Term 1& 2 ENGL 112 Farenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
Term 1& 2 ENGL 112 Course Package 2024-25: Introductory English Lit Sections LU, LV, LW, LS and LT Fall 2024 edition Batke-Lwanga, Mandy
Term 1 & 2 ENGL 112 Frankenstein -- Graphic Novel Mary Shelley
Term 1 ENGL 388 Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Mordecai Richlers
James Lapine
Batke-Lwanga, Mandy 9780930452933 Theater Communication Group
Batke-Lwanga, Mandy 9781451673319 Simon and Schuster
Batke-Lwanga, Mandy Lakeland Bookstore
Batke-Lwanga, Mandy 9781906332495 Classical Comics/Ingram
Hiar, Gail 9780887769252 Penguin Randon House
Term 1 ENGL 388 The Classic Fairy Tales 2nd Edited by Maria Tatar Hiar, Gail 9780393602975 WW Norton publisher Login Canada
Term 1 & 2 HEED 110 An Invitation to Health 7th Lisa Tunks, Lara Lauzon Johnson, Tina 9781774741177 Cengage
Term 1 HIST 112 Patterns of World History: Volume 2: From 1400 4th Peter von Sivers, Charles Desnoyers, George Stow Baidaus, Eduard 9780197517048 Oxford University Press, 2021
Term 1 HIST 260 Canadian History: Pre-Confederation link: https://opentextbc.ca/preconfederation2e/ 2nd Ed John Douglas Belshaw
Baidaus, Eduard B.C. Open Textbook Collection
Term 1 & 2 MATH 113/115 Thomas' Calculus, Single Variable with MyMathLab with access codes (18 week access) 15th Joel R. Hass, Christopher E. Heil, Maurice D. Weir, Przemyslaw Bogacki Cryderman, Mark 9780137615780 Pearson
Term 1 MATH 160 No textbook Cryderman, Mark
Term 1 MUS 100 Fundamentals of Music: Rudiments, Musicianship, and Composition 7th Earl Henry, Jennifer Snodgrass, Susan Piagentini Kimberley Drury 9780137530366 Pearson
Term 1 NS 110 Ways of Knowing 4e (TH Bundle) 4th Yale Belanger
Term 1 &2 NS 171 Introductory to Cree Book 1
NS 171 Introductory to Cree Book 2
Term 1 & 2 NS 171 Plains Cree Glossary
Howse, Robin 9781774945872 Top Hat
Howse, Robin 2810000231117 Subprint
Howse, Robin 2810000231124 Subprint
Robin 2810000218453 Subprint
Term 1 & 2 NUTR 110 Understanding Nutrition 3rd Cnd Gail Hammond, Colleen O'Connor, Leonard Piche, Eleanor Whitney, Sharon Rolfes Johnson, Tina 9781778410383 Cengage
Term 1 PEDS 293 No Textbook
Term 1 PHYS 124 Physics 124/126 Lab Manual Serhat Alagoz Serhat Alagoz Lakeland Bookstore
Term 1 PHYS 124 Physics and access to Wiley Plus
Term 1 & 2 PSY 104/ 105 Revel for The World of Psychology, Canadian Edition
Term 1 PSY 223 Revel for Children: A Chronological Approach, Canadian Edition
Term 1 PSY 241 Revel for Social Psychology, Canadian Edition
Term 1 & 2 SOC 100 Sociology in Action (Interactive E-text)
Term 1 SOC 224 Deviance, Conformity and Social Control in Canada plus MySearchLab- etext only
Term 1 SOC 242 Gender in Society Reader
Term 1 SOC 271 Close Relations: An Introduction to Sociology of the Family E-text
Term 1 & 2 STAT 151 Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data eText with MyLab
John D. Cutnell and Kenneth W. Johnson Serhat Alagoz 9781119773580 Wiley
Cdn Samuel Wood, Ellen Wood, Denise Boyd, Eileen Wood, Serge Desmarais Mutter, K Sarcauga, M 9780137656165 Pearson
7th Cdn Rober Kail, Theresa Zolner Mutter, Kelly 9780138204044 Pearson
7th Ed Elliot Arokson, Timothy Wilson, Beverley Fehr, Samuel Sommers Mutter, Kelly 9780135498613 Pearson
4th Diana Symbaluk, Tami Bereska Stobbe, Mark 9781774128763 Top Hat
6th Tami Bereska Stobbe, Mark 9780136603924 Pearson
1st Amy Kaler Stobbe, Mark 9780195401431 Oxford University Press
7th (6th may also be used Susan McDaniel, Lorne Tepperman, Sandra Colavechhia Stobbe, Mark 9780137625475 Pearson
5th Alan Agresti, Christine Kranklin, Bernhard Klingenberg Cryderman, Mark 9780136559894 Pearson