphne • 281-2982


SMALL PLATES, PIZZAS, PASTAS & WINE 3250 Airport Blvd. • 450-4556


BRILLIANT REUBENS & FISH-N-CHIPS. 101 N. Brancroft St. Fairhope • 990-5100

5055 Cottage Hill Rd. • 308-4888 2394 Dawes Rr. • 639-3535 2004 US 98 • Daphne • 265-6550

FRESH SEAFOOD FOR OVER 75 YEARS 605 Dauphin St. • 432-4605 6700 Airport Blvd. • 341-1111 1208 Shelton Beach Rd. • Saraland • 442-3335 805 S. Mobile St. • 929-2322




BURGERS, DOGS & 27 BEERS & WINES. 19992 Hwy.181 Old County Rd. Fairhope • 281-2663


ASHLAND MIDTOWN PUB ($-$$) PIZZAS, PASTAS, & CALZONES 245-A Old Shell Rd. • 479-3278


WINGS, BURGERS & PUB GRUB 6880 US-90 #14 • Daphne • 625-4695


A SOUTHERN GRILL & BAR 3673 Airport Blvd. • 344-2131


BAR & GRILL 29740 Urgent Care Dr. • Daphne • 662-9639 6255 Airport Blvd. • 447-2514

OLD 27 GRILL ($)

LUCKY’S IRISH PUB ($) IRISH PUB FARE & MORE 3692 Airport Blvd • 414-3000



PIZZA, SUBS & PASTA 1368 ½ Navco Rd.• 479-0066




DELIVERY 350 Dauphin St. • 431-9444




PASTA & MORE 9 Du Rhu Dr. • 340-6611




MIRKO ($$)

WINGS, TENDERS, HOTDOGS & SANDWICHES 312 Schillinger Rd. • 633-5877

BEST WINGS & SPORTING EVENTS 6341 Airport Blvd. • 378-5955

FAMOUS BURGERS, SANDWICHES & WINGS 60 N. Florida St. • 450-0690

PIES & AWESOME BEER SELECTION 2032 Airport Blvd. • 471-4700 5660 Old Shell Rd. • 380-1500 29698 Frederick Blvd.• Daphne • 621-3911

GREAT PIZZA. LUNCH & DINNER 4356 Old Shell Rd. • 342-0024

HOMEMADE PASTAS & SANDWICHES 873 Hillcrest Ave. • 344-8115


A TASTE OF ITALY. BYOB. 28691 U.S. Highway 98 • 626-1999 AUTHENTIC ITALIAN DISHES 312 Fairhope Ave. • Fairhope • 990-5535



QUAINT MEXICAN RESTAURANT 5556 Old Shell Rd. • 345-7484



3250 Airport Blvd. Springdale Mall• 450-4556

WINGS, PO-BOYS, BURGERS 210 Eastern Shore Center, Hwy. 98 • 929-0002

TRATTORIA PIZZA & ITALIAN ($$) ITALIAN FOOD & PIZZAS 11311 US HIghway 31 Spanish Fort• 375-0076


HOMEMADE PASTAS & PIZZAS MADE DAILY 5901 Old Shell Rd. • 342-3677


3050 AL 181 • Spanish Fort • 621-7433


850 Bayview Ave. Bilox • 888-946-2847


TIEN ($-$$)





TASTE OF MEXICO 5452 Hwy 90 W • 661-5509

LATIN AMERICAN FOOD 211 Dauphin St. • 375-1076



AZTECAS ($-$$)


MOUTH WATERING MEXICAN FOOD 1175 Battleship Pkwy • 625-2722

CINCO DE MAYO ($) MEXICAN CUISINE 260 Azalea Rd. • 375-1095


ENCHILADAS, TACOS, & AUTHENTIC FARE Ok Bicycle Shop • 661 Dauphin St. • 432-2453


763 Holcombe Ave • 473-0413

FUEGO ($-$$)

OUTSTANDING MEXICAN CUISINE 2066 Old Shell Rd. • 378-8621




PASTA, SALAD AND SANDWICHES 7143 Airport Blvd. • 341-7217

HEARTY MEXICAN FARE 736 holcombe Ave.• 473-0413



TASTE OF MEXICO 880 Schillinger Rd. S. • 633-6122 5805 US 90 • 653-9163

ROMA CAFE ($-$$)





PIZZA, PASTA, SALAD & MORE 102 N. Section St. •Fairhope• 929-2525 PIZZA & PASTA 107 Dauphin St. • 375-1644

MEXICAN CUISINE 3977 Gov’t Blvd. • 660-4970


AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE 800 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-0783 830 W I65 Service Rd. S • 378-5837 4663 Airport Blvd. • 342-5553


AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FLAVOR 3733 Airport Blvd. • 414-4496


875 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 888-952-2582

BR PRIME ($$-$$$)

3300 W. Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 877-774-8439 SEAFOOD





158 Howard Ave. Biloxi • 800-725-2239


MIGNON’S ($$$)













THE DEN ($-$$)


777 Beach Blvd.Biloxi • 877-877-6256




1980 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 800-747-2839 INTIMATE & CASUAL WITH DAILY SPECIALS

CQ ($$-$$$)


BLU ($)





FIRE ($$-$$$)



280 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 288-436-2946

303 Poarch Rd. Atmore • 866-946-3360 PRIME STEAKS, SEAFOOD & WINE




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the chili DO NOT scrape the bottom of the pot. The event runs from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at 1035 Cody Road. For tickets, visit

Zea’s closes in Mobile

In sad news, it was announced last week on social media that Zea Rotisserie and Bar has closed its Mobile location. The restaurant, on Airport Boulevard near the University Boulevard intersection, was a part of our dining community for 14 years. I once attended a wine dinner there and was blown away. Fans of Zea can still visit any of the locations scattered about southern Louisiana, listed on

Bamboo Fusion meets with same fate

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In even sadder news, the only sushi within walking distance of my house is permanently closed. Bamboo Fusion Bar and Grill at 2400 Airport has drifted off into the great beyond. Its super-cheap lunch specials and amazing tuna bomb were not enough to keep the doors open. With the closing of its sister restaurant Bamboo Bistro last summer, this still leaves Bamboo Steakhouse on Cody Road. It’s a bit of a drive for me, but the food was excellent the last time I visited. I hate seeing vacant buildings in my neck of the woods. Let’s hope something else pops up soon. Stay strong, Fuji San. You’re my only MiMo sushi.

Girl Scout Thin Mint cereal created by evil genius



aturday, March 11, is the day chili lovers have been waiting for. It’s the 28th annual American Cancer Society Chili Cook-Off coming to The Grounds. Four hours of fun-filled chili eating as teams compete for fabulous prizes will surely brighten anyone’s day. On top of scoring several bowls of red, your $10 ticket

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affords you live entertainment from two of the area’s favorite bands, Peek and Stereo Dogs. Proceeds from the event will be used for local educational programs to teach the importance of early detection and prevention, patient services such as transportation and life-saving research. Last minute advice to those who are cooking: If you burn

So the 2017 Girl Scout cookie season may be over. I’m still holding a box of Tagalongs and a half sleeve of Thin Mints, the latter of which is used as currency at the workplace. You can imagine my surprise when Lucas and Graham raided the cereal aisle at Greer’s and vocally let the shoppers a few aisles over know that there is Girl Scout Thin Mint Cereal! Yes, the fine folks at General Mills have decided I should give up grits for a little while by teaming up with GSA for what could be the breakfast game changer. Bite-sized cereal “cookies” do give off a pleasant amount of mint and chocolate that makes America’s favorite cookie so good, and the boys love it. Is it healthy? I don’t know. I don’t care. What I do know is that I can’t wait to try the other cookie cereal flavors. Recycle!

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2017 Griot Award recipient Maj. Gen. Gary Cooper still inspires


DALE LIESCH/REPORTER etired Maj. Gen. Gary Cooper remembers many things from his youth in Mobile. The poor neighborhood, the dusty dirt roads and the segregated Catholic school he attended called St. Peter Claver. It was there he heard the words that would help define his military career. While a student at the all-black school, a Dominican nun told his class that the white people who supported segregation in Mobile were “crazy.” She told them that no matter what, there “was room at the top.” Those were words that stuck with the young Cooper throughout his career with the U.S. Marine Corps. They were words he wouldn’t forget. “I can remember once being aboard a ship in the Pacific, trying to think of what I wanted to do,” he said. “I loved the Marine Corps. I loved that uniform, but I knew we had no black generals.” At that moment he remembered what the nun had said to him years earlier and he wrote himself a note that read, “Cooper, did you make it?” He sealed it up and kept it tucked away. “When they called me to tell me I had been selected for general, I had my daughter open it and, of course, what did it say? ‘Cooper, did you make it?’ and that was 20 years before that I had written that note,” he said.

Life in Mobile

Cooper is a dedicated Marine who fought in Vietnam and sacrificed for the country, but not even he could escape the prejudices of life in the Jim Crow South. It even made his birth more difficult. Although his parents had moved to Mobile after marriage, Cooper was born in his mother’s hometown of Lafayette, Louisiana, because there were no hospitals in Mobile that would admit black women for childbirth, he said. “So, mother went home and I was born at my grandmother’s house in the same bed that she and her sisters and some of my cousins were born in,” Cooper said. “I was the oldest of six.” After he had graduated and left Mobile, issues related to skin color still affected those closest to him. While he attended Most Pure Heart of Mary High School, Cooper’s father tried to get one of his other sons, William, into the all-white McGill. Cooper said given his fair complexion and straight hair, he was initially admitted. “Three, four, five weeks later they looked and saw he came from St. Peter Claver, a black school, and they expelled him,” Cooper said. “The bishop told my daddy that not only was he pissed off at him that he wouldn’t allow any of his children to go to any of the Catholic schools in Mobile, and my daddy ended up sending all of my siblings out of town to go to school because he didn’t want to send them to the public schools.”

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He said his brother, A.J., who would later become mayor of Prichard, went to school in Illinois. But even a generation later, the prejudices Cooper encountered began to affect his own children. Cooper said he can remember returning to Mobile after college and a little more than a decade in the Marine Corps. At the time, his daughter Shawn — who would later become a Marine Corps officer — was swimming with a team at the downtown YMCA. He specifically remembers one swim meet in particular. “She goes out to the country club and they won’t let the team swim because she was on the team,” Cooper said. “There are a lot of stories like that. I can remember when I got home, the swimming pools were closed. No black kids had any swimming pools.” When Cooper decided to get remarried to his second wife in the 1970s, after “six, seven or eight years” as a bachelor, he had a run-in with the local probate court over the marriage license. “They give me a colored marriage register to sign,” he said. “I tell the guy [at the front counter], ‘I’ve got five rows of ribbons, I fought in Vietnam and I got to sign a … colored marriage registry.’” He said he signed the registry because the wedding reception had already been planned. However, he didn’t forget the slight. When the local probate judge wanted to retire and needed Cooper’s approval as a local legislator to do it, he used his power to make a difference. “I said ‘only one way,’” Cooper said. “I said, ‘let me see your last copy of the colored marriage registry’ and he said, ‘colonel, it’s all over.’ That was the end of the colored marriage registry.”

