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Calendar of Events
Through 10 • The Miller County Fair will be held at the fairgrounds in Eldon. A carnival, pageants, contests, shows, a rodeo, demolition derby and many other events will be held. For a full schedule, go to www.millercountyfair.com. 8 • The Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild will meet from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at OakStar Bank in Camdenton. Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level, For more information, go to www.lakefiberarts.com or email lakefiber arts@gmail.com. 8-10 • The Morgan County Fair will be held at the fairgrounds in Versailles. Livestock shows, music, and other events will be held. For more information, go to Morgan County Fair on Facebook.
9 • The Hot Summer Nights Car Show will be held on the Bagnell Dam Strip from 5-10 p.m. This is a free car show for spectators and car show participants. The theme this month is “Muscle Cars - All American Speed.” For more information, go to Hot Summer Nights - Lake of the Ozarks on Facebook.
10 • The Camden County Museum will host a Swap Meet from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Many vendors with a variety of items for sale from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission free. Lunch available for donation. For information or booth availability call 573-3467191 or go to www.camden countymuseum.org. 12, 19 & 26 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday. Doors open at 11 a.m., with play at 12:30 p.m. No concessions. Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are optional. No smoking in the building. For more information, call 573-3744781.
13, 20 & 27 • Drop in knitting/ crochet from 10-3 at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on3 Hwy KK in Osage Beach. All skill levels welcome. For more information call 573-374-6927.
15,22,29 • Bingo is held on Thursdays at the Rocky Mount Lions Club (20337 Dell Drive). Doors open at 5 p.m. with bingo starting at 6:30 p.m. Food and beverages available. For more information call 573-280-6441.
17 • A Young People’s Theater Performance of “The Princess Who Had No Name.” Cost is $15 per person. Buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m. play at 7 p.m. Reservations suggested. Seating is limited so reservations are strongly suggested. Call 573346-7191, ext. 8, for reservations or go to www.camden countymuseum.org. 17 • AquaPalooza will be held at Captain Ron’s at the 35.5-mile marker all day. For five hours, four bands will perform to anchored boats. Bands playing are Black Note Band, Madd Hoss Jackson, Dr. Zhivegas and Trixie Delight. 18 • The Sunrise Beach Community Center will host an Escape Room Puzzle Tournament. Audience members may form four member teams or be assigned to a team. Reservations not required. Admission will be $10 for each team member. BYOB allowed. Additional concessions will be available for additional charge. The doors will open at 1 p.m. with the completion starting at 2 p.m. Call Cheryl 573836-2477 for additional information.
20 • The Camden County Republican Club will hold their July monthly meeting at Community Christian Church in Camdenton. Speakers will be Sheriff Tony Helms and Mark McClosky, candidate for US Senate. Meeting starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. RSVP required, seating is limited. Respond by Sun, July 18. Call, text or email your RSVP to Rhonda at 573873-8795, jwneighbour@gmail. com.
22 • The Elks Lodge in Laurie and the Red Cross are sponsoring a blood drive from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. The lodge address is 174 Elks Lane, Laurie. Culver’s in Osage Beach has donated coupons for a pint of frozen custard for each pint of blood donated. The Red Cross tests all donations for the presence of antibodies to the Coronavirus. To make an appointment, visit www.redcrossblood.org & enter sponsor code ElksLaurie, or contact William Ramm at 573 355 4106 or william.ramm@redcross.org. Walkins are welcome, but it is recommended you make an appointment in case we are only able to take walkins to fill in for no-shows.
24 • An Ice Cream Social & Classic Car Cruise-In will be held from 6-8:30 p.m. For more call the museum, 573-346-7191 or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org. 31 • The Best Dam Car Show will be held at Seven Springs Winery. Cars, trucks and motorcycles of all types will be on display. Live music, speciality vendors and food will be a part of the day. The event is a part of many being held to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Bagnell Dam. For more information, go to www.bestdambirthdaybash. com.
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday. Doors open at 11 a.m., with play at 12:30 p.m. No concessions. For more information, call 573-374-4781.
3 • The City of Osage Beach hosts National Night Out at the Osage Beach City Park. This free event is held to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement. There will be vendor booths, city officials and entertainment held. For more information, www.osagebeach-mo.gov. 3,10,17,24 & 31 • Drop in knitting/crochet from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach. All skill levels welcome. For more information call 573-374-6927.
6 & 7 • The 28th annual Laurie Hillbilly BBQ Cook-off will be held at the Laurie Fairgrounds. Competitors from all over will be entering their award-winning barbecue for cash prizes. For more information, go to www. cityoflaurie.com. 7 • An audience participation mystery presentation “Murder in Bloom” will be held at the Camden County Museum. Cost is $20 per person. All the action and excitement begins at 6 p.m. Seating is limited and reservations are strongly advised. Call 573-346-7191, ext 8. 7 • The Best Dam 5K Fun Run/ Walk will be held at Old Kinderhook. Cost is $25 to enter with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. For more information, call Jasen at 314401-5518 or email jasen jones17@icloud.com. 7 • The Best Dam Motorcycle Ride will be held at 9 a.m. starting at the Zack Wheat Post 624 in Sunrise Beach. This is a free bike ride.
9-14 • The Best Dam En Plein Air Art Festival will be held around the Lake. Artists will be spread out over 20 different venues painting in the competition. A gala/art show and sale/awards ceremony will be held. For more information, go to www.lake fineart.net.
10 • The Best Dam Fireworks Display will be held on the Lake with fireworks being shot off on barges from the 0 to 39-mile markers. The shows will be synchronized. For more information, go to www.best dambirthdaybash.com. 12 • Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting from 11-2 at OakStar Bank, 1335 E. US-54, Camdenton. Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level, www.lakefiberarts.com, lakefiberarts@gmail.com 13 • The Hot Summer Nights Car Show will be held on the Bagnell Dam Strip from 5-10 p.m. This is a free car show for spectators and car show participants. For more information, go to Hot Summer Nights - Lake of the Ozarks on Facebook.
28 & 29 • The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout will be held at Captain Ron’s at the 34.5-mile marker. The races are held on the weekend where teams will compete for the Top Gun Trophy. For a full schedule, go to www.lake oftheozarksshootout.com. n