Lagniappe: November 9 - November 15, 2017

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N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 0 1 7 - N O V E M B E R 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | w w w. l a g n i a p p e m o b i l e . c o m ASHLEY TRICE Co-publisher/Editor

ROB HOLBERT Co-publisher/Managing Editor GABRIEL TYNES Assistant Managing Editor DALE LIESCH Reporter JASON JOHNSON Reporter KEVIN LEE Associate Editor/Arts Editor

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The city of Orange Beach is negotiating a land swap with the state after building its wastewater treatment plant on the wrong property.


Hopefully the Mobile City Council’s recent tussle over who should be its next president isn’t a precursor of things to come.


Quality Galvanizing LLC, a subsidiary of Threaded Fasteners Inc., is opening a new hot-dip galvanizing facility in the Semmes area.


Surprising care and craft in each dish, plus brunch seven days per week at the Brick & Spoon.



J. MARK BRYANT Sports Writer STEPHANIE POE Copy Editor DANIEL ANDERSON Chief Photographer LAURA RASMUSSEN Art Director BROOKE O’DONNELL Advertising Sales Executive


Citing legislation creating the city’s current form of government, the Mobile City Council is deadlocked over who should preside as president for the next four years.


BETH WILLIAMS Advertising Sales Executive ALEEN MOMBERGER Advertising Sales Executive RACHEL THOMAS Advertising Sales Executive MELISSA EDGE Editorial Assistant



Jazz luminaries the Marcus Roberts Trio will join the Mobile Symphony Orchestra for “Beethoven & Blue Jeans” Nov. 18-19.


ROSS PRITCHARD Distribution Manager JACKIE CRUTHIRDS Office Manager CONTRIBUTORS: Ron Sivak, Jeff Poor, Asia Frey, Brian Holbert, John Mullen, Brenda Bolton, Tom Ward ON THE COVER: FRED RICHARDSON BY DANIEL ANDERSON POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Editorial, advertising and production offices are located at 1100B Dauphin St. Mobile, AL 36604. Mailing address is P.O. Box 3003 Mobile, AL 36652. Phone: 251.450.4466 Fax 251.450.4498. Email: or LAGNIAPPE is printed at Walton Press. All letters sent to Lagniappe are considered to be intended for publication. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and Alternative Weeklies Network All rights reserved. Something Extra Publishing, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced without the expressed permission of the publishers. Individuals may take one copy of the paper free of charge from area businesses, racks or boxes. After that, papers are $3 per issue. Removal of more than one copy from these points constitutes theft. Violators are subject to prosecution.

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Alabama-born, Nashvillebred Southern rock band The Vegabonds are performing at Callaghan’s Irish Social Club Thursday, Nov. 9.


The Fairhope Film Festival returns Nov. 9-12, bringing its savvy “Best of the Best” concept to featuring films that are sure to please.


David Doss, Ajoke Odumosu and Viktoria Stoklasova are the 2017 inductees to the University of South Alabama Athletic Hall of Fame.


Horticultural oils work best on small, soft-bodied insects, stationary or slow pests, and some fungi as the coating can keep fungal spores from germinating.


Lagniappe staff finished first in the Greater Gulf State Fair’s Media Olympics.

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Punishing children for being poor Editor: My son was only 15 in October 2008 when his friend pulled up in a Jeep in Mobile County and asked him to drive. He did not tell my son that he had stolen the vehicle. The two teenagers sped off in the car, but once it was reported stolen, the police gave chase. In a panic, Julian — my son — jumped out of the car and ran. Suddenly driverless, the Jeep coasted into a gate on the side of the road. As my son ran from the police, an officer in a police cruiser followed him and mercilessly ran over him. I believe he was trying to kill my son. Because of this officer’s reckless actions, my son suffered a serious injury to his right hip — eventually requiring a hip replacement. One of his legs is now shorter than the other, and he cannot tie his shoes or cut his own toenails. He is awaiting a determination of his eligibility for Social Security Disability. Initially, the restitution was assessed at around $2,500, but with court costs and an extra 30 percent fee the District Attorney charges to collect the money, the amount owed has risen to almost $4,000 — more than we can pay. I work part-time at a department store now. The court has never taken my ability to pay my son’s debt into account. I filed for bankruptcy last year, and so far I have only been able to make a few of the $50 monthly minimum payments required by the court. The juvenile court system is rigged against people without money. The idea of juvenile court is to help kids learn from their mistakes, not to shake them down for money. Almost a decade after the incident, my son is still called to court — and arrested — just because of the money. He has spent time in jail over this, waiting to be called into court. We feel that the courts care more

about money than about justice. Now 24, Julian has fulfilled all of his other court requirements, but is unable to pay his court costs because his injuries have rendered him unable to work. But none of these actions that the court has taken — arresting him repeatedly and adding more fees when he cannot pay — are helping us earn more money to pay this debt. We feel trapped. Throughout this whole ordeal, we have not been treated fairly by the juvenile justice system. It clearly discriminates against poor people. Rich people can quickly and easily buy their way out of the juvenile courts, but those of us who don’t have the means to pay — and their families — remain stuck under court supervision for years. On Nov. 15, the Alabama Juvenile Justice Task Force will meet to decide on recommendations for Alabama. We would like to see all fines and fees removed from the juvenile justice system, and any restitution should be reasonable — based on the amount of actual loss — not including, for instance, damage that was covered by insurance. It should also take into account our ability to pay. What’s more, collecting debt from children inevitably places the burden on their parents. Judges fail to recognize that children cannot singlehandedly support the juvenile justice system. They also fail to consider a parent’s ability to pay their child’s debt. Whether or not a parent can pay, judges should consider if the parent is even responsible for the child’s offense in the first place. If the parent’s actions are completely unrelated to the child’s conduct, they should not have to pay court costs associated with it. We believe in justice, but we don’t believe in punishing children — and their parents — just because they are poor. Terri Sharpe Mobile

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Judge not Editor: As a pro-life, ‘Bama-raised, Bible-believing minister named Moore, I strongly encourage you to vote … against Roy Moore. The Bible teaches us sanctity for life, respect for law, commitment to marriage and several others things Judge Moore trumpets. The Good Book also teaches things Roy Moore seems to forget. In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus aims his strongest words-of-woe warning at two groups of hypocrites: holier-than-thou Pharisees and rich folks who are callous toward the poor. Both Old and New Testaments command us to care for the needy, to love our neighbor, to welcome the immigrant in our midst … and to judge not. So I won’t judge whether Judge Roy deserves Jesus’ denouncement of “You hypocrite!” But as citizens, our duty is to discern the best person to represent in Congress all the people of Alabama. You can choose to ignore as “fake news” the reports from credible sources that Roy Moore used charity dollars to further his own career and comfort. You can determine whether Moore’s statements and actions violate the spirit of the Good Samaritan parable and the related biblical injunction of Leviticus 19:34, “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself.” As an ordained minister, I do have an informed notion that Roy Moore is a “selective Bible literalist.” He selects certain Scriptures as inarguable allies to his narrow-minded politics, and from thousands of verses picks a handful to stand alone in stone. But he discards entire chapters of challenge about loving one’s enemies, choosing instead to favor fear, hate and judgment. Is there a saint running for office anywhere? I doubt it. I’m not one myself. But whether a Christian or otherwise, I would still vote for Doug Jones because we desperately need someone to stand up for the rest of us, for those of flawed virtue, those not wealthy born or well connected — the ones Jesus called “the least of these.” Because Jesus also said the least among us is equal to the greatest (Luke 9:48). Equality is thus a Christian ideal and an American principle, embodied in the life and work of Doug Jones. Dr. Lance Moore Daphne

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Photo | John Mullen

The city of Orange Beach is negotiating a land swap with the state of Alabama after building its wastewater treatment plant on the wrong property.


hat looks about right. Put it there. Oops. When the City of Orange Beach began construction on its current sewer plant in 2008, the plan was to put it on a 40-acre parcel near the city Sportsplex and east of Powerline Road. According to Orange Beach Coastal Resources Director Phillip West, a few years later — the summer of 2010, he guesses — Greg Lein of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources discovered something was amiss with the location. He brought it to the attention of Barnett Lawley, conservation commissioner at the time. “The whole thing’s on state land,” West said. “We’ve got title to the 40 acres next to the Sportsplex and we’ve not got title to the 40 where the sewer plant is.” Exactly how did a $23 million sewer plant for the city end up on Gulf State Park property? “I don’t really have a good answer for you,” current Conservation Commissioner Chris Blankenship said. Orange Beach City Administrator Ken Grimes, like Blankenship, wasn’t working in his current job when the plant was planned and construction begun. But both have been involved in the process to compensate the state. “All the planning indicated it was going right there,” Grimes said. “I don’t believe there was a survey done at the time. The plant was there because the assumption was made that that was the site.” Grimes says the most likely culprit is a minuscule error on a deed that became a 40acre mistake. “Probably as simple as something like one letter,” Grimes said. “You look at all the different letters and it could be one letter off from northwest or northeast. What we’ve

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determined is more likely a scrivener’s error at the time.” Now the City of Orange Beach and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are nearing the end of a land swap to rectify the situation. Eventually, the state will take ownership of about 40 acres east of the sewer plant site. Because the land was partially paid for by a United States Fish and Wildlife Service grant when originally acquired, getting all the “i’s dotted and t’s crossed” has taken a few years. “We had to find a like value for what we needed to swap,” Blankenship said. “It took some environmental review and it had to go through review with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and then out for public review. It’s just taken quite a bit of time to satisfy the requirements of the Fish and Wildlife Service.” But he believes all that’s in order and now it’s time to get the information to Grimes and Orange Beach officials to finish the process. “Now we’re just waiting on the City of Orange Beach to do whatever they need to do for us to be able to move toward closing,” Blankenship said. “I don’t think we have a target imminent. It just needs to go, I think, through the Orange Beach City Council. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do that right away.” Grimes said the city hasn’t received the paperwork yet but is ready to move forward as soon as it arrives. “I think the survey was completed in the last six months and that’s what defined the swap,” he said. “It’s more housekeeping than anything. Obviously, the plant was built where it was planned to be built. We’ve been operating the plant now for many years.” The plant went online in 2011, city officials confirmed.




t the conclusion of a tour of Daphne Utilities’ wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on D’Olive Creek last month, General Manager Danny Lyndall pointed out one of the walls in an employee break room. It’s covered with about 20 awards from professional organizations. There are a few others piled up on a filing cabinet nearby. “We’re running out of room to hang them,” he said. There are awards for water quality, pollution control, distribution, recycling efforts and employee performance, among other things. When the plant works, Lyndall stressed, it’s one of the best in Alabama, if not the nation. But at issue in a lawsuit threatened by Mobile Baykeeper in September is what happened when the plant or other areas of the system didn’t work, the amount of damage it potentially caused and what was reported to the public or regulatory agencies afterward. Earlier, Lyndall had paused the tour halfway through to “tell you what happened here in August.” Daphne Utilities’ WWTP is an activated sludge system, largely automated but requiring frequent human oversight, maintenance and adjustments. Treating an average of three million gallons per day, raw sludge enters the plant via the “headworks,” where inorganic solids are removed. Just beyond the headworks are cavernous underground tanks, where the sludge is briefly stored before it is pumped to massive aeration tanks on opposite ends of the property. It was there, in the first step of a six-step treatment process, where a power outage in August prevented pumps from moving the sewage to the second step of the process. As Lyndall explained, after the “power blink,” the plant’s computer system did not communicate to the pumps to restart automatically, as designed. Instead, “they were in manual mode,” he said, for several hours overnight when the plant wasn’t staffed. The flow continued to enter the plant, but after

the headworks, it overtopped the underground storage tanks and then began spilling onto the property. The untreated sewage — “it looked like a layer of water running through here,” he said — flowed north, filling four concrete basins and an inclined pump area before eventually reaching D’Olive Creek. “The first step when we saw it was to turn the pumps back on,” he said. “It was literally a matter of switching them from manual to automatic mode. They kicked on, they started pumping to both sides of the plant like they were supposed to do, we pulled these levels down, and the overflow stopped almost instantaneously.” Then, workers set about pumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of sewage from the basins and ramp area back into the headworks, and rinsing the entire area with fire hoses. Lyndall noted the large concrete basins weren’t designed to capture overflows, but fortunately served in that capacity during this incident. “My first call was to Baykeeper. While we figured out what was going on we basically let them know, ‘hey, we have a major incident here,’” Lyndall recalled. “Then, we did our paperwork, we sent it to ADEM [Alabama Department of Environmental Management] and to the health department as we’re required to do.” Using evidence provided by a former Daphne Utilities employee, Baykeeper claims the utility company intentionally misled about the scope of the spill. Lyndall said 500,000 gallons reached the creek. Baykeeper said it was more than a million. Utilities Board Chairman Randy Fry, who attended the tour along with a public relations executive, claimed he had complete confidence in the plant’s management and operation. “That’s an almost impossible calculation to make because once these pumps turned off, we no longer have an accurate flow rate,” Lyndall said. “The only thing we can do at that point is to compare … to take data from a similar day and see what the difference is. We were making the best estimate we can.”


New plan



he city will present concepts for a possible new use for the site of the Mobile Civic Center at an open house slated for Monday, Nov. 13, Mayor Sandy Stimpson’s office announced. The goal of the event, which will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the 53-year-old building’s lobby, is to present concepts to the public and receive their input, city spokesman George Talbot said. “This 24-acre space in the heart of our downtown is a significant part of our community,” Stimpson said in a statement. “We have an incredible opportunity to transform an aging facility into a landmark that serves multiple purposes for all of our citizens and guests. We’re excited and motivated by all of the possibilities for Mobile.” According to a fact sheet provided by the city, staff met with “sports associations, our downtown hotel and restaurant association, developers, music venues, arts and entertainment groups, Mardi Gras representatives, surrounding neighborhoods and many other individuals and groups directly

impacted by the Mobile Civic Center” and have come up with a number of concepts that will be presented to the public. Talbot said one such concept would be to transform the Civic Center into a mixed-use complex featuring residential and retail development. Another concept would be to leave it as it is, he said. Another concept that will be presented would be to transform it into a sports and entertainment venue, similar to what it is now. In all, Talbot said five concepts would be presented. Following the open house, the city will begin to formulate a plan using citizen feedback, according to the fact sheet. The city will then shape a request for proposals “to address highlevel needs including civic, residential, retail, recreation, arts and Mardi Gras,” send the RFP to global development groups to inquire about interest in developing the site, establish a publicprivate partnership and create a transition plan. The city hopes to begin construction in 2020. N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 7 - N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | L AG N I A P P E | 7



Photo | Courtesy USACOE

Col. James A. DeLapp (left), the commander and district engineer for the Mobile District, discusses stabilization efforts at Puerto Rico’s Guajataca Dam, which was damaged by Hurricane Maria.


wo days after Hurricane Maria broadsided Puerto Rico in late September, a small team from the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Mobile District was deployed to begin a massive and ongoing response to the monumental infrastructural disaster on the the island. According to Mobile District Commander Col. James A. DeLapp, in national emergencies the Corps is dispatched through the Federal Emergency Management Agency to perform public works and engineering tasks needed to move along recovery efforts. The district that gets assigned is based on geographic proximity to the event, and typically, DeLapp said, the Jacksonville District would cover Puerto Rico. However, that district was already responding to Hurricane Irma, which

struck South Florida just 10 days earlier. The Mobile District was the next closest, and since then more than 80 local employees have volunteered to join hundreds of others in Puerto Rico dispatched from districts across the country as the Corps continues its recovery efforts. “Our main mission has been providing temporary emergency power, which means installing generators at critical facilities like police stations, hospitals and 911 centers,” DeLapp told Lagniappe in a call from San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital. “To date, we’ve installed more than 440, but we’re expecting to double that number at the rate we’re going.” By comparison, while responding to Hurricane Katrina in

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2005, the Corps installed just 310 emergency generators throughout all of coastal Louisiana and Mississippi. In addition, the Corps is having to repair some of the generators they’ve already installed. DeLapp said those generators aren’t designed to run 24/7 but could be the only source of power in some areas for several months as the Corps works with contractors to essentially rebuild the vast majority of Puerto Rico’s electric grid. Other key components of the Corps’ mission have been removing debris and installing temporary roofing on residential homes and businesses. So far, more than 6 million cubic yards of debris have been removed and more than 6,000 temporary roofs have been installed, though DeLapp said that only scratches the surface of both efforts. As national news reported, there were several logistical challenges to responding to the disaster in Puerto Rico, not the least of which is the three-day sail needed to send supplies to the island. When it came to equipment like power trucks, which can travel from neighboring states during a mainland emergency, DeLapp said Puerto Rico “only had what was on the island, which wasn’t nearly enough.” On top of that, Hurricane Maria left almost no communication infrastructure in its wake, which continues to present a logistical challenge for recovery workers as private wireless companies continue their efforts to get cell phone towers back up and running. “When we first hit the ground here, there were still a lot of hazards on the roadways — like light poles, power lines — and obviously, there was very little to no light because, for the most part, more than 80 percent of the island had lost power,” DeLapp said. “Plus, without the power to run stoplights, things were even more hazardous for team members traveling on the roads.” After nearly two months, DeLapp said progress had been made in most of those areas, but given the scale of the recovery effort, he said, groups of employees and soldiers will continue to be deployed to the island for months to come — most volunteering in 30-day rotations that typically entail 12-hour workdays, seven days a week. “We’ve got over 600 Corps employees deployed from across the nation, and every single one of them is a volunteer,” DeLapp said. “Of those, more than 80 are out of Mobile District, and we’ll likely be here until July [2018] and will continue to get volunteers, typically in 30-day rotations.” As far the local district’s contributions to the Corps mission in Puerto Rico, DeLapp said it’s something the entire Mobile team is excited to be a part of. “Being a Gulf Coast community, we know we’re just as susceptible to hurricanes, and many of us have lived through that,” he added. “We’re glad to be doing our part to help these folks out, and we’re going to see this through and get them back on their feet.”


