March 2010

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Viking March 2010


Lakeland Christian School

Early Childhood Center – Wonderful Home for LCS Youngest Campaign Receives Final Commitment See Page 3

Drift Prevention By Dr. Mike Sligh, Headmaster Last summer’s trip to the gulf beaches seems like a ­distant memory this time of year. Winter newspapers ­feature pictures of strawberry fields covered in ice and

error is caught and ­corrected, the better. All of us, adults

­rumors of snowflake sightings in Polk County. Surf, sand

and students, are

and sunscreen are still many weeks away.

­vulnerable to the

There is something soothing about floating around in

­subtle influences of

the gulf. The sensations of being gently lifted and lowered

our culture and our

by the waves seem to instill feelings of peaceful calm. It is

own fallen nature.

a stark contrast to the typical days back home.

We tend to slide

One of the intriguing phenomena of this experience

into the pattern of

is the subtle, incremental effect of the gulf currents. As we

­seeing all of life from

are lulled into a welcome state of relaxation and peace,

a self-referential

we are ever-so-slowly being acted upon by the forces of the

bias. (That is to say,

water. When our time of reverie is drawing to a close and

“It’s all about me!”)

we determine to head for the shore, we are often startled to

We can get away

find out that we have drifted down the beach. We discover

from the basics, the

“He encourages the believer to ­prevent drift by being ‘­continually ­reminded of what we believe.’”

that we are several properties away

­fundamentals of

from where we entered the water!

our faith – regular time reading the scriptures and in prayer,

How did this movement escape our

­faithfulness in our corporate worship on the Lord’s Day, and

notice? How did we drift so far so fast?

praying together as a family. Our hearts slowly become cold

I have learned that I must continually

and indifferent, our family relationships seem strained, and we

check the shore line in order to keep

­wonder why life just doesn’t seem as meaningful and fulfilling

my position constant.

as it should.

In C. S. Lewis’ classic work, Mere

One of the goals of the Christian school is to keep the basics

Christianity, he reflects on those who

of the faith before the minds and hearts of the students and the

appear to have lost their faith. “…if

staff every day. We recognize that we have a tendency to drift,

you examined a hundred people who

to begin to depend on our own short-range thinking and rely on

had lost their faith in ­Christianity,

our own understanding (Proverbs 3:4-6). We realize that as we

I wonder how many of them would

pursue excellence in academics, fine arts and athletics, we must

turn out to have been reasoned out of it by honest

always remember that true wisdom flows from God (Proverbs

­argument? Do not most people simply drift away?” (p. 141)

1:7). This orientation must shape every aspect of our study and

In this chapter on faith, he cautions the reader to be aware of the fact that our moods change but that faith

­activity if we are to be truly educated. On the home front, it is essential that parents prioritize not

holds onto what is believed, even in the face of c­ hanging

only school attendance, but also faithful participation in the

moods. He encourages the believer to prevent drift by

local church that preaches and teaches the Bible as the Word

­being “continually reminded of what we believe.” He

of God. The authentic application of the gospel in the home

­exhorts us to deliberately hold the main doctrines of our

­underscores the teaching of the church and school. As Lewis

faith before our minds every day.

points out, there must be regular, daily intake of the basics of

Every teacher knows the powerful effect of repetition.

the faith to prevent drift. This is not because the message of the

The fundamentals of any field of study must continually

faith is weak. It is because we are weak and so prone to forget, to

be reviewed. The basics are always the basics. Whether the

neglect and to drift.

error is in mathematical computation or in the a ­ pplication of biblical principles to life’s decisions, the sooner the

Christianity is about Truth. But it is not just a ­philosophical system to be adopted. It involves a personal relationship with continued on page 4

LCS Early Childhood Program: By Luci O’Byrne, Primary Grades Principal

Learning is in the Fun!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like in the K4/K5 world

sing God’s praises each morning … create and discover as they

at LCS? If so, consider this your invitation to learn about

rotate through centers … run, climb and ride tricycles on our

this very special place. Of course, you are always welcome to

fabulous Curls Family Playland.

­observe our program in action! And here’s what you may find …

You may need patience as you search for shark’s teeth on

You may be asked by one of our students to join them in

our playground. We are thankful for the parents who have

­designing a building with blocks … you might be asked to help

­recovered umpteen shark’s teeth in their dryers

create a unique elephant mask … children may ask

at home; we have been able to recycle quite

you to join them for breakfast in their kitchen –

a few teeth.

grab your apron and get ready to cook! ... you’ll

And, while you’re here for a visit, you’ll

likely get to dig through a huge tub of rice in

not want to miss the turtle pond. This

search of specific letters … you may need a

child’s wonderland, provided through

smock to protect your clothes from the finger

a gift from the MacKinnon-Hill Family

paint and a gooey mess.

Foundation, features natural Florida

“Special” is a great word to describe the

rocks, plants, a waterfall, tiny fish and,

Early Childhood experience at LCS. Children

of course, those amazing turtles!

enjoy exciting centers, field trips, G ­ randparent’s

K4 Program Thoughtfully Prepares Whole Child

Day, special holiday events, compete in the ­Elementary Olympics, and enjoy special m ­ usicals, piano events and other performances.

When your K4/K5 child joins the LCS

This barely scratches the surface of the fun

family, they will live, laugh, love and learn.

our little ones have – all the while learning as they

Lakeland Christian’s Early Childhood

are “playing.” In addition, our children dance and

in this issue

continued on page 7

p2-3 p4 Campaign News Scholarships

p5 Musical Harvest

p8-11 Sports

p17 Alumni News

p12-13 Fine Arts 1

Two Major Campaigns Completed

Deliver the Dream Campaign Moves to Wrap-Up Phase With the recent c­ ompletion

All of the funding for these

the future of our community,”

of funding commitments toward

campaigns and for the $19

said Dr. Sligh. “We stand on

the Early Childhood Center

Million Deliver the Dream effort

the threshold of unparalleled

­campaign, LCS now focuses on

has been privately raised. The

opportunity to influence the

the wrap-up of the m ­ ulti-year

school has even been blessed

leaders of tomorrow.”

Deliver the Dream capital

with five seven-figure gifts, the

­fund-raising effort. Only $5

first in school history.

­Million now remains to be raised

With two major ­campaigns

So, who will be these final “investors in the next ­generation?” Anyone and

to complete the funding of $23

“in the books,” the school’s

­everyone! Friends who

Million of campus expansion

­Advancement team and

stepped up to kickoff the

and renovation.

­campaign ­leadership now

­campaign will be asked to

set their sights on ­obtaining

help finish what they began.

­campaign, initiated in 2006,

the ­final $5 Million of

And, of course, those who

represents the most massive

­commitments for this effort

haven’t given will be asked to

­expansion in school history, and

which has produced such

now partner with LCS in this

includes the construction of the

­dramatic and positive change

critical completion phase.

new school maintenance facility,

for the LCS campus.

The Deliver the Dream

the placement of retention ponds

Dr. Mike Sligh, LCS

For more information on how you or a member of your

and other major infrastructure,

­Headmaster, is quick to point

family can make your mark on

the substantial expansion of

out that the campaign has been

young lives, please contact LCS

school parking, the creation of

about far more than just raising

Director of Advancement Steve

a new main entrance, and – of

money for bricks and mortar. “It

Wilson at 863/688-2771 or at

course – the construction of the

is about seizing the ­opportunity

71,000-square-foot E­ lementary/

to shape the hearts and minds

Middle School Building, the

of many, many ­students who

­signature building on campus.

will go on to shape

Through God’s gracious ­provision and by the generosity of the LCS family and the ­Lakeland community, the campus has also grown to include:

• Viking Stadium – a $2.6 Million campaign ­completed in 2008, and

• Center for Early

­Childhood Education – a $1.25 Million campaign completed in January, 2010.


