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Foxxy Roxy Sports Bar at the Regalia Hotel and Conference Center
250 Racquet Club Rd. Lake Ozark; 723-3000 theregaliahotel.com
Hero’s Junction 27560 Hwy. Y Rocky Mount; 392-5850 Lucky’s 1140 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6550
Lucy’s at the Lake 1311 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1711
Marty Byrde’s 1286 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 240-2274 martybyrde.com
The Nauti Pirate 1165 N. Bus. Rte. 5 Camdenton; 317-9565 thenautipirate.org
Oh Tommy’s Irish Pub 6285 N. State Hwy. 7 Roach; 347-3133 ohtommysirishpub.com
The Office Neighborhood Pub 4460 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 693-1555
Scuttlebutt Bar & Grill 91 East Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-4994
S.N.A.F.U. 1275 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1693
Tirebiters Peanut Pub 4704 Jayhawk St. Osage Beach; 552-8842
Viking Post 306 2097 State Rd. Y Linn Creek; 317-1109 whiskers 944 West Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-6100 whittle’s Pub & Grub 108 S. Maple St. Eldon; 392-5900 wicked willie’s Sports Grill

5384 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1777 wickedwilliessportsgrill.com willowes 2010 State Rd. A Montreal; 346-6197 woody’s Tavern
5834 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0545
Backwater Jack’s
18 MM of the Main Channel 4341 Beach Dr. Osage Beach; 348-6639 backwaterjacks.com
Bear Bottom Resort
38 MM of the Main Channel Lake Road 5-36 Sunrise Beach; 374-6905 bearbottomresort.com
Boathouse Lakeside Bar & Grill
3 MM of the Main Channel 107 Village Marina Rd./W-20 Eldon; 552-9496
Bobber’s Restaurant at Alhonna Resort
8 MM of the Main Channel 677 Outer Drive Lake Ozark; 365-2634 thealhonnaresort.com
Boondockz at Lazy Dayz Resort
45 MM of the Main Channel 267 Runaway Dr. Climax Springs, 345-4590 runawayresort.com
Bulldog’s Beach House
33 MM of the Main Channel 121 Teton Ln. Camdenton; 873-3311 bulldogsbeachhouse.com
Captain Ron’s Bar & Grill
34.5 MM of the Main Channel 82 Aloha Ln. Sunrise Beach; 374-5852 captainronsatthelake.com
Coconuts Caribbean Beach Bar & Grill
7 MM of the Gravois Arm 15208 Red Hollow Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-6500 coconutsatthelake.com
4 MM of the Main Channel 245 Wheelhouse Ct. Lake Ozark; 693-1633 docknockers.com
Dog Days Bar & Grill
19 MM of the Main Channel 1232 Jeffries Rd. Osage Beach; 348-9797 dogdays.ws
Fish & Company (The)
31 MM of the Main Channel 268 Wego Fish Ln. Camdenton; 873-0022 thefishandcompany.com
Franky and Louie’s 10 MM of the Main Channel 1028 Deer Valley Rd. Sunrise Beach; 374-5750 frankyandlouies.com