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THE LAKE LAND COLLEGE CENTER FOR BUSINESS & INDUSTRY provides customized training to regional employers as well as opportunities for personal advancement to community members. Maintaining the highest training standards, the center’s experienced staff are here to make certain that the needs of the students are met effectively and efficiently. With a broad range of services offered, the Center for Business & Industry is sure to provide responsiveness to a variety of training needs.

Not only are the classes offered by the Center for Business & Industry an excellent opportunity for employees to maintain credentials and trainings necessary for their work, they provide options for people in the community looking to enhance their knowledge and skills on specific topics and areas of study. These classes can provide valuable information to students as well as looking great on a résumé.

COMMUNITY LEARNING Lake Land College has greatly expanded available online programs focusing on personal enrichment. Some programs with the largest enrollment have been related to personal finance and job search skills. Also available are classes dedicated to hobbies and interests such as photography, fiction and nonfiction writing, Spanish, sign language and several other areas of study.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lake Land College’s online professional development programs have also greatly expanded. These programs focus on a variety of skills and career development. Some of the more successful programs have been Pharmacy Technician and Leadership Development. Some other areas of study in these classes include public speaking, research, successful student, computer skills, Microsoft Office and many more.

TRAFFIC SAFETY Lake Land College is now offering live, virtual classes for remedial Education, Defensive Driving, and DUI (Coles County only). More class dates have also been made available to try to serve students in the program as efficiently as possible. For more information visit www. lakelandcollege.edu/traffic-safety-program.

COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE (CDL) Lake Land College now offers an online option for the introductory and permitting classroom portion of the CDL program. The college is also working with regulatory officials to develop a plan for the driving portion of the course. For more information visit www.lakelandcollege.edu/cbi/cbicommercial-truck-driver-training. TECHNICAL TRAINING AND CONSULTING While following state and federal regulations, Lake Land College is still able to provide technical training both on-site at the employer’s location and inside of the building. Online options have also been expanded for training on existing Amatrol lab equipment and general technical training. Consulting is available within regulations as well, including strategic planning, technical consulting, and succession planning.

ONLINE LEARNING Still hesitant about learning online? The Center for Business & Industry now offers several FREE online self-paced classes! These classes are a great way to get to know how the online system works, and learn some valuable information along the way. Some of the class topics include arts and design, business, computer applications, computer science, construction and trades, health and fitness, hospitality, information technology, language, legal, math and science, teacher professional development, test prep, writing and more.

RIGHT: Monique Kimbro completes an exercise in pneumatics as part of the Manufacturing Skills Certificate Program with Mars Petcare, Inc.

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