Lagniappe: November 24 - November 30, 2016

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N O V E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 – N O V E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 | w w w. l a g n i a p p e m o b i l e . c o m ASHLEY TRICE Co-publisher/Editor

ROB HOLBERT Co-publisher/Managing Editor STEVE HALL Marketing/Sales Director GABRIEL TYNES Assistant Managing Editor DALE LIESCH Reporter JASON JOHNSON Reporter

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Former GulfQuest director Tony Zodrow claims the city owes the shuttered museum money.


Making it to that “golden anniversary”


Legacy Village wine bar soon to open; Cross River Church moving to new home.



This Thanksgiving, try brining your turkey. You may become hooked.

KEVIN LEE Associate Editor/Arts Editor ANDY MACDONALD Cuisine Editor




Let’s talk turkey — A handy guide to South Alabama Thanksgiving traditions



BROOKE O’DONNELL Advertising Sales Executive BETH WILLIAMS Advertising Sales Executive ASHLEY KILLIAN Advertising Sales Executive MELISSA EDGE Editorial Assistant ROSS PRITCHARD Distribution Manager



Rachel Wright’s art takes wing


The Marlow Boys will soon release their first album, “Green Room, Volume 1.”

JACKIE CRUTHIRDS Office Manager CONTRIBUTORS: Jeff Poor, Ron Sivak, Asia Frey, Brian Holbert, Lee Hedgepeth, Tom Ward ON THE COVER : GOBBLE GOBBLE BY LAURA RASMUSSEN POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Editorial, advertising and production offices are located at 1100B Dauphin St. Mobile, AL 36604. Mailing address is P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Phone: 251.450.4466 Fax 251.450.4498. Email: or LAGNIAPPE is printed at Signature Offset, 2610 Lakeview Road, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. All letters sent to Lagniappe are considered to be intended for publication. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and Alternative Weeklies Network All rights reserved. Something Extra Publishing, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced without the expressed permission of the publishers. Individuals may take one copy of the paper free of charge from area businesses, racks or boxes. After that, papers are $3 per issue. Removal of more than one copy from these points constitutes theft. Violators are subject to prosecution.

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28 32 36 38 42 FILM

Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart shine in Woody Allen’s “Café Society.”


Lagniappe receives favorable AG opinion to run legal advertising.


The Mobile Sports Authority recently reported a $25.5 million financial impact from hosting 35 sporting and athletic events.


has the lowdown on the Band Perry’s secret surprise show at the Steeple last week.

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GOING POSTAL Still waiting Editor: Who will operate the historic museum exhibits at Fort Conde? Where will the city of Mobile’s Visitors Center be located? Who will manage Living History exhibits at Fort Conde? Will a third-party vendor be allowed to lease the 40-year-old reconstructed historic fort? These are some of the questions we hoped the mayor’s administration would address at the Mobile Museum of History’s annual volunteer party on Nov. 21. However, no clear statement concerning Fort Conde’s long-term future was made by museum director Mr. Ron Jamro. Tourism Ambassador volunteers have served Mobile for almost two decades, and the present uncertainty is affecting morale and continued volunteer service. Four Mobile City Council members have denied any knowledge of a permanent solution to the Visitors Center conundrum, stating that a permanent operating plan has not yet been determined. Presently, the History Museum of Mobile is operating the Visitors Center at Fort Conde under the management of the Educational Curator’s office. A history museum admissions receptionist presently staffs the City Visitors Center with the remnants of Visit Mobile’s former Tourism Ambassador volunteers giving her support. In short, there has been great uncertainty since the FY 2017 budget eliminated the $200,000 allocation for the Fort Conde Visitors Center. With three days’ notice, Visit

Mobile was told to vacate the building as they would no longer be responsible for managing the Visitors Center. Former Visit Mobile CEO Al Hutchinson told volunteers that he learned of the management change at the Sept. 27 City Council meeting which defunded the Visitors Center. At that meeting, Councilwoman Bess Rich questioned the effects of removing the $200,000 allocation. City Finance Director Paul Wesch stated that the administration would take over the management of the Visitors Center. Fifty days later we are still awaiting a public statement from the mayor’s office about the future of our Visitors Center and our Volunteer Tourism Ambassador program. About half of the present volunteers signed a letter to the mayor and Mobile City Council making five recommendations about the future of Fort Conde and the Visitors Center. The letter was presented at the Oct. 19 City Council meeting. At the time of this letter’s composition, the administration has never made any public response to our recommendations. We feel 50 days is adequate time for the city to develop an operating plan for the Visitors Center. We also feel the mayor’s office should be transparent about its plans to lease Fort Conde to possible tourism operators. We also question the fairness of removing two Mobile tourism operators from Fort Conde by giving a preferred monopoly to a third-party tour operator. Quite simply, Fort Conde has been promoted since 1983 in travel guides as the Visitors Center of Mobile and as the historic

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reconstructed site of the first permanent capitol of French Louisiana. Since 1983, the fort has had free admission. Changing that without a concerted public awareness campaign will do far more damage to our city’s reputation than the increase in revenue from a third-party lease. Attracting people to a paid attraction that is presently advertised as a free family sightseeing opportunity is really a bait-and-switch proposition even if this is not our intention. In addition many area school children who presently make field trips to Fort Conde will be affected if an admission charge is collected. Quite simply, the city needs to hire a fulltime Visitors Center manager and develop a transition plan so all four of Mobile’s tourism operators benefit from visitors to our historic, 300-year-old city. Ronald Hunt Mobile

How’s this for charity? Editor: During my week-long Thanksgiving stay in Mobile, I read your Nov. 17 edition and was pleased to find an excellent community newspaper like yours. I did want to react to “Tongue in cheek — Orange Beach mayor bids farewell to celebrity activists.” Mayor Tony Kennon should be embarrassed to be wasting taxpayer funds and his mayor’s duties on his divisive effort to raise funds to get Hillary Clinton supporters to take a bus to Mexico or Canada.

He says he has raised $1,145 for this harebrained idea which is just a jab at Democrats, some of whom may well be living in Orange Beach or visitors there. Does this promote Orange Beach as a great resort or some hostile place with crazies? May I suggest these funds be given to feed the hungry in Orange Beach this Thanksgiving or to help a homeless family find shelter. There are many needy people who could use a meal or shelter, and need leadership and community support, and our national Thanksgiving is the best time of the year to do so. John Reeder Arlington, Va.


In the Nov. 17 story “Engineering firm hosts commissioner’s ‘networking events’,” Baldwin EMC Board member Joseph Coleman was incorrectly identified as the recipient of a $2,500 campaign donation from the Coastal Alabama Progress PAC in June of this year. The actual recipient of the donation was Joel Coleman, who won election to Daphne’s City Council. Joel Coleman is land product development manager for D.R. Horton and is a licensed, professional engineer. He is serving his first term in office. Joseph Coleman still has another two years as a Baldwin EMC trustee before his next election and he said he has never received a donation from the Coastal Alabama Progress PAC. We regret the error.




BY DALE LIESCH he former director of GulfQuest National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico is claiming the city owes the museum’s board $1.6 million based on a 2009 verbal agreement, and financial issues led to its closure Nov. 7. Former GulfQuest executive director Tony Zodrow said in an interview Nov. 18 that if the agreement had been honored, the $60 million facility could still be open to the public. Mayor Sandy Stimpson ultimately made the decision that due to its poor financial situation and lackluster attendance, GulfQuest would be taken over by the city and closed to the public, only 13 months after opening. GulfQuest, which was beset by years of construction delays, will only be open for special events and when the Carnival Fantasy cruise ship is in port. Upon the announcement, Zodrow resigned his position. To illustrate the struggles the museum was having attracting visitors, the administration offered 500 free coupons for admission into GulfQuest to passengers on the first Fantasy cruise and only two took advantage, Stimpson and city spokesman George Talbot said in an interview this week. Zodrow says some of the museum’s financial distress came after then-Mayor Sam Jones and former city attorney Larry Wettermark approached the museum’s board in late October 2009 to ask the nonprofit to assume $1.6 million of the city’s expense for construction management services provided by Hoar Program Management. Zodrow said GulfQuest complied, but the city never reimbursed the money. “The city would be assuming an identical amount of money to cover the nonprofit’s expenses at a later date,” Zodrow said. “It was made clear to the board this was a loan agreement. It was also kind of made clear that there was an implication that construction wouldn’t continue unless the nonprofit agreed.” According to minutes of the Oct. 27, 2009, board meeting provided by Zodrow, the deal was discussed in an executive session. The board unanimously approved a motion to “authorize the museum’s facilities committee to consider assuming responsibility for an additional contract with Hoar Program Management totaling $1.6 million … ” The minutes also reflect Jones, Wettermark and Jones’ Chief of Staff Al Stokes were in attendance. With Hoar’s contract with the city set to expire and an assurance from Wettermark that the city would repay the money in “furniture, fixtures and equipment” (FF&E) costs, the board executed the $1.6 million contract on Jan. 13, 2010, Zodrow said. There was no signed agreement, Zodrow said, adding he wasn’t sure if the City Council was told about it at the time. Despite the bailout from the board, the city always had control over the construction manager, he said. “Hoar never reported to the nonprofit,” Zodrow said. “They were never working for the nonprofit. They were always working for the city.” In January 2011, as the bidding process on the building construction approached, Zodrow said Wettermark took the position that the city would begin to repay the $1.6 million if those bids came in lower than Hoar estimates. Zodrow said the bids came in $3 million less than expected, but when pressed about the loan in April 2011, Zodrow claims Wettermark told then-board chairman E.B. Peebles the money was a “gift.” Despite the reversal, the museum’s board, at its May 12, 2011, regular meeting, decided to keep paying monthly installments to Hoar, Zodrow said. In an email provided by Zodrow last week, Wettermark wrote to Peebles about a reduction of $2.6 million needed

in the construction budget “unless GulfQuest is going to assume the additional $1.6 [million] in Hoar’s fee.” “Remember that the city is going to assume $1.6 [million] of what previously had been GulfQuest’s obligation for FF&E,” Wettermark wrote. “That will have to be included in the total amount attributed to construction in the city bond issue.” Wettermark said the money was never considered a gift. He added the agreement established that any money left over from a $25 million bond issue for building construction would be returned to the museum for furniture, fixtures and equipment. Wettermark also said the bids came in “significantly lower” than $30 million, but were more than the amount of the bond issue. In an email provided this week by Wettermark, Peebles wrote to Wettermark about the agreement, with Peebles revealing there would be a $1 million shortfall in the contract between the city and HOAR. He then wrote it was likely the entire bond issue would be used. “Can there be an agreement between the city and GulfQuest that to the extent the $25 [million] is not used up in construction, the balance will go to FF&E?” Peebles asked. Jones confirmed that there was never a loan agreement and that the board had asked for any money leftover from the bond issue to be put toward the $1.6 million debt. Jones said, however, the entire bond issue was used to pay for building construction. GulfQuest board Chairman Mike Lee remembers Wettermark and Jones approaching the board about paying for an increase in the contract with Hoar. He said it was understood that the city would pay the money back at a later date. However, he added that the board was aware it wasn’t a formal agreement and was only a “handshake.” Lee said the board never had any intention of suing the city over it. In fact, he added that by taking over the museum and the responsibility of some of the operating expenses, it could be argued the city was doing its part to make good on the loan. The board and the current administration also have different views on the status of the $1.6 million, Zodrow said. In a related June 2016 letter to Zodrow, the city’s executive director of finance, Paul Wesch, wrote there is no record of the agreement. “There is no corresponding entry in the city of Mobile’s financial records,” Wesch wrote. “There is no documentation in the possession of the city that would support a loan or other financial obligation of the city to the museum.” Zodrow said Mayor Stimpson and the administration are aware of the $1.6 million agreement, adding that on several occasions the board was told the repayment would be introduced to the City Council. He said he doesn’t know what happened. “Discussions were up and down and left and right,” Zodrow said. “They changed daily.” During the discussions, the city offered to give GulfQuest anywhere from $2 million to $750,000 at one point, Zodrow said. “We would’ve taken any amount,” he said. “We were so willing to work with the city that we were just going along for the ride.” Stimpson said the administration did bring a funding request to the council, but the idea got a “lukewarm” reception. Stimpson also acknowledged the city was aware of the $1.6 million and added that they didn’t just “blow it off.” He said the administration this summer tasked accounting firm Smith, Dukes & Buckalew to review the audited financials of the city and the GulfQuest board to see if

there was any reference to a loan. Stimpson said the accountants found no evidence the city owed GulfQuest any money. “ … From a legal standpoint, the operating agreement [between the city and GulfQuest] does not allude to any debt,” Stimpson said. “Once an operating agreement is signed it supersedes any verbal or any other previous written agreement.” Other than a passing comment Zodrow made early in 2014, Wesch said the museum board didn’t mention the owed money until this summer. Zodrow also said museum staff were also discouraged by the Stimpson administration from taking the issue public. “We had the administration say, ‘if you go public, we’re not going to help you,’” he said. The city’s confidentiality request was the subject of several emails between museum staff and board members, according to records provided by Zodrow. In one, Zodrow wrote to Lee “since the city leaked the story about GulfQuest not paying its utility bills and then drafted the prepared statement for the city’s and the museum’s use, we have been at an extreme disadvantage in handling any media inquiries about this situation.” “Without being able to reference the $1.6 million agreement with the Jones administration, this will appear to the media and the public to be a case of mismanagement on the nonprofit’s part,” he wrote. “And if that sticks, it will do a lot of damage to the museum’s ability to attract attendance, raise donations, get corporate sponsors, book special events, etc.” Stimpson admitted that the city did not want a “bad news story out there” while they were trying to figure out what the expenses would be. Wesch clarified, saying that they never told staff to keep it from the public, but told board members it might not be the best way to argue their position. Zodrow claimed Mobile City Council members were apprised of the situation during discussions with Stimpson. He added that GulfQuest officials spoke individually to councilors at the administration’s suggestion about the money they believed the city owed. Councilman John Williams says he met in his office with Zodrow and one other board member. He said they discussed the $1.6 million, but he told them a request for funding would have to come from Stimpson. “When the current administration agrees it’s a commitment … it will bring it to us,” Williams said. “To date, none have done that.” Zodrow also claims the city owes the board $492,000 for construction punch-list items it paid for from 2013 to 2015. In a statement, Zodrow wrote that beyond acoustic panels, for which the city set aside $78,000, the board had to assume responsibility for a number of punch-list items from Ben Radcliff Construction. A “working group” of board members met regularly to discuss the progress. “The group recognized the need to address this work, which added $492,232 to the nonprofit’s expenses to get the building ready in time for its public opening.” If the nearly $2.1 million were paid back, the museum could still be open, Zodrow said. “We’d have cash reserves adequate enough to pay for operations,” he said. “We’d have funding to pay off existing creditors.” Including back utility payments to the city, GulfQuest owed its major creditors $1.8 million when the city took control of the museum. Still, Zodrow says the money the city owed would have helped keep the museum from running out of marketing money by February or March of this year. “If GulfQuest had those resources, we could’ve engaged in year-round marketing efforts, which would’ve helped attendance,” Zodrow said. Despite basically running out of money, Zodrow said the board never stopped fundraising. He said board members had raised enough to “keep our nose above water,” and had pledged to donate themselves if the city at least paid some part of the $1.6 million to the museum. Stimpson also confirmed that all but eight GulfQuest staff members had been fired. All of the employees retained by the city are considered “mission critical,” with three involved with maintenance of exhibits, Stimpson and Wesch said. Zodrow claims he was going to be offered a job with the city earning the same GulfQuest salary, but resigned instead. He said he is currently looking for opportunities in the museum field after serving as executive director of GulfQuest for 11 years, only one in which it was open to the public. Both the Stimpson administration and the GulfQuest board are focused on the future of the museum at this point. Stimpson said the city plans to open it back up to the public at some point. He added that further development of the riverfront would be key to the museum’s success. Lee agreed, saying the board feels very good about the future of the museum. Both Lee and Stimpson mentioned the possibility of Carnival selling tickets to the museum in the future, as well. “We feel very positive about the partnership with the city moving forward,” Lee said. “We see a path to making this successful.”

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The bell tolls




ith 985 constitutional amendments, it’s a wonder this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often. When voters statewide narrowly passed Amendment 12 on Nov. 8, people in Baldwin County thought that meant municipalities could create their own authorities to pay for roads and bridges using bonds and/or tolls to pay for them. People in Baldwin County were wrong. Voters in Baldwin County defeated the amendment. It was duly, and incorrectly, reported that because the measure passed statewide, it would become part of the state constitution. But go back 430 amendments, and you will discover Amendment 555. According to Amendment 555, not only does a local constitutional amendment that ends up on the statewide ballot have to pass statewide, it also must pass in the county it affects. Because Baldwin County voters defeated Amendment 12 by a margin of 52 to 48 percent, it doesn’t matter how the rest of the state voted. Who didn’t know about Amendment 555? State Rep. Steve McMillan, R-Gulf Shores, who initially thought Amendment 12 passed. Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon, who has been seeking options to finance a new bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway. Baldwin County Probate Judge Tim Russell, who ran the election. “I don’t remember ever being aware of it, but I certainly am now,” McMillan said. Kennon said that as far as he knows, nobody in Baldwin County knew about it. Russell didn’t know until hearing the news from Lagniappe. “Are you sure?” Russell asked. “Yes”, said Ed Packard, state director of elections. At least, yes pending statewide canvassing and certification of the vote, which takes place

Nov. 29. Baldwin County has already certified its vote totals and sent them in, he said. “I’ve been working with the constitutional amendments for about 15 years now, or more. I can’t remember another situation right offhand where it passed statewide and failed locally and people didn’t understand the implications of that,” Packard said. A similar requirement applied to another local Baldwin County amendment, which allowed additional appointments to the Bay Minette Planning Commission, Packard said. That amendment had to pass in both Bay Minette and the rest of the county, which it did. The defeat of Amendment 12 leaves Orange Beach and other municipalities without the option of creating an authority for a bridge or a road. “The rules are the rules. They apply to everybody,” Kennon said. Kennon said he doesn’t think the idea needs to go back to voters again. “They have spoken. We’ll look for another plan.” He is convinced that for public safety and business reasons, another bridge is needed off of Pleasure Island. Another hurricane evacuation route is important, he said. He also supports not just the widening of State Highway 180 but the extension of the Beach Express from Interstate 10 to Interstate 65, as well as other major highway projects in the county. McMillan said the extension would have also benefited Baldwin County’s unused industrial megasite north of Bay Minette. He thinks voters didn’t understand that the amendment didn’t actually create a toll road or mandate that anyone use it. “That’s the only way we’re ever going to get the Beach Express extended,” McMillan said.

Attorney ascension




n a barrage of Cabinet appointments last week, President-elect Donald Trump nominated Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions to take the role of United States attorney general — a compensatory prize for one of the first members of Congress to endorse Trump on the campaign trail. Formerly a practicing attorney in Mobile, the Republican served two years as an assistant U.S. attorney before being nominated by President Ronald Reagan to be the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. Sessions held the position for 12 years before being elected as Alabama’s attorney general in 1995. In 1996, the people of Alabama elected Sessions to the position he still holds in the Senate today. “I have known Jeff Sessions for almost 40 years, and he has always been a person of the highest level of integrity. As a U.S. attorney in Mobile, Sen. Sessions led the charge to clean up corruption in our local government,” U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne said following news of Sessions’ nomination. “He earned respect from everyone in our community by always conducting himself in a professional and fair way.” Others were quick to praise Sessions as well, including current Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange, who called the senator “a credit to our state and to our nation.” “From the day Jeff Sessions stepped foot on the floor of the U.S. Senate, he has never forgotten where he came from or who he represents,” Strange said. “He has worked tirelessly for the

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people of Alabama, fighting to bring home jobs and economic development, to secure our borders and to ensure that our military men and women receive all the support they need to succeed — whether on the battlefield, in a veterans hospital or in their civilian lives.” U.S. Attorney Kenyen Brown, who currently serves in Sessions’ former position as the head of the Southern District of Alabama, spared no praise for his predecessor last Friday — wishing Sessions “much success in this new leadership role.” “Jeff Sessions is a man of outstanding character with an impeccable reputation for integrity,” Brown wrote in a brief statement. “I have no doubt that he will be an outstanding U.S. Attorney General.” By law, if Sessions does vacate his post in the Senate, it will be up to Gov. Robert Bentley to appoint a successor to serve out the remainder of Sessions’ current congressional term, though it’s unclear at this point who that might be. This week, Bentley sent out a survey from the Alabama Republican Party’s executive committee, seeking input on who would make a suitable candidate. The message came by way of the governor’s appointments director, Will Edwards. “Gov. Bentley is taking this process seriously and knows that you will as well,” Edwards wrote. “The person who replaces Sen. Sessions must uphold the Constitution, value the rights of the Second Amendment, the rights of the states, support pro-life issues, implement a strong national security policy, support domestic job creation and, most importantly, always put Alabama first.”


