The Canadian Experience on Ultrasound Scanning of Intravital Meat Qualities in Kazakhstan

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Introducing the Canadian Experience on Ultrasound Scanning of Intravital Meat Qualities on Pedigree Bull Calves in Kazakhstan Anuarbek Bissembayev, candidate for agricultural science PhD Research & Innovation Centre for Animal Husbandry& Veterinary LLP In order to ensure public safety of food, the development of the export potential of livestock products as well as improving the species diversity and increasing the net weight of high yielding animals in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the framework of the program "Development of Beef Export Potential " highly productive breeding cattle of foreign selection is imported. From Canada to Kazakhstan in the period from 2010 to 2011, 9626 animals of pedigree cattle were imported, including 2,708 Hereford, 3,572 Aberdeen Angus, 2,785 Holstein, 559 Charolais cattle and 2 Brown Swiss. Taking into consideration the annual increasing of high productive beef cattle of foreign and local breeding, it’s necessary to implement work on keeping and increasing the existing genetic potential of animals and further spreading genotype of the best animals among cattle population in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In connection with the foregoing, it has become necessary to study the North American experience in technologies for keeping, feeding, breeding methods with beef cattle. In December 2012, Xport International Inc. organized a practical training workshop using Canadian experience in beef cattle breeding for the specialists of the Research & Innovation Centre for Animal Husbandry& Veterinary LLP. Kazakhstani specialists visited: Hamilton Farms (Angus cattle), Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch, 3 cattle feedyards, Olds College, Lakeland College, the Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Hereford Association, Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC), and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary. When at Lakeland College, the Kazakhstani specialists visited its farm including a dairy for 50 milking cows, beef cows, sheep and student horses. They studied the technology of evaluating calves for productivity and feed intake at the Evaluation Station for 200 calves with the GrowSafe system.


Top left: Discussions with Lakeland staff. Top right: Meeting the Lakeland College academic vice president and president. Bottom left and right: The GrowSafe system.

Practical training was conducted to evaluate the quality of meat (ribeye muscle area, fat depth, marbling) using ultrasound. Training was conducted by Rod Wendorff [see photo below].

In March 2013, a Canadian specialist Rod Wendorff came to Kazakhstan to train Kazakh specialists in meat quality assessment by an ultrasound. He visited the North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station LLP on bulls of the Kazakh White-headed breed and in Agrofirma TNK LLP on Aberdeen Angus bulls.


The technology for evaluation of bull productivity studied in Canada was tested and implemented in 10 farms of Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Akmola regions [See photos above]. In 2015, a grant funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the project Intravital ultrasound scanning and post mortem assessment of the quality of carcasses of fattening and pedigree young cattle (1890 / GF-4) was won by research specialists of the Research & Innovation Centre Animal Husbandry& Veterinary LLP. In this grant project, meat qualities were evaluated (ribeye muscle area, fat depth) by ultrasound  in the farms of Kostanay region: Prirechnoye-Agro LLP (85 Kazakh Whitehead bulls), Krymskoe LLP (300 Kazakh White-head bulls), Moskalyovskoe LLP (101 Auliekol bulls)  Akmola Region: Semionovka AE LLP (62 bulls Aubrak)  North-Kazakhstan Region: Atameken Agro Timiryazovo (50 AberdeenAngus bulls). All data from these ultrasound tests for 597 bulls were entered into Information Analytical System livestock database of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( In the future, the accumulated data on carcass qualities will be used for breeding value evaluation of beef cattle (EPD, EBV). About the Republic of Kazakhstan The Republic of Kazakhstan (shortened as RK) is the country in the centre of Eurasia, mostly located in Asia, part in Europe. Population is 17,945,300. Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country, and the ninth largest in the world, with an area of 2,724,900 square kilometers, second in CIS after Russia. 3

The capital city is Astana. The largest city is Almaty with a population 1.7 million. It shares borders of 6,846 kilometers with Russia, 2,203 kilometers with Uzbekistan, 1,533 kilometres with China, 1,051 kilometers with Kyrgyzstan, and 379 kilometers with Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan is divided into fourteen regions. The cities of Almaty and Astana have status "state importance" and do not belong to any region. The climate in the republic is sharply continental, with clearly expressed seasons. The average temperature in January is -19 °C in the north and northeast to 1°C in the south. Winter in the country is little snow and cold, the temperature can reach 58°C (in the city of Atbasar, Akmola region and in the city of Pavlodar, Pavlodar region). The average temperature in July is from 17°C to 31°C, respectively. Summer in the country is hot and dry. The temperature can reach 50°C (in the city of Turkestan in the South Kazakhstan region). Cattle Breeds in Kazakhstan Kazakh White-head—this breed was developed by a large team of scientists and specialists through the reproductive crossing of local Kazakh and partly Kalmyk cattle with Herefords. The breed was created in conditions of arid steppes and semi-deserts (Kazakhstan, southeast of the Russian Federation) and was widely used in various natural, climatic and economic conditions. It was officially recognized in 1950. Animals are adapted to the conditions of the continental climate and the use of natural pastures which gives a high increase in live weight. At birth calves weigh 27 - 30 kg. The weight of adult bulls is 800 - 900 kg, (one individual was 1,100 kg), cows 500 - 550 kg, with some individuals reaching a live weight of up to 780 kg. Kazakh white-headed cattle are characterized by high meat productivity. With intensive fattening the bulls at the age of 18 months have a live weight of 540 - 550 kg, slaughter yield of 62 - 64%. With the onset of cold weather, animals become thick with hair. In summer they are well fed and by the beginning of winter they accumulate a lot of fat on the internal organs, under the skin and between the muscles.


