Fields of Expression: 2009 CSUCI Art Program Catalog

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Art Program 0 i n g 2

Fields of Expression

During this difficult period in our nation, all one seems to hear is dismal news of economic recession, endless wars against terrorism, huge financial bonuses paid to corporate executives using taxpayers dollars, while working families lose their homes to foreclosure and disease and starvation continue to plague less fortunate parts of the world. In spite of the seemingly endless predictions of gloom and despair, I can confidentially assure you that the state of the Art Program at California State University is strong, vital and thriving in a culture of creativity, diversity and generosity. A unique sense of buoyancy permeates the climate of the CSUCI art studios, computer labs and lecture halls. There is an atmosphere of hope and opportunity running rampant among the students. There is a will to explore, question, challenge, respond and create works of art that are fueled by both current events and historical traditions. These students of the twenty-first century are not scared. They are inclined to rise to the challenges of the times, using their art as vehicles of change, while employing their newly acquired knowledge to meet the difficult hurdles before them. With the unique vision of artists, they seek to translate world and events they observe, while conceptualizing, producing and contributing tangible objects of thoughtfulness, humanity, and beauty. The CSUCI art student shatters the stereotypical image of the self-indulgent, brooding artist. Students in art capstone classes create group projects that contribute to the less fortunate members of our community through outreach, teaching projects, volunteering of time resources and personal talent. For the past four years, CSUCI art students have raised thousands of dollars for local and international charity organizations through generous donations from the sales of their own artworks. Finally, there is no question that the excellent CSUCI art faculty is at the root of our students’ accomplishments and social consciousness. All of the art faculty artists and art historians are working professionals in their respective fields, in addition to being outstanding teachers and dedicated mentors. The reflection of their efforts can be clearly seen in the accomplishments of the collective body of CSUCI art majors. Again, I will reiterate my earlier statement. The state of the CSUCI Art Program is strong, strong, vital and thriving in a culture of creativity, diversity and generosity.

Jack Reilly Art Program Chair and Professor of Art




Art History




Sam Levison ‘the vorkurs’ Packaging

Luke Sommer Exerpt from’Modern Human’ Photograph

“I try to tell them, warn them really, that life on the outside isn’t going to be like it is here. The world, our world, the art world, is as inhospitable as the moon, as dry as Mars. It is a landscape filled with traps and pitfalls. But in the end, as challenging as it is, there’s no other place we artists would rather be.” - Larry Lytle

Meri Jagard Pit-Fired Ceramic

Agnete “Chippy” Todd ‘Intuition’ Acrylic on Canvas

“After a firing, potential and possibilities excite our anticipation of opening a kiln full of work. Together, we explore the physicality and materiality of the medium, rich with the historical and cultural contexts that relate to our lives today.” - Amiko Matsuo

Dylan Zmed Graphite on Paper

Brett Cipperly Web Design

“My students know that I am not interested in pretty pictures. I want to see art that is visually arresting and emotionally and intellectually stimulating.” - Christophe Bourély

James Cox ‘I Think to Myself’ Mixed Media on Canvas

Petra is the feminized word for rock in Greek. It is also an ancient city in present-day Jordan with extensive ruins and temples. To modernday students in sunny California, both of these definitions are foreign to us. The challenge was set. How do we as young adults define what Petra means to us within the constructs of our own lives? It was not an easy task. -Students of Women in Art “My goal as an art history faculty is to introduce students to art and inspire them to further explore and discover the beauty, mystery, and power of this realm. I am very impressed by the creative perspectives, critical thinking, and analytical approaches of the CSUCI students. I would like to use this forum to recognize and celebrate their unique ways of looking and thinking about art and visual culture.” - Irina Costache

Elaine Tse Charcoal on Paper

Conrad Rasmussen Ceramic

“It is always amazing to see critical thinking and problem solving come to life through the creative process. Our students possess so many abilities, and so much potential, it is an honor to be a part of their realization and enlightenment.� - Matthew Furmanski

Nicholas Capaldi ‘the advantage of pre-existing patterns’ Oil on Canvas

Cassandra Evans ‘Puzzltry’ Packaging

“Design is 67.3% energy, 17.4% imagination, 12.5% insight, and 2.8% luck. If you believe in making your own luck, then its 100% of all that other stuff.” - Luke Matjas

Perry Casey ‘Boa’ Illustration

Phil Templeton ‘Senseo Upright’ Computer Animation

“It’s a delight to have students who bring great desire, innovation, and energy. I am always eager to see the computer models and animations created by our students and am often impressed by their dedication and creativity.” - Aldo Figueroa

