Lakeland College Health & Safety Policy

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Policy Name: Health and Safety Policy

Policy Number: 2.15

Policy Owner: President

Policy Lead: Director, HR

Policy Authority and Approval Date:

Leadership Committee: August 16, 2019

A. Policy Statement Lakeland College is committed to safeguarding all employees, faculty, students, contractors, vendors and visitors. We strive to be a steward of safety in the post-secondary education sector and communities in which we are located. To the greatest extent possible, Lakeland College Management will provide the mechanical and physical facilities required for personal health and safety, in keeping with the highest standards of each employee and student at the College. Only through a cooperative effort of Senior Management, Supervisors, Employees and Students can a safety program for all be established and serve the best interests of the College community. This process begins with proper attitudes and committed communication towards injury and illness prevention. The purpose of this policy is to: a) Define the roles and responsibilities for occupational health and safety within the College community; b) Identify accountability for establishing a system to facilitate the protection of members of the College community from accidents and hazards; and c) Comply with applicable laws. B. Scope Statement This policy applies to Managers, Supervisors, Owners, Employees, Contractors, Students, and Volunteers. C. Definitions Board - the Board of Governors of the College. Code - the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code. Contractor - an individual, corporation, or other entity who agrees to furnish materials to, or perform services for, the College for consideration. Employee - an individual employed to do work who receives or is entitled to wages. Manager - an Employee who has management responsibility. For clarity, this term includes an academic staff member or a management and professional staff member who has management responsibility. All members of the Leadership Team are Managers. 1

OHS Act - means the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta 2018 (as amended from time to time). OHSMS - the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and includes all components (e.g. procedures, instructions, directives, programs, standards) of the OHSMS. Owner - means the person who is registered under the Land Titles Act as the owner of the land on which work is being carried out or may be carried out. In reference of this policy, the owner is also the Board of Directors of the College. Regulation - means the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation of Alberta (as amended from time to time). Supervisor - an individual who supervises or directs the work of Employees. SLT – Senior Leadership Team. Volunteer - an individual who, on a voluntary basis, provides a service or materials to the College whether or not for pay or reward. D. Procedure General Occupational health and safety considerations will be incorporated into daily job duties and business decisions. Safety considerations will be made at the job design stage. Individuals, corporations, and other entities subject to this policy will cooperate in the success of the OHSMS by complying with the OHS Act, the Regulation, the Code, all other applicable laws, this policy and all components of the OHSMS. Violations Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in College policy, collective agreements and law. Roles and Responsibilities The Board is responsible for establishing Occupational Health and Safety policies consistent with applicable laws. The Director (Human Resources) is responsible for: a) Having systems in place to protect the occupational health and safety of the College community; b) Establishing and maintaining the OHSMS so that operational activities are managed in a manner consistent with applicable law and this policy; c) Ensuring, as far as it is reasonably practicable to do so, that the OHSMS describes the responsibilities of Employees, Contractors, students, visiting scholars and Volunteers under the OHS Act, the Regulation, the Code, and all other applicable laws. The Health, Safety and Environment Team is responsible for: a) Knowing and understanding the College’s obligations under the OHS Act, the Regulation, the Code, and all other applicable laws; b) Administering the OHSMS; c) Monitoring compliance with the OHSMS including procedures relating to: i. Hazard identification and control; ii. Workplace inspections; and 2

d) e) f) g) h)

iii. Incident investigations. Conducting inspections or investigations relating to occupational health and safety when required; Developing and coordinating on matters relating to occupational health and safety; Promoting awareness of the OHS Act, the Regulation, the Code, all other applicable laws, this policy, and all components of the OHSMS; Acting as a resource to the College community on matters relating to occupational health and safety; and Collaborating on, and participating in, the College’s emergency response plan.

Managers and Supervisors are responsible for facilitating the protection of the health and safety of people within their areas of responsibilities by: a) Knowing and understanding the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility; b) Communicating and reinforcing this policy and the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility; c) Complying with the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility; and d) Implementing the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility into the unit-specific standard operating procedures. Employees, Volunteers, and Students are responsible for: a) Knowing and understanding their obligations under the OHSMS; b) Taking reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions; c) Carrying out their work, research, or study in accordance with the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility; and d) Reporting workplace hazards. Contractors are responsible for: a) Knowing and understanding their obligations under the OHSMS; b) Knowing and understanding their obligations under the OH Act, Regulation and Code and all other applicable laws pertaining to their scope of operations. c) Taking reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions; d) Carrying out their work, research, or study in accordance with the components of the OHSMS that apply to their areas of responsibility; and e) Reporting workplace hazards.

E. Related Policies/Procedures HR 2.04-1 Code of Conduct Procedure STU 5.11 Student Code of Conduct Procedure STU 5.57 Student Discipline Procedure

The OHSMS program includes all related standards, procedures and guidelines. These documents are available on Public Folders under H&S.


F. Relevant Legislation Alberta Labour Employment Standards Code, 2018 Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act, Code, Regulation, 2018 Alberta Workers Compensation Act, 2018

G. Related Forms/Documents Lakeland College Safety Manual and its appendices


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