COVID-19 Guidelines - Rapid Response Plan

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COVID-19 Guidelines Rapid Response Plan General Statement: At Lakeland, the health and safety of our community is our top priority. COVID-19 safety guidelines have been created to ensure fair and consistent processes are established to support the Lakeland Community. Overview: This Rapid Response Plan is for faculty, staff and students who are made aware of illness or potential illness in the college community. Updated: Dec. 3, 2020 Purpose: • To establish a comprehensive rapid response plan to address outbreaks, suspected and confirmed case(s) of CODIV-19 at the College • To ensure the college community understands their responsibilities and required courses of action in response to one of the above situations • To establish communication protocols between members of the college community as well as with Alberta Health Services and our College staff. Scope: This plan is applicable to all members of the Lakeland College Community. A. Definitions Define any terminology contained in the Procedure in alphabetical order. B. Procedure COVID-19 incidents that are not occupational (i.e. occur elsewhere) will generally require an incident report to be filed but will not require an OHS investigation to be performed as it falls outside of Lakeland’s jurisdiction when an incident occurs. Procedures - Student suspects they have COVID-19 (does not live in Residence) 1. If you do display symptoms or are experiencing new onset or exacerbation of symptoms of a pre-existing medical condition, you must do the following:

a. With a face covering on, leave the college campus when safe to do so to be in isolation at home b. Notify Health Services and your Instructor c. Complete the online assessment tool for Alberta or Saskatchewan and arrange for testing d. Do not visit a hospital, clinic or health care facility without first calling ahead Procedures - Student suspects they have COVID-19 (lives in Residence) 1. If you do display symptoms and are experiencing new onset or exacerbation of symptoms of a pre-existing medical condition you must do the following: a. Contact the Manager of Residence, Residence Life Facilitator or your Resident Advisor immediately. They will help you self-isolate. b. Contact Health Services c. Complete the online assessment tool for Alberta or Saskatchewan and arrange for testing d. Do not visit a hospital, clinic or health care facility without first calling ahead e. Ensure you have a face covering on and distance from all other students and staff immediately Procedures - Student tests positive for COVID-19 (residence and nonresidence) 1. If you receive a positive test result from Alberta Health Services or Saskatchewan Health Authority: a. Isolate at home off-campus or in your dorm on campus for 10 days (Saskatchewan 14 days) after the onset of your symptoms and until you are symptom-free whichever is longer b. Inform Health Services of your test results c. Coordinate with Residence staff and family to provide support with food, medical needs etc. d. Comply with contact tracing efforts of your health authority and Lakeland College e. Support Lakeland College Safety and Environment in their investigation as required Procedures - Student tests negative for COVID-19 (residence or nonresidence) 1. If you receive a negative result you can return to class once your symptoms have resolved if you: a. Have not been in close contact of a case of COVID-19 and b. Have not returned from outside of Canada in the past 14 days and c. Have not been in close contact with a symptomatic traveler who returned from outside of Canada 2. If you receive a negative result you can return to class once you complete your required isolation and your symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer if you: a. Have been in close contact of a case of COVID-19 and b. Have returned to Alberta from outside of Canada in the past 14 days and 2

c. Have been in close contact with a symptomatic traveler who returned from outside of Canada Procedure - Staff suspects they have COVID-19 1. If you are not on campus and are experiencing new onset or exacerbation of symptoms of a pre-existing medical condition a. Do not come to campus b. Complete the Lakeland College Daily Assessment c. Notify Health Services and your Supervisor immediately d. Complete the self-assessment tool for Alberta or Saskatchewan and arrange for testing 2. If you are on campus and are experiencing new onset or exacerbation of symptoms of a preexisting medical condition a. With a face covering on, leave campus when safe to do so and go home to self-isolate b. Notify Health Services and your supervisor immediately c. Complete the Self-Assessment tool for Alberta or Saskatchewan and arrange for testing Procedure - Staff tests positive for COVID-19 1. Isolate at home for 10 days (14 days for Saskatchewan) after the onset of your symptoms or until you are symptom free whichever is longer 2. Inform Health Services of your test results 3. Comply with contact tracing efforts of your health authority and Lakeland College 4. Support Lakeland College Safety and Environment in their investigation as required Procedure - Staff tests negative for COVID-19 1. If you receive a negative result you can return to work on campus once your symptoms have resolved and you: a. Have not been in close contact of a case of COVID-19 and b. Have not returned to Alberta from outside of Canada in the past 14 days and; c. Have not been in close contact with a symptomatic traveler who returned from outside of Canada and d. Have not had laboratory exposure to a biological material known to contain COVID-19 2. If you receive a negative result, you can return to work on campus once you complete your required isolation and your symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer if you: a. Have been in close contact of a case of COVID-19 and b. Have returned to Alberta from outside of Canada in the past 14 days and c. Have been in close contact with a symptomatic traveler who returned from outside of Canada


Procedure - Contractor or vendor suspects COVID-19 1. If you do display symptoms or are experiencing new onset or exacerbation of symptoms of a pre-existing medical condition, you must do the following: a. With a face covering on, leave the college campus when safe to do so b. Follow the protocols put in place by their employer Procedure - Contractor or vendor tests positive for COVID-19 1. If a contractor or vendor tests positive for COVID-19 and they have been on Lakeland College campus within the past 2 days: a. b. c. d.