Amy Buchanan ‘Jalama Beach’ Oil on Canvas

Melissa Levam ‘Shimmy and Shape’ Metal Sculpture

Danika Suzuki ‘Self-Expression’ Digital Illustration

“My students who practice the digital arts are forward-thinking risk-takers who are riding the crest of what’s new and happening. They make thought-provoking and meaningful art that rocks. They take the responsibility of creating art seriously and will make their mark, no question. They constantly surprise and inspire me.” - Liz King

Amerique Powell ‘Lion’ Oil on Canvas

Nicole Dessaint ‘There Will Be Blood’ Graphic Design

“It is always wondrous for me to observe my outstanding students who constantly break down the personal myths of fear. I then get to watch them celebrate their uniqueness in their creative efforts by becoming creatively fearless and fully self-expressed individuals. Passing on the spark and having them create the flame. This is my passion for teaching.” - James Graca

Brooks Uhrig ‘Racing Mustang’ Photograph

Amie Macaluso Ceramic

“The students here at CSUCI really come to bat when asked to think through creative concepts and solve story telling ideas through art.” – Mick Reinman

Matt Lawler ‘Changing Ties’ Graphic Design

Katherine Thompson ‘Crane’ Animation

“It s a joy everyday watching my students grow in skills and in ways to express their creative spirit.” – Kathleen Quaife

Nolan Lemos ‘Hitcher’ Graphic Design

Kelly Gosselin ‘Pin-Up’ Bronze Cast

“My students’ designs are fantastic playground worlds of creativity. They are fearless, brave artists and uninhibited in their work. They are talented designers full of potential and possibility. Their imagination, ability and commitment to creating art for the theatre inspires and impresses me.” – Rachel Myers

Cathy Warburton ‘Portrait of Elizabeth’ Oil on Canvas

Lara Griffin ‘Farmhand’ Inkjet Print

“It is always a pleasure to work with creative & enthusiastic students. Watching them grow is an inspiration that reaffirms my lifetime commitment to be an artist/educator.” – Beverly Decker

Raul Valdez ‘Lion Eat Parents’ Digital Illustration Danielle Vazquez ’Hidden Lagoon’ Sculpture

Los objetivos y la misión de la CSUCI se incorporan en este proyecto de ensayo e investigación en tres disciplinas español, historia y arte. En el área de aprendizaje se informa a la comunidad, la identificación y conservación como parte de la historia a la Revolución Mexicana. Asimismo, transborda la línea hacia California para testificar la incorporación de las culturas anglosajonas, hispanas y mexicanas conservando perspectivas multiculturales e internacionales. El proyecto abarca desde el período clásico con los murales de Bonanpak, postergándose hasta las manos de Siqueiros, Rivera y Orozco. Hoy en día con el muralismo chicano se atestigua el México de afuera y el México de adentro de acuerdo con Américo Paredes. Arrate De La Torre, Chicano Art

“The more a student knows about who they are the more they will know about what they are capable of creating” – Peter Harper

“My students never cease to amaze me. I see them grow in the quality of their work as well as in their demeanor and that makes me truly enjoy my teaching experience at CSUCI.” – Catie Mihalopoulos

Andrew Cummins ‘Ephemeral Reflection’ Raku Ceramics Instalation Jonathan Cunningham ‘atom<=>galaxy’ Acrylic on Canvas

“I believe teaching is not about reaching students’ minds, it’s rather about reaching their hearts. Sounds kitschy, but if I have not been able to reach a student’s heart, I have to try harder. If I have, I accomplished what I set out to do.” – Anette Kubitza “I’m proud to be in the company of talented students who choose to push themselves, often creating work that far exceeds my expectations.” – Sean Dowey “As a film professor, my goal is to empower students to tell their stories, and to convince them that each one of them is capable of being a filmmaker. To this end, I introduce students to all aspects of the production process, from writing, to storyboarding, directing, and editing. I always include the historical background behind art technology, as this gives my students a greater appreciation for the tools they employ.” – Michael Steffen “My students possess the intellectual capacity, are theoretically sophisticated, have the creative insight, and the creativity edge that exemplify the university’s academic principles.” – Denise Lugo

2009 Art Catalog - Jonathan Cunningham Lead Designer - Cover Photography - James Cox Lead Designer - Image Editing - Brooks Uhrig Art Work Photography - Michael Jianu Cover Photography - Christophe BourĂŠly Artsitic Director Created in ART 490 Special Topics Funding provided by CSUCI Instructional Related Activity Funds - Jack Reilly Art Program Chair

Š 2009 Art Program, California State University Channel Islands

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