Notre Dame

When Cooper was, as he said, a “young teenager,” his parents, who had both graduated from Hampton University in Virginia, were raising donations for a hospital. Cooper said he remembers meeting the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, archbishop of New York, who had come to help with the hospital plans. During a visit with the family, the archbishop had a conversation with Cooper about his college plans. He asked him if he’d heard of the University of Notre Dame. “He told me to check on it and if I should ever decide to go, he would write me a letter,” Cooper said. “I still have the letter he wrote recommending that I go to Notre Dame. I got an academic scholarship.” Cooper, who came from a devout Catholic family, said the university’s popularity, along with the promise of the letter, pushed him toward the school. Kendal Weaver, former Associated Press reporter and author of the Cooper biography “Ten Stars: The African American Journey of Gary Cooper — Marine General, Diplomat, Businessman and Politician,” said moving away was a big event for him. Weaver said the Rev. Theodore

Hesburgh, Notre Dame’s president, went out of his way to make sure he and two other African-Americans in his graduating class felt comfortable there. Weaver said Hesburgh believed having Cooper at the school helped with integration. Cooper graduated in 1958.

Marine Corps

At Notre Dame, Cooper said he became a member of the school’s Navy ROTC program. Upon graduation, he could choose to be commissioned as a Naval officer or as a Marine officer. The choice for Cooper was clear, even going back to his childhood. He remembered the black theater in the Down the Bay community called the Harlem. Specifically, he remembered one Sunday and a double feature, which at the Harlem meant they played the same movie twice, he said. “Man, I went one day and I saw ‘The Sands of Iwo Jima’ with John Wayne,” he said. “I figured anyone that tough, Cooper wanted to be like him. So, that’s how I chose to be a Marine, but I had never seen a black Marine officer.” In fact, at the time Cooper graduated from college, he was one of only six black officers out of some 20,000 in the Marine Corps. He began as an infantry officer and even led infantry units before Vietnam. “I was the first [African-American] to command a Marine detachment aboard a ship,” Cooper said. “For two years, I was on the USS Chicago and then from there I went to another place and then I got orders to Vietnam.” Cooper was asked to be a supply officer in Vietnam, but he wanted to see some combat. He asked, instead, for a meeting with his senior officer. “I requested mast,” he said. “I wanted to see the commanding general.” Cooper was allowed his infantry position. “So, I knew you didn’t meet any generals who were supply officers or motor transport officers,” he said. “They all had Purple Hearts and ribbons from fighting. So, I knew when I went to Vietnam that if I wanted to be a Marine — in fact, I wasn’t even thinking about being the first, or second or third black, I was thinking about being a hell of a Marine.” He said that position definitely helped him attain the rank of general later on. “Having to compete before that promotion board and competing against someone who had combat experience, yeah, you had to do that,” he said. Cooper was injured twice in Vietnam and was taken out of combat. He’s received two Purple Hearts. After being removed from combat, he was given the position of civil affairs officer. In that position, he was responsible for “winning the hearts and minds of civilians in the villages.” While in that position, Cooper and a doctor friend began fixing the cleft palates of children in some of the villages. After about 12 or 13 years on active duty, Cooper’s father died and he came home to help run the family business, Christian Benevolent Funeral Home. While home, he led a reserve unit out of Municipal Park before being called back to head up Marine personnel. Cooper would be only the second black general in the history of the Marine Corps.

State government work

When he came home, Cooper was persuaded to run for a seat in the state Legislature. He ran against and beat Pat Edington. He joked that he was considered the conservative in that race. “I was on the board of the Red Cross and I was a veteran,” he said. “I ended up beating her and that’s how I ended up on the Legislature.” While in office, Cooper was focused on reforming the prison system, a problem that plagues the state to this day. “It was filthy,” he said of prisons at the time. “The food had pig eyes in it and there was feces all over the place. It was horrible.” He said he was never able to do much about prisons, even though he wanted to. “When I look at how it is now that’s been a problem throughout the years,” Cooper said. “Nobody wanted to do anything about it.” He said he doesn’t have an opinion on the overcrowding issue currently affecting the state prisons, but he did mention the prosecution of “minor drug

COVER STORY offenses,” as at least part of the problem. “It’s a problem,” he said. “They’ve got to fix it. I don’t know how.” Shortly after being elected to a second term in the Legislature, Cooper was appointed by Gov. Fob James to oversee what is now known as the state Department of Human Resources. Although this was the largest cabinet position an African-American had ever been appointed to, Cooper was not the first African-American appointed to a cabinet position. That honor goes to Jesse Lewis, who was appointed to a position by Gov. George Wallace, Cooper said. “We did an awful lot,” Cooper said of his time at the department. “I got complaints about service, about how people were treated, about how they were talked to, and so we worked on that. We got people enthusiastic. We got people to understand their mission.” Cooper said the department of 5,000 employees began a work training program called Opportunities Industrialization Center, or OIC. The OIC program would provide eight weeks of training to folks looking for work. “We started having packed classes,” Cooper said. “About 90 percent of the youngsters we got jobs for because employers were interested in people who wanted to go to training and weren’t demanding to get paid [for the training].” Then, as Weaver put it, Cooper had a falling out with James during the governor’s first administration. First, Cooper had studied other states to find ways to mail food stamps to disabled and elderly recipients. Then, James wanted to cut the DHR by 20 to 30 percent, which in Cooper’s eyes meant he was going back on a promise he made to support him. Cooper said he was eventually fired by James.

Federal government work

Cooper took a job as a vice president of marketing at Volkert Engineering before getting appointed as an assistant secretary of the Air Force under President George H.W. Bush. In his secretarial position, Cooper worked to make sure the branch’s promotion board promoted equally, including more women and minorities. “I’ve gotten comments for the first time in the history of the Air Force, their promotion board promoted people on an equal level,” Cooper said,“… for the first time in history.” After his stint as assistant Air Force secretary, Cooper was told he was on the short list to become President Bill Clinton’s choice for secretary of the Navy. While that call never came, he was eventually contacted by Mobile native Alexis Herman, then the secretary of labor. Cooper said she asked whether he would be

interested in becoming the first black U.S. ambassador to Jamaica. Cooper said his third wife, Beverly, would visit him quarterly while he was on the island. Her visits gave respite to those dealing with the grizzled Marine general on a daily basis. “They said they’d hate to see her go because civility had left,” he said with a laugh. “Being an old Marine, I’d give them hell, you know. I wouldn’t violate diplomatic standards, but I didn’t put up with much … from them.” While in Jamaica, Cooper said he was moved by the daily struggle of the island’s people, who dealt with hunger, poverty and violence. He worked to improve their lives. “I’d see these little children and I’d want to bring five or 10 of them home with me,” he said. “I worked to do some good things and some good things we did.” For instance, he worked to improve the education system, and an organization that raises money for orphanages is still in existence today. “It was a wonderful experience,” Cooper said. “We met a lot of great people, from Angela Bassett to Jimmy Carter, just on and on. It was sad, though, in many ways.”

The 2017 Griot Award

The Dora Franklin Finley African-American Heritage Trail has named Cooper the third recipient of its Griot Award. DFFAAHT Board President Karlos Finley said in West African culture a griot is a storyteller who helps maintain the oral history, and Cooper fits that bill perfectly. “Gen. Cooper, as a human being, is the kind of person we can look up to,” Finley said. “His intestinal fortitude and refusal to take ‘no’ for an answer is surely something our kids can look up to.” Cooper will receive the award at a reception on Friday, March 10, from 6-9 p.m. at the History Museum of Mobile at 111 S. Royal St. The trail itself consists of more than 40 sites in and around Mobile that are significant to African-American heritage and history. According to the trail’s brochure, its primary goal is to share Mobile’s multicultural history legacy through the following stories: the early Creoles de color; African survivors from the Clotilda; newly freed blacks who worshipped and built some of the state’s oldest churches; African-Americans who settled in an area named for Jefferson Davis, before being renamed for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; and civil rights advocates important to the desegregation of the city’s schools and private sector. Finley said the trail now has a vehicle available to provide tours. Organizers are also working with the school system to get more students on the tour, as well as members of civic organizations.

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t’s almost the halfway point for Mobile Opera’s decade-long undertaking. Ordeal? Nah, more like protracted homage. When the 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini’s death arrives in seven years, the organization’s Puccini Project will have gone through the composer’s major body of work. It’s coming in close to the original schedule. “He wrote 12 operas and it was our intention to do the four short operas as two per evening so we would finish it in 10 years, but it looks like because of the change of venues and doing ‘Gianni Schicchi ‘and ‘Suor Angelica’ as stand-alones we’ll probably be a year longer than our original project,” Mobile Opera Director Scott Wright said. The project gains momentum throughout March as a series of events builds into the performance of “Suor Angelica” on March 24 and 26. The series of events is dizzying. The Libretto Book Club meets March 9, 10 a.m., at the Mobile Public Library’s Moorer/Spring Hill Branch. Stacy Driskell and Sarah Wright will look at the libretto or “book” for the upcoming opera, taking participants through its background and development. The event is free. “Suor Angelica” unfolds as a convent prepares for a three-day celestial event. The sisters’ talk turns to personal desires and longing, for childhood pleasures or contact with distant family. When a wealthy entourage arrives at the nunnery, mystery emerges around one nun’s hidden

lineage and buried past. On Sunday, March 12, cast members will meet at Bernheim Hall in the Ben May Main Library to perform their favorite musical selections. The “Afternoon of Stars” is free. “It gives the audience a chance to not only hear the artists who will perform the opera, but there’s a free

WHEN THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF GIACOMO PUCCINI’S DEATH ARRIVES IN SEVEN YEARS, THE ORGANIZATION’S PUCCINI PROJECT WILL HAVE GONE THROUGH THE COMPOSER’S MAJOR BODY OF WORK.” reception afterwards. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon and you can get up to them and tell them what you think of them if you like, all the time while munching on nice fare,” Wright said. The next evening they move to the Royal Street Tavern

MAC celebrates Baykeeper in March

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during the LoDa Artwalk. The exhibit will be in place at 318 Dauphin St. until March 30. Ten percent of exhibition sales will be donated to Mobile Baykeeper. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5. p.m. Entrance is free. For more information, call 251-432-9796 or go to

begins at 6 p.m. Both events are at Moe’s Original BBQ (701 Springhill Ave.) and are free. For more information, call 251-460-6106 or go to

Science Café doubles up in March

Photographer Devin Ford’s ongoing photo essay “In Her Shoes” focuses on local women who impact our culture and economy. She captures their images and words in an effort to inspire contemporaries and upcoming generations alike. “I want my daughters to know that they can achieve anything,” Ford said. A new exhibition goes on display at the West Regional Library (5555 Grelot Road) through March 31. An opening reception with the photographer and subjects present will take place March 9, 6:30-8 p.m. For more information, call 251-340-8555.