LCS Completes Early Childhood Campaign Generous Gift Marks Final Commitment God continues to bless ­Lakeland Christian School in remarkable ways. In less than two years from

$253,000 in outstanding pledges to

­Million major campus expansion

the campaign.

and renovation which has blessed

The Early Childhood Center is

the school over the past several years.

campaign ­kickoff, the drive to fund

­located in the safe and convenient

The Early Childhood campaign was

the $1.25 M ­ illion C ­ enter for Early

core of the LCS campus and includes:

conducted through the leadership

Childhood E­ ducation has received its final gift commitment. This means the money needed to construct and furnish this ­beautiful facility for the school’s

• The Ladd Educational Suite for K4 students

• The Curls Family Playland for outdoor fun and excitement

• The MacKinnon-Hill

of school parents Payton Albritton, Deanna Bayless, Denise Curls and Amanda Drost. The ultimate beneficiaries of this campaign generosity, of course, are

youngest students has all been given

­Outdoor Learning Center

the four- and five-year-old children

or pledged. The final $40,000 check

­amphitheatre and Turtletown,

beginning their formal education

was recently provided by a school

a natural Florida habitat for

at Lakeland Christian School. These

family, capping off a campaign that

unique educational experiences

youngsters now enjoy a spacious and

attracted gifts from $25 to $100,000. Even though the needed $1.25 Million has been fully c­ ommitted, the school still looks to receive

• The Kindergarten Suite for K5

beautiful facility where skilled and

students, including a spectacular

nurturing Early Childhood faculty

gathering commons room.

members can do their best work in the

The Center is part of a $23


hearts and minds of little ones.

Drift Prevention continued from inside front cover Jesus Christ. It is about growing in our understanding of His

Lord and the neglect of the application of biblical Truth

love and provision for us and demonstrating that same grace

to every area of life and study will leave us drifting

to one ­another. The tragic tale of broken human relationships

away as well.

is sometimes described by the words, “we just drifted apart.” It

The three-fold influence of the Christian school, the

takes intentional effort to maintain human relationships. It takes

­Christian home and the church can hold the truths of

an intentional focus on Christ and on Truth to maintain a vital

the faith before our students each day. Together, we can

­relationship with the Savior as well.

be used of God to provide the reference points on the

The currents at the beach can leave us far from home before we realize it. The neglect of our personal relationship with the

shore that enable our students to hold their position and ­advance against the currents that would lead them astray.

Scholarship Funding Sought For Upper Classmen In a day when investments are uncertain at best, there is still a place where contributed money guarantees a positive return … with lifelong impact. What could be better than investing in the Christian education of young people whose completion of an LCS diploma is in financial jeopardy!? The impact of the country’s economic woes, first felt on Wall Street, has now worked its way from Main Street to Forest Park Street. Simply put, more LCS families are in need of more fi ­ nancial aid than at anytime in the school’s 56-year history. And one school grandparent has stepped up to make a difference. Following a Spring 2009 grandparents’ focus group meeting, this long-time Lakelander – along with his ­business partner, who is also an LCS grandparent – committed a lead gift to fund ­scholarships for current LCS juniors and seniors. His heart was breaking for students who were in jeopardy of not being able to complete their LCS education. So, they wrote a generous check and challenged the school to raise more funds for this specific use. In typical generous fashion, the LCS constituency responded with gifts totaling more than $70,000 for the 2009-10 school year. Realizing the economy’s impact is still severe, these same two ­grandparents have committed to another lead gift for the 2010-11 school year and have challenged the school to again raise financial aid for juniors and seniors. Will you join them in this critical effort? Due in large part to last year’s giving, the school was able to provide a record amount of ­financial aid assistance. Even more may be necessary for the c­ oming school year. Please consider investing in the lives of the next ­generation in this valuable way. The dividends are ­life-changing. For more information on being a part of this exciting effort, please contact LCS Director of Advancement Steve Wilson at 863/6882771 or at


Musical Harvest Entertains Record Crowd, Reaps Unprecedented Return Proceeds Boost Early Childhood Campaign The Musical Harvest grew up in a hurry. In

The LCS student contingent of

only its third year as the school’s classy fall fund-

performers – wearing their formal best –

raiser, this premier community-wide musical event

was also the largest ever for a Musical

drew its largest audience and almost doubled the

Harvest. More than

previous largest profit.

156 vocalists from

Net proceeds for the November extravaganza

grades four through

totaled nearly $73,000, all of which were immedi-

twelve joined the LCS

ately applied to the campaign to fund the school’s

Symphonic Winds

new Center for Early Childhood Education. The

in the “opera house

proceeds put the campaign within striking distance

feel” of downtown

of realizing an end-of-the-year completion.

Lakeland’s Trinity

The brainchild of school parents Greg and Christina Sale, the Musical Harvest combines


The largest amount previously raised at a Musical Harvest was $46,000.

live and on-stage with LCS student musicians and

This year’s record amount was provided

vocalists. The Sales – who are two of Lakeland’s

through the contributions of generous

most renowned singers/musicians – annually

sponsors, host families, Gold Patron

attract performers from New York, Chicago and

Packages and General Admission Seating.

other top venues.

In addition, sponsors, host families and Gold Patrons were invited to attend an

Hagstrom, named Most Promising Young Artist

“after-party” at the beautiful home of

in America; Mark Thomsen from Metropolitan

title sponsors Bill and Amanda Drost.

Opera; Craig Irvin from Chicago Lyric Opera;

This reception featured a live auction,

Dr. Christy Lee, renowned pianist and program

which raised a record $23,675. School

director; and Christina Sale, who has performed

grandparent Kale Albritton served as the

in leading productions around the world.

lively and entertaining auctioneer.

The special evening again featured popular

3 RD



Presbyterian Church.

nationally acclaimed musical talent who perform

This year’s program welcomed back Sarah


As with all school fund raising

Broadway standards, including selections from

activities, the beneficiaries of the event

“Oklahoma”, “Annie Get Your Gun”, “Oliver”,

are the students of LCS, and in this case,

“Man of La Mancha”, “My Fair Lady”, “Cats” and

the youngest on campus. The Center for

“Phantom of the Opera.” The program concluded

Early Childhood Education serves as the

with moving Christian classics, ending with “You

daily home for the K4 and K5 children.

Raise Me Up.”