Gonna finish that?



arlier this month, the Mobile County Communications District got its first look at a plan to utilize nearly $778,000 of leftover grant funding that’s been sitting untouched in a county bank account for more than a year. Originally part of a $3.6 million grant from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the money was intended to fund a radio system that would allow first responders in Mobile and Baldwin counties to communicate with one another. While Baldwin County had its half of the system built by Motorola, MCCD opted to use its longtime contractor, Harris Corp. Ultimately, Harris issued a $777,925 refund for its work building that system, which to date has not been used in Mobile County. Though the project predates current MCCD director Charlie McNichol, he recently explained it “kind of got put in neutral” when the board decided to overhaul the county’s primary emergency radio network — a $40 million endeavor to build a P25 Phase II system Harris is still in the process of constructing. The MCCD board didn’t officially bring up the project or the leftover funds again with Baldwin County until December 2015, when Mobile County Commissioners said they would work with MCCD to find “an agreeable use” for the money. Because any use would require approval from ALEA, the process hit a significant speed bump when former ALEA Secretary Spency Collier was terminated in the midst of the scandal surrounding Gov. Robert Bentley and his rumored affair with a former adviser. Despite those setbacks, County Attorney Jay Ross said acting ALEA Secretary Stan Stabler

it as as a standalone network,” Burke told the MCCD board members. “[It] would be used primarily to relieve traffic generated outside the normal Mobile County users.” Burke said once completed, a functioning interoperable system would allow regional communication between local first responders and those from state and federal agencies which might “provide assistance in the event of a largescale disaster” such as a hurricane. Not only would the system give agencies access to a statewide network, but Burke said it would also prevent the primary emergency radio system used by first responders from being overburdened if the amount of radio traffic increases during an emergency. Depending on the cost of certain components, Burke estimated completing the interoperable radio system first sketched out in 2012 would use up roughly $615,000 of the $777,925 left over from the original grant. So far, MCCD hasn’t made a decision on the county’s proposed use for that funding, though the board is expected to revisit the issue at its December meeting.

Harris remedies weak radio components

Harris Corp. says “stiff arms” it recently added should stabilize microwave dishes that originally failed to meet the federal standards for wind resistance, alleviating concerns MCCD’s $40 million 911 system might be rendered ineffective in winds stronger than 68 mph. The issue with the dishes was first raised in October by a consultant for the 911 board. However, on Nov. 10, Harris regional program manager Danielle Marcella acknowledged those “optional stiff arms” likely rectified the problem but also should have been on the microwave dishes the entire time. EARLIER THIS MONTH, THE MOBILE COUN“They should have TY COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT GOT ITS been installed to begin with, and I’m not sure FIRST LOOK AT A PLAN TO UTILIZE NEARLY why they weren’t,” Marcella said. “We $778,000 OF LEFTOVER GRANT FUNDING THAT’S have an architectural BEEN SITTING UNTOUCHED IN A COUNTY BANK engineering firm who’s modeling this for us, ACCOUNT FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. and we’re committed to providing an engineering study that tells us exactly how much more had also been willing to let the county work to stability we’re gaining by adding on this second find a suitable use for the funds. stiff arm.” “We’re trying to spend this money for a purWhile the results of that engineering study pose that’s consistent with the original grant and may not be available for a few weeks, Marcella with the approval of the Alabama Law Enforcesaid the company is confident it has “remedied” ment Agency,” Ross said earlier this month. “[It was] reimbursed to the Mobile County Commis- the situation, adding that the configuration used sion and sits in our bank account, which has been on this project is the same Harris uses in other wind-prone areas like Florida and Kansas. a subject to conversation with MCCD for some Even MCCD board member Trey Oliver, who period of time now.” has been especially critical of Harris throughHowever, because the use of grant funding out the life of the current radio project, said he comes with stringent oversight, Ross said the money “can’t be used for just any purpose.” That was appreciative of the company’s response to MCCD’s concerns. might also explain why the proposal the county Ultimately, the fix did not cause a delay in the unveiled Nov. 10 would accomplish little more project or increase its cost. Still, due to a number than the grant was intended to four years ago. Rick Burke, a radio consultant for the county, of previous delays, the system that was originally said making the network function in concert with intended to be fully operational two months ago won’t be up and running until March of next year the $40 million system Harris is building would at the earliest. require upgrading it. However, representatives However, as that “cut over” date to the new from Harris have already agreed to cover the system gets closer, Marcella said Harris would $186,000 needed to upgrade the older system. have a full-time project manager in Mobile “My recommendation would be that you County to ensure the company gets “the most upgrade it to a P25 Phase II, integrate it into the [new radio] network and then continue to operate important” parts of the process right. N o v e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 - N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 | L AG N I A P P E | 7




eldom does a long-standing conflict between environmentalists and a beach developer end with both sides winning. But in the case of Gulf Highlands, everybody’s happy. The 113-acre tract on the Fort Morgan peninsula is the last large, privately held piece of undeveloped beach and dunes on the Alabama coast. With an award last week of $36 million in BP oil spill money from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the property will be purchased by the state for conservation. At one time, the land was destined to be home to 500 condominiums. Now, it will be a refuge for the endangered Alabama beach mouse, sea turtles, the piping plover and other birds and wildlife. It is by far the biggest project to be funded so far from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund managed by NFWF from criminal fines against BP and Transocean. “This is, in my opinion, the supreme prize of everything we’ve been working on for 21 years, because it’s a huge parcel, it was under imminent threat of concrete condominium development and is a prime habitat of the endangered beach mouse and other species,” said Hank Caddell, a Mobile attorney and founder of the Alabama Coastal Heritage Trust. “It is a remnant of the kind of beach we had throughout the Alabama coast.” Since his family acquired the property in 1996, the rest of the coastline has been developed, Nick Wilmott of Gulf Shores said. “We’re happy to see what’s happened to the area, but if we can preserve something like that and work with the state, it’s wonderful.” Gulf Highlands, located just west of the Beach Club in

Fort Morgan, contains 2,700 feet of beachfront and dunes. Because it has never been developed, the dunes are high. Caddell said the tract is better able to handle storm surges and protect birds and wildlife. In addition, migratory birds use it as a resting place after their journey north across the Gulf of Mexico. The beach is also ideal for sea turtle nests because there are no lights, Caddell said. Endangered sea turtles lay eggs on the beach, and when the eggs hatch, baby turtles follow moonlight and starlight to the water. Lights from houses, condos, even flashlights can draw the newly hatched turtles in the wrong direction, and they’ll die. Caddell spent seven years during the 1970s as head of the environmental protection division for then-Attorney General Bill Baxley. The coastal heritage trust was founded in 1995 as part of a settlement of the first litigation involving the beach mouse on the Alabama coast, in which Caddell represented the plaintiff. The trust works to protect the beach mouse and preserve coastal habitat in Fort Morgan and on Dauphin Island. According to Caddell, two major pieces of litigation tied up the Gulf Highlands property for years. In one case, he represented citizens who challenged the zoning of the property; in the other, the Sierra Club led environmental groups in challenging a permit they said would have harmed the beach mouse. Wilmott said the initial development plan was for seven or eight buildings that would have been spread across the beach. Another plan would have reduced the footprint in favor of 20-story towers. But between litigation and appeals, development was stymied for some 20

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years, he said. Eventually, Wilmott said, the family ended up with the permits and zoning needed to go ahead with the project. Then came the BP oil spill. “Like everyone else down here, we didn’t build,” Wilmott said. “We held off, our permits still intact.” When it became apparent that BP and others would be asked to make restitution, conservation groups approached the family about the possibility of using BP money to buy the property. “They approached us, and we decided to sit down and see if there was a way to work together,” Wilmott said. “Honestly, I didn’t expect anything to ever occur. We were looking at developing, moving forward. But things happen for a reason.”

THEY APPROACHED US, AND WE DECIDED TO SIT DOWN AND SEE IF THERE WAS A WAY TO WORK TOGETHER. HONESTLY, I DIDN’T EXPECT ANYTHING TO EVER OCCUR. WE WERE LOOKING AT DEVELOPING, MOVING FORWARD. BUT THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON.” The $36 million price was established through an appraisal. Caddell admits the price is steep, and both he and Wilmott believe a development would have brought the family even more money. But Wilmott said the family had become less interested in developing and more aware that the tract had become unique. “There wasn’t anything else like it. There wasn’t any other beach left. You start thinking not just what’s important for our family, but what’s important to the area,” he said. According to an NFWF synopsis of the project, Gulf Highlands will end up under the management of the State Parks Division. Public access will be limited, but dune walkovers, fencing and interpretive signage are in the plans. The proximity of the parcel to the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge is also expected to enhance the habitat value of both properties. “We were particularly hopeful something like this could be preserved because many environmentalists were not happy with the Gulf State Park hotel project,” Caddell said. “It balances things out. It’s a fantastic thing.”


Blurred lines



he Mobile Housing Board of Commissioners might be looking to make changes to Mobile Development Enterprises, the organization’s long-standing nonprofit arm, which was the subject of a scathing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General report earlier this year. Many of the commissioners, who are relatively new to the board, began to question why employees of Mobile Development Enterprises were listed alongside MHB employees in organizational charts at a work session held Wednesday, Nov. 16, to discuss the organization’s annual budget. Commissioners also questioned why some employees, including MHB Executive Director Dwayne Vaughn, appeared to be listed as employees of both entities. “If someone gets a salary for the housing board and MDE, do they get paid double?” Commissioner Reid Cummings asked. “The $1.8 million budget for MDE — does it pay people who are paid by the housing board?” MHB CFO Lori Shackelford told Cummings no one is dually employed, but Cummings mentioned Matthew McClammey, the new vice president of asset management, as an employee for both entities. Shackelford said McClammey is an employee of MDE, but MHB attorney Raymond Bell added that he has responsibilities for both entities. MHB President Kimberly Pettway further questioned the nonprofit’s organizational structure, as she said it appeared State Rep. Adline Clarke, president of MDE, reports to Vaughn rather than to the nonprofit’s board. “... Adline Clarke should report to the board,” Pettway said. “It looks like she reports to Dwayne Vaughn.” Bell said at some point MHB board members requested that the executive director operate as CEO of the nonprofit organization. As CEO of MDE, Vaughn has the authority to hire for budgeted vacancies within the nonprofit without having to ask the board for approval, Bell said. McClammey, the most recent MDE hire, was considered a budgeted vacancy. “That’s odd …,” Cummings said. “That’s not the way to operate this enterprise. I’m uncomfortable with it.” Pettway added that it was hard to see how the nonprofit arm was separate from the public board with Vaughn serving two roles. “The marriage between the housing board and MDE is substantial,” she said. The OIG report specifically questioned MHB’s relationship with MDE. OIG found in its report that although MHB claimed the nonprofit arm was a third-party affiliate, MDE could actually be considered part of the authority. The report found the close relationship between the two entities could have led to funding being mishandled. “In HUD’s perfect world MDE would be completely autonomous,” Bell said. “Other boards are pushing back on that because they have skin in the game and don’t want to give it to a group that has a different vision.” Pettway questioned Bell about the MDE board activity. MDE’s three-member board typically meets once a year, following the housing board’s annual meeting in December, Bell said. The nonprofit’s board includes Vaughn, who serves as secretary/treasurer, the MHB board president and one other MHB board member, he said. In the meeting, Bell said, the nonprofit board

typically adopts its budget and approves the various tenant services. Cummings suggested changing the structure of the nonprofit’s board to include all members of the housing authority board. He said he felt “uncomfortable” approving the budget for an agency he had no control over. “There’s a perception that the housing board has little or no oversight on MDE,” Cummings said. ”Three board members have no oversight on MDE.” Bell said HUD would have some concerns over that structure, as the two entities would be too closely linked. Bell instead suggested the nonprofit’s board include all five MHB commissioners and a few other members not associated with MHB. Cummings also suggested MDE’s “organizational alignment” at the top should be addressed. It also appears the board will re-examine the organization’s bylaws in the near future. MHB created MDE in the late 1990s in order to apply for and receive money to open and operate the Clinton L. Johnson Center, Bell said. In order to receive the grant, the center had to have an economic development component and a job training component. This was achieved, in part, through a Dollar General store, which leased space in the center. In addition, Bell said, the center included day care, a computer lab and other amenities. “That was the original intent,” Bell said. “That’s how it started.” The nonprofit entity grew from there, Bell explained, as the “housing authority ran into situations where they would apply for grants … and they would run out.” There were discussions about hiring employees and having them tied to the grants, rather than hired through the personnel board, or merit system, Bell told commissioners. “There was an idea of trying to make MDE generate income for non-federal funds,” Bell said. “There were many ideas … I think in the infancy of it. Operating the center ending up being it.” Bell said the housing authority began to use MDE to circumvent the low wages set by the Mobile County Personnel Board. He said MHB had several conversations with personnel board officials about increasing the salaries for publicly hired engineers after struggling to attract qualified candidates. Later, he said, MDE grew into an entity that would provide certain social services to MHB residents. MDE now operates in part through a family self-sufficiency grant, Bell said. “The social services component is vitally important,” Pettway said. “We need to get a clearer understanding of what MDE does.” The myriad services MDE provides are designed to guide residents toward market-rate housing in three to five years, on average, Bell said. Currently MDE does this through a number of HUD-approved case manager positions. MDE also earns money through a contract with MHB for resident services. The contract is paid out through at least two different MHB budgets: low-income public housing and a centraloffice cost center, Shackelford said. While MHB pays the nonprofit’s salaries, Shackelford said, MDE in turn pays an administrative fee to the housing board because MHB keeps the books for MDE. “It’s not all grant funded,” Shackelford said. “The majority is grant funding.” N o v e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 - N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 | L AG N I A P P E | 9


Alabama Power



espite meeting the requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency, a long-term plan to secure millions of tons of coal ash at Alabama Power facilities across the state has environmentalists concerned about the potential for groundwater contamination. Alabama Power, which maintains six sites traditionally used as coal-fired power plants, announced last week it would be capping old coal ash ponds at each of those facilities over the next several years to meet new EPA standards. Those requirements are a response to the 2008 “Kingston Disaster,” which saw a large coal ash spill at a Tennessee Valley Authority power plant in Kingston, Tennessee, cause flooding along more than 300 acres and release toxic coal ash into two nearby river systems. In July, a final rule governing the “Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities” (CCR) went into effect, pushing facilities, such as Alabama Power’s James M. Barry Electric Generating Plant in North Mobile County, to begin phasing out the storage of wet coal ash. The change leaves energy companies two options: move coal ash to a lined landfill, or dewater the existing ponds, consolidate old ash in its current location and cap inactive storage ponds with a waterproof lining. Last week, Alabama Power announced it would be pursuing the latter. “We actually announced a year ago that, based on where those rules were going, we anticipated closing all of our wet ash handling facilities and moving toward a dry ash handling type of system,” Alabama Power spokesman Michael Sznajderman said. “We think it’s a safe and effective option, and it’s approved by the EPA for these types of facilities.” As part of that early action, Alabama Power has stopped

creating new ash at two of its six facilities across the state — though partially because the company has increased its use of natural gas and other “diversified” fuel sources, reducing the need for coal. At those facilities, located in Etowah and Greene counties, Sznajderman said the transition is already underway. However, he said changes may be implemented over a much longer period at facilities like Barry Steam Plant, which still processes coal today. “All along the way, there’s a variety of deadlines, specific criteria and standards you have to meet,” Sznajderman said. “Historically, we’ve always followed all environmental laws and tried to meet or exceed the standards required.” However, Mobile Baykeeper and other environmental groups have already expressed concern about the plan, claiming that simply covering up “millions of tons of coal ash” at Barry Steam Plant would leave the nearby Mobile River and the Mobile-Tensaw Delta susceptible to pollution in the interim and even after dry storage is available. With coal ash containing arsenic, mercury, lead, chromium and other toxins, Baykeeper Executive Director Casi Callaway told Lagniappe any spill affecting the local water supply would no doubt pose serious health risks, and could have economic impacts as well. “We depend on clean water as a source of recreation for swimming, fishing, hunting and boating, but we also depend on it for the health of our economy — industries like seafood, tourism and real estate, who rely on clean water to be successful,” Callaway said. “Alabama Power has decided that the cost of protecting the health of our environment, economy and community is simply too high.” Sznajderman, on the other hand, was quick to say that

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“cost is not something Baykeeper isn’t concerned about,” adding that it would be much more expensive to transport the coal ash at its six facilities to new locations than it would be to securely cap it in place. While the cost of the plan hasn’t been determined, Sznajderman said, the cheaper option will still cost Alabama Power “billions of dollars” over the next several years, and those expenses will likely affect customers’ power rates, though Sznajderman said it’s still “unclear” how much. Cost aside, Alabama Power believes its plan has environmental advantages as well. According to Sznajderman, relocating coal ash would mean transporting it “through populated areas” to a number of new locations that wouldn’t be subject to the same level of monitoring and inspection that is required at active coal facilities. “In most cases, as you consolidate coal ash, you’re moving it away from the river, and consolidation creates a smaller footprint for the remaining material, which is dry, capped, monitored and subject to regular inspection,” Sznajderman said. “At all of our coal ash facilities, in addition to the daily inspections, we’ll be adding additional groundwater monitoring equipment to ensure this material stays where it is.” However, as Baykeeper has pointed out, energy companies in other states have been more willing to relocate at least some of their existing coal ash to lined landfills. Just to the east, Georgia Power plans to excavate and remove coal ash from 16 of its 29 storage ponds and is specifically targeting those with the closest proximity to natural waterways. Though Callaway said the additional monitoring equipment would be beneficial, she added that organizations like Baykeeper will still be “relying on them to tell us they’re not polluting the groundwater.” However, she did say Alabama Power has “historically been a great company and a leader in the community.” She’s just hoping they’ll “get this one right” as well. “They’ve been real clear this is still preliminary, but we’ve asked Alabama Power to lead on this issue, and do the right thing the first time,” Callaway said. “We are sensitive to the cost, but we’re also looking at the entire cost, and we encourage Alabama Power to do the same. They have to take worst-case scenarios and public health into consideration instead of just analyzing the cost of doing the least.” One thing Sznajderman and Callaway did agree on is that new regulations for storing coal ash will most likely outlast the changing political winds. Finalized in the Federal Registry more than a year ago, the recent policies could not be overturned by President-elect Donald Trump without some sort of congressional action.