Follow the protocols of their employer Inform Lakeland College Health Services Complete an incident report and submit to Lakeland College Safety and Environment Participate in providing contact tracing info as required

Procedure - Health Services is notified of a positive employee or Student case of COVID-19 1. 2. 3. 4.

Notify SLT and await further instruction from AHS or SHA Complete incident report and submit to Safety and Environment For employees, wait for OHS to initiate required documentation for WCB/OHS if required If requested, provide information to Lakeland College Health Services based on OHS and WCB requirements

Procedure - Staff or student becomes symptomatic while in transit If an individual becomes symptomatic on a long or short trip via bus, van or college vehicle; 1. Ensure the staff or student is wearing a face covering and distancing from other occupants until arrival at the destination 2. Have symptomatic staff or student exit the bus/van upon arrival and distance themselves physically from those exiting 3. Ensure all occupants exit the bus/van or vehicle being as careful as possible not to touch points and to maintain distance 4. Have non-symptomatic travelers wash hands and change face coverings immediately 5. Immediately disinfect the bus/van/vehicle using proper protocols for disinfecting 6. Symptomatic traveler will maintain a safe distance from others and stay in a safe place until able to transport home. 7. Contact the Local Health Authority and Lakeland Health Services immediately 8. Other travelers will self-monitor for symptoms and notify Health Services if symptoms appear 9. Instructors will create and maintain a list of the contacts for all local health authorities that the bus may be passing through and contact that health authority if there is a symptomatic traveler 4

10. If any travelers develop symptoms in Alberta or within 48 hours of leaving Alberta, they must do the AHS self-assessment and follow the recommendations 11. Arrange alternate transportation for symptomatic student or staff to their home for the purposes of isolating. This will include contacting their friend or family member to come and pick them up Procedure - Bus or van driver becomes symptomatic while in transit 1. The bus or van driver must ensure they are wearing a 3-ply face covering and will park and exit the bus immediately when safe to do so. 2. The driver will instruct occupants to exit the bus to a safe area while maintaining physical distancing. 3. Driver will contact the Local Health Authority and Lakeland Health Services immediately 4. Procedures will be followed for the effective disinfecting of the bus prior to any passengers re-entering the bus 5. The driver will contact a previously determined relief driver to mobilize to the site to continue the field trip after the bus has been disinfected. 6. The symptomatic driver will arrange transportation (friend or family member) home to isolate 7. The symptomatic driver will conduct either the AHS self-assessment tool or the SK selfassessment tool and will be tested if required by the assessment to do so. 8. The driver will share the results of the test with Health Services


COVID-19 Rapid Response Plan (RRP) Framework: Levels of Response Part of the overall Rapid Response Plan, this document refers to several theoretical COVID-19 scenarios.

Levels of Response Each level of response builds on the previous level(s). These thresholds and control measures are intended as guidelines to direct Lakeland’s response under a range of possible scenarios. It is understood that a variety of factors, including physical characteristics of the space(s) involved, protective measures in place, and evolving knowledge of COVID-19, will inform a more nuanced approach should a real situation develop.

Response Level

Reporting Structure & Communications

Controls & Next Steps

Level 0 Operational Baseline

Encourage preventive measures including use of face coverings, 2m physical distancing, signage & wayfinding, declarations, training, completion of the daily assessment, etc., and follow baseline COVID-19 cleaning protocols

(No Incident)

Level 1 Document via Incident Report to Single/Isolated Safety and Environment and Incident Investigation Safety and Environment.

Maintain Level 0 controls

Instructor/Supervisor is notified and forms part of the response. Facilities (cleaning), Human Resources (HR), Marketing & Communications (M&C), etc. are also notified, but with no personal information being shared except to the extent necessary to allow each group to perform its duties in connection with Lakeland’s response to the incident. A brief status update message is sent to Lakeland community.