The University of South Alabama Archaeology Museum has made March twice as nice for science lovers. It will stage a pair of Science Café events this month, one as regularly scheduled and a second rescheduled from an original February date overtaken by severe weather. On Tuesday, March 14, Dr. Kelly Dorgan will talk about marine worms and their impact in reshaping the sea floor. That begins at 6 p.m. On Wednesday, March 22, Dr. Sandra Stenson will discuss why prescription drug costs are so high. That also

Salute to female success in photos


Hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Mobile Baykeeper emerged as watchdogs for the area’s most treasured and visible natural resource: the Mobile Bay Watershed. In honor of the big anniversary, Mobile Arts Council organized a salute and fundraiser to the organization with a multimedia show comprising a photography exhibition, a recycled art exhibit and artwork in all other media. Participating artists include Ainsley McNeely, April Livingston, Ashley Friend, Bill Morris, Catherine Helmsing, Chris Cumbie, Dawson Morgan, Devlin Wilson, Elise McClellan, Gail Bramer, Jeff Johnston, Jenn Grainger, Joanne Brandt, Julie Day, Karen Bullock, Karen Spaulding, Kathleen Stoves, Kathy Friedline, Melissa Munger, Lisa Warren, Lucy Gafford, Lynda Smith Touart, Melissa Hinton, Michele Brinkman, Michele Traum, Mike Carmichael, Nancy Milford, Nikki Shaw, Renee Edwards, Ruby Lange, Shawn Berdux, Susan Downing White and Susan Rouillier. An opening reception will take place March 10, 6-9 p.m.,

at street level of the Battle House Hotel. At 7 p.m. Mobile Opera will stage its regular “Night of Song” with special personnel in tow. “That will involve the usual local talent I never know exactly what to call, because they’re truly spectacular stars but they just happen to be here. We will also have some of the artists that are coming in from out of town,” Wright said. Come Wednesday, March 15, the center of activity will be Mobile Opera’s regular home in the Larkins Music Center (257 Dauphin St.) at noon. An expert guest will be in focus for “Opera Insights,” a more academic glance at the featured Italian master. “The speaker will be by Dr. Bernard McDonald, a professor who teaches conducting at Simpson College and is our conductor for ‘Suor Angelica.’ He’s also a real Puccini expert who wrote his doctoral dissertation on Puccini, has a lot of interesting facts about him and a really nice Scottish accent too. Everything sounds better with a Scottish accent,” Wright chuckled. Of course the big enchilada is the performance at month’s end. The cast features names that have become familiar to local audiences, including Monika Cosson, Linda Grill, Kathryn Hedlund, Jadyn Hocks and a pair of USA students — Monica Ganoe and Elizabeth Bemis. Visiting personnel are Atlanta’s Cristina Sanchez and Southern Miss doctoral student Rachel Gibson. Jennifer Davis has the title role and lengthier path to Mobile. “She’s an American but she’s from Austria. She’s a colleague at the International Performing Arts Institute that I go to every summer. I met her there and heard her sing there,” Wright said. Chorus rehearsals have been ongoing twice monthly, and principals will arrive around March 10. The timing of dialogue so vital to musical theater is helped by opera’s structure. “In opera, everything is set to music so it is all metered. Your timing is already built into the music so you don’t rehearse that. You put it together a whole lot faster than you can musical theater,” Wright said. Still, rehearsals will become an everyday event once principals arrive. That’s six hours a day until the second week, when dress rehearsals begin. The expected ticket sales lag due to Mardi Gras is dissipating. Their trend of full houses is expected to continue for this run. More information on tickets is at or 251-432-6772. There’s no time to relax, though. Loftier heights remain on this ascent. “We have seven more works to go and, frankly, some of the biggest ones are coming up. You have ‘Tosca’ and ‘Turandot,’ which obviously has to be last because he died while he was writing it,” Wright said.

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Muscle Shoals icons


Photo | YouTube


take part in Bayside’s music showcase

CLOCKWISE, FROM TOP LEFT — Jimmy Johnson, David Hood, Spooner Oldham, Rick Hall and Roger Hawkins created some of the most iconic music from Muscle Shoals.


tudents at Bayside Academy on the Eastern Shore are required to take the usual history, language arts, science and arithmetic courses. This year, however, Bayside is shaking things up with the institution of its “Understanding the Southern Mystique” interdisciplinary class. This course requires students to explore Southern culture in an effort to provide a defining analysis of the region’s rich and diverse personality. March 9-10, this unique course will delve into Alabama’s rich musical legacy from Mobile to Muscle Shoals, and the public is invited to tag along. The High Tide Southern Music Showcase is a twoday exploration of Alabama music that begins

with an exhibit featuring visions of the Muscle Shoals music scene as captured by photographer Dick Cooper. In addition, students enrolled in the “Southern Mystique” course will also be displaying their art. The showcase will reach its climax March 10 with a performance by Jimmy Johnson, David Hood and Spooner Oldham, who are members of the legendary Muscle Shoals-based rhythm section, The Swampers. Mobile’s Jimmy Hall (Wet Willie) will also weave his soulful vocals throughout The Swampers’ jams. In a recent news release, “Southern Mystique” team member Josh Montgomery said this event will be equal parts instruction and entertainment. “The opportunity to host this legendary group of musicians provides our students with a comprehensive learning experience that celebrates the heritage of Alabama,” Montgomery said. “The Swampers are music icons who have played a role in our communal culture. This event allows us to explore their contributions academically while enjoying their rich talent.” As far as Hall’s involvement, the Azalea City music icon says working and performing with Muscle Shoals artists is nothing new. Fate first brought Hall to Muscle Shoals when his band Wet Willie got ready to lay down tracks for what would become “Wet Willie II.” Capricorn Records’ studio in Macon, Georgia, was undergoing major renovations, Hall said, and with the studio unavailable the band decided to enter Muscle Shoals Sound Studios instead. The band found its quiet, small-town environment was favorable to their creativity. “We had a great time over there,” Hall said. “One thing that we realized was that you really couldn’t help but focus on your music over there, because there weren’t a lot of distractions. It was also a dry county when we got over there. Other players have talked about that too. You get inspired and put it all into the music. Then, you’d go find a honky-tonk or liquor store.” Over the years, Hall has maintained his connection to Muscle Shoals. For his 1996 release “Rendezvous with the Blues,” he recruited a number of session artists from Muscle Shoals including Hood.

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Hall’s friendship with Hood and other Muscle Shoals artists has given him the opportunity to lend his vocals to events that feature “Muscle Shoals music.” Hall says his trademark soul vocals are used to accentuate the passionate Southern sounds that have come from this Alabama studio hub. These events have allowed Hall to travel the world and perform with Muscle Shoals legends both new and old. “I went to Italy a couple of years ago and played an R&B/soul festival over there,” Hall. “I went to Lincoln Theater and did a special show and had special guests, including Sam Moore from Sam & Dave and Patterson Hood and a bunch of cool people acting as special guests. I’ve had this relationship with these people, and certain people who put on

and literary works in dramatic segments mixed with music.” Hall also cites his time in the Davidson High School marching and concert bands as a motivation to work at the high school level. He cites band director Orland Thomas as a “wonderful” inspiration. At that time marching competitions did not exist, Hall says, but adds that Thomas’ mix of hard work and positive motivation helped the band excel at concert competitions. “I think everybody needs someone like that in their formative years and beyond,” Hall said. “He pushed me, and I learned a lot of music theory in his class.” After the High Tide Southern Music Showcase

I think everybody needs someone like that in their formative years and beyond. He pushed me, and I learned a lot of music theory in his class.

events like to call me and put me on.” Hall’s involvement in this program goes beyond just the performance. The vocalist and his sister Donna Hall, a Wet Willie bandmate, will also be working with the students. Together they will be involved with a panel that allows students to get a behind-the-scenes look at Alabama’s music scene in the early ‘70s. Hall already has experience with similar educational events through his philanthropic work with Nashville’s Ensworth High School, which his son attended. When the school instituted a new music program, Hall joined several other notable parents for a benefit event. “Some of the other parents like Vince Gill and Amy Grant and Tim McGraw and me pitched in to put on an event that’s a few years running,” Hall said. “We call it ‘Story & Song.’ It’s spoken word

is over, Hall says, he hopes the event will be both motivating and educational for all involved. This self-described “Caucasian guy that sings real soulful” wants Bayside students to understand that Wet Willie began as an unknown band from Mobile and went on to be inducted into not only the Alabama Music Hall of Fame but also the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. He also wants students to realize that it does not take a huge metropolis to produce a rich and productive music scene. “I want them to think about and really take a look at this amazing pool of talent that’s centered around one area in Muscle Shoals,” Hall said. “They all participated in some of the biggest hits in the history of radio and music. To think that it happened in that area and that state. It could happen in another area. We want to inspire with our stories of how we got where we are.”

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SouthSounds vets return



Band: Motel Radio, The High Divers Date: Sunday, March 12, 7 p.m. Venue: Callaghan’s Irish Social Club, 916 Charleston St., Tickets: $15 at the door

Photo | Facebook | The High Divers


outhSounds 2017 hits downtown Mobile in just a few weeks. To get locals in the mood, Callaghan’s is bringing two crowd favorites from last year’s festival, which marked the birth of Lagniappe’s New Southern Music Showcase. Ultimately, judges chose New Orleans indie rockers Motel Radio as the best band from the array of regional performers. In December, Motel Radio used part of their showcase prize package to record several demo tracks with Rick Hirsch at his Studio H2O. When the band returns to Callaghan’s, Motel Radio will entertain the crowd with a setlist filled with their genteel brand of modern alt. rock. The High Divers, another memorable band from SouthSounds 2016, also returns to the Azalea City. As with many other contemporary groups, The High Divers have been lumped into the broad world of Americana, but their sound goes beyond the label’s confines. With songs that brim with vocals and instrumentation, The High Divers’ latest effort, “Riverlust,” offers 11 tracks that trip wildly across rhythms and emotions. From Southern rock to soul, The High Divers easily weave diverse influences into great tracks.

East of SXSW

Band: Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires Date: Saturday, March 12, with doors at 8 p.m. Venue: The Merry Widow, 51 S. Conception St., Tickets: $10 advance/$12 day of show, available at venue and its website

The Azalea City is less than a month away from SouthSounds Music & Arts Festival 2017, which will run April 7-9 in various downtown venues. The initial lineup announcement includes a mix of established and up-and-coming acts from across the Southeast, and this week organizers confirmed additional artists, including: The Wild Feathers, JEFF the Brotherhood, Muddy Magnolias, Diarrhea Planet, Roadkill Ghost Choir, The High Divers, Cupid, Eleanor Tallie, Young Mister, The Artisinals, Paw Paw’s Medicine Cabinet, Infant Richard & The Delta Stones, Fort Defiance, The Burning Peppermints, Slide Bayou (featuring Ryan Balthrop, Harrison McInnis and Lee Yankie), Lustravi, Post Pluto, The Red Clay Strays, Josh Preston, Roadside Glorious, Bantam Foxes, Glass War, Curse the Flesh, On the Rox Band, MixUp Band, Mark Smith Band and Redfield. SouthSounds also announced this year’s festival will feature a new “Gold Level” ticket for an advance purchase price of $40. The gold ticket will provide attendees with a general admission wristband and other extras. Those looking to purchase gold, VIP or general admission tickets can visit the SouthSounds website,

Each March, a host of bands from around the world descend upon Austin, Texas, for South by Southwest (SXSW), an event that provides up-and-coming bands a chance to showcase their music for music fans and industry figures. Fortunately for Mobile, some of these bands make a pit stop here en route to SXSW. Alabama rockers Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires will be stopping in Mobile on their way to Austin. Bains’ time with The Dexateens helped build a musical legacy that has grown even stronger with his Glory Fires project. Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires have joined the ranks of the legendary Sub Pop label. The “Sweet Disorder” 7-inch, their latest effort on Sub Pop, is a double shot of Bains’ homegrown sounds. The title track offers a fuzzy blast of the group’s rootsy garage rock. “Stars” follows with its ethereal ambience that provides both contrast and balance to the record’s A side.

