COVID19 Re-entry Student Orientation - updated dec 17

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WELCOME TO CAMPUS COVID-19 Lakeland Orientation For Students Updated Dec. 17, 2020

TAKE THE LEAD You play a critical role in stopping the spread of COVID-19. By following our health and safety guidelines you protect yourself and others. Information from Alberta Health Services and Saskatchewan Health Authority was referenced to develop our guidelines.

PREPARING FOR YOUR ARRIVAL The health and safety of the Lakeland community is our top priority as classes take place on campus. There are processes you’re required to follow while on campus.

RESOURCES ONLINE The first place to go for information and updates about COVID-19 is You’ll find: • All COVID-19 updates • COVID-19 Re-Entry Guide • Health & Safety Risk Mitigation Planning • Daily Assessment Tool • Classroom Safety Procedure • COVID-19 Lakeland Orientation

WATCH THIS VIDEO Watch this brief video from the World Health Organization on how COVID-19 is spread and how to protect yourself. Please click on the link above.

SCREENING AND PREVENTION Before leaving for campus, all students and employees are required to complete the Daily Assessment found at, and the Lakeland College and Lakeland Safe apps. Anyone who answers yes to any question on the daily assessment: • Must not come to campus • Must complete the Alberta Health Services selfassessment or Saskatchewan Health Authority self-assessment • Must let their instructor or chair know the recommendations The instructor or chair will let Lakeland’s Health Services department know the results of the self-assessment.

IF SYMPTOMATIC WHILE ON CAMPUS If, while on campus, you become symptomatic: • Wear a face covering, follow hand hygiene and move to an isolated area away from others. • Inform your instructor • Once able to do so, leave the building via an isolated route to minimize exposure and go directly to your home or residence • If you live in residence, inform a Residence Services staff member • Complete the Alberta Health Services selfassessment or Saskatchewan Health Authority self-assessment Attendance will be taken during all in-person classes for contact tracing purposes.

KEY MEASURES TO REDUCE THE SPREAD 1. Physical distancing 2. Hand hygiene 3. Increased cleaning and sanitation 4. Wearing a face covering

PHYSICAL DISTANCING We can accomplish this by: • Staying 2 metres apart • Reducing the number of people in rooms and buildings • Following signage cues • Avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes

HAND HYGIENE Hand hygiene helps prevent the spread of the disease. • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds • If hand washing station is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (minimum 60% alcohol) • Avoid touching your face


CLEANING & DISINFECTING Classroom and lab areas have protocols that require users to wipe down areas pre- and post-usage. Check with your instructor for protocol in your program.

A plan is in place for enhanced cleaning and disinfection of hightraffic areas and high-touch surfaces at Lakeland by our caretaking team.

3-PLY FACE COVERING (NON-MEDICAL) 3-ply face coverings are required when inside a campus building. They must also be worn outside when physical distancing isn’t possible. * Recreation and residence facilities have specific guidelines

Guidelines change often. The latest requirements are available at

GET IT RIGHT 3-ply face coverings must be worn properly to be effective. Remember to keep nose, mouth and chin covered at all times Remove if wet, torn or dirty


Stay 2 metres apart and follow signage cues

Wash your hands frequently

Wear a 3-ply face covering (non-medical) indoors, even if physical distancing is possible

Wear a 3-ply face covering (non-medical) outdoors when physical distancing is not possible

Complete the Daily Assessment online before you arrive on campus or leave residence

Stay home if you are ill

If you become sick on campus, isolate yourself, let your instructor know, and leave the building via an isolated route to minimize exposure. Go directly to your home or residence.

Visit for updates

LIVING IN RESIDENCE To ensure the wellbeing of residents, Residence has: • Reduced capacity • Adopted an enhanced cleaning and disinfecting schedule • Restricted building access to residents only • Dedicated isolation rooms for symptomatic residents More information is available from the Residence team or online at

4 KEY POINTS • Stay 2 metres apart from others • Practice good hand hygiene • Wear a 3-ply face covering (non-medical) indoors on campus. When outdoors, wear a face covering when physical distancing isn’t possible. • Complete the Daily Assessment before leaving home Remember – guidelines sometimes change. Visit for updates

THANKS • Thank you for completing this online orientation. If you have any questions, email • Please help us track your completion of this orientation by filling out a confirmation form

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