COVID-19 Guidelines International Students Overview: This guideline will outline the protocol for international students arriving in Canada to follow and consider when starting the process for re-entry following the COVID-19 pandemic. Responsibilities: The Registrar, International Student Department and Residence will be responsible for overseeing the protocols/guidelines which pertain to international students arriving to Lakeland College. Updated: Sept. 21, 2022
General Transportation
1. Students will be responsible to present to the Border Services Agent their isolation plan. Students will be required to download the arrival app. 2. Students arriving in Canada to attend Lakeland College will arrange private transportation with the support of our International Department team. Private transportation will be provided from the nearest airport (possibly their first point of entry into Canada) to the students’ isolation location. This could be on campus or elsewhere, as identified in their travel plan. 3. Private transportation is defined as a vehicle from the college, taxi, uber, car rental, etc. 4. If Lakeland College is sending a driver, the driver must wear the appropriate PPE which includes a face shield and a mask. Lakeland College drivers who are picking up international students must review the Lakeland College COVID-19 Transportation policy prior to the start of their trip. 5. The student will go directly to the isolation location. Quarantine
1. Lakeland College has identified isolation spaces at both the Vermilion and Lloydminster campus residences. The space is a stand-alone accommodation. There are 8 in Vermilion and 14 in Lloydminster. A stand-alone accommodation will ensure the student is unable to interact with others during the quarantine period of 14 days. 2. Students will not be allowed outside during the quarantine period unless they can remain on private property not accessible by others. 3. Signage will be placed on Residence Isolation Door. 4. Residence Services staff will keep COVID-19 records. 5. Self-cleaning will be a requirement of students’ in isolation. Cleaning refers to removal of visible soil. Disinfecting refers to using chemical to kill germs on a surface. 1
6. Use of a wipe twice system will be requested. Wipe surfaces with a cleaning agent to clean off soil and wipe again with a disinfectant. 7. Lakeland will ensure ongoing supplies of disinfectants and wipes 8. Residence services and the international department staff will ensure the student receives groceries, prescriptions and any other potential deliveries if the student is quarantined on campus. 9. Access to counsellor, wellness coordinator will be coordinated through residence services and international department staff 10. Communication to students, who are either quarantining on campus or at another location will be made through social media platforms, Lakeland College website, Lakeland app, residence emails and emails from the international department. 11. Students will be reminded to wash their hands often with soap and water thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. 12. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available and if your hands are visibly dirty 13. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands 14. If a student becomes sick with cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat during the 14- day quarantine, they must isolate for additional 10 days from the beginning of symptoms or until they are feeling well. Whichever takes longer. Notification will be sent to the Coordinator Health services. 15. Any non-compliance with quarantine or isolation protocols will be reported to the local health authorities. 16. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze 17. Throw used tissues in the garbage and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Infection Control Measures
1. Campus population is reduced by restricting public access 2. All individuals accessing Lakeland will screen daily for COVID-19 symptoms using the Daily Assessment Tool. 3. Staff and students are accountable for their actions and must do all they can to protect themselves, others and the college from the spread of the virus. 4. Do not come on campus if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness. 5. Any individual experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 that are not related to pre-existing illness or health conditions is required by law to follow Alberta’s isolation requirements. 6. Students must notify their instructors and complete the Alberta Health Services SelfAssessment tool or Saskatchewan Health Authority Self- Assessment tool to schedule a test if they are feeling symptoms.