On the road again

Band: Willie Nelson & Family Date: Friday, March 10, 8 p.m. Venue: IP Casino, Resort & Spa, 850 Bayview Ave. (Biloxi), Tickets: $69-$384, available through Ticketmaster

The Red Headed Stranger is returning to the Gulf Coast. Country music icon Willie Nelson has maintained one of the richest legacies in country music history. Since the late ‘50s, Nelson has churned out classic country hits that have resonated through the nation’s psyche. Hits such as “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain,” “On the Road Again” and “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” just graze the edge of this country legend’s catalog. In addition to his music, Nelson has played the role of activist, actor and author. These days, he even has his own brand of recreational marijuana called “Willie’s Reserve.” Nelson’s live shows are made for true fans. Those expecting a setlist of strictly greatest hits may be disappointed. The live environment provides an opportunity for Nelson to breathe artistically. His guitar may sporadically drop into a frenzied world of fusion, and his choice of songs may delve into the obscure. However, a Nelson live show is a must for any die-hard country fan.

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AREAMUSIC LISTINGS | March 9 - March 15


Bluegill— Quintin Berry Blues Tavern— Cosmic Bullets, 8:30p Callaghan’s— Bobby Butchka Cockeyed Charlie’s— JJ Felix’s— Soulshine Trio Flora Bama— Gove Scrivenor, 2p// Destiny Brown, 5p/// Dualing Pianos, 5:30p//// Mark Sherrill, Chris Newbury, Mel Knapp & John Joiner, 6p//// JoJo Prez, 9:30p//// Rhythm Intervention, 10p//// Mario Mena Duo, 10:15p Listening Room— Edward David Anderson Lulu’s— Lefty Collins, 5p McSharry’s— Juicy Fruit The Merry Widow— Toranavox, Thema and the Sleaze, Scraepers Paper, 10p Old 27 Grill— Anna McElroy, 6:30p Soul Kitchen— David Shaw, 8:30p Tacky Jacks (Orange Beach) — Matt Slowik, 6p Wind Creek Casino— G Funk, 8p


All Sports Bar & Billiards— DJ Markie Mark, 10p Beau Rivage— Kenny Loggins, 8p Big Beach Brewing— James Burt, 6:30p Bluegill— Emily Stuckey, 12p// Cool Rayz, 6p Blues Tavern— Jay B Elston Band, 9p Callaghan’s— Infant Richard and the Delta Stones Cathedral Square Art Gallery— Bay Ray Cannolis Cockeyed Charlie’s— Sherry Court, 10p Felix’s— Blind Dog Mike Flora Bama— J. Hawkins Trio, 1p// LeaAnne Creswell Duo, 1p/// Lefty Collins, 4p//// Jack Robertson Show, 5:30p//// Big Muddy, 6p//// Johnny B Trio, 6p//// Mel Knapp, 6p//// Alabama Lightning, 9p//// Jared Ashley Band, 10p//// Logan Spicer & Tony Ray Thompson, Cort Carpenter Band, 10:30p Golden Nugget— Diamond Rio, 8p IP Casino— Willie Nelson & Family, 8p Listening Room— Rick Carter with John Cochran Lulu’s— Phil & Foster, 5p Manci’s— Chris Powell McSharry’s— DJ Tiger Moe’s BBQ (Daphne) — The Tree Oh, 8p Moe’s BBQ (Foley) — Shelby Brown Moe’s BBQ (Mobile) — Tyler Tisdale Duo, 6:30p O’Daly’s— Gene Murrell,Tony Edwards and David White, 10p

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Old 27 Grill— Jamie Anderson, 6:30p The Old Mill— Identity Crisis, 9p Soul Kitchen— Deluna, Cardaic Half & Feed, 9p Tacky Jacks (Orange Beach) — Retribution, 6p Traders— The Woo Tones Wind Creek Casino— G Funk, 9p


Big Beach Brewing— L.A.Wrecks, 6:30p Bluegill— LeeYankie, 12p/ Al and Cathy, 6p Blues Tavern— Ric McNaughton Band, 9p Callaghan’s— Eric Erdman Cockeyed Charlie’s— DJ Chill, 10p Felix’s— Grits N Pieces Flora Bama— Chris Bryant Duo, 1p// J. Hawkins Trio, 1p/// LeaAnne Creswell Trio, 2p//// Dave McCormick, 4p//// Foxy Iguanas, 4p//// Jack Robertson Show, 4p//// Jezebel’s Shill’n, 6p//// Taylor Hicks, 8:30p//// Adam Brown Duo, 9p//// LANco, 9:30p//// Moustache the Band, 10p//// Brian Hill Trio, 10:15p//// Cort Carpenter Band, 10:30p Hard Rock (Live) — Kansas, 8p IP Casino— Anthony Cools: Hypnotwisted, 8p Listening Room— Lisa Mills with Jimmy Robinson Lulu’s— Alvarado Road Show, 5p Manci’s— Rondale and the Kit Katz McSharry’s— St. Patrick’s Day Party: Na Fianna, 2p// Marlow Brothers, 6p/// DJ Chi, 10p The Merry Widow— Frances Cone, 9p Moe’s BBQ (Foley) — Justin Wall Moe’s BBQ (Mobile) — Caroline Reese, 6:30p Old 27 Grill— Mudbug Slim, 6:30p Saenger— American Masters of Film Tacky Jacks (Gulf Shores)— Jimmy Lee, 12p// Lefty Collins, 5:30p Tacky Jacks (Orange Beach) — Mac Walter, 12p// Soul Food Junkies, 6p Traders— Doobious Wind Creek Casino— G Funk, 9p


Big Beach Brewing— Lonesome Mel, 3p Bluegill— Quintin Berry, 12p// Redfield, 6p Blues Tavern— John and Jerome, 6p Callaghan’s— Motel Radio with High Divers Felix’s— Jimmy Lumpkin Flora Bama— Dave Chastang, 11a// Smoky Otis Trio, 12p/// Ad Anderson, 1p//// Jason Justice, 1p//// Brittany Grimes, 3p//// Dave McCormick, 5p//// Lucky Doggs, 5:30p//// Perdido Brothers, 6p////

Mario Mena Band, 9:30p//// LeeYankie & The HellzYeah, 10p//// Al & Cathy, 10:15p Frog Pond— Grayson Capps, Corky Hughes,Tommy Talton, Paw Paw’s Medicine Cabinet, 2p Lulu’s— Greg Brown, 1p// Alvarado Road Show, 5p Manci’s— Eric Erdman McSharry’s— Trad. Irish Music Session, 6:30p The Merry Widow— Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires, 8p Old 27 Grill— Lisa Zanghi, 11:30a Saenger— American Masters of Film Tacky Jacks (Gulf Shores)— Lisa Christian, 2p Tacky Jacks (Orange Beach) — Gerry Gambino Duo, 11p


Callaghan’s— Andrew Combs with Erin Rae Felix’s— Stephen Sylvester Flora Bama— Funders & Friends, 2p// Tim Kinsey, 5:30p/// Cathy Pace, 6p//// John Rich, 8p//// Kyle Wilson, 9:30p//// Hung Jury, 10p//// Petty and Pace, 10:15p Listening Room— The Rinderbox Circus sideshow Lulu’s— Brent Burns, 5p


Bluegill— Jamie Adamson Butch Cassidy’s— Chris Powell Cockeyed Charlie’s— Jordan Bramblett Fairhope Brewing— Green Drinks Felix’s— Bryant Gilley Flora Bama— T. Bone Montgomery, 2p// Jay Hawkins Duo, 5:30p/// Perdido Brothers, 6p//// TheVegabonds, 9:30p//// Mario Mena Band, 10p//// Logan Spicer and Tony Ray Thompson, 10:15p The Hot Spot — Brent Burns, 5p Lulu’s— Ronnie Presley, 5p Moe’s BBQ (Daphne) — Jimmy Lee Hannaford, 6p


Big Beach Brewing— Dublin’ Down, 5:30p Bluegill— Ross Newell Blues Tavern— Art and Britt, 8p Felix’s— Matt andVickie Flora Bama— Neil Dover, 2p// Logan Spicer, 5:30p/// Rhonda Hart and Jonathan Newton, 6p////Velcro Pygmies, 9:30p//// LeeYankie and HellzYeah, 10p//// Zachery Diedrich Duo, 10:15p Lulu’s— Jon Cowart, 5p Shipp’s Harbour Grill— Brent Burns, 5p

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Amy Adams owns multidimensional ‘Arrival’


radiating pain and wonder, both intimate and universal. Unlike many science fiction films, “Arrival” takes time to develop its premise. As Dr. Banks and her associates, including Jeremy Renner, work their way through communicating with the visitors, it is believably laborious and detailed. The envoys of scientists and their military escorts enter the huge spacecraft through an opening in which gravity works differently and they walk sideways up the walls. Inside, they encounter huge squid-like aliens that make noises but primarily communicate through a floating ink substance with which they write. Any film or story this removed from our reality is going to have to take some huge jumps, but “Arrival” is more convincing than most. Indeed, some viewers might feel it takes too much time convincing and hope, during a few lengthy middle scenes, for a nice, implausible jump in the characters’ comprehension to scoot things along. However, this is a journey worth taking, so just sit tight through the linguistics scenes.

While the film focuses on Adams and Renner’s efforts to understand the aliens floating right above the United States, international conflict ratchets up the suspense. Chinese and Russian governments threaten global war, stock markets go into freefall, and looting and chaos are rampant. With this terrifying scale in the background, the quiet power of Adams’ intelligent and graceful performance holds the center. The emotional resonance of her personal loss echoes so beautifully through this story, and is so satisfyingly important in understanding the plot twist. The solution to the film’s mystery is a twist but not a gimmick. It is not so much clever as intelligent and profound, and will leave you thinking about it for quite some time. Unlike a flashy mindbender along the lines of “Inception,” this film has an incredible story but also an incredible meaning. It engages the head and the heart in equal measure, and is deeply moving on both levels. “Arrival” is currently available to rent.