Return to sender



t’s been almost a year since Mobile County Revenue Commissioner Kim Hastie was dragged into a lawsuit filed over the way her office processes petitions to redeem tax-delinquent properties, but even with clarification from the state those policies remain unchanged. Redemptions occur when a landowner seeks to redeem a property another party has purchased a “tax lien” on. Those liens can be purchased by private investors who, by paying the back taxes on a property, can have it deeded to them outright after three years. That time gives homeowners a chance to pay the delinquent ad valorem taxes owed to the county and redeem the property themselves, but the process for doing so has been complicated by changes in state law that, if abused, tip the scales in a tax purchaser’s favor. Since 2013, Alabama has required “redeeming parties” to reimburse tax purchasers for the cost of things such as insurance premiums or property improvements they incur in that three-year period. Redemption officials, including Commissioner Hastie, are tasked with ensuring those reimbursements are agreed upon before a redemption can proceed. The Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) tried to streamline that task by creating a “redemption affidavit” both parties can sign. The trouble is, Hastie’s office requires redeeming parties to get the affidavit signed before their redemption can move forward at all, even if the other financial obligations are in order. The policy isn’t a problem if the tax purchaser cooperates, but if they choose not to it only takes a few years of dodging phone calls and letters to secure property for pennies on the dollar, which leaves owners with little recourse to reclaim their property. “This happens a lot both locally and across the state, perhaps in some counties more than others,” Mobile County Attorney Jay Ross said. “It’s a very convoluted area of law, and there’s somewhat of a cottage industry of people who make money on these tax sales.” While all 67 Alabama counties use the redemption affidavit or a similar document, not all place the same importance on it. Baldwin County, for instance, uses the affidavit but still allows owners to redeem their property if a tax purchaser refuses to cooperate and sign the document. The vast majority of Alabama counties don’t require both parties to sign a single document, but that policy persists in Mobile County despite a number of cases where it’s gummed up the process. By law, the probate court can settle disputed redemptions, which typically occur when parties can’t agree on what is owed. Since 2015, a number of legal actions have been filed in probate court including at least six Lagniappe could identify that were temporarily sidelined when a tax purchaser “refused” to sign that joint affidavit. Though the court was able to move most of those redemptions along, for many already struggling to pay their taxes hiring a lawyer for a legal battle just isn’t financially feasible. One lawsuit over a property in Chunchula, though, has continued to move toward a bench trial before Probate Judge Don Davis, a case that could very likely affect future property redemptions locally and might have statewide implications as well. Georgia resident Ernest Lewis inherited property on Old Citronelle Highway from his deceased mother, but when the taxes became delinquent, investor David James Davis purchased

a $863 lien on the property, which is roughly 2 percent of the land’s fair market value in 2014. Though he was prepared to pay the back taxes and reimbursements, Lewis spent five months last year trying to contact Davis over the phone and through certified letters so he could complete the joint affidavit Hastie told him was required to proceed with the redemption. Lewis eventually took the matter to Probate Court, where it might have been quickly resolved where it not for Hastie’s office issuing Davis a tax deed for the property after being notified of the pending legal action. Now the office has found itself ensnared in Lewis’ lawsuit as well. “In my mind, that should have be like a caution flag or red flag … meaning nothing should happen relative to that parcel of property because you’ve got legal action pending,” Lewis told Lagniappe. “Even NASCAR knows when there’s a caution flag, you stop racing.” Complicating matters further, the investor had the residential structure on the property bulldozed months after obtaining the tax deed for the property, though it was only a few days after he was served with a subpoena in Lewis’ lawsuit, according to neighbors in the area. County attorneys quickly sought to bring ADOR into the lawsuit as well after claiming its requirement to complete the affidavit was based on advice given in a September 2013 memo ADOR sent to all to redemption officials introducing the document for the first time. However, in briefs submitted earlier this year by Assistant Attorney General Keith Maddox, ADOR refuted claims that its “strong suggestion” to use the affidavit was somehow a mandate. “Apparently, there have been several instances in Mobile County involving property redemptioners being unable to have the affidavit signed by the tax sale purchaser,” Maddox wrote. “The department of revenue realizes the logistics of the affidavit, as well as the entire redemption process, work more smoothly when the proposed redemptioner and tax sale purchaser cooperate. However, in cases of a lack of cooperation between the redemptioner and purchaser, ADOR also believes [the Probate Court] can determine the amount due.” Lewis believes the 18 months of legal filings has been more akin to legal stalling, which has added to the time and money it’s cost him to secure a relatively low-value piece of property. The final legal expense hasn’t been determined, but Lewis said it immediately exceeded what he owed in back taxes and has continued to increase ever since. “I’ll put it this way, the average person would likely have thrown up their hands and said ‘I can’t afford for this to keep going. It’s not worth the headache.’” he said. “And I think that’s what this is an effort to bring about, but, what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong, and clearly, what’s going on here is wrong.” As for the county, Ross said he was limited in what he could discuss about the case itself, though he and officials overseeing local redemptions have confirmed there have been changes in the county’s use of the redemption affidavit. ‘The plan is to go through the litigation process and get a judicial ruling, which will clearly guide how Commissioner Hastie handles this in future, though I don’t know how that could affect revenue officials in other counties,” he said. “We plan to follow whatever Judge Davis’ ruling is.” A trial in the Lewis case has been tentatively scheduled for February 2018.

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oe Davis had no qualms about going forward with a vote on whether to spend another $30,000 on a study about an independent school system in Daphne. But a motion by Councilman Robin LeJeune to delay a vote two more weeks was carried by a 5-2 vote at Monday’s council meeting. LeJeune said he felt officials needed more time to digest information from the first part of the study — one that cost $38,000 and was only released Oct. 30. “I just thought it was a little hasty in trying to force a vote when you’ve just gotten a 55-page study just a week ago,” LeJeune said. “It’s been out in the public eye for less than a week, which I thought was concerning that they were trying to really push a vote on the second portion of the study. I felt that five or six days was not enough time for the general public to look at the study. If they had any questions it gives us a chance to answer those questions.” Davis and Councilman Ron Scott were the two dissenters on waiting two weeks. Voting for the delay were new Council President Tommie Conway, Council Pro Tem Pat Rudicell and councilors LeJeune, Joel Coleman and Doug Goodlin.

Coleman echoed LeJeune’s concerns and said he wanted more time to let the public digest the report in order to have an informed opinion. “There are 25,000-plus citizens in the city and it’s not imprudent to wait to see if we can get more comments,” Coleman said. “Two weeks, to me, is worth the time to wait and see if we can get more feedback.” Davis says he doesn’t think the Baldwin County system is broken and wants the council to look for ways to help the county improve Daphne’s schools. “There are other ways we can make our schools better without going to this sort of expense,” he said. He found some expenses revealed in the first part of the Criterion K-12 study alarming, including $5.3 million in startup costs for teacher salaries before state funding would kick in. On top of that, the city would be on the hook for an additional $3.6 million for operating costs and to bank a month’s worth of operating costs, a state requirement. That’s almost $9 million the city would need on hand before any state funding flows into the new system’s coffers. LeJeune said the startup costs, while steep, weren’t unexpected. “There’s an investment that has to be made and we

know the investment is upfront,” LeJeune said. “Once we make the initial investment we don’t need that much to continue on. After the initial investment, the millage they ask for drops back to 2 mills to run the actual school system. “Yes, the initial shock was there, but I think everyone understands that is going to be there. It didn’t surprise me.” Another Davis concern is the $43 million debt on current facilities the school board would have to take on through 2037. It’s a concern LeJeune shares and one reason he wanted to delay a vote on the study’s second half.

JOE DAVIS HAD NO QUALMS ABOUT GOING FORWARD WITH A VOTE ON WHETHER TO SPEND ANOTHER $30,000 ON A STUDY ABOUT AN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL SYSTEM IN DAPHNE. BUT A MOTION BY COUNCILMAN ROBIN LEJEUNE TO DELAY A VOTE TWO MORE WEEKS WAS CARRIED BY A 5-2 VOTE AT MONDAY’S COUNCIL MEETING” “I’m trying to get some information about that and get more information on the amount of debt and how that all works,” LeJeune said. LeJeune also said Criterion K-12’s estimation of future growth in Daphne omitted several upcoming or ongoing residential projects in the city. Councilman Goodlin pointed out that 2,859 approved lots for homes, apartments or townhouses were not included in the study.




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Photo | Lagniappe

he irony in transforming a historic church XIV and wearing a metal prosthetic, Williams said. It building into Iron Hand Brewing, Mobile’s newest was because he would wear a glove and knock people out brewpub, is not lost on Rebecca Williams. She’s with it, she said. even decided to place the bar where the former Later, he was sent to North America with Robert de La Hunter Baptist Church’s altar previously sat. Salle and died in Mobile in 1704, one year after the city’s “It is ironic,” she said. “The irony is not lost on me.” founding. She said she wanted a building with “historic characAs for the community named for “Iron Hand,” Wilter,” but one that had a full commercial kitchen because a liams said her new De Tonti Square neighbors have been brewpub, by law, has to serve food. welcoming and wonderful. “This building had been empty “The neighborhood association for a couple years,” she said. “It has been just fantastic,” she said. needed some TLC. We couldn’t “We want to be good neighbors. have asked for a better site for what We understand we’re moving into a THE IRONY IN TRANSFORMING we want to do.” neighborhood.” A HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDWilliams also wanted something The brewpub will specialize in more intimate than a Dauphin Street British and American pub staples, ING INTO MOBILE’S NEWEST location, which made the old Watersuch as burgers and fries, fish and BREWPUB IS NOT LOST ON front Rescue Mission building in De chips, bangers and mash, shepherd’s Tonti Square perfect. pie and other favorites, prepared by REBECCA WILLIAMS. SHE’S The building is in the process of her husband, Ben Ross. being restored to what it would have The beers, which by law can EVEN DECIDED TO PLACE THE looked like when it was originally only be consumed on the premises, BAR WHERE THE FORMER used as a church, with the original will also have a British Isles focus. flooring intact. The pub will use Iron Hand will produce an oatmeal HUNTER BAPTIST CHURCH’S leftover church pews as banquettes stout, a porter, a blonde ale, an India ALTAR PREVIOUSLY SAT. and as a portion of the bar, Williams pale ale and more. Ross is also the said. brewer. Williams, a history professor at “Homebrewing was an extenthe University of South Alabama sion of his cooking,” Williams said and owner of Iron Hand Brewing, named the brewpub in of Ross. “He’ll be the back of the house and I’ll be the honor of Henri De Tonti, the namesake of the downtown front of the house. We’re both working according to our Mobile neighborhood where the old church building sits. strengths.” De Tonti was given the nickname “Iron Hand” by men As for a construction timeline, Williams said she hopes The former Hunter Baptist Church at 206 State St. in De Tonti Square will house Iron Hand Brewing, opening in early 2018. in his command, after losing a hand in battle under Louis the pub can have a soft opening by New Year’s Eve.

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always included fiscal responsibility and voicing the will of her district. But over the past couple of years she’s broken with that at times — supporting a fiscally outlandish soccer complex pushed by her political pal, County Commissioner Connie Hudson; urging the city to simply pay the county $500,000 in a rent dispute the city seems poised to win; and now voting to put Richardson a heartbeat away from the mayor’s office. Four years ago suggesting Rich would do any of those things would have seemed laughable, but people change, I suppose. Once it was decided Gregory needed to go, the members of the council had to know any attempt to install another white president would be perceived as unfair to a majority of the city. By the same token, the idea of promoting the most fly-by-theseat-of-his-pants-as-long-as-the-city-paysfor-the-ticket councilor to a spot where he could pontificate weekly on whatever thought entered his head also was a no-go. In the end, the City Council has fallen back-asswards into what now seems to be the only logical answer — give the group’s youngest member the gavel and let him have a shot at leading. Fighting over the position or, God forbid, pursuing legal avenues to further attempt to ramrod Richardson into the job would only be a distraction and a waste of time and money. Not to mention it would create more disharmony. Regardless, it’s been a bizarre way to kick off a new term at City Hall. Hopefully it’s not a precursor of things to come.


situation with most things determined by the “Zoghby Act,” it turns out you need five votes to move the ball. The council’s own attorney Jim Rossler agreed with Williams’ reading of the law and ended up with his head on the block. He was quickly fired on the spot once Fred’s coup had failed — ironically on a simple majority vote cast by the same four who couldn’t get Richardson into the president’s chair — and replaced by Wanda Cochran. While the move seemed rather orchestrated, there had been no leaks about Rossler being part of the collateral damage, and it came as a surprise even to some members of the council. So as of this writing the council sits with no president. Manzie, who was voted in as vice president unanimously, is the de facto prez until, or if ever, the impasse is broken. Richardson is still pinning hopes on Cochran reading the law differently, or perhaps taking the whole thing to circuit court. Unless he can win the legal battle or convince one of the “nay” voters to switch, he’s headed back to City Council gen pop instead of to the president’s seat. The same fate awaits Gregory, who after four years as council president appears even further away from the presidency than Richardson. Even the two votes she received besides her own appear to have been courtesy of political expediency, as both Williams and District 5 Councilman Joel Daves would have faced the wrath of their constituents if they’d agreed to put Richardson in the chair. Some of the unhappiness of this affair hinges on a strange legal technicality that essentially dissolves the City Council at midnight the day before they are

reinstalled. This has allowed them to meet secretly without violating the open meetings law to hash out who will be president. Then they come in and vote unanimously for that person. Richardson complained Gregory was elected on a 4-3 vote — but that was apparently behind closed doors. The official vote was 7-0. So “tradition” has really hinged on an effort to be opaque. Assuming the reading of the Zoghby Act is correct — and its namesake and co-author Mary Zoghby says it is — and five votes are needed, it seems highly unlikely either side is going to budge when it comes to handing either Fred or Gina the gavel. If that is the case, the most obvious solution is to vote Manzie in as president, choose another veep and get back to work. While Richardson may feel bitter about the presidency slipping through his fingers again, he really has no one to blame but himself. His wild use of taxpayer money to fund his own penchant for globetrotting has left him unpopular with those who don’t like wasteful spending. Richardson has also been a lightning rod for racial matters, which has created dislike for him among much of Mobile’s white citizenry. So even if the holdouts wanted to vote for Fred, the political backlash would be too great. Although that didn’t stop Rich. In this failed attempt to put Richardson in place, Rich no doubt burned a tremendous amount of political goodwill with her constituents. One of her political strong points over the years has been strictly sticking to her particular set of values, which has

Cartoon/Laura Rasmussen


ust as it looked like it was within his grasp, the silver cup of the Mobile City Council presidency may have slipped from Fred Richardson’s hand once again. For the past three weeks it appeared a junta had been cobbled together from unlikely allies that would put the District 1 councilman in the position he has craved. And on Monday the votes aligned just as Government Plaza sources had said they would — with Richardson, Levon Manzie and C.J. Small being joined by “Dr. No” Bess Rich to upend sitting president Gina Gregory. Only it didn’t work out quite as planned, with Richardson finally nabbing the gavel after 20 years on the council. District 4 Councilman John Williams, a military man used to following rules to a T, threw a wrench into the machinery when he pointed out state law requires the president to have at least five supporters in order to take the council’s top spot. Fred had only four. Gregory, for her part, could garner only three “yea” votes, and the whole thing hit a brick wall. The need for a supermajority had been the latest bit of scuttlebutt to seep out a few days prior to the vote. Everyone had assumed a vote as seemingly perfunctory as determining who would run the council meetings would certainly turn on a simple majority. But as is the





t’s been another heartbreaking month in America with the terrorist attack in New York and two of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. It just seems like the blood spilled on our soil for so many different reasons is never going to end. I think our flags have spent more time at half-staff than not. When will this end? But even as we grieve together as a nation, we are still more politically divided than ever. From national to state and local politics, the new norm is just spewing a fountain of hateful rhetoric. I’m so tired of it. It’s hard to know what to make of anything anymore. But here are a couple of random thoughts on these thoroughly depressing issues.

Another month, another mass shooting

They are getting closer together. You would think after the worst mass shooting in American history, we would have a little more time to grieve than a mere 35 days. But barely more than a month later, we have to see images of small children, babies who were slaughtered at one of the places where we should all feel the safest, our churches. This most recent mass shooting in Texas once again proves it can happen anywhere to any one of us. Young or old. In metropolitan cities, tourist attractions, small towns that hardly have a dot on the map, our houses of worship, our schools, our workplaces, our entertainment venues, anywhere. Seemingly no ZIP code or person is immune from this kind of senseless violence. Predictably, thoughts and prayers have once again been offered — words that now ring hollow and seem insulting rather than comforting. Debates on whether this is all about guns or mental health have begun (it’s both), just so nothing will have to be done by the people who could do something. We have pretty much lost all hope we will see any real leadership on these issues. If you turn on local talk radio you hear callers ringing in not to even debate gun control anymore but to say they are absolutely packing heat everywhere they go, including their churches, just in case something like this happens to them. Sigh. This is the world we live in and are raising our children in — a world where a 1-year-old baby named Noah can be shot to death in his church at point-blank range and where the guy you are exchanging “peace of Christ” with on Sundays just may have a Smith and Wesson on his hip because he feels he has to. You’re not even sure anymore if this makes you scared or grateful to have your fellow parishioners armed with pistols, but you’re definitely rethinking sitting in your usual pew near the front doors. Middle of the church is probably the safest place for you and your family, you reason, since you are not sure if the gunman would use the front or back entrance to start shooting you with his assault rifle. You are sad you are even

thinking about the best place to sit in church so you and your family will not be murdered. It’s all just so devastating in more ways than one. And still, absolutely nothing will change between now and the next time it happens. Except we’ll grow more numb to it, and that’s almost as depressing as the horrific acts themselves.

We should demand more from Moore

On Nov. 6 Barbara Caddell, the president of the League of Women Voters of Alabama, issued a press release saying they would “regretfully” not be hosting a candidates’ forum for the upcoming U.S. Senate election between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore — because Moore refused to participate. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization formed 97 years ago that promotes “informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.” According to the release, Doug Jones expressed interest in participating but a scheduler for Roy Moore told one of the forum’s organizers Moore was not interested in appearing on stage with “the other candidate.” Since Moore will not participate, the organization will not hold an “empty chair” forum with just Jones. “Moore’s refusal to participate has effectively killed our forum. As a matter of principle, the League does not hold ‘empty chair’ candidate events when one of two candidates chooses not to participate. We believe that an empty chair does not adequately depict a candidate — even when candidates are not interested in presenting their views — and both candidates need to be present in order for the democratic process to work,” the statement reads. Caddell expressed “disappointment” in Moore’s decision and said the organization felt it had an obligation to inform voters a candidate had declined to participate. This is so bogus. For a man like Moore, who has positioned himself as fighting for what he believes in no matter the cost, to be unwilling to debate his opponent is just pitiful. I imagine he feels he is going to sail to victory simply because he is a Republican in Alabama and that’s all it takes. So why would he bother showing up to answer questions on why he was removed from office twice and why his charity paid him such a hefty amount? If he had good answers to these questions, I am sure he would be happy to be on stage with “the other candidate.” This is the move of a coward, a man who will proudly wave a tiny weapon on stage but is too chicken to have a thoughtful debate on the issues with his rival. This speaks volumes on the kind of leader he would be. Our state deserves so much more. Sadly, we will probably still get Moore.

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Selma: A civil rights landmark forgotten 364 days a year BY JEFF POOR/COLUMNIST/JEFFREYPOOR@GMAIL.COM


very March, thousands of people gather at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge to commemorate 1965’s Bloody Sunday. It’s an annual event that draws people from all over the country, including some notable Democratic Party politicians if it falls before an election year. They all assemble here in Alabama’s Black Belt to mark the anniversary of the March 7, 1965, attack by Alabama State Troopers on approximately 600 people attempting to begin a march from Selma to Montgomery in the name of equal voting rights. But on this seasonably mild November Wednesday, there is very little going in downtown Selma. As traffic crosses over the Alabama River and heads east toward Montgomery, vehicles pass boarded-up windows and hollowed-out buildings that litter this plot of hallowed ground. Below the Edmund Pettus Bridge, near the corner of Water and Broad streets, graffiti is painted on the backs of dilapidated buildings along the river. A block up the street, the historic St. James Hotel is boarded up. The city of Selma earlier this year threw in the towel on the St. James, which occupies a building that was constructed in 1837 and survived the Civil War. A peek inside the window of the last hotel in the city’s historic downtown reveals everything was left probably as it was when the final guest checked out in September. If downtown revitalizations are in vogue in America, that trend has not made it to Selma. No question, Selma has problems. As with a lot of places in the South after desegregation, Selma experienced the phenomenon of white flight. According to U.S. Census data, what was a city split evenly along racial lines in the 1960s now has an African-American population that outnumbers the white population by a 4-to-1 margin. Also, according to recent Census data, over 40 percent of the population lives at or below the poverty line. People had their reasons for leaving Selma. The laws of human nature and economics trumped those created by man. Thus, the people of Selma paid the price for being at the forefront of the civil rights struggle in the 1960s and their descendants are still paying it today. It is striking that the place where events unfolded that were pivotal to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — legislation that changed the course of politics in the U.S. and still has reverberations today — seems to be nothing more than a footnote. With the exception a few days a year, the crown jewel of Alabama’s Black Belt is a forgotten city of another era. Not even Tinseltown has been able to create enough interest in this historic landmark to generate a pulse of a tourist economy. In 2014, the movie “Selma” opened in theaters and featured Oprah Winfrey and Cuba Gooding Jr., and offered a stirring soundtrack that included a hit single by Common and John Legend. Hollywood gave itself a reason to feel good

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by nominating the $20 million film for Golden Globes and Academy Awards. Nearly three years after the movie’s release, not many outsiders want to come and see where, as the film depicted, the civil rights movement scored a hard-fought victory in a region of Alabama that at the time was ruled by an entrenched, brutal power structure. It’s unreasonable to think Selma could be a big draw like Orlando, with its theme parks and resorts, or even like Washington, D.C., with the seats of powers, museums and landmarks. That being said, if Washington, D.C., is the swamp controlled by the evil orange dictator, and Selma, as Hollywood has pointed out, is a place where the struggle for equality triumphed over adversity, why is Washington, D.C., favored as a destination over Selma?

