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Bagnell Dam to undergo construction, will close

Rehabilitation of the Business Route 54 Bagnell Dam bridge over the Osage River, located in Lake Ozark, has been approved by the Highways and Transportation Commission.
During their meeting on Wednesday, the commissioners awarded the project to Concrete Strategies, LLC., which submitted the low bid of $1,611,862
The existing Bagnell Dam Bridge was built in 1929. The purpose of this project is to repair the bridge deck, expansion joints and barrier walls and to replace the bridge driving surface and repair the adjacent sidewalk. Rehabilitation is necessary to extend the life and usability of the bridge.
During construction, Business 54 will be closed at the bridge for approximately three months. Motorists will need to use an alternate route while work takes place.
This project is scheduled to begin after the Labor Day holiday and to be completed by the end of the year. Prior to work starting, MoDOT will alert the public through signs, news releases and social media.
For more information about this project or other transportation-related matters, please call 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (275-6636) or visit www.modot.org/modot-central-district.
Follow the MoDOT Central Missouri District on social media for project updates.

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