Title Sponsor

Bill & Amanda Drost Sponsors

Jack & Tina Harrell Kevin & Lois Knowlton MIDFLORIDA Credit Union OMS The NCT Group CPA’s, LLP Sale Insurance Peterson & Myers, P.A. Philip Sebring Hosts

Keith & Payton Albritton Dave & Connie Aplin Tom & Bena Bayless Ralph & Pat Blalock Richard & Rosemary Cardosi Brian & Ramona Carroll Bob & Kim Cleghorn Joe & Susan DiCesare Patrick & Kristine Fagan Ben & Wendy Falk Rob & Regina Harper Barbara Hart Bennett & Pam Hill Kevin & Sylvia Jones Larry & Anita Maxwell Jeff & Shannon Miles Corey & Jaimi Miller Paul & Adele Morgan Steve & Lisa Moseley Bennie Jo Murray Brad & Melissa Murray Oz & Jean Mutz Angie Register Buddy & Dama Register Greg & Christina Sale Streamline & Bonnie Sale Conrad & Sherry Varnum Steve & Susie Wilson

Christmas Party Visit Leads to Generous Gift

LCS Grandparent Provides 16 Student Computers God’s provision to LCS is unmistakable. In this instance, He worked

Dr. Mike Sligh Elected to FCIS Board of Directors Lakeland Christian School Headmaster Dr. Mike Sligh was elected to the Board of D ­ irectors of the Florida Council of ­Independent Schools (FCIS) at the annual convention this past fall. The FCIS convention was held at ­Champions

through the generous heart of a school grandmother who made a simple ­observation while attending a school function. Her perceptive observation led to a gift that provided 16 new computers for use by elementary students at Lakeland Christian. This generous grandmother – who wishes to remain anonymous – was ­attending the Christmas party in the classroom of her third grade grandson. While the children were celebrating with their classmates, some students were also taking their AR reading test on the one classroom computer dedicated for student use. Although this grandmother was a frequent visitor and classroom volunteer, she particularly noticed the students scrambling to complete their test on this day – the last school day prior to Christmas break. Over the holidays, as she thought about the line of students waiting to use the one computer, she inquired with the school’s Advancement office – not only about her grandson’s classroom, but about the number of student ­computers throughout the

Gate. This board provides s­ trategic

­elementary grades.

planning and ­leadership for the

After gathering

organization’s various ­activities

the facts, she quickly

­including accreditation, ­professional

­responded with a

development, i­nsurance and

­generous end-of-the-year

­benefits programs and the

gift, which provided

­representation of independent

each elementary

school interests before state leaders

­classroom with a

and legislators in Tallahassee.

­minimum of two

The FCIS was founded in 1954

student computers,

and is responsible for e­ valuating

with a total of 16 new

and accrediting independent

­computers in all. This

schools throughout Florida. The

gift also provided three

organization represents more than 72,000 students in 153 ­member

Students like Dylan Gray, in Mrs. Debbie Stump’s class, enjoy the

schools. The Council assures

convenience of having multiple computers in their classroom.

that each school maintains high ­standards and independence of character without political, ­financial or bureaucratic pressures. The Council is an association member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), an affiliate of the Council of American Private Education (CAPE), and a founding member of the Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic

computers (within the 16 total) for the special programs classroom.

“What a blessing that someone has stepped up to provide such an ­abundance of technology for our students,” said Elementary Principal Fred Wiechmann. “Our classrooms now have even more tools that will allow our ­professional faculty to enhance the learning during these critical years.” In addition to providing for the LCS students, this open-hearted ­grandmother has demonstrated the significant impact that can be made through charitable giving to Lakeland Christian. For more information on how you can partner with the school and make a difference in the lives of children and young people, please contact LCS Director of Advancement Steve Wilson at ­863/688-2771 or at

Schools (FAANS).


LCS Early Childhood Program – Learning is in the Fun!

continued from page 1

program is developmentally appropriate, which encourages

­reaching these goals. This partnership creates a consistent home and

children to grow and mature naturally in every area of life.

school environment.

The K4 program prepares the whole child for the K5 program. By the end of the K4 year, the goal is for

Each teacher in the program is certified, and they specialize in specific educational areas as they work as a team.

each child to be well-prepared socially, emotionally and

Laughter Important Part of Solid Educational Foundation

­academically for K5. The faculty determines where each child is within each of these important areas of their life. Each child is considered as an individual, and the staff

More than just a Reader’s Digest moniker, laughter is truly an

meets each where he or she is. In fact, each child may be at

­integral part of the LCS Early Childhood program. Visitors will hear

a different level in each area of development.

the sounds of laughter from teachers and students throughout the day.

LCS Early Childhood teachers consistently pray that

Children can tell if their teacher loves what they do, and

the children will strengthen self-control, the ability to focus,

laughter is one revealing signal. In fact, staff has been known to

and that they will obey promptly. These three behaviors

laugh so much that some parents have even wanted to work at LCS!

will form the foundation necessary for students to increase academic strides.

Children Blessed with Skilled, Nurturing Faculty LCS Early Childhood faculty members are p ­ assionate

This positive approach stems from the love the teachers have for the Lord and for the children. Faculty members love to serve and work diligently to use their gifts to create the best program possible. ­Teachers invest much of their time helping students learn to problem solve, create and discover God’s world.

about their work with the youngest children on c­ ampus.

Classrooms are uniquely designed and connected to facilitate

These teachers live for the Lord and serve at LCS b ­ ecause

the complete education delivered within the program. For instance,

they really want to be here! Their love for the Lord

LCS K4 students have the opportunity to travel safely between

­overflows as they intentionally model that attribute

­classrooms without leaving the Ladd Educational Suite.

for the students. Even at this youngest level, the faculty teaches each

As students travel interiorly among numerous centers … some may begin their journey in housekeeping (a small house within the

subject and activity in the light of God’s Word. The teachers

classroom covered with real shingles!) ... others may spend time

do an amazing job of applying the scriptures to the young

­designing a building with blocks as teachers extend vocabulary

lives in their care. They are encouraged to find that some

and teach thematically through literature.

of the children already understand the gift of salvation. Early Childhood teachers also clearly understand

Each classroom in both buildings is equipped with interactive SMARTBoards, which allow children to complete reading, math and

the value of establishing a partnership with parents.

science activities as a group or individually. Students also have the

­Faculty members develop a plan in concert with parents

­opportunity to participate in Spanish, art, music, PE, computer lab

to ­determine what needs to be done and a strategy for

and library – all taught by certified and experienced teachers.


Lady Vikings Clinch District Title

Boys’ Basketball Team Drops Heartbreaker in District Finals With a new head coach in charge, the LCS Viking varsity basketball team had a successful season, despite a ­heartbreaking last-second loss in the District final game.

After a rough start to the 09-10 girls’

With the retirement of coach Ray Deardorff, LCS alum and

­varsity basketball season, the young

current assistant athletic director Todd Radford moved to the head coaching position for the Vikings. The team went into the

Lady Viking team fought its way to a

Christmas break with a record of 6-4 after winning the

­District championship title over rival

LCS Holiday Hoops Tournament.

Santa Fe Catholic. Starting the season with a record

January proved to be a good month for the Vikings as they won six of their nine games, including two big wins over

of 0-6, the Lady Vikes earned their first

district rival Santa Fe Catholic. The team squared off against

win with a 45-34 decision over Lakeland High School in early December. Their next

Santa Fe in the semifinal round of the District tournament,

win came almost a month later when the

­easily defeating the Crimson Hawks by a score of 64-40.

team defeated Santa Fe for the first of three

In the District final game, the New Dimensions High School

victories over the district rival.

Tigers hit a three-pointer in the last three seconds of the game

In the Class 2A, District 9

to give them a 60-57 win over the Vikings. In the Regional ­Quarterfinal round, the Vikings lost to Tampa Prep, ending

­championship game, the Vikings claimed

their season with a record of 12-10.

a 59-34 victory over Santa Fe. Christin Strawbridge tallied 16 points for the Lady

The JV boys’ team, coached by Craig Wilsman, finished with a record of 7-4. The junior high JV team was coached by

Vikings, with Whitney Houk adding 15

Dwayne McDow and went 6-3. The junior high varsity

and Amanda Carl racking up 14 points. In the Regional Quarterfinals, the

team finished with a record

team posted a 54-41 win over Tampa

of 10-3 and was coached by

Prep before falling to Indian Rocks, ­66-39,

Jim Boatwright.

in the Regional Semifinal round. The Lady Vikings were coached by Keith Overholt and finished with a record of 7-16. The girls’ middle school basketball A team ­finished at 8-6, while the B team went 2-5

FACA Honors Basketball Players, Coach The Florida Athletic Coaches Association has named its 2009-2010 basketball players and coaches of the year, and three from LCS have earned top honors. For boys’ basketball, senior Chris Cleghorn was selected as the Class 2A Player of the Year, and first-year head coach Todd Radford was honored as the Class 2A Coach of the Year. Sophomore Whitney Houk was chosen as the Class 2A Player of the Year for girls’ basketball.