ASIDE FROM THE YEARLY BLOODY SUNDAY EVENT AND THE POLITICIANS AND DIGNITARIES THAT POP IN FOR THE PHOTO OP IN FRONT OF THE EDMUND PETTUS BRIDGE, SELMA DESERVES BETTER. So many in our society live off of trading in social justice. Consider how in the NFL a courageous stand is taking a knee during the national anthem. Groups like the Montgomerybased Southern Poverty Law Center can steer millions of dollars in corporate donations to their nonprofits, all in the name of promoting social justice. All of these feel-good measures that seem to be meant to assuage white guilt or create the perception of doing their part for equality are just checking a box. After decades of this, the country seems to be more divided, at least according to our news media, than it has been in recent memory. Nonetheless, 163 miles to the north of Mobile, off the beaten path sits a forgotten Selma, Alabama, with its rich history and modern struggles. Aside from the yearly Bloody Sunday event and the politicians and dignitaries that pop in for the photo op in front of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma deserves better. Many of the preachy executives at Silicon Valley tech companies aren’t shy about telling Alabamians how they should vote, live their lives and what religious tenets they should observe and ignore. Could they even find Selma on a roadmap? These elites could shoulder some of the effort to revitalize Selma. Outsiders shouldn’t be expected to resuscitate every old derelict town in the U.S. with pockets of urban blight. Commemorative movies and passages in history books don’t put food on the table. Given Selma’s unique place in history, it deserves more than the lip service it has gotten.

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Hot-dip galvanizing plant opening in Semmes BY RON SIVAK/COLUMNIST/BUSINESS@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM


onstruction is underway for a new hot-dip galvanizing facility in the Semmes area. Quality Galvanizing LLC, a subsidiary of Threaded Fasteners Inc., will own and operate the facility. The building will be located at 2650-C Schillinger Road, N. The site will encompass some 12,000 square feet in total, with 10,000 square feet dedicated to the galvanizing line and small office area and 2,000 square feet for storage. The facility will feature a new galvanizing line for TFI, with a kettle capable of holding 44 tons of molten zinc and a gross capacity of 6,000 pounds per hour. The new company plans to hire six to eight galvanizing technicians early next year. Those interested in applying for a position may send a resume and cover letter to: Human Resources, Quality Galvanizing LLC, 3200 Crichton St., Mobile 36607. Quality Galvanizing is a member of the American Galvanizers Association, a trade group that promotes safety and best practices in the galvanizing industry and also provides technical support and educational materials about galvanizing. To learn more about the hot-dip galvanizing process, visit the American Galvanizers Association website. • Old Majestic Brewery will occupy a 10,000-squarefoot former 1920s brick cotton warehouse building at 650 St. Louis St. in downtown Mobile. Relocating from Greenville, Mississippi, the top of the brewery’s roof will encompass a glass skylight and several 10-foot-wide by 13-foot-high windows will front the property. The warehouse is being dismantled, restored and historically reassembled in LoDa’s “Automobile Alley” Historic District. The brewpub will be adjacent to the Cheese Cottage, which is to open soon in a restored 1930s Pure Oil Service

Station located at 660 St. Louis St., and directly across from Olde Mobile Antiques, located in the former Nash Automobile Dealership in the 600 block of St. Louis Street, according to Bob Isakson, president of Lafayette Land Company. Heather Huffman with NAI Mobile represented the owners of the Old Majestic Brewery. J. Antone Green with Bellator Real Estate and Development worked for the landlords. • Providence Medical Group, the physician network of Providence Hospital, is expanding to the Eastern Shore with a new office in Fairhope and a new name. The practice, located at 411 N. Section St., Suite B, opened Nov. 1 as Ascension Medical Group Providence at Fairhope, according to a news release. Julia Ellison, D.O., will practice family medicine at the Fairhope office. She earned her doctor of osteopathy degree from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine and completed a residency in family medicine at the University of South Alabama. • Sola Salons is leasing 4,468 square feet of retail space in Eastern Shore Plaza, 10200 Eastern Shore Blvd. in Spanish Fort, and plans to open next spring. Angie McArthur with Stirling Properties represented the landlord. John Vallas with Vallas Realty worked for the tenant. • Per Sharon Wright with White-Spunner Realty, an acre lot at the corner of Edwards Avenue and Greeno Road in Fairhope was acquired by Century Bank for $375,000. Plans are in place to build a new branch office on the site by 2018. Jeremy Freedman of Bellator Real Estate and Development represented Century Bank. Wright worked for the seller. • Bay Area Clinical Associates LLC is leasing 2,400

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square feet of office space at 3925 Springhill Ave. in Mobile. The company is relocating from its current space and plans to open in early 2018. Jill Meeks, leasing executive with Stirling Properties, represented the tenant. Pratt Thomas with Merrill P. Thomas Co. worked for the landlord. • According to Amber Dedeaux with Vallas Realty, the Injury Treatment Center property at 3101 Springhill Ave. in Mobile, formerly under lease by center owner Dr. Scott Walker, was recently acquired for $245,000 by Walker. • A 17,000-square-foot former bowling alley site located at 204 E. Michigan Ave. in Foley on 1.5 acres was picked up for $475,000 by a South Florida speculator. Stacy Ryals, managing broker with Hosteeva Realty in Gulf Shores, worked for the buyers.

Mobile unemployment declines to U.S. average

The city of Mobile’s unemployment rate declined to 4.2 percent as of September 2017, according to a report from the Alabama Department of Labor, matching the national average. The numbers reflect a decrease from an August 2017 rate of 5.4 percent and a significant decline from a September 2016 rate of 7.4 percent. Estimates were prepared by the Alabama Labor Department in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, based on 2016 benchmarks. “Existing businesses continue to expand, offering more job opportunities to our citizens,” Mayor Sandy Stimpson said in a statement. “The interest level in Mobile from prospective employers and investors has never been higher, and we will continue to build on this momentum until the unemployment rate is zero.” Approximately 3,000 more people are working in the city of Mobile now than in September 2016, according to the study. Over the past year, Mobile has announced several new workforce opportunities including the Wal-Mart Distribution Center, the Amazon Sortation Center, the expansion of Airbus and Airbus suppliers, and most recently the relocation of SSAB’s headquarters from Chicago to Mobile.

Stuart joins Sam Winter & Co.

Mobile-based real estate sales and marketing firm Sam Winter & Co. recently announced the addition of agent Bry Stuart to the locally owned firm. A Mobile native, Stuart attended the University of South Alabama, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in communications. He worked at Ion South Pharmacy as a nuclear pharmacy technician prior to obtaining his real estate license in 2016. “We are excited to have Bry join our team. His sphere of influence among family, friends and business associates brings value to our company and its clients. Mobile is a relationship town and contacts such as his are very helpful in matching buyers and sellers, as well as providing resources for the real estate transaction itself. We are looking forward to having him work with us,” owner/ broker Sam Winter said.

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1808 Old Shell Rd. • 473-7872


DONUTS, COFFEE & SANDWICHES 1976 Michigan Ave. • 442-4846 3876 Airport Blvd. • 219-7369 505 Schillinger Rd. S. • 442-4845 29160 US Hwy 98 • 621-2228 $10/PERSON • $$ 10-25/PERSON • $$$ OVER 25/PERSON




ALL SPORTS BAR & GRILL ($) 3408 Pleasant Valley Rd. • 345-9338


CLASSIC HOTDOGS, GYROS & MILKSHAKES 4701 Airport Blvd. • 342-3243

ATLANTA BREAD COMPANY ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SALADS & MORE. 3680 Dauphin St. • 380-0444


OLD-FASHIONED SOUTHERN BAKE SHOP 156 N. McGregor Ave. • 219-7261


GOOD OLD AMERICAN COOKING 263 St. Francis St. • 405-1497


3662 Airport Blvd. Suite A • 525-9177


CLASSIC AMERICAN DINER 58 N. Secion St. Fairhope • 928-8521

CAFE 219 ($)

SALADS, SANDWICHES & POTATO SALAD 219 Conti St. • 438-5234


CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN FARE 61 Section St. • Fairhope • 928-4321




CLARK’S KITCHEN ($-$$) CATERING 5817 Old Shell Rd. • 622-0869


QUICHES & SANDWICHES 4366 Old Shell Rd. • 343-9889


107 St. Francis St. • 415-1700 3244 Dauphin St. • 476-0320 3215 Bel Air Mall • 476-8361 4707 Airport Blvd. • 461-9933 435 Schillinger Rd. • 639-1163 1682 US HWY 98 • Daphne • 621-3215 30500 AL 181 • Spanish Fort • 621-3020


CHICKEN SALAD, SALAD & SOUP 2370 S. Hillcrest Rd. Unit R • 660-0501 5753 Old Shell Rd. • 408-3236 1802 US Hwy 98 Suite F• 625-1092


195 S University Blvd. Suite H • 662-1829 15 N Conception St. • 433-2299



FLOUR GIRLS BAKERY ($) 809 Hillcrest Rd. • 634-2285


HOT SUBS, COLD SALADS & CATERING 6300 Grelot Rd. • 631-3730

FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES ($) BURGERS, MILKSHAKES & FRIES 4401 Old Shell Rd. • 447-2394 4663 Airport Blvd. • 300-8425 5319 Hwy 90 • 661-0071 1225 Satchel Page Dr.• 378-8768


FAMOUS CHICKEN FINGERS 29181 US Hwy 98 • Daphne • 375-1104 7843 Moffett Rd. • 607-6196 1109 Shelton Beach Rd. • 287-1423 310 S. University Blvd. • 343-0047 2250 Airport Blvd. • 479-2922 7641 Airport Blvd. • 607-7667 2558 Schillinger Rd. • 219-7761 3249 Dauphin St. • 479-2000

FOY SUPERFOODS ($) 119 Dauphin St.• 307-8997



SEAFOOD & SANDWICHES 212 ½ Fairhope Ave •Fairhope • 928-4100


3869 Airport Blvd. • 345-9544 5470 Inn Rd. • 661-9117 28975 US 98 • Daphne • 625-3910


MIND-BLOWING ISLAND FOOD 3700 Gov’t Blvd. Ste A • 602-1973


AUTHENTIC SUB SANDWICHES 7449 Airport Blvd. • 375-1820


SANDWICHES, CATERING & DELIVERY TOO 6920 Airport Blvd. • 414-5444 9 Du Rhu Dr. • 340-8694 62 B Royal St. • 432-0360


PIZZAS, SANDWICHES, COCKTAILS 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000


CHICAGO STYLE EATERY 1222 Hillcrest Rd. • 461-6599

1252 Govenment St.• 301-7556


HOME COOKING 4054 Government St. • 665-4557

1880 Industrial Pkwy. • 675-2999


COFFEE, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DESSERT 351 George St #B • 405-0003


HOT LUNCH, DAILY MENU (INSIDE VIA) 1717 Dauphin St. • 470-5231


PHILLY CHEESE STEAKS, GYROS & MORE 7101-A Theodore Dawes Rd. • 653-2979


22159 Halls Mill Rd. . • 648-6522





AUTHENTIC IRISH PUB 101 N. Bancroft St.• 990-5100


HOTDOGS SANDWICHES & COOL TREATS 3371 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 300–4015

MOMMA GOLDBERG’S DELI ($) SANDWICHES & MOMMA’S LOVE 3696 Airport Blvd. • 344-9500 5602 Old Shell Rd. • 287-6556

SLAP YOUR MAMA GOOD HOME COOKING 220 Dauphin St. • 432-6262


GREAT SANDWICHES, COFFEE & MORE 1087 Downtowner Blvd. • 643-1611

MARY’S SOUTHERN COOKING ($) 3011 Springhill Ave. • 476-2232


6358 Cottage Hill Rd. • 725-6917

4701 Airport Blvd. • 408-3379


AT FLU CREEK 831 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-7766


107 St Francis St #115 • RSA Bank Trust Building


DAILY SPECIALS MADE FROM SCRATCH 57 N. Claiborne St. • 694-6853 OPEN FOR LUNCH, INSIDE GULFQUEST 155 S. Water St • 436-8901

MUFFINS, COFFEE & WRAPS 105 Dauphin St. • 433-9855




OVEN-BAKED SANDWICHES & MORE 1335 Satchel Page Dr. Suite C. • 287-7356 7440 Airport Blvd. • 633-0096 30500 State Hwy 181 #132 • 625-6544


HEALTHY WHOLE FOODS & MORE 101 N Water St. (Moorer YMCA)• 458-8572

O’DALYS HOLE IN THE WALL ($) 562 Dauphin St.• 725-6429



ORIGINAL SANDWICH AND BAKE SHOP 42 ½ Section St. • Fairhope • 929-0122 102 Dauphin St. • 405-0031

113 Dauphin St.• 436-0989

SOUTHERN COOKING & THEN SOME 1716 Main St. Daphne • 222-4120



33 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-5635


DOWN-HOME COUNTRY COOKIN 7351 Theodore Dawes Rd. • 654-0228 13665 N. Wintzell Ave. • 824-1119

TIN ROOF ($-$$)

SOUTHERN CASUAL FAMILY DINING 10800 US HWY 31 • Spanish Fort• 621-4995



PDQ ($)






BAR FOOD 271 Dauphin St • 438-9585

CHICKEN FINGERS, SALAD & SANDWICHES. 1165 University Blvd. • 202-0959 BAKERY, SANDWICHES & MORE 750 S. Broad St. • 438-1511 4464 Old Shell Rd. • 342-8546 107 St. Francis St. Suite 102 • 438-2261 FUDGE, PRALINES & MORE 17111 Scenic Hwy 98 • Fairhope • 928-8477

R BISTRO ($-$$)

334 Fairhope Ave • Fairhope • 928-2399

REGINA’S KITCHEN ($-$$) SANDWICHES, SUBS & SOUPS 2056 Gov’t St. • 476-2777


WRAPS & SALADS 3220 Dauphin St. • 479-2480


2906 Springhill Ave. • 479-4614


MAMA’S ($)



FRESH CARIBBEAN-STYLE FOOD & CRAFT BEER 6601 Airport Blvd. • 634-3445 225 Dauphin St. • 375-1576


SANDWICHES, SOUPS, SALADS & MORE 41 West I-65 Service Rd. N Suite 150. • 287-2793





MONTEGO’S ($-$$)


3915 Gov’t Blvd. • 219-7922

CUPCAKE BOUTIQUE 6207 Cottage Hill Rd. Suite B • 665-3003

SANDWICHES, SOUTHWEST FARE, 7 DAYS 1203 Hwy 98 Ste. 3D • Daphne • 626-2440 LUNCH & DINNER 3004 Gov’t Blvd. • 287-1220

AMERICAN RESTAURANT & BAR 250 Dauphin St. • 476-1890 LIGHT LUNCH WITH SOUTHERN FLAIR. 226 Dauphin St. • 433-6725

GREAT SMOOTHIES, WRAPS & SANDWICHES. Du Rhu Dr. • 378-5648 570 Schillinger Road • 634-3454

2550 Dauphin Island Pkwy S. • 307-5328

WAREHOUSE BAKERY & DONUTS ($) COFFEE AND DONUTS 759 Nichols Avenue, Fairhope • 928-7223


GOURMET GRILLED CHEESE 5955 Old Shell Rd. • 287-6134


5401 Cottage Hill Rd. • 591-4842

MOE’S ORIGINAL BAR B QUE ($) BARBEQUE & MUSIC Bayfront Park Dr. • Daphne • 625-RIBS 701 Springhill Ave. • 410-7427 4672 Airport Blvd. • 300-8516

SAUCY Q BARBQUE ($) AWARD-WINNING BARBQUE 1111 Gov’t Blvd. • 433-7427

SMOKEY DEMBO SMOKE HOUSE ($) 3758 Dauphin Island Pkwy. • 473-1401


A PREMIER CATERER & COOKING CLASSES 1880-A Airport Blvd. • 450-9051

BRIQUETTES STEAKHOUSE ($-$$) GRILLED STEAKS, CHICKEN & SEAFOOD 720A Schillinger Rd. S. S2. • 607-7200 901 Montlimar Dr • 408-3133


SEAFOOD AND SUSHI 551 Dauphin St.• 219-7051





HOME COOKIN’ LIKE MOMMA MADE. 2804 Springhill Ave. • 473-4739

BBQ, BURGERS, WINGS & SEAFOOD 19170 Hwy 43 Mt. Vernon. • 829-9227 A FAVORITE BARBECUE SPOT 5456 Old Shell Rd. • 343-0001

COFFEE, LUNCHES, LIVE MUSIC & GELATO 3 Royal St. S. • 415-3000

DOWNTOWN LUNCH 101 N. Conception St. • 545-4682



17111 Scenic HWY 98 • Point Clear • 928-4838


WINE, BEER, GOURMET FOODS, & MORE. 720 Schillinger Rd. S. Unit 8 • 287-1851


FOOD, WINE & MORE 5150 Old Shell Rd. • 341-1497


WINE BAR, CRAFT BEERS & BISTRO 6808 Airport Blvd. • 343-3555

FIREHOUSE WINE BAR & SHOP 216 St Francis St. • 421-2022


323A De La Mare Ave, Fairhope • 990-0003 1104 Dauphin St.. • 478-9494


LIVE MUSIC, MARTINIS & DINNER MENU. 26 N. Royal St. • 338-2000


BISTRO PLATES, CRAFT BEERS & PANTRY 2304 Main St. • 375-2800



ABBA’S MEDITERRANEAN CAFE ($-$$) 4861 Bit & Spur Rd. • 340-6464

DAUPHIN’S ($$-$$$)




HIGH QUALITY FOOD WITH A VIEW 107 St. Francis St • 444-0200 9 Du Rhu Dr. Suite 201 167 Dauphin St. • 445-3802

AUTHENTIC TURKISH & MEDITERRANEAN 3702 Airport Blvd. • 461-6901 MOBILE’S OLDEST MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE 5773 Airport Blvd. • 304-1155

FIVE ($$)

GREAT & QUICK. 3702 Airport Blvd. • 308-2131 274 Dauphin St. • 545-3161 2502 Schillinger Rd. Ste. 2 • 725-0126 6890 US-90 • DAPHNE • 621-2271



LAUNCH ($-$$)


GREAT FOOD AND COCKTAILS 609 Dauphin St. • 308-3105 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FOOD 351A George & Savannah St. • 436-8890 HIGH QUALITY FOOD & DRINKS 251 Government St. • 432-8000

MAGHEE’S GRILL ON THE HILL ($-$$) GREAT LUNCH & DINNER 3607 Old Shell Rd. • 445-8700






HIGH QUALITY FOOD & DRINKS 251 Government St • 460-3157


AUTHENTIC FOODS FROM HIMALAYAN REGION 3210 Dauphin St. • 287-0115 400 Eastern Shore Center • 459-2862

Battle House Hotel, Royal St. • 338-5493

CORNER 251 ($-$$)

NOJA ($$-$$$)

85 N. Bancroft St. Fairhope • 990.8883


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COFFEE, SMOOTHIES, LUNCH & BEERS. 5460 Old Shell Rd. • 344-4575

RIBS, SANDWICHES & GREAT SIDES 3314 Old Shell Rd. • 479-9898

LOCAL INGREDIENTS 203 Dauphin St. • 690-6824


BAKERY 5638 Three Notch Rd.• 219-6379


1500 Gov’t St. • 287-1526


BBQ AND MORE Jubilee Sq.Ctr. Hwy 90, Daphne • 210-2151 McGowin Park Ctr. Satchel Paige Dr. • 471-1050 7721 Airport Blvd. • 380-8957

INVENTIVE & VERY FRESH CUISINE 6 N. Jackson St. • 433-0377 SUPREME EUROPEAN CUISINE 2579 Halls Mill Rd. • 479-0006


GUMBO, ANGUS BEEF & BAR 72. S. Royal St. • 432-SCAM (7226)

GREAT MEDITERRANEAN FOOD. 5951 Old Shell Rd. • 450-9191

MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT & HOOKAH 1248 Hillcrest St • 634-9820

TAZIKI’S ($-$$)


FAR EASTERN FARE ANG BAHAY KUBO ($$) 4513 Old Shell Rd.• 473-0007

BAMBOO STEAKHOUSE ($$) SUSHI BAR 650 Cody Rd. S • 300-8383


DELICIOUS, TRADITIONAL THAI CUISINE 28600 US 98 • Daphne • 626-5286 3821 Airport Blvd. • 344-9995






CHARM ($-$$)

SEAFOOD, ASIAN & AMERICAN CUISINE 69 St. Michael St • 375-1113

THAI KITCHEN & SUSHI BAR 960 Schillinger Rd. S • 660-4470



3966 Airport Blvd.• 343-5530

EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE & TASTE 271 Glenwood St. • 476-0516

INSIDE THE MOBILE MARRIOTT 3101 Airport Blvd. • 476-6400

CASUAL FINE DINING 104 N. Section St. • Fairhope • 929-2219


TRADITIONAL SUSHI & LUNCH. 312 Schillinger Rd. • 633-9077 THAI & SUSHI 5369 D Hwy 90 W • 661-5100

CUISINE OF INDIA ($$) LUNCH BUFFET 3674 Airport Blvd. • 341-6171


3382 Hwy. 98 • 625-1947


UPSCALE DINING WITH A VIEW 1420 Hwy. 98 • 626-6710

HIBACHI 1 ($-$$)

DELI, MARKET AND CATERING. 4380 Halls Mill Rd. • 665-2266

THAI FARE AND SUSHI 2000 Airport Blvd. • 478-9888 HIBACHI GRILL & ASIAN CUISINE 309 Bel Air Blvd • 470-8033 2370 Hillcrest Rd. Unit B • 380-6062


JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE 3959 Cottage Hill Rd • 666-6266



AMAZING SUSHI & ASSORTMENT OF ROLLS. 661 Dauphin St. • 432-0109

RICE ASIAN GRILL & SUSHI BAR ($) 3964 Gov’t Blvd. • 378-8083


273 S. McGregor Ave • 287-0445 6345 Airport Blvd. • 287-0555 940 Industrial Pkwy • 308-2158 6850 US HWY 98 • Daphne • 753-4367

STIX ($$)

610240 Eastern Shore Blvd. • 621-9088


9091 US-90 Irvington • 957-1414



JAPANESE CUISINE 3654 Airport Blvd. S. C • 725-6078


FRIED, GRILLED, STEAMED & ALWAYS FRESH 3300 River Rd. • 973-9070




ECLECTIC DINING & SPACE 6955 Airport Blvd. • 633-7196


CRAVIN CAJUN/DIP SEAFOOD ($) PO-BOYS, SALADS & SEAFOOD 1870 Dauphin Island Pkwy • 287-1168




30500 AL-181 • Spanish Fort • 206-8768 3654 Airport Blvd. • 338-9350


GULF COAST CUISINE, REINVENTED 200 E. 25th Ave. • Gulf Shores • 967-5858

LULU’S ($$)

LIVE MUSIC & GREAT SEAFOOD 200 E. 25th Ave. • Gulf Shores • 967-5858


RALPH & KACOO’S ($-$$) THE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 1595 Battleship Pkwy. • 626-0045

R&R SEAFOOD ($-$$)

LAID-BACK EATERY & FISH MARKET 1477 Battleship Pkwy. • 621-8366


SEAFOOD, BURGERS & STEAKS 6120 Marina Dr. • Dog River • 443-7318.