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Sunday best out for a walk in the woods. Probably one of the toughest parts of being married is managing the money, and my parents are both pretty frugal so it worked. Of course there were occasional issues. I remember listening to them talk themselves out of buying property in Gulf Shores right after Hurricane Frederic. Good move. Then they built a bowling alley in Gautier, Mississippi. Better move. Probably one of the easiest ways to stave off divorce is to make sure one of you will have to take over a struggling bowling alley if things go sour. Judy and Bob have been through some tough things in their 50 years together. Katrina washed through their house and left them living in a trailer for two years. We lost my brother Matt to a tragic accident, and that is something it’s hard to imagine any marriage surviving. But they’ve hung in there and now, in their “golden years,” they spend their nights dancing and their days creating art and enjoying the freedom to just go. It seems like a perfect reward for the time they put in raising kids and making a living. The hurricanes and bowling alley are just stories now. I’m so proud to have them as my parents and see how they’ve evolved from a nerdy polyester ‘70s couple who listened to Barry Manilow to the mature, danceobsessed, Celine Dion-loving retirees they are now. Mostly it’s nice to see that when they’re around each other they still have a smile on their faces and enjoy a laugh and make being married for 50 years look easy as pie.


whisper before shutting up. They definitely seemed like a couple who’d spent more than enough time around each other. The poor guy was dying and couldn’t even have a piece of pie! That’s tough stuff. Like I said, though, they probably stand out simply because they were so extreme. It’s nice to see the other side of the coin — the hopeful side. I know one couple who’ve been married more than 60 years and they still seem as happy as clams. (Why are clams so happy? That’s probably a different column.) In my own parents’ case, they’ve definitely been more clam-like than not. I’m sure my father can eat as much pie as he wants and I’ve definitely seen him eating ice cream after midnight in recent years without any commentary. Maybe dessert freedom is the key to a happy marriage. Judy and Bob have been through a lot together. First and foremost was having five children — four boys, then my sister rounding things up. For some reason I started calling them by their first names when I was a toddler and it stuck, so we’ve never called them “Mom and Dad.” It’s always seemed kind of special, a little closer. It’s hard to imagine how any couple could survive having five children. I have two and constantly feel like I’m not doing enough for them. Maybe with five it’s a bunker mentality. My parents could only turn to one while trying to understand how I gave my brother a concussion with a stuffed animal, or what made us hit each other every time a commercial came on TV, or why my sister yelled a common term for bovine excre-

ment in church. With five kids there was no way there could be constant policing. Judy was a stay-at-home mother, a job I wouldn’t have taken for $100,000 a year. Just keeping enough food in the house was a herculean task. Imagine trying to grocery shop with five kids under the age of 12 tagging along. That’s why, back before serial killers and pedophiles took over, we were usually just left in the orange VW camper while my mom shopped. Oh, Child Protective Services would have a field day now. While raising children hasn’t been their only challenge, I’m sure it was the biggest. For many years we didn’t go out to eat in public. I clearly remember once venturing to Hardee’s and my father stomping out in disgust to go eat in the camper because he couldn’t take the stress of our behavior. In our defense, Hardee’s should have had a playground. I’m sure there were other stressors over the years. My father went through a horrible sideburn phase early in their marriage. And I know my mother often struggled to find ridiculous matching outfits for my brother Matt and I to wear for the annual Olan Mills photos. I’m sure that wasn’t easy. I love looking back at those goofy photos of the entire family standing in front of a fake wooden fence with a woodland backdrop, and we’re all wearing plaid coats and bright orange shirts and my father has on the most leisurely of leisure suits, while Judy is resplendent in a multicolor jumpsuit. The two youngest boys’ hair was never combed. We were just a family in our

Cartoon/Laura Rasmussen


n addition to the usual Thanksgiving traditions such as eating so much it makes people in the Third World cry, and getting cramps from eating too much while throwing the football in the yard, this week offers my family another opportunity to overeat as we gather to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Frankly, to me it’s an amazing thing when people can spend half a century married and not end up with one of them being profiled on “Dateline.” Maybe that’s just the cynicism prevalent in those of us who’ve gone through divorce, or maybe it’s just that the really annoying, bickering couples who act like they’re living out some kind of prison sentence stand out in our minds so much. I sometimes think about a couple who used to take acupuncture at the same time as me each week. He was suffering from some pretty serious problems and looked like he was about to punch the clock at any moment, so to speak. But that didn’t keep his bride from verbally riding him like a new bike. I just remember at one point her telling someone in the waiting room about how her husband of 50-plus years would hide from her in the garage to eat things she didn’t want him to have. He tried quietly to dispute her claims. “Well, you’re always chewing on something when I walk out there,” she snapped. “I just wanted a piece of pie,” he said in almost a



Time to give each other the benefit of the doubt ASHLEY TRICE/EDITOR/ASHLEYTOLAND@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM


am a member of the Alabama “liberal” media, or so I am told, so I guess I am supposed to write a column on how Sen. Jeff Sessions is a big, fat racist. But I am not going to do that, because I do not know that to be the case. If I had known this I would have written a column (probably many columns) sometime during the 20 years he has served as our U.S. Senator. I wasn’t saving one up on the off chance a man I thought would never, ever, ever be our president was somehow magically elected and then chose our senator to serve as Attorney General. Crazy thing, though — that’s exactly what happened. An alien invasion must be next. Sure, I had heard the reports of Sessions saying some things — some he denied, some he apologized for or said were taken out of context — that prevented him from getting a federal judgeship in the ‘80s. But the time all of this allegedly went down, I was in elementary school. And I have not heard any such reports since in the decades he has been in the public arena. Now I will say, if I were to write a novel and needed a “rich racist” character name, Jefferson Beauregard III would definitely be on my short list. Bobby Earl, Dwain and Bunky would play the role of “poor racists.” But now this novel already sounds like a cliché, so I am just going to write this column instead. But, Sessions would probably have an easier time with the East Coast media elite if his name were Doug, Todd or Lance. A guy named Lance can do no wrong, right? This is not a column meant to defend or defile Sen. Sessions. He has supporters and detractors making the case for and against him. And I am listening to both sides, especially to the folks who actually know and/or knew him. Yes, there were words that were disturbing to hear he said. But there were also actions that seem contrary to this narrative. The fact he prosecuted and got the death penalty for the Klansman who killed Michael Donald — a case that tore the heart out of this city — is significant. And that case is credited with putting the Klan out of business in Alabama, which I think we can all agree was a great, great accomplishment. Most things and people aren’t so absolute. I have yet to personally shake the hand of a devil or an angel. This is a column designed to remind everyone to not be so quick to judge people — even if you disagree with them on some things. And to give them the benefit of the doubt before labeling them something that just may not be the case. I am absolutely beyond fatigued by all the -ist-ing and the -phobe-ing this election has produced. Everyone apparently is a racist, a

sexist, a misogynist, a nationalist, an apologist, a xenophobe or a homophobe. I can’t even keep up with which ones are supposed to be which anymore. We live in a big country, there are millions of people and many of them do indeed suck. But many more do not. And we use terms so loosely to label people these days, it’s making it hard to determine who actually deserves these designations. Ironically, I feel like the quest of this generation to prove that we are the most tolerant Americans ever has made us some of the most intolerant. If someone doesn’t agree with us (or our politics) completely or tries to challenge our beliefs or have a thoughtful discussion on an issue, they are deemed whatever “-ist” their particular “judge” decides and written off with some clever hashtag as a terrible person. An announcement on Facebook and Twitter will be forthcoming and will declare them completely unacceptable and irredeemable. And this happens on both sides of the political spectrum. Again, I am not saying there aren’t awful people out there. Sadly there are. The horrible images of people spraypainting swastikas on churches, or screaming “heil Trump” in a hotel ballroom like it’s as normal as attending an Amway convention, or vandalizing mosques or the cars of Muslim Americans is scary and breaks my heart. But some are lumping good people with whom they simply disagree on policy in with these vile creatures. And that’s not fair and will only serve to deepen the divide in our country. I think it is time for us all to stop screaming and start listening. This Thanksgiving, if politics come up (and I am sure they will) and you find yourself wanting to throw up your turkey in your mouth a little when your conservative uncle starts on one of his rants, or wanting to roll your eyes at everything your liberal cousin has to say, listen to their points of view. You don’t have to agree with them, but you don’t have to hate them more than that disgusting Jell-O mold thing with nuts your grandmother always makes and you feel obligated to eat. And you may be able to at least start to understand where they are coming from. Remember, we are all in this together and I do think we all just want a better country. We just disagree on the ways to get there. And that’s OK. Let’s keep open minds and open hearts and not judge each other so quickly. Besides, there are more things to disagree on in this great state over Thanksgiving dinner than politics. Roll Tide! War Eagle! Happy Turkey Day!

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Alabama’s campaign finance free-for-all BY LEE HEDGEPETH/CONTRIBUTING WRITER


labama’s campaign finance law has been broken for years, and lawmakers in Montgomery tried to fix it. So you already know what happened: they made a bad problem even

worse. That’s because after decades of widespread criticism of our state’s haphazard, good-for-nothing campaign finance law, Montgomery’s solution to fixing the problem wasn’t to crack down on the violations of the public trust that campaign finance laws are meant to ward against. Instead, their solution was something that would make even the most corrupt politicians blush. They decided that — at least for a few years — Alabama didn’t really need a campaign finance law at all. The new rules? Do whatever floats your political boat, ethics be damned, and taxpayers will foot the bill. Before 1988, Alabama didn’t even have a campaign finance law. That year, though, the Legislature finally heeded modern ethical standards and passed a toothless but symbolic law aimed at stemming dark money in state politics. That law, the Fair Campaign Practices Act, didn’t work effectively then and hasn’t really gotten any better. That doesn’t mean the all-knowing Alabama Legislature hasn’t tried, though. Since 1988, and particularly since the GOP took control of state politics in 2010, the Legislature has attempted to “solve” the issue several times. In 2013, for example, the Republican majority in

Montgomery “fixed” the FCPA by amending it to remove the $500 cap on political donations from corporations. That 2013 update to the law was also supposed to add stiff penalties for candidates for office who filed late or inaccurate reports of their campaign donations or expenditures. Emphasis on “supposed to.” Spoiler alert: It didn’t work. Instead of clarifying and closing the details and loopholes of the original FCPA, the 2013 update muddied the waters even further. The December following the 2013 language’s passage, Attorney General Luther Strange issued an opinion advising then-Secretary of State Jim Bennett that he (Bennett), despite serving as Alabama’s top election official, didn’t have legal standing to assess fees to candidates when they violated the campaign finance law. Essentially, the law as written didn’t authorize anyone to collect these fees — a perfect storm for candidates across the state to bend and break the law at their own whim. And they definitely did. After his election to office in November 2014, current Secretary of State John Merrill began advocating for even more “reforms” to the law. Recognizing that no penalties were being assessed for violations of the FCPA, Merrill made his case for changes to the Legislature. He said that his office looked at potential violations from the 2014 election cycle and the analysis showed that $60,000 to $100,000 in fines could have — and

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should have — been assessed had Montgomery done its job the first time. So the Legislature, and in particular Sen. Arthur Orr, the same lawmaker who’d made the grievous error in the 2013 language, went back to the drawing board. And what did they decide? In 2015, Goat Hill passed another “fix” that allows Alabama’s secretary of state to assess those fines that should have been assessed for years. The fine print? It doesn’t kick in until the 2018 election cycle. A law its sponsor said “will bring a lot more transparency and accountability to our electoral system” won’t do anything at all for years. Until then, the Yellowhammer State is destined for a campaign finance free-forall. And it’s already begun. One of the only positive changes in the arena over the years is that all of the campaign finance reports — at least the ones actually filed — are available on the secretary of state’s website, a welcome change that brings some transparency to a complicated and opaque system. I examined reports on the site showing that in 2015 more than 500 campaign finance reports were filed late. Of those, had there actually been any law in effect, hundreds could have been assessed fines: 324 fines of $500 or 10 percent of the reported amount, whichever is higher, could have been assessed; 47 fines of the higher of $600 or 15 percent could have been collected; 89 penalties of $1,200 or 20 percent could have been assessed. At a bare minimum, these penalties would have brought in nearly $300,000 in revenue (and potentially much, much more) for the state had the Alabama Legislature cared to actually “fix” anything at all. So that’s the reality. Even right now, as of press time, 38 campaign committees and political action committees have filed their November reports late; another 37 still haven’t turned them in at all. Both of those would be violations of the law … if it were 2018, or if we had a competent Legislature. If only. So, until 2018, we’ve got to be the campaign finance police. Not the press — the public. Election officials can’t hold them accountable until 2018, but you can. Go to the secretary of state’s website monthly and check the reports filed late. Look through that list for your local legislators. If you see them, give them a ring and tell them that if you filed your finance reports late, you’d be getting a call from the IRS, so they should get a call, too. Until we can rely on Montgomery to tame this campaign finance freefor-all, we’ll just have to do it ourselves.


Apparently we’re all ‘white nationalists’ now BY JEFF POOR/COLUMNIST/JEFFREYPOOR@GMAIL.COM


hortly after President Barack Obama was sworn in as president in 2009, the now-defunct print edition of Newsweek ran, as its cover story, an article by Jon Meacham declaring us all to be “socialists” now. The country was on the verge of passing $1 trillion of stimulus spending. According to that piece, the people had spoken — Keynesian economics had triumphed over Reaganomics. Elections have consequences and it was time we accepted this new era of European-style big government. As is the case with a lot of these think pieces, that sensational headline was a bit of an overreach. That era of big government lasted only two years. Enough Americans came out to the polls in 2010 to force Congress to change hands and the government remained divided until the end of Obama’s presidency. That was at least a halt in the country’s lurch toward European socialism. As a sort of an intellectual exercise, let’s play Meacham’s game. If the election of Obama is grand enough for Americans to be painted with one broad stroke, surely we can do the same with the unlikely election of Donald Trump. How about, “We’re all populists now”? If you take the words of Obama on Trump literally, then we’re not all ideological — rather, we’re pragmatists now. However, if you listen to the media and aggrieved election protestors, one would come away believing we’re all “white nationalists” now, hence the “not my president” chants. (Disclaimer: He actually is your president, no matter what you say.) White nationalists? Really? It’s a strange phenomenon. With the exception of the 2000 election, which dragged on until January because of the close vote in Florida, the heated rhetoric that fueled the presidential election dies down in mid-to-late November. Sure, the news cycle continues with the speculation and announcements of who will be in the president’s Cabinet. But things cool off and the news shifts from the blowby-blow of a presidential campaign to the holiday season. Instead of a TV news segment or newspaper story about what influences someone’s swing vote in flyover country America, we get a Thanksgiving recipe or something about the best toy or gadget gift ideas for Christmas. That’s just not the case this time. It’s gotten uglier and nastier since the election. Trump’s win, which was obviously disappointing for most reporting the news from major media outlets, has created an even more toxic environment than before. It has gotten nastier. It has gotten more petty. Hurt feelings, OK. I can accept the emotional response to the election as a reason for this. But beyond that, what is the point?

Take Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick to be U.S. Attorney General. The media and the Left are currently on a crusade to convince the nation that Sessions — who has been a U.S. senator for over two decades and most recently ran unopposed — is apparently a Klan-sympathizing white nationalist. And all you people in Alabama who have voted for him overwhelmingly in four elections, you’re racist as well. Last week Axl Rose, front man for the band Guns N’ Roses, declared in a tweet, “Good people don’t listen to, acknowledge, nominate or elect people like Senator Jeff Sessions.” Rose didn’t arrive at that conclusion on his own. Likely instead, it is just what he had been convinced to believe from watching the news. Sessions ran unopposed in 2014, but in 2008, running against Vivian Figures, 1.3 million Alabamians voted for him. That’s a lot of people to discredit. Also, someone might want to tell Axl Rose that a lot of people who still feel compelled to rock 1980s Guns N’ Roses T-shirts in 2016 probably voted for Trump. None of this is likely to end anytime soon. Trump, his Cabinet picks and his voters will continue to be maligned. It’s not clear what the end goal is here. Is it some sort of long game critics in the media think that they can play until the midterm and next presidential elections? “If we call people who vote Republican racist, then they’ll vote for us next time.” At some point you reach the law of diminishing returns. One of the lessons that was supposed to be learned is how out of touch the elites are with the rest of America. Even if you concede Trump lost the popular vote, there are still nearly 62 million Americans who did what the media and Left say is truly unimaginable, unsettling and disgusting — they (gasp!) voted for Donald Trump. Be warned. This will continue. For everything Trump does, there will be multiple analyses decrying the decision as horrible. What they’re missing is that the law of diminishing returns will kick in. Every time the charges of “racist,” “anti-Semite” or “white nationalist” are thrown out there, they become devalued. At some point over the next four years, people are going to look around and say, “None of the things we warned about happened.” Some will probably tell us not to believe our own eyes. Trump voters are the bad ones, even though the people presently protesting are engaging in acts of vandalism and violence. There will be more of that to come. After a couple of years of telling Trump voters who voted for Obama in 2012 and 2008 they’re racists, and after commissioning polls that were not at all accurate in this election, the credibility in these once-respected institutions is not going to be there anymore. They’re digging their own graves.

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he Vineyard, a high-end wine bar serving tapas, will be opening in the former 2,500-square-foot Wine Loft space at Legacy Village. Buff Teague and Allen Garstecki with JLL handled leasing for the center. The tenant plans to open in early December. Per Nathan Handmacher with Stirling Properties, Zebra Marketing is moving to 850 Lakeside Drive to occupy a 6,250-square-foot office space. Handmacher represented Zebra and The McAleer Tunstall Co. worked for the landlord. A local investor purchased some 78 acres of land on Pollard Road in Daphne from Malbis Plantation Inc. for more than $1 million. Future plans include a residential development. Andrew Dickman with Stirling Properties managed the transaction. Alabama Land Title Company Inc. handled the title work. Some 1,400 square feet of restaurant space was leased by Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza inside the Oak Tree Plaza Shopping Center at 7820 Moffett Road in Semmes. Christy Chason of JLL represented Papa Murphy’s and The McAleer Tunstall Co. worked for the landlord. According to Paul Carter with the Paul Carter Agency, Cross River Church purchased a 13,000-square-foot building at 2070 Schillinger Road S. for $800,000. The church has been temporarily leasing three buildings in West Mobile since its Zeigler Circle sanctuary burned down about three years ago. Plans are in place to move to the new site in 60 days after cosmetic changes have been made to the property. Carter worked for the buyers and Mitchum Jackson of Heggeman Realty represented the sellers. According to Chris Harle with White-Spunner Realty, White House Antiques has leased 4,400 square feet of retail space at 7163 Airport Blvd. in Mobile. Tim Herrington of Herrington Realty represented the landlord; Harle worked for the tenant.

UWSWA offers financial planning

As the local area accelerates full tilt into the holiday season, with Thanksgiving get-togethers this week and Christmas festivities next month, United Way of Southwest Alabama recently launched My Smart Money as a financial planning tool on the website. The page is an interactive and free website that offers tips to help individuals and families manage their finances more conveniently. It walks users through steps for tackling real-life problems that impact their financial landscapes. Examples of services provided include educational links to help set a budget, reducing debt, initiating a savings plan, improving credit, saving for college and planning for retirement “The average American household carries total debt of more than $90,000,” Laurie Childers, UWSWA director of community impact, said. “When people are able to find decent jobs, provide for their families and save for the future, they and their children are more likely to enjoy healthy lives and succeed in school. The result is thriving communities where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.” The site is free and powered by SunTrust Foundation, but does not direct users to any SunTrust Bank products or financial products from any other banks, insurance companies or financial planners. User information is secure; no information is saved or stored on the site. Users do not create an account or enter any identifiable information. Any information entered is used only for real-time calculations and not saved “As we enter the holiday season, United Way of Southwest Alabama understands that the holidays may not be a merry, carefree time for everyone in our region. Financial stresses can be particularly overwhelming during this time of the year and getting financial advice costs money,” Clifford Grimes, president and CEO of UWSWA, said.

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BASF investing in McIntosh site

BASF recently announced plans to invest more than $200 million in its plastic additives business worldwide. Part of this investment will focus on strengthening its manufacturing footprint in North America by investing in its McIntosh site to support market growth. The investment will also increase capacity for Tinuvin product lines to support global demand. “To us, this is a clear signal of our customers’ commitment to growth in the region,” Anup Kothari, senior vice president of BASF’s performance chemicals division, said. “The close proximity of our McIntosh site to our customers’ plants places us in an ideal position to fuel their growth.” BASF’s investment in McIntosh will expand the production capacity of light stabilizers in general and the Tinuvin product line in particular. Tinuvin UV absorbers (UVAs) prevent degradation of both plastics and coatings by filtering out harmful UV radiation. BASF’s capital investment to increase the production capacity of benzotriazoles, in particular, will better serve the global needs of its customers in plastics and coatings. In addition to its United States locations, BASF’s plastic additives business has manufacturing sites in Mexico, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Bahrain, China and Singapore.