Vikings Re-Claim District Title After losing in last year’s district tournament for

After Christmas, the Vikings went 4-3 before the

the first time in 16 years, the boys’ varsity ­soccer team

­tournament. In the first round of Districts, the team e­ asily

was anxious to regain the title of District ­Champion

handled All Saints’ Academy by a score of 6-0. After

this year. Under the leadership of LCS alum Grandy

the Vikings won the District championship over Seffner

Streets, the Viking team did just that when they

Christian, the team hosted and defeated Trinity Prep by a

earned a 5-0 victory over Seffner Christian.

narrow 1-0 margin.

The Vikings had a strong

The team dropped a disappointing 2-0 loss to ­Florida

first half to their ­season,

Air Academy in the Regional semifinal game, ending the

going into the Christmas

season with a record of 15 wins and seven losses. The JV boys’ team was coached by Bernardo Blanco

break with a record of 8-3. The team d ­ efeated both Vanguard and First Academy by a score of 9-0

and finished their season with a record of 9-2-1. The junior high boys’ team, coached by Rich McDonald, won six games, lost five and tied one game.

before defeating area rival Santa Fe, 4-1.

Girls’ Soccer Team Gets Revenge on Santa Fe in Regional Semifinals When cross-town district rival Santa Fe broke a

The girls’ soccer team easily won the District semifinal game over

12-year district championship winning streak, the

All Saints’ Academy by a score of 7-0. In the District finals, Santa Fe

Lady Vikings varsity soccer team was anxious to get

snapped the 12-year District championship streak by a score of 2-1.

revenge when they faced off in the semifinal round of

The Lady Vikings then went on the road for the Regional

the R ­ egional tournament. The girls’ team took down the

­quarterfinal game, where they defeated Trinity Prep by a score of 2-1.

Crimson Hawks, 4-1, on their way to the Regional Finals.

After getting revenge on the Crimson Hawks in the semifinals, the team

The Lady Vikings, coached by LCS alum Jason

traveled to St. John’s Country Day for the Regional final game. Down

Streets, started off their season with some big wins and

1-0 at halftime, Kourtney Rea scored early in the

a 7-0 winning streak. They easily handled both Tenoroc

second half to tie the game and force ­overtime.

and Lakeland, claiming 8-0 victories. They finished 7-1

St. John’s scored first in the ­overtime, for

against Kathleen and All Saints. A 0-0 tie against Lake

a 2-1 victory of the Vikings. The team

Region marred their perfect record, followed by a 4-0 loss

­finished with a record of 16-7-2.

to Berkeley Prep and a 0-0 tie against Tampa Prep. In their first match-up of the season, the Vikings tied

The JV team, coached by Kelly Joyner-Veteto and Roger Evans,

Santa Fe by a score of 3-3. When the teams met up again

finished their season with an

in early January, the Lady Vikes came up with a 1-0 win.

undefeated record of 12-0-1.

Munson Swims at State Meet LCS junior Rachel Munson represented the Lady Vikings at the FHSAA Class 1A Swimming and Diving Championships in November. She earned 11 total points for her team, giving the Vikings a 29th place finish out of the 41 teams represented at the meet. Munson finished 11th place in the 100-meter breaststroke with a time of 1:07.13. In the 100-meter butterfly, she finished in 12th place with a time of 59:23.


FHSAA Awards Fall ­ Academic Team ­ Champions The Florida High School Athletics ­Association has named the Academic Team Champions for the fall sports season, and one Lakeland Christian team topped the list for having the ­highest grade point average in the state. The girls’ golf team earned this top honor in Class 1A with a cumulative team GPA of 3.953. The Viking linksters topped other schools including Holy Names (Tampa), Dreyfoos (West Palm Beach), Berkeley Prep (Tampa) and Trinity Prep (Winter Park). The boys’ football team finished in the number four spot in Class 1A with a cumulative team GPA of 3.236. The girls’ swim and dive team also finished fourth with a 3.648. Winning schools receive a ­commemorative state championship plaque at the end of the school year.

LCS Athletes Earn Fall All-County Honors The Ledger has named its All-County athletes for the fall sports season, and several Viking athletes were honored for their ­accomplishments. For football, Marcus Stone was named to the Offense Second Team. Offense honorable mentions went to Rob Harper, Ryan Parrish and Jake Marzola. For Defense, Blake Averitt earned an honorable mention. Hailee Bennett was named to the All-County Third Team for ­Volleyball, while teammates Alison Sizemore and Kali Boatwright earned honorable mentions. In boys’ golf, honorable mentions went to Blake Crosby, Hayden Hill and Ethan Brewington. For girls’ golf, Hannah Webster was named to the All-County Second Team. Zoe Wilson, Lauren Wasilewski, Kelsey Casto, Shelby Pierce and Ellen Sharpe earned honorable mention. Mallory White was named the All-County Runner of the Year for girls’ cross-country, as well as being named to the First Team. Spookie Eaves and Jessica Fuller also earned First Team honors. Carrie Kirby, Ashlyne Wells and Mary Lanzino earned honorable mentions. Mark Mutz was named to the All-County First Team for boys’ ­cross-country. Chris Lopez, Taylor Scruggs and Welbie Houghton were given ­honorable mentions. For girls’ swimming, Rachel Munson was named All-County Swimmer of the Year. Munson, Ly Velez and Sarah Mora were named to the All-County First Team. Honorable mentions went to Lindsey Smith, Stephanie Powers, Meredith Munson, Caitlin Robb and Olivia Schichtel. For boys’ swimming, honorable mentions were given to Luke Yrastorza, Nathan Lain, Mitch Devore, Landon Miles, Dallas Connell and Josh McGaffigan.

LCS Runners Earn Best Finish in Polk County Lakeland Christian cross-country runners represented Polk County well at the 2009 FHSAA Cross Country Championships in late November, despite a plague of injuries and illnesses that affected the majority of LCS runners. Rebecca “Spookie” Eaves finished in 18th place with a time of 19:42 – the highest finish of any other male or female runner in Polk County. Her time helped the Lady Vikings to a ninth-place team finish. Mark Mutz ran the course in 17:02.91. The boys’ team finished in sixth place with 261 points.


Former Coach Dean Johnson Inducted into FACA Hall of Fame For the first time in Lakeland Christian School history, a Viking coach was inducted into the Florida Athletic Coaches Association (FACA) Hall of Fame. Long-time varsity soccer coach Dean Johnson, who retired after the ­2006-2007 season, finished his varsity coaching career with a boys’ record of 514-95-24, with 24 District titles (the last 15 c­ onsecutive), 10 Regional titles, four State Runner-Up finishes and six State ­Championships from 1979-2007. Under his leadership, the LCS boys’ team twice finished the season with a NSCAA Top 25 National ranking. Coach Johnson started the girls’ soccer program in 1994, which he coached until 2004 with a record of 180-46-17. The girls’ team earned six District titles, two Regional championships and one State R ­ unner-Up award. ­Johnson was inducted into the FACA Hall of Fame at a ceremony held in ­Daytona Beach on December 13. Retired head soccer coach Dean Johnson (right), joined by Dr. Mike Sligh, was inducted into the FACA Hall of Fame in December.