THE GRAND MARINER ($-$$) LOCAL SEAFOOD & PRODUCE 6036 Rock Point Rd. • 443-7540

THE HARBOR ROOM ($-$$) UNIQUE SEAFOOD 64 S. Water St. • 438-4000

THE SEAFOOD HOUSE ($-$$) 751 Azalea Rd. • 301-7964

TIN TOP RESTAURANT & OYSTER BAR ($$) SEAFOOD, STEAKS, & EXTENSIVE WINE LIST 6232 Bon Secour Hwy County Rd. 10. • 949-5086

WINTZELL’S OYSTER HOUSE ($-$$) FRESH SEAFOOD FOR OVER 75 YEARS 605 Dauphin St. • 432-4605 6700 Airport Blvd. • 341-1111 1208 Shelton Beach Rd. • Saraland • 442-3335 805 S. Mobile St. • 929-2322


ASHLAND MIDTOWN PUB ($-$$) PIZZAS, PASTAS, & CALZONES 245-A Old Shell Rd. • 479-3278


WINGS, BURGERS & PUB GRUB 6880 US-90 #14 • Daphne • 625-4695



FAMOUS BURGERS, SANDWICHES & WINGS 60 N. Florida St. • 450-0690

CALLAGHAN’S IRISH SOCIAL CLUB ($) BURGERS & BEER 916 Charleston St. • 433-9374

HEROES SPORTS BAR & GRILLE ($) SANDWICHES & COLD BEER 273 Dauphin St. • 433-4376 Hillcrest & Old Shell Rd. • 341-9464

HURRICANE GRILL & WINGS ($-$$) WINGS, SEAFOOD, BURGERS & BEER 7721 Airport Blvd. Suite E-180 • 639-6832


EVERYTHING BAKED OR GRILLED 2617 Dauphin St. • 476-9464


1715 Main St. • 375-0543


BRILLIANT REUBENS & FISH-N-CHIPS. 101 N. Brancroft St. Fairhope • 990-5100




3958 Snow Rd C. • Semmes • 645-3400

MEXICAN CUISINE 260 Azalea Rd. • 375-1095



1252 Gov’t St. • 301-7556


WINGS, TENDERS, HOTDOGS & SANDWICHES 312 Schillinger Rd. • 633-5877



DELIVERY 350 Dauphin St. • 431-9444

CORTLANDT’S PIZZA PUB ($-$$) GREAT PIZZA. LUNCH & DINNER 4356 Old Shell Rd. • 342-0024

GAMBINO’S ITALIAN GRILL ($) ITALIAN, STEAKS & SEAFOOD 18 Laurel Ave. • Fairhope • 990-0995


Bel Air Mall • 476-2063

GUIDO’S ($$)

FRESH CUISINE NIGHTLY ON MENU 1709 Main St. • Daphne • 626-6082




5055 Cottage Hill Rd. • 308-4888 2394 Dawes Rr. • 639-3535 2004 US 98 • Daphne • 265-6550

FUEGO ($-$$)





COMFORT FOOD 1716 Main St. Ste. C • Daphne • 281-2982


763 Holcombe Ave • 473-0413 OUTSTANDING MEXICAN CUISINE 2066 Old Shell Rd. • 378-8621

PIES & AWESOME BEER SELECTION 2032 Airport Blvd. • 471-4700 5660 Old Shell Rd. • 380-1500 29698 Frederick Blvd.• Daphne • 621-3911

MIRKO ($$)

TASTE OF MEXICO 880 Schillinger Rd. S. • 633-6122 5805 US 90 • 653-9163



AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE 800 N Section St. • Fairhope • 990-0783 830 W I65 Service Rd. S • 378-5837 4663 Airport Blvd. • 342-5553


PASTA & MORE 9 Du Rhu Dr. • 340-6611 PIZZA, SUBS & PASTA 1368 ½ Navco Rd.• 479-0066 A TASTE OF ITALY. BYOB. 28691 U.S. Highway 98 • 626-1999

OLD 27 GRILL ($)

IRISH PUB FARE & MORE 1108 Shelton Beach Rd •Saraland • 473-0757 3692 Airport Blvd • 414-3000





777 Beach Blvd.Biloxi • 877-877-6256

ENCHILADAS, TACOS, & AUTHENTIC FARE Ok Bicycle Shop • 661 Dauphin St. • 432-2453

BAR & GRILL 29740 Urgent Care Dr. • Daphne • 662-9639 6255 Airport Blvd. • 447-2514 BURGERS, DOGS & 27 BEERS & WINES. 19992 Hwy.181 Old County Rd. Fairhope • 281-2663



280 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 288-436-2946




850 Bayview Ave. Bilox • 888-946-2847



QUAINT MEXICAN RESTAURANT 5556 Old Shell Rd. • 345-7484

TIEN ($-$$)






MEXICAN CUISINE 3977 Gov’t Blvd. • 660-4970







AUTHENTIC ITALIAN DISHES 312 Fairhope Ave. • Fairhope • 990-5535

HEARTY MEXICAN FARE 736 holcombe Ave.• 473-0413

PIZZA, PASTA, SALAD & MORE 102 N. Section St. •Fairhope• 929-2525

3050 AL 181 • Spanish Fort • 621-7433

PIZZA & PASTA 107 Dauphin St. • 375-1644

PASTA, SALAD AND SANDWICHES 7143 Airport Blvd. • 341-7217


WINGS, PO-BOYS, BURGERS 210 Eastern Shore Center, Hwy. 98 • 929-0002

TRATTORIA PIZZA & ITALIAN ($$) ITALIAN FOOD & PIZZAS 11311 US HIghway 31 Spanish Fort• 375-0076


HOMEMADE PASTAS & PIZZAS MADE DAILY 5901 Old Shell Rd. • 342-3677


TASTE OF MEXICO 5452 Hwy 90 W • 661-5509


MOUTH WATERING MEXICAN FOOD 1175 Battleship Pkwy • 625-2722








MIGNON’S ($$$)

LATIN AMERICAN FOOD 211 Dauphin St. • 375-1076

ROMA CAFE ($-$$)

3300 W. Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 877-774-8439

AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FLAVOR 3733 Airport Blvd. • 414-4496


158 Howard Ave. Biloxi • 800-725-2239 STEAKS, SEAFOOD, FINE WINE






BR PRIME ($$-$$$)

THE DEN ($-$$)

875 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 888-952-2582

1980 Beach Blvd. Biloxi • 800-747-2839 INTIMATE & CASUAL WITH DAILY SPECIALS


CQ ($$-$$$)


BLU ($)




FIRE ($$-$$$)






303 Poarch Rd. Atmore • 866-946-3360 PRIME STEAKS, SEAFOOD & WINE


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Just one of Brick & Spoon’s several variations on traditional eggs Benedict.


undays in Mobile are full of breakfast and brunch options, good and bad, but what about the rest of the week? Those that roll out the red carpet during “church hours” don’t usually serve the Benedicts and mimosas in the working mornings. If you crave better breakfast and brunch offerings on unholy days, then you will be more than satisfied with Brick & Spoon. Located at the eastern end of the Yester Oaks Shopping Center, the Mobile Brick & Spoon is the fourth location after Lafayette, New Orleans and Orange Beach. Yes, it’s a franchise, but not the cookie-cutter type you’ve come to know from other restaurant chains. There is some serious cooking between these bricks. My first encounter was for breakfast a couple of weeks ago. We tried the Garden Omelet ($11), full of seasonal vegetables and feta with a side of fire-roasted grits. I also sampled an a la carte plate of hash browns ($3), cheese grits ($3), crab cake ($5) and an egg ($1.50) over easy. I wasn’t exactly crazy about the fire-roasted grits, but you may be. Everything else was perfect. I was fond enough of my breakfast that warm Saturday morn-


Bay Area Brunch Fest debuts I was just talking about brunch! Get ready for Mobile’s first Bay Area Brunch Fest, coming to Bienville Square Saturday, Nov.18, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Twenty different vendors are coming together to provide samplings of one of our favorite weekend pastimes. Advance tickets are a steal at $15 in advance and ramp up to $25 the day of the event. A limited number of VIP tickets are available at $50 and include entrance to the VIP area with swanky seating, a VIP bar, a special brunch vendor, private bathroom and two drink tickets. Hosted by Lifelines Counseling Services, you can grab a ticket or two by visiting Live music will be provided by Yo Jonesy and Tito’s Vodka will be sponsoring the bar area. Expect games and local artists.

ing that I decided to return for lunch in the middle of this week with Rob and Pinky T. These guys open at 7 a.m. and close at 2 p.m., so don’t dilly dally. You’ll not be there for supper. The focus is morning/lunch fare, and you can certainly get a creative cocktail no matter the time of day. We were working, so we neglected the giant build-your-own bloody mary. Should you desire, you have 50 options, including a choice of a dozen vodkas, 14 veggies, herbs and seasonings, plus meats and, yes, cheeses for an additional $1 each. They even offer a tasso strip! Arriving at lunchtime is a different mentality for me. I had already had my over-easy early that morning, so the appetizer was going to have to be the Deviled on the Bayou ($12). Four tasso deviled eggs (two eggs cut in half) were each topped with Sriracha aioli and a fried oyster. Pinky is not really a fan of boiled eggs so I scarfed down two (since I was buying) and Rob got one and a half. This is a great deviled egg, ranking high with my favorites in the city. Bravo. Pinky was all into the Breakfast Tacos ($10). Scrambled eggs and chorizo were the stars of the show, topped with a bit

Participating restaurants include The Battle House, Brick & Spoon, Bob’s Downtown, Dauphin’s, FIVE Mobile, The Grand Hotel, Lucky’s Irish Pub, Mellow Mushroom, Montego’s, Water Oak Events, Wet Willie’s, Woops! Macarons and VIP Catering-Naman’s Catering. All proceeds directly benefit Lifelines Counseling Services and their many programs.

Frittata Fridays

If you are frittata crazy, then make your way to Cream & Sugar, the OGD’s only coffee shop/café. Frittata Fridays are the latest thing. Fill your oven-baked omelet with your choice of bacon, sausage, spinach, tomato, cheddar, feta and more. It’s a great way to hit the low-carb button gearing up for the weekend. (Cake balls are the opposite of that.)

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BRICK & SPOON 3662 AIRPORT BLVD., SUITE A MOBILE 36608 251-378-8378

of romaine, mango salsa and Monterey Jack cheese. All of this was stuffed into two fried wonton shells. Crispy, savory and sweet, these were good, the only trouble being the shells fell apart with ease. The price includes french fries. The Shrimp and Avocado Sandwich ($14) was too tempting for Rob. The sourdough bread with tarragon caper aioli (hey, it isn’t mayonnaise) was a warm blanket for grilled Gulf shrimp, grilled onions, fresh avocado, Monterey Jack and spring mix. It’s a pretty powerful sandwich, and despite a nasty head cold I was afforded a bite. I’d be happy having this sandwich again if I wasn’t dead set on trying the Soft Shell Crab BLT next time. This sandwich also came with a side of fries, but Holbert decided to upgrade to Parmesan truffle fries ($1 extra). Don’t get the idea of shaved truffles for a buck, but truffle oil and shredded Parmesan did set these off. Even with ketchup they were delicious. I thought hard about that BLT, but this time I figured it best to try something from the entrée section of the menu. Grilled Shrimp and Oysters ($16) caught my eye. I was told all of the seafood comes from the Gulf, so why not? A bed of fresh spinach supported mildly spiced grilled shrimp and fried oysters (the same as the ones on the eggs, small but tasty) and a side of seasonal vegetables. I loved the perfectly soft shrimp next to crispy oysters, the best of both worlds. The sautéed veggies, mostly yellow squash, were good but cooked in something with a nutty flavor that may not appeal to fans of olive oil. I wouldn’t kick them off the plate unless they were better on the floor, but I was still partial to the less healthy truffle fries. As far as desserts go, there isn’t a proper menu section for them but there are plenty of sweet things to choose from. We abstained but there were temptations. Bananas in Pajamas ($9) I hear are a Brick & Spoon favorite, basically banana eggrolls with Foster sauce. There are also beignets with several options for sauce and marmalade, as well as stuffed French toast sliders that could sub for your normal cake, pie or ice cream. I was actually relieved to see a break from your run-of-the-mill bread pudding (no offense to those who serve it), although I believe their Louisiana roots might suggest they would make a good one. If there is one thing to say about Brick & Spoon it’s that they don’t go into it half-cocked. Every dish we tried took a good deal of care to craft in some way or another. Even if I wasn’t crazy about something, I can say they are going the extra mile when they could just coast, and I am certain someone else would love what I didn’t. It’s a little on the pricey side but what you are getting is good. This location is still new, so if you went early and weren’t a fan of the service I can say my two experiences went off without a hitch. A possible downside is I don’t remember seeing a kid’s menu, but that could easily be remedied with the a la carte or the reasonably priced pancakes and bacon. Try it if you have not.

Adding flavor to fall

This past week Grimaldi’s Pizza in The Shoppes at Bel Air updated its fall menu with a new pumpkin cheesecake. This will be a sure favorite, with its cinnamon sugar cookie crust. Topped with whipped cream and garnished with caramel sauce, this is the perfect complement to already-appealing menu items such as the new wedge salad. Don’t forget the Buffalo chicken pizza, the caramel apple cheesecake and the new green-apple sangria and Italian sodas!

Steeple Series Wine Tasting

Daphne favorite Southern Napa is bringing the bottles across the bay for its Steeple Series Wine Tastings. Nov. 15 will feature Paul Hobbs Winery. Five legendary wines from Napa and Sonoma, food pairings with each of those wines and special guest Matt Hobbs will

make this event worth your while. Limited to 40 guests, tickets cost $75. Call 251-375-2800 or email to reserve your spot.

Kitchen on George celebrates six

One of the most innovative restaurants in Mobile, Kitchen on George is celebrating its sixth anniversary Nov. 6-11 with a special dinner menu. Teaming up with students of Culinard, the Culinary Institute of Virginia College in Mobile, KoG will offer a threecourse meal each night. Diners will start with a student-created appetizer or six-vegetable salad, choose from a main course of either a Nature Nine Farms Chicken Ballantine or Hank’s Pastrami, and follow up with a dessert of Peanut Butter S’more or Freeze Dried Corn Custard. The price is $55 per person; you can add a wine flight for $28. Call 251-436-8890. Happy Anniversary, KoG! Here’s to six more!

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Celebrating the many shades of ambers

While perhaps rooted in the German tradition, American ambers now encompass a wide variety of tastes, with the distinguishing characteristic being the color as much — if not more — than a distinctive flavor. Ambers now range from beers that taste anywhere from strong lagers to malty pale ales. Most have malt flavors, a small head, medium carbonation and an ABV between 5 percent and 5.5 percent — and, of course, an amber color. Beyond that, the tastes often vary widely. I recently tried a couple of ambers from outside our area that are available at selected locations around here, including Crazy Mountain Amber Ale, which I found at LoDa Bier Garten. It was nice, but much more hoppy and bitter than most ambers, almost like a pale ale. California’s Anderson Valley Brewing Co.’s Boont Amber Ale, at OK Bicycle Shop, was much more malty, with a very nice flavor. I’d have that one again. A number of local breweries produce some nice ambers. Madison’s Blue Pants Brewery’s American Amber — produced year



Photo | Facebook

Madison’s Blue Pants describes its Amber Ale as a “malty character balanced with a light addition of American Centennial to provide a true American style Amber.”


ost of you have tried, or at least seen, amber styles of beer. They have become ubiquitous, with many micro- and macro-brewers producing their own various versions. A number of breweries, such as Colorado’s New Belgium, put out a year-round amber ale while many other brewers put out seasonal ambers, often in the fall as an homage to their supposed roots in the German “Oktoberfest” brews, which had an amber color and malty flavor. Some of the most popular ambers are Mexican imports — Modelo Negra and Dos Equis Amber. While we often think of

Mexican beers as being very light, there is actually a tremendous German influence on Mexican brewing, going back to an influx of German immigrants into Mexico in the late 19th century. Those German immigrants brought their beer-making skills and established breweries that still produce beers in a German tradition. Dos Equis Ambar, an Oktoberfest-style lager, was first produced in 1897 at the Moctezuma Brewery in Veracruz, founded in 1890 by German immigrant Wilhelm Hasse. It is light and malty, not very sweet, very much in the tradition of an Oktoberfest lager.

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round and readily available in our area in cans, bottles and on tap — is a very well-balanced beer, malty without being overpowering. Fairhope Brewing’s I Think Therefore I Amber, which is also available both on tap and in bottles throughout Lower Alabama, is a little lighter in color and taste, not very bitter and very smooth. Louisiana’s Abita Amber is very malty and much sweeter than any of the others I tried, much more like a lager. If you are looking to try out a new amber, or just some good beer, there are some local events for beer lovers this week. On Thursday, Nov. 9, the Alabama Coastal Foundation will host its annual “Cocktails for the Coast” fundraiser at Five Rivers Delta Resource on the causeway. Tickets are $50 for great food, including fresh oysters, and beer provided by the Fairhope Brewing Co. Come out and support a great organization working to keep our coastal environment clean, while enjoying some great Lower Alabama beer. Meanwhile, through Dec. 11 at its restaurants across Alabama, Baumhower’s Victory Grille is celebrating its first-ever Alabama Craft Beer Fest by featuring $2.99 pints and $3.99 pilsners from Alabama breweries, including Haint Blue, Trim Tab and Good People. A special small-batch beer will also be featured — Baumhower’s Blackberry Brew, crafted by Bob Baumhower in partnership with Fairhope Brewing, celebrating the state fruit of Alabama.