Auliekol--It was developed in Northern Kazakhstan by a complex reproductive crossing of Kazakh white-head with Aberdeen-Angus and Charolais bulls. It was recognized as an independent breed in 1992. The breed combines the good qualities of the original breeds: large size, ability to intensive and prolonged growth, good meat of Charolais; early ripeness of meat, fecundity, hornless feature of Aberdeen Angus; adaptability to breeding conditions, fecundity, taste qualities of meat of Kazakh White-head. Animals are light gray and 70% of the population is hornless. Animals are hardy and will tolerate periods when the quantity and the quality of feed decrease. Indicators of the most important economic useful signs of the Auliekol breed:  The intensity of growth of bull calves at the age of 8 to 15 months at a 1,100g daily rate of gain  Live weight at the age of 15 - 18 months - 450 - 540 kg  The weight of the bull calf carcass at slaughter in 18 months is 300 - 310 kg  Yield of carcass - 60 - 63%  Live weight: bulls 950 – 1,050 kg  Cows 540 - 560 kg  Live weight of calves at the age of 8 months 230 - 240 kg. Aubrac--Bred originally in central France, it is one of the most common beef breeds in the Kazakhstan. The breed is well adapted to extensive production, is known for its ability to produce meat in hard-to-reach areas using medium-quality feeds. Animals are characterized by high endurance when traveling over long distances, the ability to absorb a large amount of coarse fodder, which is very important in the extensive management of livestock. Animals are light brown with light marks on the face and feet. Calves at birth weigh 35 - 40 kg. The weight of heifers at the age of 8 months 220 - 240 kg and bull calves 250 - 260 kg. Live weight of adult cows is 590 - 650 kg, bulls 850 - 950 kg. The young animals have a high growth rate and reaches 440 - 450 kg of live weight by the age of 15 months, with an average daily gain of 1,000-1,100 g. At the age of 18 months, live weight of fattening calves reaches 540 - 550 kg, slaughter yield 60 - 62%. Aubrac animals were first imported to Kazakhstan in 2011 by Semenovka AE LLP in Akmola region and in 2012 by Konyspai Agro LLP in Kostanay region.


Material and Methods of Research Research was implemented in 2013 with Rod Wendforff on evaluation station beef bulls “SOS” LLP in Akkayinsky district in North Kazakhstan region and on bulls of Kazakh White-head breed, at “Agrofarm TNK” LLP on Angus bulls. The object of research were 14 bulls of Kazakh White-head breed and 53 Angus bulls. All were clinically healthy bulls at the age of 13-14 months, with good statute and satisfactory fatness were taken for research. Intravital productivity of bulls was evaluated by taking measurements between 12 and 13 ribs with the help of ultrasound tool: ribeye area, fat depth. Thus the yield of muscle tissue was evaluated. The scanner we used (EXAGO Version 1.08) measures the depth of ribeye between 12 and 13 ribs with its conversion to rib eye area. The results of ultrasound scanning are given in table 1 and graphs 1 and 2. Table 1 – Comparison of live weight, ribeye area, fatness of pedigree bulls Kazakh White-head and Angus breeds № Breed





Live weight, kg 1

Kazakh White-head











Ribeye area, square centimetre 1

Kazakh White-head











Fat depth, mm 1

Kazakh White-head











As seen in the table, live weight of pedigree Angus bulls on average is 409.6 kg; Kazakh White-head is 346.1 kg. Angus bulls weighed 63.5 kg more than the Kazakh White-head breed. This is explained by the high genetic potential as a result of selection in the German animals. 6

Площадь мышечного глазка, кв. см

Graph 1 – Ribeye area of pedigree bulls of Kazakh White-head breed 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 0






6 7 8 Количество, гол.






83 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Плащадь мышечнго глазка, кв. см

Graph 2 – Ribeye area of pedigree Angus bulls

Количество, гол.

Ribeye area was measured with scanner in the area between 12 and 13 ribs intra vitam of bulls. In the group of Kazakh White-head breed, ribeye varied between 41.5 to 60.7 cm2. On average it’s 47.3 cm2. In the Angus bulls group ribeye varied from 48.4 to 80.5 cm2 and averaged 63.9 cm2. The index of ribeye area in the Kazakh White-head breed is on average 16.6 cm2 less than in the Angus group.


Thickness of subcutaneous fat in the two groups of bulls is almost on the same level. In the Kazakh White-head breed it’s 3.3 mm versus 3.1 mm in the Angus group. Taking into consideration the thickness of subcutaneous fat it’s possible to determine the level of animals feeding. This index shows that two groups of bulls lack protein in their diet, which could be compensated for by increasing the amount of concentrated feed per day up to 5 kg per day for pedigree bulls at the age of 13-14 months. It can be said that ration lacks protein because of the fat depth level up to 4 mm, with thickness from 5 to 14 mm – enough protein, with thickness from 15 mm and more means excess of protein in the diet. According to Canadian technology the predictable yield of muscle tissue was evaluated [see table 2]. Table 2 – Predictable yield of muscle tissue № Breed




Kazakh White-head







From table 2 it’s seen that the yield of muscle tissue is higher by 2.3 %, in pedigree Angus bulls, than in bulls of the Kazakh White-head breed. Conclusions 1. Intravital evaluation of rib eye area for Kazakh White-head breed varied from 41.5 to 60.7 cm2, on average it’s 47.3 cm2;Angus bulls from 48.4 to 80.5 сm2, on average – 63.9 cm2. 2. Fat depth of bulls from two groups is almost on the same level. In Kazakh White-head breed it’s 3.3 mm, Angus 3.1 mm. Because of the thickness of subcutaneous fat it can be said that bulls from the two groups lack protein in their ration. 3. Ultrasound scanning of intravital beef qualities of pedigree bulls allows prediction of the carcass quality.


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