RSQ recognized for website design

According to a news release, Mobile-based RSQ, a digital agency with offices in Mobile and Chicago, recently received several top awards in web design and development. The W3 Awards recognized RSQ with gold and silver for the design and development of NYC Pride is the largest and oldest LGBT pride organization. The group also awarded RSQ for the creation of with Best of Show in video or motion graphics. Deutser is a consulting firm with offices in Houston and Los Angeles. The W3 Awards honor creative excellence and the very best of the web. It is the first major competition to equally judge digital work by Fortune 500 companies, international agencies and small firms. The W3 is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of toptier professionals from a “Who’s Who” of acclaimed media, interactive, advertising and marketing firms. RSQ’s new site,, was recognized as Site of the Day and given a developer award by Awwwards, which showcases the world’s best web designers, developers and digital agencies. In addition, the show awards agencies that create unique digital experiences that are useful, innovative, intuitive and beautiful. “We’re proud of the sites and all of the hard work that went into their creation by us and our clients,” Rich Sullivan, CEO and executive creative director for RSQ, said. “These projects represent the exceptional level of user-friendly digital design that we constantly seek to achieve.”


To brine or not to brine: turkey-talk for ovens, smokers and fryers BY ANDY MACDONALD/CUISINE EDITOR


rining a turkey is an old-school way of almost ensuring a bird is tender and juicy no matter how you cook it. Growing up we were not brine users. It just never came up. My grandmother was in charge of the dressing and turkey, and it always seemed fine to me, so brining never became part of the ceremony. Early in my love affair with the Thanksgiving holiday I found myself more fond of dark meat than white. There was more flavor hiding in that thigh, and what preteen doesn’t want to grab a turkey leg and eat like a caveman in front of all his envious cousins, siblings and disapproving elders? It was dark meat for me, for sure. Keep that dry breast. There isn’t enough gravy on the table. Then one year, the unthinkable happened. A mistake was made. An error on the part of my usually attentive grandmother changed Thanksgiving forever. For decades this woman was accustomed to placing the turkey in the roasting pan with the legs pointing upward and outward, bound at the wouldbe feet. But on this particular year she accidentally cooked it breast and leg side down. With gravity doing the work, all of the juices from the bony back and its surrounding areas seeped down into the breast, giving the well-done white meat a pinkish hue and a taste unmatched by any previous year. It was so succulent that I, the white meat naysayer, couldn’t get enough of it. From then on, my grandmother was encouraged to exploit her “mistake,” following a path she never intended. That is one way to keep a bird juicy. I still practice that

method to this day, be it turkey or chicken. We all have our routines. But brining is the only other way I know to make a turkey any juicier. Combine the two practices and you will be in for a gobbler that can’t be beat. Wait. I know what you’re thinking. Cajun injecting is the way to go. Well, yes and no. I do not frown upon this behavior. I have injected enough turkeys and chickens that I’ve developed severe syringe-thumb. Using an injecting method is really the only option for a last-minute marinade. It’s like marinating from the inside out. The problem is you will have dry spots and pockets of flavor. A good brining can encompass and penetrate the entire turkey. But you have to plan ahead. A chicken is good overnight, but a 10-to-12-pound turkey may need 24 to 36 hours in the drink for best results. The brine itself should change depending upon what you are looking for. A good starting point is a cup of sugar and a cup of salt dissolved in two gallons of hot water (cooled before the turkey is added) then refrigerated. I prepare by placing my turkey in whatever vessel I’m using to brine and cover it with water while it’s still in the store wrapper. Then I measure how much water that is and make my brine accordingly. So when you think of salt and sugar, think of how that can vary. Kosher salt, table salt, brown sugar, white sugar or sea salt can all be used. I’m not giving you a hardcore recipe. Think of what you will be eating with it. Some people love the Cajun flavor. Melted butter, garlic

and cayenne pepper should do the trick. Don’t forget the holy trinity of celery, bell pepper and onion. Go easy on the cayenne pepper if you’re unsure of your guests’ pain threshold. Apple cider is a common additive. For a fall holiday, what better way to season a turkey than with apples. As we cool down, the citrus gets better, so a lot of people use sliced oranges in their brines. Lemons work just as well. When it comes to liquor, wine (red and white) makes an appearance in many recipes, but bourbon is a close second. A half-cup will usually do the trick. Use brown sugar (either light or dark) in this one, perhaps a little extra, and consider chopped pecans as an additive. A little butter can help this concoction come to life, especially if you are deep-frying. A classic, earthy brine that to me really captures the essence of what I think Thanksgiving is all about begins with kosher salt and white sugar as a base. Give that the Simon and Garfunkel treatment of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. A little pinot noir would not hurt. And finally, an uncooked mirepoix (onions, celery, carrots) added after the water has cooled will stand up to just about any dressing, gravy or cranberry sauce. Now let’s talk about safety. Don’t ruin my favorite holiday by poisoning your family or burning down your carport. Once your turkey has soaked in the brine for your determined length of time you must discard the liquid and all that is associated with it. Don’t use it for gravy. Don’t use it for anything else. You’ve had raw fowl in this stockpot and any vegetables, juices or herbs must be thrown away. Wash your pot thoroughly with soap and hot water before you use it for anything else. Also pat the turkey dry with paper towels before you roast, smoke or fry it. If frying, one must exercise extreme caution. By brining this turkey for so long, there is little chance any part of it is frozen. It should have been thawed before you brined it. Ice or any water is not a friend of peanut oil. The forecast looks picture perfect, so only fry in open areas away from structures. I’m so excited just talking about this. Stay safe and brine away. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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FAMOUS CHICKEN FINGERS. 310 S. University Blvd. • 343-0047 2250 Airport Blvd. • 479-2922 7641 Airport Blvd. • 607-7667 2558 Schillinger Rd. • 219-7761 3249 Dauphin St. • 479-2000

$10/PERSON $$ 10-25/PERSON $$$ OVER 25/PERSON




ALL SPORTS BAR & GRILL ($) CLASSIC HOTDOGS, GYROS & MILKSHAKES. 3408 Pleasant Valley Rd • 345-9338


CLASSIC HOTDOGS, GYROS & MILKSHAKES. 4701 Airport Blvd. • 342-3243

ATLANTA BREAD COMPANY ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SALADS & MORE. 3680 Dauphin St. • 380-0444




DAILY SPECIALS MADE FROM SCRATCH. 57 N. Claiborne St. • 694-6853.


GOOD OLD AMERICAN COOKING 263 St. Francis St • 405-1497

CAFE 219 ($)

SALADS, SANDWICHES & POTATO SALAD. 219 Conti St. • 438-5234

CAMELLIA CAFÉ ($-$$$) CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN FARE. 61 Section St., Fairhope • 928-4321



DELI FOODS, PASTRIES & SPECIALTY DRINKS. 4072 Old Shell Rd. • 304-0448

CHAT-A-WAY CAFE ($) QUICHES & SANDWICHES. 4366 Old Shell Rd. • 343-9889

CHICKEN SALAD CHICK ($) CHICKEN SALAD, SALAD & SOUP. 2370 S. Hillcrest Rd. Unit R • 660-0501 5753 Old Shell Road • 408-3236, 1802 US Hwy 98 Suite F• 625-1092

CHI-TOWN DAWGZ ($) CHICAGO STYLE EATERY 1222 Hillcrest Rd. • 461-6599


COFFEE, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DESSERT 351 George St #B • 405-0003


HOT LUNCH, DAILY MENU (INSIDE VIA) 1717 Dauphin St. • 470-5231


PHILLY CHEESE STEAKS, GYROS & MORE. 7101-A Theodore Dawes Rd. • 653-2979



CLASSIC BURGERS, HOTDOGS & SETTING. 1808 Old Shell Rd. • 473-7872


DONUTS, COFFEE AND SANDWICHES 1976 Michigan Ave • 442-4846 3876 Airport Blvd • 219-7369 505 Schillinger Rd. S. • 442-4845 29160 US Hwy 98 • 621-2228


195 S University Suite H • 662-1829


HOT SUBS, COLD SALADS & CATERING. 6300 Grelot Rd. • 631-3730


211 Dauphin St. • 690-7482


BAKERY, SANDWICHES AND MORE 750 S. Broad St • 438-1511, 4464 Old Shell Road • 342-8546, 107 St. Francis St. Suite 102 • 438-2261

REGINA’S KITCHEN ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SUBS AND SOUPS. 2056 Gov’t St. • 476-2777





HOMEMADE SOUPS & SANDWICHES 65 Government St • 208-6815 SEAFOOD AND SANDWICHES 212 ½ Fairhope Ave • 928-4100

WRAPS & SALADS. 3220 Dauphin St. • 479-2480

SANDWICHES, SOUTHWEST FARE, 7 DAYS. 1203 Hwy 98 Ste. 3D, Daphne • 626-2440












AWARD-WINNING BARBQUE. 1111 Gov’t Blvd. • 433-7427

3758 Dauphin Island Pkwy. • 473-1401 FAST BBQ W/ DRIVE-THRU 3249 Dauphin St. • 652-3508

FOOD, WINE AND MORE. 5150 Old Shell Rd. • 341-1497


323A De La Mare Ave, Fairhope • 990-0003 1104 Dauphin St.. • 478-9494

A PREMIER CATERER & COOKING CLASSES. 1880-A Airport Blvd. • 450-9051

LIVE MUSIC, MARTINIS & DINNER MENU. 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000




CORNER 251 ($-$$)




DAUPHIN’S ($$-$$$)




SEAFOOD, SANDWICHES, SALADS & SOUPS. 4513 Old Shell Rd. • 408-9622 MIND-BLOWING ISLAND FOOD. 3700 Gov’t Blvd. Ste A • 602-1973 AUTHENTIC SUB SANDWICHES 7449 Airport Blvd • 375-1820 SANDWICHES, CATERING & DELIVERY TOO. 6920 Airport Blvd. • 414-5444 9 Du Rhu Dr. • 340-8694 62 B Royal Street • 432-0360

LUNCH & DINNER. 3004 Gov’t Blvd • 287-1220

GRILLED STEAKS, CHICKEN & SEAFOOD. 720A Schillinger Rd. S. S2. • 607-7200 901 Montlimar Dr • 408-3133

HOMEMADE LUNCH & BREAKFAST. 104 N. Royal St. • 434-0011

HIGH QUALITY FOOD AND DRINKS 251 Government St • 460-3157



TIN ROOF ($-$$)




AMERICAN RESTAURANT & BAR 250 Dauphin St. • 476-1890


GREAT FOOD AND COCKTAILS 609 Dauphin St. • 308-3105

CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FOOD. 351A George & Savannah St. • 436-8890 AMERICAN, SEAFOOD,STEKHOUSE. 9 Du Rhu Dr. S. • 341-3370

GREAT LUNCH & DINNER. 3607 Old Shell Rd. • 445-8700


GREAT SMOOTHIES, WRAPS & SANDWICHES. Du Rhu Dr. • 378-5648 570 Schillinger Road • 634-3454

NOJA ($$-$$$)




6358 Cottage Hill Rd. • 725-6917

MCSHARRY’S ($-$$) AUTHENTIC IRISH PUB 101 N. Bancroft St • 990-5100


HOTDOGS SANDWICHES & COOL TREATS 3371 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 300–4015


2550 Dauphin Island Pkwy S. • 307-5328

WAREHOUSE BAKERY & DONUTS ($) COFFEE AND DONUTS 759 Nichols Avenue, Fairhope • 928-7223

WILD WING STATION ($) 1500 Gov’t St. • 287-1526


MONTEGO’S ($-$$)

FRESH CARIBBEAN-STYLE FOOD & CRAFT BEER. 6601 Airport Blvd. • 634-3445 225 Dauphin Street • 375-1576


JAPANESE CUISINE. 3654 Airport Blvd. S. C • 725-6078


SERVING LOCAL SEAFOOD & PRODUCE 167 Dauphin St. • 458-9573


3011 Springhill Ave. • 476-2232


FIVE ($$)

HIGH QUALITY FOOD WITH A VIEW 107 St. Francis St • 444-0200

LIGHT LUNCH WITH SOUTHERN FLAIR. 226 Dauphin St. • 433-6725

GREAT SANDWICHES, COFFEE & MORE. 1087 Downtowner Blvd. • 643-1611

UPSCALE SUSHI & HIBACHI. 364 Azalea Rd. • 343-6622


SOUTHERN CASUAL FAMILY DINING 10800 US hwy 31 • 621-4995




COFFEE, LUNCHES, LIVE MUSIC & GELATO. 3 Royal St. S. • 415-3000


SLAP YOUR MAMA GOOD HOME COOKING. 220 Dauphin St. • 432-6262

9091 US-90 Irvington • 957-1414


INSIDE VIRGINIA’S HEALTH FOOD 3055 A Dauphin St • 479-3200

MAMA’S ($)



COFFEE, SMOOTHIES, LUNCH & BEERS. 5460 Old Shell Rd. • 344-4575


PUB FOOD AND DRAFT BEERS 251 Dauphin St • 287-6871


273 S. McGregor Ave • 287-0555, 6345 Airport Blvd. • 287-0555, 940 Industrial Pkwy • 308-2158


SANDWICHES, SOUPS, SALADS & MORE. 41 West I-65 Service Rd. N Suite 150.

HOME COOKING. 4054 Government St. • 665-4557


3964 Gov’t Blvd. • 378-8083

7 SPICE ($-$$)


PIZZAS, SANDWICHES, COCKTAILS. 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000

AMAZING SUSHI & ASSORTMENT OF ROLLS. 661 Dauphin St. • 432-0109

216 St Francis St. • 421-2022



QUALITY FOOD, EXCELLENT SERVICE 5045 Cottage Hill Rd. • 607-6454

WINE BAR, CRAFT BEERS & BISTRO 6808 Airport Blvd. • 343-3555


THE HOUSE ($-$$)

3210 Dauphin St. • 287-0115 400 Eastern Shore Center • 459-2862


BACKYARD CAFE & BBQ ($) HOME COOKIN’ LIKE MOMMA MADE. 2804 Springhill Ave. • 473-4739

MUFFINS, COFFEE & WRAPS. 105 Dauphin St. • 433-9855


OVEN-BAKED SANDWICHES & MORE. 252 Azalea Rd. • 341-3533, 1335 Satchel Page Dr. Suite C. • 287-7356 7440 Airport Blvd. • 633-0096 30500 State Hwy 181 #132 • 625-6544


LOCAL INGREDIENTS 203 Dauphin St. • 690-6824

INVENTIVE & VERY FRESH CUISINE. 6 N. Jackson St. • 433-0377


BEEF, LAMB & SEAFOOD. 4356 Old Shell Rd. • 340-6464

FRIED, GRILLED, STEAMED & ALWAYS FRESH. 3300 River Rd. • 973-9070







MEDITERRANEAN SANDWICH COMPANY ($) GREAT & QUICK. 274 Dauphin St. • 545-3161 2502 Schillinger Rd. Ste. 2 • 725-0126 6890 US-90 (DAPHNE) • 621-2271



GUMBO, ANGUS BEEF & BAR. 72. S. Royal St. • 432-SCAM (7226)



3662 Airport Blvd. • 378-5466

EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE & TASTE. 271 Glenwood St. • 476-0516


AUTHENTIC TURKISH & MEDITERRANEAN 3702 Airport Blvd. • 461-6901

SUPREME EUROPEAN CUISINE. 2579 Halls Mill Rd. • 479-0006


AUTHENTIC VIETNAMESE CUISINE. 763 Holcombe Ave. • 478-5814


A HISTORIC SEAFOOD DIVE W/ LIVE MUSIC. 3775 Hwy. 98 • 625-1998 ECLECTIC DINING & SPACE. 6955 Airport Blvd. • 633-7196

QUALITY CAJUN & NEW ORLEANS CUISINE. 29249 US Highway 98 Daphne. • 621-1991

CRAVIN CAJUN/DIP SEAFOOD($) PO-BOYS, SALADS & SEAFOOD. 1870 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 287-1168



FELIX’S FISH CAMP ($$) UPSCALE DINING WITH A VIEW. 1420 Hwy. 98 • 626-6710

FISHERMAN’S LEGACY ($) DELI, MARKET AND CATERING. 4380 Halls Mill Rd. • 665-2266

THE GRAND MARINER ($-$$) LOCAL SEAFOOD & PRODUCE. 6036 Rock Point Rd. • 443-5700

THE HARBOR ROOM ($-$$) UNIQUE SEAFOOD. 64 S. Water St. • 438-4000


2400 Airport Blvd. • 307-5535

SAISHO ($-$$)

Sushi Bar. 650 Cody Rd. S • 300-8383


DELICIOUS, TRADITIONAL THAI CUISINE. 3821 Airport Blvd. • 344-9995

LULU’S ($$)

INSIDE THE MOBILE MARRIOTT. 3101 Airport Blvd. • 476-6400




UNION ($$$)

PREMIUM STEAKS & BURGERS. 659 Dauphin St. • 432-0300


HALF SHELL OYSTER HOUSE ($) 3654 Airport Blvd. • 338-9350

GULF COAST CUISINE, REINVENTED. 200 E. 25th Ave., Gulf Shores • 967-5858 LIVE MUSIC & GREAT SEAFOOD. 200 E. 25th Ave., Gulf Shores • 967-5858


BBQ, BURGERS, WINGS & SEAFOOD 19170 Hwy 43 Mt. Vernon. • 839-9927


A FAVORITE BARBECUE SPOT. 5456 Old Shell Rd. • 343-0001



RALPH & KACOO’S ($-$$)


DOWNTOWN LUNCH 101 N. Conception St. • 545-4682


CHARM ($-$$)

R&R SEAFOOD ($-$$)

ZEA’S ($$)




BBQ AND MORE. Jubilee Sq.Ctr. Hwy 90, Daphne • 210-2151 McGowin Park Ctr. Satchel Paige Dr. • 471-1050 7721 Airport Blvd • 380-8957




GROWLER STATION AND BITES 1801 Old Shell Rd. • 345-4767

ORIGINAL SANDWICH AND BAKE SHOP. 42 ½ Section St., Fairhope • 929-0122 102 Dauphin St. • 405-0031


FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES ($) BAR FOOD BURGERS, MILKSHAKES & FRIES 4401 Old Shell Rd. • 447-2394 4363 Airport Blvd. • 661-0071 5319 Hwy 90 • 660-0071 1225 Satchel Page Dr., E100 • 378-8768


271 Dauphin St • 438-9585

PDQ ($)

CHICKEN FINGERS, SALAD & SANDWICHES. 1165 University Blvd. • 202-0959



RIBS, SANDWICHES & GREAT SIDES. 3314 Old Shell Rd. • 479-9898

MOE’S ORIGINAL BAR B QUE ($) BARBEQUE & MUSIC. Bayfront Park Dr., Daphne • 625-RIBS 701 Springhill Ave. • 410-7427 4672 Airport Blvd. • 300-8516

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SEAFOOD, ASIAN AND AMERICAN CUISINE 69 St. Michael St • 375-1113 CASUAL FINE DINING. 104 N. Section St., Fairhope • 929-2219

TRADITIONAL SUSHI & LUNCH. 312 Schillinger Rd. • 633-9077 THAI & SUSHI 5369 D Hwy 90 W • 661-5100

CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN CUISINE Battle House Hotel, Royal St. • 338-5493

THAI KITCHEN AND SUSHI BAR 960 Schillinger Rd. S • 660-4470

GOURMET ROTISSERIE. PRIME RIB & SEAFOOD. 4671 Airport Blvd. • 344-7414

LUNCH BUFFET 3674 Airport Blvd. • 341-6171


THAI FARE AND SUSHI 2000 Airport Blvd. • 478-9888


WINE, BEER, GOURMET FOODS, & MORE. 720 Schillinger Rd. S. Unit 8 • 287-1851


A TAPAS RESTAURANT & COCKTAILS 64 S. Water St. • 438-4000


HIBACHI GRILL & ASIAN CUISINE. 309 Bel Air Blvd • 470-8033

HIBACHI 1 ($-$$)

2370 Hillcrest Rd. Unit B • 380-6062

CAJUN KITCHEN & SEAFOOD MARKET. 2005 Government St. • 478-9897 THE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT! 1595 Battleship Pkwy • 626-0045

LAID-BACK EATERY AND FISH MARKET 1477 Battleship Pkwy. • 621-8366 SEAFOOD, BURGERS & STEAKS. 6120 Marina Dr., Dog River • 443-7318.