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Mobile City Council deadlocks on vote for president DALE LIESCH/REPORTER


n what was a seemingly perfect summary of a each new term begins and the previous terms expire. Durcontentious day for the Mobile City Council, Counciling that period, none of them are technically officeholders. woman Gina Gregory recognized Mary Zoghby during Councilman John Williams was one of two councilors her remarks at the body’s inauguration ceremony who refused to participate in the private meeting this year. Monday night. He said he didn’t think it was illegal to do so, but he knew “If you have any questions, she’s who you need to that with the interest surrounding this year’s vote, legal ask,” Gregory said of the woman who co-wrote the 1985 questions would be raised. law establishing the current form of city government, “You and all the people in the city would be right in before turning and giving a thumbs-up to her colleagues. questioning it,” Williams said following the public vote. What had been discussed in hushed tones for several “So, rather than put us through that scrutiny, I just thought weeks played out in dramatic fashion Monday when counit was better not done. I didn’t want to leave it to some cilors became deadlocked between Gregory and Counciljudge to say we broke the law, because if we break the law man Fred Richardson to serve as we’re all gone.” the body’s president. Richardson Zoghby, an author of the Zoghby received four votes and Gregory Act creating the city’s current form received three. In a controversial of government, said in a phone interWHAT HAD BEEN DISCUSSED move, council attorney Jim Rossler view Monday afternoon that despite determined the president would need the way the council handled the vote IN HUSHED TONES FOR SEVa supermajority — or five votes — to in the past, five votes are needed for ERAL WEEKS PLAYED OUT IN be elected. almost all council actions, with the “Since 1985 we’ve elected the exception of the budget. DRAMATIC FASHION MONDAY president with four votes,” RichardShe also believes the way the vote WHEN COUNCILORS BECAME son claimed. “Historically — for had been handled in previous years 32 years and I’ve been on council could have been challenged in court. DEADLOCKED BETWEEN for 20 — we’ve never called for a As for moving forward, Zoghby said GREGORY AND COUNCILMAN supermajority before.” the councilors will just have to work Richardson said he was challengsomething out. FRED RICHARDSON TO SERVE ing the outcome because it was a Aside from presiding over council “departure from tradition.” meetings, the council president is AS THE BODY’S PRESIDENT. “I just want this on the record,” also first in the line of succession if he said. the mayor cannot fulfill his or her Richardson said the rules were term. However, the council president switched against him in this year’s vote. only serves out the mayor’s term if the mayor is unable “Since 1987 it took four votes,” he said. “ … They’re to do so with less than a year remaining on the term. If going to come back [now] and say it’s five votes. Somethere is more than a year remaining, a special election is thing is wrong.” held, city spokesman George Talbot said, with the council The council decided to buck tradition and not hold president serving as mayor in an interim capacity. a private meeting or executive session and conduct an informal “straw poll” before the official swearing-in Votes ceremony. It is typically in this meeting where councilors Councilman Levon Manzie nominated Richardson for have decided on leadership positions, and afterward would president, while Councilman Joel Daves nominated Gregvote unanimously in a public meeting. ory to serve a second term as the body’s leader. Manzie, The council decided on its officers during the private Richardson, Councilman C.J. Small and Councilwoman meeting four years ago. At that time Gregory received four Bess Rich each voted in favor of Richardson as president. votes to Richardson’s three. The official vote that year, Gregory, Williams and Daves voted in favor of Gregory. held after the swearing-in ceremony, was unanimously in During her inauguration speech, Rich gave her reasons favor of Gregory. why she voted for Richardson over Gregory. A meeting in which four or more members of the She said she admired his “passion” and gave him council are present typically has to be properly advertised. at least partial credit for the city’s popular capital imHowever, a loophole allows members of the Mobile City provement program. Rich also acknowledged RichardCouncil to hold a private meeting without notice every son was among the first city officials to advocate for a four years because there are a few hours between when city school district.

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“I think he would be a good leader,” she said. During his speech Monday evening, Richardson told those in attendance he doesn’t think he’s divisive, but rather that he has his own vision for Mobile. “I can’t lead from behind you,” he said. “I’m not following, I’m leading.” Richardson also gave inspirational words during his time at the podium and highlighted some of the struggles he faced growing up as a person of color in the Jim Crow South. “I couldn’t go to any of the high schools in Conecuh County,” he said. “I had to go to a training school in 1958. I couldn’t go to The University of Alabama.” He told the crowd to never give up. “There are no obstacles that can stop us from being who we want to be,” he said. “Those are just stumbling blocks.”


Although they were unable to decide on a president, the council did unanimously elect Councilman Levon Manzie as vice president. Since there currently is no president, Manzie will act as chairman of the board’s meetings for the time being. Meanwhile, in a move some thought was retaliatory for advising the need for a supermajority vote, council attorney Jim Rossler was replaced by Wanda Cochran by a simple majority 4-2 vote after Manzie’s appointment. Williams abstained from voting, while Daves and Gregory dissented. During the meeting Rossler said the vote to hire an attorney would only need four votes, or a simple majority. In the earlier vote to retain Rossler, Richardson and Rich were “no” votes, while Williams, Daves and Gregory were “yes” votes. Manzie and Small abstained. Williams said he was surprised by the move to replace Rossler. “It’s unlike this council for me to be surprised,” he said. “I hope this isn’t a precursor to how [the rest of the term] will be, because it won’t work.” It was Rossler who advised councilors the vote for president would take a supermajority. This led Gregory to question his firing. “We don’t shop opinions because we don’t like one,” she said. “I’ve bragged about this council on how well we’ve jelled, but if this is the way we’re going to get started it’s not a very good way to get organized.” Daves agreed with Gregory, saying the council shouldn’t dismiss someone based on an opinion they don’t like. He added that he always found Rossler to be impartial. When asked if she agreed with Rossler’s opinion that five votes would be needed in order to elect a council president, Cochran said she would need more time to review the issue. As for being named council attorney, Cochran said it was “quite an honor.” “I have some big shoes to fill,” she said. “Jim Rossler is an amazing attorney.”


It is unclear what will happen with the vote for president. Cochran has been tasked by a number of councilors with finding a legal way to move forward. Councilors themselves were confident they’d find consensus. “This new City Council is once again faced with a challenge,” Williams said following Monday’s vote. “It is not unlike anything we’ve ever done. We have always been able to discuss things. “We will discuss this,” he added. “There will be resolution and I look forward to that happening soon.” In remarks made during Monday’s organizational meeting, Small indicated the council could get past this. “This isn’t the first time we’ve bumped heads,” he said. “We overcame that and we’ll overcome this.”

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Jazz master joins MSO for ‘Beethoven & Blue Jeans’ BY KEVIN LEE/ARTS EDITOR/KLEE@LAGNIAPPEMOBILE.COM


nnovation is essential and the Mobile Symphony Orchestra will inject plenty into its mid-November “Beethoven & Blue Jeans” offering. There’s an inventive American slant in nod to its denim component. In addition to Beethoven’s 7th Symphony the show features George Gershwin’s 1925 masterpiece Concerto in F, during which the MSO will be joined by guest jazz luminaries the Marcus Roberts Trio. Roberts’ “groundbreaking” arrangement of the Gershwin work premiered in 2003 with the New Japan Philharmonic and he later recorded it with the Berlin Philharmonic and the Saito Kinen Orchestra. It was the Berlin collaboration that moved MSO Artistic Director Scott Speck to court Roberts. “It’s a very difficult piece because Gershwin, he wrote for himself and his playing is quite tricky and unorthodox. His concerto is not to be taken lightly. It’s not easy by any means,” Roberts said. The 54-year-old pianist knows challenges. Blind since age 5, the Florida native reads Braille charts but learned the Gershwin piece by ear. “That took a long time, like four to six months. Then I had to figure out what I was going to do with it, to modernize it,” Roberts said. His trio — together 23 years in November — knows Gershwin well. Considering the Brooklyn-born composer’s prominence in the jazz canon, it’s unsurprising. “Jazz musicians love Gershwin. Somehow it works really well for improvisation. There’s something in

Charity fundraiser set for mid-November

his music that has this sense of Americana. You know, whatever we think of as American identity, Gershwin has that,” Roberts said. Like the culture referenced, Roberts’ life is marked with adaptation. Despite his vision issues, he taught himself piano while young, started formal lessons at age 12 and moved on to study further at Florida State University. At 21, Roberts toured with Wynton Marsalis and quickly ascended into international stardom. He’s played with Mark Whitfield, Bela Fleck, Elvin Jones and others in addition to recording 23 albums as a bandleader. His combo is renowned for instinctive improvisation. Roberts’ conversation takes on a meditative patina when the subject arises. “I can only improvise based on knowledge that unlocks the mysterious things that we don’t know,” he said. “I’m able play those things we don’t know through the consciousness and knowledge, through practice and study. Then through inspiration and creativity and imagination and quick reflexes, you’re able to execute and play things at a subconscious level.” Roberts also developed a passion for education. He’s not only served as an associate artistic director for the Savannah Music Festival and director of the “Swing Central” High School Band Competition but he is on the faculty at his Tallahassee alma mater. His students come to him in combos, eager to learn the mysteries of group improvisation. The teacher’s charge isn’t just to unlock their inner voice but to open their ears

INNOVATION IS ESSENTIAL AND THE MOBILE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WILL INJECT PLENTY INTO ITS MID-NOVEMBER ‘BEETHOVEN & BLUE JEANS’ OFFERING. THERE’S AN INVENTIVE AMERICAN SLANT IN NOD TO ITS DENIM COMPONENT.” cal democracy we see, if you can resolve that conflict and you can make space for somebody’s opinion even when you don’t want to hear what it is, then that’s the model of civics we want to teach,” Roberts said. He’s also concerned with emphasizing the accessibility of the music. While he recognizes the importance of the virtuosity brought to jazz by mid-20th century developments, he thinks the egos accompanying it weren’t for the best. “I just think with jazz we have to get back to those fundamentals that were introduced in New Orleans music and the early Harlem music, yet do it in a way where it acknowledges we’re in the 21st century,” Roberts said. That adaptive approach takes the stage of Mobile’s Saenger Theatre (6 S. Joachim St.) Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 19 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets cost $15 to $75 and are available by calling 251-432-2010 or visiting

Pops celebrates 40th at Battleship

For four decades, local musicians have filled Mobile Symphonic Pops with their passion and community support by donating their time. They will mark their big 4-0 at their Nov. 10 Veterans Day concert at Battleship Park Aircraft Pavilion. The 7 p.m. show features an array of patriotic and American-themed tunes such as “Stars and Stripes Forever,” the theme from “Patton,” salutes to the armed forces and past leaders, and swing music. Entrance is free. For more information, go to or check out the group’s Facebook page.

MAC highlights teachers, students

The Mobile Arts Council (318 Dauphin St.) features both sides of the educational process with November shows from teachers and students alike. “Falling for Art” comprises students ranging from elementary to high school and is organized by the Bay Area Art Edu-

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cators. Participating teachers include Anne Rose, Ann Fredella, Carrin Legros, Renee Grimes, David Holmes, Felicia Olds, Haley Hall, Karin Marrero, Kellie Mooney, Leigh Brown, Linda Duffis, Melissa Hinton, Julie Kogon, Ruby Lange, Warren Jackson, Sally O’Gwynn, Sonya Payne, Monica Beasley, John Tucker, Billie Mangiaracina, Jeff Knighton, Gregory Robertson, Cynthia Summers, Amber Bowles, Jason Outlaw, Nicholas Frey, Esther Dollar and others. In the Danielle Juzan Gallery, art professors from Bishop State Community College will exhibit paintings, drawings, sculpture and mixed media. Participating artists include Mary Elizabeth Kimbrough and Lydia Host, as well as graphic design instructors Joseph Booth, Erica Hunter and Jessica Maples. Also on display is handcrafted quilt work by Dorothy Parker. An opening reception will take place 6-9 p.m. during the Nov. 10 LoDa Artwalk. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 251-432-9796 or visit


It wouldn’t be November in Mobile without the annual Art Soup benefit that raises funds for vital organizations such as Family Promise, McKemie Place, Ransom Ministries, Penelope House and the USA student-run free clinic. A night filled with music, entertainment, food and generosity is completed by art as ticket holders will receive a locally handcrafted ceramic or glass bowl. The event is set for Nov. 17, 6-9 p.m., at Azalea Manor (751 Dauphin St.). Tickets cost $25 and a cash bar will be available. Sponsorships ranging from $250 to $5,000 are still available. Benefits include tickets, media exposure and a taxdeductible receipt. Cash donations and ticket purchases can be made at or by calling T. Bruce MacKinnon at 251379-0564.

and learn negotiation. “I explain to them, this will end up making you become a better American citizen, even if you don’t end up becoming a jazz musician. This information is going to help you learn how to share and communicate and deal with different opinions than yours with a certain amount of dignity and class,” Roberts said. It’s a search for a magic state, where the music plays through the person, not vice versa. Roberts equates the balance of improvisation within the framework of group collaboration and song structure with our government. By his reckoning, our Constitution provides the chords and we adapt various elements of government and life to fit contemporary necessity. “Jazz is similar. Individual freedom is cool but it’s a delicate thing and you can get into some selfish agendas that become destructive. That model of politi-

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The Vegabonds’ latest single, “Long Haired Country Boy,” gives listeners a taste of the upcoming album slated for early next year as they breathe new life into the Charlie Daniels Band’s country classic.

rom its beginning, Southern rock has been one of the richest and most versatile subgenres in modern music. Throughout the ‘70s, a number of now iconic bands such as The Allman Brothers Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Marshall Tucker Band pioneered this musical style, which is shaped by rock, country and blues. While Southern rock has maintained its popularity, there have been very few new bands to take this genre into the future. However, the “Alabama-born, Nashvillebred” band The Vegabonds may be doing just that. This Southeastern quintet will be returning to Mobile to rock the OGD on a Thursday night. While their latest material is filled with edgy, Southern rock sounds, guitarist/vocalist Daniel Allen says their early work on albums such as “Dear Revolution” and “Southern Sons” were shaped by muses from the jam world, even though he says Southern rock was always in their hearts.

After two original members left the band, Allen started to workshop The Vegabonds’ sound. “Whenever that happened, I kinda dove deep into songwriting and got into Jason Isbell, The Avett Brothers, Sturgill Simpson, Chris Stapleton, Dawes and just great songwriters,” Allen said. “That’s really where I wanted to take the band. Everybody else felt it too.” The Vegabonds revealed their refashioned sound on their 2016 release, “What We’re Made Of.” Allen says Atlanta-based producer/engineer Tom Tapely played a role in creating this album. When they first laid plans for recording “What We’re Made Of,” Allen says he and his fellow members wanted to lay down tracks in Nashville even though Tapely is in Atlanta. When he first met with The Vegabonds in Nashville, Allen says the band made an instant connection with him. “We went out the night before and had a beer,” Allen said. “From that night forward, he impressed us. We all got along instantly, just laughing and not really even talking about music the whole time, which was great. It wasn’t all business with him. He’s just super easy to work with.” After working with Tapely, The Vegabonds used “What We’re Made Of” as a way to showcase a heavier rock influence than their previous albums. “The Hammer” is a relentless Southern rock track driven by fuzzy guitar work. “Hope She’s Still Mine” is an elaborate dirt road rock anthem with sonic versatility. The song “Blood to Roam” serves as The Vegabonds’ bittersweet testimony to life on the road. As a band that bases its success on rigorous touring, Allen says, many of their songs are inspired by their experiences on the road. Intricate guitar runs and heavy syncopated beats spin lyrics detailing the struggles with constant touring. “That ‘familiar face’ is all about home and being in your comfort zone, but you can’t get away from the desire to get on the road,” Allen explained. “That’s [touring] what we love. That’s how we meet people and spread our music. It’s all about the constant struggle between the comfort of home and life on the road.”

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With “What We’re Made Of” just over a year old, The Vegabonds are already working on their next release with Tom Tapely. However, Allen says the band’s heavy tour schedule has forced them to adapt to a new creation process. This time, they’re meeting with Tapely in his studio whenever they pass through Atlanta. While this process might seem long and complicated, Allen says he has really enjoyed this method. He says this approach to recording has allowed the band to expand the tracks with future studio visits while weighing the positive and negative aspects of individual songs. Even though The Vegabonds would like to have the new album out by March 2018, Allen says their

poetry detailing love lost before a thunderous volley of equally heavy guitars and beats pull in the song’s hook. The band’s trademark aural versatility shines in “Partying with Strangers.” The overall sound proves the band is continuing to build its reputation as Southern rock’s next great band with a trademark sound that is appealing to a variety of musical tastes. The crowd at Callaghan’s can expect to hear a live performance of this track as well as other new tunes. The OGD will echo with the sounds of The Vegabonds’ next single, “Everything We Need,” which Allen says has “a desert rock feel to it.” He adds that the band should be ready to perform

... the band is continuing to build its reputation as Southern rock’s next great band with a trademark sound that is appealing to a variety of musical tastes. sporadic studio visits might make that impossible. However, the band plans to keep its audience satisfied in the meantime. “We’re going to be putting out singles for a little while,” Allen said. “We’re still in the process of writing and recording this album. It’s not ready to be put out by any means. We’re really just trying to put music out as we go to keep people interested and on their radar.” So far, The Vegabonds have released one track, with more on the way. Last week the band released the track “Partying with Strangers.” Allen says this track “gives you a good idea of where we’re going with this record.” With this in mind, the track serves up equal portions of classic country and modern roots rock. Acoustic guitar and pedal steel usher in lyrical

another song called “Help Is on the Way.” In addition to their original works, Allen says the band will be playing its version of several cover songs, including its take on the Charlie Daniels classic “Long Haired Country Boy.” Over the summer, The Vegabonds released this as a single with a companion music video as a way to satisfy fans until new original tracks could be released. Even with an impressive collection of originals and crowd favorites, Allen says creating a memorable live show is always a priority for The Vegabonds. “We always like to bring a good time,” Allen said. “We play covers that folks would know, but we hope folks know our material too. If they don’t, we hope they latch on to them and take them home.”

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Variety show


Band: Big Deal Burlesque, Underhill Family Orchestra, Bantam Foxes Date: Friday, Nov. 10, 9 p.m. Venue: The Merry Widow, 51 S. Conception St., Tickets: $15, available at The Merry Widow and its website

Photo | Facebook | Bantam Foxes


ew Orleans burlesque and Gulf Coast modern rock will combine their efforts for this memorable evening. The Big Deal Burlesque troop is a regular visitor to the Azalea City. Led by Roxie Le Rouge (aka “The Best Booty in the Big Easy”), this collective of beautiful performers practice burlesque in its classic sense. Big Deal Burlesque performances are a skillfully choreographed tasteful tease that is a feast for the eyes. Bantam Foxes will join Big Deal Burlesque on the journey from New Orleans. Led by twins Collin and Sam McCabe, Bantam Foxes used their debut at the SouthSounds Music Festival to gather local fans. “Pinball” is Bantam Foxes’ latest release. This onslaught of intense guitar riffs and heavy beats is an excellent addition to this band’s repertoire. Skate Mountain Records’ The Underhill Family Orchestra have been spending a great deal of time on the road. The masses beyond the Azalea City have been falling in love with this band’s infectious alt. rock and its captivating live show. The band also has been busy putting together its next release which, according to its website, should drop in early 2018.

Danzig Band reunion

Band: Danzig Band Reunion Date: Friday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m. Venue: Manci’s Antique Club, 1715 Main St. (Daphne), Tickets: $10 at the door

Halloween marked 30 years since Danzig Band took shape. This group brought together the talents of Kevin Danzig (guitar/bass/vocals), Kelly Danzig (keyboards/vocals), John Hamilton IV (drums) and Jim “Raul” Coman (guitar/bass). In the ensuing years, Danzig Band became a regional favorite and a regular at classic area venues such as The Lumberyard. In addition to crowd favorites, this group used original material to establish a loyal following. The mellow rock song “Happy Today” even found its way into the locally filmed cult classic “Soultaker.” The band parted ways in 1990. but most of the members have continued their musical lives in some way. Kevin Danzig has been living in Colorado and still performs regularly. After the band parted ways, Hamilton and Coman performed in Chapter 11 during the ‘90s. Coman and both Danzigs joined Corky Hughes in The Unheard. These days, Hamilton performs in Peek, and Coman uses his musical talent in the Cool Rays. While Kelly Danzig does not perform on a professional level, she still loves to sing in church. All four members will be present for this very special reunion.

Songwriter showcase

Band: Frank Brown International Songwriters Festival Date: Nov. 9-19 Venue: Visit for more info Tickets: Cover charge may apply at some venues.

