1 minute read

1.2. What Does the Strategy Cover?

The Parks and Play Strategy covers:

Parks that are owned and/ or managed by Council

Playspaces that are owned and/ or managed by Council

What is a Park?

A Park is a parcel of community land that Council manages and maintains as parkland for the benefit of our residents and visitors. These spaces are accessible to the public to enjoy active and passive recreation, outdoor activities, nature appreciation, social gathering and physical activity. Parks are usually grassed areas embellished with trees and/ or landscaping and often include facilities, such as barbeques, picnic facilities, play equipment, exercise equipment and/ or special features.

Lake Macquarie currently has 158 parks ranging in type and size from large, major destination parks such as Speers Point Park, to smaller parks servicing local communities.

What is a Playspace?

A playspace is a defined space purposely developed for children’s play. Playspaces are most often located within a park and include the area and facilities surrounding the play equipment. Playspaces can range in size from small, local level playspaces that include some play equipment and surrounding softfall, to larger, regional scale playspaces that may include a diversity of play equipment for different ages, grassed areas, sensory and nature-play spaces, shade and seating.

Lake Macquarie has 114 playspaces.

The Strategy does NOT cover:

Sports fields Bushland and nature reserves Crown Land not managed by Council Private parks and playgrounds

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