SEAFOOD, STEAKS, & EXTENSIVE WINE LIST. 6232 Bon Secour Hwy County Rd. 10. • 949-5086

WINTZELL’S OYSTER HOUSE ($-$$) FRESH SEAFOOD FOR OVER 75 YEARS 605 Dauphin St. • 432-4605 6700 Airport Blvd. • 341-1111 1208 Shelton Beach Rd., Saraland • 442-3335 805 S. Mobile St. • 929-2322


ASHLAND MIDTOWN PUB ($-$$) PIZZAS, PASTAS, & CALZONES. 245-A Old Shell Rd. • 479-3278


WINGS, BURGERS, PUB GRUB 6880 US-90 #14, Daphne • 625-4695


A SOUTHERN GRILL & BAR. 3673 Airport Blvd. • 344-2131

BUFFALO WILD WINGS ($) BEST WINGS & SPORTING EVENTS. 6341 Airport Blvd. • 378-5955


FAMOUS BURGERS, SANDWICHES & WINGS. 60 N. Florida St. • 450-0690





IRISH PUB FARE & MORE. 3692 Airport Blvd • 414-3000

WINGS, TENDERS, HOTDOGS & SANDWICHES. 312 Schillinger Rd. • 633-5877

ZANDER’Z ($-$$)

WINGS, BEERS AND DRINKS 1850 Airport Blvd • 471-5520


BUCK’S PIZZA ($$) DELIVERY. 350 Dauphin St. • 431-9444



GREAT PIZZA. LUNCH & DINNER. 4356 Old Shell Road • 342-0024


HOMEMADE PASTAS & SANDWICHES. 873 Hillcrest Ave. • 344-8115

BURGERS & BEER. 916 Charleston St. • 433-9374

SANDWICHES & COLD BEER. 273 Dauphin St. • 433-4376 Hillcrest & Old Shell Rd. • 341-9464

HURRICAN GRILL & WINGS ($-$$) WINGS, SEAFOOD, BURGERS AND BEER 7721 Airport Blvd. Suite E-180 • 639-6832


1715 Main St. • 375-0543


GUIDO’S ($$)

FRESH CUISINE NIGHTLY ON MENU. 1709 Main St., Daphne • 626-6082



COMFORT FOOD. 1716 Main St. Ste. C, Daphne • 281-2982


SMALL PLATES, PIZZAS, PASTAS AND WINE 3250 Airport Blvd. • 450-4556

BRILLIANT REUBENS & FISH-N-CHIPS. 101 N. Brancroft St. Fairhope • 990-5100 BAR & GRILL. 6255 Airport Blvd. • 447-2514

OLD 27 GRILL ($)

BURGERS, DOGS & 27 BEERS & WINES. 19992 Hwy.181 Old County Rd. Fairhope • 281-2663



PIES & AWESOME BEER SELECTION. 2032 Airport Blvd. • 471-4700 5660 Old Shell Rd. • 380-1500 29698 Frederick Blvd, Daphne • 621-3911

PIZZA, SUBS & PASTA. 1368 ½ Navco Rd.• 479-0066 PIZZA, SANDWICHES & SALADS. 5955 Old Shell Rd.• 344-9899


A TASTE OF ITALY . BYOB. 28691 U.S. Highway 98 • 626-1999

PINZONE’S ITALIAN DOWNTOWN ($$) ITALIAN, CATERING, TO-GO. 312 Fairhope Ave, Fairhope • 990-5535



PIZZA, PASTA, SALAD & MORE 102 N. Section St. • 929-2525

PIZZERIA DELFINA ($) PIZZA & PASTA 107 Dauphin St. • 375-1644

ROMA CAFE ($-$$)

PASTA, SALAD AND SANDWICHES. 7143 Airport Blvd. • 341-7217


Springdale Mall 3250 Airport Blvd. • 450-4556


WINGS, PO-BOYS, BURGERS. 210 Eastern Shore Center, Hwy. 98 • 929-0002

TRATTORIA PIZZA & ITALIAN ($$) ITALIAN FOOD & PIZZAS. 11311 US HIghway 31 Spanish Fort• 375-0076



HOMEMADE PASTAS & PIZZAS MADE DAILY. 5901 Old Shell Rd. • 342-3677







TASTE OF MEXICO 5452 Hwy 90 W • 661-5509


JIA ($-$$)

MOUTH WATERING MEXICAN FOOD 1175 Battleship Pkwy • 625-2722





MEXICAN CUISINE 260 Azalea Rd. • 375-1095



FUEGO ($-$$)



777 Beach Blvd.Biloxi • 877-877-6256

3300 W. Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 877-774-8439





158 Howard Ave. Biloxi • 800-725-2239

MIGNON’S ($$$)


OUTSTANDING MEXICAN CUISINE. 2066 Old Shell Rd. • 378-8621


HACIENDA SAN MIGUEL ($-$$) TASTE OF MEXICO 880 Schillinger Rd. S. • 633-6122 5805 US 90 • 653-9163






QUAINT MEXICAN RESTAURANT. 5556 Old Shell Rd. • 345-7484




AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE. 4633 Airport Blvd. • 342-5553

280 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 288-436-2946

MARIA BONITA AGAVE BAR & GRILL ($-$$) MEXICAN CUISINE. 3977 Gov’t Blvd. • 660-4970



TAQUERIA MEXICO ($-$$) AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FLAVOR. 3733 Airport Blvd. • 414-4496



BR PRIME ($$-$$$)

AZTECAS ($-$$)


875 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 888-952-2582






1980 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 800-747-2839

THE DEN ($-$$)


CQ ($$-$$$)


BLU ($)





FIRE ($$-$$$)


TIEN ($-$$)



303 Poarch Rd. Atmore • 866-946-3360 PRIME STEAKS, SEAFOOD & WINE.




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Choosing a brew for your Thanksgiving feast BY TOM WARD/CONTRIBUTING WRITER



Frankie Little seeks south-of-theborder gold with Rooster’s BY ANDY MACDONALD “It was nice to basically get a refresher and say, ‘That’s why I love this kind of food. That’s why I want to open this kind of restaurant,’” said Frankie Little of his recent multi-state taco tour. Beginning with stops in New Orleans, Little and pal Roy Clark meandered about the highways and byways testing taco trucks and brick-and-mortars all the way through Houston and San Antonio, Texas, until reaching the target destination of Austin. What sounds to many fellow taco lovers like a dream vacation was actually more of a research and development mis-

If you’re lucky enough to be off work Friday Nov. 25 — more importantly — not tied to more family commitments, there is a great event at Fairhope Brewing Co. for lovers of dark beer. “Black Friday” will feature 15 different varieties of special black beers that will only be available that day, such as Black is the New Orange and Gingerbread Stout, along with a number of variations of the Fairhope favorite, Judge Roy Bean coffee stout, including some with caramel and coconut. If you love dark beers, this is obviously an event for you. If you only drink stout at an Irish pub or are scared of dark beer, this is an event to broaden your mind and taste buds. Everyone will get a 7-ounce tasting glass to take home, and there will be music all afternoon and evening from Jim Burt, LA Brotherhood and Fat Man Squeeze. Finally, on Saturday, if you still haven’t had enough and you really want to go all out to support your side in the Iron Bowl, you can abandon your regular brew and try a local beer from Tuscaloosa or Auburn. Tuscaloosa has three breweries — Druid City Brewing, Black Warrior Brewing Co. and

sion for his new restaurant, Rooster’s Latin American Food. Coming to 211 Dauphin St. near the A & M Peanut Shop, the Rooster’s menu reads like an authentic taco stand with a little more to it. Renovations are still underway, but things are shaping up. No grand opening has been set as of now, but we can expect tacos just after the first of the year. It was only a couple of weeks ago that our explorers, Little and Clark, embarked on their journey. Between the two of them they ate 55 tacos in seven days, not to mention an assortment of burritos, tortas and soups. “It was great to see the trends. Taco trucks always make better tacos than restaurants. I don’t know what it is,” Little said. The highlights were Taqueria Sanchez, a New Orleans taco truck. Another truck in Houston sat outside the West Alabama

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Band of Brothers Brewing Co. — so if you are in T-town for the game, you can either stop by one of those taprooms or try one of their beers at one of the local watering holes carrying their beers on tap. Unfortunately, of the three, I’ve only been able to find Band of Brothers in our area. A couple of local bars carry Band of Brothers beers on tap, as did my local Piggly Wiggly, which had its Voodoo Mild, an English ale that’s very bitter but good and bold. If you want to support the Tigers, you have more work to do, as Auburn has only the Red Clay Brewing Co. in Opelika. At this time Red Clay’s brews are only available at its taproom.

Ice House (on West Alabama Street). In San Antonio friends led them to dinner and breakfast at high-end fusion places but it was Austin, Frankie Little’s former home, that took the cake. “The Wall Street Journal did an article on the five best places for breakfast burritos in Austin. We just happened to eat at two of those, Veracruz and Valentinas. We had some amazing goat soup. A Tex-Mex barbecue blend had delicious brisket and chicken,” Little said. Of course all of these things will help shape the Rooster’s menu. “Nothing is set in stone, but I’d say the menu is about 90 percent there,” he said. “The actual menu in the restaurant will be on chalkboards. Taylor Atchison, who is the project manager turning an old school on Broad Street into apartments, called me

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hanksgiving is our national holiday dedicated to overindulgence. With food and football dominating the long weekend, it’s also an opportunity to not settle for whatever swill is sitting in your crazy uncle’s garage refrigerator and try something new. While many reserve Thanksgiving dinner for a bottle of wine, if you so choose there are certainly a number of beers that go well with turkey and dressing. As long as you refrain from setting a can on the table, you can enjoy a nice beer at the family feast without looking like a Philistine. As a rule, darker beers go well with fowl, gravy and dressing, and I would recommend Arrogant Bastard Ale from California’s Stone Brewing Co., which is readily available in many grocery stores in our area. It has a very dark amber color, almost brown, and a good head. With both strong malt and hops flavors, it’s one of my favorites. With dessert, try something even darker, like a stout or porter. I don’t drink many porters, but recently tried the one from Bell’s, a Michigan brewery that also makes a fantastic IPA. The excellent Bell’s Porter is dark, smooth and malty; try it after your Thanksgiving dinner.


and said he had a bunch of old chalkboards in there that were solid slate from the early 1920s. I got three of them.” A veteran of the Mobile restaurant scene, Little says Rooster’s will be a fast/casual style of restaurant. Maybe “quick service” is a better way to describe it. Diners will order at the counter, and although there isn’t going to be an actual wait staff, they do intend to sell beer and margaritas. Dinner hours may see cashiers who also take on some of the traditional server duties. Visit the Rooster’s Facebook page to see the posts from the taco tour and keep up to date with the progress of the restaurant. Applications for employment are also being accepted at If there is ever another tour, I’ll be hurt if I’m not invited. Recycle!

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an you truly say it’s Thanksgiving if you haven’t had turkey? Though some vegans could probably debate the point, for the vast majority of Americans, the answer is “no.” Even though turkey likely wasn’t on the table at the first Thanksgiving feast, the flightless bird has been synonymous with the holiday since at least 1856. When designers were creating an official presidential seal for a young United States, the turkey found an early admirer in founding father Benjamin Franklin — not for its scrumptiousness, but for its “respectability and morality,” especially compared to the bald eagle, which Franklin saw as “lazy.” “For truth the turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America,” Franklin wrote in a letter to his daughter. “He is besides, though a little vain and silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on.” Today, the National Turkey Federation estimates more than 46 million turkeys are eaten every year at Thanksgiving in the U.S. Locally, Daron Mosley, whose family opened Mosley’s Meat Market in 1979, expects to sell around 6,000. “We sell them fresh, and we sell them smoked,” Mosley told Lagniappe last week. “We can [smoke] about 130 at one time.” Mosley said several people and businesses buy smoked turkeys as gifts for family, friends or employees each year. However, he said the majority of his sales at Thanksgiving come from fresh turkeys sold for traditional baking, which he feels most of his customers prefer

Bates Turkey Farm

For years, Mosley’s has gotten fresh turkeys from Bates Turkey Farm, which is about two hours up Interstate 65 in Logan. The farm’s longtime manager “Mr. Bill” Bates died in 2013; Mosley said he used to visit “Mr. Bill’ and the Bates farm almost every year. “He used to say, ‘eat turkey, feel perky,’ when actually the opposite is true,” Mosley joked with a customer in Mobile. “But I don’t know why we don’t really eat it more than once a year.” Bates grew up raising turkeys and knew “everything there was to know about them,” according to his granddaughter Cheri Weekley. He didn’t start the farm, but under his leadership the business grew, she said. The farm, which hatched in 1923 when Bill Bates’ parents were given six turkey eggs as a wedding gift, has been synonymous with Thanksgiving in Alabama for decades. So much so that every turkey pardoned by

an Alabama governor in the last 67 years has come from Bates Turkey Farm, Weekley said. A wall in the main office of the farm is dedicated to the tradition, with photos commemorating many of the pardons, the oldest of which shows Gov. John Patterson saving a lucky bird in 1959. The latest photo shows Gov. Bob Riley doing the honor in 2005. Gov. Robert Bentley pardoned the latest turkey in the middle of November, Weekley said, but the photo hasn’t been framed yet. All the turkeys hatched at Bates are raised free-range in pecan orchards spanning 1,500 acres, Weekley said. There are currently about 4,000 turkeys on the farm. “They have all the creature comforts they need,” she said. “Shade, water and food.” Bates used to tell family members not to eat the pecans in front of the turkeys so they wouldn’t learn they are edible, Weekley said. He didn’t want them to spoil their appetites for corn by eating pecans. Raising the turkeys in a free-range environment has two benefits. It is better for the birds, and it also prevents illness from spreading as quickly as it would if the birds were caged in poultry houses in close proximity to one another, Weekley said. “If you keep them locked up like that they aren’t as healthy,” she said. “Healthy, happy birds have room to roam, and sunshine.” Coyotes are the biggest threat to the free-range population, but the loss generated by a coyote has nowhere near the impact of an illness. Employees at the farm use occasional blasts from a “boom” cannon to scare off coyotes, Weekley said. Most of the turkeys on the farm hatch in August and grow for four months. The birds are inspected daily for health and to make sure they have enough food and water. Workers also check every morning for loss. The busiest time for sales at the farm is obviously Thanksgiving and Christmas, Weekley said. The farm also does a decent amount of business in the summer from visitors ordering a turkey on their way to the beach, she said. The farm mostly sells to individuals or distributors, but shipping has been a challenge. The farm is also developing an e-commerce side of the business to help reach more consumers. The farm’s restaurant in Greenville, Bates House of Turkey, is also a landmark on I-65 and a final destination for many of the Alabama-raised birds. “The restaurant keeps us going all year,” she said.

Turkey techniques

While the turkey’s place at the center of the Thanksgiving table remains unchallenged, the traditional baked

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turkey has had to make room for some new techniques, especially as more Americans have become brave enough to try frying an entire bird. When Alec Naman, owner of Naman’s Catering, fries a turkey, he prepares it with a Southern kick — injected with a blend of “cayenne pepper, garlic, ground mustard, onion powder, salt, pepper, hot sauce, lemon juice and Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning. “It’s fast, but it’s going to cost a little more because of the oil, and of course the propane and your little pot and basket,” Naman said. “So, you’ve got a real investment, but you can still cook a whole turkey in about an hour.” He recommends using a turkey no larger than 15 pounds when frying to ensure the exterior doesn’t overcook. According to Naman, the same size rule — 15 pounds or less — should be followed when roasting a turkey as well. It’s also important to make sure the turkey is kept off the bottom of the roasting pan, which Naman said allows it to roast evenly on all sides. “If you don’t have a little rack, put stuff like carrots, celery and onions under there. Leave em’ big — throw the whole stalk in, use whole carrots, cut onions in quarters and just let the turkey sit on that,” Naman added. “Put a little water in there, too, and around every hour you’re roasting, add a bit more water to keep it moist and get those flavors to rise up and penetrate the turkey.” In a 425 F. oven, Naman says, the roasting process takes 3-4 hours. He also recommends rubbing a blend of dry seasonings along the outside of the turkey as well as underneath the skin of the breast. Such a spice rub might include “basil, oregano, garlic, lemon pepper and poultry seasoning,” though substitutions are allowed. Smoking a turkey requires a bit more time. On a low temperature, it can take up to 10 hours, depending on its size. When using this method, Naman says, two things are important: keeping the heat low and slow — around 225 F. — and using the right wood chips. “You can use a variety of different chips to get some flavor going — mesquite, hickory, oak or applewood is really good,” Naman said. “If I can’t find applewood, I like to put a little bottle of apple juice down in the turkey and let the juice evaporate into the smoke.” When it comes to tradition, though, Naman agrees with Mosley’s customers that a baked turkey is the obvious choice. The key difference between baking and roasting, according to Naman, is that a baked turkey should “definitely be sitting in some kind of stock.” However, what makes a “traditional Thanksgiving turkey” can vary even among those who bake. A good bit of that schism comes from the stuffing — or the dressing — depending on who’s cooking. Seeing stuffing baked inside a turkey is not as common in the South as “dressing” — a similar substance consisting of mostly of cornbread and chicken fat that’s cooked in a separate baking dish far away from the main entree’s unmentionables. “You want to be sure to wash the cavity out really good to get all the crud out, but there’s multiple kinds of stuffings you can use,” Naman said. “There’s rice and meat stuffing, where you take rice, ground beef and maybe some onions and throw in there. Then there’s your basic cornbread stuffing, which you can also do with sausage and breading.” There may be more than one way to stuff a turkey, but according to Naman, not stuffing one at all is a missed opportunity, even if there’s no plan to eat it. “You can always stuff it with things like celery, onions, carrots, bell peppers, orange slices, apples or whatever, and you can do that kind of non-edible stuffing if you’re baking or roasting,” Naman said. “You let those things cook and let them items break down, then the moisture comes out and you get those flavors all throughout the turkey.”




“Kill one, take off the feathers, wash it and then you stuff stuffing inside it. Put some pepper on it, put it on the grill and then eat it.”

“Put a bunch of water in it. Put some flour in it and add some cauliflower and put some milk in it. After it gets to zero it’ll be done.”

— Addie Walker,

— Tristen Crenshaw, 5, Just 4 Developmental Laboratory

kindergarten, St. Ignatius

“Put it in the oven and microwave to warm it up. I’d cook some stuff to go with it. I’d put some salt and pepper on it.”

“I’d put it in the oven and on the stove because it needs to get hot.”

— MaRiyah Tillman,

Just 4 Developmental Laboratory

4, Just 4 Developmental Laboratory

— Allysen Stevens,

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Wright’s art takes wing at Spring Hill College BY KEVIN LEE/ARTS EDITOR/KLEE@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM


rtist Rachel Wright’s fascination with moths is more than a flight of fancy. It’s an existential synopsis. “There is something sublime in their brief, ephemeral existence that makes me more aware of the transitory nature of life. By incorporating the moth form into my sculptures, I am trying to capture a moment in the infinite cycle of life,” Wright wrote. The description is part of the artist’s statement in conjunction with Wright’s installation “Passage” in the Rotunda Gallery on the second floor of Spring Hill College’s visual art facility. Though an instructor at the University of South Alabama, she employed visual arts students from SHC in mounting the work. Fifty-five moons serenely arc through their phases across the gallery’s rounded wall, each seemingly formed from encrusted lace. Below them, dozens of alabaster moths spiral into a central point, all ghostly stark and nearly luminous against a cyan background. Though devoid of its customary frozen-liquid appearance, these moons are glass. The process was painstaking and began with Wright’s drawn lunar body for a model. “I screen-printed glass powders onto a kiln shelf and tack-fused it just hot enough that the glass would stick together but not so hot that it would create a big glass blob. Then after it came out of the kiln, I slumped it progressively three times into deeper and deeper forms. If you do it all at once it will wrinkle up like a handkerchief,” Wright described.

