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Calendar of Events
6 & 7 • A dinner theater production of “The Man Who Came to Dinner” will be held at the Camden County Museum at 7 p .m . Doors open at 5:30 p .m . and dinner is served at 6 p .m . Cost is $15 per person . Call 573-346-7191 ext 8 for reservations .
7 • The Lake of the Ozarks Swing Dance Club will present their Thanks for Giving Anniversary Dance at Ozark Yacht Club in Lake Ozark . Social hour with dancers will be at 7 p .m ., followed by dancing until 10:30 p .m . Members and Sister Club Members are $7 per person and Non-members and guests are $10 per person . A mix of music is played (swing, cha cha, country, nightclub twostep, waltz and others) Cash bar . For more information, go to www .LakeOzarksSwingDance .com, their Facebook page .
7 • The Osage Beach Elks Lodge will host the 7th annual Veterans Parade . Cars will line up at 11:30 a .m . at City Hall with the parade starting at 1 p .m . Anyone is welcome to enter the parade by calling the Elks Lodge at 573–348-3798 or Fred at 573-552-2901 . At the end of the parade the Elks lodge will be serving free hot dogs and drinks .
11-21 • The Gala of Trees will be held at Wobbly Boots . Bid on a already decorated Christmas tree or wreath with proceeds going to lake area children’s charities . Opening day (Nov . 11) happy hour tickets are $20 . Opening night (Nov . 12) Gala tickets are A$25 . For more information, call Christy at 217-779-2768 .
11 • The Zach Wheat Post 624 in Sunrise Beach will host a Veteran’s Day program . A free breakfast will be served from 7:30-10:30 a .m . followed by a presentation of colors at 11 a .m . at the memorial . Patriotic songs and a guest speaker will be a part of the ceremony .
14 • The Camdenton United Methodist Church Quilters and Crafters will be having their quilt and craft items for sale from 10 a .m .-2 p .m . in the church new ministry building (gym), located at 340 W Highway 54 in Camdenton . As with most social gatherings, masks and social distancing are encouraged .
14 • The Party with a Purpose fundraiser, benefitting Wonderland Camp will be held at 6 p .m . in the Northwinds Ballroom at Margaritaville Lake Resort . Entertainment by the i-Berry’s, complimentary cocktails, food, and a live and silent auction will be held . Tickets and sponsorships available by calling 573-392-1000 .
14 • A 1950s-1980s Trivia event will be held at Christ the King Fellowship Hall in Lake Ozark . Hosted by the Sailing Solo group, the event is open to everyone . Soft drinks will be provided, BYO snacks . Cost is $5 per person . It is a fundraiser for The King’s Academy and will include a silent auction . Masks and social distancing will be observed . RSVP to Richard at 901-832-3064 or Kathy at 573-434-9528 .
20 & 21 • A Holiday Market Place will be held from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . at the Camden County Museum . Craft booths, vendors, Christmas gifts and other items will be for sale . For more information, call 573-346-7191 .
20 & 21 • Curtain Call Theatre will present a speakeasy dinner and show at Seven Springs Winery . Doors open at 5:45 p .m . for “The Roaring 20s, A Modern Twist . ” Come dressed in your favorite 20s attire for a chance to win best dressed . Tickets are $39/person . Go to www .sevenspringswinery . com/events or call 573-3170100 .
20-22 • The Royal Theater in Versailles hosts “Hillbilly Wedding Play .” Adult tickets are $10 students/children 3-18 are $5 . For more information, go to www .theroyaltheatre .com .
20-Jan 2. • The Laurie Enchanted Village of Lights drivethrough holiday light park will be held each night during the holidays . Open from 5-9 p .m . at the Laurie Fairgrounds . Donations are accepted .
21 • The Lake Area FOOLS Firefighters Ball will be held at Margaritaville . The evening will include a live band, silent and live auction, dinner and dancing .
21 • Children’s Learning Center is hosting a Scavenger Hunt Fundraiser at RedHead Lakeside Grill starting at 1 p .m . You will have 2 hours on this special scavenger hunt to photo items around the lake area from a list that will be provided to you for a chance to win prizes . Onsite registration starts at 11:30 a .m ., or pre-register online by Nov . 14 . Scavenger hunt begins at 1 p .m . and ends at 3 p .m . Light appetizers will be provided from 3-4 p .m . with an award ceremony at 4 p .m . Cost is $20 per person pre-registered or $25 on the day of the event for adults, $10 for children under 14, and free for children under 6 .
23 • An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 10 a .m .-2 p .m . at the Lake Ozark Elks Lodge 2517 in Osage Beach . Contact Darlene 314-401-8766 for more information .
28 • The Lake West Lighted Christmas Parade will be held at 6 p .m . in Laurie . The parade begins at Central Bank and ends at the Laurie Mall where Santa will be waiting to greet kids . For more information, go to www .lakewestchamber . com .
28-December 31 • The City of Osage Beach Holiday Lights will be open for the season from 5-9 p .m . daily . Festive light displays are set up along a drive-through route at the Osage Beach City Park . Free to enter .
29 • The Lake Area Community Orchestra will begin the winter concert season with their first concert at the Community Christian Church in Camdenton . Other concerts will be held December 1 at the First Baptist Church in Eldon, December 6 at the West Lake Christian Church in Laurie, December 8 at Hope Lutheran Chapel in Osage Beach, December 13 at the Versailles Royal Theatre and December 15 at the Lake Ozark Christian Church . Concerts begin at 7 p .m . and are free (donations accepted) . For more information, go to www .artsatthelake . com .
5 • The Lake of the Ozarks Swing Dance Club will present their Jingle & Mingle Christmas Social & Dance at Ozark Yacht Club in Lake Ozark . Social hour with dancers will be at 7 p .m ., followed by dancing until 10:30 p .m . Members and Sister Club Members are $7 per person and Non-members and guests are $10 per person . A mix of music is played (swing, cha cha, country, nightclub twostep, waltz and others) Cash bar . For more information, go to www .LakeOzarksSwingDance .com, their Facebook page .
5 • The 40th annual School of the Osage Holiday Bazaar will be held at Margaritaville Lake Resort from 9 a .m .-3 p .m . Attendees are encouraged to wear masks and social distance . Vendors will be capped at a maximum of 80 with larger booth space for distancing .
5 • A Bluegrass Martins concert will be held at the Royal Theatre in Versailles starting at 7 p .m . Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for children ages 3-18 . For more information, go to www .theroyaltheatre .com .
12 • The 31st annual Kiwanis Christmas for Kids will be held at the Lodge of Four Seasons Campana Hall . Cocktails at 5:30 p .m ., followed by dinner at 6:30 p .m . Sponsorships available . Tickets are $70 per person . plus a new, unwrapped toy ($20+ value) or a $20 cash donation . For more information, email dawn .waldron@ edwardjones .com or 573-3481450 .