2 minute read

What is COVID-19 and how is it transmitted?

Lakeland College is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment. This Re-Entry Guide is applicable to the Lakeland community which includes all employees, students, contractors and visitors accessing the college. This guide has been developed to: 3


3 Minimize the risk of exposure and transmission of the COVID-19 virus on campus.

Provide awareness and information regarding the symptoms, and corresponding preventative and control measures to reduce exposure and transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Provide for rapid response if an individual develops symptoms of illness while on campus or if there is a confirmed case linked to Lakeland.

3 Communicate and outline expectations of people accessing the campus.

This guide will be updated as needed. Visit lakelandollege.a/covid19 for current information. Updated: July 15, 2020

Pandemics and COVID-19

Pandemics are worldwide outbreaks of disease such as influenza/virus. Three outbreaks of pandemic influenza (as opposed to seasonal influenza) occurred in the 20th century: 1918 (Spanish influenza), 1957 (Asian influenza), and 1968 (Hong Kong influenza). The World Health Organization assessed the outbreak of COVID-19 and declared it a global pandemic due to the rate at which the virus can spread and the risk of severe outcomes. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 is a new strain of CoV that has not been previously identified in humans and causes an infection of the nose, throat and lungs.


Lakeland is committed to protecting the health of employees, students, contractors and visitors. The Lakeland community shall be made aware of the potential risks of the COVID-19 virus and urged to protect themselves by following the precautions that are outlined in this COVID-19 Re-Entry Guide.

In addition to this guide, departments have developed guidelines specific to their areas. This includes the Bookstore, Residence Services, Student Services, Recreation and Athletics. Aramark, the provider of food services, also has a plan developed.


Support and communicate the importance of compliance with the COVID-19 Re-Entry Guide.

Health Services

Develop, maintain, and promote the COVID-19 Re-Entry Guide.

Recommend and complete updates as necessary. Act as a resource on implementation of the plan. Assist with the response to a confirmed case or outbreak on campus. Notify Alberta Health Services if there are two or more students or staff that have become symptomatic or confirmed cases with a known link.

Provide updated information and input regarding COVID-19 prevention and response.


Ensure employees and students are aware of COVID-19 Re-Entry Guide. Review the Health & Safety Risk Mitigation Plan when planning for face-to-face activities. Support and communicate this plan within their area of responsibility. Monitor the workplace to ensure that safeguards are used, precautions are taken, and work procedures are followed.

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