Lake Macquarie City Council Annual Report 2020-2021

Page 107

STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT This summary outlines Council’s results for 2020-2021 in implementing the Lake Macquarie City Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2027 (ESSAP 2020-2027). It provides a trend and condition report on the priority environmental sustainability themes: • p rotecting and enhancing our natural landscapes • s upporting resilient communities • c reating a sustainable city and communities • r esponsible consumption and production.

Environmental trends

For each of the priority environmental issues, we provide the overall trend based on three indicators: declining, stable or improving.


For each of the priority environmental issues, we also provide a high-level rating: poor, moderate or good.

IMPROVING the condition is

GOOD data shows a positive or healthy environmental condition

STABLE the condition stayed

the same compared to the last reporting period

MODERATE data shows the environmental condition is neither good nor poor, or results may be mixed across the city

DECLINING the condition is

POOR data indicates poor

better compared to the last reporting period

worse compared to the last reporting period

environmental condition or condition under significant stress



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