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Stoller Trial

The Stoller trail consisted of treated and untreated replication on LC 20 which was seeded with flax. The treated replication had Bio-forge Advanced and X-Cyte applied.

The Bio-forage Advanced application was to help with plant stress after an in-crop herbicide application, hail, or any other form of stress.

X-Cyte is a plant growth optimizer that helps correct the plants hormone balance during high heat

Both X-Ctye and Bio-forge were applied at 250ml/ac.

Below are the yield results of the replications harvested.

Tillage Demo

We arranged a tillage demo this fall for the first-year Crop Technology students. Webb’s Machinery demoed the Salford Halo disk on LC 12 which was pea stubble. This disk was 33 feet with 2 rows of 22-inch disks angled at 14 degrees followed by baskets

Moddus Trial

We are applying Moddus on a portion of the malt barely on the south end of LC 17.

Moddus is a plant growth regulator that helps prevents lodging, the active ingredient in is Trinetapac-ethyl. We will be applying Moddus to 20 acres at .42 L/ac at the 30-32 Zadoks barley growth stage.

Anvol Trial

The Anvol trail is on a 12 acre plot in LC 18, a CWRS wheat field. Anvol is a nitrogen stabilizer that is applied to urea. The active ingredient is Duromide, which acts as a urease inhibiter.

We are planning four different rates and four replications. The four rates are:

• untreated urea lbs/ac,

• nothing,

• 40% under (the normal rate) and

• 40% over (the normal rate).

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