Alum Honored by NCCAA LCS alum Tim Green was ­recently named to the N ­ ational Christian ­College Athletic ­Association All-­American Men’s ­Soccer First Team. A junior at Cedarville ­University in Cedarville, Ohio, Green was one of four defenders on the 14-player first team. This is the second year that Green has earned this honor, making him only

Viking Cheerleaders Earn 2nd Place in State Competition The Lakeland Christian School varsity cheerleading squad placed second

the second player in the ­history of

in the Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders state competition held at Masters

the Cedarville soccer program to

­Academy in Oviedo on November 21. Competing in the large varsity category, the

be a two-time honoree.

Viking squad performed a two-minute routine consisting of squad jumps, stunts,

Green was also recognized as

tumbling, dancing and a cheer. The Viking squad, which has not ­competed in

a NCCAA Scholar-Athlete.

many years, finished second behind Evangelical Christian


School of Fort Myers.

Colorful and Whimsical

‘Seussical’ Delights Crowds

This year’s fall musical exploded with song, ­imagination and color as a mischievous cat, tiny Whos, a huge elephant, brightly colored jungle citizens, sleepy circus creatures, colorful fish, blue waves, and a couple of very sour kangaroos performed Seussical on the Lakeland Christian School stage. It took the combined gifted ability of seventy-five students, six faculty members, a former ­student, a set construction team, a set design team, two costume ladies, several make-up a ­ rtists, and many, many parents to present this spectacular show. The cast started working on the ­ second day of school and logged over 85 hours of practice to present the four performances from ­October 22-24. More than 100 children and parents attended Saturday’s Seussical Brunch, where they were served many items including green eggs and ham. The principal Seussical characters i­nteracted with the children at the brunch. As their parents snapped pictures, the children sat s­ pellbound while listening to the Cat (senior Russell Aldridge) read to them. In addition to performing for opening night, 17 cast members performed several S­ eussical numbers to five area nursing homes and/or assisted-living facilities.

Choirs Perform Various Christmas Concerts to see the residents ­singing along as

in Disney’s Epcot ­Candlelight

the LCS choirs had many o ­ pportunities

students were able to ­connect them

­Processional, ­performing in two

to present the truth of Christmas to

to Christmas music of their past.

shows. The choir was selected by

members of the Lakeland c­ ommunity.

On Friday, December 11, the High

­audition and was part of a mass

On Thursday, December 3, the Junior

School ­Concert Choir and Chamber

choir of ­approximately 300 students.

High Choir visited Oakbridge ­Assisted

­Ensemble ­presented a program to

­Candlelight presents the Biblical

­Living Unit singing Christmas carols

the South Lakeland Rotary Club,

Christmas story in narration and

and spending time talking with the

held at First United Methodist

song, including arrangements of

­residents. On Thursday, December

Church on Lake Morton.

many familiar carols. The celebrity

During the month of December,

10, the 6th Grade Choir visited the

On Wednesday, December 9,

­Memory Care Unit at Oakbridge,

the High School Concert Choir and

­singing familiar carols. It was e­ xciting

Chamber Ensemble ­participated


guest narrator for the evening was Andy Garcia.

Student Musicians Perform at Annual FMEA Convention The Florida Music Educators

High School Concert Chorus:

Six members of the LCS

­Association annual convention was held

Whitney Andersen, Johnny Boatwright,

­music ­department faculty

in January, and several LCS students had

Steven Firmin and Casey Jones.

­attended the convention which

the opportunity to perform with some of the best student-musicians in the state of Florida. These individuals were required to audition earlier in the fall. Congratulations to the following

Middle School Honors Band: Jonathan Murray (trumpet). Small Schools Honors Band: Claire Jarvis (clarinet) and Justin

was held in Tampa. Attendees e­njoyed ­workshops, ­rehearsals and ­concerts related to their ­ individual disciplines.

Middleton (baritone).

students: Middle School Treble Chorus: Emily Carl, Rebekah Firmin and Amanda Fulton. Middle School Mixed Chorus:

Fifth Graders Win Tag Art Competition

­Christopher Greene and Robert Verner. High School Women’s Chorus: ­Mickelyn Graves.

LCS fifth graders Brandon Kaye and Anna Lanzino were two of 130 Polk County students who received a 2009 Award of Distinction

Select Band Students Chosen for All-County Performances

for the Kids Tag Art competition sponsored by the Polk County Tax Collector’s office. Their winning tag art is on sale for $15 at ­­, with all of the proceeds going toward c­lassroom art supplies. The winning students were recognized at a special ­reception held on February 20, 2010, at the Polk Museum of Art. Fifth grader Carter Roth was awarded the “Fred Wiechmann Christian Tag Award” by Mrs. Bonnie Mosley, elementary art teacher,

Several Lakeland Christian band ­students were chosen to participate as members of the Polk All-County Bands. These musicians will perform with some

for creating his tag with a biblical theme. Carter Roth (left), Brandon Kaye (center) and Anna Lanzino (right) were honored for their car tag designs. They are pictured here with Mr. Fred Wiechmann and Mrs. Bonnie Mosley.

of the best secondary band students from the county on April 16, 2010, at Florida ­Southern College’s Branscomb ­Auditorium. Congratulations to the following students: 7th and 8th Grade Band: J­ onathan Murray (trumpet), Ashley Middleton ­(trombone), Amanda Fulton (tuba). 9th and 10th Grade Band: Claire Jarvis (clarinet), Danae Drake (bass c­ larinet), Jenna Smithson (French horn), Welbie Houghton (French horn), Zach Martinez (baritone), Cameron Underwood (tuba). 11th and 12th Grade Band: Emily Tan (flute), Justin Middleton (baritone), Andrew Tew (tuba).


Middle schoolers proudly display their solar cars ­during the annual Solar Day competition.

Solar Car Sprint Race 1st place – Bailee Mathers and Olivia Wiles

(7.95 seconds)

2nd place – Cody Averitt and Caleb McDonald (9.19 seconds) 3rd place – Sydnea Coleman and Alyssa Dumke (9.37 seconds) 4th place – Jena Carr and Morgan Harper 5th place – Josh Boyd and Jake Molony 6th place – Jamie Aspinwall and Luke Imig

Middle School Students Compete in Annual Solar Day Every year Lakeland Christian School middle school students have the ­opportunity to learn about one of our most important renewable resources: the sun. Solar energy can be used to heat water and swimming pools, dry clothes, power small appliances and, as LCS students learn, power cars. Since 1999, the solar car sprint race has been one of the favorite activities of middle schoolers, and this year was no different. Lakeland Electric agreed to partner with LCS to provide financial support to the students to reduce the cost of the solar car kits, and they also provide the awards. Mr. Hugh Patterson, middle school science teacher, oversees the solar car activities. Students have the opportunity to compete in various solar day competitions, including a solar car sprint race, a solar car design contest, a poster art contest and an essay contest. Congratulations to the following students for earning Solar Day awards:

Solar Car Design Contest 1st place – Will Franklin and Katherine Lopez 2nd place – Beth Mora and Meredith Munson 3rd place – Sarah Kettelkamp and Katie Owen 4th place – Emily Carl and Ashlyn Wells

Solar Energy Poster Art 1st place – Kaylee Miles 2nd place – Sam Moseley 3rd place – Amy Robb 4th place – Conner Sutton

Solar Energy Essay Contest 1st place – Jonathan Murray 2nd place – Rebekah Firmin 3rd place – Bryce Schiebel, Nick Strazzulla Honorable Mention – Carter Overholt

Wiechmann Takes Kids on Christmas Nature Hikes While most students were getting ready for Christmas, several LCS students joined elementary Principal Fred Wiechmann for two nature walks over the Christmas break. These two hikes – to the Circle B Bar Reserve and the Lakeland Highlands Scrub Preserve – educated students on some of Polk County’s natural wonders. The students had the opportunity to see the homes of butterflies and birds, as well as rare plant species and wildlife such as gopher tortoises, foxes, ospreys, bald eagles, alligators and Florida Scrub Jays.


