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Calendar of Events

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Fishing Report

Fishing Report

CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 4 p .m . Many crafters with a variety of items for sale . Admission is free . Lunch available for donation . For more informa19 • The Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild will tion or booth availability call 573-346host charity knitting from 11 a .m .-3 p .m . 7191 or www .camdencountymuseum . at FLocks Yarn and Fabric on N Rte 5, org . Camdenton . Snacks to share optional . For more information call 573-873-2233 . 27 • The 5th annual Bridge and Dam Half Marathon, 5K and 10K will be held from 20 • The Lake West Business Expo will Bagnell Dam across the Community Toll be held at Lake Christian Academy in Bridge . For complete details, go to www . Sunrise Beach . Local businesses will BridgeandDamHalfMarathon .com . showcase their products and services from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . Sponsored by the 27 & 28 • The Early Bird Open Buddy Lake West Chamber of Commerce, the Bass Tournament will be held at Alhonna event is free . For more information, go to Resort from 7 a .m .-4 p .m . For more inwww .lakewestchamber .com . formation and to register, go to thealhonnaresort .com . 20 • Great Stone Coffeehouse has their monthly Old-Time Radio Theatre . Doors open at 6 p .m . Enjoy entertaining OldTime Radio-type shows by our talented Great Stone Players, including the popular adventures of “Blast Burton: Radar Rocket Ranger from the 26th Century,” written by our very own Matt Clemmons . For more information, call Beth at 913909-8603 or Will at 573-462-6623 . 21 & 28 • Bingo on Sundays at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach (5161 Osage Beach Parkway) Doors open 2 p .m . with bingo at 3 p .m . Food and beverages available . For more information, call 573-348-3798 . 22, 29 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday . Doors open at 11 a .m ., play at 12:30 p .m . No concessions . Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are required . No Smoking in building . For more information, call 573-374-4781 . 23,30 • Drop in knitting/crochet is held from 10 a .m .-3 p .m . at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach . All skill levels welcome . For more information call 573-374-6927 . 25 • Sit-N-Knit/Crochet (all skill levels) is held Thursdays 12-4 p .m . at Flocks Yarn and Fabric, located at 1161 N Bus Rte 5 Camdenton . For more information, call Kristina at 573-873-2233 . 25 • The Civil War & More Round-table Discussion Group meets the fourth Thursday of each month, March through October . For more information call the museum at 573-346-7191 or visit www . camdencountymuseum .org . 27 • The Camden County Museum is hosting a Spring Craft Show from 9 a .m . -



1-4 • Missouri’s largest swap meet is held at Jacob’s Cave from 7 a .m .-10 p .m . For more information, go to www .jacobscave .com .

4,11,18 & 25 • Bingo is held on Sundays at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach (5161 Osage Beach Parkway) . Doors open at 2 p .m . with Bingo at 3 p .m . Food and beverages available . For more information call 573-348-3798 .

4, 11, 18 & 25 • Bingo on Sundays at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach (5161 Osage Beach Parkway) Doors open 2 p .m . with bingo at 3 p .m . Food and beverages available . For more information, call 573-348-3798 .

5, 12, 19, 26 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday . Doors open at 11 a .m ., play at 12:30 p .m . No concessions . Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are required . No Smoking in building . For more information, call 573-374-4781 .

6, 13,20,27 • Drop in knitting/crochet is held from 10 a .m .-3 p .m . at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach . All skill levels welcome . For more information call 573-374-6927 .

8 • Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting from 11 a .m .-2 p .m . at the Key’s in Camdenton . Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level . For more information go to www . lakefiberarts .com or email lakefiberarts@ gmail .com .

10 • The first annual Quarter Auction & Dinner for the Tri-County YMCA will be held at the Lodge of Four Seasons . Bids & Bubbly will consist of dinner, cocktails, a quarter auction and live auction . Tickets are $60/person for entry . Bring quarters for quarter auction . Doors open at 5 p .m ., dinner is at 6 p .m . and the auction starts at 6:45 p .m . For more information, call 573-348-9230 .

15-17 • The 71st annual Dogwood Festival will be held at Ozarks Amphitheater, and other venues where crafts, pageants, food, and entertainment will be held . For more information, go to www . camdentonchamber .com .

16 • The Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild will host charity knitting from 11 a .m .-3 p .m . at FLocks Yarn and Fabric on N Rte 5, Camdenton . Snacks to share optional . For more information call 573-873-2233 .

16 & 17 • A melodrama and spaghetti supper will be held at 5:30 p .m . at the Camden County Museum in Linn Creek . Cost is $15/person . The performance of “Parted on her Wedding Morn” begins at 7 p .m . with doors opening at 5 p .m . For more information, go to www .camdencountymuseum .org .

16-18 • The Lake of the Ozarks Marine Dealers hosts the In-Water Boat Show at Dog Days . Hours are 1-7 p .m . Friday, 10 a .m .-7 p .m . Saturday, and 10 a .m .-4 p .m . Sunday . For more information, go to www .lakeozarkboatdealers .com .

17 & 18 • The Spring Big Bass Bash will be held for amateur anglers for a chance to win big money . Weigh-in stations are located at PB2, Red Oak Resort, Alhonna Resort and Point Randall Resort . For more information, go to midwestfishingtournaments .com .

24 • Wine in the Vines 5K & 1K Fun Walk will be held at Seven Springs Winery . Enjoy a run through the vines and a glass of wine at the finish line during the 5K or take a leisurely walk stopping at five tasting stations during the 1K . You can also register to do both . Proceeds go to the Children’s Learning Center in Camdenton . For more information, go to www . sevenspringswinery .com/wine-in-thevines .

30-May 2 • The33rd annual Magic Dragon Street Meet will be held on the Bagnell Dam Strip . This show brings all makes, models and years of cars, trucks and motorcycles to be judged in a variety of categories . For more information, go to www .magicdragoncarshow .com .

BOATING Seminar focuses on safety

One-day event brings information to the public: May 15 at the Lodge of Port Arrowhead

Get ready for the boating season by fine tuning your skills behind the helm during a Water Safety Seminar held May 15 at the Lodge of Port Arrowhead. Vendors with boating information, guest speakers and door prizes will be a part of the program from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. This free event will give the public the chance to meet Lisa Thomas, District 124 State Representative; visit with the Missouri Highway Patrol Marine Division; and the United States Coast Guard. Attendees will be able to take tours of the USCG and Water Patrol Boats, as well as fire boats and Tow Boat US.

Guest speakers and topics will include: •  United States Coast Guard/Missouri Water Patrol: Responsibilities on Lake of the Ozarks • Mike Kenagy, Lake of the Ozarks Marine Dealers Association • Camilla Molica/The Brian and Nathan Keese Story, wife and mother of Brian and Nathan who lost their lives on a Missouri waterway and how the loss safes lives today • Darin Keim, a personal account of how a life jacket could have saved his friend’s life • Jeremy Anderson/Big Thunder Marine, performance boat safety • Lake Regional Health System, what you need to know if an accident occurs on the water • Jim Dill, hazards on the water • Michael Boyd/LOZ Association of Electrical Contractors, electrical hazards and steps to resolve them • Mark Amsinger/Lake Ozark Fire Department Chief and Captain Travis Coleman/Tow Boat, who to call when a boat breaks down or for an emergency

A continental breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. with the program beginning at 8:30 a.m.

For more information call Doug Beck at 573-216-8141 or email info@lozwatersafetycouncil.com. Register at lozwatersafetycouncil.com/events.

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