AREA THEATERS CARMIKE CINEMA’S Wynnsong 16 785 Schillinger Rd. S. (251) 639-7373 CRESCENT THEATER 208 Dauphin Street (251) 438-2005 HOLLYWOOD STADIUM 18 1250 Satchel Paige Dr. (251) 473-9655

he complex yet emotional alien drama “Arrival” will have you scratching your head and wiping your eyes in equal measure. Amy Adams commands every scene in this intelligent, thrilling film unlike any other — a story that hinges on a female scientist’s intelligence and empathy as the key to potentially saving humanity, and also weaves a profound personal story into the narrative. The only bad thing I can say about “Arrival” is that it makes you realize how one dimensional so many other films are. This is Adams’ film, and for “Arrival” to have been nominated for “Best Picture” while she was left out for “Best Actress” is absolutely insane, and with Emma Stone winning, even more so. Adams plays Dr. Louise Banks, a brilliant linguist called upon to communicate with aliens when 12 identical spacecraft land across the globe, with unknown intentions. Even while facing the most awesome spectacles of space and time, Adams doesn’t overact while

RAVE MOTION PICTURE JUBILEE SQUARE 12 6898 U.S. 90 Daphne, (251) 626- 6266 CARMIKE CINEMAS 23151 Wharf Ln. Orange Beach (251) 981-4444 COBB THEATRES PINNACLE 14 3780 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores (251) 968-7444 EASTERN SHORE PREMIERE CINEMA 14 30500 Alabama 181 #500 Spanish Fort, Al (251) 626-0352 Information accurate at press time; please call theaters for showtimes.

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Photos | Paramount Pictures / Warner Bros. Entertainment

FROM LEFT: When 12 mysterious spacecraft appear around the world, linguistics professor Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is tasked with interpreting the language of the apparent alien visitors. In “Kong: Skull Island,” a team of explorers and soldiers travel to an uncharted island in the Pacific, unaware that they are crossing into the domain of monsters, including the mythic Kong. NEW IN THEATERS KONG: SKULL ISLAND

A King Kong origin story with a good cast that includes Brie Larson, Tom Hiddleston and John Goodman.


Ex-maid of honor Eloise (Anna Kendrick), having been relieved of her duties after being unceremoniously dumped by the best man, decides to hold her head high and at-

tend her oldest friend’s wedding anyway, where she is relegated to the assorted loser guests of the titular table 19. Cobb Pinnacle 14, Regal Mobile Stadium 18.


Documentary about James Baldwin’s unfinished novel “Remember This House,” a story of race in America. Carmike Wynnsong 16.


LOGAN All listed multiplex theaters. THE SHACK All listed multiplex theaters. BEFORE I FALL All listed multiplex theaters. GET OUT All listed multiplex theaters. ROCK DOG All listed multiplex theaters. COLLIDE All listed multiplex theaters. THE GREAT WALL All listed multiplex theaters. FIST FIGHT Regal Mobile Stadium 18, Carmike Wynnsong 16 THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE All listed multiplex theaters. FIFTY SHADES DARKER

All listed multiplex theaters. JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 All listed multiplex theaters. MOONLIGHT Carmike Wharf 15 HIDDEN FIGURES Crescent Theater, all listed multiplex theaters. LA LA LAND All listed multiplex theaters. MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Carmike Wharf, Carmike Jubilee Square 12, Regal Mobile Stadium 18 LION Carmike Jubilee Square 12, Carmike Wharf 15 A DOG’S PURPOSE Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema, Regal Mobile Stadium 18, Carmike Wynnsong 16 SPLIT All listed multiplex theaters.

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GENERAL INTEREST Plan for midtown

Mayor Sandy Stimpson will present his plans for midtown Mobile at the Old Dauphin Way Association monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, in the Sisters of Mercy Building at St. Mary Catholic School. Visit

Azalea Bloom Out at Bellingrath Gardens and Home

It’s an early spring at Bellingrath Gardens and Home! Our guests are enjoying the blooms of vibrant azaleas. Visit or call 251-973-2217.

Sense of Place

Historic Blakeley State Park Thursday, March 9 at 6 p.m. kicks off a unique free lecture and educational program exploring the “sense of place and people on the Eastern Shore” at the Spanish Fort Public Library. Visit

Historic Homes Tour

Tour includes some of Mobile’s finest private historic homes rarely seen by the public. Tickets: $25 in advance, $30 onsite. 251-432-6161,

Swarm Model TrainFest

Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center, 1717 Dauphin St., will host Model TrainFest Saturday, March 11 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and Sunday, March 12 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Contact

Distinguished Lecture Series

The University of South Alabama Gulf Shores campus, 19470 Oak Road W., will host a lecture on Winston Churchill and the many books about his life Thursday, March 9, at 6:30 p.m. Call 251-460-7200 or visit


Gulf Coast veterinarians will join together to participate in a Spay-athon, 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. on Friday, March 10. The event, sponsored by Save a Stray, will take place at Spring Hill Animal Clinic. Visit

Semmes Azalea Festival

The 15th annual Semmes Azalea Festival, 5K and fun run is Saturday, March 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of MGM High School. Visit or call 251-660-4808.

League of Women Voters luncheon

Connie Ewing, with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, will be the speaker Wednesday, March 15, at 11:30 a.m. at the Mobile Marriott, 3101 Airport Blvd. Please RSVP to Jane Gordon at 251-402-3321.

Dauphin Island Boardwalk Talks

Boardwalk Talks are held the first and third Wednesday of each month

at 11:15 a.m. at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101 Bienville Blvd. Call 251-861-2141.

Midtown Optimist Club

Join Midtown Optimist Club every Wednesday at noon for lunch at Azalea City Golf Course. Call 251348-3542.


Do you want to learn how to deliver a speech like a pro or gain leadership skills to advance your career? Toastmasters International meets regularly at six locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Visit for more information.


Celebration Banquet

Road N. Visit

St. Jude Bike-a-Thon

Dauphin Island youngsters are invited to join the DI Woman’s Club as they host a St. Jude Bike-a-Thon on Saturday, March 11, at 8:30 a.m. Registration will begin the morning of the race at 8 a.m.


Mobile Mystery Dinners

A performance of “The Mystery of Shamrock Pub” will take place Friday, March 10, at 7 p.m. at Renaissance Riverview Plaza. Tickets include dinner and unlimited wine. Advance reservations are required; call 251-415-3092.

LoDa Artwalk

Join the Women’s Resource Center on Thursday, March 9, for a silent auction beginning at 5 p.m. and dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. $65 per person, tables of 10 start at $600. For information, call 251-4734000 or visit

Join downtown art galleries, institutions, studios and unique shops as they open their doors and welcome you inside to see beautiful artwork, sample delicious food and hear the sounds of the LoDa Artwalk. Friday, March 10, 6-9 p.m. in the Lower Dauphin Street district.

Spay-ghetti Dinner

“Mobile Home, Sweet Home”

The Mobile SPCA will host its ninth annual Spay-ghetti Dinner Thursday, March 9, 5-7:30 p.m. at Our Savior Catholic Church, 1801 Cody Road. All proceeds will benefit the Mobile SPCA’s spay-neuter program. Call 251-633-3531.

One of Chickasaw Community Theatre’s favorite playwrights returns this month as CCT presents “Mobile Home, Sweet Home.” March 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m., March 12 at 2 p.m. Call 251-457-8887 or visit cctshows. com.

“A Treasured Affair”

“Sleeping Beauty”

Community Services for Vision Rehabilitation presents “A Treasured Affair,” an evening of wine tasting and silent auctions, on Thursday, March 9, at 6:30 p.m. Byrne Hall on the Spring Hill College campus. Call 251-476-4744.

Performances in the Mobile Civic Center Theater. Saturday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 12, at 2:30 p.m. For tickets and more information, visit

Young Authors’ Conference

Join the Pride of Mobile for a concert benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association on Thursday, March 9, at 7 p.m. at Larkins Music Center, 257 Dauphin St. Contact gdriskell@

Author and poet Irene Latham will be the keynote speaker for the 2017 Young Authors Conference on Saturday, March 11. The conference begins at 9 a.m. at the West Regional Branch Library, 5555 Grelot Road. Call 251-3915376.

Spring Tea

Afternoon of the Stars

Memories Matter

The Bragg-Mitchell Mansion is hosting its annual Spring Tea fundraiser on Friday, March 10, at 2 p.m. Guests are invited to enjoy treats, tea and an informal look at one of Mobile’s most iconic antebellum homes. Call 251-4716364.

Members of the cast of Mobile Opera’s production of Puccini’s “Suor Angelica” will perform their favorite musical selections at the Ben May Library downtown. Sunday, March 12, 3 p.m. Admission is free. Call 251-432-6772 or visit

Over the Edge

Auditions for Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”

Over the Edge sends participants rappelling down the side of the Mobile Marriott for fundraising for nonprofits. The rappelling will begin on March 10 and wrap up on March 11. For more information, visit

Monday and Tuesday, March 13 and 14, at 6:30 p.m. Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St. in Chickasaw. Visit or the Chickasaw Civic Theatre Facebook page.

Chili Cook-Off

Lenten music

The American Cancer Society’s 28th annual Chili Cook-Off will be Saturday, March 11, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Grounds, 1035 Cody

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Christ Church Cathedral will host its “Meditation and Music in the Church” luncheon March 15 at 12:30 p.m. in the Chapter House, 115 S.

Conception St. The Archduke Trio will present the Lenten concert.


Dome Head Science

Join the Exploreum for a lecture on genome editing, followed by a viewing of “Jurassic Park” on Thursday, March 9, 6-9 p.m. For tickets, visit

“Shipwreck! Pirates and Treasure”

A new, highly interactive exhibit at GulfQuest featuring more than 500 authentic artifacts recovered from deep-ocean shipwrecks. Visit www.

“Faces of Africa”

The History Museum of Mobile’s exhibit “Faces of Africa: A Mystical View of Tribal Heritage” runs through Monday, July 31. Call 251-208-7420.

“Drugs: Costs and Consequences”

JDRF One Walk

Come help create a world without Type 1 diabetes on Saturday, March 11, at 10 a.m. 5 Rivers Resource Center, 30945 Five Rivers Blvd. Visit

Bridge lessons

The Mobile Bridge Center offers free bridge lessons each Tuesday at 6 p.m. at 1510 University Blvd. Arrive a few minutes early to register. Call the Bridge Center at 251-666-2147, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Fitness classes

New fitness classes are in progress at Palmer Pillans Middle School: Tone It Up! Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30-6:15 p.m. and Yoga for Fitness & Relaxation, Thursday, 5:30-6:30 p.m. To register or more information, call 251-463-7980 or go to

Dance classes

The Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration team up to present a powerful interactive exhibit of the effects of drugs on individuals and society. Through August. Visit

New dance classes are in progress at Palmer Pillans Middle School: Belly Dancing for Beginners, Tuesday, 6-7 p.m.; Basic Ballroom, Monday, 6:30-8 p.m.; Beyond Basic Ballroom, Wednesday, 6:30-8 p.m. To register or for more information, call 251-463-7980 or go to:

Fairhope’s founding

Holy yoga

There is quite a story behind Fairhope’s founding in 1894. Learn more about it at the Fairhope Museum of History, 24 N. Section St. The museum is open daily (except Sunday and Monday) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 251-929-1471.

Tamara William leads lunchtime holy yoga at The Steeple on St. Francis every Wednesday. Cost is $15. Participants will connect with Christ in mind, body and spirit. Call 251-656-3269.

Tea for Two

Azalea Ballroom Dance Club hosts dances the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m. at Via Health, Fitness & Enrichment Center, 1717 Dauphin St. Email, call 251-623-9183 or visit www.