Elementary Hosts Fourth Annual Grandparent’s Day Close to 600 grandparents and special grand-friends came from across town and around the country to visit their ­grandchildren for the fourth annual Grandparent’s Day ­celebration. Lakeland Christian welcomed these guests on a ­beautiful November morning. The event began with a special program in the c­ afeteria, where a choir of kindergarten students entertained the

­grandparents. School parents Joe and Becky Aldridge then performed a comedy puppet routine. Headmaster Dr. Mike Sligh and Director of Advancement Steve Wilson welcomed the guests and shared about Lakeland Christian. After the program, the grandparents and friends had the ­opportunity to visit their grandchildren’s classrooms. The kids were able to introduce their teachers and friends, show off their classroom, work on special projects and perform special songs and activities for their grandparents. This annual event is a favorite among LCS students in grades K4-5. This year’s Grandparent and Grand-friend’s Day is tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2010.

LCS Third Grader Crowned StrawberryFestival Royalty Lakeland Christian School third grader Faith Nagy was crowned the Florida Strawberry Festival Duchess (ages 7-9) for 2010. Chosen based on personality, overall appearance, natural beauty and smile, Faith represented the festival at the Youth Parade and the Grand Feature Parade. In addition to her time at the Strawberry Festival, Faith will continue to make public appearances throughout the year.

Fifth Graders Get Hands-On with the Stock Market Who better to learn about the stock market from than the President and CEO of Allen & Company, Florida’s oldest investment firm? Lakeland Christian fifth graders had the opportunity to do just that when Mr. Keith Albritton, school parent and financial planner, visited them to talk about the stock market and lead some hands-on activities to help them better understand financial investments.


LCS Students Give Generously During Holiday Season Fourth Grade Candy Cane Sales Benefit Parker Street

Students Hold Food Drive for Lighthouse

cane sales this past holiday season. The students presented a

drive for Lakeland’s Lighthouse Ministries. Students brought in

check to Parker Street Ministries for $2,184.08.

canned food and other nonperishable food items so that needy

The fourth grade classes held their annual Christmas candy

Students Donate 230 Shoeboxes for OCC Lakeland Christian School students

donated 230 shoeboxes of gifts and toys for this year’s Operation Christmas Child program. Mr. David Trivette, who served as an international representative for Franklin Graham, spoke in

Elementary students held their annual Thanksgiving food

families would be able to celebrate with a Thanksgiving dinner.

Middle School Bible Students Give to At-Risk Teens

Students in Mrs. Teri Evans’ Bible classes collected Christmas

gifts for at-risk teens involved in the Youth for Christ program. Mr. Scott Hirdes, a school parent and Youth for Christ leader, was able to distribute these gifts to kids before Christmas.

elementary chapels about the program and shared his experiences passing out shoeboxes in Kosovo. Special thanks to Kay Henry for heading up the LCS program, to Karla Mosher for checking and preparing all of the shoeboxes, to Nancy Snyder for buying toothpaste and toothbrushes for some of the boxes, and to Birk and Teresa ­Mullinax for helping to transport boxes to the drop-off location.

Former Olympian Speaks to LCS Students Former Olympic runner, world record holder and Congressman Jim Ryun traveled to Lakeland this past fall to speak to Lakeland Christian students and to be on hand at the Without Walls Cross Country Invitational. In 1964, Ryun became the first high school runner to run a mile is less than four minutes when he ran a 3:59.0 mile. He later went on to set the world record with a 3:51.3 mile and then later a 3:51.1. Ryun competed in the Olympics in 1964 and 1968, winning a silver medal in the 1,500-meter race in Mexico City in 1968. In 1966, Ryun was named the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year, which is considered one of the highest recognitions for any amateur or professional athlete. Ryun served as a businessman and motivational speaker before being elected to represent Kansas in the United States House of Representatives. On a Friday afternoon, he spoke to the students about his experiences in running and in competition. On Saturday morning, Ryun attended a 5K race held in his honor and the cross-country meet. Jim Ryun (center) spent some time encouraging the LCS cross-country teams during his visit in October.

Alumni News 2000s


Brittany Marzola (’08) and Nick Bridges will be

Lauren Chastain Presson (’98) and her husband,

married on June 11, 2010. Nick is a graduate of Auburn

Scott, welcomed their new son into the world on October 5,

University and is working as a civil engineer in Plant

2009. Hunter Gaines was born at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft.

City. The couple will reside in Lakeland.

Lauderdale and weighed 8 lbs. and 9 oz. Lauren, Scott and

Ryan Crosby (’06) is currently employed with

Hunter live in Pompano Beach, FL, where Scott is a Civil

E & A Cleaning and is engaged to Heather Pfrommer

Engineer for the Florida Department of Transportation, and

from S­ trasburg, PA. A May 2010 wedding is planned.

Lauren is a fundraiser and event planner at United Way of

Erik Thomas (’06) recently graduated from the ­University of South Florida. He received a B.A. in History. Josh (’03) and Cory Powell (’04) Cress, along with

Brittany Marzola

Broward County. Jason Streets (’98) and his wife, DaNae, are the proud parents of Kemper Isaac born on January 31, 2009. They

big sisters Kylee (5) and Harlee (3), welcomed the arrival

currently reside in Lakeland where Jason is working towards

of Joshua “Maverick” born on December 22, 2009. He

his residential appraiser license, coaching LCS girls’ varsity

weighed 7 lbs. and 10 oz. Josh is employed with Cress

soccer and is an assistant girls’ soccer coach at Florida

­Construction, and Cory is a stay-at-home mom.

Southern. DaNae is employed at Wasilewski Court Reporting.

Keith Knowlton (’04) and his wife, Rachel – both

Erica Suares (’98) left The Heritage Foundation (where

graduates of Furman University – are teaching E­ nglish

she has been working in Senate Relations) and has taken a

to f­ reshman and sophomore university students in

new position working for Senator Jim DeMint, a Republican

­northeastern China. They will complete their first year of

from South Carolina. Erica will be advising him on

teaching in July 2010.

education policy issues as well as other social policy issues.

Joshua Vander Maten (’04) moved from Nashville,

Anthony Tucker (’95) is the Director of Career Services

Tennessee, to Dallas, Texas, and is working part-time

at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. Anthony

at a church called Fellowship Dallas and traveling with

and his wife, Rachel, along with their five boys, Bode,

Women of Faith. In August, Josh plans to attend Christ

­Myers, Davis, Lyndon and Urban, are members of Lookout

for the N ­ ations, a school that will help him pursue the

Mountain Presbyterian Church.

calling God has placed on his life as a worship pastor. Daniel Wilson (‘02) and Jessica Gandy will be

Jennifer Oncu Overholt (’90) and Keith Overholt Victoria born on November 21, 2009. Ainsley weighed

­Daniel is the assistant golf course superintendent at

8 lbs., 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. She joins Carter (8th

St. Ives Country Club in Atlanta, Georgia.

grade), Olivia (6th grade), Reese (4th grade), Jackson (K5)

Andrew Knowlton (’02) graduated from Samford

and Ellie (4 years). Her middle name honors the memory Carson McKinley “Mack” Greene

of Vicky Dawson.