The Northern Gulf Coast serves as both a haven and a destination for songwriters from around the world. However, one specific event — the Frank Brown International Songwriters Festival — has become almost a rite of passage in the international songwriting community. For 33 years, the festival has served as the premiere outlet for songwriters to showcase their handcrafted songs at venues from Silverhill to Pensacola. While there is a long list of artists and venues from which to choose, attendees will not want to miss these three performances. Pensacola’s Ricky Whitley will be entertaining the “riffraff” at Pirate’s Cove on Nov. 11. Whitley’s offbeat brand of modern country rock should energize the crowd. No visit to the festival would be complete without venturing to the event’s centerpiece venue, the Flora-Bama. On Nov. 12, local duo Sugarcane Jane will perform on Flora-Bama’s Dome Stage. Anthony and Savana Lee Crawford should mesmerize the crowd with their harmonic Americana and cuts from their latest effort, “Ladders & Edges.” On Nov. 14, Big Beach Brewing Co. will bring Johnny Barbato to its shady outdoor stage. Barbato’s talent on the fretboard is matched with a batch of songs cultivated in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

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AREAMUSIC LISTINGS | November 9 - November 15


Bluegill— Donnie & Les Blues Tavern— Doobious, 8:30p Callaghan’s— The Vegabonds, 7:30p Felix’s— Jeri Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival// Lucky Dogs, 8:30p Le Bouchon— Here Comes Treble: Josh Thompson & Jude Galle, 7p Lulu’s— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival, 5p Manci’s— Ross Newell Tacky Jacks (Gulf Shores)— Frank Brown Songwriters Gove Scrivenor Jim Parker & Johnny Holland, 5:30p


Alchemy—Phil and Foster, 6:30p All Sports Bar & Billiards— DJ Markie Mark, 10p Big Beach Brewing— Ted Handley & J. Hawkins, 7p// Randy Brooks, 8:30p Bluegill— Lee Yankee, 12p// Dale Drinkard & Cary Kaine, 6p Blues Tavern— The Regulators, 9p Callaghan’s— Yeah, Probably, 7:30p Dority’s Bar and Grill— The Modern Eldoradoes, 6p El Camino— Leavin Bros, 7:30p Felix’s— Blind Dog Mike Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival// Hung Jury, 8:30p Hard Rock (Center Bar) — Contraflow, 9:30p Hard Rock (Live) — Dennis Deyoung:The Music of Styx, 8p IP Casino— The Temptations and the Four Tops, 8p Le Bouchon— Mary Alice, 6:45p Listening Room— Sugarcane Jane Lulu’s— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival, 5p Manci’s— Danzig Band Reunion The Merry Widow— Big Deal Burlesque ft. Roxie Le Rouge// The Underhill Family Orchestra/// Bantam Foxes, 9p Moe’s BBQ (Daphne) — The Oh Tree, 8p Moe’s BBQ (Mobile) — Lefty Collins, 6:30p Moe’s BBQ (Semmes) — The Dunaway Brothers Tacky Jacks (Gulf

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Shores)— Frank Brown Songwriters: John Joiner, Smokey Peoples, Susan Swanson, James Adkins and Katie Rogers, 5:30p


Big Beach Brewing— Ottar Johansen & Bjoern Nilsen, 7p// James Adkins & Katie Rogers, 8:30p Bluegill— Quintin Berry, 12p// Bust, 6p Blues Tavern— Johnny No, 9p Felix’s— Matt Neese Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival// Brian Hill Duo, 12p/// Newbury Syndicate, 8:30p Hard Rock (Center Bar) — Contraflow, 9:30p IP Casino— Straight No Chaser, 8p Le Bouchon— Rondale & Dorothy Overstreet, 7p Listening Room— Blue Mother Tupelo Lulu’s— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival, 5p Pirates Cove— Kaylan Loyd, Gary Loyd, Mark Morgan, 12p// Ed Beaver,Thom Bresh, Bobby Keel, 1:30p/// Sean Gasaway, Cass Hunter, Chris Newbury, 3p//// Lewis Hill Project, Ricky Whitley, 4:30p The Plow— Pearls of Trinity, 10p Soul Kitchen— GlowRage, 9:30p Windmill Market/OX Kitchen—Eric ERdman


Big Beach Brewing— Chris Canterbury & Rob Snyder, 2p// Shelby Brown & Barbara Cloyd, 3:15p/// Smokey Joe Peoples & Susan Sawnson, 5p//// Dave Kennedy & Channing Wilson, 7p//// Brian Carper & Aaron Raitiere, 8:30p Bluegill— Lee Yankie, 12p// Ryan Balthrop and Friends, 6p Blues Tavern— John Hall Jam, 6p Callaghan’s— The High Divers, 7:30p Fairhope Brewing— Home Brew Fest Felix’s— Matt Bush Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival Frog Pond— Kevin Danzing, Jon Cook, Jay Megginson, 1p// Randall Bramblett, John Doe, Alex McMurray, Paul Sanchez, Rick Hirsch, 3p Joe Cain Cafe— Sergio

Rangel Listening Room— Ric McNaughton with Duck Varnes Lulu’s— Adam Holt, 1p// Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival, 5p Old 27 Grill— Lisa Zanghi, 11:30a Pirates Cove— James Adkins, CJ Watson, Jeff Gilkinson, 12p// Tyalor Craven, Neil Dover, Jackson Nance, 1:30p// MoonDawg Hall,Troy Martin, Dave McCormick, 3p/// Roxie Dean, Doug Gill, Lynn Langham, 4:30p Tacky Jacks (Gulf Shores)— Lisa Christian, 2p


Big Beach Brewing— Amanda Pruitt & Gerald Smith, 7p// John Fountain & Tory Martin, 8:30p Felix’s— Stephen Sylvester Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival Lulu’s— Brent Burns, 5p Tacky Jacks (Gulf Shores)— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival- Davis Corley, Ottar Johansen, Bojoern Nilsen, Leslie Ellis and Casey Kelly, 5:30p


Big Beach Brewing— Johnny Barbato & Davis Corley, 7p// Daniel Kleindienst & Mickey Springston, 8:30p Bluegill— Stephen Sylvester Fairhope Brewing— Green Drinks Felix’s— Bobby Butchka Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival Listening Room— Tinderbox Circus Sideshow Live Bait— Brandon Styles, 7p Lulu’s— Brandon White, 5p Moe’s BBQ (Daphne) — Denver Hawesy, 6p Old 27 Grill— Elise Taylor, 6:30p


Big Beach Brewing— Double Dee, 7p Bluegill— Matt Neese Blues Tavern— Art, 8p El Camino— Grand Opening Felix’s— Lee Yankee Flora Bama— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival Lulu’s— Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival, 5p

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Fairhope Film Festival returns this weekend




AREA THEATERS CARMIKE CINEMA’S Wynnsong 16 785 Schillinger Rd. S. (251) 639-7373 CRESCENT THEATER 208 Dauphin Street (251) 438-2005 HOLLYWOOD STADIUM 18 1250 Satchel Paige Dr. (251) 473-9655 RAVE MOTION PICTURE JUBILEE SQUARE 12 6898 U.S. 90 Daphne, (251) 626- 6266

he Fairhope Film Festival is back, Thursday, Nov. 9, through Sunday, Nov. 12, bringing its savvy “Best of the Best” concept to featuring films that are sure to please. From well-received recent independent films, such as artist biopic “Maudie” and Casey Affleck’s buzzed-about performance in “A Ghost Story” to documentaries such as “Last Men in Aleppo” and “Trophy,” the Fairhope Film Festival finds the films that are blowing up at other festivals across the country and brings them to lovely, quaint Fairhope for one memorable, walkable weekend. Notable premieres are also a hallmark of this festival, and “One October,” a fascinating new feature-length documentary, will have its Alabama premiere at this year’s festival on Nov. 11, 3 p.m. at the Fairhope Public Library. Filmed in October 2008 on the eve of Barack Obama’s historic election and an unprecedented economic crisis, this city symphony follows intrepid radio reporter Clay Pigeon as he takes to the streets of New York to talk to fellow citizens about their lives, their dreams and their relationship with a transforming city. The film is a breathtaking, lyrical portrait of New York City that celebrates the resiliency of the human spirit

and the necessity of a multicultural metropolis. Seen from our current vantage point, the film is also a remarkable time capsule that foreshadows the roiling political upheaval spreading across the country today. A roster of “International Shorts” you are unlikely to see anywhere else pops up Friday, Nov. 10, at the University of South Alabama Baldwin campus from noon to 2 p.m. The following day, “Alabama Shorts” pop up at the same venue from 2-3:30 p.m., including “The Underwater Forest” and a fairy tale set in Fairhope and produced locally, “The Ruby Glasses.” “TClay Pigeon” takes viewers through a hilarious and delicious tour of Spain with British comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon (Sunday, 10 a.m. at the USA/Baldwin venue), while the story is close to home in “Alabama Bound,” which explores the legal rollercoaster ride of LGBTQ family rights in the South over the last decade (Saturday, 1 p.m. at the Fairhope Public Library). This is an intimate look into a powerful community living with both frustration and hope in conservative Alabama, where the line between church and state is often blurred. A weekend pass costs $95 and grants entry for one person to unlimited screen-

ings during the festival. It also includes admission to the Red Carpet Street Block Party. A 6-Pack Pass costs $65 and can be shared for multiple admissions, up to six in all. Additionally, individual movie tickets will be available at screening venues and event venues only. All passes must be picked up in person from the festival box office, at any time during box office hours. The festival’s venues are: Coastal Alabama Community College, Centennial Hall, 450 Fairhope Ave. (corner of Fairhope Avenue and School Street); Halstead Amphitheater, Coastal Alabama Community College, Fairhope campus; Fairhope Public Library: Giddens Center, 501 Fairhope Ave. (corner of Fairhope Avenue and Bancroft Street); University of South Alabama Baldwin County Performance Center, 111 St. James Ave. (corner of St. James Avenue and Summit Street). With dozens of films over four packed days, you must visit to plan your weekend; I’ve just scratched the surface of what’s offered. All the films you’ve been hearing about, and all the films you’re about to hear about, have been hand-picked for the Fairhope Film Festival. Call 251-990-7957 or visit for more information.

CARMIKE CINEMAS 23151 Wharf Ln. Orange Beach (251) 981-4444 COBB THEATRES PINNACLE 14 3780 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores (251) 968-7444

Photos | Courtesy Jasmine Luoma / Twentieth Century Fox

FROM LEFT: The Fairhope Film Festival feature “One October” is a remarkable time capsule filmed in New York in 2008 that foreshadows the roiling political upheaval spreading across the country today. From the novel by Agatha Christie, “Murder on the Orient Express” tells of 13 stranded strangers and one man’s race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again.

EASTERN SHORE PREMIERE CINEMA 14 30500 Alabama 181 #500 Spanish Fort, Al (251) 626-0352

Kenneth Branagh directs and stars in this classylooking mystery set on an opulent train. Also stars Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Johnny Depp and Michelle Pfeiffer. Crescent Theater, all listed multiplex theaters.

Information accurate at press time; please call theaters for showtimes.




Rob Reiner directs Woody Harrelson as the former president, awakened to the civil rights movement after the assassination of JFK thrust him into the presidency. AMC Wharf, Cobb Pinnacle 14 Did we ask for a sequel to this? All listed multiplex theaters.

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THOR: RAGNAROK All listed multiplex theaters. A BAD MOM’S CHRISTMAS All listed multiplex theaters. SUBURBICON All listed multiplex theaters. VICTORIA AND ABDUL Cobb Pinnacle 14 LET THERE BE LIGHT AMC Mobile 16 JIGSAW All listed multiplex theaters. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE All listed multiplex theaters. GEOSTORM Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema

ONLY THE BRAVE All listed multiplex theaters. HAPPY DEATH DAY All listed multiplex theaters. THE FOREIGNER All listed multiplex theaters. THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema, Cobb Pinnacle 14 AMERICAN MADE Eastern Shore Premiere Cinema KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE Regal Mobile Stadium 18 IT All listed multiplex theaters.

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GENERAL INTEREST Junior League Christmas Jubilee A holiday market featuring more than 100 merchants from around the country at the Mobile Convention Center, Nov. 9-11. All proceeds benefit the Junior League of Mobile. Visit Kitchen on George anniversary To celebrate their 6th anniversary, Kitchen on George and Culinard, the Culinary Institute of Virginia College in Mobile, will be collaborating on a special dinner menu each night Nov. 6-11. Call 251-436-8890 or visit Fairhope Film Festival Four days of brilliant, entertaining and award-winning films screened in various venues in Fairhope, Nov. 9-12. For more information and tickets, visit www. See festival preview page 34.

“Lunch at The Shoppes” The Shoppes at Bel Air will host “Lunch at The Shoppes,” Nov 9-11. During lunch hours, participating restaurants and retailers throughout the mall will offer specials and promotions. Live music and art displays will be located throughout. Call 251-375-1297. Book signing Join author Quin Hillyer on Thursday, Nov. 9, 6-7 p.m. for a book signing and discussion at The Book Cellar, 32 S. Section St., Fairhope. Visit “Hearts and Crafts” Learn to live healthy at this holistic health and art sale on Thursday, Nov. 9, 6-9 p.m. at 2029 Airport Blvd. There will be live music, door prizes and more. Call 251-591-8633. 33rd USSA Awards of Sport Join us at the United States Sports Academy for the 33rd annual Awards of

Sport celebration being held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 9. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP at 251-6263303 or

Bethesda Christian Center brings you an evening of worship through song on Friday, Nov. 10, at the Mobile Convention Center. Visit

Veterans Day Parade On Friday, Nov. 10, Mobile’s Veterans Day Parade will step off from the Mobile Civic Center at 10 a.m. The parade will travel along Canal Street to Broad Street and return by way of Dauphin, Washington and Government streets.

Stockton Sawmill Days Celebrate the early logging and sawmill days of the South on Saturday, Nov. 11, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at beautiful Live Oak Landing in Stockton. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 251-375-4171.

Veterans Day Celebration Join the USS Alabama on Friday, Nov. 10, 3-4 p.m. for the Parade of Flags and again 7-9 p.m. for a Veterans Day concert, both at USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park on the causeway. Bourbon and BBQ The Historic Mobile Preservation Society, Cottage Hill Package Store and Moe’s Original Bar B Que present bourbon and barbecue under the canopy of the century-old trees at the Oakleigh House Museum. Friday, Nov. 10, at 6:30 p.m. Visit Cascading Chrysanthemums at Bellingrath The 54th annual Fall Outdoor Cascading Chrysanthemums, the nation’s largest outdoor display of the signature blooms of the season, is set throughout Bellingrath Gardens’ 65 acres, through Nov. 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For details, visit or call 251-459-8864. Making Holiday Memories Join Extension Programming for a day of decorating with nature, holiday kitchen gadgets, quilting and more on Friday, Nov. 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Email mcgreaj@aces. edu or call 251-574-8445. Bethesda Christian Center In celebration of 15 years of ministry,

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Blakeley Veterans Day Program On Saturday, Nov. 11, Historic Blakeley State Park invites the public to take part in some of the many unique educational events planned for its annual Veterans Day program. The park kicks off the day at 8:30 a.m. with a brief guided tour of its wellpreserved Civil War battlefield. Visit www. Market in the Park Come shop at the second Market in the Park of the fall season. Find original art, fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, decor and more in Mobile’s Cathedral Square every Saturday through Nov. 18, 7:30 a.m. to noon. ASMS Recruiting The Alabama School of Math and Science will host ASMS Days on the school’s campus Nov. 11 and Dec. 2. The event provides an opportunity for prospective students and parents from across the state to visit the campus and see in person what ASMS is all about. To register for ASMS Day, visit Christmas Nights of Lights Through Jan. 1, Christmas Nights of Lights is at Hank Aaron Stadium, 755 Bolling Brothers Blvd. The show is nightly at dusk until 10 p.m. Admission is $6 per person. Civic Center Open House

Please join Mayor Sandy Stimpson and city officials for the Civic Center Open House on Nov. 13, 5-7 p.m., to unveil potential paths forward for repurposing the 50-year-old facility. The public meeting will include a presentation revealing data gathered from individuals and groups directly affected by the facility. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and review different concepts for the 24-acre site. Parking will be free. Farmers market Farmers market sponsored by Christ United Methodist Church is held Tuesdays, 2:30-5 p.m., at the Hillcrest Road entrance of church property, 6101 Grelot Road, Mobile. Call 251-342-0462 or 251-7677526. TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Spanish Fort Presbyterian Church. Call 251-625-6888. Farmers market Shop the farmers market at Providence Hospital every Wednesday through Dec. 6, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Providence Hospital, Parking Lot F. Call 251-266-3501. Dauphin Island Boardwalk Talks Boardwalk Talks are held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 11:15 a.m. at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101 Bienville Blvd. Call 251-861-2141. Midtown Optimist Club Join Midtown Optimist Club every Wednesday at noon for lunch at Azalea City Golf Course. Call 251-348-3542. Toastmasters Toastmasters International meets regularly at six locations in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Visit for more information.

FUNDRAISERS “Boots & BBQ” The fourth annual “Boots & BBQ Barn Bash” on Thursday, Nov. 9, will benefit the Children’s of Alabama Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic in Mobile. Live music and barbecue at Moe’s Original Bar B Que, 701 Springhill Ave. Festivities start at 6:30 p.m. For more information or tickets, call 251-610-4969. Gears and Beers The Gears and Beers Ride 2017 is a fundraiser hosted by the LoDa Bier Garten Saturday, Nov. 11, to benefit the Delta Bike Project. Rides begin at 7 a.m. at 251 Dauphin St. For more information and to register, visit Picnic at Oakleigh Join us for a picnic on the lawn at Oakleigh Mansion featuring a catered lunch from Moe’s Original Bar B Que, a tour of the historic mansion and a custom Duck tour including the Mobile River, downtown Mobile and the beautiful neighborhood of Oakleigh on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. Visit Pop-Up at the Fort Join Mission Fitness and Pure Barre Mobile at the Fort of Colonial Mobile for Pop-Up at the Fort, featuring bootcamp, barre, and brunch and benefiting Team River RunnerSouth Alabama. Saturday, Nov. 11, at 9 a.m. Call 251-338-6959. Boots & Jazz Brunch The Boots & Jazz Brunch is held in support of McKemie Place, the area’s only overnight shelter for single homeless women. The brunch is Sunday, Nov. 12, at 11:30 a.m. at the Country Club of Mobile. Visit facebook. com/mckemieplace. Jazz Brunch “Eat well, be well” is the theme surrounding the Mediterranean-inspired jazz brunch and cooking demonstration on Sunday, Nov. 12 at The Wharf, benefiting the University of South Alabama Hospitality and Tourism Management scholarship program. Visit

ARTS Frank Brown International Songwriter’s Festival The 33rd annual Frank Brown International Songwriter’s Festival is Nov. 9-19 in multiple locations in Perdido Key, Pensacola, Orange Beach and Gulf Shores. For more information, including a schedule and list of performers, visit

LoDa Artwalk Join downtown Mobile art galleries, institutions, studios and unique shops as they open their doors and welcome you inside Friday, Nov. 10, 6-9 p.m. in the Lower Dauphin Street district. Evensong November’s Evensong service features “Magnificat and Nunc dimittis” by Canadian composer Peter Mathews at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m.