Tuesday afternoons at 2 p.m. the Fairhope Museum of History hosts a tea with a lecture on Fairhope history. The March 14 speaker will be John Parker. Call 251-929-1471.

Little Discoveries

“Outside the Box,” aimed at children 6 and under, explores how innovation and creativity can lead to a world of possibilities, starting with a simple cardboard box. Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Call 251-208-6893 or email jholland@

Thursdays at MMoA

Every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., the Mobile Museum of Art offers free admission to all visitors. No reservations are necessary. MMoA is at 4850 Museum Drive. Call 251-208-5200.


Funky Monkey 5K and Fun Run

Join Thompson Engineering for fitness, philanthropy and fun at the Funky Monkey 5K and Fun Run. Saturday, March 11, 8 a.m. at the University of South Alabama Intramural Fields. Visit FM5k2017.

Ballroom dance

Ballroom dance

The Moonlight Chasse Ballroom Dance Society hosts dances the first and third Monday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m. at Hot Wheels Skating Rink in Daphne. Email cassief13@


Genealogy class

Genealogy for beginners is offered at Palmer Pillans Middle School starting March 11. Call 251-463-7980 or visit

Car Buying 101

Learn the tools of the trade when it comes to dealer offers and financing of car buying on Monday, March 13, 6-7 p.m. at Lifelines/Consumer Credit Counseling, 705 Oak Circle Drive E. Call 251-602-0011.

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B THE NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE MIXED FEELINGS BY JOSH KNAPP / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ ACROSS 1 Word before “Ooh, didn’t mean to make you cry” in Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” 5 Maxim 8 Brother with a cross 13 Unfaithful sorts 17 Roasting place 18 Land between hills, poetically 19 ____ Palmer (“Twin Peaks” victim) 20 Jacobin revolutionary who was stabbed in a bathtub 21 They’re pumped to compete in a race 23 Fashionable enough for a runway model? 25 Assault involving a hatchet? 27 Broadway’s Eugene ____ Theater 28 Throw in 29 ____ relief 30 Post-run feeling 31 1982 Dustin Hoffman film 32 Place for a sponge 34 Annoying sort 36 Bro 37 Little bit 38 Coffee brewing style 40 Some scans, for short 41 Lifesaving team 44 “Stop insisting Ra doesn’t exist!”? 51 Pill-bottle info 54 Really comes down 55 A bit crude 56 Andean gold 57 Places 61 Fast-food sandwich not available in Muslim countries 63 Goes up 64 Stories from bankruptcy court? 68 Be too broke to take the bus? 70 Country singer Black 71 Grammy category 73 Beast in rare “sightings” 74 Poet/musician ____ Scott-Heron 75 One who can’t learn new tricks, they say 77 ____-Lay 79 Doze 82 “The king really wants to be around people right now”? 87 Professor’s goal, one day 88 Marvel role for Chris Hemsworth 89 Yazidis, e.g. 92 Go in (for) 95 Actor Curry 96 Go all in 98 What many 100-Across do in the spring 100 See 98-Across 103 Certain earring

105 Trader ____ 107 Baseball league for the Salt Lake Bees 108 “Yeah, let’s do it!” 109 Celebration after a coup? 112 Negative Nancy? 115 Words before a punch line 116 Muddies 117 2% alternative 118 Moving line on a tree trunk 119 Orange-and-white Pixar title character 120 Wild revelry 121 So, so awful, with “the” 122 Rapper with the mostviewed YouTube video of all time 123 P.M. after Churchill

11 Christian school in Okla. 12 Skin art, informally 13 Character resembling a hat 14 Drawer, say 15 Flower named for a Swedish botanist 16 All done up, as hair 18 Den mother 20 Like original Buddy Holly and the Crickets recordings 22 Turned 24 Detergent brand with a fabric in its name 26 Gets back on base 31 “And that’s it!” 33 Abbr. on a pay stub 35 God: It. 36 Thoughtful 39 So-ugly-it’s-cute pooch 41 See 4-Down DOWN 42 One-named singer once 1 Weapon usually fired married to Xavier Cugat between a 45° and a 90° angle 43 Letter feature 2 Ducked 45 Take back, in a way 3 Go wherever 46 CD or DVD follower 4 With 41-Down, first tennis 47 “____ is life” player to win two Olympic 48 “We’re on!” singles gold medals 49 Muslim official 5 Potent sushi-bar cocktail 50 I, personally 6 Dependent on chance 51 E-business 7 Against the jet stream 52 By voice 8 French region around 53 One side in a pool game Strasbourg 58 Subject of a tinfoil- hat 9 Tray of brownies, e.g. theory 10 Philosopher who said, “The 59 Peak physical condition people never give up their liber- 60 Veer ties but under some delusion” 62 Put up stakes

65 Stop seeing each other 66 Box on a mall map 67 Former tribe in western New York 69 Singer Simone 72 @@@ 76 Less stormy 78 Sea creatures with remarkably high I.Q.s 80 Turn-____ (thrills) 81 Congo red and gentian violet 83 San ____, Argentina 84 Volt/ampere 85 High-waisted, shamelessly unfashionable garment 86 Chief concern 90 Way overcooked 91 4:00 p.m., maybe 92 Made a declaration 93 Set adrift 94 V.I.P. 96 Instrument for Louis Armstrong 97 Doctors’ orders 99 National Aviation Hall of Fame city 101 Macho 102 NASA’s ____ Research Center 103 Comedy 104 Crown insets 106 Letters on some lotion 110 It’s a deal 111 Unbeatable 113 Net letters 114 “Well, look at that!”


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y the end of the month, the Mobile airwaves will be minus perhaps their most recognizable baritone voice as FMTALK106.5’s Wayne Gardner

stations in the country. Not just country stations, but all stations nationally.” When he left WKSJ, Gardner worked across the bay at a station in Daphne for a while, then retires. Johnson brought him back to work in Mobile. With 44 years in this market alone, calling By that time Johnson had sold WKSJ and purGardner a Mobile radio legend is hardly hyper- chased WZEW-FM and WNSP-FM. Gardner bole. He was one of the forces behind making began working a morning sports show with WKSJ-FM into a national powerhouse station co-host Lee Shirvanian. in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and has also been part of But Gardner’s radio résumé took one final the team that has helped turn FMTALK106.5 twist in 2008 when Sean Sullivan, who had into must-hear radio. worked for Gardner at WKSJ and also worked Gardner got his start behind the mic right in the same building at WZEW, approached out of college at a station in Spartanburg, South about starting a talk-format station. Gardner Carolina, followed by a stint in Charlotte, came on board and has been doing the morning North Carolina. It was that first job that sowed talk show with Sullivan since 2009. the seeds for him landing in Mobile. “It’s been a terrific ride,” Gardner said of “Ken Johnson’s dad owned that station in FMTALK, noting that the station routinely perSpartanburg,” Gardner explained. He said that forms very strongly in the local talk segment. relationship led to him being offered a job with Sullivan called Gardner a local radio legend Ken Johnson, who at that time owned WKSJ in and said it’s going to be tough to fill his spot Mobile. He arrived in the Azalea City in 1973. behind the mic. “I actually started out at WKSJ-AM, 1270. “Wayne is going to be missed by so many The FM was an automated station at the time. radio listeners and I count myself among them. I did that for about a year and a half or two,” On a more personal level, I will miss working he said. with my on-air partner, mentor and friend,” he It was at that time Johnson asked Gardner to said. help him move WKSJ-FM from an automated As for why he’s decided to hang it up, Gard“adult station” playing easy listening classics to ner said simply, “It’s time.” a country music station with live on-air talent. “It’s been 44 years in this market. It’s time “We turned it country and I engineered to find something else,” he said. that. He also said ‘I want you to do a mornHe says he’ll probably spend time in the ing show.’ I did that for 20 years. Eventually wilds of Perry County where his girlfriend, I moved to program director then to general Rebecca, owns property. manager,” Gardner said. “It just took off. For a “I’ll just be hanging out in the country with long, long time, WKSJ was one of the top five the turkeys,” he joked.

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lthough Mobile and Baldwin counties are separated by a large body of water, the two communities share a unique culture. The neighbors can often find common ground on topics such as food, music and sports. That is one of the main reasons the Mobile Sports Hall of Fame has expanded its ballot to include athletes who have called the entire Alabama Gulf Coast their home. The inductees for 2017 now include three more honorees with Baldwin County connections. Peter Albrecht, president of MSHOF, said it only made sense to look at potential candidates from both sides of Mobile Bay. He said the issue was first discussed with the selection of Kenny Stabler, who starred for Foley High School but spent many years as a resident of Mobile. “I think that just reflects the expanding nature of the Mobile metro area,” Albrecht said. “The Eastern Shore and Baldwin County now are intricately connected with the Mobile area in many facets of life and it certainly includes athletics.” The newest inductees include Jason Caffey, John Finley, Dr. Thomas P. Rosandich, Ann Schilling, Dave Stapleton, Lawyer Tillman and Jerrel Wilson. Of those, Rosandich, Schilling and Stapleton have ties to Baldwin County. “It’s another tremendous class, representing the very best from five sports,” Albrecht said. Also distinctive about this class is the selection of Finley as a “special contributor.” Well known as a community leader after opening Finley’s Pharmacy in 1950, he supported many African-Americans’ athletic endeavors. “There are many ways that people have contributed to the Mobile sports scene over the years, without being a player or coach,” Albrecht said. “Mr. Finley was certainly a pillar of the community who advanced the athletics opportunities and careers of many young people.” Inductees will be honored during the 2017 MSHOF Induction Banquet at 7 p.m., on Thursday, April 6, at the Battle House Hotel in downtown Mobile. Tickets can be ordered by calling 251-709-0310 or visiting Here is a quick glance at the newest class, including comments from the introduction event at the RSA Battle House Tower, which hosts the exhibit: Jason Caffey — One of Mobile’s most honored athletes ever, Caffey was Alabama’s Mr. Basketball and a McDonald’s All-American in 1991 after playing at Davidson High School. An All-Southeastern Conference performer, he helped the University of Alabama reach the NCAA playoffs three times. Caffey continued his success after being drafted in the first round by the Chicago Bulls. The squad, led by Michael Jordan, captured back-to-back NBA titles. Caffey also played with Golden State and Milwaukee. During his nine

years in the pros, he scored 3,368 points and pulled down 2,022 rebounds. “I was just a 5-[foot]-11 point guard in middle school,” Caffey said, “but then shot up to 6-[foot]-7 and had all the coaches coming to Texas Street to see me play. I want to thank everyone for this honor. This is something I always wanted.” Dr. Thomas P. Rosandich — Rosandich’s largest impact on the local athletic scene was bringing the United States Sports Academy from the University of WisconsinMilwaukee to the University of South Alabama in 1976 and eventually to its current location in Daphne in 1986. He served as president and CEO of USSA for 43 years until 2015, when he became its president emeritus. The MSHOF staff said the Academy led the development of the installation of South Alabama’s first 400-meter all-weather track, a sports medicine center, a human performance lab and a fully equipped strength and conditioning center. Rosandich, who has coached in 50 countries, helped to found Operation Bounce-Back, a cardiac rehabilitation program helping Mobilians who suffer from cardiovascular illness. “My father regrets he could not be here today, but he wanted me to extend his warmest greetings and heartfelt thanks for this honor,” said Dr. T.J. Rosandich, who now serves as president and CEO of the Academy. “While he has received many honors, he said this is the most meaningful because it comes from his adopted hometown.” Ann Schilling – Schilling’s induction into the MSHOF could have been earned as either a player or a coach. As an athlete at McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, she helped the Mobile team to state volleyball championships in 1978, 1979 and 1981, plus in girls’ basketball in 1978 and 1980. She then carried her skills to play both sports at Auburn University. With her bachelor’s degree, Schilling joined the staff at Bayside Academy in 1987. Since that time, her clubs have a record of 1,388-371. Bayside has won 21 state volleyball titles during that time, including a state record 15 in a row. She has sent more than 50 athletes to the college ranks. “I would like to thank the committee for this,” said Schilling, the National Federation of High Schools’ Coach of the Year in 2010. “I am so honored to be a part of this class. This means to the world to me.” Dave Stapleton — A Fairhope native, Stapleton arrived on the University of South Alabama baseball team after playing two years at Faulkner State Community College. He left his mark with the Jaguars, who went 30-8 during 1974 and an incredible 52-14 mark in 1975 (at one point being ranked No. 1 in the nation). Stapleton hit .361 during his career and set USA single-season records in doubles, RBIs, at-bats and hits. Stapleton was drafted by the Boston Red Sox, but spent