Sanborn focus of November MOJO

dinner is included and a cash bar is available. MOJO will be accepting nonperishable food donations for the Salvation Army’s food drive along with unwrapped new toys for the Angel Tree. For more information call 251-459-2298, email or go to

Art award finalists announced

The Mobile Arts Council released its list of finalists for the 2017 Arty Awards. The annual program celebrates the contributions individuals, groups and businesses make to the Mobile cultural community. Three finalists in nine categories were selected from what was described as a “record number of nominations.” Two awards — Lifetime Achievement and Patron — will be

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THE DESCRIPTION IS PART OF THE ARTIST’S STATEMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH WRIGHT’S INSTALLATION “PASSAGE” IN THE ROTUNDA GALLERY ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF SPRING HILL COLLEGE’S VISUAL ART FACILITY. ” ent, exhaust and cross fans for ventilation,” Wright said. After more consideration, she decided to stick with the wax figures of the moths — “a wax to the flame and that sort of thing” — and arrived at her finished product. The actual mounting not only taught the SHC students a little something about pinning moths for display but introduced a few of them to a mysterious substance. “We used carbon paper to transfer my design to the wall. One of the other students was explaining to them what it was and how when you ‘cc’ someone on an email that’s what it means,” Wright laughed. On display for the next year, this is the eighth in her “Leap” series and the latest in a fascination with moths that began years ago. In a statement for a 2013 show, she called them “a metaphor for transformation, metamorphosis and the ephemeral nature of the soul … Then there’s that thing about how they’re attracted to light and how that represents the soul’s attraction to knowledge.”

announced in December. Finalists are: • Artistic Innovation: Fry Building Project, Live from Avalon and The Lost Garden • Organization: Mobile Big Band Society, Mobile Fashion Week and Mobile Museum of Art • Artistic Design: Jason D’Alessandro, Ron Barrett and Tripp Gustin • Visual Artist: April Livingston, Devlin Wilson and J.D. Crowe • Literary Artist: Tom Perez, John Sledge and Frye Gaillard • Performing Artist: Excelsior Band, Lauren Woods and Tommy Rowell • Business: Hargrove Engineers, PNC Bank and Wind Creek Hospitality • Art Educator: Eric Brown, Paige Vitulli and Robert Ham • Art Soldier: Bob Spielman, Steven Alsip and

Red Cup Revolt (conz8000, Noelle Goodson, Stallworth, Diplomat). The nomination committee includes Devin Ford (Devin Ford Photography), Hillary Anaya (Mobile Arts Council), Lucy Gafford (Mobile Arts Council/working artist), Ardith Goodwin (working artist/St. Paul’s), Carmen Brown (musician), Elyse Goonan (One Mobile), Stacey Driskell (Mobile Opera), Karen Kennedy (Mobile Ballet), J.C. Barker (Mobile Symphony), Amanda Solley Wilson (Alabama Contemporary Art Center), Stan Hackney (Mobile Museum of Art), Bradley Sanders (Joe Jefferson Playhouse volunteer) and Gwendolyn Mulamba (professional actress). Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Friday, Jan. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Alabama Contemporary Art Center (301 Conti St.). Tickets are on sale now and available at the Mobile Arts Council or


Saxophonist David Sanborn arose from session work to become one of the most widely recognized names in modern music. The Missouri native began performing professionally as a teen with Albert King, Little Milton, James Brown, Eric Clapton, Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Todd Rundgren, Steely Dan, Bob James, Jaco Pastorius, Gil Evans and many others. The Mystic Order of the Jazz Obsessed will salute Sanborn on Monday, Nov. 28, 6:30 p.m. with a show curated by musical director Gino Rosaria and featuring the talents of saxophonist Al Alvarado. The event takes place at Gulf City Lodge (601 State St.), across from Dunbar Performing Arts School in downtown Mobile. Entrance is $12, $10 for students or military and $8 for MOJO members. A light jambalaya

That meant there were four separate firings for each moon, each firing lasting overnight. That entailed months, many moons of making moons. Their winged companions came about organically and biologically. First, Wright grew them. “I ordered the cocoons online, then discovered they were female when they came out of the cocoon and I could put them in a breeding cage where wild male moths would come to them overnight. I only got, like, six of them originally,” Wright said. She limited herself to luna and Polyphemus varieties, the latter named after the Cyclops in Homer’s Odyssey. Before long, she was rewarded with eggs, then caterpillars that molted a series of skins through roughly five weeks of growth. “The Polyphemus only ate certain kind of oak trees and the lunas, I could only get them to eat sweet gum. We tried birch and other things and they wouldn’t eat them,” Wright said. After leaving their cocoons, the moths are at most two weeks old, long enough to mate and lay eggs. They don’t even have working mouths at that point. When they expired, they became artwork. Originally planned for replication in glass, they had to be treated first. “Because the wings are so delicate I ended up dipping them in wax to mummify them and get them in position. Then I took two-part rubber molds of them and removed the bodies. Once I had the mold, I could cast it multiple

times,” Wright said. The original plan to transform the wax molds into glass was sidelined by a biological issue on the artist’s part. Her proximity to fumes from overheated wax wreaked havoc. “I was using a soldering iron to clean up the edges and was right next to it and made myself really sick with an upper respiratory infection. I had it a few weeks. It was to the point that just the thought of the wax made me cringe,” Wright said. Luckily a jaunt to medical help just two minutes from the campus art department did the trick. After a pair of steroid shots and antibiotics from a modern doc with an Old West name — Dr. Wiley Justice — she was on the mend. “I was way more careful about the studio. I went and bought three differ-

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BY STEPHEN CENTANNI/MUSIC EDITOR/SCENTANNI@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM “Any given night here, we’d play three or four original songs, and that was it,” Proctor said. “So Band: Marlow Boys Album Release Party Marlow Boys became the outlet for that. Stan and Date: Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. I do original stuff here that’s country sounds, but Venue: Callaghan’s Irish Social Club, I’ve written rock songs. We could’ve done them in 916 Charleston St., Deluxe Trio, but it wasn’t happening.” After the third member of Deluxe Trio, Steve Tickets: Call 251-433-9374 for more info. Varnes, retired from performing, Proctor and Foster began plotting their next move, which was hil Proctor and Stan Foster pooling their talents with fellow scene veteran are familiar faces on the local Karl Langley. Langley also wanted to create music scene. Over the years, original music and suggested tapping his cousin both musicians have been go-to Joe to complete the mix. Foster says Joe also sources for bluegrass, folk and brought a wealth of original material and talent to country. As both a solo artist the Marlow Boys. and a member of the Dog River “Karl said, ‘Hey, my cousin Joe has written a Boys, Proctor’s string work has established his million songs,’” Foster said. “We started hearing reputation as a skilled Americana artist. Foster’s some of these songs. We went over and played bass kept the beat in the legendary bluegrass outfit with him at church one day, and we were like, Rollin’ in the Hay. Now, Proctor and Foster have ‘Holy cow! This guy sings great and writes great joined with Karl Langley (Kyle & Karl) and his songs!’ I guess you called him the magic in the cousin Joe Langley in a project known as the Marlow Boys. He plays the harmonica great, and Marlow Boys. he sings great.” Many locals have already sampled this band’s With the lineup in place, the Marlow Boys beversatile sounds at their monthly gig at Calgan their monthly performances at Callaghan’s. laghan’s Irish Social Club. But with their recorded They also began working on the tracks for debut “Green Room, Volume 1” on the way, the “Green Room, Volume 1” at Karl’s Green Room Marlow Boys’ reputation might soon be spreading Studio. The album’s creation was not without beyond Mobile. obstacles. All four members have very full Deluxe Trio could be considered a precursor to schedules. Each works with other bands as well the new four-piece, where Proctor and Foster first as having a day job. While some would view collaborated. Throughout their time with the trio, this as not conducive to producing an album, both shared a desire to delve more into original the Marlow Boys turned their hectic lives into a compositions. However, Deluxe Trio focused beneficial aspect of the process. more on covers. “We were wanting to get stuff done and out,


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Marlow Boys releasing new album ‘Green Room’ but we would have to sit back, because schedules would change,” Foster said. “We would give it a couple of weeks and go back in and listen to [the recording]. We would hear something else and be like, ‘I think we need to change that.’ It gave us the time to fine-tune it, even though we went about things the long way. We got here, but we went around the horn to get there.” “Green Room, Volume 1” is a truly collaborative project, with all of the members’ respective musical talents pooled into one album. Both Proctor and Foster note the vocal strength of the band, with all harmonies beautifully balanced and leads shared by all members. In addition to their vocals, the Marlow Boys also utilize each member’s respective instrumental talents, especially when it comes to solos. “As far as solo instruments go, we’ve got a mandolin, electric guitar, lap steel and harmonica,” Foster said. “We’ve got those instruments playing solos, so not every song has an electric solo. We have variety. Why not use it?” The Marlow Boys’ collaborative efforts go beyond instrumental arrangements, with all four contributing original songs to the album. The five songs maintain cohesion while exploring various musical styles. Joe Langley’s “She’s More” opens the album with its classic honky-tonk sound, and he closes the album with the beautiful country ballad “Love, Love, Love.” Foster bring a little of the blues into “Green Room, Volume 1” with “Used to Do Me Right.” While best known for his earthier sounds, Proctor shows a side of his musical psyche many may not have experienced; his “Love Me” and

“Halfway Home” are great country rock anthems that display Proctor’s skills on the electric guitar. “I like playing rock ’n’ roll. I like to turn up, somewhat,” Proctor said. “I get to do that in this band. It’s been a good while since I’ve been in a four-piece band where there’s somebody else playing rhythm.” According to Proctor and Foster, the Marlow Boys are just getting started. Even with 20 unreleased songs in their repertoire, the two admit new songs are constantly being added. With so much talent and material, Proctor says their audience can expect both a “Volume 2” and a “Volume 3,” which Foster thinks will come sooner rather than later. “Now that we’ve done ‘Volume 1,’ we’re thinking volume two is going to be quicker,” Foster said. “A lot of it, we pinned it down to where we’re not flooded with so many options. We had so many options for awhile. Now that we’ve played these songs, we know it’s going to work. The themes of the songs have developed while we’ve played them live.” While a majority of their focus is on the Marlow Boys, Proctor and Foster are also getting ready to release a Phil & Foster live album, which they hope will happen before Christmas. This album documents their live performance at Callaghan’s on July 7 of this year. Rick Hirsch and Will Isherwood helped the duo capture the performance. In addition to Phil & Foster, the album will feature Andy MacDonald (Fat Man Squeeze), Donna Hall (Wet Willie) and Tim Dennis (Peek) as well as percussionists Joel F. Andrews and Jose Santiago.

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Country holiday


Band: Zachary Thomas Diedrich Band Date: Thursday, Nov. 24, at 10 p.m. Venue: Flora-Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Drive (Pensacola), Tickets: $5 (21+), $15 (18+) at the door


Photo | Facebook | Zachary Thomas Diedrich

hanksgiving Day marks the beginning of the Mobile Bay holiday season, which can extend through Mardi Gras. But after a day of family gatherings and feasting, followed the next morning by Black Friday, many will be itching to get out of the house, have a few drinks and hear some live music. Look no further than the Flora-Bama. Hailing from north Baldwin County, Zachary Thomas Diedrich’s sound is an unbridled style of outlaw country that’s undeniably fresh for the Gulf Coast. His five-song release “Kept in the Dark” delivers his impressive style with classically inspired tracks featuring a raucous vibe, no matter the rhythm. The combination of Diedrich’s music and Flora-Bama’s casual environment could be Thanksgiving’s best stress reliever.

Black Friday blues

It’s elemental

Band: Elements, featuring 2Face and Kult Klassickz Date: Friday, Nov. 25, with doors at 9 p.m. Venue: Soul Kitchen, 219 Dauphin St., Tickets: $8 in advance from venue website; $10 at the door

Band: Josh Garrett Band Date: Friday, Nov. 25, at 8 p.m. Venue: The Blues Tavern, 2818 Government St., Tickets: Free


E Photo | Facebook | Josh Garrett Band

or years, Elements has provided a live outlet for the regional hip-hop scene. This monthly event gives amateur verbal assassins a chance to test their skills in a live environment. Elements also specializes in bringing to the stage some of the Southeast’s best up-and-coming hip-hop artists. This month, Elements brings two great artists to Soul Kitchen. Kult Klassickz will take the stage for a set full of smooth verbal flow carefully entwined with rhythmic beats. This collective takes advantage of each measure, with well-thought-out, complex lyrical distribution that shines brightly. 2Face will also take the stage for November’s Elements. “Moment of Clarity” is 2Face’s latest effort, a great album with an even mix of lyrics and rhythm. Local hip-hop artists can sometimes resort to regurgitating flows from bigger names, but 2Face’s originality makes him one of the area’s most promising rappers.

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ven after the sun goes down, Black Friday will continue raging into the late-night hours, perhaps bringing on a tinge of the holiday blues. Never fear: The Blues Tavern is bringing back the Josh Garrett Band. Garrett’s style was forged in the swampy environs of South Louisiana. By the time he was 20, Garrett was playing weekly gigs around his hometown of Houma but since, he has steadily spread his sound across the Southeast and beyond. Garrett will be performing cuts from his third album, “Honey for My Queen.” While his latest release is filled with modern blues, Garrett also provides a beautiful nod to the past with the raggy “Back from Memphis” and the instrumental “Slide in G.” “Honey for My Queen” does an excellent job of appealing to a variety of blues tastes.

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AREAMUSIC LISTINGS | November 24 - November 30 THUR. NOV 24 Blues Tavern— McNab BrothersTRio Cockeyed Charlie’s— JJ Flora Bama— Justin Jeansonne, 1p// Elaine Petty, 2p/// Johnny BarbatoTrio, 5:30p//// Mark Sherrill, John Joiner, Chris Newbury and Mel Knapp, 6p//// Zachery Diedrich Band, 10p//// Mario Mena Duo, 10:15p Manci’s— Ross Newell McSharry’s— Jimmy Lumpkin The Merry Widow— Thanksgiving Dance Party, 8p Veets—Thanksgiving Jam withVeet, 5p Wind Creek Casino— Rexton Lee FRI. NOV 25 All Sports Bar & Billiards— DJ Markie Mark, 10p Big Beach Brewing— Johnny Ringo Band, 6p Bluegill— Cary Laine, 12p// Sucker Punch w/Paul Sheuler, 6p Blues Tavern— Josh Garret Band Cockeyed Charlie’s— ZacheryThomas, 10p Cowboys & Angels— DJ Slang, 9p Felix’s— Blind Dog Mike Flora Bama— Darrel Roberts and John Joiner, 1p// Jay Hawkins Duo, 2p/// Jack Robertson Show,

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5:30p//// LeeYankie Duo, 6p//// Foxy Iguanas, 10p//// Logan Spicer andTony Ray Thompson, 10:15p Hard Rock (Center Bar) — Perkins Road, 9p IP Casino— Brian McKnight, 8p Listening Room— Hannah McFarland Lulu’s— JERI, 5p Main Street Cigar Lounge—The Memorys Manci’s— Midlife Crisis McSharry’s— DJ Lewis, 10p Moe’s BBQ (Daphne) — Delta Swing Syndicate Moe’s BBQ (Foley) — Lefty Collins Moe’s BBQ (Mobile) — Pell Avenue, 6:30p Old 27 Grill— Gene Murrell,Tony Edwards and DavidWhite, 10p Soul Kitchen— Elements Hip Hop Showcase, 10p Veets—The Family Jewels, 9p Wind Creek Casino— Style SAT. NOV 26 Big Beach Brewing— John Hart Duo, 6p Bluegill— Brandon Bailey, 12p// BrandonWhite Duo, 6p Blues Tavern— Last Call Redo, 9p Brickyard— Ryan Balthrop & Friends Cockeyed Charlie’s—

DJ Chill, 10p Cowboys & Angels— Tommy Morse, 9p Felix’s— Bust Duo Flora Bama— Jay Hawkins Duo, 11a// Jezebel’s Chill’n, 1p/// Darrel Roberts and John Joiner, 2p// Jack Robertson Show, 5:30p//// Al and Cathy, 6p//// Whyte Caps, 10p//// Albert Simpson, 10:15p Hard Rock (Center Bar) — Perkins Road, 9p IP Casino— Lisa Lampanelli, 8p Lulu’s— Lefty Collins, 5p McSharry’s— DJ Bam, 10p Top of the Bay— Ashton Shepard Veets— The Family Jewels, 9p Wind Creek Casino— Style

McSharry’s—Trad Irish, 6:30p Wind Creek Casino— Style

SUN. NOV 27 Bluegill— Eric Erdman, 12p// Mulligan Brothers, 6p Blues Tavern— Dr. Bob Cowboys & Angels— JimWainwright, 10a Felix’s— Bobby Butchka Flora Bama— Johnny BarbatoTrio, 2p// Perdido Brothers, 6p/// Zachery Diedrich, 8p//// Eric Erdman and Sean Casaway, 10:15p Frog Pond— Grayson Capps, Papa Mali,Andrew Duhon, Chris Mule, Corky Hughes, 2p Lulu’s— Greg Brown, 5p

WED. NOV 30 Bluegill— Ross Newell Blues Tavern— John Fleming Duo, 8p Brickyard— NickThe Overalls Callaghan’s— Marlow Boys Cowboys & Angels— Center Stage Entertainment, 9p Felix’s— Jimmy Lumpkin Duo Flora Bama— Neil Dover, 3p// Rhonda Hart and Jonathan Newton McSharry’s— Doc Rodgers & Ze Rock

MON. NOV 28 Felix’s— Brandon Bailey Frog Pond— Cathy Pace,3p// Petty and Pace,7p Lulu’s— Brent Burns, 5p TUE. NOV 29 Bluegill—Tim Kinsey Butch Cassidy’s— David Jernigan, Dr.Tom & Karl Bates Cockeyed Charlie’s— Jordan Bramblett Felix’s— LeeYankie Flora Bama—T-Bone Montgomery, 3p// Perdido Brothers, 7p Lulu’s— Jimmy Lumpkin,5p Moe’s BBQ (Mobile) — Denver Hawsey, 7p

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The bygone era of Woody Allen’s ‘Café Society’




AREA THEATERS CARMIKE CINEMA’S Wynnsong 16 785 Schillinger Rd. S. (251) 639-7373 CRESCENT THEATER 208 Dauphin Street (251) 438-2005

he only sign that Woody Allen is slowing down in “Café Society” is his own voiceover for the film. Telling this engrossing story of thwarted romance in 1930s Los Angeles and Manhattan, Allen supplies the narration, and in doing so sounds every bit as old and tired as I presume he must be. The story, however, is not old, or tired. In telling a story that ends neither happily nor tragically, Allen’s voice gives the film the matter-of-fact restraint that is so effective. Jesse Eisenberg plays a shy Jewish man, but finally transcends the Woody Allen surrogate problem that runs through many Allen films not starring Allen himself. Eisenberg, as lovelorn New York transplant Bobby Dorfman, creates a full character that is particularly interesting

as he grows up into a more confident and wealthy man. He moves to Los Angeles to start a career and hopes to get help from his uncle, a powerful agent played perfectly by Steve Carell, who generates a fast-talking confidence worthy of Martin Scorsese at times, while skillfully projecting a confused and vulnerable side. A love triangle forms around his winsome secretary, Veronica (Kristen Stewart), an intellectual who claims to disdain the glitz of Hollywood. Stewart’s inner conflict is well-depicted by an actress sometimes criticized for a lack of expression. She’s great here. Bobby’s earnest courtship of Veronica is contrasted with her secret affair with a powerful married man, and the outcome propels Bobby back home to New York City. It is here that the film’s family drama plays out, as Allen brings Bobby’s two siblings into the story. The always

excellent Corey Stoll plays Bobby’s older brother, a gangster whose successful nightclub makes Bobby’s fortune. The family’s acceptance or denial of his crimes comes to a head, and even the most dramatic events are told with an inevitability that is melancholy yet somehow comforting. It is sad and mature, two qualities that often reside together. This is not a frothy delight along the lines of Allen’s delectable time-travel fantasy “Midnight in Paris.” “Café Society” is nostalgic in setting yet candid in tone. The events are predictable, but that is partially the point. The sense that life is a story being told, that we are not the authors, is pervasive and emphasized throughout by the old, tired voice of Woody Allen himself, telling us the things we already knew. “Café Society” is currently available to rent.

