1 minute read

Sowing future success

Even as they stay busy with Mama Sheila’s Farm Store, neither Howlett nor Spreen have forgotten their other ambitions. In addition to her work at the shop, Spreen continues to work full time. She is a therapeutic support navigator for CASA Mental Health, which provides mental health services to Albertans ages three to 18 and their families. Spreen assists families as they transition back into the community after accessing intensive therapies offered through the agency.

Along with behind-the-scenes financial work and customer service at the shop, Howlett has continued her studies. She’s completing Lakeland’s bachelor of agriculture technology program. She is finishing her practicum, working with the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network, using weather stations and smart maps to track in-field variability.

The network shares data and expertise with farmers, industry and developers to better help in the use and development of agriculture technologies.

“I wanted to try something different,” Howlett says. “The agriculture technology degree is new and I want to use it to find something new.” That need to put themselves out there and try something new was a seed planted at Lakeland College, Spreen suggests.

“Lakeland is encouraging, telling me there’s more out there,” Spreen says. “That growth and learning mindset, that’s really helped me – helped us – in our personal careers and with the store.”

Learn more about their business at facebook.com/mamasheilasfarmstore.

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