LainieMac Photography Engagement Session Guide

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k c i qu . . . s p ti

>Send photos of your outfits in advance. This allows us to give guidance as needed and start matching up your outfits with the various backdrops of your location in advance. >Make sure both of you are well fed! Hungry fiances don’t make pretty pictures. >Arrive about 15 minutes early. >Set aside about 1 1/2 hours total for your >Bring any props that hold meaning to you as a couple. >Ladies, make sure your nails are done 2 4 NOMADIC and your ring has been recently cleaned. |

e s o p a e k i r st


Use these tips to help you stay relaxed with each other during your session. 1. Pay attention to each other more than the camera. While we'll certainly guide you in posing, we want the focus of each shot to be on you and your chemistry. 2. Close your eyes. When you start to get a bit overwhelmed by the session, snuggle up and close your eyes. These intimate moments make for great photos AND it can refocus your attention back to each other rather than us! 3. Kiss and Tell. If you're comfortable with kissing in front of the camera, go for it! Kisses don't just have to just be lip to lip; a sweet touch of the lips to forehead or cheek are sweet moments we love to capture. 4. Stay close. Often times, we like to change a pose just slightly (direction of looking, hand placement). When you're snuggled up in a pose, enjoy the moment as we make slight adjustments to get a variety of shots.

dress the part

CLOTHING TIPS Plan to have 2 to 3 outfits to choose from for your session. Use the following tips to ensure that you look your best at your session!


No matter what colors or styles you decide to wear for your engagement shoot, make sure you both feel good about how you look in your outfits. It's easy to want to follow trends or get so focused on coordinating your outfits that you neglect this very idea.

compliment and coordinate


While a contrast in style between the location and the outfit can work, in general, try and coordinate your outfit to the location. Generally, you can over dress for your environment (ie cocktail attire in a natural setting) but not under dress for your location (ie t shirt and jeans in a ritzy hotel)

COORDINATE STYLES Each coordinated outfit should match in terms of the level of dressiness or casualness. You should both look like you're heading to the same place. If she's in a cocktail dress and pumps, he should not be rocking his favorite band tshirt and tennis shoes.

consider color

SIMPLE NEUTRALS Neutrals are always a great idea for engagement photos as they create a simplicity in your outfits that directs the attention right to you and your partner. When dressing in neutrals, add interest by varying textures throughout your outfits.

MATCHING SHADES Choose one main color and make that color the main focus of each person's outfit. One person may wear solid blue, while the other wears a simple pattern consisting mostly of blues.

COMPLIMENTARY COLORS Add visual interest to your outfits by including complementary color choices throughout your outfits. Reds complement greens, purples complement yellows, and blues complement oranges.


add layers and accessories No matter which styles or colors you choose, no outfits are complete without layers and accessories. Ladies, aim for 5 visible pieces in your outfit. Layers can include cardigans, light jackets, or blazers, while you can accessorize with jewelry, tights, scarves, hats, etc. Guys, don't forget to finish off your looks by having at least 4 visible pieces. Think about lightweight jackets or blazers and simple accessories like ties, hats, and jewelry.

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