la guia zacatecas

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ASADO DE BODA Sabor romántico de tradición jerezana / Romantic flavour of Jerezan tradition DIRECTORIO DE COMER Y BEBER / EAT AND DRINK DIRECTORY FABIOLA FERNÁNDEZ Una chef muy Zacatecana / A very Zacatecan Chef







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6.Circuito Museos Zacatecas

En Zacatecas no sólo puedes descubrir las maravillas naturales y arquitectónicas, sino que hay una serie de museos que forman parte de los atractivos de la ciudad y donde podrás descubrir elementos que forman parte del pasado de nuestro país. En estos museos seguro te encontrarás con miles y miles de máscaras mexicanas (Museo Rafael Coronel); metralletas, escopetas y mausers (Museo Toma de Zacatecas); extraordinario arte virreinal (Museo de Guadalupe); hasta obras originales de Picasso, Dalí, Chagall, Calder y Goya (Museo Pedro Coronel).

7.Teatro Fernando Calderón 06

8.La Quemada

Si eres de espíritu aventurero, aléjate del bullicio de la ciudad para visitar La Quemada, que a 56 kilómetros de la capital, en el municipio de Villanueva, te ofrece una de las zonas arqueológicas más impactantes del centro norte de la republica; admira y fascínate con sus numerosas plataformas de mampostería enclavadas en la serranía del lugar, y remóntate al pasado con sus edificaciones ceremoniales de corte mesoamericano, podrás contemplar el lugar del juego de pelota, la pirámide votiva así como de su museo con vestigios de la cultura caxcan, chichimeca y teotihuacana. If you have a spirit of adventure , get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and visit La Quemada , its located 56 kilometers from the city , in the municipality of Villanueva and offers one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the north center of the

Este importante centro para la difusión de la cultura en el Estado, alberga un sinnúmero de historias en sus tres pisos y en su majestuoso escenario, terminado junto con la totalidad del inmueble en 1897 en honor del famoso literato Fernando Calderón, piérdete en el espíritu y magnificencia arquitectónica que durante décadas albergó presentaciones circenses, funciones de lucha libre, así como diferentes proyecciones cinematográficas, contempla ese aire afrancesado del siglo

country ; admire and be fascinated by its n u m e r o u s m a s o n r y platforms located in the mountain range, and relive the past with this ceremonial Mesoamericn constructions , where el juego de la pelota ( the game of the ball) was played, in the votive pyramid as well as its museum you can contemplate the Caxan , Chichimec and Teotihuacan cultures.

Museum circuit. In Zacatecas you will not only be able to discover its natural and architectural marvels ,but there is also a series of museums that form part of the attractions of the city where you can discover elements that form part of the past of our country, that show the different stages of growth in this part of the world. In these museums you'll be sure to find thousands and thousands of mexican masks (Rafael Coronel); submachine guns, rifles and mousers( Museo Toma de Zacatecas); extraordinary vice regal art ( Museo de Guadalupe) ; original works by Picasso , Dali, Calder rand Goya( Museo Pedro Coronel).

pasado en que el ambiente teatral de la época se recrea en su lobby y en sus grandes salones.

This is an important center for the diffusion of culture in the state, it holds an uncountable numbers of histories in its three floors and its majestic stage, the building was finished in 1897 in honor of the famous man of words Fernando Calderón , lose yourself in the spirit and magnificent architecture which for decades has housed circus performances , wrestling matches and cinema graphic projections , but above all, contemplates the French air of the past century, in a theatrical atmosphere that still exists in its lobby and grand salons.

Los registros históricos indican que esta tradición se ha realizado desde 1824, hace más de 180 años y no parece que algún día vaya a terminar. Y aunque en muchos otros lados se trate de imitar como la FERIA DE JEREZ, definitivamente no existe nada igual. …y sobre la florida de la tierra, …y así vuelan a verte en otros climas ¡oh santa, oh amadísima, oh enferma! estos versos de infancia que brotaron bajo el imperio de la Primavera. Extracto de “En el reinado de la Primavera” del Poeta Jerezano Ramón López Velarde THE JEREZ FAIR. There exists in the state of Zacatecas a magical place, beautiful in every meaning of the word. Every year, in this city there is a festival celebrated which coincides with the arrival of spring, creating a series of events that adorn the celebration. The place: Jerez de Garcia Salinas. The event: The regional fair. Together they form a state of happiness and enjoyment full of deep traditions of provincial Mexico: LA FERIA DE JEREZ.