HOLLYWOOD STADIUM 18 1250 Satchel Paige Dr. (251) 473-9655 RAVE MOTION PICTURE JUBILEE SQUARE 12 6898 U.S. 90 Daphne, (251) 626- 6266 Photos | Lionsgate / Sony Pictures

CARMIKE CINEMAS 23151 Wharf Ln. Orange Beach (251) 981-4444 COBB THEATRES PINNACLE 14 3780 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores (251) 968-7444 EASTERN SHORE PREMIERE CINEMA 14 30500 Alabama 181 #500 Spanish Fort, Al (251) 626-0352 Information accurate at press time; please call theaters for showtimes.

From left: Woody Allen’s “Café Society” tells the story of a 1930s Bronx native who moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man. Joe Alwyn plays “Billy Lynn” in Ang Lee’s adaptation of the novel by Ben Fountain.


Along with his fellow soldiers in Bravo Squad, 19-year-old private Billy Lynn (Joe Alwyn) becomes a hero after a harrowing battle in Iraq and is brought home temporarily for a victory tour. Through flashbacks, culminating at the spectacular halftime show of the Thanksgiving Day football game, what really happened to the squad is revealed, contrasting the realities of the war with America’s perceptions. Based on the novel by Ben Fountain and directed by the great Ang Lee. Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema, Carmike Wharf


A new film directed by and starring Warren Beatty is a cause for excitement. Starring adorable upand-comer Alden Ehrenreich (“Hail, Caesar!”) and Lily Collins as two small-town kids in L.A., in the orbit of Howard Hughes (Beatty). Eastern

Shore Premiere Cinema, Carmike Jubilee Square 12


The Brad Pitt/Marion Cotillard World War II spy drama is finally here! Come for the thrilling story of a French Resistance fighter. Stay for the celebrity-divorce gossip fuel. All listed multiplex theaters.


Fueled by cheap whiskey, greed and hatred, Willie Soke (Billy Bob Thornton) teams up with his angry little sidekick, Marcus, to knock off a Chicago charity on Christmas Eve. Along for the ride is chubby and cheery Thurman Merman, a 250-pound ray of sunshine who brings out Willie’s sliver of humanity. Regal Mobile Stadium 18, Carmike Jubilee Square 12, Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema


An adventurous teenager sails out on a daring mission to save her

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people. During her journey, Moana meets the once-mighty demigod Maui, who guides her in her quest to become a master way-finder. Together they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and facing impossible odds. All listed multiplex theaters.


Vinny “The Pazmanian Devil” Pazienza (Miles Teller), a local Providence, Rhode Island, boxer, shoots to stardom after winning two worldtitle fights. After a near-fatal car accident leaves him with a broken neck, he is told he may never walk again. Against all odds and doctor’s orders, renowned trainer Kevin Rooney (Aaron Eckhart) agrees to help Vinny return to the ring just a year after the accident for what could be the last fight of his life. Based on a true story. Regal Mobile Stadium 18, Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema

NOW PLAYING JACK REACHER FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM All listed multiplex theaters. EDGE OF SEVENTEEN All listed multiplex theaters. SHUT IN All listed multiplex theaters. ARRIVAL Crescent Theater; all listed multiplex theaters. ALMOST CHRISTMAS All listed multiplex theaters. DR. STRANGE All listed multiplex theaters. TROLLS All listed multiplex theaters. HACKSAW RIDGE All listed multiplex theaters. INFERNO All listed multiplex theaters.

All listed multiplex theaters. BOO: A MADEA HALLOWEEN All listed multiplex theaters. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES All listed multiplex theaters. OUIJA: THE ORIGIN OF EVIL All listed multiplex theaters. THE ACCOUNTANT Carmike Wharf 15 KEVIN HART: WHAT NOW? Regal Mobile Stadium 18 THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN All listed multiplex theaters. MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN Carmike Wynnsong 16 DEEPWATER HORIZON Carmike Wharf 15

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GENERAL INTREST Poarch Creek Pow Wow The Poarch Band of Creek Indians 46th annual Pow Wow is Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25, beginning at noon, at 6477 Jack Springs Road, in Atmore. Admission for ages 11 and up is $5. Ages 10 and younger free. All welcome. Riverside Ice Riverside Ice will be open at Cooper Riverside Park in Mobile from now until Jan. 14. Admission for skating will be $10 for adults and $8 for children 12 and under. For more information visit www. Rock and gem show Mobile Rock and Gem Society’s annual Rock, Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show is at the Abba Shrine Center, 7701 Hitt Road, Friday, Nov. 25, 1-6 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 26, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit for more information. Magic Christmas in Lights at Bellingrath Bellingrath Gardens and Home

will open the 21st season of Magic Christmas in Lights on Friday, Nov. 25. The show will run 5-9 p.m. nightly through Dec. 31. For details about Magic Christmas in Lights or to order tickets, visit Christmas Nights of Lights Through Jan. 1, Christmas Nights of Lights is at Hank Aaron Stadium, 755 Bolling Brothers Blvd. The show is nightly at dusk until 10 p.m. Admission is $6 per person. Home for the Pawlidayz Best Friends Animal Society is sponsoring pet adoptions beginning Black Friday and continuing through Cyber Monday. Adopters will have the opportunity to adopt a dog or cat for free through the Pawlidayz initiative at The Haven (559 South St. in Fairhope). To learn more about the campaign, please visit Shop small Saturday On Nov. 26, support Mobile’s local, independent retailers on Small Business Saturday. Several downtown and area merchants will be participating with special deals and giveaways.

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Lights of Love Join Santa Claus, Ronald McDonald and other characters Tuesday, Nov. 29, as USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital holds its 6th annual Lights of Love Winter Wonderland and tree-lighting ceremony. Free. Begins at 4:30 p.m. at the hospital, 1700 Center St. Distinguished Lecture Series The University of South Alabama Gulf Shores campus announces the 2nd annual Distinguished Lecture Series to begin Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the Foley Public Library. To register for any and all events call 251-460-7200, email aplatt@ or visit www. Volunteer opportunity United Way of Southwest Alabama’s 2-1-1 needs volunteers in the call center. Shifts are available weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you are interested please call Chalisse at 251-431-5100 or email cpeltier@ to schedule an interview. Dauphin Island Boardwalk Talks Boardwalk Talks are held the

first and third Wednesday of each month at 11:15 a.m. at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101 Bienville Blvd. For more information call 251-861-2141. Midtown Optimist Club Join Midtown Optimist Club every Wednesday at noon for lunch at Azalea City Golf Course. For reservations and more information, please call 251-3483542. Toastmasters Do you want to learn how to deliver a speech like a pro or gain leadership skills to advance your career? Toastmasters International meets regularly at six locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Visit www. for more information.

FUNDRAISERS Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday is Tuesday Nov. 29 to kick off the holiday season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and giving to the charities and causes they support. Whether a donation of time, money, a gift or the

power of your voice in the local community, nonprofits need your help.

ARTS Sunday Funday art market Enjoy downtown Mobile at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 27, while supporting local artists. This event, at Cathedral Square, is sponsored in part by Alabama Contemporary Art Center, Downtown Mobile Alliance, & Visit Mobile. Christmas Concert Kick off the holidays with a concert by the Greater Mobile Bay Area Choral Society featuring jazz, pop, secular and Vivaldi. Sunday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m. at the Spanish Fort Presbyterian Church. Call 251-434-9325 for more information. Last Friday Art Night Join Dauphin Island Art Gallery the last Friday of each month. Last Friday Art Night features local art and history, food, beverages, music and socializing. 918 Bienville Blvd. For more information call 251-861-3300.

MUSEUMS “Filming the Camps” The History Museum of Mobile will offer the exhibit “Filming the Camps: From Hollywood to Nuremberg” through Jan. 16. The exhibit features the stories of three film directors as they documented Nazi atrocities during World War II. For more information visit Tea for Two Tuesday afternoons at 2 p.m. the Fairhope Museum of History hosts a tea with a lecture on Fairhope history. The Nov. 29 speaker will be Rev. Larry Williams. For more information call 251929-1471. “Guitar: The Instrument That Rocked the World” Through Jan. 1, the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center features a guitar exhibit with a hands-on gallery and more than 60 guitars on display. There is also a rock photography exhibit by Janet Macoska. For information, call 251-208-6893 or visit Little Discoveries Outside the Box: This “Little Discovery” in the Exploreum’s Wharf of Wonder aimed at children 6 and under explores how innovation and creativity can lead to a world of possibilities from a simple cardboard box. Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. Call 251-208-6893 or email jholland@exploreum. com for more information. Thursdays at MMoA Every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. the Mobile Museum of Art offers free admission to all visitors. No reservations are necessary. MMoA is at 4850 Museum Drive. For more information call 251-208-5200.

SPORTING EVENTS/ ACTIVITIES Coastal Half Marathon The Kaiser Realty by Wyndham Vacation Rentals Coastal Half-Marathon, 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run is Saturday, Nov. 26m in Orange Beach. Register at NAIA Women’s soccer national championship Don’t miss the action Nov. 28 - Dec. 3, at Orange Beach Sportsplex, as 16 teams from across the country compete for the NAIA championship

title! For tickets and more information visit Exercise classes Palmer Pillans Middle School hosts a wide variety of exercise classes, including ballroom dance, boxing and more. For more information call 251-463-7980 or visit Beginner belly dancing for women Every Tuesday through Dec. 13, come learn to belly dance at Palmer Pillans Middle School. For more information call 251208-1662. Bridge lessons The Mobile Bridge Center offers free bridge lessons each Tuesday beginning at 6 p.m. at the Mobile Bridge Center, 1510 University Blvd. Arrive a few minutes early to register. If you have questions call the Bridge Center at 251-666-2147, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Holy yoga Tamara William leads a lunchtime holy yoga at the Steeple on St. Francis every Wednesday. The cost is $15. Participants will be invigorated as they connect with Christ in mind, body and spirit. For more information, call 251656-3269. Ballroom dance Azalea Ballroom Dance Club hosts dances with live music the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 7-9:30 p.m., at Via! Health, Fitness & Enrichment Center, 1717 Dauphin St. For more information email cyoungblood9278@, call 251623-9183 or visit www. azaleaballroomdanceclub. com. Ballroom dance The Moonlight Chasse Ballroom Dance Society hosts dances the first and third Monday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m., at Fitzpen Place, 11247 State Highway 31 in Spanish Fort. For more information email

PUBLIC MEETINGS Baldwin County Commission: First and third Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette. Work sessions are the second and fourth Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. rotating between Bay Minette, the Foley Satellite

Courthouse, the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse and the Baldwin County Central Annex Building in Robertsdale. www. Baldwin County Planning Commission: First Thursday at 6 p.m., 22251 Palmer St., Robertsdale, Bayou La Batre City Council: Second and fourth Thursday at 5:30 p.m., 13785 S. Wintzell Ave., www.cityofbayoulabatre. com. Chickasaw City Council: Second and fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m., 224 N. Craft Highway, 251-452-6450. Citronelle City Council: Second and fourth Thursday at 6:30 p.m., 19135 Main St., 251-8667973. Creola City Council: Second and fourth Thursday at 6 p.m., 190 Dead Lake Road, #A, 251675-8142. Daphne City Council: First and third Monday at 6:30 p.m., 1705 Main St. Work sessions are the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m., www. Dauphin Island Town Council: First and third Tuesdays at 7 p.m., 1011 Bienville Blvd., www. Fairhope City Council: Second and fourth Monday at 6 p.m., 161 N. Section St. Work sessions are held before each council meeting at 4:30 p.m., www. Fairhope Planning Commission: First Monday at 5 p.m., 161 N. Section St. For more information visit Foley City Council: First and third Monday at 5:30 p.m., 407 E. Laurel Ave. Work sessions begin at 4 p.m., Gulf Shores City Council: Second and fourth Mondays at 4 p.m., 1905 W. First St., www.

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Lagniappe receives favorable AG ruling



THE NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE CLOTHES THAT FIT BY JOEL FAGLIANO / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ ACROSS 1 Upbeat 8 Follows the party line? 14 Senator Vinick’s portrayer on “The West Wing” 18 The rest of China, to Hong Kong and Macau 19 Interstate highway feature 20 Chemically treated hairstyle 21 The aerobics instructor wore … 23 “Then again … ,” to a texter 24 British poet laureate Carol ____ Duffy 25 Get even 26 Obamacare option, for short 27 Interstate highway feature 29 The lawyer wore a … 34 Horn blower 35 Wooden-soled shoes 36 Curb, with “in” 37 Floor 40 Airer of 89-Down 41 Open space in a forest 42 Affliction in “Philadelphia” 43 “A Fish Called Wanda” co-star Kevin 44 Borscht vegetable 45 Destination of some SAS flights 46 The gardener wore … 49 “Whatever satisfies the ____ is truth”: Whitman 51 Gallows item 52 Bank fig. 53 Everyone’s bets 56 Naval jail 58 “Fifty Shades of Grey” topic, for short 59 Nickname for basketball’s George Gervin 62 The reptile expert wore a … 66 Recipe direction 67 Quarter back? 68 “Star Trek” role 69 “Isn’t ____ shame?” 70 Important 71 “Death be not proud” poet 72 Gilbert Grape portrayer 74 The plumber wore a… 79 What fans do 83 Word repeated before show 84 Partner of each 85 Logical flaw 86 Russian pancakes 87 Friend of Tarzan 88 Revise 89 Get exactly right 90 Much Etsy merchandise 91 Google Docs, e.g. 93 The boxer wore …

96 Away from work temporarily 99 Put on 100 Hosp. areas 101 22nd out of 26 102 See 9-Down 103 The happily unemployed person wore … 108 Puts on 109 Means of escaping prison, maybe 110 Smooth and continuous 111 It’s a loch 112 Yellow-brown 113 Sex-ed topic

14 Speed skater ____ Anton Ohno 15 Famed claim from Louis XIV 16 Queen’s mate 17 Home to Hampshire College 18 Guides 21 Turn a corner in Monopoly 22 Religious branch sometimes spelled with an apostrophe 28 Sole neighbor 30 Bothers 31 Pizazz 32 Overhaul 33 Cleansing substance 38 Noxious emanations DOWN 39 William and Mary’s 1 One looking to serve successor mankind? 42 Aggressive bet 2 Successful turn in the game 43 Zeus’ father Battleship 44 Stupid mistake 3 Kind of tuition 46 Van trailer? 4 Where the buffalo roam 47 Facilitated 5 Like a French 48 Minor setback door 50 Accommodate 6 Maze word 53 N.B.A. stat: Abbr. 7 Nutritional amt. 54 Excuse 8 Ranchers 55 Dread Zeppelin and the 9 With 102-Across, not the only Wholigans 10 Major D.C. lobby 57 Shake one’s defender 11 Arena income 58 Dope 12 Capital One competitor, 59 Wastes gas, say for short 60 Patriot ____ 13 Applied, as cologne 61 Org. in “Snowden”

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63 “Survivor” faction 64 Baseless rumors 65 Gentle reminder 71 Plunged 73 School area that has mice 74 Dip made with olives, capers and anchovies 75 Violent storms 76 Energy point in yoga 77 Wife on TV’s “Family Guy” 78 Cantina vessel 80 It helps you stay above water 81 Two for a buck 82 Downhill ski runs 83 The Doors album with the hit “Riders on the Storm” 86 Victoria’s Secret event 88 Patriots’ Day mo. 89 Spinoff drama featuring LL Cool J 90 Some data-storage media 92 Deep gulf 94 Like some wine casks 95 Jonathan who co-created HBO’s “Westworld” 97 His: Fr. 98 Classic Orson Welles role 104 Fareed Zakaria’s employer 105 Defense advisory grp. 106 In excelsis ____ 107 Swamp


fter months of waiting, Lagniappe has received a favorable opinion from the Alabama Attorney General’s office stating that the newspaper is qualified to immediately begin taking public notice advertising through Mobile’s Probate Court. Probate Judge Don Davis had asked for an opinion — something that has been done for other newspapers seeking to run public notice or legal advertising in Mobile County. On Nov. 16, G. Ward Benson III, chief of the AG’s opinion section, wrote a letter to Davis clearing his office to allow Lagniappe to become one of the area publications in which probate court advertising may be published. “Assuming the Lagniappe agrees to also post legal notices on its website, the Lagniappe meets the requirements set out in section 6-8-60 of the Code of Alabama. Therefore, the Probate Court of Mobile County as well as other parties who are required to publish a legal notice may publish such notices in the Lagniappe,” Benson wrote. Lagniappe has created space on where legal advertising is run. It is posted to the statewide website run by the Alabama Press Association as well. With 30,000 distributed each week in more than 1,200 places, Lagniappe is by far the area’s largest locally owned newspaper. Other newspapers currently certified to take legal ads are the Press-Register, Citronelle Call News and the Mobile Beacon. The Call News is primarily distributed in the north part of the county and the Beacon distributes primarily in north Mobile and Prichard. Both Lagniappe and the Press-Register circulate throughout the Mobile metro area and

into outlying parts of the county. Lagniappe has sought to become officially certified to run legal advertising for more than two years.

Photojournalist wins awards

Bay Minette photojournalist Randy Gaddo was recently honored for his work that appeared in two separate national magazines this year. Gaddo received a Gold Level award and an honorable mention in the MarCom Awards for articles published in Leatherneck Magazine, the official magazine of the U.S. Marine Corps, and another that ran in American Spirit, the magazine of the Daughters of the American Revolution. He competed with more than 6,500 other entries from throughout the U.S. and 18 other countries. The competition is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. Gaddo won a Gold Level award for a two-part article he wrote for Leatherneck Magazine titled, “In the Nick of Time: Marines, Sailors Stage Daring Rescue.” The article was about Marines staging a helicopter rescue at the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1991. Almost 400 U.S. and foreign national civilians were saved as rebels gathered to storm the embassy. The American Spirit article, “4th Recruit Training Battalion: Where Women Are Trained To Be Marines,” took an honorable mention prize. The article tells the story of women training to join the Marine Corps at Parris Island, South Carolina. Gaddo is a retired U.S. Marine who served 20 years.