Individuals diagnosed with COVID19, or who have been in close contact* with an infected individual, to follow AHS or SK self- isolation/quarantine and testing protocols Follow AHS or SK Health guidance for contact tracing and enhanced cleaning measures Support AHS or SK Health information requests

Authorized By

Level 2 Initial Linked Cases (2+ Linked Cases)

Notify AHS or SK Health of linked Maintain Level 0 & Level 1 cases / outbreak. Support the rapid controls response to more detailed AHS or Follow AHS or SK Health guidance SK Health information requests. for enhanced cleaning measures. If Issue more detailed messaging to health authorities recommend room Lakeland community to increase or facility closure, cancel or vigilance for anyone in that reschedule sessions for students and building / or that was on campus staff impacted by room closure as that day. Monitor for, and respond instructed (refer to business to, social media activity with continuity plans) prepared messaging. Close nearby common areas if prudent and feasible May affect individuals in multiple lab sections or programs

Level 3 Expanding Linked Cases / Clusters

Continue to notify AHS or SK Health of additional linked cases and follow their guidance. Prepare messaging for the public in anticipation of AHS, SK Health, the Government of Alberta, or the Government of Saskatchewan discussing the evolving situation at Lakeland for ~14 days or more. Prepare substantially more detailed messaging for Lakeland community.

Maintain Level 0 & Level 1 controls Extend Level 2 closures as required by health authorities Follow AHS or SK Health guidance for enhanced cleaning measures. If AHS or SK Health recommend additional room or facility closure, cancel or reschedule sessions for students and staff impacted (refer to business continuity plans) as per public health recommendations. Assess exposure risk to nearby labs / areas / services and enact closures / cancellations (where risk exists May affect a larger group of individuals that use the affected building or area in multiple lab sections or programs

Level 4 Significant Linked Cases / Clusters

Continue to notify AHS or SK In consultation with AHS or SK Health of additional linked cases Health, close entire building(s), and follow their guidance. Continue sections of a campus, or an entire to prepare messaging in campus, for a longer period and anticipation of AHS, SK Health, cancel all activities within these the Government of Alberta, or the spaces until safe to re- open Government of Saskatchewan discussing the evolving situation at 7

Lakeland for ~14 days or more. Prepare substantially more detailed messaging for Lakeland community. Activate Emergency Response Communications Team (ERCT), the Public Information Officer (PIO) will now handle all communications internally and externally.

Enhanced cleaning as recommended by health authorities Maintain appropriate level of controls in any unaffected facilities / campuses that remain open May affect a larger group of individuals that use the affected building in multiple lab sections or programs

COVID Fatality Notify AHS, SK Health & OHS. Follow existing Emergency The Lakeland College Re-entry subcommittee will prepare Not linked to a messaging for Lakeland specific response community, the Public, etc. level (1-4)

Operations Centre (EOC) COVID19 Fatality Contingency Plan and existing Lakeland Deceased Student/Staff Procedures Prepare (mental) health resources & supports for staff & students Assign a liaison (single point of contact) for friends and family

* Close contact is defined as contact with an infected individual within 2m for more than 15 minutes, without facial coverings worn by both/all parties or without other appropriate barriers used **Educational activities at Lakeland in summer and fall 2020 include a combination of online and face-to-face classes and hands on labs. Use of the word lab in this document does not limit the type of room or space that may be affected by COVID-19.

Other Steps We’re Taking 1. Encouraging the postponing of long-distance field trips wherever possible 2. Encouraging departments to create plans for rapid response specific to their department/program travel plans using AHS guidance documents 3. Ensuring a supply of procedural/surgical face masks to provide to those experiencing symptoms 4. Encouraging the college community to review the following Alberta Government Guidance on the use of Chartered buses and rideshares. Issues of Non-Compliance and Notification of Authorities Procedure - Staff or student with confirmed case of COVID is found in violation of isolation/quarantine requirements: 8

1. Approach the COVID-19 positive individual but remain at minimum a 2 meter distance from them. 2. Remind them that the Provincial and Federal Health Authorities require that they isolate and that they should immediately go back to their isolation room or go home immediately to isolate 3. If the individual refuses to comply, call Health Services immediately. 4. Health services will contact the local authority and detail the issue of non-compliance. This can be done by calling 1 833 415 9179 5. Fill out an incident report and file it with Safety and Environment 6. Await further instruction from AHS on follow up actions. 7. Refer to the staff and student code of conduct for LLC disciplinary measures

Exceptions There are no Exceptions to this plan.

Related Forms/Documents • • • • • • • •

COVID 19 Guidance for Post-Secondary Institutions ( Managing Illness Plan Health and Safety Risk Mitigation Plan Lakeland College COVID Re-entry Guide Lakeland College Rapid Response Flow Chart Lakeland College Pandemic Plan and Procedures Re-Open Saskatchewan: A Plan to Re-Open the Provincial Economy ( •

Revision History Created September 18, 2020


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