love to
Indigenous youth
Lakeland College alumna Linda Johnson left a legacy of making a difference in the lives of Indigenous students when she was a student at Lakeland and she continues to do so since graduating. While completing her business administration diploma, Johnson advocated for more supports for Indigenous students at Lakeland. She was involved in starting the Indigenous Student Committee as well as taking the first steps to creating the Indigenous Student Lounge at the Lloydminster campus, which opened in 2018. Along with other students on the committee, Johnson worked with Dr. Alice Wainwright-Stewart, Lakeland president and CEO, to bring awareness to Indigenous culture through many initiatives. She then went on to complete a business management degree at Lakeland in partnership with Athabasca University. “I love Lakeland,” she says. “It was amazing. We worked together to bring in more supports for Indigenous students. Dr. Wainwright-Stewart was so good to work with. She loved all of our ideas and was 100 per cent committed to helping us bring them to life.”