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Calendar of Events

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY “Americana,” with a presentation of songs that will bring back memories . The Camden County Museum in Linn Creek Anyone who is interested in learning . concert will be at 2 p .m . at Our Savior’s more about the Civil War, Post Civil War 14 • Hot Summer Nights will be held on Lutheran Church in Camdenton . Admis- and the Indian Wars is welcome to attend . the Bagnell Dam Strip from 5-10 p .m . sion is free but a free-will offering will be This is the first event of the summer, taken . with additional events held on the second Friday of the month through September . 20 • The Newcomers/Longtimers Club For more information, go to Hot Summer will host their monthly luncheon at 11 Nights - Lake of the Ozarks, MO on Face- a .m . at the Inn at Grand Glaize . Ladies book . who own a business can advertise at this luncheon by bringing business cards, 15 • A Classic Boat and Engine Rendez- flyers, catalogs, etc . but nothing will be vous will be held at Margaritaville Lake sold . Social hour will begin at 11 a .m . with Resort . The show is free and will be held the business meeting at 11:30 a .m . Lunch from 11 a .m .-3 p .m . The show is pre- is served at noon . Guest speaker will be sented by the Heartland Classics Chapter Jessica Rozier . She’ll be speaking on the of ACBS . For more information, go to “Period Poverty Project .” Changing Table www .heartlandclassics .org . will be the charity of the month . Reservations must be made no later than May 15 • A Car Show Benefit for the Camden 16 and the cost is $20 . For information, County Museum will be held from 9 a .m . - contact Iris Wright at 314-221-1525 . 2 p .m . Free admission . For more information, go to www .camdencountymuseum . 22 • An audience participation mystery org . presentation of “The Farndale |Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild 15 • Great Stone Coffee House has their Dramatic Society Murder Mystery” will monthly Old-Time Radio Theatre at 7 be held at the Camden County Museum . p .m . Doors open at 6 p .m . Enjoy enter- Cost is $20 with the show starting at 6 taining Old-Time Radio-type shows by p .m . Call 573-346-7191 ext 8 or go to talented Great Stone Players, including www .camdencountymuseum .org . the popular adventures of “Blast Burton: Radar Rocket Ranger from the 26th Cen- 23 • The Greater Lake Area Chorale tury .” For more information, call Beth at is hosting their spring concert series 913-909-8603 or Will at 573-462-6623 . “Americana,” with a presentation of songs that will bring back memories . The 15 • The Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild concert will be at 2 p .m . at the First Bapcharity knitting is held from 11 a .m .-3 tist Church in Eldon . Admission is free but p .m . at Flocks Yarn and Fabric on N a free-will offering will be taken . Rte 5, Camdenton . Snacks to share optional . Call Lois at 573-374-6927 for 23 • The Newcomers/Longtimers Club more information . will host a Road Rally Fundraiser . The event starts at Osage Beach City Hall at 1 16 • The Sunrise Beach Little Theatre p .m . and concludes at Lake House 13 at 5 will be hosting a Bluegrass and Boogie p .m . It will feature 10 locations around the event from 2-4 p .m . at the Sunrise Beach lake where “rally drivers” will draw poker Community Center (15133 N Hwy 5) . chips of varying point values . ParticipatThis fun afternoon of music will feature ing locations include: A Pinch of Happithe Blue Moon Bluegrass Band and four ness, Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Bridal talented popular local singers . Seating Cave, Captain Ron’s, Ha Ha Tonka State will be at tables with snacks and BYOB Park, Harmy’s Cheese Store, Sailor’s allowed . Other concessions will also be Brew Coffee, Shawnee Bluff Winery, The available at additional charge . Admission Littlest Chocolatier, and Wilmore Lodge . is $10 . Reservations not required . For The cost to participate is $10 per rally additional information call at Beth at 913- card with proceeds going to Kids’ Harbor . 909-8603 . Cards can be purchased in advance at upcoming N/L events, or at City Hall on 16 • A Bluegrass and Boogie perfor- rally day . There is no limit on the nummance by Blue Moon Bluegrass Band ber of cards that can be purchased per will be performed from 2-4 p .m . at the vehicle . Scores will be tallied and prizes Sunrise Beach Community Center . Four awarded at Lake House 13 at the conclulocal talented singers . BYOB and snacks . sion of the rally . For more information, Cost is $10 . For more information, call contact Karen Robinson at 573-692-3544 913-909-8603 . or at stlgirl@charter .net . 16 • The Greater Lake Area Chorale 27 • The next meeting of the Civil War is hosting their spring concert series Roundtable will meet at 6 p .m . at the May 14-27, 2021



1,8,15,22,29 • Drop in knitting/crochet from 10 a .m .-3 p .m . at Paint Box Cafe in Osage Beach . All skill levels welcome . For more information call 573-374-6927 .

4-6 • The annual Lake Race Offshore Powerboat Race returns For more information, go to www .lakerace .com .

5 • A community garage sale will be held at the Sunrise Beach Community Center from 8 a .m .-3 p .m . Indoor and outdoor space available for vendors for $20 . A continental breakfast and lunch available for a nominal fee . all Anita Hohnecker if your interested in reserving a table at 913-707-4580 .

10 • The Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting will be from 11 a .m .-2 p .m . at OakStar Bank in Camdenton . Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level, www .lakefiberarts . com, lakefiberarts@gmail .com .

11 • Hot Summer Nights will be held on the Bagnell Dam Strip from 5-10 p .m . Every type of cars, motorcycles and trucks are invited to park along the Strip for this free show . For more information, go to Hot Summer Nights - Lake of the Ozarks, MO on Facebook .

11-13 • Canine Cannonball will be held at Dog Days . Onsite registration begins Friday at 1 p .m . with the Big Air Wave competitions from 2-4 p .m . Registration on Saturday begins at 10 a .m . with Big Air Wave competitions from 11 a .m .-3 p .m . and the Extreme Vertical Competition at 5:30 p .m . Sunday registration begins at 10 a .m . Big Air Wave is from 11 a .m .-1 a .m ., Speed Retrieve at 3 p .m . and Big Air Finals at 5 p .m . All dog owners can register online or at the event . For more information, go to dockdogs .com/event/ dog-days-canine-cannonball .

11 • A Ladies Luncheon will be held at the Camden County Museum at noon . Cost is $10 . The salad luncheon will be followed by a fashion show . Reservations suggested . For more information call 573-346-7191 or go to www .camdencountymuseum .org .

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