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Legislation and policy frameworks
and policy frameworks
The following table provides a high-level overview of legislation and policies that are relevant in preparing and implementing the Foreshore Management Plan (and undertaking works on the foreshore).
This table may look onerous at first; however a key purpose of the Plan is to help navigate and simplify the regulatory and approval processes. For further information on legislation, plans and policies visit Council’s website and/or legal information resources such as AustLII (www.austlii.edu.au)
Coastal Management Act 2016
State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018 (Coastal SEPP)
Crown Land Management Act 2016 Marine Estate Management Act 2014 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Marine Estate Management Strategy 2018-2028 Crown Land Management Regulation 2018 Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan 2016
Fisheries Management Act 1994
Lake Macquarie Coastal Zone Management Plan 2015-2023 Local Government Act 1993 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LMLEP 2014) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 (LMDCP 2014) Heritage Act 1977 Lake Macquarie Foreshore Stabilisation and Rehabilitation Guideline 2013 (under review)
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 NSW Fisheries Policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management 2013 Imagine Lake Mac 2050 and Beyond 2020 Lake Macquarie Aboriginal Heritage Management Strategy 2011 Environmentally friendly seawalls: A guide to improving the environmental value of friendly seawalls and seawall-lined foreshores in estuaries 2009 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure 2007) (Infrastructure SEPP) Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
• The prioritisation matrix and map (outlined earlier in Part B – Figure 2) • A set of five potential concept designs to consider a useful basis for potential treatment options that might be applied to stretches of foreshore between Belmont South and Marks Point. • The foreshore map (Figure 3 below) providing an overlay of the five concept treatment designs ie: where they might be suitable for application along the various sections of the Marks Point
Belmont South foreshore • Detailed drawings (plan, elevation and photo-overlay) of each of the five concept designs • A set of guiding principles and recommendations to assist with designing, planning (including approval) and constructing suitable foreshore designs.
Concept design name Page number with concept drawing and details Description Application Comments Indicative cost estimate ($/linear meter) #
Design 1 - Sand Trapping Rock Fillets 18-21 A mix of ‘informal’ hard engineered and natural systems. Sand or pebble beach allowing easy foreshore access. Interspersed with rock fillets (mini groynes) to reduce erosion. Native planting to mimic natural systems. Suited to gentler sloping foreshore areas with reasonable width to allow current public access and room for adaptation + wave dissipation + wrack breakdown + biodiversity + access + lower construction cost to construct, maintain depending on site characteristics. + ease of adaptation to rising lake levels - potentially more susceptible to storm event damage. Monitoring and maintenance essential. $150-$300
Design 2 - Saltmarsh & Sandstone Boulders 22-25 A mix of ‘informal’ engineered and natural systems. Sand or pebble beach allowing easy foreshore access. interspersed with boulder outcrops (mini groynes) to reduce erosion and provide secure foundation for native planting of saltmarsh to mimic natural systems. Suited to gentler sloping foreshore areas with reasonable width to allow current public access and room for adaptation + wave dissipation + wrack breakdown + biodiversity + lower construction cost + access $50-$100
Concept design name Page number with concept drawing and details Description Application Comments Indicative cost estimate ($/linear meter) #
Design 3 - Sandstone Block & Boulder
Design 4 - Deck & Revetment 26-29 A mix of hard engineered and natural elements. Providing formal edge to foreshore land and lake edge. Preferable alternative to vertical seawall. Provides for formal lake access and drainage integration Suited to steep, actively eroding foreshore with narrow access Can be designed to manage high wave impact + wave dissipation + wrack breakdown + Biodiversity + Access + reasonable cost to construct, maintain depending on site characteristics. + ease of adaptation to rising lake levels - Tends toward hard engineered rather than natural treatment $300-$600
30-33 Construction of engineered rock revetment with deck – requires detailed engineering on pier footing and drainage Suited to steep, actively eroding foreshore with narrow access Can be designed to manage high wave impact Deck and revetment can be raised with rising lake levels + wave dissipation + wrack breakdown + Sun permeability + Biodiversity + Access - Expensive to construct, maintain and potentially adapt - Hard engineered rather than natural treatment $2500-$3500
Mangrove Seawall 34-37 Natural colonisation of the foreshore and/ or planting of native species to provide vegetated lake edge Primarily suited for areas where public access between the foreshore and the lake is limited and/or not required + mimics natural systems + biodiversity + water quality + reasonable cost to construct and maintain depending on site characteristics - access may be limited $50-$100
# Costs above are indicative costs for material only per linear meter of foreshore treatment. They are based on widths shown in the drawings. Final costs will vary considerably based on a site-by-site basis. Costs are for initial construction only and do not include ongoing maintenance and/or future modification in response to projected lake level rise. No allowance has been made for working in locations where access is difficult.
Labour has not been included. Design, engineering and approval costs have not been included and may vary considerably from site to site.