Alabama, in May 2009. He has since passed the


­Alabama bar exam and is employed by the law firm of Gaines, Wolter & Kinney, P.C. in Birmingham. Andrew

Denise Kelso Loock (’75) has recently retired from

and his wife, May, welcomed their first child, a baby girl

teaching English in the high school and college level and is

named Clair McClain, on January 25, 2010. She weighed

currently working part-time at her church and full-time as a

8 lbs., 1 oz. and was 21 inches long.

freelance writer. Another Christian writer and Denise have

Emily Lipham Greene (’01) and her husband,

com. Please check it out and send her some feedback at

Greene, born September 22, 2009 and weighing 6 lbs.

and 14 oz. (’06) were married at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Lakeland on June 5, 2009. They live in Lakeland, where Nathan is employed by Northwestern Mutual

Lauren Chastain Presson

launched a devotional Web site: ­www.digdeeperdevotions.

Josh, are the proud parents of Carson McKinley “Mack”

Nathan Patterson (’00) and Lauren Knowlton

Clair McClain Knowlton

(LCS middle school principal) celebrate the birth of Ainsley

­married on May 8, 2010 in Birmingham, Alabama.

University’s Cumberland School of Law in B ­ irmingham,

Josh and Cory Powell

We love to hear from you. News about you is ­important to

Kemper Isaac Streets

us and to your former classmates. Please e-mail Claudia Powell at ­­ Planning your class reunion? Contact Director of Community Relations Julie Rice, at 863-688-2771, ext. 236, and she will arrange for use of facilities and will offer other helpful tips.

Financial Network.


Ainsley Victoria Overholt

A Special


Updating Your Info is Easier than Ever Attention LCS alumni: updating your information is now easier than ever! All you have to do is visit ­ and you can update your address, phone number, e-mail address and family information. You can also send a write-up to appear in future issues of The Viking. When you click “Submit,” the information that you provide is automatically sent to Mrs. Claudia Powell, the a ­ dministrative


assistant in the Headmaster and Advancement Offices. If you would

The Lakeland Christian

School faculty and staff

like to include a photo for The Viking, please e-mail it to Mrs. Powell at ­ Keeping your information current helps your

would like to express a

­former classmates contact you when reunion time rolls around, as well

­heartfelt thanks to our

as ensuring that your Viking arrives at the correct address!

families for the generous ­Christmas love offering. This annual tradition is

Note to Alumni Parents:

deeply appreciated.

If your former student no longer lives in your home but still receives mail from Lakeland Christian at your address, please e-mail Claudia ­Powell at to update their alumni information.

Whitney Turbeville Senior

Drew Cleghorn Junior

Alice Middleton Secondary Faculty

Steve Wilson Director of Advancement

Luke Averitt 4th Grader

Guess: How many

What charitable


unlimited funds?


A million

Autism awareness




Breast cancer research


Starburst jelly beans

3 million

Samaritan’s Purse


Chocolate eggs


Chocolate bunny

Dream Spring Break ­destination

What winter Olympics sport would you like to participate in?

White milk or chocolate milk?

Anna Maria Island with my friends




Cross-country skiing


Alpine skiing

Half pipe

British Isles

Anna Maria Island



Speed skating


strawberries are Favorite Easter c­ onsumed cause would you each year give to if you had candy at the Strawberry


A million

LCS, of course!

Lighthouse Ministries

Lakeland ­Christian ­Awarded Two ­Science Grants

Grandparent, Former Coach Publishes Book Lakeland Christian School ­grandparent Ron Copeland always

The Lakeland Christian School

wanted to write a book, and drawing

Science Department has recently

on his experience as a Detroit police

been awarded two grants to go

officer, his crime thriller The Caves of

toward the purchase of new science

Kazoo, was published in 2009. This

equipment. From the American

­fictional novel weaves suspense and

Institute of Chemical Engineers,

family values throughout the book,

LCS was awarded $828 toward the

geared for an older adolescent reader.

purchase of a Moticam microscopy

The book, published by Tate

camera that will allow science

­Publishing, is available on various ­

teachers to project microscopy

Web sites including Amazon, Borders,

images on the SMART Boards.

Books A Million and Barnes & Noble.

LCS also received a $2400 grant

Ron has been a part of Lakeland Christian School for two decades

from the Southwest Florida Water

– as the father of alum and current assistant high school principal

Management District (SWFWMD).

­Darren Copeland, as the husband of cafeteria director Mary Copeland,

This money will be used for water

as the grandparent of Brock and Brady Copeland and as a baseball and

resource education units for grades

­basketball coach.

K4, 3, 5, 7 and 9 and will p ­ urchase 27 Brock field microscopes,

If you would like to contact Ron, you can e-mail him at ­­

­eyepieces and slides.

Box Tops, Soup Labels Benefit LCS The faculty and staff of the LCS elementary school would like to thank ­ families who send in Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup labels. LCS gets 10 cents for each box top, and in December, LCS received a check for $627.90 for the box tops that were collected. This money will go toward the elementary reading ­curriculum. More than 41,000 soup labels were collected, and the money earned from this program was enough to purchase playground equipment for all three elementary playgrounds. This equipment included kickballs, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, cups and catch balls, plastic bats and jump ropes.

Give to LCS Through Payroll Deduction Did you know that you can donate to ­Lakeland Christian School through your company’s payroll ­deduction program? If you would like to know how, please ­contact the LCS ­Advancement Office at 863-688-2771.




L akeland

C hristian

S chool

On behalf of the students we serve, a heartfelt thanks to the following generous persons and companies who have partnered with LCS by providing a gift to the ministry. We were blessed by: Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abramson Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Adriano Mr. and Mrs. Kale Albritton Mr. and Mrs. Keith Albritton Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Dave Aplin Dr. and Mrs. Glen Barden Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker Mr. and Mrs. Todd Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bayless Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bayless Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bellar Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berry Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blalock Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boatwright Mrs. Carole Bolter Mr. and Mrs. Vasco Bonino Mr. and Mrs. Don Bradley Mr. Kenneth Breathitt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brooks Ms. Cindy Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown Mr. and Mrs. Eric Burton Mr. and Mrs. Don Busing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campano Mr. and Mrs. Sal Campisi, Jr. Dr. and Dr. Richard Cardosi Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carroll Mr. Gerald Casella Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cattarius Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Todd Christian Clark/Nikdel/Powell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cleghorn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cline, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Curls, Jr. Mrs. Jackie Davis Dr. and Mrs. James Davis Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery Davis Mrs. Lil Davis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeLange Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiCesare Dr. and Mrs. Thomas ­DiGeronimo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolph Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Chad Dumke Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Glen Duncan Miss Susan Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Perry Evans Rev. and Mrs. Roger Evans Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Ben Falk Mr. and Mrs. David Falk Mr. and Mrs. Lee Finley, II Mrs. Nancy Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Forlaw Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster Ms. Brenda Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Avon Frier Mr. and Mrs. Tim Frost Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulton Mrs. Clara Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garrard, V Mr. and Mrs. Eric Germany Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibson Mr. Thomas Givan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Clint Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Graves Dr. and Mrs. Graham Greene Mr. and Mrs. Ron Grigsby, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Haag Ms. Patsy Ham Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Hannum Mr. and Mrs. Rob Harper, IV Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrell, Jr. Mrs. Norma Harrell Ms. Shelley Harris Ms. Barbara Hart Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heacox Mr. and Mrs. Rex Henry Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holmes Mrs. Linda Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Horne Mrs. Linda Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Huckery Rev. and Mrs. Gary Hull Mr. and Mrs. David Hurd Mr. Craig Irvin Mrs. Phyllis Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jenkins Mrs. Mimi Jenko Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones Dr. and Mrs. Derek Keenan Ms. Tracy Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kettelkamp Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Curt Kitchens Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knowlton Mr. Erwin Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kriegbaum Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laderer, Jr. Lakeland Creamery, Inc. – ­Coldstone Creamery Mr. and Mrs. Randy Larson