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Mobile Sports Authority continues to pull in major events BY J. MARK BRYANT/SPORTS WRITER/SPORTS@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM/TWITTER @GOULAGUY


thletic events continue to have a major influence on Mobile’s local economy. Thanks to the work of the Mobile Sports Authority, a total of 35 events generated an estimated $25,592,016 during the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. “With the tremendous support of Mobile County, the city of Mobile and a very engaged board of trustees, we at the Mobile Sports Authority are proud that we were able to generate such a significant impact for the Mobile-area economy,” said Danny Corte, MSA executive director. “Since October 2011, the MSA has attracted, hosted, managed or co-managed 130 sporting events which have generated an estimated $91 million for Mobile County. The future looks just as bright as we continue to tell our story about our beautiful area to numerous regional and national sports event owners who are looking for places to play.” The number of events set a record for MSA. Competitors and their followers came to Mobile County for 24 different sports, including tennis, bass fishing, pole vaulting and gymnastics. The event with the biggest return was new this year. The 5th Quarter Classic was a football game that attracted more than 19,000 fans to Ladd-Peebles Stadium for a showdown between Tuskegee and Florida A&M. Other festivities connected to the game were motivational talks for high school seniors, a college fair, a theater show put on by Florida A&M, alumni festivities and a Mardi Gras-style parade. The estimated economic impact over those five days was $6,480,000. Susan Shaw, MSA’s director of sports events and marketing, also pointed out this event brought in more than $2 million in scholarship offers to Mobile-area youth from various colleges and universities. The fiscal year started off with a bang in October 2015 with the inaugural Alabama Spartan Super Race. Corte

said this was MSA’s largest turnout or participants, as more than 4,100 competitors hit the extreme obstacle course in Saraland. The estimated financial impact was $2,047,888. The latest Spartan race was last weekend, with officials anticipating close to 5,000 entries. Other events surpassing the million-dollar mark were the 37th annual Battleship Invitational Rugby Tournament ($1,081,000), 15th annual Servis 1st Bank First Light Marathon ($1,121,600), USA Volleyball Gulf Coast Region Championships ($1,528,320), 24th annual Mobile Challenge of Champions track and field meet ($1,683,968), the firstever Cal Ripken 8U Southwest Regional Baseball Tournament ($1,921,920) and the inaugural NASCAR Mobile 150 ($1,984,000). “Our racers, race fans and community take a great deal of pride in our Spring Race at Mobile International Speedway,” race promoter Tommy Praytor said. “With the Mobile Sports Authority’s help, we were able to bring NASCAR back to Mobile for the first time since the ’50s. We are happy to be a part of their record year.” These figures represent the best annual results ever reported by either the MSA or its predecessor organization, the Mobile Area Sports Commission. Fiscal year 2015 held the previous record with 32 sporting events and an estimated economic impact to the area of $20.7 million. The MSA is a nonprofit sports commission formed in 2008 by the Mobile County Commission. The main mission is to create a positive economic and public relations impact through supporting sporting events that attract visitors to the area. Visit to see a list of all 35 events and their impact.

Everett invited to Senior Bowl

It’s been an outstanding season for the University of South Alabama’s Gerald Everett. The 6-foot-4, 240-pound

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senior ranks second nationally among tight ends, with nearly 71 yards per game and is among the leaders with more than 4.5 catches per game. Everett has now been named as a semifinalist for the John Mackey Award, which goes to the nation’s top tight end and will be announced Dec. 7 on ESPNU. Everett has also accepted an invitation to play in the Reese’s Senior Bowl, which begins at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. He is the fifth Jaguar asked to appear in Mobile’s postseason all-star game and among the first dozen players announced by Phil Savage, Senior Bowl executive director. Others on the roster are: Toby Baker, Arkansas punter; Amba Etta-Tawo, Syracuse wide receiver; Nate Gerry, Nebraska defensive back; Cooper Kupp, Eastern Washington wide receiver; Jordan Morgan, Kutztown offensive guard; Taylor Moton, Western Michigan offensive guard; Sam Rogers, Virginia Tech fullback; Seth Russell, Baylor quarterback; Ryan Switzer, North Carolina wide receiver; Taywan Taylor, Western Kentucky wide receiver; and David Webb, California quarterback.

College honors

● Spring Hill College placed a league-leading five players on the All-Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference volleyball team. Anna Tietjens led the way, being named Setter of the Year after leading the SIAC with 752 assists Joining her on the first-team unit were outside hitters Madison Seuzeneau and Sarah Senft. Outside hitter Molly Griffin and middle blocker Savannah Becnel earned spots on the second-team roster. In their final year of the NCAA Division II transition process, the Badgers finished the season with a 27-5 overall record and a perfect 18-0 mark in the SIAC. ● Eight current and former players from the University of South Alabama softball program were named All-American Scholar-Athletes by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association. Those honored include Alex Breeden, Devin Brown, Kristina Foster, Dayla Gulledge, Savanna Mayo, Emily Messer, Amanda Minahan and Kaleigh Todd. Players must have a GPA of at least a 3.5 to qualify. As a team, USA had a GPA of 3.289. ● The men and women’s bowling teams for Spring Hill turned in great performances at the Baker Shootout hosted by the Savannah College of Art & Design and the University of Florida. The Badgers won their division after knocking off Florida State in the men’s final. The Lady Badgers finished third after falling to Emmanuel in the semifinals. ● Laura Labuschaigne, Ashley Heitling and Katleho Dyoyi each earned all-league honors after finishing among the top five at the Sun Belt Conference’s cross country championships at Troy University’s Dothan campus. The USA women were unable to defend their team title, finishing third behind Appalachian State and Coastal Carolina. The USA men finished fifth led by Dyoyi, who was competing in his first meet since the season opener.


Bring nature inside: decorate from your yard BY BRENDA BOLTON, MOBILE MASTER GARDENER

Q: I see beautiful greenery decorating homes. How can I use things from my yard, and what works best?

A: I saved the answer to this request until this week, and admit

to an ulterior motive. Next weekend, Dec. 2-3, the annual Master Gardener Greenery Sale will be held (details below), so shop that sale for below-retail pricing on wreaths, arrangements and reasonably priced bundles of fresh greenery for DIY decorating. Preparation: Look outside your favorite window — that beautiful, fresh greenery decor you see in the magazines, whether used on a holiday mantel or a winter buffet table for Mardi Gras brunch, is often growing right outside in your own yard. Or maybe your neighbor’s. And if not, it’s offered in fresh bundles at the Greenery Sale next week! Winter is the perfect time to harvest greenery, because the leaves are mature and have hardened off. If you try to use greenery with tender spring leaves, the tips wilt. Winter greenery is usually well hydrated from winter rains and cooler temperatures, so it will last. Deeply water the plants for harvest a couple of times in the days before cutting. Immediately place cut stems into warm water, soak overnight, recut to proper length and strip leaves to clean the ends in the water. Refresh live greenery by daily watering and misting. Have realistic expectations for live plant material. Wellprepared material tended daily should last three to seven days indoors. Outside, shaded material can last several weeks if watered. Incorporating dried plant material enhances your decor: pine cones, interesting bare stems, seed pods such as magnolia or bog lotus or even dried, leftover summer okra pods, and beautiful red winter berries. Make use in a tablescape of winter blooms such as our heritage camellias, forced amaryllis or narcissus, colorful poinsettias or even pots of pansies and violets. Uses: Mixed natural materials are beautiful draping a banister or newel post, adorning a flat surface such as a mantel or table, as a wreath or embellishing a commercial wreath, tree or garland, filling a window sill or arranged in a vase or container. Upgrade artificial wreaths, garlands or trees by inserting fresh greenery nosegays.

Design tips

When designing a container arrangement, use plant material that is foundational, structural, filling and accenting: • Place linear, structural stems to give the arrangement its shape (pyramid, triangle, mounding, rounded, etc.). Establish height and width first so that other pieces can be cut and placed in relation. • Build a bed of greenery as a foundation. • Place feathery and fine-textured filler. • Select and place accents, keeping a single main feature placed in a central position (some designers advise placing the main feature first). • Continue filling in. • To incorporate bloom, start with a container of bulbs or a violet placed into a larger container, using a floral wet foam ring around it to hold the addition of surrounding greenery. • Incorporate blooms by making nosegays of accent flowers in water vials to insert into the arrangement; swap out the nosegay as the blooms fade to extend the life of the arrangement or change the look.

Select long-lasting, varying textures and colors to fill each function: • Use stems with leaves that are shiny or hard-surfaced for longer-lasting greenery, such as boxwood, yaupon, holly, camellia, magnolia, pittosporum, cleyera, ligustrum, viburnum. • Use strong, linear stems for structure, feathery pieces to build foundations and fill vacant spots, arching stems for form or accent. • Use long-lasting, feathery evergreens such as Leyland cypress, juniper, arborvitae, cedar, cryptomeria for foundations or infill. • Use unusual pieces for accents or form, such as ginger, aspidistra, sago palm fronds, rosemary, small pine cones or seed pods, berry stems, even citrus such as kumquat.

Plan for the material to endure:

• Prepare material properly. • Use wet floral foam or a water vase. • Extend freshness by using stem water vials, or make homemade water vials by wrapping stems in wet paper towel and covering with a plastic baggie, then wrap in green florist tape and attach

with the tape to a florist stake for inserting into the arrangement. Finally, enjoy the beautiful blooms of camellias and other strong-petaled winter flowers by preserving them in wax. Local camellia enthusiast Dr. Brenda Litchfield offers a “How To” video on YouTube to demonstrate this old-fashioned art ( watch?v=RWL7t-BYoWY). Here are the instructions: • Mix 1 pound of paraffin wax with 1/2 cup of plain mineral oil. Heat to an exact 138 F. using an accurate cooking thermometer. • Slowly swirl the bloom into the wax (don’t “plunk” it in; gently fold in) until submerged. • Immediately remove it from the hot wax; briefly shake off any excess and turn it face-up to allow the wax to spread to the interior. • Immediately swirl the bloom into a pan of iced water and leave for about 30 seconds. Remove to drain and dry, leaving a bloom that looks like porcelain! Make these a day ahead and refrigerate for a party or hostess gift.


What: Mobile Master Gardeners 2016 Greenery Sale (in conjunction with the Holiday Market in the Gardens) When: Friday, Dec. 2 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and Saturday, Dec. 3 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) Where: Mobile Botanical Gardens, 5151 Museum Drive, Mobile Items for sale: Wreaths, centerpieces, mantel toppers, mailbox saddles, twig deer, bundles of greenery for DIY designers Purpose: Helps provide a scholarship for an area student majoring in horticulture. What: Farming 101 (for beginning or transitioning farmers) presented by Mobile County Extension Office When: Tuesdays from Dec. 6 to April 4 (6-9 p.m.) Where: Jon Archer Ag Center, 1070 Schillinger Road N., Mobile Cost: $80 for entire series or $10 per session (includes materials and refreshments) For more info: Call 251-574-8445 or email milesjd@

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SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/22) — You’ll stow away on the Carnival Fantasy for a free trip to Mexico. You’ll return weeks later comfortably packed inside an imported shipping container, part of a voyage that will never be memorialized in a $60 million museum dedicated to Gulf shipping. CAPRICORN (12/23-1/19) — You’ll attempt to join the Poarch Band of Creek Indians after attending their annual powwow. They will politely decline, but award you the honorary Indian name “Dances with Cats.” AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18) — You’ll take advantage of the Iron Bowl distraction to enjoy the side of Alabama you rarely see. Registers at Wal-Mart will have no lines. Popeye’s chicken will have plenty of spicy dark meat. And the Wallace Tunnel will be free and clear of traffic for approximately four hours. PISCES (2/19-3/20) — Hearing of Mike Pence’s treatment at a theater on Broadway, you’ll join millions across the U.S. in a boycott of “Hamilton.” However, given the likelihood of the aggrieved traveling to New York to see a hip-hop musical written by a Puerto Rican, ticket sales will remain largely unaffected. ARIES (3/21-4/19) — Trying to keep up with your co-workers’ level of activity, you’ll pick up an $80 windbreaker to prevent the cold from affecting your fitness regimen. However, you’ll soon learn they only buy “chic sportswear” to appear active when they go out for white wine. TAURUS (4/20-5/20) — After attending the Steeple on St. Francis’ first “secret show,” you’ll start to suspect other local concerts might be fronts marquee headliners. But after being removed from three consecutive Paw Paw’s Medicine Cabinet performances for screaming out “When does Foreigner start?,” you’ll abandon that suspicion altogether. GEMINI (5/21-6/21) — Next month, Facebook will announce its barometer for determining “fake news” to be “anything your uncle shares, likes or comments on.” While this approach may cause a small amount of legitimate information to be called into question, the chemtrail conspiracies and slanderous posts about his first wife will almost certainly be deleted. CANCER (6/22-7/22) — You’ll be one of many Mobilians who will try to “butter” up Gov. Robert Bentley for an appointment to replace Sen. Jeff Sessions. While most will offer him money, you’ll know what he really wants. You’ll show up to his office slathered in Country Crock. LEO (7/23-8/23) — As a result of the state’s burn ban, you’ll be cited for putting too many combustible Christmas lights on your home. Aggravated, you’ll lobby State Rep. Chris Pringle for a constitutional amendment to help restore your light freedom. It’ll will be called the illumination elimination elimination bill. VIRGO (8/24-9/22) — You’ll become rich almost overnight when you discover a way to turn the coal dust downtown into diamonds. Your process, which adds pressure to low levels of the atmosphere, makes it literally rain diamonds. LIBRA (9/23-10/22) — You’ll start your own ghost hunting company after hearing complaints about otherworldly beings downtown. You’ll blame the destruction of the haunted 522 Dauphin St. for the presence of the spooky visitors, who willl soon leave after making several noise complaints. SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) — You’ll pretentiously graze around the Thanksgiving table this week, wondering aloud about the absence of smoked gouda, a selection of fresh olives, and a hired man shucking fresh oysters. You’ll compensate for it by crashing a wedding party next month.

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STYLE BOOZIE friend, do you live under a rock? I would give you some slack if it was some random band, but this is Bob Dylan we’re talking about. Maybe I am just old? Nahh, the better question is, who bought this chick a ticket to a sold-out concert when she didn’t even know one Dylan song. I would have gladly gone in her place. #SMH



obble gobble, wobble wobble, Thanksgiving is here! Turkey Day is up there as one of Boozie’s favorite holidays. Of course, nothing will ever be able to replace my favorite holiday, Mardi Gras. But since I’m feeling thankful for so many things, I decided to share them with you! First off, I am thankful for alcohol, for obvious reasons. I believe this year everyone should skip dessert and have apple pie shots instead. Let’s be honest, that might be the only way you’ll be able to handle your family. You’re welcome. Second, I am thankful for my spies. Until they make time-hopping or time-traveling possible, I can’t be multiple places at once. So thank you for being more sets of eyes for me — couldn’t do it without ya! Next, I am thankful for a four-day weekend! I desperately need a break and will probably need another break after being around family that long. Last but not least, I am thankful for all of you. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I brought you the oh-so-tasty gossip you crave week after week. So dig in!

Mystery at The Steeple

Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the door and see all the people! That nursery rhyme couldn’t be any more perfect when describing the sold-out Mystery Band Concert that took place Friday night at The Steeple in downtown Mobile. Wondering how it worked? People bought tickets to a

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas concert, then found out who would be performing. Risky but I like it. The band turned out to be one that got its start here — it was The Band Perry!! Everyone said the concert was awesome and The Steeple a great venue. Boozie sure hopes 95 KSJ does the Mystery Band Concert again because I missed the first go-around. And the money spent on tickets for these mystery events goes to charity, so if you don’t end up liking the band you are still doing something nice for mankind. ‘Tis the season of giving!

Like a rolling stone

Last Wednesday, Nov. 16, Bob Dylan graced Mobile with his presence at a sold-out show at the Saenger Theatre. Maybe Bob can’t take the time to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize in Literature, but he still made time for MobTown. Thanks, Bob! Boozie was told the show was sold out, and that it was awesome. She was glad to hear that at 75 Bob is still killin’ it. I hope I’m still able to do what I love at 75. And while I’m talking of “killin’ it,” I need to tell you about a girl who is actually killing it. “It” being that young people suck. Brace yourselves. One of Boozie’s spies overheard a younger woman say something so unbelievable. First off, she was there with her dad, but still wasn’t that young. My spy heard her say it was fun seeing Bob Dylan even though she didn’t know any of his songs. Yes, you read that correctly: she doesn’t know ANY of his songs. Like, girl-

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This past weekend Mayor Sandy Stimpson and a few of his adorable granddaughters flipped the switch on the Christmas tree in downtown Mo-

FIRST OFF, I AM THANKFUL FOR ALCOHOL, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. I BELIEVE THIS YEAR EVERYONE SHOULD SKIP DESSERT AND HAVE APPLE PIE SHOTS INSTEAD. LET’S BE HONEST, THAT MIGHT BE THE ONLY WAY YOU’LL BE ABLE TO HANDLE YOUR FAMILY. YOU’RE WELCOME.” bile, officially making the city ready for the holidays. And that’s not the only thing getting Mobile ready for the season ahead: Riverside Ice is back! Sandy has already laced up his skates and said if he can do it so can you! Riverside Ice offers adult ice skating lessons, just FYI for all you folks who have sea legs instead.


Just when we thought Steve Nodine had left town, we get reports he was spotted downtown! We hear Mr. Nodine was having a good time Friday night in downtown Mobile just outside of T.P. Crockmiers. Well, kids, that’s all I’ve got this week. Just remember, whether rain or shine, dramatic or scandalous, or just some plain ol’ Bob Dylan lovin’, I will be there. Ciao!

LAGNIAPPE LEGALS | 251.450-4466 |

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the University of South Alabama (Owner) will accept sealed Bids for the following work: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA MOBILE, ALABAMA ROOF MAINTENANCE LABOR USA JOB 16-82 BID NO. 6101701 Bids will be received from pre-qualified contractors only and clocked in at 2:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, December 1, 2016, in Room AD245 of the USA Administration Building, on the Main Campus of the University of South Alabama. Bids will not be accepted after the time indicated herein and will be returned unopened. A cashier’s check or bid bond payable to the University of South Alabama in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000 must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Bid Documents shall be available only through the USA Purchasing Office. Contact as follows: University of South Alabama Purchasing Department 307 N. University Blvd. AD 245 (Administration Building) Mobile, AL 36688 PH# (251) 460-6151 FX# (251) 414-8291 ( Bids must be submitted on Proposal Forms furnished in the Bid Documents or copies thereof. The preceding is an abbreviated advertisement. The complete advertisement may be obtained from the location listed above. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. local time, in Room AD 023 of the Administration Building. Those in attendance will include the Owner, Engineer, and Consultants. Contract bidders, subcontractors and suppliers are encouraged to attend. A tour of the Project site is scheduled immediately after the conference. All questions concerning the Project should be submitted in writing to the Project Manager at the address listed below. 307 University Blvd. N. AD001 (Administration Building) Mobile, AL 36688 PH# (251) 460-7127 FX# (251) 461-1370 ( LAGNIAPPE HD November 10, 17, 24, 2016.

STORAGE DISPOSAL LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama, Schillinger Mini Storage will auction or otherwise dispose of the contents of the units listed below to satisfy a landlord’s lien for unpaid rent and other charges. The auction will be held December 10, 2016 at 1550 Leroy Stevens Rd, Mobile, AL 36695 at 9:30AM. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Unit LS578 Teneshia T Tanner 9001 Meadowview Ct Mobile, AL 36695 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS434 Thomas Howard Jr 2752 N Barksdale Dr Mobile, AL 36606 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS327 Stephen Hennesey 6001 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL 36609 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS420 Charles Herring 1685 Knollwood Dr Apt 696 Mobile, AL 36609 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS574 James Emanuel 2725 Riverside Dr Mobile, AL 36605 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS551 Shirley/Carla Anderson 6427 Airport Blvd V175 Mobile, AL 36608 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS442 Hunter McDaniel 8482 Southern Oak Ct Mobile, AL 36695 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS310 Tami Gerstenschlager 2225 Leroy Stevens Rd Apt 704 Mobile, AL 36695 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS426 Alison Sheppard 12581 Grand Bay Farms Dr N Mobile, AL 36541 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS301 Ronald Curry 6406 Biloxi Ave Mobile, AL 3608 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. Unit LS437 Lilian Wallace 7959 Cottage Hill Rd Apt 1304 Mobile, AL 36695 Household goods, Boxes, Furniture, Appliances, Etc. LAGNIAPPE HD Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 2016.

Deadline for legal advertising in Lagniappe HD is every Monday at 3 p.m. Lagniappe HD is distributed each Thursday. Lagniappe HD offices are located at 1100B Dauphin St. Mobile, AL 36604. For more information or to place your ad call Jackie at 251-450-4466. Or email at

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