The fair lasts 9 days starting on “Sabado de Gloria” (Easter Saturday) and finishes on “Lunes de los Jarritos”. During the time of the fair many events take place including the crowning of the queen of the fair in the beautiful “Teatro Hinojosa” (Hinojosa Theatre) the coronation ball and popular dances , presentation of local , national and international artists in the “Teatro de Pueblo” (town theater) , rodeos, the famous burning of Judas , local costume competitions, livestock expositions , local crafts, cultural and sporting events, gastronomy samples where visitors can try local dishes such as” Asado de Boda”which is a mythic dish that is a symbol of the Jerezan identity. The celebration continues in the Historic Center of Jerez as the Cabalgata Charra (skilled horsemen) parade begins , which gathers more than 30 thousand spectators whom sway and dance to the rhythms of the music and enjoy a parade like no other , with elegant Mexican cowboys and beautiful Mexican cowgirls sitting side saddle wearing beautiful traditional Mexican costumes. The fair starts as Easter is at its end on Easter Saturday when people all over Mexico and in Jerez are celebrating the resurrection of Christ, when the traditional burning of Judas takes place. This is when the fair reaches its most exciting moment with a unusual celebration, although it hasn't any religious significance it is very important never the less , the towns people make cardboard images of known political and social figures and set them on fire using fireworks and gunpowder , they are hung outside businesses, bars, cantinas and then are set alight and then dragged through the streets while multicolored lights fly off the images provoking both an atmosphere of joy amongst locals and surprise amongst visitors, it is a true spectacular for all. Finally “Lunes de los jarritos” arrives and Locals and visitors alike buy small ceramic cups with the names of family members, friends and loved ones as a reminder of the fair. These small cups are a promise that you'll come back next year and welcome spring once again The local registers indicate that this tradition has been celebrated since 1824, more than 180 years ago and it doesn't look like stopping yet. Although in many places the fair of Jerez has tried to be imitated there is nothing that matches it.

…and over the florid of the land, that's how they fly to see you in other climates !oh holly one, oh loved one, oh ill one! these verses of infancy that flourished under the empire of the Spring. Extract of “En el reinado de la Primavera” of the Jerezan poet Ramón López Velarde


La Famosa

Las cantinas son lugares de estancia obligada para parroquianos y comensales ocasionales, pero también son un atractivo elocuente para turistas nacionales y extranjeros, en ellas se tiene la oportunidad de observar las más frescas y genuinas manifestaciones de la condición humana, además de escuchar hablar de negocios, deportes, romances por iniciar o por continuar y de paso enterarse de las preocupaciones y ambiciones de los presentes.

La Famosa, cantina típica de Zacatecas, recupera la esencia de estos lugares con su decoración estilo Art Nouveau, que tanta influencia tuvo en la arquitectura del Porfiriato. Si quieres pasar un buen momento, ten por seguro que en La Famosa así será. Anímate y prueba sus Vampiros, que ya son tradición en Zacatecas. La gente que visita La Famosa es de todas las edades, por lo que la mezcla de música es muy variada y abarca desde rancheras, banda, pop, hasta música para cantar mientras pides una ronda de shots.

OPINIONES VERDADERAS La ambientación del lugar hace que entres de inmediato en ambiente, es como si lo conocieras de toda la vida. You soak up the atmosphere of the place as soon as you walk in, it's like you've been going there all your life.

Ana Laura Aviña León, Guanajuato

Su ubicación es perfecta porque estas dentro del centro donde esta todo, sin embargo, tienes privacidad. No estás expuesto a la vista de todos. Its location is perfect because it's in the middle of everything, even though, you have privacy.

Lorena Hernández Torreón, Coahuila

Está ubicada muy cerca del jardín Juárez, ideal para llegar caminando después de un recorrido por el centro histórico. Ven a disfrutar su jueves de 'mujeres al 2x1' y el miércoles de 'cumpleañeros' con el inigualable ambiente y el toque especial que sólo los zacatecanos sabemos darle a la diversión. Cantinas are obligatory places for townspeople and occasional consumers, but are also attractive among nacional and international tourists, the opportunity to observe the fresh and genuine manifestations of the human condition, also to listen to people talking about business, sport and romance, preoccupations and ambitions. La Famosa, typical cantina in Zacatecas, recuperates the essence of those above mentioned cantinas with its Art Nouveau decoration, which takes its influences from Porfiriato architecture. If you want to have a good time, be sure that in La Famosa you will. Dare to try a vampiro (vampire: a drink made from tequila, sangria, grapefruit soda, magi sauce, hot sauce, lemons and ice) traditional Zacatecan cocktail. La Famosa is visited by people of all ages, the mix of varied music that ranges from band, pop, and music to sing while you drink a round of shots. Its located close to jardin Juárez , a place ideal to arrive after walking around the historical center. Come in and enjoy on Thursdays, 2 for 1 drinks and on Wednesdays if it's your birthday tell the staff and surprises will await you , with an unbeatable atmosphere that only Zacatecans know how to give when it comes to fun. Callejón Cuevas 110 Centro Histórico, Zacatecas. T.(492)922 7089

Lo mejor: ¡los precios! Súper accesibles y si eso incluye el excelente servicio pues ¿qué más puedes pedir? The best part: the prices! Super accessible and if you include the excellent service, what else could you ask for?

Rocío Pineda México, D.F.

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