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Calendar of Events
3 • A support group meets at Lake Ozark Christian Church (LOCC) each Wednesday, at 6 p .m . beginning February 3 . The “Grief Matters” series is open to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, whether recently or if it has been some time ago . Pastor Ron Trimmer will lead the series which offers help to those suffering through the grief process . The group meets in the church All Purpose Room located at 1560 Bagnell Dam Blvd .
6 • The Abbey Road Warriors will be performing at the Royal Theatre at 7 p .m . Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students/children (ages 3-18) . Call 573-378-6226 for more information or go to www .theroyaltheatre .com .
8, 15, 22 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday . Doors open at 11 a .m ., play at 12:30 p .m . No concessions . Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are required . No Smoking in building . For more information, call 573-374-4781 .
13 • Home Grown Fishing Market will be held from 9 a .m .-3 p .m . at the Community Christian Church in Camdenton . Custom and handmade fishing tackle from Missouri craftsmen will be for sale . Guest speakers and lure raffles will be held . To be a vendor call 847707-1917 . Cost to enter is $5 . All entry fees go to support five Camdenton area charities .
14 • Renew your wedding vows for free at Bridal Cave from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . For more information, go to www .bridalcave . com .
15-20 • The 25th annual Winterfest will be hosted by the Lake Ozark Daybreak Rotary . The theme this year is “Then and Now .” The event is an online virtual auction opening Feb . 15 at 8 a .m . and closing at 10 p .m . on Feb . 20 . For more information, call 636-3465086 or go to www .daybreakrotary .org .
19-21 • The annual Lake of the Ozarks Mardi Gras Pub Crawl will be held over several days this year . The LOZ Mardi Gras Pub Crawl Passport will be held at participating venues for three days . Participants using the App will be entered into various prize drawings if they visit half of the participating stops . Those who visit all stops will be entered into prize drawings as well as the chance to win a $1,000 cash prize . For more information, go to www . lakepubcrawl .com .
21 • The Lake of the Ozarks Wedding Expo will be held at the Lodge of Four Seasons Granada Room . From noon-3 p .m . Vendors, food tastings, a fashion show, and prizes will be available . For more information, go to www .getmarriedatthelake .com/wedding-expo .
26 & 27 • The Home, Business & Lifestyle Expo will be held at the Lodge of Four Seasons Campana Hall . Hours are 3-7 p .m . Friday and 9 a .m .-5 p .m . Saturday . A wide range of products and services will be on display from vendors . For more information, go to www . camdentonchamber .com/ home-business-lake-livingexpo .
27 • The annual Polar Plunge will be held at the Lake of the Ozarks State Park #2 in Osage Beach . Plungers jump into the Lake at 2 p .m . with the parade of costumes happening beforehand . Participants must be at least 10 years old and raise a minimum of $75 by event day . Money raised goes to Special Olympics Missouri . The theme this year is “Jurassic Times Call for Jurassic Plungers .” For more information, go to www . somo .org .
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday . Doors open at 11 a .m ., play at 12:30 p .m . No concessions . Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are required . No Smoking in building . For more information, call 573-374-4781 .
3 • Pizza for a Purpose will be held at Redhead Lakeside Grill . Food, a silent auction and prizes will be held . Tickets are $10 before March 1 or $15 after . The event benefits the Children’s Learning Center . Go to CLC Pizza for a Purpose Auction on Facebook for more information .
6 • The 19th annual Lake of the Ozarks Eagle Days will be held at the Regalia Hotel & Conference Center and Osage National . This year it is a one-day event will feature programs from The Dickerson Park Zoo and the World Bird Sanctuary . Go to www .lakeoftheozarkseagledays .com for a full schedule .
6 • The Spring Garage Sale at the Camden County Museum will be held from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . Vendors will have booths with a variety of merchandise for sale . For more information, go to www .camdencountymuseum .org .
6 • The Tri-County YMCA will host the 3rd annual Whobilation 5K at 9 a .m . Cost is $35 and includes a Seuss-style brunch . For more information, call 573-348-9230 or email ksovcik@lakeymca .org .
10 • The Museum Farm Market and Bazaar is open from the season every Wednesday through December from 3-7 p .m . at the Camden County Museum . Many vendors fill the museum and (in favorable weather) the lawn . Call 618447-0726 for more information . A meal is available for a nominal charge .Check the facebook page of the market for the menu of the evening .
11 • The Lake of the Ozarks Convention & Visitor Bureau annual dinner will be held at Margaritaville Lake Resort from 5-8 p .m . . Cost is $35 per person . RSVP required to attend . There will be dinner, presentations and silent auction . For more information, call 573-348-1599 . 12 • Pizza for a Purpose will be held at RedHead Lakeside Grille . The event benefits the Children’s Learning Center in Camdenton . Food, a silent auction, prizes and entertainment will be held . Tickets are $10 before Marh 1 or $15 after . Go to www .clcforkids .org .
13 • The annual Lake Ozark St . Patrick’s Day Parade will begin at 1 p .m . on the Bagnell Dam Strip .
13 • The St . Patrick’s Parade on the Water will begin at Captain Ron’s with the Blessing of the Fleet at 9:30 a .m . and takeoff at 10 a .m . Decorate your boat and crew and join in the parade making stops at various waterfront restaurants . For more information, go to lakewestchamber .com/stpats-water-parade .
13 • The St . Pat’s Pub Crawl on the west side of the Lake will be held . Wrist bands are sold to ride buses to more than 12 participating locations . For more information, go to www . lakewestchamber .com .
20 • The Lake West Business Expo will be held at Lake Christian Academy in Sunrise Beach . Local businesses will showcase their products and services from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . Sponsored by the Lake West Chamber of Commerce, the event is free . For more information, go to www .lakewestchamber .com .
25 • The Civil War & More Round-table Discussion Group meets the fourth Thursday of each month, March through October . For more information call the museum at 573-3467191 or visit www .camdencountymuseum .org .
27 • The Camden County Museum is hosting a Spring Craft Show from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . Many crafters with a variety of items for sale . Admission is free . Lunch available for donation . For more information or booth availability call 573-346-7191 or www .camdencountymuseum .org .