MUSEUMS Military Medicine Day Special Veterans Day program on Saturday, Nov. 11, 1-3 p.m. at Mobile Medical Museum. Admission is free for all active and retired military families. At 2 p.m., museum staff will lead a tour of military medicine from the pre-Civil War era to Vietnam. Free refreshments will be served. All are welcome. “Posing Beauty in African-American Culture” An exhibition at Mobile Museum of Art exploring the understanding of how African and African-American beauty has been represented through a diverse range of media. Through Jan. 21. Visit “Curious George: Let’s Get Curious!” The insatiable curiosity of Curious George — the little monkey who has captured the imagination and hearts of millions of children and adults for 65 years — comes to life at Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center through Jan. 7. Visit “Dream Big: Engineering Our World” Narrated by Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges, “Dream Big: Engineering Our World” is a first-of-its-kind film for IMAX and giant-screen theaters that will transform how we think about engineering. Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center through Jan. 7. Visit “Right on Course” The United States Sports Academy’s American Sport Art Museum & Archives is open free to the public weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. One of the newest exhibits is “Right on Course.” Visit “Windows to the Sea” “Windows to the Sea” is the latest permanent exhibit at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium. Visit “Savage Ancient Seas” “Savage Ancient Seas” will transport

GulfQuest guests to a time when the last of Bridge lessons the great dinosaurs roamed Earth and swam The Mobile Bridge Center offers free bridge the seas. Visit lessons each Tuesday at 6 p.m. at 1510 University Blvd. Arrive a few minutes early to register. Call the Bridge Center at 251Fairhope’s founding 666-2147, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn more about the 1894 founding of Fairhope at the Fairhope Museum of History, 24 N. Section St. The museum is Fitness and athletics classes open daily (except Sunday and Monday) New fitness classes offered at Palmer from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 251-929-1471. Pillans Middle School. Tai Chi, Candle Lit Yoga, Core Fusion, Small Group Personal Fitness Training, basketball for ages 15 and Little Discoveries up, basketball for ages 8-14 and sports “Outside the Box,” aimed at children age conditioning for ages 8-17. Call 251-4636 and under, explores how innovation and 7980 or go to communityactivitiesprogram. creativity can lead to a world of possibilities, com. starting with a simple cardboard box. Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Call 251-208-6893 or email Dance and art classes New dance classes offered at Palmer Pillans Middle School. Belly dance, preThursdays at MMoA ballet and tumbling for ages 6-12, Beginner Every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., the Piano for ages 8 and up. Call 251-463-7980 Mobile Museum of Art offers free admission or go to to all visitors. No reservations are necessary. MMoA is at 4850 Museum Drive. Call 251208-5200. Pickleball for adults (indoors) Offered at Palmer Pillans Middle School, Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Great sport for SPORTING EVENTS/ACTIVITIES all ages combines tennis, pingpong and badminton on a court one-fourth the size of HulaWorkshop a tennis court. Call 251-463-7980 or go to Mobile branch of Hawai’i’s Halau Ka Lihilihilehua ‘O Hopoe Kuikanani will host two workshops on traditional Hawaiian Ballroom dance Hula: Saturday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m. at Azalea Ballroom Dance Club hosts 5566 Andrew Road, Suite D, in Mobile; dances the second and fourth Tuesday of and Sunday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. at Eastern Shore Dance Academy, 9063 Merritt Lane in every month, 7-9:30 p.m. at Via! Health, Fitness & Enrichment Center, 1717 Daphne. Call 251-463-6822. Dauphin St. Call 251-623-9183 or visit South Alabama football The University of South Alabama Jaguars Ballroom dance welcome the Arkansas State Red Wolves The Moonlight Chassé Ballroom Dance Saturday, Nov. 11, 4 p.m. at Ladd-Peebles Society hosts dances the first and third Stadium. Note: USA has implemented a policy allowing only clear, see-through bags Monday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m. at Hot Wheels Skating Rink in Daphne. Email at games. Visit Group rides South Alabama and Mississippi Mountain Bike Association invites all levels of cyclists to join them every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. at USA Bike Trails and Sunday at 9 a.m. at Chickasabogue Park. Email carrie@ Weekly 1K/5K Every Thursday evening at 6 p.m., join Red Beard’s Outfitter and Cortlandt’s Pub in the Spring Hill Village Shopping Center for a 1K or 5K run and walk. No cost to participate. Bingo Join Via! Health, Fitness, Enrichment Center (1717 Dauphin St.) for bingo every Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Call 251-478-3311.

WORKSHOPS Homebuyers seminar This seminar, offering tips and information for those wanting to become homeowners, will be held 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 11. Register at Lifelines/Consumer Credit Counseling, 705 Oak Circle Drive E., Mobile. Call 251-602-0011 to register. Identity theft Topics will include understanding your credit report, handling mail and phone solicitations and protecting your credit identity. Monday, Nov. 13, at 6 p.m. Register at Lifelines/Consumer Credit Counseling, 705 Oak Circle Drive E., Mobile. Call 251602-0011 to register.

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THE NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE GOING OFF SCRIPT BY ROSS TRUDEAU / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ ACROSS 1 Lecterns 6 Some looping online animations 10 No. 2’s 13 Canine supporters 17 It’s all an act 19 Actor Epps 20 “Abracadabra!” 22 “The Lion King” 24 Pool divider, or a further hint to 22-Across 25 Wine often served with dessert 26 College department that might offer paid studies, informally 27 “Who, me?” 28 Majestic 29 Get excited about crosswords, say, with “out” 30 Hockey feint 31 offerings 34 Bond, for one: Abbr. 35 Fig. on a master’s application 37 Geometry- test directive 38 Maître’s domain 41 Suffix with legal 42 “Jerry Maguire” 45 Box a bit 46 Hunter in the night sky 47 Feature of Chairman Mao’s cap 51 Reaction to a bad joke 52 They’re often cross-bred with apricots 53 Smart-alecky 54 American pale ____ 55 Bozo 56 Get up 57 Judge’s seat 58 Neural conductor 59 Carnival, say, or a further hint to 42-Across 61 Musical score marking, or a further hint to 101-Across 63 Full house, for one 64 ____ mater 65 Ideas spreading virally 66 Duel tool 67 Blue Devils’ org. 68 Hephaestus’ forge is said to be under it 69 Uninspired 70 Satiated 71 What I may turn into 73 Coin at an arcade 74 “The Merry Drinker”painter 76 “The Force Awakens” 79 Traffic-monitoring org. 82 Herb pronounced differently in the U.S. and U.K. 84 Appears 85 Item with the words “Member Since” 87 White House extension?

88 George Takei’s role on the U.S.S. Enterprise, in brief 90 Small beam 91 When Macduff slays Macbeth 92 They’re first in the draft 95 “Sure” 96 Brunch offering 98 Where Samson slew the Philistines 99 F-150s or Thunderbirds, or a further hint to 76-Across 101 “The Dark Knight” 104 Onlooker 105 Ills 106 “Friday I’m in Love” band, 1992 107 Caviars 108 Defib locales 109 “In that case …” 110 Language in which the first four cardinal numbers are ane, twa, three and fower

10 Ad ____ tax 11 Daring thing to wear with polka dots 12 ____ Gabriel Mountains 13 Big gust 14 Eponymous Israeli gun designer 15 Get by 16 Refine 17 What metathesiophobia is the fear of 18 Kind of penguin 21 Splat preceder 23 Out of whack 27 Connoisseur 30 Capital of Qatar 32 Some salmon 33 Get old 36 $100 bills, in slang 37 Study 39 Turn over 40 Yiddish cries 43 José, Bengie and Yadier ____, catcher brothers with five DOWN World Series rings among them 1 Sci-fi weapons 44 Redundant-sounding 2 Symbol of strength engine parts 3 Stonehenge priests 45 Like the 1-to-7 balls 4 McKellen who played 48 Prepared for takeoff Gandalf 49 Stag 5 City south of Seminole, Okla. 50 Actress Russo 6 Singer with the 2012 No. 1 51 Like trampolines hit “Somebody That 52 ____ ballerina I Used to Know” 53 Got one’s feet wet? 7 Apple desktop 55 Harry’s wizarding foe 8 New Year’s Eve figure 56 Never-before-seen 9 Mrs., abroad 57 Candy-heart message

58 Suisse peaks 59 A fish … or to cook it, in a way 60 Have nutritious foods 61 Pariahs 62 Flinching, typically 65 Play up 68 K-12 69 What “w” is in Welsh, at times 72 Window fixtures, for short 73 Get ready to drive 74 Most cozy 75 “Preach!” 77 Publishers 78 ____ Productions, company behind TV’s “Dr. Phil” 79 Look onto the street, say 80 First family after the Garfields 81 Counsel 82 Endangered ape 83 Opposed (to) 86 Multicolored 87 Choose 89 Jazz pianist McCoy ____ 90 Artist’s base 93 Coolers in coolers 94 Camera option, for short 97 Loafs around a deli? 100 “____ had it!” 101 The U.S. joined it in 1917: Abbr. 102 Quizzical utterances 103 Fun, for short


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earned an invitation to the NCAA Singles Championship during her last two seasons. She was ranked among the top 40 players in the country in both singles and doubles in 2002 — she was fifth in the region in both as well — and after ending the following season 33rd nationally received All-America recognition. Her efforts helped the Jaguars win the SBC championship each of her three years. A two-time all-conference selection, Stoklasova was named to the SBC 30th Anniversary All-Time Women’s Tennis Team and earned second-team academic all-district honors her final year.

USA football

Photos/ Courtesy University of South Alabama

David Doss left USA with a .367 batting average, 37 home runs and 195 runs. Ajoke Odumosu won eight individuals titles at SBC Indoor and Outdoor Championships. Viktoria Stoklasova helped the Jaguars win the SBC championship each of her three years.

• The University of South Alabama football team will close out its home schedule Saturday, Nov. 11, with a 4 p.m. start when it plays host to Arkansas State. Along with the Hall of Fame event, the Jaguars will honor their senior class in a pregame ceremony prior to taking on the league co-champions from a year ago. The Red Wolves have won all five previous matchups in this series, including a pair at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in 2013 and 2015. • USA’s Corliss Waitman was recently selected the Ray Guy Award Punter of the Week by the Augusta Sports Council. The junior had a career-high four of five punts end inside the 20-yard line — tying the school game record in the category — at Georgia State while recording an average of 46.4 yards per kick against the Panthers. Waitman has also been included on the complete list of candidates for the 2017 Ray Guy Award. He is currently sporting the best season punting average in program history with a 45.38 figure.

Tornados tip off

Coming off a Final Four appearance in the American Basketball Association playoffs, the Port City Tornados take the home court for the first time this weekend against the Pro Elite Flyers of Birmingham. Games are set for Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Bright Spot events complex (2501 E. Interstate he University of South Alabama is renowned for from 2006-09, Doss began his career being named to Col65 Service Road North). having the best athletic program in the Sun Belt legiate Baseball’s Freshman All-America team and the The Tornados have lost only six regular-season games over the last four Conference. For the last three years, the Jaguars SBC Freshman of the Year after batting .400 and helping years. They won the Gulf Coast Division in 2016 and 2017. Last year, they have captured the Vic Bubas Cup, which recognizes South reach the NCAA Regionals. He eventually earned the league’s top all-around school. third-team All-America honors and all-league honors each added the Southeast Region and earned a berth to the league semifinals, where But success is nothing new for USA. During its halfof his last three years at three different positions. He left as they fell to eventual champion Jacksonville Giants by two points. “Reaching the ABA Championships Final Four in Baltimore taught me that century in existence, many outstanding athletes have the Jaguars’ all-time leader in hits (312), doubles (70) and basketball in key games is like life in tough situations,” team owner Charlie proudly worn the red, white and blue runs batted in (197), and was ranked McCants said. “It is important to have the right mindset and attitude to handle uniforms. in the top 10 on the school’s all-time pressure without falling apart. Only change your game plan when it is not Three such All-Americans will list with a .367 batting average, 37 working, never forget the basics and the steps that gave you success.” be recognized this weekend. The home runs and 195 runs scored. The Tornados have three starters returning. Anthony Sims, a 6-foot-4 guard/ newest inductees into the University Ajoke Odumosu — After earning of South Alabama Athletic Hall of All-America honors in the 400-meter forward who played at Blount High School, Faulkner State and University of FOR THE LAST THREE West Florida, averaged 22 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists. Fame are David Doss, Ajoke Oduhurdles as a senior, Odumosu went Erik Thrash, another Blount alumni who played at Bishop State, has avermosu and Viktoria Stoklasova. on to represent Nigeria at the 2008 YEARS, THE JAGUARS HAVE and 2012 Olympic Games. The Jag- aged 30-plus points the last four seasons. McCants called the 5-foot-11 point The Class of 2017 will be inductguard a coach on the floor. ed during an on-campus ceremony uar record-holder in the indoor and CAPTURED THE VIC BUBAS Tycal Thrash, who played at LeFlore High School and Alabama State, averon Saturday, Nov. 11. Later that day outdoor 400-meter dashes as well aged 18 points and 6 assists last year. He is a 5-11 point guard. they will be recognized on the Laddas the outdoor 400-meter hurdles, CUP, WHICH RECOGNIZES The remaining roster includes Jamichael Lofton (PG, 5-10), Tevin Bettis (F, Peebles Stadium field at halftime of she qualified for the NCAA Outdoor 6-2), Patrick McKenzie (C, 6-11), Greg Crum (F, 6-3), Maurice Irby (F, 6-4), the Jaguars’ game against Arkansas Championships in the 400-meter THE LEAGUE’S TOP AJ Lynch (G, 6-3), La’Craig Brown (F, 6-4), James Buford (G, 6-0), Laquan State. hurdles as a freshman. In three years Stadmire (F, 6-3), Justin Hansberry (G/F, 6-3), Joseph Grimes (G, 6-2), Cordero The addition brings the number — she missed the 2005 campaign ALL-AROUND SCHOOL. Dade (F/C, 6-6) and Mack Clark (C, 6-10). of former student-athletes, coaches because of an injury — she won The ABA is donating $1 from each ticket during the opening weekend to a and administrators who have been eight individual titles at SBC Indoor Hurricane Relief Fund to assist storm victims. The Tornados will also donate honored to 79 since the creation of and Outdoor Championships, and $1 to its Tornados Kids Club Membership Program, which encourages youth the USA Athletic Hall of Fame in was named to the league’s 30th An1989. Here is a brief overview of the inductees provided niversary All-Time Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Team. through sports and performing arts. For a complete schedule and ticket information, visit www.PortCityTornaby the school: Viktoria Stoklasova — After lettering three times for David Doss — A four-year letterwinner in baseball the Jaguar women’s tennis team from 2001-03, Stoklasova


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Soft-bodied insects such as these whiteflies on a Florida-grown tomato plant are among the pests that can be controlled with horticultural oils.

Q: The shrubs in my yard have been attacked since last spring by whiteflies and scale. I read that spraying with horticultural oil would help, but when I went to buy the oil, there were so many choices that I couldn’t figure out which would be best to use. I hear that neem oil may be best for organic gardening. Which oil would you recommend?


: Horticultural oil is petroleum-based or plant-based oil that contains an emulsifier enabling it to be mixed with water for spray application. When it comes to buying horticultural oils, there are many brand choices, but all oils function to control pests in the same way. All the oils, with a few exceptions, work by coating leaves, stems and any insects or insect eggs, pathogens or fungi on those leaves and stems. The coating suffocates the insect or, in some cases, disrupts the insect’s food source, or stops spore development or germination. That is why it is necessary to completely coat the plant, including under the leaves where pests hide. An oil may also contain added insecticides or chemicals that poison insects. Neem oil, often advertised for organic gardening, is from the neem plant and works by a combination of suffocation and causing hormonal changes in the pests. Search “neem recall” at our website,, for more information. Horticultural oils, without chemical or poison additives, are considered safe treatments for various garden pests. Because oils work by mechanical means of suffocation and then evaporate rather quickly, you may need to make multiple applications to stop newly hatched insects. Though this means a bit more work, it is also the reason oils are safer to use, because the plants are not absorbing poisonous chemicals. Other than neem, oils are not systemic pesticides. Oils are divided into two large groups. One is called dormant

oil, and is applied by spray in cool temperatures when plants are dormant. Dormant oils are usually thicker and therefore coat stems and pests more thickly. Dormant oils are timed for use in cooler temperatures and are intended to coat over-wintering pests and eggs to reduce the spring pest population. The other group is called summer, light, fine or supreme oil, and are lighter-weight oils that can be used year-round. Their instructions often give two different oil-to-water ratios, depending on the season or temperature. It is important to mix the oil according to those seasonal instructions. Plant-based oils may include sesame, canola, even cottonseed oil, but they all control by coating and suffocating. Oils do not work well to eradicate hard-bodied scales or large, mobile insects that can escape being coated. Oils work best on small, soft-bodied insects, stationary or slow pests, and some fungi as the coating can keep fungal spores from germinating. The pests most easily controlled by oils are whiteflies, mites, soft-bodied scale and a range of insects when newly hatched and most vulnerable. Because immature pests are most susceptible to control, more success is achieved when the specific pest is identified and its life cycle is known, so the application can be timed to the pest’s most vulnerable stage. Oils provide control of powdery mildew, black spot and fungi by limiting spore germination. Citrus leaf miners can be controlled by use of oil sprays early in spring, but by the time leaf-miner damage is visible oils cannot treat the condition. Oils should not be used on thin-leafed or fuzzy-leafed plants, such as azaleas, red maples, spruce and junipers. Any new spring growth can also be damaged by oils. Read the label carefully to see for which pests the oil is recommended, which plants can be damaged, how to mix the oil and water, and how often to apply. Protect garden wildlife by applying oils in early morning,

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Photo/Courtesy UF/IFAS Extension

before the bees and butterflies rise to feed, and avoid sprays in late summer through October, when bees and butterflies and migrating hummingbirds are feeding. Oils should not be used in extremely hot temperatures, in windy conditions or when plants may not dry thoroughly before rain, watering or hot, direct sunlight. Always water plants thoroughly the day before spraying to be sure they are fully hydrated. Do not use oil on weak or stressed plants. Don’t forget that you are also a life form, so protect yourself, too! Wear protective clothing and respiration masks. If you have shrubs with whiteflies or scale year after year, or citrus with leaf miners every summer, it’s best to get a year-round oil and use it exactly according to label instructions on an annual spray schedule. November is the perfect time to use oil spray for overwintering pests or eggs, pathogens and fungal disease. YOU ARE INVITED TO THESE UPCOMING GARDENING EVENTS What: Lunch & Learn, Mobile Master Gardeners When: Monday, Nov. 20, noon to 1 p.m. Where: Jon Archer Center, 1070 Schillinger Road N., Mobile Topic: Grafting Camellias, Vaughan Drinkard Jr. What: Master Gardener Greenery Sale and MBG Holiday Market When: Dec 1-2 (Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) Where: Mobile Botanical Gardens, 5151 Museum Drive, Mobile Deadline for pre-order: Nov. 15. For order form, email or go to https:// Master Gardener Helpline: 1-877-252-4769 or send your gardening questions to

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ANSWERS FROM PAGE 38 44 | L AG N I A P P E | N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 7 - N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) — You’ll be overwhelmed with a serious case of FOMO after failing to find the time and money to do everything you want this month. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with a game of Twister. SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21) ­­— You wonder whether a typical breakfast of eggs, meat and toast, served separately, counts as “a three-course meal.” You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock by drawing straws. CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19) — Inspired by the Mobile Symphony’s annual “Beethoven & Blue Jeans,” you host a sparsely attended kazoo concert called “Bach & Britches.” You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock through a paintball war. AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18) — In honor of those who’ve served our country, you’ll spend Veterans Day flagpole sitting, protesting that Harvey Danger was never embraced by the mainstream. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock by arm wrestling. PISCES (2/19-3/20) — In a conspiracy planted while reading horoscopes, you’ll claim Paul Janeway from St. Paul and the Broken Bones is actually Sean Nelson from Harvey Danger. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock by hosting a bake-off. ARIES (3/21-4/19) — You creep out cyclists at the annual Gears and Beers ride by standing along the route and leering and jeering. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with a game of chicken. TAURUS (4/20-5/20) — Since the Daphne City Council has delayed another vote on an independent school study, you have at least two more weeks to barge into City Hall and yell “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with a literal tug-of-war. GEMINI (5/21-6/21) — To set the mood during cooler weather, you’ll play a looping fireplace video on YouTube and sprinkle your living room with liquid smoke. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock by seeing who can hold their breath the longest. CANCER (6/22-7/22) — To start your seasonal vacation off right, be sure to peace out at work with a two-finger salute. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with make-up sex. VIRGO (8/23-9/22) — You’ll take advantage of the Fairhope Film Festival crowd to screen your controversial documentary, “Feet, Gross or Nah?” You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with a “Billy Madison” style debate. LIBRA (9/23-10/22) — With odds increasing you’ll be murdered in one of the almost daily mass shootings on American soil, you’d be wise to go ahead and get your affairs in order. You attempt to resolve the Mobile City Council presidential deadlock with flintlock duelling pistols.

