home with traditional design influences requires interior design that is sympathetic to the overall aesthetic. To provide an interior complement to the level of authenticity created by the designer and builders, the owners of this home approached Lorraine Allen, from concept design company LA Imports. LA Imports specialises in Spanish colonial-style furniture. Doors, dining tables, wrought-iron candelabras, and other lighting fixtures were among the objects supplied at Porto Vista. “In a home such as this, it was crucial that the detailing matched the home’s Mediterranean
look,” says Allen. “The doors are all Spanish styled, with an extensive amount of handwork to give texture. We hold stock such as this, and also make to order in new wood or recycled timber for exterior and interior doors.” LA Imports’ dining tables also offer a wealth of authentic detailing. They are made from either original doors, or recycled timber, with a hand forged iron base. Candalabras are all hand forged from iron, and come in a variety of sizes. For more details, contact LA Imports, Box 37759, Parnell, Auckland, phone (09) 359 9166. Website: www.laimports.co.nz
Facing page: Mediterraneanstyle furniture complements the overall look of the home. The textured outdoor dining table, from LA Imports, is constructed from recycled timber and wrought iron. This page: LA Imports offers a range of products, candelabras, doors and accessories that have Southern European styling. Many objects can be made specially to order.
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