Six Figure Mentors Review

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Six Figure Mentors Review April 25, 2020

Internet is overflowing these days with offers of “magic knowledge” on how to start your own online business, learn digital marketing and become successful in it. There’s many companies that try to attract easy money mongers. You really need to do a lot of research to make sure you don’t waste your time and money. So far as the most valuable and professional education program I have found Six Figure Mentors. Here is my Six Figure Mentors review. Sceptic Of Internet Marketing Since I remember first hearing about it, I never thought anything related with internet marketing could be real job or an income opportunity. Indeed, I always had been kind of sceptical of internet marketing and somebody earning money with “online business”. Until a video ad came up on my You Tube. Video ad offered free video series to educate me about the digital world. The company that I had received free video series from was SFM (Six Figure Mentors). Videos were about building digital business, selling either digital or physical products. In most of the videos I saw their founder Stuart Ross talking and teaching things. 1/4

After I researched a lot about how things work in the digital world, I decided that affiliate marketing is something I want to try. I did as much research as I could about Six Figure Mentors. I searched for different reviews and compared them with other companies that are providing digital marketing education.

Other reviews online I found about 50/50 positive and negative reviews about Six Figure Mentors. Therefore, I tried to check how logical seem to be most of the negative reviews. I have experienced that sometimes negative reviews are written more out of personal interest rather than trying to “reveal the truth”. I think I read 5 or 6 reviews, the ones that showed up in the first pages of search engine. Some emphasized how it is pretty costly training and how you can find way cheaper training elsewhere online. Some didn’t like other details. But to my surprise, authors of most of those reviews (not all of them, of course) were other digital marketers. And at the end of article they had put in their advertisement for their digital marketing training program, claiming how their program is better, cheaper etc. Hmm, was writing negative review about someone else, a good way how to introduce your business? As I wanted to see as many options available as I could, I signed for some of their e-mails too. But, after checking out their offers, I decided to sign up for the training that Six Figure Mentors offers.

Why I Chose To Learn From Six Figure Mentors? And here’s my Six Figure Mentors review – why I signed up with this education program rather than other education programs I researched: Stuart Ross and Six Figure Mentors were pretty straight forward about everything related to this business opportunity. They said how you can only succeed if you put in a lot of work. If you were not ready to put in consistent work and be committed, then maybe this isn’t even for you. (So they were not declaring overnight success like most “get rich quick” schemes). I have worked many years in sales myself, so I know very well, that without consistent effort it is impossible to succeed in sales and business in general. I mentioned, how other digital marketing coaches (I am talking only about few whose sites were showing on first pages in search engines, so this IS NOT about everybody) were promoting their training by first saying negative things about Six Figure Mentors. On the other hand, so far, I have not encountered any of the Six Figure Mentors leaders saying bad things about other competitors. It was one of the deal-breakers for me, because, I think, in business it is important to have good values. For example, not talking bad about others publicly.


Stuart Ross gives simple, straight forward teaching which is easy-to-understand and apply. Especially for somebody who has never done anything related to digital marketing and website creation (like me). Another big thing was the constant emphasis on necessity to be service-minded. There’s many companies that are doing sales and are all about sell, sell, sell, “what’s in it for me” type of mindset. But there’s only few that promote putting customers first. Reality is that only if you focus on fulfilling customers’ needs, you can become successful. The later types of sales companies always seem to be more successful. Professional videos, content, webpage, training site, organized training videos – all that left for me a trust-worthy impression. If I was saying “yes” to exploring this digital world, I wanted to learn from the best. Somebody that I could learn from and who could be role model – professionals who are best in their field. Downsides? Yes, to be honest, some of the live seminar recordings and live calls are way too long with a long introduction. I wished they would cut off the long intro and get straight to the point as the technical videos do. As for technical knowledge in modules 3, 4 and 5 – Six Figure Mentors education is program is really helpful. It gives very detailed step by step videos on how to set up all the systems. It is helpful for somebody who has never created a website, and for the first time in life hears words “affiliate” and “SEO”.

Conclusion In the end, I concluded that, although, Six Figure Mentors was little bit pricier (but not too much) than other offers, I knew that it is rarely when something really high quality and valuable costs pennies. High quality content usually doesn’t cost pennies. Just like world’s top Universities have a higher tuition fee than community colleges. With a degree from world’s leading University you also end up having a higher paying job and more options than with a degree from community college. And also comparing different courses and offers, you need to compare what is included in the price. Somebody can offer 19$ course, but then turns out it consists of couple of videos. And most of the stuff you still need to add on yourself. In Six Figure Mentors All-In Membership has many, many, many digital courses, and even Linked-In Learning program as a bonus. All in all, the education program that Six Figure Mentors offer, is worth the investment. But of course, just signing up for it will not make you automatically prosperous. Everything eventually comes down to your own work ethic, ambition and commitment. Commitment is one of my favorite words. It is a word that has a promise of a great reward behind hard work. Hope you have found helpful my Six Figure Mentors review! 3/4

Check out some free resources – workshops and webinars below! Check Out Free Workshops Free Webinar with Stuart Ross


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