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several seasons in the minors. Finally getting a chance midway through the 1980 season, he made the most of his opportunity by batting .321 with seven home runs and 45 RBIs as the starting second baseman. He would finish as the runner-up in the American League’s Rookie of the Year balloting. He remained a Red Sox starter at first base through 1983 before assuming a reserve role. He would often be a late-inning defensive replacement at first base, but was not in the crucial Game 6 of the 1986 World Series when Bill Buckner misplayed Mookie Wilson’s grounder to allow the New York Mets to rally and eventually win the championship. “I want to thank the committee for voting me this prestigious honor,” said Stapleton, who had a .271 career batting average in the Major Leagues with 41 home runs and 224 RBIs. “When I look at the wall behind me displaying all the previous selections, it just shows what a great honor this is. “I never thought I would be invited. I watched from Baldwin County and watched all the great athletes selected. This is a dream come true for me.” Lawyer Tillman — A star basketball player at LeFlore High School, Tillman went on to be a four-year starter at Auburn as a wide receiver. In 48 games, he caught 93 passes for 1,808 yards and 14 touchdowns. He is best remembered for scoring on an 8-yard reverse with just 32 seconds to play in the 1986 Iron Bowl that gave the Tigers a 21-17 victory over Alabama. Tillman was the initial pick in the second round (31st overall) by the Cleveland Browns in the 1989 NFL Draft. He played tight end and wide receiver for the Browns while appearing in 32 games. He concluded his career with the Carolina Panthers in 1995. “First, I want to give honor to God, because none of this would have been possible without Him,” Tillman said. “I am told good things come in threes. First I was part of Auburn’s Walk of Fame, next the Hall of Fame at my high school and now the Mobile Sports Hall of Fame. Thank you, guys, for this honor.” Jerrel Wilson — Born in New Orleans, Wilson played football at Murphy High School. After two years at Pearl River Community College, he went to the University of Southern Mississippi where he was a punter, placekicker and linebacker. After earning All-American honors for punting, the man nicknamed “Thunder Foot” was drafted in 1963 by both the Kansas City Chiefs of the AFL and the Los Angeles Rams of the NFL. He selected the Chiefs, and played with them in two Super Bowls. When the leagues merged, Wilson was named to the AFL’s AllTime Team. He played his 16th and final season with New England in 1978. Wilson, who passed away in 2005, was named All-Pro seven times. He holds the record for most seasons leading the league in punting average. In fact, he won more punting titles, had a superior best single season average and a better career average than Ray Guy — a fellow USM graduate who is the only punter in the NFL Hall of Fame. No family members were present at the news conference, but they are expected to attend the induction ceremony. John L. “Doc” Finley — After receiving a Bronze Star for meritorious service during World War II, Finley went on to earn a degree from Xavier University’s School of Pharmacy. He later opened Finley’s Pharmacy on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard less than a half-mile from where he grew up. In addition to many projects to help his community, he did much for the local athletic scene. He sponsored basketball, baseball and bowling teams; supported the YMCA Boys Club; and was on the committee that brought Historically Black Colleges and Universities to play in Mobile. With a lack of coverage for African-American athletes in the 1960s, he started the “John L. Finley Award” to recognize those achievements. After school desegregation, the award was open to all races. In fact, fellow inductee Ann Schilling was the Finley Award winner for Superb Achievement as a Coach in 2004 and 2012. “Our family really appreciates this honor,” said John Finley III, speaking for his father, who passed away in 2002. “My dad did all he could do to give someone a hand. I never remember him ever saying ‘no’ to someone.”

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Partying down to the final hours BY BOOZIE BEER NUES/SOCIAL BUTTERFLY


ait, how has it already been more than a week since Fat Tuesday? Mardi Gras, King Cake, all of it came and went too quickly! I want Mardi Gras – whaaaaaa! Not Lent! Lent is terrible for a gossip columnist! At least I have St. Paddy’s Day, wedding season and all the oh-so-cool spring events around town to keep me busy! Not to mention, most of y’all can’t go 40 hours without happy hour so I know you won’t last 40 days. With that being said, let’s look back at a time full of Mardi Gras cheer and beer!

Party Gras

Like you, the folks of Lagniappe breaked for Mardi Gras, so that’s why this info may seem a little late. Let’s be honest, it wasn’t until last Thursday that I started feeling any sense of normalcy. Anywho, Infant Mystics rode on Monday night of Mardi Gras. It was a slimmer crowd than usual. I’m thinking either too much fun at Joe Cain Sunday or the threat of rain kept people at home. Those in attendance quickly realized the IMs were the ones making it rain with beads, moonpies and more! After the parade, my spy headed over to the Civic Center for the ball, where she said the doctor was very much in! Continuing with the theme “The Doctor is In,” Ron Barrett helped the tableau come to life with a witchdoctor and his prey! My spy said his magic must have worked, because she woke up hangover free. I’m not sure if she can say it worked for everyone, though. She said she saw one guy all of a sudden puke into his hands. Gross! Next: Fat Tuesday aka the last day to get completely hammered in the street and no one says anything to you. The Knights of Revelry rolled first that afternoon; as always, the floats were good. Their theme was the History of the Sandwich or something like that, can’t remember, but what I do remember is that the ice cream sandwich float didn’t throw ice cream sandwiches. Like, come on, that would have been borderline genius! I did hear packages of Conecuh sausage were caught this year. Very odd and very expensive. After the Knights of Revelry came the royals. For some reason, the ladies of the court thought they would trick everyone by squatting down, then all jumping up at once and start

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throwing stuff. Let’s just say they really fooled me because I couldn’t see their headdresses over the sides of the floats. Then came trouble: the Comic Cowboys. Since most of you have either seen or heard about the more controversial signs, I am going to skip mentioning those and instead tell you about the signs that were less offensive, like: “Bad news: The Mobile Zoo closes … We had a zoo?” or “GulfQuest reopens with new exhibit, ‘Shipwreck! Pirates and Treasure.” How appropriate!” Boozie must admit, she has heard the exhibit is pretty cool. And the one that rang most true: “According to our Health Dept: Crawfish at a bar BAD, moonpie in a gutter OK.” We just want our crawfish back! But Boozie’s favorite sign had to be the one of Big Al and Aubie looking all sad, and Aubie is comforting Big Al saying “Sucks don’t it, big guy?” And last but not least, the dancing police. Mardi Gras is hard enough on us parade goers but we sometimes forget about the men and women in blue that work long hours. One officer decided to make the most of his time on the streets and danced along with the dancers and the bands. Boozie must admit, he is pretty good and if the police thing doesn’t work out for him he could always become a choreographer! Until next year, happy Mardi Gras!

The world turns

While we were all partying at Mardi Gras the world continued turning and life went on. Like Rolling Stone magazine naming a local band, Muscadine Bloodline, as one of the “10 New Country Artists You Need to Know.” Gary Stanton and Charlie Muncaster are both from Mobile and were in town playing at Soul Kitchen not that long ago! Pretty cool if you ask me. Also, Priest strikes again! Priest is Mobile’s best-known graffiti artist. You know him for the little boy and the rainbow on the Bluebird Hardware store. He has added some new work around town and even claimed Atchison’s billboard about making your mark — seems appropriate. Welcome back! Well, kids, that’s all I’ve got this week. Just remember, whether rain or shine, dramatic or scandalous or just some plain ol’ police dancin’ lovin’, I will be there. Ciao!

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STYLE HOROSCOPES SCORPIO IS IN IT FOR THE SALTINES PISCES (2/19-3/20) — You’ll help the Westboro Baptist Church overcome a persistent public relations problem after pitching a uniquely Mobile solution. Future targets of the notorious protestors will be grateful the slogan “Without Malice” was added to all of the group’s trademark signs. ARIES (3/21-4/19) — After receving 13 unsolicited robocalls from the “Addiction Specialists,” you’ll take the hint and give up drinking for a few days. While the change will serve you well, you’ll turn back to booze next month when the calls are revealed to be an identity theft racket. TAURUS (4/20-5/20) — At an upcoming town hall meeting, you’ll loudly repeat chants you heard online with no regard for their applicability. When the speaker says, “Good evening,” you’ll respond by throwing a brick at him before proceeding to call your arresting officer a “fascist” for half an hour. GEMINI (5/21-6/21) — Responding to North Korean weapons testing, you’ll start cleaning guns in your front yard. While a hand-me-down weapon incapable of reaching its target isn’t threatening, it’ll be an appropriate response to what proves to a three-month temper tantrum for Kim Jong Un. CANCER (6/22-7/22) — In what you’ll hope is a dream caused by eating too many crawfish downtown, you’ll watch as giant, alien, alligator-like creatures escape Mobile Bay and make landfall on the city. It’s soon discovered that the Elton John hit “Crocodile Rock” can actually be used as a repellent. LEO (7/23-8/23) — You’ll be charged a hefty fine after you attempt to make Mobile more like a “big city” by attempting to color the river green for St. Patrick’s Day. Your color proportions will be off, however, and you’ll make the river doo doo brown. The Sierra Club will not be pleased. VIRGO (8/24-9/22) — You’ll be more than starstruck when Los Angeles Angels slugger Mike Trout makes a rehab appearance with the Mobile BayBears. Unfortunately, the new netting will fail and a foul ball he hits will smack you right in the face. You’ll get a new jersey out of it. LIBRA (9/23-10/22) — As an adult with a lingering ear infection, you’ll feel a bit silly as you wait alongside children to see the doctor. It’s not a big deal until the nurse hands you a balloon because you’re so well behaved during your appointment. SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) — You’ll attend the American Cancer Society’s Chili Cook-Off not for the wide variety of spicy stews, but for the abundant availability of saltine crackers. Next weekend, you’ll be at the Child Advocacy Center’s Cajun Cook-Off solely for its garlic bread. SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/22) — Sickened by the current contemporary rock scene, you and your old bandmates reunite to “bring grunge back.” But now that you’ve secured a reasonable mortgage and stable job with a 401(k), the music won’t have that same familiar “suicidey” vibe. CAPRICORN (12/23-1/19) — After the Mobile Ballet’s performance of “Sleeping Beauty,” you’ll lead the board of directors in a group hug. The brief display of unity will do nothing to resolve its ongoing lawsuit, but you’ll all follow through with a glass of wine and a trip to New Orleans for dinner. AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18) — After attending the skateboard art show at Spire Friday, you’ll be motivated to ride the ramps and grind some rails. Several reconstructive surgeries later, you’ll finally realize your skating days are over.