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LAGNIAPPE LEGALS | 251.450-4466 | FORECLOSURES MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Elizabeth M. Phillips and Wayne A. Phillips, wife and husband, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for R.H. Lending, Inc., on the 5th day of January, 2012, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Mobile County, Alabama, in Book 6851, Page 1009; the undersigned First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, on December 28, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Mobile County, Alabama, towit: Lot 98, as per plat of Ramsey Estates, Unit VI, as recorded in Map Book 78, Page 19, Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 8564 Mac Ct , Grand Bay, AL 36541 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation, Mortgagee/Transferee. Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 422540 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 2017

FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made by the herein referenced Grantee in the terms of that certain Vendor’s Lien Deed executed on September 8, 2014 by Roy A. Weaver as Grantee to Roberts Road Estates. Inc., as Grantor which said Vendor’s Lien Deed was recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Mobile County, Alabama, in Real Property Book LR7186, Page 1651; and said vendor’s lien having been last assigned to Chunchula Sixty, LLC, which assignment was recorded in the office of the Judge of Probate Mobile County Alabama in Real Property Book LR7195, Page 521; and default continuing under said Vendor’s Lien Deed, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Vendor’s Lien, the following described real property will be sold at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, in front of the North entrance of the Courthouse of said County, located at 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama 36644, during the legal hours of sale, on December 7, 2017. Lots 15 & 16, as per plat of ROBERTS ROAD ESTATES, UNIT I, as recorded in Map Book 123, Page 39, Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama; Lot 17, as per plat of ROBERTS ROAD ESTATES, UNIT II as recorded in Map Book 130, Page 49, Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama. Said sale is made for the purpose of paying said Vendor’s Lien debt and costs of foreclosure. Chunchula Sixty, LLC Holder of said Vendor’s

Lien. WILLIAM B. JACKSON, II STOKES & CLINTON, P.C. Attorneys for Lienholder Post Office Box 991801 Mobile, Alabama 36691 (251) 460-2400/17-75921 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 2017

FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made by the herein referenced Grantee in the terms of that certain Vendor’s Lien Deed executed on October 28, 2016 by Pamela G. Barber as Grantee to Iras Development Company. Inc., as Grantor which said Vendor’s Lien Deed was recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Mobile County, Alabama, in Real Property Book LR7443, Page 19644; and said vendor’s lien having been last assigned to W. Austin Mulherin, which assignment was recorded in the office of the Judge of Probate Mobile County Alabama in Real Property Book LR7451, Page 1625; and default continuing under said Vendor’s Lien Deed, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Vendor’s Lien, the following described real property will be sold at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, in front of the North entrance of the Courthouse of said County, located at 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama 36644, during the legal hours of sale, on December 7, 2017. Lot 231, as per plat of RAMSEYESTATES, UNIT XI, as recorded in Map Book 118, Page 52, Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama; including a 2005 River Bunch Mobile Home VIN: RV05AL8916. Said sale is made for the purpose of paying said Vendor’s Lien debt and costs of foreclosure. W. Austin Mulherin Holder of said Vendor’s Lien. WILLIAM B. JACKSON, II STOKES & CLINTON, P.C. Attorneys for Lienholder Post Office Box 991801 Mobile, Alabama 36691 (251) 460-2400/17-75921 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 2017

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness described in and secured by that certain Real Estate Mortgage dated June 24, 2016, executed by MANDY BRADY, in favor of MOORE PROPERTIES LLC, which is recorded in Book: LR7428, Page 97, in the records of the Office of the Judge of Probate of Mobile County, Alabama; the undersigned MOORE PROPERTIES LLC is Grantor under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the Real Estate Mortgage will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main Entrance to the Mobile County Courthouse in Mobile, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on the 16th day of November, 2017, all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described real property, situated in Mobile County, Alabama: PARCEL NUMBER: 19 08 33 0 007 020.XXX KEY NUMBER: 00146880 LOCATION: 121 LAFAYETTE DR, SARALAND ALABAMA 36571 Lot 7 BLK B FAYETTE PLACE S UB, MBK #13 P #99, SEC 33 T2S R1W, #MP19 08 33 0 007 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Mobile County, Alabama. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, VIOLATIONS THEREOF), EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF MOBILE COUNTY AND ANY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. This sale is made for the paying of the indebtedness secured by the Real Estate Mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure, including the cost of publication, appraisal, title report and reasonable attorneys’ fees, as provided under the terms of the Real Estate Mortgage. The Grantor reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation; contact the phone number below prior to sale. BRADY RADCLIFF & BROWN LLP Clifford C. Brady Attorney for Moore Properties LLC PO Box 1668 Mobile, AL 36633 (251) 405-0077 Lagniappe HD October 26, November 2, 9, 2017

FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made by the herein referenced Grantee in the terms of that certain Vendor’s Lien Deed executed on September 17, 2012, by Cindi K.

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Lynn, as Grantee to Iras Development Company, Inc., a Alabama corporation, as Grantor which said Vendor’s Lien Deed was recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Mobile County, Alabama, in Real Property Book 6942, Page 1069, and said vendor’s lien having been last assigned to The Avila Group, LLP, which assignment was recorded in the office of the Judge of Probate Mobile County Alabama in Real Property Book 6956, Page 1087, and default continuing under said Vendor’s Lien Deed, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Vendor’s Lien, the following described real property will be sold at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, in front of the North entrance of the Courthouse of said County, located at 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama 36644, during the legal hours of sale, on November 30, 2017. Lot 38, as per plat of TIMBERLAND, UNIT II as recorded in Map Book 89, Page 60, Probate Court of Mobile County, Alabama; Said sale is made for the purpose of paying said Vendor’s Lien debt and costs of foreclosure. The Avilia Group, LLP Holder of said Vendor’s Lien WILLIAM B. JACKSON, II STOKES & CLINTON, P.C. Attorneys for Lienholder Post Office Box 991801 Mobile, Alabama 36691 (251) 460-2400 Lagniappe HD October 26, November 2, 9, 2017

NOTICE OF COMPLETION In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that James B. Donaghey, Inc., Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of Saenger Theatre Cooling Tower Replacement at 6 S. Joachim St. Mobile, AL 36602 for the State of Alabama and the County of Mobile, Owner(s), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Architectural Engineering Dept. 205 Government St. Mobile, AL 36602. James B. Donaghey, Inc. 1770 Old Shell Rd. Mobile, AL 36604. Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017

STORAGE UNIT DISPOSAL NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Alabama Statutes, that the goods stored in units rented by occupants listed below will be sold to the highest bidder at a public auction online at www.storagetreasures. com on November 25, 2017 at 10:00 am to satisfy liens claimed by STORAGEMAX MIDTOWN, together with all costs of sale. Karly Dodson, Janelle Houston, Michael Mitchell, Amanda Rogers Any of the above goods may be withdrawn from sale by STORAGEMAX MIDTOWN at any time without prior notice. Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MOBILE Notice is hereby given that a bill as described in the synopsis below will be introduced in the 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama and application for its passage and enactment will be made: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT. SYNOPSIS: Relating to Class 2 municipalities; to authorize the municipalities to provide for the abatement and removal of inoperable motor vehicles as public nuisances from private property. Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017

STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MOBILE Notice is hereby given that a bill as described in the synopsis below will be introduced in the 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama and application for its passage and enactment will be made: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT. SYNOPSIS: Relating to Class 2 municipalities; to amend Section 22-6-220 and Section 22-6-221 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to ensure that any Integrated Care Network shall include a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) which shall be an equal option for qualifying individuals in an area where PACE exists; to require that the Alabama Medicaid Agency and an integrated care network shall enact regulations to provide that all PACE participants shall be exempt from passive enrollment without a waiting periods; and to provide for dis-enrollment from the integrated care network to enroll in a PACE program. Lagniappe HD October 26, November 2, 9, 16, 2017



Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal I, Kevin M. Wattier, over the age of 21 years, competent, with firsthand knowledge, do state that I have never been, nor am I now, nor will I ever in the future be liable for any debts incurred by KEVIN M. WATTIER (or any derivative thereof). I am not now, nor have I ever been the surety for KEVIN M. WATTIER. Kevin M. Wattier, AR

PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of: REBECCA KNICK HASTY Case No. 2014-1778 Take notice that Letters of Administration have been granted to the below named party on the 24th day of October, 2017 by the Honorable Don Davis, Judge of Probate of Mobile County Probate Court, Alabama and that all parties having claims against said estate should file the same with the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or they will be barred. GABRIELLE KATHLEEN HASTY HODGE, as Administratrix CTA under the last will and testament of REBECCA KNICK HASTY, Deceased. Attorney of Record: MICHAEL S. MCNAIR

Lagniappe HD October 26, Nov. 2, 9, 2017

PROBATE NOTICE OF ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of: ELOISE W. GARDNER Case No. 2017-1748 Take notice that Letters of Administration have been granted to the below named party on the 1st day of November, 2017 by the Honorable Don Davis, Judge of Probate of Mobile County Probate Court, Alabama and that all parties having claims against said estate should file the same with the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or they will be barred. LENORA H. CARPENTER as Administratrix of the estate of ELOISE W. GARDNER, deceased. Attorney of Record: MICHAEL E. MARK, Esq. Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 23, 2017

NOTICE OF COURT PROCEEDING September 25, 2017 Case No. 2015-1165-1 IN THE PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of DAVID SULLIVAN, Deceased On to-wit the 11th day of December, 2017 at 2:00 PM in COURTROOM 1, THIRD FLOOR, Mobile County Government Center Annex, 151 Government Street the court will proceed to consider the FINAL SETTLEMENT AND REPORT OF INSOLVENCY as filed by LARRY SULLIVAN. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties in interest who may appear and contest same or file a proper responsive pleading thereto if they then think proper. DON DAVIS, Judge of Probate. Attorney Name and Address: VANESSA ARNOLD SHOOTS, 56 ST. JOSEPH STREET, STE. 1311, Mobile, AL 36602 Lagniappe HD October 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 2017

ADOPTION PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION PETITIONS OF: M.M. (A.R.E., a minor) CASE NO.: 2017-0741 (B.G.E., a minor) CASE NO.: 2017-0742 (A.D.E., a minor) CASE NO.: 2017-0743 (D.R.E., a minor) CASE NO.: 2017-0744 IN RE: AMENDED AFFIDAVITS FOR PUBLICATION ORDER These matters are now properly before the Court pursuant to its jurisdiction and authority as conferred by statute and Constitutional provisions on the abovementioned Affidavit for Service by Publication. On due consideration thereof, the Court FINDS, CONCLUDES and ORDERS as follows: 1. That the above-mentioned Amended Affidavits for Service by Publication contain the facts necessary to allow for a finding by this Court that service may be made by publication to Roselyn Agee Edwards, mother. 2. Petitioner is ORDERED to publish the attached notice in a newspaper of general circulation in Mobile County. 3. The Clerk of the Court shall forward a copy of this Order to Counsel for Petitioner by United States First-Class Mail. Dated this 4th day of October, 2017. Don Davis, Judge of Probate. Lagniappe HD October 19, 26, November 2, 9, 2017

NOTICE OF ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of: WILLIAM GAMBLE Case No. 2017-1408 Take notice that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the below named party on the 23rd day of October, 2017 by the Honorable Don Davis, Judge of Probate of Mobile County Probate Court, Alabama and that all parties having claims against said estate should file the same with the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or they will be barred. DENIESE G. GREEN as Executrix of the estate of WILLIAM GAMBLE, deceased. Attorney of Record: JOHN R. PARKER Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 2017

Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 16, 2017

NOTICE OF ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROBATE COURT OF MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA Estate of: CLEOPHUS HILLARD Case No. 2016-1050 Take notice that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the below named party on the 23rd day of October, 2017 by the Honorable Don Davis, Judge of Probate of Mobile County Probate Court, Alabama and that all parties having claims against said estate should file the same with the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or they will be barred. BETTIE LACEY as Executrix of the estate of CLEOPHUS HILLARD, deceased. Attorney of Record: Hendrik S. Snow, ESQ. 50 Saint Emanuel Street Mobile, AL 36602 Lagniappe HD Nov. 2, 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 7960 Two Mile Rd., Irvington, AL 36544. 2000 Lincoln Town Car 1LNHM81W2YY836670 2002 Mercury Marquis 2MEFM75W22X614197 2011 Chevrolet Impala 2G1WF5EKXB1162847 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 13485 N Wintzell Ave., Bayou La Batre, AL 36509. 2010 GMC Sierra 3GTRCWE03AG131124 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 7237 Muscadine Ave., Mobile, AL 36618. 2001 Honda Accord 1HGCF86691A094804 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 747 St Stephens Rd., Prichard, AL 36610. 2002 Cadillac Deville 1G6KD54Y82U259540 2006 Yamaha XV1700A JYAVP17E66A021605 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 1106 US Hwy. 98, Daphne, AL 36526. 2010 Buick Enclave 5GALRBED9AJ106454 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 731 Lemoyne Circle, Axis, AL 36505. 1990 Nissan 240SX JN1HS36P8LW149215 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 700 Hardy Ave. Lot D, Bay Minette, AL 36507. 1990 Chevrolet G20 Sportvan 2GBEG25K8L4120907

Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed



- at 42 Hildreth Dr., Satsuma, AL 36572. 2004 Chevrolet Avalanche 3GNEC12T54G200360

Lagniappe takes home Media Olympics gold!

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 1725 Winston Lane, Mobile, AL 36605. 2002 Chevrolet Suburban 1GNEC16Z02J135217


Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 08, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 1812 Vetter St., Mobile, AL 36617. 2002 Yamaha YZFR1 JYARN10E32A000027 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

These abandon vehicles will be sold on 12/07/2017 at 5781 Three Notch Rd Mobile Al. 36619 at 9am HOND 1HGCS12818A010642 HOND 1HGCM56465A012813 CHEV 1GNEC13Z23R208000 GMC 1GKDM19W2XB523008 TOYO 4T1BG22K0VU783606 HOND 1HGCD568XTA127317 MERC 2MEFM74W91X646791 HYUN 5NPDH4AE9DH397695 Lagniappe HD November 2, 9, 2017

These abandon vehicles will be sold on 12/14/2017 unless redeemed at 5781 Three Notch Rd Mobile Al. 36619 at 9am FORD 1ZVFT84N755220376 HOND 1HGCD5620SA130172 MAZD JM2UF1132K0750951 Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 15, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 7960 Two Mile Rd., Irvington, AL 36544. 2010 Honda Accord 1HGCP2F30AA121517 2002 Chevrolet K1500 3GNFK16Z42G232218 Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 15, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 106 Martin Luther King Dr., Prichard, AL 36610. 1997 Toyota Corolla 1NXBA02EXVZ573059 Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 15, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 3351 Dauphin Island Prkway., Mobile, AL 36605. 2004 Isuzu Axion 4S2DE58Y244603092 Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

The following unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on December 15, 2017 - Time - 12pm, if not claimed - at 35580 State Hwy. 59, Stapleton, AL 36578. 1994 Nissan Standard 1N6SD11S5RC417447 Lagniappe HD November 9, 16, 2017

Deadline for legal advertising in Lagniappe HD is every Monday at 3 p.m. Lagniappe HD is distributed each Thursday. Lagniappe HD offices are located at 1100B Dauphin St. Mobile, AL 36604. For more information or to place your ad call Jackie at 251-450-4466. Or email at

Photo/ Boozie Spy


gh, the time change. I mean, it’s perfect for when I start waking up early to exercise. The sun is up but I have yet to get up. My biggest thing is I hate leaving work in the dark, I feel like I have to get home and go straight to bed. Surely I’m not the only one? Plus, it’s 2017 — why are we still doing this?

Fourth time’s a charm

Lagniappe loves to compete in the Media Olympics at the Greater Gulf State Fair every year. What could be more fun than competing against other media outlets for who’s best? I mean, obviously we all know Lagniappe is the best, but we were out to prove we are also the best at fair events! In past years, Lagniappe has placed third, second and then last year did the opposite, so we went into this year with a “let’s have fun attitude, win or lose.” The first round was the eating contest. Contestants had three minutes to eat as many corn dogs as they could. Reporter Dale Liesch volunteered early on and admitted he loved corn dogs and could win, no problem. Lagniappe’s other team member made no such promises. Before the competition started, one competitor was telling everyone to take note. She covered the corn dogs in mustard and took them down. Dale gave her a run for her money and tied in first place with four corn dogs eaten! At one point we thought Dale was going to spew corn dog onto the crowd, but he claims he had to cough. But that cough scared everyone watching from the front row. The next event was the tractor pull — kid-sized bikes with weights attached. The point was to go as far as you could before the weight made you stop. Ad reps Brooke and Beth stepped up to the plate! Brooke made it 25 feet and Beth made it 20 feet, tying us for first and second place! This year was shaping up to be a better year already. The third round was a Midway game, the “ladder game.” Ad reps Aleen and Rachel were up! The carny gave a demonstration that made it seem as easy as one, two, three. But that turned out not to be the case, as she admitted to being part cat, but Aleen tied for first and Rachel tied for second! Lagniappe was looking really good going into the final round.

Lagniappe staff took home the gold, finishing first in the Greater Gulf State Fair’s Media Olympics. The $500 prize was donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The last round was “bumper cars capture the flag.” Each bumper had a ribbon tied to it and anyone left with a ribbon was considered a winner. Rob ended the game with one ribbon, tying for first place! After some quick math, we realized Lagniappe won the Media Olympics! The fourth year was our year, we finally brought home the gold and $500 for St. Jude!

Boozie was told another popular oyster was The Noble South’s Oysters Colla-feller — I’m talking collard greens, tabasco caviar, dark roux and collardgreen powder, yum! I also heard great things about Kitchen on George’s and the OK Bike Shop’s. The Bike Shop took home several of the awards, including Best Cajun and Best Overall. Way to represent Mob-town, y’all! We do know our oysters!

Once again the Hangout Oyster Cook-Off was a success! Lovers of beer took to the The Hangout on Friday night for the craft beer festival. It was a lively crowd and Boozie is guessing the beer had something to do with that! My spy said Anderson East was great and played some interesting covers. He doesn’t remember the songs, thanks to the beer, but does remember thinking it was an interesting choice of songs for a beer festival. My spy said he doesn’t normally like IPAs but his favorite beer of the 20-plus he tasted was Dogfish Head Flesh and Blood IPA. Meanwhile my other spy was on a quest for darker beers and eventually found her favorite, Vanillaphant porter from Avondale brewing. My spy also observed an altercation. He said this big, tall guy and a smaller guy were arguing about something, when suddenly the smaller guy ran off. His friends went over and calmed the guy down, calmed him down so much so he was laughing. The smaller guy returned and asked “Did you talk that guy out of kicking my a**?” Beer and disagreements don’t mix well. The Oyster Cook-Off did not disappoint! I mean, oysters from all over the country, how could it not be good?! Of course again this year Murder Point oysters were popular but a few others were making waves. First up was the corn dog oyster — battered in cornmeal, fried and topped with a spicy mustard; a big twist but a great taste! Not a favorite among LSU fans, ha! Another favorite was an oyster with cheese grits and peppers — Food Network might be onto something!

Bourbon quest

Shell yeah

Bourbon and Sunday go hand in hand and that’s what happened this past weekend at Bourbon by the Bay at GulfQuest. It was a smaller crowd but that didn’t make a difference, everyone was raving over the food and the bourbon. Foodwise, they had loaded mashed potatoes, BBQ, miniature desserts and lots of bread. Let’s just say that bread was needed to absorb some of the alcohol. My spy said it was hard not to get drunk. Guests were given six tokens, each of which were good for a tasting. My spy ran into a friend who didn’t care too much for bourbon so she handed off two of her tokens, so it came as no surprise when my spy reported Monday that they had a slight headache. My other spy reported she had to climb over the train to get to the party — dangerous, she knows, but like any friend of Boozie’s she wasn’t about to miss a party because of something in her way. After all that, she said she needed a drink but the first bourbon she tried ruined it for her. It was 117 proof and she said it burned so much she missed the hints of vanilla and whatever else she was supposed to taste. After that she stuck to wine and simply hearing about the different bourbons. What a wimp! My spy also said the one of the highlights of the night was Pappy Van Winkle raffle. We hear the winner was quite surprised and thrilled. But with such a special bottle, whatever will they do with it? Boozie is always available to help! Well, kids, that’s all I’ve got this week. Just remember, whether rain or shine, dramatic or scandalous, or just some plain ol’ fair lovin’, I will be there. Ciao!

N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 7 - N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | L AG N I A P P E | 47

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