2 minute read
Party Time Rental Inc. Brainerd, MN 218.829.6300 rent@partytimerentalmn.com www.partytimerentalmn.com
A La Crate Rentals Monona, WI 608.669.2541 alacraterentals.com
307 Events Traverse City, MI 231.486.5307 sales@307events.com 307events.com
Apres Party & Tent Rental Minneapolis, MN 952.942.3399 info@apresparty.com apresparty.com
Collected Rentals Minneapolis, MN 847.732.1997 hello@collectedandcompany.com collectedandcompany.com
Corner Balloon Shoppe Minneapolis, MN 612.377.4011 kristin@cornerballoonshoppe.com cornerballoonshoppe.com
Dos Goats Plans Minneapolis, MN 763.639.8366 hello@dosgoatsplans.com dosgoatsplans.com
Duluth Balloon Company Duluth, MN 218.720.4476 order@duluthballooncompany.com duluthballooncompany.com
Duluth Event Lighting Duluth, MN 218.343.1754 info@dulutheventlighting.com dulutheventlighting.com
Essen Events Minneapolis, MN 612.564.8175 hello@essen-events.com essen-events.com
Festivities Minnetonka, MN 763.682.4846 events@festivitiesmn.com festivitiesmn.com
Holo-Walls Ships Worldwide 818.735.3565 info@holowalls.com holowalls.com
Lefty’s Tent and Party Rental Bovey, MN 218.245.1387 rentatentandparty.com
London Road Rental Duluth, MN 218.728.2940 londonroadrental.com
Majestic Tents Rochester, MN 507.876.1127
Northland Special Events Duluth, MN 218.499.9449 info@northlandspecialevents.com northlandspecialevents.com
Party Time Rental Brainerd, MN 218.829.6300 rent@partytimerentalmn.com partytimerentalmn.com
Phos Events Minneapolis, MN 763.972.6113 info@phosevents.com phosevents.com
Faribault Woolen Mills Faribault, MN 507.412.5534 info@faribaultmill.com faribaultmill.com
The Lake and Company Grand Rapids Stillwater & Crosby, MN Steamboat Springs, CO 218.999.9609 shop@thelakeandco.com thelakeandcompany.com
The Velvet Raptor St. Paul, MN sales@velvetraptor.com velvetraptor.com
The Joyride Bus Northern MN 720.849.9131 megan@bemediahouse.com
Stays & Plays Travel Agency Minneapolis, MN 507.206.8821 staysandplays.com
Renee's Limousines Minneapolis, MN 763.551.1919 reneeslimousines.com
Rochester Trolley & Tour Co Rochester, MN 507.421.0573 rochestermntours.com
The Hitching Company Minneapolis, MN 612.338.7777 info@thehitchingcompany.com thehitchingcompany.com
Pro Sound and Light Show Duluth, MN 218.722.1355 info@pro-1.com pro-1.com
Instant Request Bloomington, MN 952.934.6110 events@www.instantrequest.com instantrequest.com
Time Into Pixels Minneapolis, MN 612.564.8468 info@timeintopixels.com timeintopixels.com
Wedding Day DJs Rochester, MN 507.273.5542 weddingdaydjs@live.com weddingdaydjs.com
Wicklund Productions Grand Rapids, MN 218.301.0243 sandra@wicklundproductions.com wicklundproductions.com
Chase on the Lake Walker, MN 218.547.7777 chaseonthelake.com
The Hewing Hotel Minneapolis, MN 651.468.0400 hewinghotel.com
• Creating a timeline to send to your wedding party?
• Ensuring you have meals for your weddingday vendors?
• Making sure someone gets your gifts to your room at the end of the night?
• Getting a pretty hanger to use for your dress for photos (if applicable)?
• Getting your bus or limo driver’s direct phone number and not just the dispatch number?
• Getting babysitters for your friends with kids?
• Pre-portioning your tips and final payments out into labeled envelopes for easy distribution on your wedding day?
• Sending your DJ or band a 'Do Not Play' list for those songs you just can’t stand?
• Putting together a small amenities kit for the bathrooms?
• Bringing your engagement ring in to your jeweler to be cleaned before your wedding so it is at its sparkly best for photos (if applicable)?
• Leaving your itinerary with the hotel’s frontdesk staff so they can be prepared to answer guests’ questions?
• Rubbing the soles of your new shoes with sand paper to make sure they aren’t slippery on the dance floor?
• Getting a case of bottled water and some snacks for your attendants between photos and the ceremony?
• Having a portable steamer to steam out any wrinkles in your dress or your wedding party's dresses (if applicable)?
• Packing up an emergency kit full of things to solve those last-minute mini-emergencies?
• Making sure one of your attendants knows how to bustle your dress so they aren’t scrambling to figure it out the day of?