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Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness described in and secured by that certain Vendor’s Lien Deed executed by Charles C. Prince to Norbert L. Howell and Karen Y. Howell, on the 18th day of August, 1995, and recorded in Real Property Book 4285, Page 1866, (all recording records refer to the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Mobile County, Alabama), and the undersigned having declared indebtedness due and payable in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Vendor’s Lien Deed, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at public outcry for cash to the highest bidder, during the legal hours of sale between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the 24th day of March, 2017 at the Mobile County Courthouse, 205 Government Street, Mobile Government Plaza, Mobile, Alabama, the following described real property in the County of Mobile, State of Alabama which address is 3854 Pickett Drive, Mobile, Alabama 36618 being the same property described in the above-referred to Vendor’s Lien Deed: Lot #7, Block C, Wolf Ridge Manor, Second Sector as recorded in Real Property Book 9, Page 334 of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama. This property will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis, subject to any easements, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the office of the judge of probate of the county where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure, including reasonable attorney’s fee. The Holder reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. Karen Y. Howell Holder of said Vendor’s Lien Deed Deena R. Tyler, Esq. Druhan & Tyler, LLC Attorneys for Holder P.O. Box 6 Mobile, Alabama 36601 251-202-5529 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 16, 2017


February 17, 2017 Case No. 2015-2263-2 IN THE PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of CRYSTAL LEE ELLIOTT, Deceased On to-wit the 10th day of April, 2017 at 10:30 AM in COURTROOM 1, THIRD FLOOR, Mobile County Government Center Annex, 151 Government Street the court will proceed to consider the PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT as filed by AUDREY SEDDON. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties in interest who may appear and contest same or file a proper responsive pleading thereto if they then think proper. DON DAVIS, Judge of Probate Attorney: HENDRIK S. SNOW, 50 ST EMANUEL ST, MOBILE, ALABAMA 36602 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 23,30, 2017


February 15, 2017 Case No. 2010-1601-10 IN THE PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of ELSWORTH BYRD SR., Deceased On to-wit the 10th day of April, 2017 at 9:30 AM in COURTROOM 1, THIRD FLOOR, Mobile County Government Center Annex, 151 Government Street the court will proceed to consider the PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT as filed by ELSWORTH BYRD, JR.. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties in interest who may appear and contest same or file a proper responsive pleading thereto if they then think proper. Don Davis, Judge of Probate Attorney: JOHN M. LASSITER JR., 2500 DAUPHIN STREET Mobile, AL 36606 Lagniappe HD Feb. 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017


Notice is hereby given that the University of South Alabama (Owner) will accept sealed Bids for the following Work: CLEVERDON PARKWAY TURNING LANE University of South Alabama Mobile, AL USA Job #16-59 - Bid #7013001 Bids will be received and clocked in at 2:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, March 30, 2017, in Room AD245 of the USA Administration Building, on the Main Campus of the University of South Alabama. Bids will not be accepted after the time indicated herein and will be returned unopened. A cashier’s check or bid bond payable to the University of South Alabama in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000 must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Bid Documents shall be available only through the USA Purchasing Office. Contact as follows: University of South Alabama Purchasing Department 307 University Blvd., N., AD245 Mobile, AL 36688 PH# (251) 460-6151 FX# (251) 414-8291 ( Bids must be submitted on Proposal Forms furnished in the Bid Documents or copies thereof. The preceding is an abbreviated advertisement. The complete advertisement may be obtained from the location listed above. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, in Room AD 023 of the Administration Building. Those in attendance will include the Owner, Engineer, and Consultants. Contract bidders, subcontractors and suppliers are encouraged to attend. A tour of the Project site is scheduled immediately after the conference. All questions concerning the Project should be submitted in writing to the Project Manager at the address listed below. 307 University Blvd. N., AD001 Mobile, AL 36688 PH# (251) 460-6601 FX# (251) 461-1370 ( Lagniappe HD Feb. 23, March 2, 9, 2017

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AltaPointe Health Systems, Inc., based in Mobile, Alabama, is issuing a request for proposals for the provision of food services for its two psychiatric hospitals, child and adolescent residential programs and day school program. The selected vendor must be able to meet and follow Child Nutrition Program and Joint Commission standards. The RFP is available for review, contact Noel Andrews, AltaPointe Director Patient Accounting, at (251) 660-2387. Lagniappe HD Feb. 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017

PUBLIC NOTICE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosts open house to discuss Mobile Harbor improvement, March 16. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District invites the public to participate in an open house for the proposed improvement of the Mobile Harbor Federal Navigation Channel, March 16. The open house will be held at the Bayfront Pavilion, 6200 Bayfront Park Drive, Daphne, Ala., from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Any person with an interest in the proposed harbor improvements may attend. This event is an opportunity to give members of the public an update on the proposed project’s status and upcoming milestones, and to receive the public’s comments and concerns related to potential impacts associated with the project. Members of the project team will be on hand with graphical displays to explain the various ongoing studies the Mobile District is conducting and to answer questions related to the proposed project. The open house is one opportunity to share either oral or written public comments that will become part of the preparation of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed project. In addition to the open house, members of the public may submit comments by email to or by mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, 109 Saint Joseph Street, Mobile AL 36602. For more information, on the proposed Mobile Harbor Federal Navigation Channel project, visit Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MOBILE Notice is hereby given that a bill as described in the synopsis below will be introduced in the 2017 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama and application for its passage and enactment will be made: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT. SYNOPSIS: Relating to Mobile County and the countywide civil service system; to amend Act No. 470 of the 1939 Regular Session (Acts 1939, p. 298), as amended, which established the countywide civil service system; by amending Section XI relating to the pay plan; to remove public safety employees from the exception to hiring at midrange to allow all professional and technical classes of positions to be treated equally. Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 23, 30, 2017.

NOTICE OF SALE The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 3151 Moffett Rd., Mobile, AL 36607. 1997 Mercury Marquis 2MELM75W1VX707784 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 5855 Glenwood Hill Dr. E., Wilmer, AL 36587. 1999 Mitsubishi Montero sport JA4LS31H4XP039831 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 8411 Grand Oaks Dr., Theodore, AL 36582. 2000 Honda Prelude JHMBB6242YC000063 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 6540 Sander Dr., Theodore, AL 36582. 2003 Kia Sorento KNDJD733635154307 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 3220 Normandy Dr. E., Semmes, AL 36575. 2002 Toyota Avalon 4T1BF28B02U263525 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 1105 Springhill Ave., Mobile, AL 36604. 1999 Honda Accord 1HGCG565XXA006287 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 5954 Sperry Rd. Apt D 4, Theodore, AL 36582. 2003 Ford Crown Vic 2FAFP71WX3X102516 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 5471 A Hwy. 43, Satsuma, AL 36572. 2003 Saturn L200 1G8JU54F23Y513688 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 54674 Splinter Hill Rd., Perdido, AL 36562. 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 3B7HF13Z5XG219737 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 7960 Two Mile Rd., Irvington, AL 36544. 2010 Honda Civic 2HGFG1B81AH532144 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 4763 Lott Rd., Eight Mile, AL 36613. 2011 Kia Soul KNDJT2A24B7328958 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier 1G1JC1240Y7370958 2016 Toyota Corolla 2T1BURHE4GC498494 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 07, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 5971 Hwy. 90, Theodore, AL 36582. 2001 Honda Civic 2HGES15291H600501 1997 Nissan Altima 1N4BU31D8VC230154 1992 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FT58S6NL241355 Lagniappe HD March 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 558 S Wilson Ave., Mobile, AL 36610. 2004 Honda Accord JHMCM568X4C010324 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 6300 C Maurice Poiroux Rd., Theodore, AL 36582. 2007 Mazda CX-7 JM3ER293470116386 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 917 Victoria Place E., Mobile, AL 36608. 1987 Monte Carlo 1G1GZ11Z8HP133219 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 5971 Hwy 90, Theodore, AL 36582. 2011 Chevrolet Impala 2G1WF5EK2B1151986 2000 Ford Mustang 1FAFP4042YF231027 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 10550 Fox Ridge Rd., Semmes, AL 36575. 2006 Suzuki GSX-R750K JS1GR7KA562109418 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed – at 2401 Octavia Dr. S., Mobile, AL 36605. 2013 Hyundai Sonata 5NPEB4AC1DH786559 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 22345-C Hwy. 59, Robertsdale, AL 36567. 1999 Ford LGT Convt 1FTRX08L2XKC03262 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 12450 Dailey Rd., Grand Bay, AL 36541. 1995 Toyota 4Runner JT3VN29V7S0047356 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 6425 Spanish Fort Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36577. 1994 Dodge Colt JB3EA31C4RU033460 2003 Ford Explorer 1FMZU62K03UA43467 2000 Honda Accord 1HGCG5641YA015842 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on April 14, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 713 Gilbert St., Prichard, AL 36610. 2000 GMC Sierra 1GTEC14V7YZ231607 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

These vehicles will be sold on 04/14/2017 at 5781 Three Notch Rd. Mobile, AL 36619 at MITS JA3AY26CX1U006276 CHEV 1GCBS14R5H2133449 FORD 1FAFP53S0XA213864 CHEV 1GNCS13WXT2223997 FORD 1FAFP42X83F342133 CHEV 2GCEC19R9V1208023 NISS 1N4AL21E89C144933 FORD 3FAHP0JA4CR294440 HONDA 1HGCM81644A006470 BUICK 2G4WY52M4X1505551 MERCURY 4M2ZU52E2WUJ47921 GMC 1GKCS13W3Y2378802 BUICK 2G4WB55K021114675 ISUZU 4S6CK58W324403790 PONT 1G2WR1219YF249034 BUICK 1G4HP53L2PH446305 NISS 1N6SD11SXLC346124 MERC WDBHA28E9TF457529 FORD 1FMZU32E2XZB46455 BUICK 1G4HP52K33U162983 HONDA 1HGEJ6572TL057798 MERCURY 2MELM74W9VX692131 KIA KNDJC733965524995 FORD 1FAFP552X4A196290 TOY JT4UD10D3S0003895 BUICK 1G4CW52L9RH617116 CHEVY 2G1WL52M5T9123343 CHRY 1C3EL46X42N224360 AUDI WAULC68E03A308627 FORD 1FMYU22XOXUA76118 HOND JH2PC0523CM003172 KAWA JKAKZLA188A007437 TOY 4T1BF3EK0BU134906 Lagniappe HD March 9, 16, 2017

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