Rev. and Mrs. Michael Latham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latimer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lehner Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis Mrs. Daisy Libbert Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Madden Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Madden Mr. and Mrs. George Maguire Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Todd Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKenney Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Merchant MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miles Ms. Stacy Miles Mr. and Mrs. Corey Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Mr. and Mrs. Doug Miller Mrs. Norma Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mora, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Terry Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mowrer Mr. and Mrs. Birk Mullinax Dr. and Mrs. Mark Munson Mrs. Bennie Jo Murray Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Murray Mr. and Mrs. Mike Musick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Oz Mutz Mr. and Mrs. Bob Myhrer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Naughton Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nederveld Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Byrne Mr. and Mrs. William O’Harrow Miss Ellen Oncu Mrs. Judy Oncu Outsource Management Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Oxendine Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patteson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petcoff Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petro Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Brian Philpot Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pike Mrs. Marlene Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers Mr. and Mrs. John Prahl Register Construction & Engineering Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rich Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riggs Mr. and Mrs. James Roberson


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rubio Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell Mr. and Mrs. Jon Russell Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ryal Mr. and Mrs. John Sabat Mr. and Mrs. John Santosuosso Mr. and Mrs. Dean Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schichtel Mr. Philip Sebring Mr. John Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shimko Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Singler Dr. and Mrs. Mike Sligh Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder Miss Nancy Snyder Mr. and Dr. Jason Spinks Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Stabler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stacy Mr. and Mrs. Tom Standifer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanz Rev. and Mrs. Robert Stubblefield Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sutton Mr. and Mrs. John Szydlowski Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Tan Dr. and Mrs. James Tew The NCT Group CPA’s, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Threlkeld Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Tidey Mr. and Mrs. Eric Torres Mrs. Evelyn Towler Dr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turlington Mr. Dean Turner United Way of Tri-County, Inc. United Women’s Club of Lakeland, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Peter Urban Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Varnum Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Velez Mr. and Mrs. James Verplanck Visionworks of Central Florida Ms. Marne Vorndran Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wall, Jr. Mr. Steven Ward Watson Clinic, LLP/Dr. Richard Cardosi Mr. Kenneth Welsh Mr. and Mrs. David Wickenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiechmann Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson Rev. and Mrs. William Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Yates

Living Memorials

Library Donations

It is a joy to receive gifts that are sent to a ­ cknowledge a loved one. We are grateful for the gifts received from the following:

I n memory of: Ashley Turlington Given by: Mrs. Betty Bagbey Ms. Sue Crosby Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Mrs. Sylvia Etchison Pastor and Mrs. Jerry Goodell Reverend and Mrs. Rick Hinger Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Laing Lanier Upshaw, Inc. Ms. Sandra Parks Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Tocci Mrs. Dorothy Woodworth In memory of: Bradley Langston Given by: Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Mr. and Mrs. John Prahl Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miles I n memory of: Mr. David W. Privett Given by: Mrs. Ann Matthews Mrs. Robert Hightower

In memory of: Cooper Naughton Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Naughton In memory of: Mrs. Tara Shelby Given by: Mr. Donald Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ward In memory of: Stephen Shelby Given by: Mr. Donald Shelby In memory of: Mrs. Frances Gibson Given by: Mrs. Jean Widdowson In memory of: Mr. Billy Kirkland Given by: Chestnut Grove Baptist Church In memory of: Mr. Bill Thornton Given by: Dr. and Mrs. Mike Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Steve W ­ ilson In memory of: Mr. Rocky Rachell Given by: Mrs. Grace Thompson In memory of: Mrs. Reba Schmidt Given by: Mrs. Robert Hightower

The Lakeland Christian Library staff a ­ ppreciates the ­generosity of those who have provided recent book ­donations. The library counts on the regular ­contributions of school families to expand their ­collection for students. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Barrand Mr. and Mrs. Glen Duncan Mr. Lee Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Terry McNutt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mutz Mr. and Mrs. Andy Norman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Prather Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ryun Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salmon Mrs. Shelly Schaedel Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Szydlowski Mr. and Mrs. James Williams MidFlorida School Credit Union

In memory of: Mr. Ed Maddox Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carter Mr. Thomas Conger Mr. Jack Payne In memory of: Mr. Burl Wilson, Sr. Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bayless Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blalock Clark/Nikdel/Powell, Inc. – Mrs. Anne Powell Mrs. Kathleen Davis Ms. Arlena Dominick Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Ward Edwards Mr. and Mrs. James Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Rob Harper, IV Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrell, Jr. Mrs. Robert Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knowlton Mrs. Ann Matthews Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McClurg Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr. Register Construction & E­ ngineering – Mr. Buddy Register Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schichtel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Slakman Dr. and Mrs. Mike Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thornton The Timothy Group – Mr. Pat McLaughlin Ms. Koleen Whaley Ms. Polly Whaley Dr. and Mrs. Robert Williams

LCS Appreciates Lakeland Christian School is the ­beneficiary of many ­donated goods and services provided by school families and other friends. These gifts ­enable higher levels of ­excellence campus-wide. Marsha Gordon – Donation of leadership books for administrative staff Don Folk – Coordinating the concessions at the Florida Bandmasters Association Solo and Ensemble Festival Sandy Gibson and Cathy Hamilton – For volunteering in Mrs. Betty Duncan’s fourth grade classroom Kevin Wasilewski and David Sligh – For their assistance with the LCS soccer programs Mimi Jenko – For the donation of office supplies and medical supplies Chasity Branham – For donating her time each week to do Math ­Superstars with students in Mrs. Debbie Stump’s third grade classroom Carla Gray – For serving as the classroom photographer for Mrs. D ­ ebbie Stump’s third grade class Floy Graves, Steve Jones, Kathy Fulton, Ana Liz Greene, Mila ­Adriano, Lesslie Kettelkamp, Sabra Myers and Betty Firmin – For serving as chaperones for Choir All-State and MPA in January and February


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The Viking is published quarterly by Lakeland Christian School, 1111 Forest Park St., Lakeland, Florida 33803

Art Students Create Portraits for Children in Ethiopia As part of the Memory Project (, secondary art students in Shelley Harris’ class recently painted portraits of orphans in E­ thiopia. According to the Web site, these portraits are given to the children as keepsakes with the purpose of “providing them a special memory of their youth, to honor their heritage and identity and to help them build a positive self-image.” Left: Hayat Mohammod proudly displays her photo. Right: Estifanos Hailu is another Ethiopian orphan who received his portrait by an LCS art student.


March 22-26 Creation Care Week

March 26 End of Third Quarter

March 29-April 2 Spring Break

April 9 Report Cards Issued

Lakeland ­Christian Teacher Earns ­‘Preserving Polk’ Award Mrs. Jennifer Canady, a middle school science teacher at Lakeland Christian School, was awarded the “Preserving Polk” Award by the Keep Polk County Beautiful ­organization for her commitment to educating young people about the environment. Canady teaches her students to be good stewards of the ­environment through hands-on projects such as the Discovery Channel’s “Change Your World Challenge.” This challenge encourages ­students to find ways to have a positive impact on their community. This year’s classes have implemented a very successful school-wide bottle and paper recycling program. Mrs. Jennifer Canady, surrounded by her world-changing middle school students, is a deserving award winner.

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